Ива́ново де́тство [1962)

Was QAnon bullshit?

I’m getting really fed up with my country.

Shitfaces like Mark Milley.

Shitfaces like Lloyd Austin.

Shitfaces like Michael Gilday.

Shitfaces like Bishop Garrison.

Does the U.S. military follow the orders of Fake President Joe Biden?

If he was not duly-elected (and he was not), then he is not the legitimate President.

Why is the U.S. Cyber Command taking the orders of Joe Biden and Lloyd Austin?

Why are they helping non-NATO Ukraine to fight Russian troops?

Why is Paul Nakasone prostituting himself in such a manner?

Why is the 780th putting up with this shit?

Joe Biden’s Presidency is a disaster.

That’s why he wants a war in Ukraine.

Russia’s invasion was induced by the continued terror of the Ukrainian military against the people of the Donbass.

Get your dates straight, you fucking amateurs.

“Military intelligence”…


I can name two honorable members of the U.S. military:

-Colonel Matthew Lohmeier of the U.S. Space Force who warned in his excellent book about how Marxism has infected the U.S. military


-Colonel Stuart Scheller of the USMC

Lohmeier’s dismissal does not paint General Raymond in a kind light.

And Scheller’s dismissal does not paint Commandant Berger in a kind light.

Is there a single high-ranking U.S. military officer who hasn’t disgraced himself during this war which started with the Democrat Party/WEF/CIA release of COVID-19?

Perhaps General Charles Q. Brown?

One fake fucking shitface is Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

AKA Ezra A. Cohen.


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Is Ezra Cohen a LARPing cocksucker?

Just what the fuck is going on with the Telegram account which bears his name???


Cohen’s bitch pussy ass blocked me on Twitter LONG BEFORE I ever really tore into him.

If Cohen wanted to be revered, then he shouldn’t have thrown Trump under the bus in the above Vanity Fair article.

Same thing goes for “Mr. Badass” Christopher Miller.

5th Special Forces Group my ass.

Way to NOT do Fort Campbell proud, dipshit!

Why did Cohen and Miller feel the need to denigrate Trump immediately after the inauguration of Joe Biden?

But maybe it doesn’t fucking matter.

Because, as great a President as Trump was for four years (and he was great!), he ultimately abandoned the American people when he got on his little fucking helicopter and flew away.

You can’t tell America it was a “rigged election” (and it fucking was!!!) and then not fix it.

Putin was presented with a similar situation.

His country was bordered by five NATO members (Norway, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) and was about to be bordered by a sixth (Ukraine).

Zelensky telegraphed his country’s intention to not only join NATO, but to militarily take back Crimea (with [it goes without saying] the military might of NATO]).

He was not secretive about either of these goals.

He announced them.

This is a big reason Russia invaded Ukraine.

But not, by any means, the only reason.

Putin did not leave his country hanging.

Trump did leave his country hanging.

If it was a rigged election, you have to fix it.

You don’t turn the keys over to the beneficiary of a rigged election.

Trump should have never left office until this debacle was resolved.

But he did leave office.

Putin did the opposite.

Instead of blithely sitting by and watching NATO take another country bordering Russia, Putin ACTED.

Took action.

QAnon is a bunch of fucking talk.

A bunch of fucking chatter.

And it has gotten less and less believable since the stolen election and since Trump pussied out and left office.

Trump did not stop there in disgracing himself.

He vigorously pushed neither safe, nor effective COVID vaccines in a variety of settings.

Prostituting himself out to Pfizer in a Yahoo Finance piece.

Hawking the booster with Bill O’Reilly in Dallas.

Telling Candace Owens the bullshit line that (paraphrase) “people who are taking the COVID vaccines are not dying”.

Hell, Trump even called Zelensky a hero.

What a fucking joke!

So Trump’s idea of “action” is endorsing spirit cooker Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania.

I am sick of the bullshit narrative that Trump is doing bad stuff (the wrong stuff) for good reasons.

REALITY does not bear that out.

Trump is not that fucking smart.

I thought he was.

He isn’t.

And he’s not really brave.

I thought he was.

He isn’t.

He was brave for four years.

And then he packed it in and started sucking Pfizer’s asshole.

By the way, Trump absolutely, unequivocally got $1 mil. from Pfizer for his 2016 inauguration:



I called Trump out on this (and on his vaccine stance in general) on his pathetic app Truth Social and I believe he banned me from the site.

I was polite.

I asked him why he had pushed these neither safe, nor effective vaccines for the past year.

I also asked him publicly about the cool mil. he took from Pfizer.

I believe Trump and his cocksucker son Don Jr. got me banned from Truth Social.

Not only that, I believe they blacklisted my home router (effectively banning my 80-year-old, U.S. Army-vet father from every joining Truth Social).

You are not allowed to criticise Trump or Truth Social on Truth Social.

This is an excellent film.

One of the best I have ever seen.

I would venture to guess that Tarkovsky is actually more important than Eisenstein.

And certainly more important that Dziga Vertov.

Just on the basis of his debut film:  Ivan’s Childhood.

Nikolai Burlyayav is fantastic here.

Such intensity!

Breathtaking black and white cinematography by Vadim Yusov.

But what really takes this music over the top is the music by Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov.

This may be the best and most effective film soundtrack I have ever heard.

Valentin Zubkov is like Jean Gabin.

Valentina Malyavina is excellent as Masha.

In a birchwood forest.

Blinding white.

Forest for trees.

Dmitri Milyutenko has a small-but-priceless part.

He is getting the house in order.

For his dead wife.

Who will be coming home any moment.

And he locks the gate.

Even though there is no fence.

Tarkovsky’s wife Irma Raush does a nice job here.

Where was this film shot?

In central Ukraine.

When Ukraine and Russia were major constituents of the Soviet Union.

In the town where Taras Shevchenko is buried.

By the way, “the League of Ukrainian Fascists (Soiuz ukraïns’kykh fashystiv, SUF)” are the ones who “invented the fascist greeting ‘Glory to Ukraine!’ (Slava Ukraïni!)” [according to Grzegorz Rossolinsky-Liebe in his excellent book Stepan Bandera:  The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist].



Ukraine on Fire [2016)

Here is a film which every person on Earth needs to watch at this time.

It reinforces the conclusions of my previous article: that NATO’s actions (constant eastward expansion towards Russia in the absence of the threats it was ostensibly set up to defend against [the USSR and Warsaw Pact countries]) have been a provocative, aggressive (albeit slow-motion) attack.

Russia’s recent actions in Ukraine are a line in the sand.

Russia has been very patient for 30 years.

Vladimir Putin is the bravest and most wise leader in the world.

He knew that this was the last point at which to fight.

This was the last point at which Russia could push back against those warmongers cloaked in mutual-defense bullshit (NATO) without the result being a guaranteed nuclear war.

It was a risky move on Putin’s part.

But to do nothing would have been even riskier (in the long run).

I am an American citizen.

I love my country.

I love the military of my country.

I love the soldiers of my country.

But I ZERO faith the the military leadership of my country.

General Lloyd Austin, our current “civilian” Secretary of Defense, has facilitated the pushing of killer vaccines on our troops.

As of 1-2 weeks ago, there had been approximately 12,000 reports of death associated with the three COVID-19 vaccines in the USA (according to the CDC).

Open VAERS (a far more reliable source) had counted approximately 23,000 reports of death in the HHS VAERS system (the same system from which the CDC got its data that it then proceeded to apparently “cook”).

You can say correlation does not necessarily equal causation.

And that is true.

But go to Open VAERS.

Look at the number of heart attacks associated with the three COVID vaccines available in the USA.

Look at the number of miscarriages.

And, particularly, look at the incidence of myocarditis.

And then avail yourself of the statistical breakdown by vaccine.

The most deadly is the Pfizer vaccine (by number of deaths).

The second-most deadly is the Moderna vaccine.

And the least-deadly of the three (still with VERY BAD numbers) is the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Which one of these vaccines has been the most retroactively regulated?

The JnJ vaccine.

It has taken the fall.

It has been (after the fact) thrown under the bus as the ONE vaccine which is not completely safe.

But the truth is this: none of the three vaccines are safe.

And none of them have been effective.

And Lloyd Austin has made our troops take these vaccines.

The U.S. Army developed its own vaccine.

Is it ready yet?

Is it in use?

Which vaccine(s) was/were our troops required to get?

Could it have been any one of the the three vaccines also available to American civilians?

General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, did nothing to protect our troops from the policy pushed by Secretary Austin.

General Milley also called China behind President Trump’s back and assured them that he would give them a “heads up” if Trump was going to attack them.

That is treason.

Textbook treason.

Yet Milley still enjoys the same position he enjoyed under Trump.

And some of us also remember Milley impugning those of us who doubted the 2020 election results as being people motivated by “white rage”.

Chief Naval Officer Admiral Michael Gilday recommended that every U.S. Navy sailor read a book by Ibram X. Kendi.

This was inappropriate.

And ridiculous.

Apparently Admiral Gilday shares General Milley’s assessment that America is imminently-plagued by racism.

Look up Ibram X. Kendi.

Find the book which Gilday recommended.

And then look up a person named Bishop Garrison.

Garrison was (last I checked) something of an anti-“extremism” czar for the U.S. military.

Do you support Trump?

You are extreme.

Do you wear a red hat that says “Make America Great Again”?

You are extreme.

Do you support Black Lives Matter?

You are not extreme.

Do you support Antifa?

You are not extreme.

This is the narrative which can be cobbled together from the actions of Austin, Milley, Gilday, and Garrison.

Why do I lump Austin into this equation?

Because he saw fit to order an operational stand-down for the entire U.S. military one year ago to address “extremism” within the ranks.

The timing and message were clear.

Those who doubted the accuracy of the 2020 elections were extremists.

Those who came to Washington, D.C. a few months prior (on Jan. 6) to let their voices be heard were extremists.

This is why Joe Biden’s Secretary of Defense took this unprecedented move of an “operational stand-down”.

Were the George Floyd rioters (made up of both BLM and Antifa) of summer 2020 extemists?

Apparently not.

I never heard Mark Milley utter the phrase “black rage”.

Milley is white.

Gilday is white.

I never heard Lloyd Austin (who is black) utter the phrase “black rage”.

I never heard Bishop Garrison (who is black) utter the “black rage”.

There was only accommodation of the summer 2020 protestors.

Their rage was to be CODDLED and UNDERSTOOD.

The entire rest of the U.S. military (which is, most of the military) needed to read Ibram X. Kendi so they could be more sensitive and compassionate about the “black rage” of their fellow soldiers.

And not once was it called “black rage” by any leader of the U.S. military.

So our military is being run by fucking retards.

Which is why I respect and support Putin.

Is Putin my President?


Is Russia my country?


But I do not support Joe Biden.

I do not think our elections in 2020 were free and fair.

But I am not a violent protestor.

I am exercising my right to civil disobedience.

Vladimir Putin is a man of action.

I have my doubts as to whether Austin, Milley, Gilday, and Garrison are even men (much less, men of action).

So these are the geniuses we send off to confer with NATO (an aggressive, provocative organization which the United States should leave immediately).

So I say, “Stand With Russia”.

Every news outlet on the planet is making Zelensky out to be a hero.

And the same outlets are making Putin out to be a villain.

I don’t trust these outlets.

They have lied about COVID for two years (and about 9/11 for 20 years).

They have lied about everything.

They set an agenda.

They are constantly agenda-setting.

This is a real phenomenon explained by agenda-setting theory.

So if the media that I thoroughly distrust is brainwashing my neighbors into worshipping Zelensky and “standing” with Ukraine, then I am going to exercise my right to worship Putin and “stand” with Russia.

So I also say, “Stand With Putin”.

Fuck it.

Come and get me.

I am sick of your bullshit, AP…Reuters…UPI…McClatchy…DPA…AFP.

I understand choke points.

I understand oil choke points.


And I understand information choke points.

You don’t have to physically control each little news station.

You just control all the upstream news sources.

The wire services.

Where the news gets its news.

And I am sick of it.

But don’t misunderstand me.

I am also sick of Donald Trump.

He was a great President for four years.

Then he started shilling for Pfizer.

“I got the Pfizer”.

He had to let us know which brand.

And then he pushed boosters.

Right after a crowd in Dallas gathered to hear him speak had sung the Christian hymn “How Great Thou Art”.

So he is, at this point, no better than Governor Hochul.

There should be no proselytizing for vaccines in churches or any other religious setting.

If we’re not allowed to preach about politics in church nor endorse candidates (without losing our tax-exempt status), then you’re not allowed to come into our churches and preach about vaccines.

But Trump didn’t stop there.

He gave a moronic, lying (?), whopper of an interview to Candace Owens (whom I love) where he said something to the effect that “people who are taking the COVID vaccines aren’t dying”.

No, I’m sorry Mr. Former-President: yes they are dying.

Some of them, in fact, are dying from the vaccines themselves.

But some of them are dying from COVID even though they are vaccinated.

But that is beside the point.

Trump, as a recent President (who oversaw the commercial rollout of these three vaccines), should be expected to know his shit.

He should be expected to know that 12,000 reports of death had been submitted to HHS VAERS (according to the CDC).

And he should also be expected to know that the CDC is cutting the “reports of death” number in half for some odd reason (which is easily provable by going to the Open VAERS website and finding that there were 23,000 reports of death as of 1-2 weeks ago).

He should know the number of heart attacks.

At least 10,000.

And the number of miscarriages (3-4,000).

And the number of myocarditis cases (30,000).

And he should know that VAERS is a passive surveillance system which has historically caught less than 1% of the actual number of vaccine adverse events and reactions.

This is easily provable by visiting a third website.

The under-reporting of Kawasaki disease makes this an ironclad case.

So Donald Trump should know that his “vaccines that aren’t killing people” are responsible for between 120,000-230,000 deaths so far.

VAERS is a canary in a coal mine.

It can and should be extrapolated by ten-fold multiplication.

But, generally speaking, I am only expecting “uber-genius” Donald Trump to have visited two fucking websites: that of the CDC and that of Open VAERS.

He either hasn’t done that (because he is busy reading the bullshit in the Wall Street Journal), or he is lying his ass off.

Let me be unequivocal: Trump is just as responsible as anyone for ramming through the approval of these neither-safe-nor-effective vaccines.

If we are talking about hundreds of thousands of deaths due to these vaccines, then we are talking about crimes against humanity.

And he has pissed away any chance of using the “I was tricked” defense by unremittingly PROMOTING these vaccines when he should have known that they were unsafe.

What does this have to do with Ukraine?

Putin saw a problem.



They asked for help.

And he helped.

And so I am asking the U.S. military for help.

Both active military and retired.

General Boykin.

General Bolduc.

General Dempsey.

General Nakasone.

General Charles Q. Brown.

General Berger.

General Raymond.


Joe Biden is gonna get us all killed.

And the first to be killed will be U.S. troops sent into another totally-absurd war that does not need to be fought.

And he is gonna destroy the USA.

Austin, Milley, Gilday, and Garrison (to name but four) are DESTROYING the U.S. military.

If you can’t see that, then I can’t help you.

Readiness and lethality.

Reading Ibram X. Kendi does not enhance readiness or morale.

Forcing killer vaccines on our troops (some of whom have left the service over this issue) does not enhance readiness, nor lethality.

We don’t need to hear General Milley’s thoughts on “white rage”.

That kind of performance put him on par with John Brennan and Michael Hayden.

It is embarrassing.

It is like having a middle schooler for the CJCS.

But readiness and lethality are TOTALLY DESTROYED when a CJCS can call our greatest adversary (China) and promise them that he will give them a “heads up” should the sitting President choose to attack them.

Lohmeier got kicked out for a podcast.

Shame on you, Raymond.

Scheller got kicked out for demanding accountability.

Shame on you, Berger.

The U.S. military is a joke.

I have NO RESPECT for the current leadership of the U.S. military.

But I have IMMENSE RESPECT for Vladimir Putin.

That is my right as an American citizen.

I can critique my government.

I can point out the obvious: that our military leaders are doing a shitty job.

And I can have an opinion: that the Commander-in-Chief of Russia is doing an EXCELLENT job.

For his people.

Putin is looking out for and protecting Russians.

Biden is looking out for and protecting Hunter Biden and his own corrupt dealings in China and elsewhere.

And Austin, Milley, Gilday, and Garrison are going about systematically DESTROYING the defenses (our greatest asset…our soldiers!) of the United States of America.

Lloyd Austin should be capable of visiting the CDC and Open VAERS websites.

Mark Milley should be capable of visiting the CDC and Open VAERS websites.

If Michael Gilday wants to be a gender studies professor, maybe it’s time for him to change careers.

And we don’t need a Malcolm X (Bishop Garrison) micromanaging the thoughts and opinions of our service members.

If you’re gonna call MAGA-hat wearing, American-flag-waving Trump supporters extremists for protesting on Jan. 6 what they felt to be a rigged election, then you gotta call BLM and Antifa extremists as well.

Are you telling me there are no BLM, nor Antifa supporters in the U.S. miltary?

Are you telling me that there is an overrepresentation of MAGA-hat-wearing, American-flag-waving conservatives in the U.S. military?

Seeing as how we have a volunteer military, then maybe shaming these Trump-supporting, patriotic service members is not really the best strategy to boost morale and encourage cohesion.

Is the goal to have recruitment numbers plummet?

You can watch this movie for free on Tubi.


Jojo Rabbit [2019)

Something is collapsing.

Where did Stephane Bancel go?



The Spartacus Letter.



































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The same people who created the vaccines created the virus.

And Bourla couldn’t get into Israel…because he hadn’t taken his own company’s vaccine.


A tale of two CEOs.

Two of the most evil people to ever live.

They won’t give us Ivermectin.


They won’t give us hydroxychloroquine to put with our zinc.

[it must be the same dose of HCQ as used for other ailments…too much HCQ was used in New York State…USE THE SAME DOSAGE AS WITH MALARIA]

So we are prisoners in our own houses.

They want us to go to the hospitals and get pumped full of Remdesivir.



No fucking thanks.

I’d rather die at home.

[excursus on Bangladesh:  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33278625/ ]

So we are the Jews hiding out.

The whole world.

People like me with asthma and high blood pressure.

And a heart condition.

There were two months in a row this year where I didn’t leave the house.

[and I am approaching another two months where I haven’t left the house]


I have asked two doctors (my own physician, and a friend) to prescribe me Ivermectin to be taken prophylactically.

Both refused.

So I am a prisoner in my own home.

With my two elderly parents.

Whom I love with all my heart.

I am not going to go out flippantly and get sick.

And I am not taking these #NeitherSafeNorEffective vaccines.



Uttar Pradesh did it right.


Japan did a great job embracing Ivermectin.

So you can tell me India is a backwards country (they are not…many brilliant doctors).

But you cannot tell me Japan is a backwards country.


Your anti-Ivermectin narrative is falling apart.

But the truckers are the heroes.

Canada is on the brink of revolution.

And America is on the brink of war.

Russia is forcing Biden’s hand.

I believe Putin is trying to force the U.S. military to remove Joe Biden from the Presidency.

It is my belief that Putin is attempting to prove to the U.S. military that Biden is corrupt SPECIFICALLY IN RELATION TO UKRAINE (and he is!):


If Russia invades Ukraine and Joe Biden chooses to send U.S. troops to die in defense of non-NATO Ukraine, this will be proof #1 for the U.S. military.

If Russia invades Ukraine, Xi Jinping will not be able to pass up the irresistible chance to invade Taiwan.

This will be proof #2 for the U.S. military because Joe Biden is corrupt SPECIFICALLY IN RELATION TO CHINA:


If Biden fails to defend Taiwan, this will be the second proof to the U.S. military.

But I must be fair.

Whether it is deception (is Joe Biden even capable of that in his currently deteriorated mental state?) or not, the POTUS said something which was actually sensible the other day.

To paraphrase, “We will not be able to rescue Americans inside Ukraine if Russia invades because if Americans and Russians start shooting at each other, that is very bad.”

This is the first thing Joe Biden has said during his Presidency which is both true and wise.

Is this some kind of ploy to garner votes?

Like the sudden back-off from the COVID restrictions?

But Justin Trudeau is not backing off.

Because he is a fucking retard.

And the Canadian people are showing more SPIRIT and COURAGE and FORTITUDE than any people in the entire world!!!

Previously, the Dutch had been the avant-garde.

And the Australian truckers were the FIRST to REALLY put the screws to their government by shutting down roads.

Also, don’t count out the French.

They did a similar thing near the Channel Tunnel (Chunnel).

But what the Canadians are doing is of a WHOLE OTHER MAGNITUDE ALTOGETHER!

People are wondering why Americans are not doing anything.

Black people are letting their rights be trampled in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other cities because they think that rocking the boat will prevent those sweet, sweet reparations from coming down the pipe.

UPDATE:  all you are getting from the Biden administration and Obama-black Kamala is crack pipes.

These politicians are liars.

They tricked you.


Where’s BLM???



I love my black brothers and sisters.

I’m not saying you don’t deserve reparations for slavery.

But I am saying this:  you ain’t getting shit from the Democrats and the Democratic Party.

AOC is a fucking fake.

Bernie Sanders is a fucking fake.

Barack Obama is a fucking fake.

Joe Biden is WAY MORE RACIST than Donald Trump could ever dream of being.

Speaking of which.

Justin “Blackface” Trudeau has no business calling any of these truckers “racists”.



How many times has Trudeau (likely the illegitimate son of Fidel Castro [is his governing style starting to make sense?]) been photographed in blackface?


But I am going to keep giving Trump hell until he calls out the COVID vaccines as the bullshit they are.


He hasn’t done that.

Instead, his dumb ass has PROMOTED these killer vaccines.









So Trump does not get a pass.

Not now.

Not yet.

He did a GREAT job as President.

But he is shirking his duty by extolling these vaccines.

If there are Nuremberg tribunals, Trump will be tried as well.

His actions have been assuring that that will happen.

He had plenty of opportunity to say that he had been tricked about these vaccines.

He STILL could throw the people REALLY responsible for these killer vaccines under the bus.

But he is not doing that.


This is why I cannot support Trump in 2024.

I will support DeSantis.

I will support Rand Paul (unless he recommended these vaccines to Trump).

I will support Tucker Carlson.

I will support Candace Owens.

I will support Robert Malone.

I will support Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

No one else is qualified right now to be President aside from these six.

But why aren’t American truckers doing what Canadian truckers are doing?

Because of January 6.

The FBI and corrupt agenda-setting (fake) news framed Americans.


The FBI provocateured the January 6 event.





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There are some good FBI field offices.

Here’s my favorites (in order from best to not quite as good):

#1  FBI Albany

#2  FBI Buffalo

#3  FBI St. Louis

#4  FBI Cleveland

#5  FBI Cincinnati 

#6  FBI Pittsburgh

#7  FBI Omaha

#8  FBI Oklahoma City

#9  FBI Philadelphia

#10  FBI Kansas City

Honorable mention:  FBI Little Rock

FBI Minneapolis and FBI Newark are also not bad.

What do you notice here?

Here’s what I notice (and suspect).

The “good agents” are sent to the Midwest.



Notice the pattern.

Philadelphia is a pretty good field office.

But Pittsburgh is much better.

Do you get it?

Send the good agents to the middle of nowhere.


Oklahoma City.

Little Rock.

St. Louis.





Send them to small towns.

New York City?








The FBI learned their lesson with Ted Gunderson (who almost became Director).

He was the best agent in the history of the Bureau.

Because he had INTEGRITY.

He was in some smaller places.

New Haven.  Memphis.  Dallas.

And he almost brought the whole house of cards down on the ruling class which wields power through the blackmail of pedophilia.

Ted rose to be the Special Agent in Charge of the Los Angeles field office.

Never again would an agent of such integrity rise so high.

Let’s talk about the worst, most corrupt, useless field offices.



They solve art crimes.

What a bunch of poseurs.

Same with FBI Portland.

Totally worthless.

FBI Los Angeles is where you send the corrupt agents.

FBI Phoenix are fighting windmills.

And where do you send the MOST-CORRUPT agents?

Well, FBI Washington (D.C.) Field Office, of course.

They see no evil.  Hear no evil.  Speak no evil.

And the FBI has come after ordinary Americans RUTHLESSLY for the past year.





Think of all the things FBI Baltimore could have been investigating…



Think of all the things FBI Chicago could have been investigating…





Not every field office went along.

Kudos to FBI Denver.


Think of all the things FBI Detroit could have been investigating…


Think of all the things FBI El Paso could have been investigating…









Think of all the things FBI Los Angeles could have been investigating…



Think of all the things FBI Las Vegas could have been investigating…





In addition to FBI Denver, FBI Miami was not having this bullshit.

Kudos to them and to the memory of these two special agents who lost their lives investigating real crimes.


The FBI’s Most Wanted Twitter account was busy posting photos of grandmas in ugly American flag sweaters.  These were a priority for the Most Wanted program.  Enough to tweet about it.  And pin it.  Forget drug kingpins.  Gotta find those grandmas that wandered through the Capital and took selfies with Capitol Police.


Think of all the things FBI New Haven (truly a shithole town) could have been investigating…


Think of all the things FBI New Orleans could have been investigating…









Even in crime-riddled San Juan, Puerto Rico, the FBI made #Jan6 their top priority.  Even up to three months after the event.






FBI San Diego is actually a decent field office.  They do investigate real crimes.  And yet, under the pitiable leadership of Christopher Wray, the Bureau continued the same kind of lawless law enforcement that typified the James Comey years.




[The FBI at no time ever had a pinned tweet (for three months) in reference to the George Floyd riots.  It should be noted that Mark Milley urged Trump to NOT invoke the Insurrection Act in the summer of 2020 because he characterized the riots in Portland, Minneapolis, and other places as just “penny packet protests” and that it wasn’t an insurrection because they only “used spray paint”.  Milley told President Trump that the George Floyd rioters were not “burning it down” (it being America), but Trump was right.  We sat back and watched America burn.  https://nypost.com/2021/09/17/milley-told-trump-the-george-floyd-protests-were-no-big-deal/ ]













Back to summer 2020.






























































































The chilling effect has created an atmosphere where American truckers can be assured that THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT will come after them mercilessly if they dare stand up and exercise their right to symbolic speech in protest of vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, mask mandates, etc.

Canada still thinks their government will do the right thing when the chips are down.

We will see.

I will say this:

either the RCMP and CSIS greatly underestimated the scope and potential for success of the Freedom Convoy,

or those institutions are far less corrupt than the FBI and CIA.

Why do i say that?

Because there have been no major false-flags or provacateuring inflicted upon the Freedom Convoy AS OF YET.

But Canada is at an impasse.

If Trudeau uses Canadian troops against the peacefully-protesting truckers, it may force the Canadian military to remove Trudeau from power.

If that happens, the American military might be doubly (or trebly) convinced that now is the right time for them to remove Joe Biden from the Presidency.

This would be unprecedented in Canadian and American history.

This would be an unprecedented pair of “coups”.

But it would be most similar to removing the Nazis from power in Germany.

All of these leaders (including Trudeau and Biden) should be tried for war crimes and/or crimes against humanity.


These are war criminals.

They have been waging war on their own populations.

What good is the Canadian and/or American military if they are not protecting their populations from DOMESTIC ENEMIES?

I cannot speak to the structure in Canada concerning their charter rights, but Joe Biden is unequivocally an enemy of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Joe Biden is allowing the southern border to be invaded (just as Obama before him did).

If there is not a radical change in the balance of power in America (particularly in regards to what role the military plays), there is a very real chance the republic will fall.

Can we wait until the midterms?

Will the elections even be fair?

Has the election apparatus been sufficiently shored up to only allow American CITIZENS to vote ONCE apiece?

Have the vectors of fraud been eliminated?

I am not convinced that they have.

What happened in Virginia with Youngkin and company was hopeful.

But the other question is this:

will Joe Biden and his globalist criminal conspirators even allow the midterms to happen?

Will Bill Gates and company release smallpox in the U.S. (as they have been telegraphing they may)?

November 9, 2021


November 18, 2021


Context [from the same people who brought you Event 201]


Is DARPA trying to cover their asses?

Or are they really the good guys in this story?

JAG_Docs_pt1_Og_WATERMARK_OVER_Redacted 2

Think about all the people to have died in the shadows of spook world.

The microbiologists.


John P. Wheeler III.

Delaware, you say?


Took the Amtrak like Biden???


Why are WE THE PEOPLE having to do the job we pay our government to do?

Our government is not protecting us.

Our government is not meting out justice.

This is highly-problematic.

All of the attempts to curb COVID have been WORSE than failures.

They have allowed for a change in power in the United States.

Trump would not have lost had it not been for COVID and mail-in ballots.

Which is to say (not even getting our hands on those Maricopa routers), that he indeed WON the election.

But he is not in power.

Unless there is some incredibly weird dual-government situation playing out.

And at any rate, Trump sounds like a fucking retard when he talks about the vaccines.

And he has talked about them a lot.





Casually dropping his booster status right after a crowd had sung the Christian hymn “How Great Thou Art”.






Trump is on THE WRONG SIDE of the most important issue plaguing us right now.


Are we supposed to be assured that Trump is Sun Tzu’s bastard child?

And Trump is some international chess champion?

And he’s gonna swoop in at the last moment and do the right thing?

He and what army?

Our woke joke army of Mark Milley, Lloyd Austin, Michael Gilday, Bishop Garrison, and Richard Torres-Estrada?

That woke joke military???

Milley is absolutely a traitor to the United States of America.

Calling China behind Trump’s back to tell them that he would give them a “heads up” if Trump was going to attack was the definition of treason and espionage.



Lloyd Austin is absolutely a traitor to the United States of America.

Forcing our troops to take vaccines that are neither safe, nor effective, is criminal.

Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley are, and have been, destroying the readiness and lethality of our soldiers.

Michael Gilday did this by recommending that our troops read America-hating Ibram X. Kendi.

To “enlighten” them about the struggle of black people in America.



We don’t need to recommend our soldiers read a book by someone who hates the very idea of America.

Gilday actively destroyed morale.

Whether it is because he is a moron, or a saboteur, I cannot say with certainty.

Bishop Garrison is about as useful as Rosa Brooks.


Neither of them should have ever been let anywhere near the Department of Defense.

As for Richard Torres-Estrada, special operations is one area where “diversity” should not matter one bit.

Give me THE BEST soldiers.

If they are all women, fine.

If they are all men, fine.

If they are all black, fine.

If they are all white, fine.

And those leading them (SOCOM [USSOCOM]) should also be THE BEST administrators and leaders.

There should be no “diversity hires”.

Fuck your feelings.

The world is on edge.

So many dominoes which could trigger lightening-fast cataclysms.

The American judiciary is no longer functioning.

It is time for martial law.

But the American military has been infiltrated at the highest level by communists and traitors.

All of the institutions which “dealt with” the Nazis have been infiltrated by globalists like Klaus Schwab (whose own father was a Nazi collaborator).


NATO cannot be depended upon or trusted.

The same for the United Nations.

The same for the International Criminal Court.

All institutions of international law in The Hague have been corrupted and coopted.

China does some things well.

But China is very flawed.

China’s treatment of Hong Kong is inhumane.

China should coexist with Taiwan.

Taiwan should not be FORCED to become a part of China.

And then there is the abomination of what China did to Tibet.

And what they are doing to the Uyghurs.

And how they dealt with their Freedom Convoy (Tiananmen Square [8964]).

Anne Frank as a comedy.


A rather mediocre movie.

A clever idea.

But not a very good movie.

The real Nazis are the ones in Ottawa taking pictures of license plates and fanatically passing this info onto the police.

It must suck to have your first movie (Eagle vs Shark) be not only your best movie, but the only perfect film you’ve made.

This is, likewise, no Last Night in Soho.

Not by a long shot.

Jojo Rabbit is a pretty fucking stupid film.



No Time to Die [2021)

This is not a game.

Pull quote.


This film was a rip of Blood Heat novel 1988 Steve Pieczenik.

Out of print.

Buy now.


Little man Fauci Malek.

Unit 731.


Pieczenik banned from Japan.


Persona non grata.

Khabarovsk War Crime Trials.


CIA paperclipped.

But so did Soviets.

No doubt.

Unit 100.


Unit 516.


Unit 1855.


Unit Ei 1644.


Unit 8604.


Unit 9420.


Diseases disguised as vaccinations.


Delivery mechanism.

Marine vessel Ning-Po.

Smallpox joke dropped early.

Date:  November 9, 2021.


Date:  November 18, 2021.  [note* nine days later]


Frame of reference.


How many times did Joe Biden drop the phrase “dark winter”?

Can the Democrats allow the midterms (2022) to happen?

Won’t they get politically slaughtered at the polls?

How much has the system which allowed the rigged 2020 U.S. Presidential election been shored up?

Was Virginia (Youngkin) a test?

Gates really likes the number 9.

BioNTech (Pfizer COVID vaccine) cash infusion ($55 mil.) from Gates Foundation.

Date:  September 4, 2019.



Date:  October 9, 2019


Event 201.

Date:  October 18, 2019 [nine days later]


I see five major players of the non-game 6uild6ack6etter:

Klaus Schwab (a Kissinger protégé), Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Prince Charles, and Pope Bergoglio.

Shirō Ishii.


Deaths of microbiologists in months following 9/11/01.

Benito Que, Donald C. Wiley, Vladimir Pasechnik, Robert Schwartz, Set Van Nguyen, Vladimir Korshunov, and Ian Langford.  Not to mention Air Sibir 1812 (shot down by Ukrainian SAM).  Five microbiologists aboard.  Israeli microbiologists?  En route to Novosibirsk.  Also not to mention Swissair crash on approach to Zurich.  Died:  head of hematology Ichilov Hospital (Israel).  Died:  directors of Tel Aviv Public Health Department and Hebrew University of Medicine.  33 passengers.  24 died.  All Israelis aboard died.  Possible names (pseudonyms?):  Avishai Berkman, Amiram Eldor, and Yaacov Matzner.


Masaji Kitano.


Doctors of death.

Listen to the master, Dr. Steve Pieczenik, M.D., Ph.D., speak about this.


Yoshio Shinozuka.


Yasuji Kaneko.


War criminals.

Ichirō Hatoyama (Japanese PM 1954-1956).


Nobusuke Kishi (Japanese PM 1957-1960).


Hayato Ikeda (Japanese PM 1960-1964).


Three Japanese Prime Ministers.

Not indicted.

Please explain Trump’s position on the COVID vaccines.

General Otozō Yamada.

Sentenced to 25 years in a labor camp by the Soviets.

Served only seven years before being repatriated to Japan.


General Shunji Sato (a physician).

Sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Served only seven years before being repatriated to Japan.


Bacteria mass production.

Under “epidemic prevention” and “water purification” euphemisms:


Rami Malek character Lucifer (Lyutsifer).

Peter Daszak working for CIA?

Anthony Fauci covering for CIA?

Fauci covering for U.S. military?

Sticky situation.

Are the statements of Dr. Jon McGreevey (Ryan Dark White) legitimate?

I believe Lin Wood has thoroughly discredited himself by now with his incessant attacks on (particulary) General Michael Flynn.

But could Lin Wood’s whistleblower by bona fide?

He’s running for U.S. Senate in Maryland.

And then you have Ron Watkins (CodeMonkeyZ) running for U.S. House of Representatives in Arizona.

Might as well throw in Bobby Piton running for U.S. Senate in Illinois.

Per McGreevey:

he claims that COVID is a defensive bioweapon “designed to protect the United States” and also (most notably) that he himself designed it.  According to McGreevey, it is called GenAegis (Genetic Shield).  McGreevey elaborates on it a bit here…”a weapon designed to seek out certain DNA, programmable […] they can make endless variants”.

Sound familiar?


McGreevey’s assertion is that Obama and Biden gave this bioweapon to China (who then converted it to an offensive bioweapon?).

It was (according to him) developed at Fort Detrick (Maryland).

How does this comport with USMC Major Joseph Murphy’s recent whistleblowing to Project Veritas?

Murphy claims that COVID was a vaccine FOR bats (which was to be administered in an aerosolized version by spraying it into caves in China), but that it leaked out of the Wuhan lab before it was finished.

Murphy’s main contention is that DARPA refused the project, but NIAID (which Fauci runs) then subsequently accepted the project.

The project was proposed to DARPA by the EcoHealth Alliance (run by Peter Daszak).

JAG_Docs_pt1_Og_WATERMARK_OVER_Redacted 2

This evidence was discovered by Murphy in his capacity at DARPA.

The evidence is now ostensibly being held by the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA) at Quantico.

Note that NCIS is also HQ at Quantico.

And of course there is FBI there as well.

[not to mention United States Army Criminal Investigation Command (USACID) and U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI or OSI)]

But let’s back up to NCIS for a moment.

Why does Ron DeSantis (Navy JAG) seem so much more wise than Donald Trump on the COVID vaccines in these last couple of months?

DeSantis has not gone full-retard like the man who should win the Nobel Peace Prize (Dr. Robert Malone), but DeSantis also hasn’t shot his mouth off like the buffoon Trump.

What happened to Trump?

Great President.

And then he broadcasts to the world that he got the Pfizer vaccine (while encouraging people to take these shots)?




And he casually drops his booster status after a crowd in Dallas gathered to hear him speak had just sung the Christian hymn “How Great Thou Art”?  [sounds like Hochul’s church vaccine speech]



And then Trump lies (?) to Candace Owens about people taking the vaccines not dying?



And finally, Trump makes what appears to be a pointed reference to DeSantis in which Trump insinuates that DeSantis is “gutless” for not revealing his booster status?


Just what the hell has been going on with Donald Trump?!?

These outbursts have caused me to lose all faith in him.

I would take DeSantis (or Ron Paul, or Tucker Carlson, or Candace Owens, or Robert Malone, or RFK Jr. or almost anyone) over Trump at this point.

Trump has backed off the vaccine-pushing.

But I have to say:  that is not good enough.

The man need only visit two websites to understand the danger of these vaccines:

the criminally-parsed version




the actual version




These figures (11,879 and 23,149 [respectively]) should be increased by a factor of 10 to account for the historical underreporting to the passive-surveillance (voluntary) VAERS system [HHS] of serious adverse events such as Kawasaki disease (i.e. 118,790 deaths or 231,490 deaths).




And in case anyone wants to play the “correlation does not necessarily equal causation” card, consider this:



As for their efficacy…



And of course there is this gem about ethno-specific bioweapons:


Are you starting to understand why China and Silicon Valley want your DNA?

This is a new kind of war where certain people will be purposefully made susceptible and others purposefully made nonsusceptible to bioweapons released on a massive scale.

Not to mention that the vaccines are debilitating the U.S. military (while SecDef Austin [a General] and CJCS Milley stand around with their dicks in their hands).  

That’s treason!

They should have known.

And if they didn’t know, they’re still responsible.

The buck stops with them.


Why the insane push for all of humanity to receive vaccines that are neither safe, nor effective?

And why is Trump’s “solidarity” with the Canadian truckers (Freedom Convoy) so at odds with his months of moronic statements regarding the vaccines?

Does he not realize that these people are rising up PRIMARILY BECAUSE OF THE VACCINES HE BROUGHT INTO THE WORLD?!?

Don’t forget that Trump’s Operation Warp Speed (of which he is evidently so proud [see Candace Owens article above]) ALSO PAID FOR THE AstraZenca VACCINE (WHICH IS NOT EVEN AVAILABLE AT ALL IN THE USA)!!!

[not to mention three others we funded that are also not available at all in the USA:  Novavax, Sanofi, and GlaxoSmithKline]







It should be noted that there is not a Sanofi or GSK COVID vaccine approved anywhere in the world.

Where did those $2 billion dollars we gave them go?

While Sanofi and GSK took HHS (U.S. taxpayer) money and ran (producing nothing?), here are the other countries which have developed their own COVID vaccines:

–China (8 different vaccines [Sinopharm BIBP, CoronaVac, Convidecia, Sinopharm WIBP, Zifivax, Minhai, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and Sinopharm CNBG])

–Russia (4 different vaccines [Sputnik V, Sputnik Light, EpiVacCorona, and CoviVac])

–Iran (4 different vaccines [COVIran Barekat, FAKHRAVAC, COVAX-19 {in conjunction with Australian company CinnaGen}, and Razi Cov Pars])

–India (3 different vaccines [Covaxin, ZyCoV-D, and Corbevax {developed by Texas Children’s Hospital < ! > and Baylor College of Medicine <Houston>}])

–Cuba (3 different vaccines [Abdala, Soberana 02, Soberana Plus])

–Turkey (Turkovac)

–Kazakhstan (QazCovid-in)

–Taiwan (Medigen)


Why was a children’s hospital and medical school in Texas developing a COVID vaccine that is only available in India (licensed to Biological E. Limited [BioE])?

Who paid for it?

Where’s Rand Paul?

This is a huge waste of money.

The three vaccines we got (Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson [which were totally unnecessary to rush {considering the low mortality rate of COVID-19 <relative to ebola or smallpox, for instance>}]) are neither safe, nor effective.

If Trump knows the available vaccines in the USA aren’t safe (how could he not know?), then he is liable for the death and injury caused by his encouragement for people to take the vaccines.

State Department character based on Ash Carter?

State Department infiltrated by Rami Malek.

CIA is trusting a foreign agent.

Death of Felix Leiter.

Death of James Bond.

Is 007 now a black lesbian like mayor Lightfoot of Chicago and disgraced BLM cofounder Patrice Cullors?

Q is gay.

Houston recently had a white lesbian mayor [Annise Parker].

And what about black lesbian Karine Jean-Pierre (KJP [Psaki’s backup])?

Is this some kind of cult?

That’s a lot of black lesbians.

And one white lesbian.

Muriel Bowser (D.C. mayor)?

Donna Brazile?

Lashana Lynch is aptly named after androgynous Klaus Nomi.

Is 007 now a black transexual?

Spoiler alert:  James Bond dies.

Is this the end of the series?

And the Bond franchise has to keep the diversity in high gear.

Who cast this movie:  Richard Torres-Estrada?

Bishop Garrison?

Lloyd Austin?

Mark Milley?

Michael Gilday?

At least Ana de Armas is charming.

I can’t say the same about Lashana Lynch.

What the fuck is this woke shit?!?

Ian Fleming would be puking his guts out.

Assange in Belmarsh.

But let’s make sure we have the score here.

The one representative of the CIA (Felix Leiter):  black male.

Miss Moneypenny:  black female.

The new 007:  black female.

What percentage of the U.K. is black?


Three percent.


This is a British film.

Eon Productions Ltd.

Piccadilly (London).

Pinewood Studios.

But the film was also produced by MGM.

Beverly Hills.


What percentage of the USA is black?




So let’s look at the main characters.

Daniel Craig:  British white male.

Léa Seydoux:  French white female.

Rami Malek:  Egyptian-American [African-American] male.

Lashana Lynch:  British black female.

Ben Whishaw:  British white male.

Naomie Harris:  British black female.

Jeffrey Wright:  African-American [black] male.

Christoph Waltz:  Austrian-German white male.

Ralph Fiennes:  British white male.

Billy Magnussen:  American white male.

Ana De Armas:  Cuban-Spanish female.

David Dencik:  Danish-Swedish white male.

Rory Kinnear:  British white male.

Dali Benssalah:  French-Algerian male.

14 characters.

It’s nominally a British movie (although co-produced by American company MGM).

What percentage of the main cast is British?

6/14 (43%).

Less than half of the main cast is British.

What percentage of the main cast is American?

3/14 (21%).

That means 36% of the main cast is neither British, nor American.


Maybe the story called for it.

The evil guys have to be exotic.

Rami Malek (Egyptian heritage) and Christoph Waltz (Germanic).

Dencik (the biological weapons guy) is a Scandinavian playing a Russian.

Also a baddie.

What percentage of the main cast is white?

8/14 (57%).

The good guy (James Bond) is white.

But two of the three villains are also white.

The third main villain is of Egyptian descent.

What percentage of the main cast is male?

10/14 (71%).

It is an action movie.

Who goes to war?


Are women drafted into most militaries in the world?

Do they participate in combat roles?

How often?

What percentage of the main cast is white male?

7/14 (50%).

Let’s be honest.

The James Bond franchise cucked out to the looters and arsonists of BLM.

Eon and MGM kneeled in fealty to woke Hollywood.


What percentage of the main cast is black?

3/14 (21%).

This is the important number.

Britain is 3.3% black.

So blacks are WAY overrepresented in what is a British franchise.

But even if we figure in the American coproducer MGM, blacks are still overrepresented.

America is 14.2% black.

So blacks are even overrepresented here by 50% in relation to the American production company.

But here’s the other important part.

Of the top seven characters (as they are listed in the Wikipedia entry for this film [presumably based on screentime]), three are black.

3/7 (43% of the “stars” or leading roles in this film are played black people).

Compare that to the 3.3% British black population.

Or the 14.2% American black population.

This is an absurdly-high overrepresentation of black people!

For what?

Are 43% of box office returns in the USA because of black viewers?

I highly fucking doubt it.

And do the 3.3% of Britain who are black make up 43% of the viewership (i.e. revenue) there?

There is strictly no chance.

So this movie is a woke joke.

A woke disaster.

In terms of casting.

The worst is Lashana Lynch.

Not talented.  Not charming.  Completely ill-cast.

Jeffrey Wright is mediocre.

Nothing special.

The best is Naomie Harris.

SHE should have been the black, female 007 (if they were going to go that route).

For fucksake…she was a field agent in Skyfall.

Why the fuck did she get relegated to becoming M’s secretary?

She’s charming.

She’s capable.

Neither of which (in the acting sense) can be said about Lashana Lynch.

Lynch is most similar to Gloria Hendry in Live and Let Die.

At least Hendry was attractive.


And funny.

Or we could compare Lynch to another androgynous abomination:  Trina Parks (Thumper) in Diamonds Are Forever.

Nothing like a flat-as-a-board, muscular black woman to get the heterosexual male fired up.

This is, again (after all), an action movie.

Who is the target audience?

Does the LGBTQ community really get into James Bond?

I don’t fucking think so.

At least Trump is right about this:  “Everything woke turns to shit.”

There are disaster movies.

And then there are movies that are disasters.

This is the latter.

What a fucking woke piece of shit.

And who was responsible for this artistic abomination?

Bay Area failed-snowboarder, Japanese-American Cary Joji Fukunaga.

This dude was totally unqualified to shoot a Bond film.

And it shows.

What a fucking ripoff.

Don’t waste your money on this piece-of-shit film.

Danny Boyle (both excellent Trainspotting films) should have directed this movie.

It appears that Fukunaga not only killed James Bond, but killed the James Bond franchise as well.

Great job, fucktard!

Fuck you, you piece-of-shit, no-talent director.



Rambo: First Blood Part II

Ode to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

To Mark Milley:

stop being a pussy.


I truly hope the Joint Chiefs of Staff are currently running the United States of America.

And I truly hope General Milley is not the weakling he appears to be.

I can say nothing bad about General John Hyten.

I appeal to him.

I can say nothing bad about General James McConville.

I appeal to him.

I can say nothing bad about General David Berger.

I appeal to him.

I can say nothing bad about Admiral Michael Gilday.

I appeal to him.

I can say nothing bad about General Charles Q. Brown.

I appeal to him.

I can say nothing bad about General Daniel Hokanson.

I appeal to him.

I can say nothing bad about General John Raymond.

I appeal to him.

I can say nothing bad about Admiral Karl Schultz.

I appeal to him.

I appeal to:

General Paul Nakasone.

General Richard Clarke.

General John W. Brennan Jr.

We know when to call bullshit.

It could have been Goldfein.

Mattis and Dunsford stumped for.


At times, it is necessary to dissemble.

To give the appearance of separation.

Some division is real.

Other is fabricated.

As camouflage.

Princeton, Colombia, Naval War College, and MIT.

82nd Airborne.

5th Special Forces Group.

Sometimes it is necessary to dissemble:


5th SFG (A).

Defense Clandestine Service.

7th Infantry Division.

Fort Polk.

25th Infantry Division.

2nd Infantry.

10th Mountain Division.

101st Airborne.

III Corps.

Fort Bragg.


Fitness by October 2020.

COVID attack.

COVID delay.

Meeting with Valery Gerasimov.

To “obey lawful orders from civilian leadership”, the leadership must have obtained their positions lawfully.

We the forgotten.











You’re not supposed to find anything.

No evidence.

It’s a sham.

James Cameron inserts love story.

My haircut is interesting.

Get ready for Sound of Freedom.


Taking them down from the crosses.

Saving poor souls before they expire.

Who aborted the mission?

Wouldn’t look good, eh?

How is the alternative turning out???

Fuck you!

Are you for sale?

Family ties.


Tracy Bond.

Syrian munitions.

Young heart attack.

Roll over.

Play dead.

I salute you, General Milley.

Do not fuck us.

Comment on various insurrections in progress?






Public condemnation???

You cannot kill this idea which cancels your over-inflated self-importance.

You have one job.

“Just following orders” will not cut it.

Presupposed that civilian leadership lawfully obtained their positions.

If OSINT/common knowledge proves otherwise, the onus is on you.

Do not fool yourself into thinking that (past a certain point) you are still protecting and defending the Constitution.

That point has passed…or soon will.


Sneakers [1992)

Dennis Montgomery.

Mena, Arkansas.

Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Cocaine trafficking.



Maurice “Hank” Greenberg.

Money laundering.


Carlos Lehder.

Medellin Cartel.



AIG/CIA heroin [WWII forward].

Private fleet of airliners.

Cargo planes.

Catherine Austin Fitts.



Tyndall AFB.

MacDill AFB.


Fort Bragg.


Bill Hamilton.


Inslaw Corporation.

Database integration.

Universal translator.

Black box.

Again with the money laundering.

Ed Meese.



Trap door.


Robert Maxwell [Mossad].

Ghislaine Maxwell.

Jeffrey Epstein.

Ted Gunderson.

All very much involving Canada.

Ethnospecific biowarfare compounds.






Total compromise of any Windows-based product.


Hart InterCivic.




Burst transmission.

Thomas Wictor.

Frankfurt Raid.





Getting closer.

What if Q was entity pretending to be NSA?


General Wesley Clark.

Little Rock.


Interface between CIA and organized crime.


Immediately Assange.



Pen testing.

Real-time monitoring of stock transactions.

RCMP <– PROMIS<–Robert Maxwell (Ghislaine Maxwell [Jeffrey Epstein]).

Biowarfare and vaccines.





Jackson Stephens.

Webster Hubbell.

Vince Foster.

Which brings us to our movie.

Yerself Is Steam.



Always out getting food.


Like Condor.

Dial tone.

2600 Hz.

4th E above middle C.

Bell Telephone Company.



Abbie Hoffman.

Getting to black box.

Hippie anarchists.


Mitnick whistling nuclear codes.


CIA within CIA.

NSA within NSA.

Verging on James Bond cliches.

But that is inevitable.

This is a great movie.

Hear as well as a blind person.



Great plans.

Upon great plans.

Like the A-team.

Still requires improvisation.

How big is a supercomputer now?

What constitutes “super”?

Operations per second?


How small is Fort Washington?

Did Brennan use “fusion center” excuse?


What is deadlier than an iPhone in the right/wrong hands?

How to defend oneself from unrestricted (and undeclared) warfare of China?



The Left no longer controls culture.

The Left no longer protects free speech.

The Left squashes free speech.

The Left is no longer the party of the underdog.

But they still want to redistribute the wealth of their enemies.

We are the movies now.



Executive Action [1973)

LBJ was not innocent.

But the story goes far deeper than that.

And it depends on who you ask.

As Oliver Stone told it, Johnson was integral to the plot against Kennedy.

Here, Johnson is largely a footnote.

Here we enter the politics of history.

The politics of film.

The politics of telling a story.

To decipher, we must know Dalton Trumbo.

Relative to Oliver Stone.

What is most remarkable is that there was a film made which not only rivals the quality and conviction of Stone’s JFK, but perhaps exceeds it.

This is that film.

David Miller, its director, barely has a stub of biography to supplement his rather large filmic oeuvre.

Which is intriguing.

Let’s investigate further.

Miller started out as an editor for an RKO (Radio-Keith-Orpheum) film directed by a Halliburton.

That was 1933.

By 1937, he was directing.

Miller seems to have strictly directed short films for the next four years.

His first feature-length film of note was Billy the Kid in 1941.

By the next year he was directing John Wayne in Flying Tigers.

The war years were lean.

A short propaganda film here and there.

Seven years elapsed.

But Miller was back in the game by 1949…directing Bing Crosby in Top o’ the Morning.

That same year, Miller directed the Marx Brothers in their final feature film: Love Happy.

Future highlights for Miller included the noir film Sudden Fear in 1952 starring Joan Crawford and Jack Palance.

He directed Ginger Rogers in 1954’s Twist of Fate (aka Beautiful Stranger).

By 1956, he was directing Lana Turner and Roger Moore in Diane.

Joan Crawford teamed up with Miller again in 1957 for The Story of Esther Costello.

By 1960, Miller was teaming up with screenwriter Dalton Trumbo.

They had at their disposal Kirk Douglas.

The film was Lonely Are the Brave.

Miller was making a spy thriller by 1968:

the little-known Hammerhead.

The year I was born, 1976, Miller was making his last film (again with Lana Turner): Bittersweet Love.

His penultimate film, Executive Action, is a masterpiece.

Again teamed with Dalton Trumbo.

There is plenty of bitterness to go around for the conspirators of JFK’s murder.

Which brings us to the current state of American politics.

Who is really in control?

Is it Joe Biden?

I don’t not think that anyone would assume Biden is even controlling his own bowels at this point.

Which is sad.

Because he has only been in office a mere 30-some-odd days.

Is the business world running the U.S. government?

It’s possible, but I don’t think so.

As much as they would like to use Biden as their puppet, I do not think we are completely being ruled by corporations at the moment (though their power is considerable).

What about the Democrat Party?

Is it running America?

Nancy Pelosi seems powerful.

But also inept.



She and Biden make the perfect pair.

Slurring and stuttering.

Schumer is just a yutz.

But the Biden/Pelosi combo is one for the ages.

My fellow San Antonian, the late Jacques Barzun, might have something to say here re: decadence.


Like rotting teeth.

You can give Biden dental implants.

And Hunter too.

You can give Pelosi dentures.

But Joe and Nancy will continue to be an overwhelming embarrassment.

Which brings up Biden’s “80 million votes”.

And Pelosi’s unpopularity within her own party.

AOC’s star will fade, but for now, Sandy Cortez wields far more political capital than the haggard Pelosi.

And it is not hard to see why.

Cortez is an attractive (albeit moronic), young star of American communism.

She promises everything.

She will (of course) deliver nothing.

But hey: that’s the essence of communism.

Pelosi’s day has come and gone.

And it was a LOOOOOONG day.

Pelosi has overstayed her welcome.

Even in the minds of her fellow socialists.

But this is all just theater.

Because Biden, nor Pelosi, nor AOC are in control.

What about Kamala?


I don’t think so.

So we must keep searching.

And here we hit gold.

Either the military, the CIA, or the NSA (which is to say, the military) are now in control of the country.

In the case of the CIA, we must remind some readers that this organization started off with military roots.

The OSS.

And for many years, the CIA overthrew communist governments.

That is, until Barack Obama appointed a communist (John Brennan) to head the Agency.

It is not a matter of debate that Brennan voted for Gus Hall in 1976.


“John Brennan on Thursday recalled being asked a standard question for a top security clearance at his early CIA lie detector test: Have you ever worked with or for a group that was dedicated to overthrowing the US?”

Brennan said, “I froze”.

Which brings us to JFK.

And communism.

And Vietnam.


JFK had Addison’s disease.

And treatment for Addison’s disease can cause mood swings.

Maybe not the best trait for a President of the United States (especially at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis).

Not only this, but JFK and RFK lied about Kennedy’s condition.

Indeed, mood changes characterize Addison’s disease itself (and are not simply a side effect of treatment):


At his autopsy, JFK was found to have virtually no adrenal glands whatsoever.

To say this is an advanced stage of Addison’s would be an understatement.

This would have predisposed JFK to:




-poor concentration.

Again, not the traits you want in a President.

And not the sort of thing a Presidential candidate and his brother (Attorney General) should have lied about.

But they did.

None of which is to say that Kennedy deserved to die like a dog.

He didn’t.

But we now come into a realm of questioning and philosophy which involves the existential survival of America.

For the first time in my life, I today regarded Lyman L. Lemnitzer as a potentially-reasonable person.

He of Operation Northwoods infamy.


Because of the care taken in that document with regard to contrived obituaries, etc.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff, under Kennedy, did indeed present the option of (plot) terror attacks on the American people.

Some of the attacks (options) would have been real.

That is the Lemnitzer I have always detested.

But some of the attacks (options) would have been simulated.

In other words, these men of war would have taken great care in concocting fake deaths…TO PROTECT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

From what?

From Soviet nuclear weapons in Cuba.

So I ask you today:  is it possible that this same panel (the JCS) is now in control of the USA?

What about Lloyd Austin?

Are the JCS really reporting to him?

Maybe so.

Maybe not.

And what of the CIA?

Why was Mike Pompeo (West Point) put in charge of the CIA before becoming Secretary of State?

Why did Trump go to CIA headquarters so early in his Presidency?

Was it not reminiscent of his visits to Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the Vatican (respectively)?

If one was to really “drain the swamp”, where would this swamp-drainer start?

And if the CIA can infiltrate the Pentagon (the veracity of which, just prior to 9/11, Dr. Pieczenik has attested to), then can the Pentagon not (silently) reclaim the CIA?

What changes did Pompeo make while he was there?

Is it possible that the CIA is currently in control of the U.S. government?

And that the CIA has been gutted by Trump and Pompeo?

Is it possible that the U.S. military is operating out of Langley (in a script-flip of Langley infiltrating the Pentagon)?

Which then brings us to the NSA and CYBERCOM (which are, for the time being, virtually the same thing).

If any agency could run the country, it would be the NSA.


Because they would be able to undo corruption.

Piece by piece.

They would know which blackmailed leaders to remove (legally…over time…even if by martial law).

And they would know how to LEVERAGE information for command and control purposes.

For instance.

If Mark Milley (CJCS) was being a cunt (not that he ever would be), the NSA could neutralize him with information.

Perhaps Milley has some unsavory secrets he doesn’t want coming out.

The NSA would have that.

Which is to say, Paul Nakasone could literally be running the entire country all by himself at this point.

Perhaps with help from Keith Alexander.

And Jerry Boykin.

No need for kinetic warfare if the #InvisibleCoup / #SecretCoup / #SilentCoup is run with devastating efficiency and efficacy by Fort Meade.

But just in case, SOCOM/USSOCOM are ready to knock on some doors (if needed).

Joe Biden is being allowed to pretend he is President.

That is my theory.

I very much owe my realization to the writing of Martin Geddes.

What we are seeing is the United States being given a free sample of Chinese communism.

The military is running the country.

We can attack Iran.

And Biden will be blamed.

The military can mess up.

And Biden will be blamed.

And Biden will run the country into the ground on his own.

Yet the military will act as training wheels for this bicycle.

This is where SOCOM/USSOCOM comes in.

This is where Fort Bragg reigns supreme.


The American populace must be woken up.

It cannot be done all at once.

The American populace must experience first-hand the failure of socialism.

Which is why Donald Trump’s second term features Joe Biden as President.

Which brings us back to QAnon.

We know that Q was more that one writer.


But anyone could be framed for writing it.

Even myself.

But I did not write it.

And I very much believe that those now in control of our government DID write it.


The CIA pulled off 9/11.

But they were not alone.

There were traitorous elements within our military.

I can only now hope that those elements have left.

But, again:  the NSA/CYBERCOM would have all the goods needed to remove corruption from even the top ranks of the military.

All other unified combatant commands would need to rely on kinetic means.

Which brings up a possible coconspirator in preserving and defending the Constitution:


As we have said, SOCOM would be a muscle held in reserve.

A further buttress may be SPACECOM.

Indeed, it is possible that STRATCOM is not a part of this “invisible coup”.

STRATCOM’s capabilities may be constrained by those of SPACECOM.

Nevertheless, CYBERCOM (again) can control all other human elements.

It would be a sort of blackmail to save America.

If globalists can have a Great Reset, what’s to say the U.S. military couldn’t manufacture a national reset?

I would bet on the U.S. military before I would bet on the World Economic Forum.

And I also bet that the U.S. military now knows that the WEF have committed an act of war in inflicting COVID-19 upon the United States.

WEF, acting as a sort of nationstate, would fall under the category of terrorist organization (biological terror).

Bill Gates has given aid and comfort to this enemy.

Anthony Fauci has given aid and comfort to this enemy.

And all three have worked in concert with a foreign adversary to wreck the economy and morale of the United States.

That foreign adversary is China.

To win this war, it was necessary for Joe Biden to playact.

Except he doesn’t know he’s playacting.

Nor does Nancy Pelosi.

The U.S. military will act at its own pace.

The number one imperative is the good of the country.

Biden cheated and got caught.

The best path forward was to continue to find and weed out corruption.

The U.S. does not want a world war.

China will be dealt with in due time.

But first, the American house must be cleaned.

It is back to a one-room schoolhouse.

We are in session.

The class is political economy.

Joe Biden is teaching us.

What not to do.

The country is experiencing his leadership.

Right after having experienced the free market policies of a truly competent President:

Donald Trump.

The spell must be broken.

The mass media must be exposed.

They lied about Trump for four years.

They lie about everything.

Now they have what they wanted.

Trump’s great defeat.

And a senile incompetent in power.

But they have no plan to help people.

They merely wanted power for the sake of power.

Now that they have it, they don’t know what to do with it.

There is no tit to suck.

This is a crucible for policy.

Free markets work.

Watch the price of eggs.

Socialism/communism does not work.

And to the extent that it does work, it relies on authoritarianism to FORCE people to sacrifice for the greater good.

That is not what America is about.

America is about freedom.

Our dalliance with communism is about to be short-lived.

The U.S. military will dismantle propaganda.

Each domino will fall.

Andrew Cuomo.

Gavin Newsom.

This is a controlled demolition of a condemned building.

The corruption must come down.

But it must come STRAIGHT down.

So as to not harm the people to an undue extent.

Communism lies.

For the greater good.

Capitalism advertises.

It is a subtle differentiation.


Capitalism will win.

Goods must flow freely.

And you know what else must flow freely?

Ideas, motherfucker!

Dalton Trumbo was a communist propagandist.

A good story teller.

But a liar in some key details.

In reality, those who want depopulation (Bill Gates) are communists.

Bill Gates has hitched his wagon to Chinese communism.

America must go a different course.



You CAN take the vaccine (if you want to).

Listen to Donald Trump.

Therapeutics are better.

But he gave you your damn vaccine.

In record time.

Take at your own risk.

It’s experimental.

Trumbo was one of the Hollywood Ten.

Perhaps soon we will be able to list the Pedowood Ten (as Los Angeles has devolved in depravity).

History forgets some of these former (Hollywood Ten) communists.

But some we remember.


Ring Lardner Jr.

And Trumbo.

Ayn Rand was an anticommunist.

Good for her.

Not one of the Ten.

Other significant Hollywood personages blacklisted:

-Lillian Hellman

-Paul Robeson

-Richard Wright

Look them up.  This wasn’t racial.

Wright was literally a member of the American Communist Party.

Further communist elements:

-Leonard Bernstein

-Aaron Copland

-Dashiell Hammett

-Lena Horne

-Langston Hughes

-Burl Ives

-Alan Lomax

-Joseph Losey

-Burgess Meredith

-Arthur Miller

-Zero Mostel

-Dorothy Parker

-Edward G. Robinson

-Pete Seeger

-Artie Shaw

-Orson Welles

And more communist elements:

-Richard Attenborough

-Harry Belafonte

-Luis Buñuel

-Charlie Chaplin

-Jules Dassin

The lesson?

Being a communist when America is at war (Cold War) with a communist nation is not a good idea.

And guess what?

America is again at war with a communist nation (this time it’s China).

Getting out of stupid wars is a good idea.

Afghanistan and Iraq were/are stupid wars.

Trump did his best to remove troops.

There is no longer any urgent need to have troops in Europe as part of NATO.

The Soviet Union no longer exists.

Russia does not present the same threat to the United States as does China.

Which is to also say:  Vietnam was not a stupid war.

It was botched.

It was handled in a daft manner.

The draft gave birth to resentment.

But the threat was real.

And the war had merit.

Whether it retained that merit throughout is a matter of discussion.

Which is to say, JFK was not perfect.

He was made a martyr.

Which tends to overshadow aspects of his makeup which disqualified him for the Presidency (such as Addison’s disease…and lying about having Addison’s disease).

Biden and Pelosi are not focused on the believability of their “victory” and “power”.

By the time they realize what is going in, it will be too late for them.

They are no real threat to the republic.

JFK should not have been gunned down like a dog.

War is hell.


Pelosi’s Laptop: Full Conversation with Lieutenant General Thomas Mcinerney [2021)

Essential transmission.

Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney talks about Italy’s role in stealing the election for Joe Biden.

Done through an Italian military satellite run by Leonardo S.p.A.

Coordinated by China.

Through an American computer/app which James Comey sold to the Chinese.

That computer and app being The Hammer and Scorecard (respectively).

The whole world has seen Ruby Freeman steal votes on CCTV footage out of Georgia.

If they haven’t, they should.

Along with her daughter (and boss) Shaye Moss as well as another superior Ralph Jones Sr.

Along with one other person (as yet to be identified), these four individuals ran Republican poll watchers (and all press) out of the State Farm Arena in Fulton County, Georgia by telling the lie that they were going to stop counting for the night.

But they didn’t stop counting.

The lie was buttressed by a tall tale about a water main having been busted.

It was a leaky urinal.

These four criminals then retrieved special ballots (there were other bins closer and more accessible) from under a table which was covered with a cloth.

The four criminals proceeded to runs these same ballots MULTIPLE TIMES through the Dominion Voting Systems machines in the State Farm Arena in Atlanta (Fulton County, Georgia).

The next morning, Joe Biden had pulled off a miraculous “win” in that state.

A similar thing took place in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada.

But we are told there is no evidence.

And that Donald Trump’s claims of election fraud are “baseless”.

When presented with direct evidence (the CCTV footage of Ruby Freeman, et al.), the media use the “big lie” tactic of Joseph Goebbels.

They lie.

And they continue to lie.

And in the face of truth, they lie more.

Creating a BIG LIE.

Which is then, gradually, unquestioned.

I will speak more later (God willing) on China’s untoward investments in ALL American media companies (aka “news” sources).

So now we come down to Pelosi.

Nancy Pelosi calls up the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) Mark Milley attempting to BLOCK current President Donald Trump from accessing the American nuclear arsenal.

Milley tells her this is not possible.


Because Trump is still President.

To even ATTEMPT to block him from protecting the country is AT LEAST the sixth coup d’état attempt the Democrats/Deep State have attempted against Trump over the past four years.

Why is Nancy Pelosi so FRANTIC to impeach Trump using the 25th Amendment (a farce…it would necessitate Trump being INCAPABLE of fulfilling the duties of President)?

Because (according to Mcinerney) U.S. Special Forces (SOCOM/USSOCOM) surreptitiously confiscated Nancy Pelosi’s laptop during the “siege” of the U.S. Capitol.

Makes sense.

It’s plausible.

But Mcinerney goes on to detail that there is a “songbird” (John McCain?) willing to spill the beans about the continual HIGH TREASON which has been directed at Donald Trump these past four years (six coup attempts).

Let’s just take the fifth coup attempt:  the election fraud (stolen election).

All who have participated in this treason in an active role should be subject to prosecution under 18 U.S.C. 2381.

The penalty for treason is death.

So we are sitting here in America and wondering when Donald Trump will activate the Emergency Broadcast System.

And when Trump will make an announcement pursuant to his Executive Order 13848 regarding foreign election interference.

We know COVID-19 is a bioweapon.

China’s biological warfare against the world (and particularly against the United States) is in harmony with China’s stated policy of Unrestricted Warfare.

Find the book.

It was written by two Chinese Air Force colonels in 1999.

You can find an English translation even for the Amazon Kindle.

You can learn a lot by listening to General McInerney.

He is truly a brilliant intellect.

And an American hero.

You can learn, for instance, about tactical deception.

Digital soldiers must watch this video which I have posted above.

It is an important video document.

Are we to become a third-world country like Haiti?

We are if we let this election fraud stand.

Anthony Fauci is a false messiah.

Fauci outsourced dangerous “gain of function research” experiments on coronavirus to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

That’s right:  one of the most guilty parties is parading as savior.

Look it up.


Times of India.

General Flynn is another great patriot.

McInerney and Flynn will go down in history as two of our greatest Americans.

But we must preserve the Republic!!!

McInerney was stationed in London when he was in the USAF.

He commanded the 111 ATKW.

3rd Air Force.

He knows, from his foreign travels, of GCHQ.

Britain’s equivalent of Fort Meade.



And so there has been, for some time, some funny business going on regarding this whole effort to slander Trump re: “Russian collusion”.

It is, in fact, the Democrats themselves who colluded with Russia.

This PROJECTION tactic is straight from Saul Alinsky.

Hillary Clinton has gotten away with this stuff for far too long.

Why did former President Obama have a SCIF installed in his D.C. home?

Does Valerie Jarrett live in Obama’s household?

Would this be considered a shadow government?

And so we have Biden.

Or do we?


Turn off Fox News.

It is utter bullshit.

They called Arizona ON THE NIGHT OF THE ELECTION for Joe Biden.

Biden ended up officially “winning” the state by a mere 10,000 votes.

The fix was/is in.

Learn about “counter information operations”.

McInerney advises not trusting the FBI.

What a sad state of affairs for the Bureau.

I quite admire Ted Gunderson (and others).

It is time for good Special Agents to STAND UP!

Mike Pence committed treason.

Another USAF veteran (Ashli Babbitt) was shot in the neck and killed by Capitol Police.

She was unarmed.

Was it a false-flag?


But now you have people like McInerney (who was THE SOLE DoD official who reported to the White House under AL GORE’S (!) Reinventing Government initiative) coming out and saying that the Democrats/Deep State (many, MANY Republicans as well) have committed and are committing HIGH TREASON.

This is the moment, patriots.


Do not shirk your duties as digital soldiers.

Let freedom ring.

Let the truth be shouted from every mountaintop and housetop.


Do not be silenced!

Find a way.

I regret that I have but four social media accounts to give for my country.


There will be no tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be our country RULED BY CHINA.


Shout it!

For fuck’s sake!!!