Jojo Rabbit [2019)

Something is collapsing.

Where did Stephane Bancel go?



The Spartacus Letter.


































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The same people who created the vaccines created the virus.

And Bourla couldn’t get into Israel…because he hadn’t taken his own company’s vaccine.

A tale of two CEOs.

Two of the most evil people to ever live.

They won’t give us Ivermectin.

They won’t give us hydroxychloroquine to put with our zinc.

[it must be the same dose of HCQ as used for other ailments…too much HCQ was used in New York State…USE THE SAME DOSAGE AS WITH MALARIA]

So we are prisoners in our own houses.

They want us to go to the hospitals and get pumped full of Remdesivir.


No fucking thanks.

I’d rather die at home.

[excursus on Bangladesh: ]

So we are the Jews hiding out.

The whole world.

People like me with asthma and high blood pressure.

And a heart condition.

There were two months in a row this year where I didn’t leave the house.

[and I am approaching another two months where I haven’t left the house]

I have asked two doctors (my own physician, and a friend) to prescribe me Ivermectin to be taken prophylactically.

Both refused.

So I am a prisoner in my own home.

With my two elderly parents.

Whom I love with all my heart.

I am not going to go out flippantly and get sick.

And I am not taking these #NeitherSafeNorEffective vaccines.


Uttar Pradesh did it right.

Japan did a great job embracing Ivermectin.

So you can tell me India is a backwards country (they are not…many brilliant doctors).

But you cannot tell me Japan is a backwards country.

Your anti-Ivermectin narrative is falling apart.

But the truckers are the heroes.

Canada is on the brink of revolution.

And America is on the brink of war.

Russia is forcing Biden’s hand.

I believe Putin is trying to force the U.S. military to remove Joe Biden from the Presidency.

It is my belief that Putin is attempting to prove to the U.S. military that Biden is corrupt SPECIFICALLY IN RELATION TO UKRAINE (and he is!):

If Russia invades Ukraine and Joe Biden chooses to send U.S. troops to die in defense of non-NATO Ukraine, this will be proof #1 for the U.S. military.

If Russia invades Ukraine, Xi Jinping will not be able to pass up the irresistible chance to invade Taiwan.

This will be proof #2 for the U.S. military because Joe Biden is corrupt SPECIFICALLY IN RELATION TO CHINA:

If Biden fails to defend Taiwan, this will be the second proof to the U.S. military.

But I must be fair.

Whether it is deception (is Joe Biden even capable of that in his currently deteriorated mental state?) or not, the POTUS said something which was actually sensible the other day.

To paraphrase, “We will not be able to rescue Americans inside Ukraine if Russia invades because if Americans and Russians start shooting at each other, that is very bad.”

This is the first thing Joe Biden has said during his Presidency which is both true and wise.

Is this some kind of ploy to garner votes?

Like the sudden back-off from the COVID restrictions?

But Justin Trudeau is not backing off.

Because he is a fucking retard.

And the Canadian people are showing more SPIRIT and COURAGE and FORTITUDE than any people in the entire world!!!

Previously, the Dutch had been the avant-garde.

And the Australian truckers were the FIRST to REALLY put the screws to their government by shutting down roads.

Also, don’t count out the French.

They did a similar thing near the Channel Tunnel (Chunnel).

But what the Canadians are doing is of a WHOLE OTHER MAGNITUDE ALTOGETHER!

People are wondering why Americans are not doing anything.

Black people are letting their rights be trampled in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other cities because they think that rocking the boat will prevent those sweet, sweet reparations from coming down the pipe.

UPDATE:  all you are getting from the Biden administration and Obama-black Kamala is crack pipes.

These politicians are liars.

They tricked you.


Where’s BLM???



I love my black brothers and sisters.

I’m not saying you don’t deserve reparations for slavery.

But I am saying this:  you ain’t getting shit from the Democrats and the Democratic Party.

AOC is a fucking fake.

Bernie Sanders is a fucking fake.

Barack Obama is a fucking fake.

Joe Biden is WAY MORE RACIST than Donald Trump could ever dream of being.

Speaking of which.

Justin “Blackface” Trudeau has no business calling any of these truckers “racists”.


How many times has Trudeau (likely the illegitimate son of Fidel Castro [is his governing style starting to make sense?]) been photographed in blackface?

But I am going to keep giving Trump hell until he calls out the COVID vaccines as the bullshit they are.

He hasn’t done that.

Instead, his dumb ass has PROMOTED these killer vaccines.






So Trump does not get a pass.

Not now.

Not yet.

He did a GREAT job as President.

But he is shirking his duty by extolling these vaccines.

If there are Nuremberg tribunals, Trump will be tried as well.

His actions have been assuring that that will happen.

He had plenty of opportunity to say that he had been tricked about these vaccines.

He STILL could throw the people REALLY responsible for these killer vaccines under the bus.

But he is not doing that.


This is why I cannot support Trump in 2024.

I will support DeSantis.

I will support Rand Paul (unless he recommended these vaccines to Trump).

I will support Tucker Carlson.

I will support Candace Owens.

I will support Robert Malone.

I will support Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

No one else is qualified right now to be President aside from these six.

But why aren’t American truckers doing what Canadian truckers are doing?

Because of January 6.

The FBI and corrupt agenda-setting (fake) news framed Americans.

The FBI provocateured the January 6 event.


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There are some good FBI field offices.

Here’s my favorites (in order from best to not quite as good):

#1  FBI Albany

#2  FBI Buffalo

#3  FBI St. Louis

#4  FBI Cleveland

#5  FBI Cincinnati 

#6  FBI Pittsburgh

#7  FBI Omaha

#8  FBI Oklahoma City

#9  FBI Philadelphia

#10  FBI Kansas City

Honorable mention:  FBI Little Rock

FBI Minneapolis and FBI Newark are also not bad.

What do you notice here?

Here’s what I notice (and suspect).

The “good agents” are sent to the Midwest.



Notice the pattern.

Philadelphia is a pretty good field office.

But Pittsburgh is much better.

Do you get it?

Send the good agents to the middle of nowhere.


Oklahoma City.

Little Rock.

St. Louis.





Send them to small towns.

New York City?








The FBI learned their lesson with Ted Gunderson (who almost became Director).

He was the best agent in the history of the Bureau.

Because he had INTEGRITY.

He was in some smaller places.

New Haven.  Memphis.  Dallas.

And he almost brought the whole house of cards down on the ruling class which wields power through the blackmail of pedophilia.

Ted rose to be the Special Agent in Charge of the Los Angeles field office.

Never again would an agent of such integrity rise so high.

Let’s talk about the worst, most corrupt, useless field offices.



They solve art crimes.

What a bunch of poseurs.

Same with FBI Portland.

Totally worthless.

FBI Los Angeles is where you send the corrupt agents.

FBI Phoenix are fighting windmills.

And where do you send the MOST-CORRUPT agents?

Well, FBI Washington (D.C.) Field Office, of course.

They see no evil.  Hear no evil.  Speak no evil.

And the FBI has come after ordinary Americans RUTHLESSLY for the past year.





Think of all the things FBI Baltimore could have been investigating…



Think of all the things FBI Chicago could have been investigating…





Not every field office went along.

Kudos to FBI Denver.


Think of all the things FBI Detroit could have been investigating…


Think of all the things FBI El Paso could have been investigating…









Think of all the things FBI Los Angeles could have been investigating…



Think of all the things FBI Las Vegas could have been investigating…





In addition to FBI Denver, FBI Miami was not having this bullshit.

Kudos to them and to the memory of these two special agents who lost their lives investigating real crimes.


The FBI’s Most Wanted Twitter account was busy posting photos of grandmas in ugly American flag sweaters.  These were a priority for the Most Wanted program.  Enough to tweet about it.  And pin it.  Forget drug kingpins.  Gotta find those grandmas that wandered through the Capital and took selfies with Capitol Police.


Think of all the things FBI New Haven (truly a shithole town) could have been investigating…


Think of all the things FBI New Orleans could have been investigating…









Even in crime-riddled San Juan, Puerto Rico, the FBI made #Jan6 their top priority.  Even up to three months after the event.






FBI San Diego is actually a decent field office.  They do investigate real crimes.  And yet, under the pitiable leadership of Christopher Wray, the Bureau continued the same kind of lawless law enforcement that typified the James Comey years.




[The FBI at no time ever had a pinned tweet (for three months) in reference to the George Floyd riots.  It should be noted that Mark Milley urged Trump to NOT invoke the Insurrection Act in the summer of 2020 because he characterized the riots in Portland, Minneapolis, and other places as just “penny packet protests” and that it wasn’t an insurrection because they only “used spray paint”.  Milley told President Trump that the George Floyd rioters were not “burning it down” (it being America), but Trump was right.  We sat back and watched America burn. ]













Back to summer 2020.






























































































The chilling effect has created an atmosphere where American truckers can be assured that THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT will come after them mercilessly if they dare stand up and exercise their right to symbolic speech in protest of vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, mask mandates, etc.

Canada still thinks their government will do the right thing when the chips are down.

We will see.

I will say this:

either the RCMP and CSIS greatly underestimated the scope and potential for success of the Freedom Convoy,

or those institutions are far less corrupt than the FBI and CIA.

Why do i say that?

Because there have been no major false-flags or provacateuring inflicted upon the Freedom Convoy AS OF YET.

But Canada is at an impasse.

If Trudeau uses Canadian troops against the peacefully-protesting truckers, it may force the Canadian military to remove Trudeau from power.

If that happens, the American military might be doubly (or trebly) convinced that now is the right time for them to remove Joe Biden from the Presidency.

This would be unprecedented in Canadian and American history.

This would be an unprecedented pair of “coups”.

But it would be most similar to removing the Nazis from power in Germany.

All of these leaders (including Trudeau and Biden) should be tried for war crimes and/or crimes against humanity.

These are war criminals.

They have been waging war on their own populations.

What good is the Canadian and/or American military if they are not protecting their populations from DOMESTIC ENEMIES?

I cannot speak to the structure in Canada concerning their charter rights, but Joe Biden is unequivocally an enemy of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Joe Biden is allowing the southern border to be invaded (just as Obama before him did).

If there is not a radical change in the balance of power in America (particularly in regards to what role the military plays), there is a very real chance the republic will fall.

Can we wait until the midterms?

Will the elections even be fair?

Has the election apparatus been sufficiently shored up to only allow American CITIZENS to vote ONCE apiece?

Have the vectors of fraud been eliminated?

I am not convinced that they have.

What happened in Virginia with Youngkin and company was hopeful.

But the other question is this:

will Joe Biden and his globalist criminal conspirators even allow the midterms to happen?

Will Bill Gates and company release smallpox in the U.S. (as they have been telegraphing they may)?

November 9, 2021

November 18, 2021

Context [from the same people who brought you Event 201]

Is DARPA trying to cover their asses?

Or are they really the good guys in this story?

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Think about all the people to have died in the shadows of spook world.

The microbiologists.

John P. Wheeler III.

Delaware, you say?


Took the Amtrak like Biden???


Why are WE THE PEOPLE having to do the job we pay our government to do?

Our government is not protecting us.

Our government is not meting out justice.

This is highly-problematic.

All of the attempts to curb COVID have been WORSE than failures.

They have allowed for a change in power in the United States.

Trump would not have lost had it not been for COVID and mail-in ballots.

Which is to say (not even getting our hands on those Maricopa routers), that he indeed WON the election.

But he is not in power.

Unless there is some incredibly weird dual-government situation playing out.

And at any rate, Trump sounds like a fucking retard when he talks about the vaccines.

And he has talked about them a lot.




Casually dropping his booster status right after a crowd had sung the Christian hymn “How Great Thou Art”.



Trump is on THE WRONG SIDE of the most important issue plaguing us right now.


Are we supposed to be assured that Trump is Sun Tzu’s bastard child?

And Trump is some international chess champion?

And he’s gonna swoop in at the last moment and do the right thing?

He and what army?

Our woke joke army of Mark Milley, Lloyd Austin, Michael Gilday, Bishop Garrison, and Richard Torres-Estrada?

That woke joke military???

Milley is absolutely a traitor to the United States of America.

Calling China behind Trump’s back to tell them that he would give them a “heads up” if Trump was going to attack was the definition of treason and espionage.


Lloyd Austin is absolutely a traitor to the United States of America.

Forcing our troops to take vaccines that are neither safe, nor effective, is criminal.

Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley are, and have been, destroying the readiness and lethality of our soldiers.

Michael Gilday did this by recommending that our troops read America-hating Ibram X. Kendi.

To “enlighten” them about the struggle of black people in America.



We don’t need to recommend our soldiers read a book by someone who hates the very idea of America.

Gilday actively destroyed morale.

Whether it is because he is a moron, or a saboteur, I cannot say with certainty.

Bishop Garrison is about as useful as Rosa Brooks.

Neither of them should have ever been let anywhere near the Department of Defense.

As for Richard Torres-Estrada, special operations is one area where “diversity” should not matter one bit.

Give me THE BEST soldiers.

If they are all women, fine.

If they are all men, fine.

If they are all black, fine.

If they are all white, fine.

And those leading them (SOCOM [USSOCOM]) should also be THE BEST administrators and leaders.

There should be no “diversity hires”.

Fuck your feelings.

The world is on edge.

So many dominoes which could trigger lightening-fast cataclysms.

The American judiciary is no longer functioning.

It is time for martial law.

But the American military has been infiltrated at the highest level by communists and traitors.

All of the institutions which “dealt with” the Nazis have been infiltrated by globalists like Klaus Schwab (whose own father was a Nazi collaborator).

NATO cannot be depended upon or trusted.

The same for the United Nations.

The same for the International Criminal Court.

All institutions of international law in The Hague have been corrupted and coopted.

China does some things well.

But China is very flawed.

China’s treatment of Hong Kong is inhumane.

China should coexist with Taiwan.

Taiwan should not be FORCED to become a part of China.

And then there is the abomination of what China did to Tibet.

And what they are doing to the Uyghurs.

And how they dealt with their Freedom Convoy (Tiananmen Square [8964]).

Anne Frank as a comedy.


A rather mediocre movie.

A clever idea.

But not a very good movie.

The real Nazis are the ones in Ottawa taking pictures of license plates and fanatically passing this info onto the police.

It must suck to have your first movie (Eagle vs Shark) be not only your best movie, but the only perfect film you’ve made.

This is, likewise, no Last Night in Soho.

Not by a long shot.

Jojo Rabbit is a pretty fucking stupid film.



Argo [2012)

Q in Joseph Murphy.


Marine Corps Intelligence Activity.

Unclassified files from DARPA.

Now held at Quantico.

Project Veritas.


File name “jag”.

Ron DeSantis.

Navy SEAL.



CYBERCOM outed two pedophile producers at CNN.

Drip drip drip.

We have it all.


George Kaplan.

Roger Thornhill.

You can never tell anyone what you do.

Can you keep a secret?

Maybe I stayed home for two months.

Didn’t leave the house.

Or maybe I left the country.

Phone farm.

Replica of house.

Internally consistent.

Who can check?

Two rooms.



Four is easy.

One, two, and three are more effort than it’s worth.

Because this possibility never seemed plausible to any analysts.

Ghost Army were decoys.

But their chatter was real.

A ghost army is still an army.

FISA renewed.

Australia loophole.

McCrystal is butthurt that we highjacked his idea.

Because he used our truth.

Military intelligence is far superior to CIA.

With some caveats.

Old CIA < New CIA.

William Burns good.

Trust operation.

Counter-info op turned into info op.

Counter-info op that hijacked a LARP.

Is it a cover story to protect DTRA and make DARPA look honorable?


Or maybe DoD are less scumbags than CIA are.

War between NSA and CIA.

Hacking capabilities.

Tailored access (Fort Meade).


Frankfurt consulate.

CIA attempt to usurp NSA area of expertise.

DIA pushback against CIA via DCS.

COVID as bat vaccine.


To be sprayed in caves.

Escaped Wuhan lab before it was finished.

EcoHealth Alliance (run by Peter Daszak [check out his opera singer brother]) offered GoF project to DARPA.

DARPA declined.

EcoHealth’s proposal was on a top secret drive.



Documents not classified.

Pushed off site by Major Joseph Murphy (USMC).

Aide to Commandant Berger.

General staff.

MCIA as intel support to Berger.

In his role on the Joint Chiefs of Staff (who have certainly fucked things up before [Operation Northwoods proposal for false-flag terror attacks {real casualties} on American citizens]).

Now led by traitor Mark Milley.

Also populated by subversive Michael Gilday.

Civilian control by Lloyd Austin (traitor for pushing killer vaccines on troops).



Why is CDC parsing HHS VAERS data to make it look half as bad as it actually is?


How passive is the surveillance of VAERS (historically)?

Let’s take something serious such as Kawasaki Disease as an example.

Underreporting of severe adverse events to VAERS appears to be by a factor of 10.

If CDC admits 10,688 #VaccineDeaths , the actual number may be 106,880.

If OpenVAERS gives the real number in the VAERS system (21,382 vaccine deaths), the actual number may be 213,820 vaccine deaths so far in the USA from this portfolio of COVID vaccines (JnJ, Moderna, and Pfizer).

Pfizer is clearly the most deadly (as the above picture shows).

CDC tries to play the “correlation doesn’t necessarily equal causation” card, but that doesn’t wash.

Consider this:


For free, techno fog.

Major Murphy makes it clear why this is.

Thank you, James O’Keefe:

The above document deserves extreme scrutiny.

If it is a cover story, it is a good one.

It may provide some cover for the military.

But I think it is largely true.

There is, unfortunately, a reason the military might need cover.

What the fuck is this (ongoing program)?

The “highlights”:





How could INSCOM not know about this?

DTRA is literally co-located with them at Fort Belvoir.

Do you need the CliffsNotes?

No problem:

Flynn is definitely doing the Lord’s work.

As is Colonel Sellin:

The Canadian Caper.

Of course it’s CIA propaganda.

But Godard said some of the best (because of their passion) movies ever made were propaganda.


Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.


The original Joe Biden (Jimmy Carter).

Inflation (Bidenflation).

Gas price.

Afghanistan and Yemen now substituting for Tehran.



John Kerry.

Pallets of cash (Iran Deal).

Heavily invested in Big Pharma.

It appears Joe Kennedy III took over where the “Climate Envoy” left off:

I disagree with Major Murphy on Remdesivir.

Causes fluid in lungs.

Completely unsuitable as a treatment for COVID.

Problem is Moderna IPO in Dec. 2018 and BioNTech IPO about ten days before #Event201 in October 2019.

Open Secrets (Congressional stock holdings) lagging approximately four years right now.

Kerry just as deep in Burisma as Joe and Hunter Biden.

Ukraine blew it.

They could have blown the whistle on Biden.

They caved.

Now Russia will own them.

They dug their own grave.

Corruption has consequences.

RE:  BioNTech (and Event 201 foreknowledge).

Gates Foundation invested $55 mil. in BioNTech the month before their NASDAQ IPO.

To reiterate, that IPO then preceded the coronavirus war game (sponsored by Gates Foundation and World Economic Forum with help from Johns Hopkins CHS) by about a week and a half.








#AvrilHaines (John Brennan).

Avril Haines now promoted (by Biden) from extremely-suspicious pandemic exercise RIGHT BEFORE THE REAL PANDEMIC BROKE OUT to head the entire U.S. intelligence community (ODNI).

John Brennan and Michael Hayden are, for all intents and purposes, the same traitorous piece of shit.

No reason for either of them to publicly (a huge break in precedent for CIA and NSA) berate Trump for four-straight years on Twitter.

Brennan’s protege at Event 201.





Joint Chiefs of Staff fuckery:

I thought Lyman L. Lemnitzer was the worst CJCS.

That was until Mark Milley came along.


Like Tammy Wynette might have sung:


But Trump is a fucking retard as well.

Latest proof:

#DeSantis2024 #Rand2024

A history of Trump’s retardation and #CrimesAgainstHumanity .


Trump had to nonchalantly mention his booster status in what was basically a church setting.

This is about as close to being Hochul-level-evil as one can get.


Kinda like how England vaccinated people in cathedrals with organ music playing to calm their nerves (slaughterhouse).

Who’s more objectionable now:  Milley (absolutely a traitor) or Trump (absolutely encouraging crimes against humanity [the administration of killer vaccines] when he should know better)?

Milley is a straight-up traitor to the United States of America…and he might be a better person than Donald Trump.

I’ve already demonstrated that the COVID vaccines are dangerous.

Now let me remind you that they don’t work.




What would make Trump go from being the best President in modern history (he was!) to a vaccine-worshipping, sell-out cunt?

Some really tortured logisticians postulate that it’s all about “optics”.

Hm.  Perhaps.

But to what end?

What is the strategic advantage of Trump alienating his own base?

Does he really think he’s going to win over liberals?

Is he winning them over by sucking the dick of Big Pharma?

I don’t think so.

The heat is now on Fauci.



The Boys from Brazil [1978)

CodeMonkeyZ blocked me on Telegram.


Pretty fucking hypocritical of a free speech advocate

I’m sure it was just some jerkoff moderator.

But I’m over it now.

Because we have a mission.

I believe Ron Watkins is a good person.

I believe President Trump is a good person.

The 2020 election was allowed to be stolen.

Operation Warp Speed was a trap.

The globalists fell for it.

Trump’s “I got the Pfizer” interview was military deception.

To throw the NWO off the scent.

And to buy some time.

As Q group takes out (one by one) all the bad actors worldwide.



You only get one chance.

The OWS trap was one in which the NWO jumped into a tiger pit.

From which they will hopefully never emerge (God willing).

But the war is not over.

Havana Syndrome + vaccines = mind control [MKUltra 2.0]

Graphene oxide + 5G = mind control




It was this 5G which really pissed off Twitter.

I had thought the 5G thing was probably a red herring.

Guess not.



Q group was behind the “Snow White” leak from the Jes Staley case.

It serves a dual purpose.

To put bad actors on notice.

To make them nervous.

They know what it means.

We MIGHT know what it means.

But also to encourage anons and autists.

If you have been living under a rock of fake news, you might not know that the CEO of Barclays bank (UK), Jes Staley, has resigned after it was discovered that he had lied about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.

The two exchanged at least 1000 emails.

And the phrase “Snow White” was supposedly passed back and forth between the two (apparently without a common-sense context).

So what does Snow White mean?

What did it mean between these two?

Well, there is this:

A code name for the CIA Directorate of Operations.

Why might Epstein (definitely a pedophile [and probably a blackmailer]) be talking about CIA covert ops?

And why would Staley be talking about it?

Indeed, from news reporting in the UK (Financial Times?), it is unclear whether Epstein or (conversely) Staley used the phrase.

Or whether they both used it.

Nor is it clear how many times it was used.

All that has been revealed is that it seemed to be used as a sort of coded phrase.

So who is Jes Staley?

[other than being a former board member of USCBC (an organization with a lot of Pfizer presence over the years)]


Does he have a Twitter profile?

Not that I can find.

But his brother, Peter, does.


Any public figure (like AIDS activist Peter Staley) who leaves their Twitter profile set to public (as opposed to private) is inviting snoopers.


Because enquiring minds want to know.

You can tell a lot about a person from their Twitter profile.

You can tell the ORDER in which they followed people.

Go back.

You can see who they have been following the longest.

And, conversely, who they have been following for the least amount of time.

You can also find interesting groupings.

Various people or organizations whom they followed in relatively quick succession.

Here’s the thing about Peter Staley.

He is Twitter “friends” with Ali Fauci.

Ali Fauci is the daughter of Anthony Fauci.

Ali Fauci has her profile set to private.

This indicates that Peter Staley and Ali Fauci may indeed know each other in real life.

As Anthony Fauci does not have a Twitter profile (as far as I know), this is the closest thing to Anthony Fauci making a trusted online connection with Peter Staley.

But Peter Staley’s interest in “medicine” does not end there.

[BTW…Ali Fauci is a software engineer for Twitter.  Is she in charge of censorship?  Or is that strictly the purview of Vijaya Gadde?]

Peter Staley also follows Peter Daszak.

Now that is a bit weird.

Daszak is the head of the EcoHealth Alliance.

EcoHealth sent National Institutes of Health (U.S. taxpayer) money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology where gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses was performed.

[to be fair, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (housed at Fort Belvoir) is STILL sending U.S. taxpayer money to the EcoHealth Alliance to study bat diseases in “western Asia”.  How much you wanna bet that money’s going to WIV?  And how did INSCOM not know about this??? ]




In private emails, Peter Daszak THANKED Anthony Fauci for dismissing the WIV lab leak theory.

That’s strange.

Because as we all now know, that theory is probably the most plausible.

Although China will not admit it.

Back to Peter Staley.

Sometimes you can’t tell the people.

You must show them.

OSINT is a beautiful thing.


Following the CEO of Moderna, eh?

Do you see how these data points are piling up?

Epstein’s friend’s brother is REALLY interested in the minutiae of this pandemic and the big pharma aspects of it.


[BTW…there is a good chance that Bancel is one of the ones who actually released the virus.  Why?  Because Moderna came up with their vaccine in 48 hours.  The same suspicion falls on NIAID’s Anthony Fauci.  And Event 201’s Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and (now promoted by Biden to head the entire American intelligence community [ODNI]) Avril Haines (a John Brennan promotee within the CIA whose promotion was out of the ordinary [i.e. she did not, in any apparent way, even earn THAT position…didn’t work her way up to it within the ranks.  Odd]]


Peter Staley (who is HIV-positive) LOVES him some good old fashioned gay sex.


And he also, around the time he was feeling horny (?), decided to follow one of the prime suspects for having unleashed COVID-19 on the world:  the aforementioned Peter Daszak (who, as you can see, has me blocked).

Was it something I said???


Peter Staley also follows Deborah Birx.

Remember her?

The scarf lady.

Fauci’s right-hand woman (for many absurd press conferences).

You will also notice that Birx’s profile is set to private.

Which means at least two things are possible.

Peter Staley followed Birx before her profile was set to private.


Peter Staley ALSO knows Deborah Birx personally.

The second possibility is supported by the fact that Peter Staley follows Ali Fauci.

It is highly likely that Ali Fauci and Deborah Birx both had to give express permission to ALLOW Peter Staley to follow them.

Why would they do that?

Maybe because they know Peter Staley in real life?

Let’s pause for a moment.

Ask yourself.

Why does a guy, whose brother was emailing “Snow White” in over 1000 emails to Jeffrey Epstein, personally know two of the main players in the COVID-19 saga:  Fauci’s daughter (a proxy for Anthony Fauci) and Deborah Birx (also, in a way, a proxy for Anthony Fauci)?


REMEMBER that Fauci was involved in AIDS research.

But Fauci is not necessarily highly-thought-of in this context.

Did Fauci run a program where experimental vaccines in the ’80s were given to gay men?

Did the AIDS pandemic break out RIGHT AFTER THAT??

What was in the vaccines???

This isn’t Anthony Fauci’s first rodeo.

He has tortured dogs.


Now he wants to give your kids vaccines (when the vaccines have been shown to be dangerous [particularly to young people]) even though kids do not get sick and die from COVID.


It is very rare for a child to succumb to COVID-19.

On the other hand, there are almost 10,000 (9,549) reports of death associated with the administration of the three COVID vaccines in the USA so far:


But let’s get back to Peter Staley.






I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that Peter Staley votes Democrat.

Lincoln Project is all but a front operation for jackasses like Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger.

And they have problems with pedophilia.

As in, certain among the Lincoln Project are apparently pedophiles.

How many?



I will let you do the digging on that.

But let’s pause again.

Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Jes Staley (until a few days ago, head of one of the biggest banks on earth) were apparently emailing the coded phrase “Snow White” back and forth.

And Staley’s brother Peter appears to support the pedophiles over at the Lincoln Project.


Also in the last shot, we see that Peter Staley felt it necessary to follow Francis Collins from the NIH.

Collins is also suspect for his behavior during this pandemic.


Peter Staley also appears to be a fan of both Greta Thunberg and CDC Director (and serial liar) Rochelle Walensky.

Thunberg is also a serial liar (or, in this case, more like an actor [from the same central casting that gave us Malala]), but that’s another story for another time.


Here’s a real classic.

Nothing says “I was so careful I can’t believe I got AIDS” like following Jack “Cum Machine” Mackenroth.

But, again, there is a very real possibility that the AIDS pandemic was caused by Fauci and the vaccines he pushed just prior to the first big AIDS outbreak in the United States.

Indeed, you might call that Fauci’s practice run.

No one cares about the homos, right?

So just test an experimental vaccine on them.

Watch them die from some new, exotic disease right after that.

What were they testing?

A time-delayed bioweapon, perchance?

I think you are going to see the current crop of time-delayed bioweapons (made by Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca) start causing mass death within the next two months.

And it will be called “COVID”.

A new wave.

The “fifth wave”.

[if that doesn’t do the trick, Bill Gates (who just outlined this scenario ) and company will likely release smallpox.  What Gates was referring to was war-gamed back in 2001 under the title Dark Winter.  It was executed by the same people (Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security) who gave the world Event 201 RIGHT BEFORE THE CURRENT PANDEMIC.  How many times have you heard Joe Biden strangely utter the phrase “dark winter”???  Here’s why.  Check out the CIA presence (Woolsey) which would be replicated by Avril Haines in 2019 for Event 201: ]

And in the process, the Northern Hemisphere (particularly the USA and Europe) will then be subjected to the same tyranny to which Australia has just recently been subjected.

Australia was the test run.

How much will people put up with?

The absurd “no tolerance” policies of Australia and New Zealand (and, to a certain extent, China) have been a pretext to unleash the most unseemly policing ever to be seen on this planet.

I believe that is coming to the USA.

And Europe.

It is already fairly well advanced in Canada.

And it will come back…even harder.

In the next two months.

Jes Staley might not have a Twitter account, but his brother (and one of his two daughters) do(es).


Meet Alexa Staley.

While Fauci is obviously the Mengele of this whole pandemic, who is gonna oversee the electromagnetic mind control of the Havana Syndrome/vaccine graphene oxide/5G synergy?

You’d think you might need a few physicists, right?

[N.B.  Jeffrey Epstein likely had plenty of scientists (Santa Fe Institute) blackmailed.  Why was Epstein so interested in underage girls…and science?  I believe the science part was to make sure that this plandemic went off without a hitch.  No (very few) whistleblowers.  The big doctors are compromised.  Harvard as an institution is compromised.  Larry Summers (Harvard) most certainly rode on Lolita Express.  Find his name.  It’s in there.  How many prominent scientists can you also identify?]



Epstein most definitely wanted to create his own “super soldiers”:

Is the New World Order’s super soldier research about to come out?  Are they preemptively covering their asses by exposing Russia?

Will the NWO try to pass off vaccine/Havana Syndrome/graphene oxide/5G mind control as “a good thing” (the same way their minion Biden administration has attempted to portray inflation as a good thing?)

Look at Dr. Jonathan McGreevey’s (aka Ryan Dark White’s) interviews from the past year.

He was right.]

But back to Alexa Staley.

Where does she fit into this nexus between her dad and Jeffrey Epstein?

Do her qualifications even fit the kind of DARPA mind control stuff we are talking about?

See for yourself.

[N.B.  Alexa Staley seems to have made her current employer a matter of privacy on her resume.  I believe she has done that within the past 24 hours.  Why?  I can find no archived version of her website.  That is a bit odd.  Any good researchers wanna find one?]


She lives in San Francisco.

She wouldn’t happen to be friends with Ali Fauci, would she?

Alexa Staley appears to have gone to Colombia, while Ali Fauci went to Stanford.

But they’re both in San Francisco?

Where is Twitter HQ?

Are all their software engineers there?


Thank you for the help, Peter Staley.

Oh, BTW…he was also allowed to follow the personal Twitter account of Elton John’s husband David Furnish.

So that makes a third (Ali Fauci, Deborah Birx, David Furnish) instance where he appears to personally know some very powerful, well-placed people.  

Two of those people (Fauci [through her father] and Birx) are intimately connected to this pandemic.


Our director, Franklin J. Schaffner, was in the predecessor to the CIA:  the OSS.

At least the OSS were military.

Schaffner is better known for Patton and Planet of the Apes.

But this film is a masterpiece.

I’m just a Steve Guttenberg.

Police academy.

Fauci is most definitely Mengele.

Fauci Jesuit fascist.

[Bergoglio Jesuit communist…first Jesuit pope in the 500 years of the organization]

Fauci and Bergoglio working closely together.

The Fourth Reich.

Klaus Schwab.

Was his father really a Nazi collaborator like George Soros?

As is well-documented, Soros has admitted to posing as a Christian during the Holocaust and going around with his fake godfather confiscating the property of Jews.

And Soros feels no remorse about this whatsoever.

Lawrence Olivier is Steve Pieczenik.

Hitler’s home country will now lock down the unvaccinated.

Hitler must be proud.

Why 94?


You have to track down the deaths.

This was a twenty-year plan (9/11).

Or maybe longer.

The microbiologists.

A different source.


Lisa Colson:  [7/28/99] Maine, age 34

Malcolm Casadaban (died from bubonic plague):  [9/21/09] Chicago, age 60

Tom Berman (Israeli):  [4/17/13]  Galapagos Islands, age 79

Mayur Mehta (stabbed during road rage):  [12/16/13] Mumbai, 53

Any recently?

Suzanne Eaton (death unsolved?  disappeared while running?  body found six miles away):  [7/9/19] Crete (Greece), 59

Stuart Levy: [9/19/19] Boston, age 80

Frank Plummer:  [2/4/20] Winnipeg, age 67

Paul Matewele:  [4/22/20] London, age 62

David Boothman (was accidentally administered fentanyl in hospital after stroke):  [10/30/20] Indianapolis, age 61

Alexander Kagansky (fell 14 stories with stab wound):  [12/22/20]  St. Petersburg, age 45

Thomas Brock:  [4/4/21] Madison (WI), age 94

Ogehenetejiri Omiragua (tortured to death by police):  [5/16/21], Nigeria, age 28

Alina Llop:  [9/30/21] Cuba, age 84

Wyndham Lathem (convicted of stabbing murder of his boyfriend):  [10/8/21] Chicago

Microbiology is a dangerous profession (apparently).

And it all started in earnest right after 9/11/01.

[N.B. Dark Winter was the summer before 9/11/01.  Strategic signalling?  Fake out?  Audible called?]


Robert Schwartz was killed with a sword and had an X carved into the back of his neck.  Witchcraft/vampire-obsessed daughter ostensibly persuaded a friend to murder him.

[N.B.  There is certainly a possibility that the CIA released COVID-19 at the World Military Games in Wuhan simultaneous to releases in northern Italy and Iran.  This would have been the coopted CIA working at the behest of the New World Order (just as they did in carrying out 9/11).  If this sounds farfetched, consider the possibility that the CIA has been running North Korea for a long time.  If that is true, it would not be impossible to release the virus in Iran.  Indeed, it begs the question:  is the CIA running Iran too?  Where did all those planeloads of cash from the Iran deal go?  Barack Obama???]

Nature AND nurture.

Follows exactly the brilliant, anti-CIA, Saoirse Ronan film Hanna.

Dolly the sheep (1996).

Operation Warp Speed was a trap.

Klaus Schwab et al. fell for it.

A handshake deal with Hitler.



Bronson [2008)

Three hospitals.

Three towers.

Alan Franey running Broadmoor on recommendation of Jimmy Savile.

From 1968 onwards, Jimmy Savile had his own room at Broadmoor for his “charity” work.

Savile had a personal set of keys to Broadmoor from 1968 till 2004.

Or 2009.

Unsupervised access to some wards.

Mad max.

Black hawk down.

Tom Clancy.

I got close to Luton.

In the rain.


Gary Glitter.

James Earl Ray.

Julian Assange.

Oscar Wilde.

Pete Doherty.

Broadmoor 1982.

With that fucker Jimmy Savile on the loose.

Who’s the real criminal?

Wormwood Scrubs.


True romance.

She’s marrying Brian.


Mick Jagger.

Glenn Danzig.

New Jersey.


Rock and roll part II.


GITMO as a verb.


Tommy Robinson.



Nicolas Winding Refn.

Christina Hendricks.

Lively and Reynolds in New Orleans.

Honoré soon gun-grabbing again like in Katrina.

Most certainly masterpiece.




Un Chien andalou.

Bronson Salvador.

Jung death wish.


Refn Jewish Dane.


Little-known Attila.

It was my destiny like Rachmaninoff.

Ring cycle.


Richard Strauss.

Bruckner 4.




Watch for Bregenz.

Q ear piece.



First Blood [1982)

The war is here.

Good vs. evil.

Patriots vs. traitors.

To fight overseas for free and fair elections.

Only to lose them in your own land.

To fight communism abroad.

Only to see it ascend to the highest levels at home.

Law enforcement officers are usually good.

But sometimes they are not.

Like Comey.

Like McCabe.

Like Strzok.

Attacked our boy from Bragg.


We did not fight abroad to be steamrolled in our own country.

You can only push people so far.

Before they fight back.

On the information battle field.


This is my jungle.

I have survived for over 20 years.

The close relationship between psychological warfare and information warfare.

Where are our friends?

Where are the defenders of the Constitution?

Where is justice?

The United States is overseen by one big small-town, corrupt police force:

the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

There are many good agents there.

In places like Albany, St. Louis, Buffalo, Pittsburgh…

Good agents in Cleveland and Cincinnati.

Good agents in Minneapolis.

But there are no more Ted Gundersons.

And in justice, there are no more Jim Garrisons.

There are only pricks like Rod Rosenstein.


Where’s my 82?

Where’s my 101?

Why is Chris Miller such an abomination?

No wonder he was so cozy with Mike Pence.

Pence:  the gay pedo (according to the whistleblower link above).

And the President, Joe Biden, also a child-abusing pedophile.

Same document.

The whistleblower.

Ryan Dark White.

Read it.

150 pages.

Biden abusing kids in Delaware.

In houses owned by Federal judge Emmet Sullivan.

Who went after our boy from Bragg.

For four years.

So now we regroup.

Opus 1.

Harvard.  Kissinger.  Cornell.  Fauci.  MIT.  CFR.  RAND.

China Russia Iran.

Israel desperate to stop Tehran’s nuke program.

Biden set to appease the Ayatollahs.

For the next four years.

At least.

Israel can’t wait that long.

Taiwan in peril.

Ukraine as good as annexed.

All because Biden couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

Calling Putin a “killer” was his worst gaffe of all.

And taking Chinese money means the Chinese know.

He will do nothing when they take Taiwan.

But Iran is perhaps even more troubling.

Because the U.S. Fifth Fleet is headquartered in Qatar.

If there is not close coordination between Israel and the U.S., American troops are in imminent danger.

Biden has brought the world to the brink of a three-front war.

I will not give up.

China’s bio attack (COVID19) followed by a second bio attack in the form of vaccines:

Apple is part of a tech cartel which includes Facebook (Instagram), Twitter, Alphabet (Google [YouTube]), and Amazon Web Services.

Might as well throw Cloudflare into that mix.

These are all deeply anti-American companies in violation of EO13848 and thus subject to 18USC2381.

RICO route appropriate.

Layman’s explanation of bio attack phase two (Gates/Fauci/Soros/World Economic Forum/CIA/Avril Haines/John Brennan):

It’s the vaccines.

And what the vaccines will be setting you up for.



Our boy from Bragg is awake.




The vaccines are poison.

Medicine needed to counteract vaccines.

Two bio attacks and a cyber attack (stolen election).

China and domestic enemies (traitors [18USC2381]).

Vaccine CANNOT be mandated for military.


Contrary to international law used to prosecute and execute Nazi war criminal doctors.

Prison camp guards (those who administer) will not be excused for “just following orders”.

Where are our fighting men and women?

We cannot have a pedophile President (those frequent trips to Delaware) who is simultaneously beholden to China, Ukraine, and Iran.

Wajda negotiated the canal.


Given to the Chinese.

Now is the time.

It will not come again.

Indictments diversion for Saudi arrests.

Cyber can make you go dark.

Diversion to approach.

Isaiah 6:8

Send me.


Stallone is excellent here.

I once stood next to Sly.

It was my privilege to be in one of his films.

We now see Sidney Powell.

Killer elite.


Rod Rosenstein and His Dirty Tricks Squad [2021)

This is not James Clapper.

And this film review covers not only the first link (which Lin Wood first posted to Telegram on January 24, 2021), but all other snippets of the same sessions which Lin Wood has posted to date on Telegram.

I admit.

It sounds a hell of a lot like James Clapper.

At first, when I heard of this clip circulating, I thought, “There’s no way in hell that James Clapper is being ‘interrogated.'”

And that is likely true.

Because this isn’t James Clapper.

But as I listened to the Rumble clip (which purports that the voice speaking is that of James Clapper) I started to believe it was (or could be) him.

I will say this:  both Clapper and the voice speaking have very similar audible mannerisms…particularly the vocal cadence they share.

This is what led me on a hunt to find the truth.

My verdict is this:  for one reason or another (whether nefarious or otherwise), someone has misled people to think that these interviews are of James Clapper.

How did they mislead?

Well, first of all, they slyly edited out all clips which have details that would contradict Clapper’s biography.

For good measure, they also sped up the audio (for some inexplicable reason).

If for nefarious purposes, a person or persons may be trying to set the groundwork to undercut the information in the future (by planting the false notion that the messenger was Clapper).

If for productive purposes (in a vein similar to QAnon), shock value may have been used to capture the imagination of the populace and FORCE THEM TO DIG.

Whatever the purpose (and whoever the authors of this deception), it has caused me to dig.

And the information is important.

So I am going to parse it for you in executive summary.

What we almost certainly have here is a federal agent (whistleblower).

Is that Lin Wood interviewing him?

I think not.

Lin’s Georgia accent sounds nothing like the interviewer.

So let’s get down to the facts (and assertions of this whistleblower).

First of all, let’s get our sourcing and timeline straight.

Lin Wood began dropping these video clips on January 19, 2021:  the day before the inauguration.

The first video covers:


Supreme Court Justice Roberts.

Epstein “helped” Roberts with his adopted children.

Children from Wales.

Channeled through Ireland.

Epstein then facilitated adoption.

Children as a commodity.

Compromising people.

“Children are the payment and the dirt and the control.”

The FBI has copies of the videos.

Rod Rosenstein.

Shawn Henry (FBI).

Shaun Bridges (Secret Service).

The second video covers:

Pence and his two lovers (and his younger ones).

Surveillance of Roberts’ children.

The abuse of Roberts’ children.

The children were “loaned out” for these different groups.

And it was surveilled.

Plots to murder judges.

Set up by FBI.


They were going to use a “sovereign citizen” group.

“Obama didn’t want any terrorism unless it was white terrorism.”

FBI had infiltrated and armed and instigated.

Divorced fathers with a grudge against the court system.


Attacks on the Supreme Court.

Roberts was aware.


Automatic weapons.

Rocket launchers.

Lisa Monaco was a target.

Video three covers:

Supreme Court was target.

Homeland Security were overwhelmed.

Called in FBI.

DoJ picked up whistleblower.

Martha Coakley.

Groups to assassinate federal judges:  1/3 of group made up of “sovereign citizen” patsies and 2/3 made up of FBI.

Whistleblower and his wife were going to be killed.

Plan foiled.

Plans written out.


Would have been in the first year of Hillary’s Presidency.

She was not supposed to lose.

Roberts was helping.

He wanted to pick new judges (for those assassinated).

Purpose was to ban firearms and pack Supreme Court.

Antonin Scalia

Video four covers:

Scalia was biggest threat.

Scalia found out about plans and went to White House.

Scalia was taken out.

Cibolo Ranch.

Temp worker.


Group there hunting.



Dimethyl sulfoxide.

Fairly inert chemical.

Mix with poison.

Why found with pillow over face.

Struggling to breathe.

Can be mixed with fentanyl, etc.

Goes directly into skin.

Eric Holder as replacement.

Hillary and Obama knew about it.

Rod has an intense hatred of Hillary.

He’s only fond of himself.

Running The Hammer system through Baltimore.

Which brings us to our title film.

It covers:

how the whistleblower started working directly with Rod Rosenstein in Baltimore.

FBI would come for corroboration.

Undercover nature.


Domestic terrorism.

Whistleblower was fairly well concealed.

Dirty Tricks Squad.


“This is where they were using Hammer, Sunrise, Sunset, things like that.”

To illegally spy on people.

Attempt to corrupt judges.

They concentrated on corrupting people.

Under the guise of a CCIPS (DoJ) operation.

Run out of Fort Washington, Maryland.

[McInerney marker]

Illegally compromise people.

Illegally wiretap.

Break into computers.

Plant, reverse, change information.

Change emails.

Things of that nature.

Judges, Roberts, Pence.

Whistleblower squashed.

Went to DHS.

With pile of evidence.

Made its way back to FBI/DoJ.

Contacted Devin Nunes.

Whistleblower tried to warn Trump about Rod Rosenstein.

Rod, Pence, Paul Ryan.

Core of group.

Rod was “brilliant legal mind”.

Operational name at beginning was Run Silent Run Deep.

[1958 film with Lancaster and Gable about being passed up for promotion]

Pence hated Trump.

Had taken his slot.

Mitt Romney was also involved.

Trump was outsider.

Had not paid dues.

Pence was their mole inside.


Surveillance from way back.

2013 range.

FISA warrants.

Rod wanted VP slot.

Paul Ryan also wanted it.

So did Romney.

Vice Presidential slot under Pence.

With Trump removed under 25th Amendment.


Pence homosexual.

Many adults.

Throughout his time in Congress.

As Governor, felt more free.

One 20 years his junior.

One half his age.

Would introduce others.

Younger and younger people.

15 year olds.

13 year olds.

Rod and Roberts were able to get FISA warrants because.

Younger people supplied by Epstein.

Because Epstein was an intelligence asset.

When he was in USA, FISA warrant used.

FBI would not save the child.

Was more important for them to have the leverage.

Operation directed by Rosenstein.

Dirty Tricks Squad.



Shawn Henry (FBI).

Shaun Wesley Bridges (Secret Service).

Joseph Rosati (DEA).

Al Borshack ? (ATF).

Greg Utz (DEA).

Another group in Fort Washington.

[McInerney marker]

For the real illegal stuff.

Illegal communications, hacking, phone tapping.

Main focus: Federal judges.

Compromising people.

Planting information.

Planting child porn.


100s of cases.

Plead to lesser charge.

Forfeit money.

Percentage skimmed.

Shaun Bridges.

His speciality.

#1 expert on computer forensics.

Secret Service.

Hacked Obama’s BlackBerry for fun.

Hacked Obama daughters’ phones.

A violent person.



All about the money.

Hack people.

Steal info.

Sell intel.

Bridges and Bitcoin.

In prison.

Holds several passports.

Will disappear to Argentina or Colombia.

Al Borshack?



A nasty piece of work.

Illegal gun running for Fast and Furious.

Made sure paperwork stayed clean.

Serial numbers.

Gun dealer.

Lots of disposable money.

Lots of cash.

Lives very well.

Borshack and Rosati both divorce their wives.

As Rosenstein started falling out of favor as DAG.

Paid off house.


Gave wife 600k.

Custom van with road race bikes.

Has watercraft and cars.

Never has a problem finding cash.

Helped supply the firearm for Seth Rich.

Joseph Rosati.


Steroid freak.

Violent, nasty, lying person.

Cases where he added drugs.

Always the cowboy.

Had to swoop in with the big bust.

Sued many times.

Over and over again.

From defendants and agents.

Borshack involved in Seth Rich.

Rosati brought in MS-13.

Rosati also brought in Kevin Doherty?




Jack Burkman.

Borshack and Rosati.


Local version of Fast and Furious.

Like a game to them.

Thought it was funny.

Rosati poisons.

Hot shots.

Pure drugs.

Done to informants.




Pharmacy fraud.

As DEA agent.

Pharmacy inspections once a month.

Short prescriptions.

Massive amounts of opioids.

Laundering pills.

He’s a piece of crap.

Big bodybuilder.

Cousin with same face.

Bank fraud.


Anything for money.

Calling as a phony DEA agent.

Package intercepted.


Drug precursors.

But it you pay a fee, it will never get here.

He was point man for complaints.

If anything came back, it would go to him anyway.

Payphone near work.

Payphone near house.

Burner phone.

People recorded with app.

Real agents shot as a result.

He got his own agents shot.

Maryland mafia.

Conowingo Pizza.


Route 1.


Little Tony.

Big Tony.

New Jersey.

New York.



Rosati’s steady supplier.

Heroin for Baltimore and D.C.

Rosati can give them intelligence.

Rosati is always skimming.

They will sell what he skims.




Shawn Henry (FBI).

He’s just nasty.

Dirty Tricks Squad.


At CrowdStrike now.


John Roberts.

Shawn Henry.


False flag people.

Roberts knew.

Provided FISA warrants.

Roberts provided intelligence.

Sharyl Attkisson.

Next video:

The death of Seth Rich.

Rod Rosenstein.


Seth Rich downloaded a lot of info.

Downloaded everything he could.

DNC, Hillary, Bowser, Brazile…

They were worried.

Rod was worried.

Intended to be a robbery.

Ended up being a murder.


Gang specialist.


Thumb drive switched.

Convincing, but didn’t expose Rod.

Brazile at hospital before Seth Rich was brought in.

They wanted to recover the thumb drive.

Next video:


FBI op.

Ghost Stories.

Heavy surveillance on known Russian assets within the U.S.

Russian Reset.



Cancelled Ghost Stories.


Shaun Bridges was taking money.


Rod put Sean Wesley Bridges in jail.

[Extortion 17 marker…Tik Tok…]

Terre Haute.

That concludes a brief overview of the videos on Lin Wood’s Telegram account which feature the blurry-faced whistleblower.

Judging by his level of detail and familiarity with certain aspects of his testimony (as well as his passion level rising while recounting certain aspects of the Dirty Tricks Squad), I would guess that the whistleblower was a DEA agent.

God bless him.

It’s not Clapper.

Any connection to Coomer?

Tik Tok mystery man.

“Find out who I am.”

Real name?

Not an Extortion 17 casualty.

Court documents re: Shaun Wesley Bridges and Rod Rosenstein?

Any Coomer connection to Fort Washington facility?

Why did McInerney say that Hammer and Scorecard was at Fort Washington?





Young Frankenstein [1974)


It’s been a bad week for Hollywood.

And a rough week for me.

But John Cusack hasn’t sent a hitman after me 🙂

Not yet.

I guess.

But let’s dispense with all these murderous liberals.

Let’s give them no more airtime here.

Jerks like Seth Rogen (who made jokes last week at the expense of a man in intensive care who at been stabbed nine times).

And let’s only mention Pedowood in passing.

The Hollywood run by pedophiles.

About which Corey Feldman has spoken.

About which Elijah Wood has spoken.

About which Ashton Kutcher has spoken.

About which Nicole Kidman has spoken.

And about which Stanley Kubrick spoke.

Ugly, nasty Hollywood.

Let’s not speak about Operation Broken Heart III (in which 238 “suspected child sex predators” [including “household names” as yet to be divulged] were recently arrested).

And yet, the “household names” seem to be slithering away so far.

So let us not talk of John Podesta, of whom we have talked so much.

Nor Kevin Spacey, who has preemptively (?) blocked me on Twitter 🙂

What do these folks have to fear?

Spacey, of course, famously rode on convicted child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous Lolita Express (private plane).  If I am not mistaken, Spacey’s trip aboard the aircraft coincided with one of Bill Clinton’s MANY trips aboard that airplane.

So yes.

Let us not speak of this.

Let us, in fact, celebrate (?) the fact that I am actually once again reviewing a film in my own peculiar way 🙂

This was a personal favorite of mine as a kid.

Mel Brooks made a very fine film.

It hangs together nicely.

And the trio of actresses (Madeline Kahn, Teri Garr, and Cloris Leachman) who festoon this production bring a real joy of variety to the whole affair.

But the real star, besides the amazing Gene Wilder, is Marty Feldman.

Which brings us to Jimmy Savile.

Let me be clear:  Marty Feldman, for all I know, was just a damned funny comedian.

But he bears a striking resemblance to the infamous Savile.

And thus we must talk about what needs talking about.

Savile was a British eccentric.

[one who gave eccentricity an extremely bad name]

His Wikipedia page lists the following as his métiers:

  • DJ
  • television personality
  • radio personality
  • dance hall manager

But he will sadly be remembered mainly as a sexual predator who preyed (it seems) primarily on those in hospitals and psychiatric institutions to which he had access as part of his celebrity and “charity fundraising”.

He may have raped children (and elderly) in as many as 28 National Health Service hospitals in the U.K.

Said Jeremy Hunt, U.K. Secretary of State for Health in 2014:

“Savile was a callous, opportunistic, wicked predator who abused and raped individuals, many of them patients and young people, who expected and had a right to expect to be safe. His actions span five decades — from the 1960s to 2010. … As a nation at that time we held Savile in our affection as a somewhat eccentric national treasure with a strong commitment to charitable causes. Today’s reports show that in reality he was a sickening and prolific sexual abuser who repeatedly exploited the trust of a nation for his own vile purposes.”

So I should just go back to reviewing Young Frankenstein, right?

Or should I wonder why John Cusack has blocked me and thousands of Trump supporters on Twitter?

Or why Kevin Spacey seems to have blocked a very large number of people on Twitter who have (at one time or another) talked about “pizzagate” or “pedogate”?

Or should we talk of Cardinal George Pell?

This week has been a bad week for Cardinal Pell 🙂

New York magazine’s article title about sums it up:  “The Pope’s Pedophile?”

That’s right.

Pope Francis’s “right-hand man”.

The man [Pell] in charge of the Vatican’s finances.

[remember the infamous Mr. Michele Sindona]

And for one more ingredient, let’s add former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s strange 3 a.m. tweet from last night:

“To the career men & women at DOJ/FBI: your actions and integrity will be unfairly questioned. Be prepared, be strong. Duty. Honor. Country.”

What the fuck?!?

I thought only nutbags like me tweeted at 3 a.m. 🙂

And Trump!

But Holder seems to be telegraphing something.

What the fuck is about to happen?



Will the U.S. “Deep State” (which appears to be so highly-addicted to pedophilia and occult ritual) finally be exposed?

Will Hollywood finally be exposed in such a way as to make Kenneth Anger rise from the grave?

What is this Babylon that we are witnessing?

In closing, Young Frankenstein is a very entertaining film…which I highly recommend.

No 🙂

Remember friends:  sometimes only humor can get us through the valley of the shadow of death.

And, for me, I pray to God.

I saw this wickedness coming long ago.

The level of vile crimes has already disgusted me and freaked me out before.

So I pray that you will be strong, my friends, as many bad things are revealed.

There are heroes in the world.

And those are such as former Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer.

His organization Veterans for Child Rescue is taking on the scourge of child sex trafficking.

He’s a sniper.

He’s been to war.

He’s not afraid of guys in suits.

Guys like Podesta and Soros.

And he’s not alone.

He’s been on the teams that go in and rescue kids that are literally in cages.

Check out that first article above.

It’s talking about a 6-year-old kid being raped.

The kid is lent out by the parent for $250 dollars.

And it gets much worse than that.

Let’s not talk about New York City Mayor Bill di Blasio’s employee Jacob Schwartz who was recently busted for child pornography.

My friends, this young man (age 29) was apparently aroused by sexual photos of SIX-MONTH-OLD BABIES.

And I have to say it one more time:  it gets worse than that.

So when you see photos of Mr. Schwartz and Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, pay those photos no mind, right?

And when you find to what ends Mr. Mook and Mr. John Podesta (Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair) went to concoct the “Russian collusion” (or, variously, “Russian hacking”) story which the largely-liberal U.S. media swallowed whole-cloth, you might begin to wonder just what dark secrets Mr. Podesta (and Hillary Clinton, for that matter) is hiding.

For those in a hurry:

“That strategy had been set within twenty-four hours of her concession speech. Mook and Podesta assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.”

The quote comes from Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes’s book Shattered:  Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign.

So once again, see Young Frankenstein 🙂



Bound by Flesh [2012)

I never know.

What I’m getting into.

These movies.

In the hopper.

And then spit out by a sort of roulette.

That I forget.

Anything I might have known.

And mostly I don’t want to know.

I just want to “pull the trigger” on these films.

Give it a try.

Try to watch it.

And boy did I find a doozy.  A masterpiece.  A truly special film.

Bound by Flesh is a documentary currently streaming in the U.S. on Netflix.

It was directed by Leslie Zemeckis.

Wife of Robert Zemeckis.


There are a couple of things which slayed me concerning this film.

First, is San Antonio.

My town.

The boring shithole in which I live.

A place so lifeless, so meaningless…that one must comb through the relics hoping for some shard of redemption.

Yes, Robert Johnson recorded here.

But he also recorded in Dallas.

And that was it.

So we have that half distinction.

And Pola Negri lived here.

We are very honored by that.

And Wings was made here.  The first film to win Best Picture at the Academy Awards.

But none of these things helps me to get up in the morning (or the middle of the day).

The 15-or-so years I lived in Austin, I had the legend of Sterling Morrison to give me hope.

Guitarist with The Velvet Underground.

Doctorate in medieval literature from UT-Austin.

And the Hole In The Wall was my sort of Mecca…because Sterling had played there.

But San Antonio has been an unmagical destination of return.

These past five (?) years.

But I say with utmost honesty…with absolute sincerity.

The story of Daisy and Violet Hilton has helped me.

These Siamese twins.

So beautiful!

I mean, really:  the two most beautiful girls you’ve ever seen.

And so The Smashing Pumpkins start to make sense.

That time at the Sunken Gardens Theater.

When I was but 17.

And they were touring Siamese Dream.

And my ballet classmate magically pirouetted out on stage.

“How the hell did you get up there?,” we asked her on Monday morning.

It was all magical.

The venue.

The Sunken Gardens.

But now it makes sense.

Siamese Dream.

Daisy and Violet (hereafter to be reversed) lived in San Antonio.

Their (by all accounts) evil manager Myer Myers (what a fucked up name!) built a huge mansion on Vance Jackson (that’s a street here) with the money he skimmed (or ladled) from his cash cows.

The freaks.

Violet and Daisy.

One of the best films I’ve seen in the past years is Violet & Daisy.

With my favorite working actress (Saoirse Ronan) and the very-fine Alexis Bledel.

So we shall go with that.

Violet and Daisy.

Indeed, all throughout this documentary, a prominent curator from the Witte Museum (our old, yet newly-renovated…reopening repository here in San Antonio) gives her articulate insights into the life of Violet and Daisy.

[that curator, incidentally, is the excellent Amy Fulkerson]

Ok…so the twins lived in San Antonio.


But what else?

Well, it was their route.

Talk about circuitous.

Born in Brighton, England.

Home of Nick Cave.

Hell, home of Jonny Aitken (hi Jonny!) last time I checked.

Interestingly, the twins next big locale change was to Australia.

Which is to say, their life was like Nick Cave in reverse.

And Cave would certainly gravitate to this sort of story.


Freak shows.

Carnival midway.


[and the death of minstrelsy…{think Emmett Miller}]


[and the death of vaudeville]


Hell…Violet and Daisy were in Freaks by Tod Browning!

Yeah, the guy who directed Dracula starring Bela Lugosi.

But as with many show business stories, this one turns sad.

And yet…as Ms. Fulkerson makes clear, the Hilton twins never gave up.

They had an indomitable spirit.

It may be cheesy to reference, but it reminds me of one of U2’s finest songs (off the very-fine War album).

“Two Hearts Beat As One”

Sure…Violet and Daisy didn’t stay in San Antonio.

They eventually moved on to New York.

And finally to Charlotte and environs.

But their story is so damned inspiring!

And to think that they graced my town 🙂

That they had their trial in 1931 (?) down at the red brick courthouse.

That Myer Myers got what was coming to him.

Which brings us to a parallel point.

To something I haven’t covered in a LONG time.


Or Pedogate.

Most of all, the John Podesta scandal which WikiLeaks unearthed.

First, I’d like to salute all the people who turned out in D.C. on the 25th to advocate for missing children.

We’re talking kidnapped, trafficked, raped, killed children.

And there is a very disturbing “video” of which I was just made aware today thanks to the ever-vigilant reporter David Seaman.

Said video is more sound than image, but it is purported to be a recording of John Podesta beating a child at Comet Ping Pong in Washington, D.C. at a Heaving Breathing show.

Heavy Breathing is one of the bizarre bands (including Sex Stains) which played at this “family” venue run by James Alefantis.

Simply put:  John Podesta’s cryptographically verifiable emails on WikiLeaks seem to point to him being AT BEST a pedophile, and at worst a violent child molester possibly involved in Satanic ritual sacrifice of children.

I’m not making this shit up.

Go read the emails for yourself.

Do some research.

It is the freakiest shit on the planet.

Look at it too long, and you want to vomit (while beating the crap out of Podesta).

That’s level one.

The emails.

Level two is/are the tentacles.

It involves Hillary.

Why was Hillary seemingly covering for Laura Silsby in Haiti?

In other words, why was the Secretary of State (Clinton) interceding for an American woman who had been convicted of child trafficking in Haiti?

You can read the story.

Likewise, certain of these Clinton emails are on WikiLeaks.

There are the “after ‘wheels-up'” statements.

But then we get to James Alefantis.

This motherfucker…

No, actually…if he was fucking mothers that would be somewhat socially acceptable.

Be it appears that his establishment IS INDEED integral to unraveling the pedogate ring.

To sum up, it appears that American “elites” (both Democrat and Republican) have a certain predilection for little boys and girls.

Some of the elites are also heavily immersed in occult practices.

Hillary is one of these.

Larry Nichols confirmed that Bill Clinton told him specifically of Hillary’s monthly jaunts to California to participate in a witches’ coven.

As I’ve mentioned before, Hillary would not have been playing second fiddle at such events.

And if that seems farfetched, we can point to the Bohemian Club (aka Bohemian Grove) [also in California] and their yearly opening ceremony called “the Cremation of Care”…at which they perform a “mock” sacrifice of an infant in the shadows of a giant (40 ft-tall?) statue of Moloch.

This is the meeting that has drawn (and continues to draw) the likes of Kissinger, Ted Turner, Reagan, Nixon…and so many more “elites”.

But let’s back up one level.

James Alefantis is a “bad (or sick)” person.

Ok, I couldn’t help it.

More accurately, he’s a sick, sick person.

His Instagram was archived.

And, as David Seaman correctly points out, it fetishizes the sale and abuse of children.

[this is where Violet and Daisy come back in…because they had no one truly looking out for them]

But let’s move laterally for a moment.

The sickest of the bunch might just be Tony Podesta, John’s brother.

This guy’s art collection is like a pedophile’s dream.

But also a Satanist’s dream.

The art that Tony Podesta (and his former wife Heather) collected (and presumably still collect) is some sick fucking shit!

So when you start to tie all this stuff together, John Podesta’s coded (not encrypted) messages made public by WikiLeaks start to take on a very ominous tone indeed.

But the video I alluded to can be found with a simple Google search of “John Podesta Skippy video”.

Yes, even the woeful Huffington Post (I refuse to italicize that crap publication) wrote about John Podesta’s bizarre alter ego years ago:  Skippy.

As stated, to my eyes, the video shows very little.

But the sound is of the utmost importance.

Unfortunately, with my highly-trained ear (I advanced a year in ear training classes in one day of university) I am not hearing what other researchers are hearing.

HOWEVER, it seems that someone is fucking with John Podesta.

And I can’t help thinking that is, in general, a good thing.

In other words, someone has “the goods” on Podesta.

The video, incidentally, ostensibly has a child (a horrifying sound…like Lou Reed’s Berlin to the nth degree) begging “John” and (not-quite-alternately) “Skippy” to stop the beating.

I will say this.

I do believe it to be a genuine article.

But in my honesty, I do not hear the words “John” nor “Skippy” at any point.

Yet, I believe it is John Podesta beating a child.

And I believe the general outline of pizzagate/pedogate to be true.

And so, dear friends, we owe it to children to remain vigilant.

Sexual abuse ruins lives.

It is very likely that Podesta (and his brother) himself (themselves) was (were) abused.

It doesn’t excuse their actions.

But it goes a certain distance in explaining them.

However, the occult (which has a direct tie-in to Marina Abramovic…again, verified in WikiLeaks emails) aspect is really hard to fathom.

It’s so bad that I don’t want to fathom it.

But we can’t ignore it.

We can’t be afraid.

We can’t just roll over and die.

I’d rather be wrong about Podesta than for a single child to suffer rape or torture or death at the hands of sadistic monsters.

So there you have it.

That’s how a Pauly Deathwish review goes.

Buy the ticket.  Take the ride.

As Hunter S. Thompson said.

I will tell you when a film sucks.

And I will tell you when a film is great.

And I will also tell you when something in the world is fucked up.

The nightly news and the morning paper won’t say “fucked up”.

And, somehow, that explains why they are truth-neutered.

But I ain’t got nothin’ to lose.

My life sucks.

And my life is beautiful.

But I’m down here at the bottom.

On the killing floor, as Howlin’ Wolf sang.

The abattoir blues, as Nick Cave sang.

I ain’t so deluded as to think that lying will get me a better life.

I’m sick of lies.

I’m too old to care.

Go ahead, kill me.

It doesn’t matter.

I’ve got no career for you to ruin.

And I understand the high bar for libel of public figures.

So go ahead, John Podesta:  keep comparing us to Sandy Hook truthers.

Yes, by the way, Sandy Hook was fake.

But you’re not weaseling out of this one.

You’re caught.

So let that Raskolnikov guilt sink in.

A thousand times worse than death.

You are a sick, sick person.

I hope I’m wrong.

But I don’t fucking think so.


Slow Learners [2015)

Megyn Kelly and James Alefantis.

Last night.

The worst interview in the history of journalism.

But to know why it was so bad, you must know the context.


Yes, this is a film review.

Bear with me.

I would like to delineate some slow learners.

First, a group of fake news outlets:

ABC News


The Washington Post

The New York Times

The New Yorker


Mother Jones

Second, a group of censors and their surrogates:



Media Matters *


This suffices to give us a good start.

If you don’t want a heaping pile of BS for news on the subject of pizzagate, try

or (for a great general overview)


The U.S. news media are particularly slow learners.

They assured us that Donald Trump had no chance of being elected President.

Now, they are assuring us that the pedophile ring which has been uncovered by Internet researchers has no chance of being true.

And so Megyn Kelly did a very disgusting thing when she had on a very suspect person (James Alefantis) and verbally genuflected to this man for an entire segment of her vapid “news” show.

If you have an eye for detail, you will have noticed that one of the censorship groups named above (Media Matters) had an asterisk beside it.

That’s became Mr. Alefantis was the lover of David Brock:  founder of Media Matters.


Why did I single out the aforementioned slow learners (fake news & censors) and not other offending entities such as the completely worthless CNN?

Because, the biggest censor of all (Google) is telling us (by way of their search results) that the above-mentioned entities are the most popular in relation to the search term “pizzagate”.

But let us step back a bit.

We who voted for Donald Trump did not believe the vast majority of American media which told us he had no shot at winning.

Indeed, the more savvy among us understood our ostensible roles as targets in a social engineering operation.

That operation (to get Hillary elected) did not work.

And those of us who have been at this for awhile also know that the media shirked its duty on 9/11, Sandy Hook, and many other events which were sold to us as something other than what they were.

And so now the U.S. news media thinks we are dumb enough to not see through their transparent effort to cover up for very legitimate questions about the child trafficking pedophile network at the heart of the pizzagate story.

Furthermore, the U.S. news media thinks it still has power to memory-hole a giant scandal by way of a pathetic puff piece (like the one Megyn Kelly did on James Alefantis).

Two words:  slow learners.

Which brings us to our film.


The slow learners in this film have a personal rather than systemic problem.

They are dorks.

They self-identify as such.

Adam Pally does a nice job as Jeff.

But the real star (in my opinion) is Sarah Burns as Anne.

These two numbnuts are high school teachers.

Well, actually, one is a guidance counselor and the other is a librarian.

But they work at the same high school.

It is a cute story directed by Don Argott and Sheena M. Joyce.

It is a unique movie.

I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a masterpiece, but it’s real (unlike Megyn Kelly and James Alefantis).

Our principal players start off as hopeless rejects in the game of romance.

They start off as friends.

But they morph into monsters.


Ars Technica

NBC News


CNN (finally)

FOX News (can Megyn Kelly…pronto)


The Guardian


The Daily Beast

The Globe and Mail

Huffington Post

USA Today


Those kinds of monsters.

Our protagonists (much like the pedo-protecting Reddit) proceed to censor their own lives.

They censor their old selves.

The world tells them they are not cool enough.

And so they blend in.

They don’t make trouble.

They buy the latest styles.

Pretty soon, there’s nothing left of their souls.

They become thoroughly bankrupt individuals.

As our film is a romantic comedy (albeit an extremely quirky one), I don’t think it’s too much of a spoiler to tell you that it has a happy ending.

But our parallel case (that of the fake news media and their censoring surrogates) may not have such a happy ending.

We’ve seen what was on James Alefantis’ Instagram account.

We know that Megyn Kelly’s softball questions were completely reprehensible considering what might be at stake.

And thus Slow Learners is a cautionary tale for the global news media.

The U.S. news media is the cutting edge of BS.

But the citizens have had enough.

We know about John Podesta (thanks to WikiLeaks).

We know about Tony Podesta (thanks to WikiLeaks).

We know about the code language in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

We know about Tamera Luzzatto.

We know about Obama and his $65,000 of “hot dogs and pizza” .

We know about "cheese pizza".

We know about "pasta".

We know about "dominos" (whatever the hell that encodes to).

We know it's a code.

We know about Comet Ping Pong (run by Mr. Alefantis).

We know about the pedophile symbols rampant on Connecticut Avenue in Washington, D.C.

We know about Besta Pizza.

Maybe we got the wrong Andrew Kline (a mistake in one of my previous posts), but we are still researching.

Because we see the FBI doing nothing.

We see the news media covering up.

We know about Terasol Bistro and Artisan Gallery.

We know about Buck's Fishing and Camping.

Yes, jimmycomet, we know.

We know that Facebook, YouTube, and even 4chan are censoring.

This is unprecedented.


We know about the Louise Bourgeois sculpture and its connection to Dahmer.

We know The Washington Post is pulling old, incriminating stories about Tony Podesta.

We know that WaPo's owner, Jeff Bezos, provides $600 million in cloud services to the CIA.

We know "the Russians did it" is BS.

We know about Biljana Djurdjevic.

We know about Kim Noble.

We know about Satanic ritual abuse.

[The Wikipedia article on that topic is truly comical in its assertion that every SRA case (seemingly) has been "proven" to be "fake".  Very convenient.]

We know about Marina Abramovic.

We know about Spirit Cooking.

We know about Lady Gaga. ['bout time for Bud Light to ditch her]

We know about "chickenlovers".

We know about #killroom.

Yes, little innocent Jimmy Alefantis commented on a very suspect looking freezer with "#murder".  Yes, little innocent Jimmy Alefantis that was on FOX News.  Because his establishment was supposedly terrorized by a man with a gun.

We know about false flags.

We know about crisis actors.

We know that real news (like the links I provided above) gets buried on Google when a zero casualty event is reported on by every mainstream news outlet in the country.

And we may be slow learners, but we are the ones who go to page 26 of the Google results to find something.

And if Google screws us (which they so often do), then we look elsewhere.

We are the dorks who read books.

And your story (Messrs. Alefantis, Podesta, and Podesta) does not add up.

I will end my litany here.

We are sick of fake news like what we saw from Megyn Kelly and James Alefantis tonight on FOX News.

And as BREXIT and the Trump victory have already proven, it is you [the news media] who are the true slow learners.


J. Edgar [2011)

“I read the news today, oh boy…”

Ever since John Lennon sang those words on Sgt. Pepper‘s (and likely long before that) the news has had the power to depress us.

The power to shock.

The power to put our day into a tailspin.

But can we avoid the news?

And, perhaps more importantly, what is news?

As for avoidance.

Sometimes it is recommended.

To unplug.  To disconnect.

We all hit our saturation points concerning the dissemination of details.

Just what is deemed newsworthy accounts for much of our discomfort in keeping ourselves  abreast.

Even as private citizens.

We want to know the goings-on of the world.

Out of a sense of self-preservation.  To protect our families.

To be prepared.  Informed.  Able to make better decisions (we hope).

Today I made the mistake of digging a little deeper than recently.

And I came across several pieces on the ongoing pizzagate controversy.

I must start by saying that I have not followed this story much since the election.

Indeed, if the allegations are true, it is unfathomably revolting.

But there comes a time when waffling has its benefits.

I will just say that I don’t know what the truth is concerning pizzagate.

I’ve seen the pictures.  I’ve read the names.  I’ve connected the dots.

And now the ball is (back) in the FBI’s court.

[And perhaps that of the NYPD as well]

But it is germane to discuss a parallel matter which bears upon pizzagate.

And that is the coup which Dr. Steve Pieczenik described as having been undertaken by Hillary Clinton and her cabal around the first of November.

Just what was this coup?

Dr. Pieczenik was scant on details.

But perhaps it was the absolving statement of FBI Director James Comey.

And, if we give Mr. Comey the benefit of the doubt (which I’m not sure he deserves), then we might assume that the Clinton coup was largely activated from within the Department of Justice.  In essence, Comey’s boss (Loretta Lynch) could very well have compelled the Director to issue that statement at that particular time.

That would, in some ways, be a significant manifestation of a coup in progress.

Contrary to this was the countercoup of which Dr. Pieczenik spoke.

As I have written previously, this countercoup appears to have been initiated by other branches of the U.S. government (particularly the 16 intelligence agencies).  Dr. Pieczenik seemed to intimate that it was military intelligence in particular which was taking a lead on countering Clinton’s attempted coup.

Beyond these details (and they are vague), I know not much.

But we should return to pizzagate.

We should consider it as a phenomenon which might have several explanations.

Putting all our cards on the table, it is not out of the question that pizzagate was in itself the countercoup.

Which is not to say the allegations are false.

Indeed, it appears that the instigators of the countercoup were working closely with WikiLeaks to prevent Hillary Clinton from stealing an election by leveraging the Department of Justice (and other parts of the executive branch) improperly.

But there is a further possibility.

And I will pose it as a question.

Have we been the targets of a very sophisticated psychological operation?

And even muddier…did this operation save our country?

Investigating a child kidnapping Satanic ritualistic murder pedophile ring is certainly the purview of federal authorities.

The FBI.

But how much has the FBI been compromised?

Any American with at least two brain cells to rub together lost immense confidence in the Bureau in the years following 9/11.

And so history keeps repeating itself.

Sham investigations.  Issues too big to cover.

JFK.  9/11.  A litany forwards and backwards.

But I am beating around the bush.

I want to apologize if I have been less-than-stellar in citing my sources in the practice of my film criticism.

This is not an academic site.

I do not seek peer review.

But I do not lie.

I may jump to conclusions.

And yet, I would fancy myself a fairly astute observer.

Apologizing further, I do not seek to defame anyone.

That would be something too horrible to do (especially with the gravity of the pizzagate allegations).

But information will organically find its level as long as law enforcement is neutered by insiders.

Which brings us to a wonderful film by director Clint Eastwood.

This film covers just what we are talking about.

What is right.  What is wrong.

What methods are appropriate.  What methods are effective.

But at the heart of this controversial film (about a controversial personage) is the idea of serving one’s country.

However, we encounter much here which could fall into the “noble lie” category.

All of that aside, the idea of government service is put in its proper light.

A dirty game, sometimes.  But a noble pursuit.

And so this is less a review of the film J. Edgar and more a letter of THANK YOU to the men and women of the FBI.

Thank you for taking upon yourselves the stress of seeing unspeakable atrocities.

Thank you for taking upon yourselves the stress of following every lead.

But we thank you one further:

thank you for remaining humans.

You know the right thing to do.

Do the right thing.

And we will too.

From the depths of our hearts,

we salute you.

A bit late for all your thankless tasks gone by.

And in advance of your excellence…your leading by example…your adherence to the highest ethics…which we know will be evident in your future work.