The Empire Strikes Back [1980)

Today the United States of America officially became a purveyor of third-world justice.

American exceptionalism has long held that America is DIFFERENT from nations like Brazil and Pakistan.

But not any longer.

Just as was done to Bolsonaro–just as was done to Imran Khan, President Donald Trump has been convicted by his political enemies.

Such things are common in banana republics.

Want to derail the political career of a troublesome politician?

Throw him in jail.

Today, that ball started rolling in motion…towards a July 11th sentencing.

The USA is exceptional no longer.

Even pathetic, Trump-hating milquetoast Mitt Romney recently lamented that he was disappointed that President Joe Biden had not proactively pardoned Trump (or otherwise used his sway as President to dissuade fellow Democrats [such as the ones in New York state] from prosecuting Trump).

Romney is an interesting barometer.

[perhaps the only thing interesting about him]

EVEN ROMNEY knows that what Biden has done is wrong.

Not only does he know this, but his tongue has spoken such.

Much more then do the hearts and minds of actual Patriots burn tonight with anger.

But we must heed the wise words of Alex Jones (i.e. don’t be rash):

Heed the warning of Yoda.

Look to General Flynn.

If Trump has done one thing the past four years, it is to BE PATIENT.

All Patriots must follow this example.

I’m mad as hell at Trump about the COVID vaccines.

I’m mad as hell at Trump about his support for genocidal Israel.

I’m mad as hell at Trump for him banning me from Truth Social.

But here I am.

Supporting him as best I can.


Because Trump does not deserve the “third-world justice” he is receiving.

Given a choice, at this point, I choose RFK Jr. (because of his stance on the COVID vaccines).

But RFK is being edged out of the upcoming (next month) Presidential debates on CNN.

RFK is not playing by the rules of our corrupt two-party system.

So he has been (and continues to be) marginalized.

Put bluntly, there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that RFK Jr. wins the 2024 election.

But if he were on the ballot, today, before me, I would vote for him over Trump.

That’s correct.

I would throw my vote away on RFK.

That’s how PISSED OFF I am about Trump’s complete whitewashing of the vaccine genocide HE presided over as American President.

Seeing as how less that one percent of vaccine adverse events and reactions (including death) have historically been reported to the CDC/FDA VAERS system, if the VAERS system (which has completely [to my knowledge] STOPPED TAKING ANY REPORTS RELATED TO THE THREE AMERICAN COVID VACCINES) says there have been 37,000 reports of death potentially related to said vaccines, the actual number of deaths is not 37,000, nor 370,000, but 3.7 million.

To be clear, Donald Trump was the executive (the buck stops here) responsible for the death of 4 million Americans at the hands of Operation Ludicrous Speed vaccines.

Trump’s administration rushed these vaccines to market.

But it was BIDEN’S administration who COERCED Americans (including the U.S. military) to take these jabs (or else lose their jobs).

Trump has never once (to my knowledge) been critical of the safety or efficacy of his Warp Speed vaccines.

Quite the contrary, he has crowed ad nauseam about what a great achievement they were.

He is either very stupid, or very evil.

Perhaps both.

And yet I fight for him at this moment.


RFK Jr’s stance on Israel is just as bad as Trump’s.

Biden’s stance on Israel is just as bad as either of theirs.

The only other person (besides RFK Jr.) intellectually qualified to be POTUS is Cornel West.

He’s been vocally against the genocide of Palestinians at the hands of Israel.

He was vocal when it was not as safe to take such a position.

Jill Stein is a latecomer to this issue.

And Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver is coming even later to the Free Palestine table.

But Cornel West is a fucking moron when is comes to the COVID vaccines.

So we have no good choice.

And then there’s the two old dogs who are most likely to be on your ballot (if you’re an American):  Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Why, I ask again, am I bothering to defend Trump if I hold so much against him?

For starters, Trump was an enormous PAIN IN THE ASS for the American (and global) establishment.

For three solid years, Trump did a pretty damn good job of being President.

It was only in his fourth year (when he was blindsided by low-intensity biological warfare) that he gave control of the U.S. government to Anthony Fauci and Mike Pence.

Pence, in the end, fucked him.

[and Fauci fucked him coming and going]

But Biden WIELDED (through coercion) these dangerous COVID vaccines against the American people.

Something Trump did not do.

 Would Trump have also coerced Americans to take these vaccines that he loves as if they were his own syringe-shaped children?

I doubt it.

The fascist is not Trump, but Biden.

If you object to that diction, substitute authoritarian for fascist.

Leftists can be hella authoritarian.

And that’s just what Genocide Joe was with these deadly vaccines.

Trump’s final year in office was one prolonged October Surprise.

It appears to have been engineered by those connected to Event 201:  (namely) Bill Gates (via his Foundation), Klaus Schwab (via the World Economic Forum), and the CIA (via current Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines [a John Brennan protégée]).

But is there enough time for avian influenza to “save the day” for sleepy Joe Biden’s 2024 “campaign”???

No need.

This election cycle’s “October Surprise” started long ago.

Here are the red-letter dates in Biden’s TRUE campaign (a merciless campaign of THIRD-WORLD JUSTICE):

  • March 30, 2023:  34 felony charges AKA The People of the State of New York v. Donald J. Trump

Charges brought by Democratic Party prosecutor (New York County D.A) Alvin Bragg.  Case presided over by Joe Biden (and anti-Replublican Party) political donor Juan Merchan ( ).  Case decide by “impartial” jury fielded from New York City (Joe Biden “won” 60% of the vote in New York City in 2020 and no Republican Presidential candidate has won the city since Ronald Reagan in 1984 [they have only selected Democrats for 36 years in a row]).

Outcome?  Guilty on all 34 counts.  Who coulda possibly seen that verdict coming?!?


  • June 8, 2023:  37 felony charges (later upped to 40) AKA United States of America v. Donald J. Trump, Waltine Nauta, and Carlos De Oliveira [should be known as “Florida election interference” case]

Charges brought by Democrat-appointed (Merrick Garland) “independent” special counsel Jack Smith.

Charges brought by Democrat-appointed (Merrick Garland) “independent” special counsel Jack Smith.

  • August 14, 2023:  13 charges (later dropped to 10) AKA The State of Georgia v. Donald J. Trump, et al. 

Charges brought by Democratic Party prosecutor (Fulton County D.A.) Fani Willis.

At the nexus of Romney’s shocking candor and the film under consideration (in half these cases) is perhaps, one might say, the “Emperor” of American “third-world justice”:


Trump can gain my unconditional endorsement (not that he needs it) by his doing two things:

  1. disavow his Operation Warp Speed vaccines
  2. condemn the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza

Will he do it?

I doubt it.


The Equalizer [2014)

Transmission received.

Obama Presidency.

Half mark.

Rumblings of military coup.

Possible Defense Intelligence Agency PSYOP.

Prefiguring QAnon.

A continuation.

Provenance not revealed till 2018.

Those most responsible for the fall of America.

  1. Mark Zuckerberg
  2. Sundar Pichai
  3. Susan Wojcicki
  4. Zuckerberg
  5. Liang Rubo
  6. Xi Jinping
  7. Zuckerberg
  8. Wu Hai
  9. Liu Yunli
  10. Pony Ma
  11. Steven Newhouse
  12. Donald Newhouse
  13. Elon Musk
  14. Bill Gates
  15. Robin Li
  16. Jeff Bezos
  17. Narendra Modi
  18. Vladimir Kiriyenko
  19. Vladimir Putin
  20. Zuckerberg
  21. Donald Trump

Denzel Washington is the best male actor to ever set foot in front of a motion picture camera.

Harvard and MIT.


John Grayken?

Follow the money.

Steve Tisch?

Todd Black?

Find Boston.

Find Dallas twice.

Clapper thrice.


Trump massive failure on COVID vaccines.

Trump massive failure on Gaza/Israel.

It pains me to include Putin, Xi, and Modi on that list.

Far from exhaustive.

Not airtight.

58% America was its own undoing.

25% a Chinese operation.

17% shared by the rest of the world (with Russian and Indian contributions being notably egregious).

Who curtailed CIA hegemony in Hollywood after Safe House (2012)?

Home Depot.

Progress, not perfection.



24 hours.

Nighthawks (Hopper).

Closest thing he had to a friend.

RFK Jr.–massive success on vaccines, massive failure on Israel

Michael Flynn–massive success on vaccines, massive failure on Israel (took six figures to consult for which company?)

Cornel West–massive success on Israel, massive failure on vaccines

Joe Biden–massive failure on vaccines, massive failure on Israel

Donald Trump–massive failure on vaccines, massive failure on Israel

So why doesn’t Biden make the list at the top?

Because he’s inconsequential.

A puppet.

But there’s more.

He only coerced.

Those on the list made decisions.

They all had a choice.

They all made essentially the same decision.

The wrong decision.

For America.

For Americans.

All on that list consigned America to failure.

In a very specific way.

Not too hard to figure out.

Some brought America to its knees more than did others 

Some did it in other ways.

Biden did it in other ways.

He can be on another list.

A worthless President.

All things considered, RFK Jr. is the best option for U.S. President in 2024.

Cornel West is the second-best option.

All things considered, Michael Flynn is a good man.

Trump has done immense good.

But the sobering fact is that the harm he has done (do no harm) has outweighed that good.

Do the right thing.

Do something about it, Trump.

You have a choice.

Apologize regarding the vaccines.

Tell the truth.

And stop being a moron on Israel.

Moron on vaccines–moron on Israel.

In such situation, give me RFK Jr.

Or even Cornel West.

But give me Trump before you give me Biden.

Nothing worse than Biden.

No redeeming qualities.

Old man gotta be the old man.

Fish gotta be the fish.

Special talent for reading license plates.


Connect Cofer Black (CIA) to Mitt Romney.

Now connect to Burisma.

Putin has done immense good…and very little harm.

I think more at fault is Vladimir Kiriyenko or his predecessor.

In spite of everything, I believe Xi Jinping to be a truly honorable man.

Like Putin, he has done immense good…much more good than bad.

The real problem, then, is Liang Rubo.

Likewise, I believe Narendra Modi to be a truly honorable man.

More likely at fault is Virendra Gupta and/or Umang Bedi.

And don’t forget about fake fuck Chris Pavlovski and shitnose Devin Nunes.

They deserve to be on that list more than Trump does.

But no one has done worse on vaccines and Israel than Trump.

Then again, perhaps the first list need not even exist.

It could just be replaced with the name Joe Biden.

But Trump has not done the right thing.

His window in which to change course is closing.

Trump loves his COVID vaccines.

Trump loves the IDF and Netanyahu (who fucked him over at least as fast as did Boris Johnson).

Stay cool.

Be a cucumber.

In a factory of pickles.

Do not become.

Stay cucumber.

16 seconds.  4 seconds per man.

So-called men.


Surprise.  Kill.  Vanish.

A bit rusty.

Minus 9.

Still 3 slow.

Marker A:  3:22’08

The absolutely indispensable acting performance of Marton Csokas.

We who?

We who?

Investigate Tony Schaffer for being a good person.

Suspected of being on the side of good and right.

Yet still so much bullshit about 9/11.

Hijack the hijackers.

Investigate Ezra Cohen.

AKA Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

[intern for Joe Biden in high school]

Minimum age for Defense Clandestine Service?


Squelched to save.

You don’t know your own power.

We saved your life.

Know your enemy.

Know yourself.

Home field advantage.

Weapons of opportunity.

Antoine Fuqua best director working–tied with Edgar Wright.

It’s even.

Fuqua more damage with less punches.

But a bit of a moron when it comes to voting in Georgia.

JFK 1961.




Rocky II [1979)

America is suffering.

America is lost.


Trump quadruply-indicted.

Four different jurisdictions.

Two state indictments.

Two federal indictments.

All bullshit.

But Trump has an Achilles heel.

The unsafe, ineffective vaccines he brought to market.

Does Trump feel loyalty to those who tricked him?

When will Trump remove his proverbial head from his own proverbial ass?

Sure, he’s winning on the Republican side.

Because they’re all a bunch of losers.

But put Trump up against RFK Jr.

Trump loses.

America doesn’t want any more lies.

No more noble lies.

America doesn’t want any more liars.

And America needs to get smart.


There is a huge swath of America on the Republican/conservative side that believes whole-cloth an info op being run against them.

Who is running it?



The FBI?



That’s possible too.

Globalists like Schwab, Gates, et al.?

Also a possibility.

Really, it doesn’t matter who is running it.

What matters is that America has become irrevocably-dumb.

Incapable of intelligent, coherent thought.

Q (aka QAnon) was an info op run AGAINST the American people.

That is the only explanation that makes sense to me at this present time.

Q was bullshit.

Lots of truth in there.

But there was one overarching purpose to QAnon: TO MAKE AMERICANS LAZY.

To make Americans believe that the Santa-Claus, Tooth-Fairy U.S military was going to solve all their problems.

How’s that working out for us?

It isn’t.

At all.

If you believe any of the absolute horseshit emanating from Real Raw News, I can’t help you.

I know you need hope.

Well, I am here to offer you hope.

But I am Burgess Meredith.

I am not going to blow smoke up your ass.

Things are bad.

Mark Milley has not been arrested (though he should be court martialed for treason).

Nobody has been arrested.

Use your logical faculties.

Joe Biden is not a clone.

It’s the same dumb motherfucker.

Just with a shit-ton of plastic surgery to make him look younger and more electable.

What America needs right now is to have its swollen-shut eye cut open by Occam’s razor.

Ok, let’s follow the dipshit logic of Real Raw News for a second.

Ok, so Biden is a clone.


Oh, no: wait.

Biden is an actor wearing a mask.

Very implausible.

All White House press conferences are being done at a film-studio replica of the White House in Georgia.

Implausible to the point of being impossible.

What is Occam’s razor?

The simplest answer is usually right.

In other words, Hillary Clinton is not deceased.

She is not being played by an actor in a mask.

Each time this Real Raw News-esque grand horseshit conspiracy adds another wrinkle, it becomes exponentially less-plausible.

Fauci’s been arrested.


Bill Clinton is deceased.


There’s a factory in Alaska that makes clones of political leaders.

Very unlikely.

The entire American government has been replaced by clones.

And/or actors in masks.



The U.S. military has everything under control.

Definitely not.

If you believe any of this, you are the target audience of this information operation.

To reiterate, just as in the QAnon information operation, the overarching goal is to make you SIT BACK and DO NOTHING.


You felt included for awhile.

But Q disappeared.

Because Q was bullshit.

And now, in place of the quite-sophisticated Q info op, we have the hamfisted Real Raw News info op (for lack of a better name).

The tune is the same.

Trump is still the President.

Gimme a fucking break.

Trump SHOULD be the President, but he is not.

Because the 2020 election was stolen.

And much of the 2022 midterms was also stolen.

Particularly in Arizona.

What is happening right now in America is a color revolution.

What is happening to Trump is the same sort of thing that happened to Imran Khan in Pakistan and is happening to Bolsonaro in Brazil.

It is fascism coming in from the LEFT.

It is communism.


Trump has told you this.


But you don’t hear.

Because you prefer to believe the superhero movie version that Trump is secretly in charge of everything.

That he’s in control of everyting.

That he can “come back” at any time.

Yeah, no.

America is getting steamrolled.

The first step in fixing things is GETTING AN ACCURATE SITUATION REPORT.

Stop listening to the X-22 bullshit.

No more coddling the numbnuts.

Let’s go, General Flynn.

Be the realist that I know you are.


They trust you.

There is no more time to fear alienating people by popping their QAnon bubble.

Pop that fucker!



The Alamo [1960)

America is at a dangerous crossroads.

Hot tamales.

And they’re red hot.

Donald Trump is currently being politically persecuted in four different U.S. jurisdictions.

In New York (34 state felony charges with a potential of up to 136 years in jail for the former President [brought by Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg]).

In Florida (40 federal felony charges with a potential of up to 440 years in jail for the former President [brought by Joe Biden appointee Merrick Garland’s appointee special counsel Jack Smith]).

In Washington, DC (four more felony counts with a potential of up to 55 years in jail for the former President [also brought by Joe Biden appointee Merrick Garland’s appointee special counsel Jack Smith]).

In Georgia (13 state felony counts with a potential of up to 75 and 1/2 years in jail for the former President [brought by Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis]).

That adds up to 701 and 1/2 years of potential jail time for Donald J. Trump.

That is obscene.

How many times did Bill Clinton ride on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express?

Was George W. Bush the President who presided over an administration that perpetrated a false-flag/stand-down (self-inflicted terror attack) on 9/11/01?

Did Barack Obama cover up the crimes of his false-flagging neocon predecessors (Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush, Stephen Hadley, Elliott Abrams, David Wurmser, John Bolton, Elliot Cohen, Douglas Feith, “Scooter” Libby, Rabbi Dov Zakheim, W., etc.)?

All of these other former Presidents are still alive.

None has faced so much as a parking ticket since leaving office.

Trump could have misused his Department of Justice (as Joe Biden is misusing his), but Trump didn’t do that.

For all the “Lock Her Up” rhetoric, Trump did not go after Hillary Clinton during his Presidency.

Which brings us to the courage of Texas.

William Barret Travis.

Born in South Carolina.

Died at age 26 for the freedom of his adopted state.

Jim Bowie.

Born in Kentucky.

Died at age 40 for the freedom of his adopted state.

Davy Crockett.

Born in Tennessee.

Died at age 49 for the freedom of his adopted state.

Let’s be frank.

There is no plan.

There never was a plan.

QAnon was either:

A. the FBI

B. FSB/GRU (Russian intelligence)


C. the FBI pretending to be Russian intelligence

D. Russian intelligence pretending to be FBI

In 1836, it was 13 days of darkness.

That was real.

Not made-up, PSYOP bullshit.

Not hopium meant to have you be a spectator rather than an actor in your own destiny.

YOU have to have a plan.

Local action = national impact.

Now is the time to put aside differences.

What is the major issue for you?

For me, it is the murderous vaccines that were all-but-forced upon (and acquiesced to by) a vast majority of American citizens (not to mention the coercive mass vaccination that occurred in the rest of the developed world).

For this reason, I want to vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in 2024.

He is (BY FAR) the strongest candidate on this issue.

So Trump is not my first pick (even though I voted for him in 2016 and 2020).

But what is being done to Trump is unacceptable.

Why can’t Biden and the Democrats just beat Trump at the polls in 2024???

Why seek 700+ years in prison for him (AFTER HE’S ANNOUNCED HIS CANDIDACY FOR A SECOND TERM [a race in which he is currently lapping all other Republican candidates])?

The leader (Biden) is seeking (by proxy [Garland]) to imprison the opposition leader (Trump).

This is what the West accused Putin of doing to Navalny.

This is what Lula is doing to Bolsonaro.

And it is the same type of thing currently being experienced by Imran Khan.

So the United States is now, politically, very similar to “devoloping countries” (think Third World) Russia, Brazil, and Pakistan.

The comparison to Pakistan is particularly rich considering Imran Khan was the most recent Prime Minister (analogous to President Trump) and he has now been jailed.

Furthermore, Pakistan is a “lower middle income” country according to the IMF (as opposed to “upper middle income” countries Russia and Brazil).

One month ago (August 5th), Imran Khan was sentenced to three years in prison.

His conviction was, however, suspended and he was granted bail on August 29th.

In Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro was barred on June 30, 2023 by the Brazilian Superior Electoral Court from running for office again until 2030.

Were the post-election Brazilian riots of January 8, 2023 as provocateured as the post-election American protest of January 6, 2021?

If so, by whom were these events provocateured?

The playbook is the same.

Trump and Bolsonaro are both accused of “undermining the validity” of “democratic” elections.

The federal governments of both the USA and Brazil are attempting to lawfare these former leaders into submission.

In the case of Bolsonaro, he is set to appeal the career-derailing decision against him.

The defenders of the Alamo sacrificed themselves.


Trump is sacrificing himself.

Rudy Giuliani, a true American patriot, is also being dragged through the mud in Georgia.

Forced to pose for a mugshot.

Ditto for American patriot Sidney Powell.

So congratulations, liberals.

Enjoy your Alamo slaughter.

Enjoy your mugshot vengeance.

Half of America is SEETHING over what is happening to Trump.

Because roughly half of the electorate voted for him in the last election.

Polls be damned!

Remember those amazing 538 polls from 2016?

Remember the New York Times putting Hillary’s chances of winning 2016 at 95%…EVEN UP TILL AND DURING THE ELECTION???

How were those polls so wrong?

Because they were fucking lies meant to demoralize conservative voters into staying home and not bothering to cast a ballot.

QAnon was meant to keep you lazy and WAITING FOR “THE MILITARY” TO COME AND SAVE THE DAY.

Ain’t gonna happen.

YOU ARE the military.

Our military has all been sent to secure the borders of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania.

And this was IMMEDIATELY AFTER they had been finghting pointless wars (predicated on absolute lies) in Afghanistan and Iraq for two decades–wars which bankrupted America.

And now the final bankrupting of America is happening.

Most of it happened during the scamdemic.

To be fair to Joe Biden (thought he does not at all deserve a fair shake), “Bidenflation” is largely the fault of U.S. Congress spending during the scamdemic.

The nails in the coffin are interminable aid to Ukraine and the rapid ascendency of BRICS.

It is time to have courage, America.

Pray to God.

Pray to know your mission.

Your mission IS NOT violence.

Your mission is in the realm of fifth generation warfare (5GW).

Your mission is to spread to word.

And have some fucking courage.

Like the defenders of the Alamo.

But each of us has a unique mission.

Pray to the Lord Jesus Christ to show you the way.

There is no time.

There is no future.

The future is now.

We are in a perpetual present.

You can either live bravely–with your head held high–and die with honor.

Or play it safe and cast your lot with Joe Biden and the America-destroying Democrats.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could save the Democrat Party.

He could make a Democrat out of me.

But I have a feeling he won’t be getting the nomination.

In which case, I’m voting for Trump.

In any case, there is much to be done before the 2024 election (if it even occurs at all).

Now is the time to pull out all the stops on the organ.


Ukraine is Not a Brothel [2013)

2013, eh?

What happened the next year?

Let’s get our organizations straight.

Because, as this documentary elucidates, the money just COMES IN.


[a story for another time]

Is George Soros a “fan” (benefactor) of FEMEN?

You bet your damn ass he is.

But as a wise person has said: it is not what we know in our gut, but what we can prove that matters.

When it comes to tracing transnational, criminal conspiracies (aka “color revolutions”).

What happened in Ukraine in 2014?

Let’s meet our players (and their ilk).




Lots of similarities between Russian and Ukrainian language.

But don’t trust me.

Try Duolingo.

Wanna read Russian news?

I do.

Because our news (the bullshit aggregated on Drudge Report) is globalist propaganda.

I want a new propaganda (to dérive Huey Lewis).

Wanna read something other than Russia Today (RT), ITAR-TASS (aka TASS), Pravda, or Sputnik (all four of these are good sources)?

Then you’re gonna have to learn Russian.

And this conflict ain’t going anywhere.

Unless we all get incinerated (which I would say there’s about a 30% chance of right now…as things stand).

So sound out your Cyrillic.


I almost stopped watching this film as soon as I heard the word “patriarchy”.

Dog whistle for “Marxist moron philosophy to shortly follow”.

But I stuck it out.

For you guys.

And not because the tits were that great.

Because they weren’t.

Relocated to Paris (as this film delineates).

Founded in Ukraine.

Famous for their activities in Ukraine.

Anna Hutsol.

Looks like a fucking man.

But kinda cute.


Oh, to be a professional “activist”.

Have you seen these cunts (men too!) on Twitter?

They have the word “activist” in their bios.

What kind of Jane Fonda imbecile would self-identify with that word?

And think about this.

Those cigarettes they are smoking (these “activists”)…some poor schmuck in the Philippines is paying for that with his donation.

Or, more likely, George Soros routed some money through multiple shell organizations to pay for those cigarettes.


To destabilize Ukraine.


To, in turn, destabilize Russia.

It’s the kind of bullshit our CIA does.

Which begs the question:  does George Soros work for the CIA?

Indeed, does George Soros OWN the CIA?

What about Klaus Schwab?

Does the CIA work for Klaus Schwab?



In essence?

Anna Hutsol.

Jewish (big surprise).

An “economist”.

Yeah, right.

And I’m an architect.

I have to hand it to FEMEN in one sense.

They are masters of public relations and publicity.

Much like Fauci, er, Zelensky.

FEMEN does not seem to be too knowledgeable about prostitution (the traditional kind…not philosophical prostitution [they are masters of that!]) in Ukraine.

So let’s help them out.

You gotta go back a little bit.

To the first “white slavery” in Europe.

To Belgium.

Frame of reference.

Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

Demilitarization (to protect Russia and ethnic Russians in Ukraine [the latter of which are being subjected to genocide in Donbass at the hands of the neo-Nazi Ukrainian goverment {courtesy of the Ihor Kolomoyskyi/Igor Kolomoisky/Kolomoysky-funded neo-Nazi Azov Battalion}]).



Denazification (to protect the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine who are being subjected to genocide [as outlined in objective #1]).

Destruction of U.S.-funded biolabs.

Human trafficking (stopping the cesspool Ukraine from providing girls [many underage] to the illegal sex trafficking industry both in Europe and around the world).


Demilitarization Denazification Destruction (of biolabs) Human trafficking (interdiction).

This final point (the interdiction of human trafficking occurring in and emanating from Ukraine) has not, as far as I’m aware, been thus far ideated by the Kremlin.

But it goes without saying.

The same forces (Kolomoysky) that fund the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion are likely to have their fingers in the human trafficking (sex trafficking) pie.

Kolomoysky is Jewish.

Yet he materially supports (funds) the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion.

Does that strike you as strange?

Does it make you rethink your assumptions about Jewish “choir boy” (cantor) Zelensky???

I am not accusing Kolomoysky of doing anything other than being guilty of being (a Jewish) funder of neo-Nazis in Ukraine.

But I will say this:  it appears that a good many Ukrainian girls end up as sex slaves in Israel.

You decide.






Sacha Baron Cohen can joke in his TV series Who is America? about Eastern European girls being smuggled en masse into Assad’s Syria aboard yachts.

Is it because this activity is common knowledge?

Why did Sacha Baron Cohen take the role of Mossad spy Eli Cohen in The Spy?

Strange role, no?

Is SBC a dual-citizen?

Why has he become so humorless as of late?

He’s become [drumroll] an ACTIVIST.

How disgusting.

And how strikingly-similar to Jim Carrey.

It’s almost like these guys are nervous about something.


Were they hanging with Epstein on Little Saint James?

Or at Zorro Ranch??

Or on Lolita Express???

Let’s get back to what FEMEN never once (!) talks about in this titty-flashing movie.

Their ostensible raison d’être.

There is an effort to hide this.

As if Ukraine is more advanced–more civilized when it comes to stopping sex trafficking (when exactly the opposite is the case [as Putin knows, it is the epicenter–the cesspool on his doorstep]).





The Thailand of Europe.


Czechia has problems too.

But Ukraine appears to be ground zero in Europe (as regards the number of young women and girls [and boys!]) that they supply to the international illegal sex trade.

Buying and selling persons.

Remember James Alefantis and his Instagram?

What were those strange pictures of porcelain dolls with price tags?

Why post that?

And those pictures of stacks of rubber-banded Euros?

Why post that?

Some kind of joke??

I kinda don’t think so.

It may be a joke (funny to the author [Alefantis]), but it is not truly in jest.

…but I digress.

Stay.  On.  Target.



Anna Hutsol was detained by the FSB (Russian security service) in November 2012.

The year before this film was released.

And a mere two years before the U.S. government and a George Soros NGO engineered the coup in Ukraine.

The “revolution of dignity”.

They had already had the “orange” revolution.

Running out of colors.

And “revolution of dignity” sounds slightly less-absurd than “chartreuse” revolution.

Anna Hutsol was deported from Russia upon attempting to enter the country via Saint Petersburg in November 2012.

Deported back to Paris.

Her point of departure.

Soon afterwards, the homegrown FEMEN would leave Ukraine for France.

Anna Hutsol was denied asylum in Switzerland.

Because she is a political operative.

And not a genuine refugee.

That is plain to see.

By 2013, FEMEN was featured in multiple films (including the French television production Nos seins, nos armes!, the documentary Everyday Rebellion, and the film currently under consideration).

Indeed, three films came out on FEMEN the same year:  2013.

The year before the U.S. (Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt acting as point people [not to mention John McCain]) overthrew the government of Ukraine.

In 2014, a fourth FEMEN documentary appeared (Je suis FEMEN):  fourth in two years.

Was this group really that inspiring?

Did any of these filmmakers (our director Kitty Green, Caroline Fourest, Nadia El Fani, Arash T. Riahi, Arman Riahi, and/or Alain Margot) receive funding from any NGOs?

If so, which NGOs?

They wouldn’t happen to be Soros (and/or Schwab) -connected, would they?

Oksana Shachko died in 2018.

In Paris.

She was only 31.

Unlike Hutsol, she was actually born in Ukraine.

Hutsol moved to Ukraine from Russia at age seven.

Shachko hung herself.


She was from Western Ukraine.

This is important.

This is where arch-Ukrainian-Nazi Stepan Bandera was from.

Shachko went from wanting to be a nun (age 12?) to becoming an atheist (age 14).

What caused such a precipitous change in this young Ukrainian woman between the years 1999-2001?

It was likely her enrollment in the free university of Khmelnytsky at age 13.

That’s where she appears to have been met with radical feminist indoctrination.

Keep in mind, FEMEN has not only spawned documentaries.

There are also tomes by the likes of Galia Ackerman, etc.

It is purported that the “security forces” of Vladimir Putin attacked Shachko multiple times.




How was this proven?

Where is the proof that Putin sent anyone after her?

What was Shachko’s relationship with the French group Front National?

[now known as National Rally]

Shachko had a solo art exhibition in Paris in 2016.

In 2019, it was reported in Elle that this was not Shachko’s first attempt to hang herself.

Alexandra Shevchenko was also born in Ukraine.

Also in Western Ukraine (the land of Ukrainian Nazi Stepan Bandera).

It should be noted that Hutsol, Shachko, and Shevchenko all grew up in the same town:  Khmelnytskyi.

Population:  approximately 275,000.

There was a FEMEN protest in Moscow against Vladimir Putin in December 2011.

FEMEN have protested in Belarus.

Also in 2011.

Inna Shevchenko (not to be confused with Alexandra) cut down a Christian cross in Kiev with a chainsaw in 2012.

Now where have we seen that activity before?

Incidentally, Shachko appears in this film in a hat with a cutesy-pink hammer and sickle on it.


Or do these morons want to go back to communism???

Inna was born in Ukraine.

In Kherson (in the south).

A Black Sea port.

In 2013, Inna was granted asylum in France.

When was the Orange Revolution (about which I spoke earlier)?


In the aftermath of an election followed by claims of corruption and electoral fraud.

Sound familiar?

What happened?

The Supreme Court (of Ukraine) ordered a revote.

Americans were not so lucky.

Our SCOTUS is itself obviously corrupt.

Hence their inaction on the 2020 election (which Trump clearly won).

So we are now stuck with bumbling dictator Biden.

Mandate Biden.

What other colors of revolution have there been?

Let’s line them up:

Philippines “Yellow Revolution”:  1986

Papua New Guinea “Coconut Revolution”:  1988-1998

Czechoslovakia “Velvet Revolution”:  1989

Yugoslavia “Bulldozer Revolution”:  2000

Georgia (Tbilisi) “Rose Revolution”:  2003

Georgia (Tbilisi) “Second Rose Revolution”:  2004

Ukraine “Orange Revolution”:  2004-2005

Iraq “Purple Revolution”:  2005

Kyrgyzstan “Tulip Revolution”:  2005

Lebanon “Cedar Revolution”:  2005

Kuwait “Blue Revolution”:  2005

Belarus “Jeans Revolution”:  2006

Myanmar “Saffron Revolution”:  2007

Malaysia “Yellow Rally”:  2007-2016

Moldova “Grape Revolution”:  2009

Iran “Green Revolution”:  2009-2010

Kyrgyzstan “Melon Revolution”:  2010

Tunisia “Jasmine Revolution”:  2010-2011

Egypt “Lotus Revolution”:  2011

Bahrain “Pearl Revolution”:  2011-2014

Yemen “Yemeni Revolution”:  2011

China “Chinese Jasmine Revolution”:  2011

Russia “Snow Revolution”:  2011-2013

[notice that China and Russia (who are now aligned due to moronic U.S. foreign policy) were hit back to back:  coincidence?  I don’t fucking think so.]

Macedonia “Colourful Revolution”:  2016

Armenia “Velvet Revolution”:  2018

Lebanon “October Revolution”:  2019-present

Bolivia “Pitita Revolution”:  2019

Belarus “Slipper Revolution”:  2020-present

Do you notice how the USA isn’t on there?

It should be.

I would call it Coronariots.

Inna and Alexandrea Shevchenko are not related.

How did these two meet?

On VK, of course! [VKontakte (Russian social media platform)]

Enter DJ Hell.

Inna was arrested in Enschede, Netherlands for cutting down “wooden” (read Christian) crosses.

She was protesting the arrest of Pussy Riot (remember this name).

Inna got asylum in France in 2013.

Le Figaro‘s Saturday supplement Madame Figaro named Inna as one of the world’s most iconic women in December 2012.

Inna thinks that “homophobes” and “fascists” are “extremists”.

She lumps them all together.

But are FEMEN “extremists”?

The implication is, “Of course not.”


To watch these women flail like LeBron James when they are arrested only attests to the hysteria that drives their actions.

They are performers.

And not very entertaining ones.

They are shrill.


And most certainly guilty of (were it to be directed at any other religion but Christianity) hate crimes.



In 2015, Inna was speaking in Copenhagen.

She was discussing the “illusion” of “freedom of speech” in Western Europe.

As she was speaking, a terrorist opened fire in the lobby.

Wikipedia leaves out the identity and motivation of this terrorist.

Was he (oh, I don’t know) MUSLIM???

And if so, was he acting AGAINST these fucking stupid stunts of FEMEN?

I would say that the probability is not negligible.

Inna once stripped nude on Al Jazeera before the feed was cut.

But the context was particularly appalling.

The interviewer had just asked, “Which is better for women, nudity or the paranja?”

Paranja = Central Asian version of burqa

This is very offensive.

This is offensive to Arabic speakers.

This is offensive to Muslims.

Why should a non-Arab, non-Muslim such as Inna be granted “asylum” in France for pulling these kinds of stunts worldwide?

Why doesn’t she and her band of merry strippers stay in Ukraine and fight for the rights of women and girls?

Why not?

Because they don’t fucking care.

Because FEMEN are fake.

They are a tool.

A can opener.

If it isn’t Soros slipping money into their bank account, it is someone of that ilk.

All of these “color revolutions” need a spark.

Strangely, the list above (from Wikipedia) also doesn’t include the “Revolution of Dignity” which occurred in Ukraine in 2014.

These are the infamous Euromaidan protests.

Much more violent than the Orange Revolution (where only one person died [of a heart attack]).



The revolution was restarted.

Tried again.

Inna Shevchenko studied journalism.

Can you guess who has published her?

CNN, Huffington Post…

Inna is apparently against all religion (like the late-Shachko):  Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc.

Those are the only ones she singles out.

What about Buddhism?


No mention of those.

Only the Abrahamic religions seem to be in her sights.

Inna seems to be fighting religion more than she is fighting sex trafficking.

I thought, “Ukraine is not a brothel”?

Maybe ease up on bashing religions and do some fucking research about sex trafficking.

And if you have done the research, Inna, then fucking talk about it!!!

Instead of just shooting your mouth off about how RELIGION is so oppressive to women.

What about the Ukrainian women and girls who are sold as sex slaves?

Do you think they wake up every day thinking how oppressive RELIGION is???

Of course not.

FEMEN are fucking fakes!

Yana Zhdanova.

Donetsk Oblast.

One founder from Eastern Ukraine.

One from Southern Ukraine.

And three from Western Ukraine.

Yana and other members of FEMEN were expelled from Turkey in 2012.

Maybe if FEMEN had remained in Ukraine (and had stayed focused on helping rape victims, for instance) they would actually be making a positive difference in the world?

As it is, they are just being used by their backers (funders).

FEMEN made their pro-abortion stance clear in April 2012 with their protest in the bell tower of Saint-Sophia cathedral in Kyiv.

Another moronic stance.

A death cult.

And the strumpet cheerleaders of this death cult.

Do you think dead little babies are cool?

Apparently FEMEN do.

They want to HELP women by making sure women can KILL their unborn children.

That is not revolutionary.

It’s stupid.

It’s not noble.

It’s disgusting.

As you might expect, FEMEN seem to particularly despise Lukashenko (President of Belarus).

This is somewhat understandable.

Was Lukashenko installed by way of a rigged election?

Many say he was.

I do have sympathy for electorates whose voices have been squelched by election fraud.

But once again, FEMEN make no sense.

WHY don’t they like Lukashenko?

The reason is not apparent in their ill-thought-out slogan, “Respect, KGB, UEFA.”

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

In other news, there is a mosque in Kyiv.

Back to Lukashenko, at least FEMEN got their point across with the slogan, “Stop Dictator”.

They have a point.

Lukashenko has been President of Belarus since 1994.

That is a bit long.

28 years.

But Belarus has had to deport FEMEN on a notorious occassion.

It was rather brutal.

But the message from the Belarussian KGB was clear:

“don’t come to our fucking country.”

Did FEMEN come back?


FEMEN really hate Christianity.

Their protests in Ukraine make this clear.

Why protest the 1025th anniversary of Orthodox Christianity in Kyivan Rus’?

Why not protest sex trafficking??

I thought, “Ukraine is not a brothel”???

Protesting Christianity is the kind of bullshit Klaus Schwab would support.

Or ethnic Jew George Soros (who doesn’t believe in God [according to his 60 Minutes interview with Steve Kroft]).

My guess is that Soros and Schwab want to dispense with religions.

Because religions involve morality.


And these communist eco-Nazis (Schwab and Soros) will not be able to effect their Great Reset without seriously weakening organized religions.

But guess what?

They already did.

What was closed down for much of the past two years in the USA?


What was open?

Casinos, etc.

In December 1, 2013, Yana protested in front of the Ukrainian embassy in Paris (a country which gave her asylum in 2014…apparently urinators need protection from those upon whose images they urinate) by urinating on photos of Victor Yanukovych.

Yanukovych would be overthrown in a U.S.-led coup the following year (as evidenced by the leaked phone call between Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt).

Three weeks after peeing on Yanukovych in Paris, Yana went to Brussels where her slogan was, “Putin is the killer of democracy.”

What was “the great uniter” Joe Biden’s first act as President?

Joe Biden absolutely went to the Rex Tillerson school of diplomacy.

Had Trump not fired Tillerson, the U.S. and North Korea would have fought a nuclear war during Trump’s Presidency.

In 2012, Yana attacked the patriarch Kirilll of Moscow and all of Russia at the airport in Kyiv.

What an offense!

Let’s be clear.

These dumbass “smash the patriarchy” bitches are not being metaphorical.

They actually want to deprive Russian Orthodox Christians of their dignity.

Imagine if the current Pope wasn’t a communist cocksucker.

What if Yana had attacked him?

Even so.

It’s one thing to call someone a “communist cocksucker”.

It’s another to physically assault him.

I have no love or respect for Pope Bergoglio.

Because he is a fucking sellout.

He is a goddamned communist prick.

But I would never attack him physically.

I do, however, reserve my right to insult him in writing.

I love Catholics.

I am a Christian.

Make of that what you want.

I reserve the right to rail against false idols such as Pope Bergoglio in a manner commensurate to the prophets of old.

I’m not a prophet.

I’m not overturning a table in the synagogue.

But I will tell you this:  Jesus was a bad motherfucker.

Wars happen.

Wars are fought.

There is a time to stand up.

Putin is, in my opinion (considering all the intel I have consumed), doing the right thing in Ukraine.

Putin is fighting against the insidious influence of globalist tools like FEMEN.

By the way, what was Yana’s slogan when she attacked the patriarch?

“Kill Kirill.”

What an insult.

Indeed, more than an insult.

A threat of violence.

An incitement to violence.

To anyone who heard those words.

An instruction.

I would never say such a thing about Pope Bergoglio.

I hope the Pope confesses his sins and turns from his communist cocksucking ways.

I understand shock value.

In this small sense, I respect FEMEN.

But in the grand scheme, I think what they are doing is evil.

Perhaps they are just stupid.

And greedy.

And vacuous.

Yana protested in Lithuania in 2013.

This was a key event in starting the Euromaidan protest.

These dumb bitches want to be a part of the European Union.

That’s why they flee their homeland and post up in Paris.

Meanwhile, they say very little about how Ukrainian girls and women are bought and sold across Western Europe and the world.

So these fucking bitches are fake-ass sellouts.

They just want the fame of protesting some dumb bullshit.

They suck Soros cock all day long.

Metaphorically, of course.

Because Soros has no cock to suck.

His demon cock fell off long ago.

Same with Satanist Schwab.

Speaking of Nazis…


What is it with these Nazi Jews?!?

Do they think the Holocaust didn’t happen???

I think the Holocaust DID happen!


Take that, you pricks!!

I think Nazis are the scum of the earth.

Fuck Nazis!!!

So what am I:


No, I don’t think so.

A white supremacist?

Nope, try again.

I’m just a dude who thinks the idea of super-rich Jews having benefitted from families who collaborated with the Nazis (Soros and Schwab) is disgusting.

And I think the idea of the 2nd or 3rd richest person in Ukraine (Igor Kolomoysky [also a Jew]) funding the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion that is committing genocide (the past eight years) against the Russian-speaking population of Donbass is disgusting.

Have these three Jews no shame?

Particularly Kolomoysky.

Soros has no control (nor any remorse) about how he went around with his fake godfather and confiscated the property of Jews during WWII.

Schwab seems to have no remorse about his father having profited immensely by being a Nazi collaborator in Germany during WWII (assuming the above link is accurate).

I am just scratching the surface with FEMEN.

The same can be done with Pussy Riot.

Or Marina Abramovic (who is “standing with Ukraine” [blech!]).

FEMEN and Pussy Riot are largely-interchangeable globalist tools.

Abramovic is their godhead.

These are not good people.

These are spirit-cooking, sick fucks.

This is not what Putin wants in his neighborhood.

And I don’t blame him.

LGBTQ, BLM, and Antifa are all globalist tools.

And their members (cult members) are useful idiots.


In 2014, Yana destroyed a wax figure of Putin in Paris (a country that gave her asylum [from what?!?] that same year).

Her message when she destroyed this wax figure of Putin?

“Kill Putin.”

Tell me, Yana, how does this message help the young women and girls of Ukraine who are being funneled into international sex trafficking rings?

How does “killing Putin” or “killing patriarch Kirill of Moscow” help young Ukrainian women and girls who have been SOLD and have ended up as sex slaves in places like Israel?

Does Putin run Israel?

I don’t think so.

Does Putin run the international sex trafficking market?

I don’t think so.

And if he does (and that is your message [which I doubt it is]), then prove it.

Get your feeble brain to log on to Mother Jones.

I don’t even care if the link is bullshit.

Just let me know why on earth you think killing Kirill and Putin will help young women and girls in Ukraine.

Are Kirill and Putin buying Ukrainian women and girls?

I kinda doubt it.

But I bet there are plenty of Parisians (your country of “asylum”) who are.

Plenty of rich French customers.

Is Paris a brothel?

Is France a brothel?

And where are the women and girls in those brothels from?

Not, perhaps, from your country which you abandoned (Ukraine)???


Yana vandalized the Vatican by taking the baby Jesus statue from the Nativity scene in front of Saint Peter’s Basilica while shouting, “God is woman.”



Real productive.

Hey Yana, you dumb bitch:

is the Holy Spirit male or female?

Think on that as that sweet Soros money rolls into the FEMEN bank account.

I agree with Yana and FEMEN on one point.

Bring on the titties!

I have no problem with women going topless.

That’s something I can get behind.



Take Me Somewhere Nice [2019)

Sara Luna Zorić.

The world is fucked up.

For two years we fought against medical tyranny.

We fought against killer vaccines.

And suddenly the narrative changed.


The plandemic/scamdemic wiped out.

Like chalk off a blackboard.

This is a flawed masterpiece.

Like the dent in Sara Luna Zorić’s forehead.

This film is a masterpiece.

This film is an utter masterpiece.

And it is carried by Sara Luna Zorić’s breasts.

And legs.

And scowl.

And sadness.

And dented forehead.

This film is a masterpiece.

It ends like Pierrot le fou, in some ways.

It ends like Contempt.

It ends like Ghost World.

So can I be in love with Sara Luna Zorić now?


Because the world is shit.

We must pick sides.

I pick Russia.

Fuck Ukraine.


There is not a more propagandistic website on Earth than Drudge Report.

Screen Shot 2022-03-05 at 4.32.23 AM

Do you know what propaganda looks like?

“Putin doesn’t want his people to see images of the war.”

“Russian Air Force incapable of complex military operations (invasion failing).”

“Zelensky is the reincarnation of Rasputin.”

“Russian soldiers raping Ukrainian women.”

“Russia [who secured both Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhia] are nuclear ‘terrorists'”. [For securing the facilities. All while the facilities are undamaged and not showing a rise in radiation leakage.]

“Russia is planning public executions.”

Might as well throw in some chestnut like “Russia shish-kebabbing Ukrainian infants on bayonets”.

Do you see where this is going?

“Two more top Russian commanders kiled.”


The same media that lied to you for two years about COVID and masks and vaccines and lab leaks now wants you to TRUST THEM and #StandWithUkraine .


What are the possibilities that Putin is beholden to Klaus Schwab?

I’d say 1%.

What is the possibility that Putin is doing the right thing.

I’d say 99%.

But the only problem is this: it completely overshadows the exceedingly-successful “freedom convoys” of truckers and also makes it impossible for any news about COVID duplicity to make it on any mainstream news.

So the timing is, one may see, unfortunate.

The whole COVID narrative was rapidly collapsing.

The virus was burning out with Omicron.

Serious, serious questions about impropriety from Moderna and Pfizer were arising.

And they CONTINUE to arise.

But you won’t hear about them.

The Ukraine war is like a giant school shooting.

This will be THE ONLY STORY in the news for months.

Perhaps years.

There are two reasons that people do things.

The “good” reason and the real reason.

Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

Because Zelensky announced 11 months ago that his intention was to retake Crimea by force.

And why else did Putin invade?

Because Zelensky announced seven months ago that Ukraine’s desire and intention was to join NATO.

Any other possible reasons?

Zbigniew Brzezinski called Ukraine the “bread basket” of the former Soviet Union.

What is the only thing which could rival oil right now in terms of astronomical inflation and actual scarcity?



Food security.

Putin may be securing this bread basket for Russia.

And I don’t blame him.

But let’s look at some attack scenarios.

Ukraine –> Moldova.

No NATO territory crossed.

Finland –> Sweden.

No NATO territory crossed.

Azerbaijan/Georgia (or vice versa) –> Armenia –> Iran (joins Russian Federation?) –> Iraq –> Syria (joins Russian Federation?)

No NATO territory crossed.

Monaco invasion.

And finally:

Bosnia and Herzegovina –> Serbia –> Kosovo.

I save this one for last because it is the most germane to our film.

This film’s action largely takes place in Bosnia.

Language: Bosnian.

Invasion from the sea.

Order of battle as above.

If you like Romanian New Wave, you will love Take Me Somewhere Nice.

I cannot understate the importance of this film.

Ena Sendijarević did a phenomenal job directing this.

Shades of Kiarostami.

Sonic Youth.

Tu dors Nicole.

Taste of Cherry.

This is dark humor.

But there is no punchline.

That’s how dark it is.

Dark, deadpan humor.

Dark absurdity.


Warts and all.


The forgotten parts of Europe.

Where it is a curse to grow up.

I always pray for the children and the elderly of Ukraine.

And the fucking Ukrainian morons who didn’t get involved in politics and prevent corrupt Joe Biden from becoming the U.S. President.

They bear some blame.

But we do not want civilian casualties.

Putin asked the Ukrainian military to overthrow Zelensky.

They have been very foolish to not heed Putin’s suggestion.

And Mark Milley was indeed at the Ukrainian border with 15+ wide-body planes full of Javelins and Stingers.

How exceedingly-foolish.

Russia has been unequivocal: provide weapons to Ukraine which are used against our troops and we will consider this an act of war.

Milley’s panties were wedged in his vagina over the “white rage” of Jan6, but here he is personally handing out missiles to Ukraine.


We have no defense treaty with Ukraine.

Our Congress has not declared war on Russia.


It’s the same faggots: Mark Milley, Lloyd Austin, Michael Gilday, Bishop Garrison…

The military is not coming to save us.

And Trump became a moron ever since he uttered the words “I got the Pfizer”.

Putin is the best leader in the world.

And this film is magnificent.


The Sparks Brothers [2021)

Whole world falling apart.

But falling apart in a certain way.

The Freedom Convoy in Ottawa drawing the ire of little shit Hitler Trudeau.

Klaus Schwab:  “When I mention our names…like Mrs. Merkel…even Vladimir Putin, and so on:  they all have been Young Global Leaders of the Economic Forum…but, um…what we are really proud of, now…is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau…um, President of Argentina…and so on…so we penetrate the cabinets…so…yesterday, I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I would know that half of this cabinet, or even more half [sic] of this cabinet are…for our actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum.”

David Gergen:  “That’s true in Argentina as well.”

Schwab:  “It’s true in Argentina, and uh, it’s true in France now, I mean, with the President, uh, with the Young Global Leader, but…what is important for…”

There are two parallel online databases–one shorter, and one longer–maintained by the YGL (Young Global Leaders program) of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) aka Davos.  Here is the longer, more inclusive database:

This is ostensibly a list of “alumni”.

It should be noted that in neither database is listed Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel, or Vladimir Putin.

Indeed, I can find no record on WEF websites which draw attention to any of the these three leaders having been “trained” by the WEF.

[it should be noted that the Young Global Leaders formerly went by the name Global Leaders for Tomorrow]

Perhaps, in a strictly accurate sense, neither Trudeau, Merkel, nor Putin were in the YGL program.

But this is disingenuous.

It is the same program.

Just simply renamed.

And this is where I need researchers more talented than myself to DIG!

It is ESSENTIAL to delineate the hideous world order under which we now live.

Go back to the year the program started.

In the early-1990s.

Why is it essential?

Because Schwab is bragging (you must read between the lines…listen to his tone of voice) that these leaders are BEHOLDEN to him.

And while we cannot yet put our finger on the very years these three leaders were trained, we can cite with more authority the strange network which Schwab has built up.

Let me introduce you:


It’s time people stopped worshipping Trump.

Face the truth.

The motherfucker has pushed the vaccine in myriad ways the past few months.

So here you go.


Maybe Bartiromo was just gathering intelligence.

For what it’s worth, I like her more than Trump at this point.

Same with Putin.

I like him more than Trump.

I could see Putin (a former Stasi officer) treating a WEF invitation as a chance to gather intelligence.

It should be noted, there are VERY FEW Russians included in the HIGHLY-EXCLUSIVE Young Global Leaders program.

But Canada is of much concern.

If Trudeau was really in the Global Leaders for Tomorrow program and is beholden to Schwab.

Things start adding up.



If you are looking for members of the climate cult, look no further than the YGL.

Comb through all 98 pages (as I did).

You will find some doozies!



The head of New Zealand.

The head of Belgium.

And the Canadians beholden to Schwab just keep on coming!


Don’t buy into the Tulsi crap.

She’s fake as a plastic lei.


Owning politicians.

And fake news.

Wire services.

The “choke points” of the news industry.


I’ve heard that Bono was among the Global Leaders for Tomorrow.

I can’t yet verify that.

But I can verify this.


Heads of state (verified):

New Zealand




Do you need some vaccines to really start to round out this picture?




Former (recent) heads of state:  Mexico.


How about some really weird, pseudo-philanthropy, social-engineering stuff?


Eyes open!


But the Canadians keep coming hot and heavy.


And fake news can be proffered and gate-kept by means other that simply wire services.

This is information warfare.


Censorship can be achieved in many ways.

How about “deplatforming”?

How is that done?


I first went through the shorter database.

A mere 60 pages or so.

Then found there to be a larger database (the 98-page one).

Who was left out of the shorter one?

This guy.


There are so many it’s hard to remember who is on which list.




I will have to leave some out.

Pick a concentration.

A specialty.

Trace it through the 98 pages.


It’s astounding and heartbreaking that Kissinger protege Klaus Schwab wields this much power.

It appears that the Bilderberg group is no longer the prime focus of the New World Order.

It is, rather, the World Economic Forum.

And George Soros is no longer the living, breathing James Bond villain-to-end-all-villains.

That is, rather, Klaus Schwab.

Schwab puts the words in the mouths of Prince Charles and Pope Bergogio.


Gates and Schwab are weaving the same hideous tapestry.

Fauci is a rather mid-level functionary.

At a Vatican event here.

Hand-in-glove with Gates in many other places.

But Klaus Schwab is at the top of the pile.

The pinnacle of the shit heap.

He “penetrates cabinets”.



Former (recent) heads of state:  





I’m leaving out all of the forays the WEF Young Global Leaders make into the private sector.





Skull and Bones had their election (2004):  Bush vs. Kerry.


And now the WEF is starting to pick off U.S. Presidential candidates.

And “penetrating cabinets” (transportation, in this case.




Buy the regulators.

So you won’t be regulated.


I’m not at all telling you about all of the bankers the WEF “owns”.

But here’s another government connection.


The New World Order is not just white men.

Perhaps they are pulling the strings.

But they have puppets of every make and model.

Every color.

Every gender.

Every woke permutation.




Some are tokens.

But many hold key, KEY positions in major economies.

Major regional powers.


When Schwab spoke about essentially controlling half of Canada’s cabinet, he wasn’t kidding.



Supranational banks.


Soros buys prosecutors.

Gets them elected.

“Bail reform”.

Goal:  cause chaos/anarchy.

Societal collapse.

The antithesis of law and order.

Absurd policies which increase crime.


So it is biblical that Canada’s truckers should have taken such a stand.

Because no government on earth appears to be owned more by the WEF than Canada’s.



There was a lot of mention of Argentina between Schwab and Gergen (didn’t Gergen attend Bohemian Grove? [Alex Jones once did a great ambush interview with Gergen]).

Remember, Bohemian Grove is where people (like Kissinger) do a “mock” sacrifice of a child (called the “Cremation of Care”) under a giant sculpture of Moloch (in the form of an owl).

This is out in the woods near San Francisco.


Or maybe you need some Jesuits to go with Fauci, Bergoglio, and Francis Collins?


[Bergoglio Argentine Jesuit]

The places with the fastest-disappearing freedoms (Canada, Australia…) seem to be big focuses of the Young Global Leaders program.


To Myanmar’s credit, they appear to have rid their country of the Soros influence.


Need some more vaccines?



Need some critical race theory?

Klaus Schwab controls the Elvis of that racket.


How about the U.S. Congressman most heavily invested in Big Pharma?

Yep, Schwab has him too.



Even Trump hired one of these dumb fucks.



How about some transhumanism?


Keep in mind:  I am giving you an overview that is far from exhaustive.

There are more Argentines.

More Brazilians.


Could Chinese communist news be more fake and insidious than it already is?



Make the anchors beholden to Klaus Schwab.


The World Economic Forum is a threat to every country on earth.

But Schwab seems to idolize China.


Russia has been smart enough to make Soros persona non grata.

China should do the same with Schwab.

EVERY country should do the same with BOTH of them!


Wikipedia thoroughly compromised.

Now does it make sense why you can’t find any real news or facts on Wikipedia?

Why it is so politicized and liberal-, communist-, GLOBALIST-biased?


But this is recruiting.


These may not be the Prime Ministers today, but they will be.

Own New Zealand, France, Belgium…own Mexico and Georgia.

These high-profile recruits make scamming the third-world even easier.


The only type of people who could enter this Young Global Leaders program and not come out blackmailed are the Putin and Bartiromo types.

HARD individuals.

And I cannot guarantee that either of them made it out unscathed.


Let’s check in on those current heads of state (which we can confirm were Young Global Leaders):

New Zealand



Costa Rica


(and recently




Belgium and Finland, eh?

Maybe Schwab just wants to control the countries with the most pale women?

His father was a Nazi collaborator (after all):





Once you control the Prime Minister and the head of finance, what can’t you do?


How about somebody over where Fauci works?


Make it look like charity.

Make it look like philanthropy.




I am leaving out Google.

And Meta.

And AWS.

But here’s an interesting one.


This is basically a public intelligence-gathering organization masquerading as a leadership academy.

This is a transnational conspiracy operating (mostly) in plain sight.

I am leaving out think tanks.


Because there are so many damned Canadians!


Make it look like a Disney movie of diversity.


Unassailable on the surface.

All answering to Klaus Schwab.

All thankful to have been chosen for this exclusive club.

All owing their current places in business and industry (or government) to his benison.


I’m leaving out princes and princesses (Norway).

I’m leaving out other royals who are also ambassadors (Saudi Arabia).


Being a European, Schwab really wants to collect all the European heads of state.

He wants the complete set.


Not timely enough?

How about some vats???


Everyone must bend to the will of Schwab.

He will kiss China’s ass.

But only insofar as they kiss his.


I owe no allegiance to China.

I don’t even LIKE them.

But I would urge them to BREAK ALL TIES IMMEDIATELY with Klaus Schwab.

Not timely enough?

Need more proof that Schwab is behind the plandemic?

How did he and Bill Gates “flood the zone” with bogus information and fearmongering?

How did they economically shut down the planet (thereby gaining a death-grip on humanity)?

Here’s one vector.


You will eat the bugs…and worship the little Scandinavian midget girl…and you will be happy.


How were all these levers pulled?


I rest my case.



Batman [1989)

De Blasio failure.

Like a legendary Q.

Vale hot ’80s blonde.



Not so much on the tits.

Hair and legs.

But not hairy legs.

Kim Basinger from Athens, GA.

I had her pegged for midwest.



Donald Trump is Q.

Soros Joker?

Tainted vaccines.

Why Warp their Speed?

Antifa Joker.

Cancel culture Joker.

Anarchist Joker.

Expose the vaccines.

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Symbolism will be their downfall.

Baltimore [corrupt] plant shut down?–johnson-covid-19-vaccine-doses-reportedly-ruined-due-human-error-at-baltimore-plant/?sh=3bc5171d4e77

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Who staged January 6?


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The Road Warrior [1981)

Why is Mark Milley such a fag?

Why is Mark Milley such a cocksucking faggot?

Maybe it’s because he hung out with Mark Esper too long.

Mark Esper hangs out with Lynn Forester de Rothschild (who was a frequent flier on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express).

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[on manifests as Lynn Forester]


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N.B.  The “Larry Summers” listed on Lolita Express is Lawrence Summers (former Harvard President, Clinton/Obama administration[s] official).

Which brings us to Milley’s pseudo-intellectualism.


For reference:

Mark Milley implied in Congressional testimony that:

A.  critical race theory is a perfectly fine thing for students at West Point to be studying

and (most importantly)

B.  that “white rage […] caused thousands of people to assault this building [the U.S. Capitol] and try to overturn the Constitution (!) of the United States of America”

Apparently, Mark Milley is unaware that there were some (how should we say) “issues” with the 2020 Presidential election.

And, therefore, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Latinos, Hispanics, Mexican-Americans…MANY people were pissed off that (for instance) Ruby Freeman was caught on film stuffing the ballot box in Fulton County.

Many people were upset that all of the swing states stopped counting votes at the same time on election night.

And when they restarted (early in the morning [while Ruby Freeman was stuffing the ballot box in Georgia]) that impossible statistical jumps occurred in Wisconsin and Michigan which gave Joe Biden his first lead of the election:  a lead he would never relinquish in those key states.

It is not “white rage” to want one’s vote to count.

Joe Biden, a white man, has made many derogatory comments about black people and other minorities.

Are we to say that “white rage” was responsible for Joe Biden’s miraculous win?

Did all the white people who voted for Joe Biden do so out of a feeling of “white rage”?

Which takes us back to the sad fact that Mark Milley is an idiot.

As Dinesh D’Souza astutely pointed out:  Milley apparently thinks there’s a three-fourths clause in the Constitution.

As Milley was wrapped up in brilliant exegesis before Congress, he misquoted the U.S. Constitution (that very thing he is supposed to be defending).

It is, of course, the Three-Fifths Clause.

Maybe if Milley had spent a little less time reading Mao, Lenin, and Stalin (as he bragged in a spontaneous statement), and a little more time reading the U.S. Constitution, he would know that.

But let’s get back to the faggotry of the traitors in key positions of the U.S. military.

Another fudge packer is Chris Miller.

I would have to assume his bosom buddy Ezra A. Cohen is also an ass licker of some renown:

This makes some sense…as Chris Miller spent a considerable amount of time with arch-faggot Mike Pence’s balls in his mouth (figuratively?).

Pence is the king of pedo-faggots.


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Unfortunately, the Chief Naval Officer (Gilday) is also a gigantic cock swallower:

So that means the Chairman (CJCS) and the Naval representative to the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff are both pathetic losers.

Donald Trump is an honorable man (to paraphrase Dr. Jon McGreevey [the whistleblower who details, under the pseudonym Ryan Dark White, exactly how Mike Pence was blackmailed by Rod Rosenstein and THE Deep State]).

Trump fulfilled his part of the contract.

Trump didn’t do a coup.

And I applaud Trump’s strong statement on loser Milley.

What Trump must now do to regain his preeminence as a truth-teller is to CALL OUT THE VACCINES AS POISON:

Trump absolutely MUST STOP gloating about Operation Warp Speed which has (indirectly) killed thousands of people.

The three COVID vaccines in the U.S. are murdering people.

Until Trump crosses this line, he is not the real deal anymore.

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N.B. Ric Grenell is a homosexual I could truly get behind.



Full Metal Jacket [1987)

America is at war.

With communism.

With China.

And with those who collaborate with China to suppress freedom.

Some of those communist agents have risen to the highest levels of U.S. government.

It is not a stretch to say that America is now run by communist China.

Which means people like myself–people who like to have their votes actually count–are placed in a very delicate situation.

I am no longer under any illusion that my vote counts.

My vote was stolen by Eric Coomer.

My vote was stolen by Ruby Freeman.

My vote was stolen by Fulton County and Wayne County.

My vote was stolen by Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee.

My vote was stolen by Maricopa County.

My vote was stolen by Phoenix.

My vote was stolen by Las Vegas.

My vote was stolen by Arizona and Nevada.

My vote was stolen by Chinese hackers.

My vote was stolen by the CIA.

My vote was stolen by the Deep State.

I could go on and on.

My vote was stolen by Mark Zuckerberg and his pathetic wife Priscilla Chan.

My vote was stolen by Mitch McConnell and his pathetic wife Elaine Chao.

And her pathetic sister Angela Chao.

And the Bank of China.

My vote was stolen by China.

China who gave the world COVID.

On purpose.

America is in a war.

It is undeclared publicly.

I’m not sure our military is even smart enough to realize we are under attack.

Because many of our top brass appear to be corrupt.

My vote was stolen by Michael Hayden and John Brennan.

My vote was stolen by Gina Haspel and Avril Haines.

My vote was stolen by Bill Gates.

My vote was stolen by James Mattis and John Kelly.

My vote was stolen by Colin Powell and James Comey.

My vote was stolen by Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok.

My vote was stolen and given to Joe Biden.

My vote appears to have been stolen by Mark Milley.

My vote appears to have been stolen by Chris Miller and Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

My vote was stolen by Mike Pence.

My vote was stolen by Brett Kavanaugh.

My vote was stolen by Amy Coney Barrett.

My vote was stolen by John Roberts.

My vote was stolen by Chris Krebs.

My vote was stolen by Christopher Wray.

South Carolina is where cars crash into trees.

Where drunks wreck their hoopties.

Fucked up on malt liquor.

Cheap wine.

Fuck it.


You’re almost in Georgia by that point.

But you gotta go inland to find the Georgia Guidestones.

So transparently talking about global depopulation.

But still on the South Carolina border.

Heading towards Alabama hit Atlanta.





Fake news.

Was it Ted Turner built the Guidestones or some other worthless fuck?

Some worthless piece of shit like Bill Gates.

Parris Island will get you to Jekyll Island.

Straight shot.

Where those filthy bankers plotted the Federal Reserve System in secret in 1910.

111 years ago.

Two world wars.

A Cold War.


Afghanistan for us and the Soviets.

Iraq twice.

And now we can never get out of debt.

All goes back to 9/11.


I liked R. Lee Ermey.

Some might say.

Like liking Darth Vader.

But I don’t think so.

Because Stanley Kubrick is a (very talented) propagandist.

True, war is disgusting.

True, Vietnam was depressing.

But now you see what we were fighting against.

Was it misguided?


But now Chinese communism has conquered our nation (with the installment of Joe Biden).

And so now the heroes of Vietnam–our American Vietnam vets–are truly heroes after all.

To stem the tide.

To buy us time.

And our politicians (and military brass) have pissed it away.

But mainly our politicians.

And our filthy intelligence (CIA) community.

America is not shit.

At its heart.

But Stanley Kubrick and all his commie fag friends want you to believe it’s so.

But we will not tolerate that.

We respect Kubrick’s talent.

But politely disagree with his artistic premise…that America is shit.


D’Onofrio breaks your heart.

And it is more schoolmaster bullying than anything.

Very British.

But it’s all plausible.

Yet Kubrick has to shoot it like The Shining.

Yeah, war will drive you crazy.

And real training should be the same intensity as the war you’re going to.

Otherwise, it’s worthless.

America is at war.



China doesn’t declare war anymore.

They just sneak around and poison you.

And fuck with your weather.

And buy off your politicians.

I love jelly donuts.

We’re not all cut out for the military.

But when the enemy invades the homeland (as China has done to us), all bets are off.

I am a digital soldier.

Born To Kill.

Matthew Modine good here too.

The terror.

In the eyes.

Kubrick was a genius.

An evil genius.

Yes, war is bad.

But Kubrick was a communist.

So, for him, a communist world was better than a war.

For me, a war is better than a communist world.

Because at least we got the chance of coming out the other side with some freedoms.

Freedom, motherfucker!

That thing I am using right now to write this blog.

That thing that guarantees I can insult the government.

I can make my views known.

I cannot be violent, but I can unleash a shitstorm of invective.

And my government is supposed to not be able to stop me.

Because they are constrained by our Constitution.

Political speech.

Is protected speech.

I wish no harm to anyone listed above.

Even if they have literally taken communist Chinese money (like Joe Biden).

I don’t wish them harm.

But I can’t vote them out.

Not anymore.

Which puts me in a very delicate situation.

Which necessitates that I study war.

To fight China myself.

Because my government has become (in many ways) one with China.

My loyalty is to the USA.

My loyalty is to my country.


Joe Biden’s loyalty is to money.

And those who give him money.

He and his family have profited handsomely off of Chinese dealings.

And Ukrainian dealings.

China has released a plague upon us.

This is not the time to make friends with China.

But Joe Biden doesn’t understand that.

He just understands corruption.

He just wants his pockets lined.

And Joe Biden’s handlers don’t care about the plague.

For them, it’s just another opportunity to make money (off of vaccines).

And really, they worship the plague…because the plague let them dethrone Trump.

It was the only way.

To get the mail-in ballots.

But some, like Bill Gates (and Avril Haines), are quite obviously more privy to a deeper plan.

A plan to cull the herd.

Unfortunately for them, the rapper Pitbull is onto their Event 201 bullshit.

So it is not looking good for Gates and Haines re: stealthiness.

Do you remember Charles Whitman?

Lee Harvey Oswald?

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman does.

Them’s the facts of life.

The Virgin Mary.

Mary Jane Rottencrotch.

A man can only be pushed so far.

How many people voted for Trump?

What do the rotten bastards say?

69 million?

That’s no small potatoes.

Based on post-election polling, I’m guessing the current number of Trump voters who believe the election was stolen sits at about 46 million people or more. Maybe closer to 50 million. And this is assuming the 69 million total is correct (which it cannot, in reality, be).

But I am not here to lay out the evidence.

I have done it before.

I am sick of doing it.

Research it yourself.

Nothing could possibly happen on Tet.

Never has before.

There couldn’t possibly be a military coup.

Never has been before.

Except in just about every country on Earth (America not withstanding).

But what we have had are:

–a Revolutionary War (which birthed the country)


–a Civil War (which tore the country in two).

It was a rebirth.

China (and Russia) would like nothing more than to see us go through a civil war.

China because they want to beat us.

Russia because they still hate us.

But Russia respects us.

Not our leaders, of course.

But us.

Those of us fighting against the New World Order.

China owns the New World Order.

Or vice versa.

It is symbiotic.

Russia is on the sidelines.

More or less self-sufficient.

But a little nervous.

About their neighbor China.

And about the disintegration of the U.S.

Of course Russia wants the E.U. to collapse.

But the E.U. deserves to collapse.

Because it is Chinese communism in disguise.

It is the pet project of the globalists (the Bilderberg set).

Adam Baldwin is also the most real thing here.

But D’Onofrio breaks your heart.

And mine too.

Fat boy.

We fucked up.

But we all get the punishment.

Gotta accept Jesus.

It’s not communism.

It’s grace.

It’s mercy.

It’s harmony.

Order out of chaos (some say).


But not cynical.

You gotta offer a choice.

God is the ultimate capitalist.

Free will.

A free market of souls.

Take your pick.

Look around.

Choose the Devil.

Or choose God.

Feel evil.

And feel good.

Make your bed.

Kubrick always goes a bit squiffy just when he could nail it.

Same in The Shining.

That stupid maze scene at the end.

More funny than scary.

Ruins a masterpiece.

Blood in slow-motion.

Empty filmmaking.

Kubrick doesn’t know…why…he’s doing what he’s doing.

Which is why this film is NOT as good (nor as important) as Apocalypse Now.

But Kubrick gets very close.

There’s a lot of Strangelove in this.

The irreverence of Joker.

A little bit of Cries and Whispers.

The gook sniper.

Kubrick is going for juxtaposition.

A nuke and Vera Lynn.

A war crime and the Mickey Mouse song.

Quite aware.

Marx and Coca-Cola.

Learn your lessons now, boys!