Ukraine on Fire [2016)

Here is a film which every person on Earth needs to watch at this time.

It reinforces the conclusions of my previous article: that NATO’s actions (constant eastward expansion towards Russia in the absence of the threats it was ostensibly set up to defend against [the USSR and Warsaw Pact countries]) have been a provocative, aggressive (albeit slow-motion) attack.

Russia’s recent actions in Ukraine are a line in the sand.

Russia has been very patient for 30 years.

Vladimir Putin is the bravest and most wise leader in the world.

He knew that this was the last point at which to fight.

This was the last point at which Russia could push back against those warmongers cloaked in mutual-defense bullshit (NATO) without the result being a guaranteed nuclear war.

It was a risky move on Putin’s part.

But to do nothing would have been even riskier (in the long run).

I am an American citizen.

I love my country.

I love the military of my country.

I love the soldiers of my country.

But I ZERO faith the the military leadership of my country.

General Lloyd Austin, our current “civilian” Secretary of Defense, has facilitated the pushing of killer vaccines on our troops.

As of 1-2 weeks ago, there had been approximately 12,000 reports of death associated with the three COVID-19 vaccines in the USA (according to the CDC).

Open VAERS (a far more reliable source) had counted approximately 23,000 reports of death in the HHS VAERS system (the same system from which the CDC got its data that it then proceeded to apparently “cook”).

You can say correlation does not necessarily equal causation.

And that is true.

But go to Open VAERS.

Look at the number of heart attacks associated with the three COVID vaccines available in the USA.

Look at the number of miscarriages.

And, particularly, look at the incidence of myocarditis.

And then avail yourself of the statistical breakdown by vaccine.

The most deadly is the Pfizer vaccine (by number of deaths).

The second-most deadly is the Moderna vaccine.

And the least-deadly of the three (still with VERY BAD numbers) is the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Which one of these vaccines has been the most retroactively regulated?

The JnJ vaccine.

It has taken the fall.

It has been (after the fact) thrown under the bus as the ONE vaccine which is not completely safe.

But the truth is this: none of the three vaccines are safe.

And none of them have been effective.

And Lloyd Austin has made our troops take these vaccines.

The U.S. Army developed its own vaccine.

Is it ready yet?

Is it in use?

Which vaccine(s) was/were our troops required to get?

Could it have been any one of the the three vaccines also available to American civilians?

General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, did nothing to protect our troops from the policy pushed by Secretary Austin.

General Milley also called China behind President Trump’s back and assured them that he would give them a “heads up” if Trump was going to attack them.

That is treason.

Textbook treason.

Yet Milley still enjoys the same position he enjoyed under Trump.

And some of us also remember Milley impugning those of us who doubted the 2020 election results as being people motivated by “white rage”.

Chief Naval Officer Admiral Michael Gilday recommended that every U.S. Navy sailor read a book by Ibram X. Kendi.

This was inappropriate.

And ridiculous.

Apparently Admiral Gilday shares General Milley’s assessment that America is imminently-plagued by racism.

Look up Ibram X. Kendi.

Find the book which Gilday recommended.

And then look up a person named Bishop Garrison.

Garrison was (last I checked) something of an anti-“extremism” czar for the U.S. military.

Do you support Trump?

You are extreme.

Do you wear a red hat that says “Make America Great Again”?

You are extreme.

Do you support Black Lives Matter?

You are not extreme.

Do you support Antifa?

You are not extreme.

This is the narrative which can be cobbled together from the actions of Austin, Milley, Gilday, and Garrison.

Why do I lump Austin into this equation?

Because he saw fit to order an operational stand-down for the entire U.S. military one year ago to address “extremism” within the ranks.

The timing and message were clear.

Those who doubted the accuracy of the 2020 elections were extremists.

Those who came to Washington, D.C. a few months prior (on Jan. 6) to let their voices be heard were extremists.

This is why Joe Biden’s Secretary of Defense took this unprecedented move of an “operational stand-down”.

Were the George Floyd rioters (made up of both BLM and Antifa) of summer 2020 extemists?

Apparently not.

I never heard Mark Milley utter the phrase “black rage”.

Milley is white.

Gilday is white.

I never heard Lloyd Austin (who is black) utter the phrase “black rage”.

I never heard Bishop Garrison (who is black) utter the “black rage”.

There was only accommodation of the summer 2020 protestors.

Their rage was to be CODDLED and UNDERSTOOD.

The entire rest of the U.S. military (which is, most of the military) needed to read Ibram X. Kendi so they could be more sensitive and compassionate about the “black rage” of their fellow soldiers.

And not once was it called “black rage” by any leader of the U.S. military.

So our military is being run by fucking retards.

Which is why I respect and support Putin.

Is Putin my President?


Is Russia my country?


But I do not support Joe Biden.

I do not think our elections in 2020 were free and fair.

But I am not a violent protestor.

I am exercising my right to civil disobedience.

Vladimir Putin is a man of action.

I have my doubts as to whether Austin, Milley, Gilday, and Garrison are even men (much less, men of action).

So these are the geniuses we send off to confer with NATO (an aggressive, provocative organization which the United States should leave immediately).

So I say, “Stand With Russia”.

Every news outlet on the planet is making Zelensky out to be a hero.

And the same outlets are making Putin out to be a villain.

I don’t trust these outlets.

They have lied about COVID for two years (and about 9/11 for 20 years).

They have lied about everything.

They set an agenda.

They are constantly agenda-setting.

This is a real phenomenon explained by agenda-setting theory.

So if the media that I thoroughly distrust is brainwashing my neighbors into worshipping Zelensky and “standing” with Ukraine, then I am going to exercise my right to worship Putin and “stand” with Russia.

So I also say, “Stand With Putin”.

Fuck it.

Come and get me.

I am sick of your bullshit, AP…Reuters…UPI…McClatchy…DPA…AFP.

I understand choke points.

I understand oil choke points.


And I understand information choke points.

You don’t have to physically control each little news station.

You just control all the upstream news sources.

The wire services.

Where the news gets its news.

And I am sick of it.

But don’t misunderstand me.

I am also sick of Donald Trump.

He was a great President for four years.

Then he started shilling for Pfizer.

“I got the Pfizer”.

He had to let us know which brand.

And then he pushed boosters.

Right after a crowd in Dallas gathered to hear him speak had sung the Christian hymn “How Great Thou Art”.

So he is, at this point, no better than Governor Hochul.

There should be no proselytizing for vaccines in churches or any other religious setting.

If we’re not allowed to preach about politics in church nor endorse candidates (without losing our tax-exempt status), then you’re not allowed to come into our churches and preach about vaccines.

But Trump didn’t stop there.

He gave a moronic, lying (?), whopper of an interview to Candace Owens (whom I love) where he said something to the effect that “people who are taking the COVID vaccines aren’t dying”.

No, I’m sorry Mr. Former-President: yes they are dying.

Some of them, in fact, are dying from the vaccines themselves.

But some of them are dying from COVID even though they are vaccinated.

But that is beside the point.

Trump, as a recent President (who oversaw the commercial rollout of these three vaccines), should be expected to know his shit.

He should be expected to know that 12,000 reports of death had been submitted to HHS VAERS (according to the CDC).

And he should also be expected to know that the CDC is cutting the “reports of death” number in half for some odd reason (which is easily provable by going to the Open VAERS website and finding that there were 23,000 reports of death as of 1-2 weeks ago).

He should know the number of heart attacks.

At least 10,000.

And the number of miscarriages (3-4,000).

And the number of myocarditis cases (30,000).

And he should know that VAERS is a passive surveillance system which has historically caught less than 1% of the actual number of vaccine adverse events and reactions.

This is easily provable by visiting a third website.

The under-reporting of Kawasaki disease makes this an ironclad case.

So Donald Trump should know that his “vaccines that aren’t killing people” are responsible for between 120,000-230,000 deaths so far.

VAERS is a canary in a coal mine.

It can and should be extrapolated by ten-fold multiplication.

But, generally speaking, I am only expecting “uber-genius” Donald Trump to have visited two fucking websites: that of the CDC and that of Open VAERS.

He either hasn’t done that (because he is busy reading the bullshit in the Wall Street Journal), or he is lying his ass off.

Let me be unequivocal: Trump is just as responsible as anyone for ramming through the approval of these neither-safe-nor-effective vaccines.

If we are talking about hundreds of thousands of deaths due to these vaccines, then we are talking about crimes against humanity.

And he has pissed away any chance of using the “I was tricked” defense by unremittingly PROMOTING these vaccines when he should have known that they were unsafe.

What does this have to do with Ukraine?

Putin saw a problem.



They asked for help.

And he helped.

And so I am asking the U.S. military for help.

Both active military and retired.

General Boykin.

General Bolduc.

General Dempsey.

General Nakasone.

General Charles Q. Brown.

General Berger.

General Raymond.


Joe Biden is gonna get us all killed.

And the first to be killed will be U.S. troops sent into another totally-absurd war that does not need to be fought.

And he is gonna destroy the USA.

Austin, Milley, Gilday, and Garrison (to name but four) are DESTROYING the U.S. military.

If you can’t see that, then I can’t help you.

Readiness and lethality.

Reading Ibram X. Kendi does not enhance readiness or morale.

Forcing killer vaccines on our troops (some of whom have left the service over this issue) does not enhance readiness, nor lethality.

We don’t need to hear General Milley’s thoughts on “white rage”.

That kind of performance put him on par with John Brennan and Michael Hayden.

It is embarrassing.

It is like having a middle schooler for the CJCS.

But readiness and lethality are TOTALLY DESTROYED when a CJCS can call our greatest adversary (China) and promise them that he will give them a “heads up” should the sitting President choose to attack them.

Lohmeier got kicked out for a podcast.

Shame on you, Raymond.

Scheller got kicked out for demanding accountability.

Shame on you, Berger.

The U.S. military is a joke.

I have NO RESPECT for the current leadership of the U.S. military.

But I have IMMENSE RESPECT for Vladimir Putin.

That is my right as an American citizen.

I can critique my government.

I can point out the obvious: that our military leaders are doing a shitty job.

And I can have an opinion: that the Commander-in-Chief of Russia is doing an EXCELLENT job.

For his people.

Putin is looking out for and protecting Russians.

Biden is looking out for and protecting Hunter Biden and his own corrupt dealings in China and elsewhere.

And Austin, Milley, Gilday, and Garrison are going about systematically DESTROYING the defenses (our greatest asset…our soldiers!) of the United States of America.

Lloyd Austin should be capable of visiting the CDC and Open VAERS websites.

Mark Milley should be capable of visiting the CDC and Open VAERS websites.

If Michael Gilday wants to be a gender studies professor, maybe it’s time for him to change careers.

And we don’t need a Malcolm X (Bishop Garrison) micromanaging the thoughts and opinions of our service members.

If you’re gonna call MAGA-hat wearing, American-flag-waving Trump supporters extremists for protesting on Jan. 6 what they felt to be a rigged election, then you gotta call BLM and Antifa extremists as well.

Are you telling me there are no BLM, nor Antifa supporters in the U.S. miltary?

Are you telling me that there is an overrepresentation of MAGA-hat-wearing, American-flag-waving conservatives in the U.S. military?

Seeing as how we have a volunteer military, then maybe shaming these Trump-supporting, patriotic service members is not really the best strategy to boost morale and encourage cohesion.

Is the goal to have recruitment numbers plummet?

You can watch this movie for free on Tubi.


Twitter are a bunch of fucking cunts [2022)

I can’t post a god damn thing on Twitter right now.

Just all-of-a-sudden.

No notice.

No message that I’ve done anything wrong.

Just BAM: can’t post.


At all.

So let me remind all you pricks: the same shit happening to Facebook is going to happen to Twitter.

And very fucking soon too!

Why did Facebook REALLY lose all that fucking money the other day?


Because of censorship.

I am so fucking censored on Facebook.

I have had this notice on my account for months that “my posts will be ‘temporarily’ moved lower in the news feed” because I repeatedly shared “misinformation”.



I only have two fucking college degrees.

A bachelor’s and a master’s.

So I’m a big fucking misinformed citizen that Facebook needs to swat down.

But the worst part is this: the ban just keeps renewing.

Facebook has not successfully reeducated me from the error of my ways, so that 90 day suspension (where all my posts are made invisible) just keeps renewing with every bit of “misinformation” I share.

And you know what fucking really pisses me off?

They have my dad so censored that I can’t see ANYTHING he posts (unless it is a harmless, self-made meme).

My dad is 80 years old.

He worked hard all his life.

Served for four years in the U.S. Army.

He is a smart man.

Had an important job in nuclear weapons in the military.


Pays his taxes.

Mows his lawn.

And is made totally invisible by Facebook.

Because he is a purveyor of “misinformation”.

Let me tell you about the time Twitter suspended me for four months without even telling me why (only to admit in an email that they had suspended me “in error”).

You know what happened during those four months?

A Presidential election.

And a Presidential inauguration.


Foreign election interference.

Who owns Twitter?

Was the Saudi influence purged??

Knowingly aiding foreign election interference.


See…I just wanted to post a fucking Spotify playlist on my Twitter account.

And now Twitter has made me mad…and I have taken to my own site to post whatever the fuck I want.

So, politely, Paraga Agrawal and Vijaya Gadde and all those other fuckers can suck a massive donkey cock.

I hope they fucking go to jail for their bullshit.

They kicked the sitting President of the United States off their platform!

Trump is being a colossal dumbass right now with his moronic position on the COVID vaccines.

But it doesn’t change the fact that he was attacked and fucked over for four years by Twitter, Facebook, YouTube (Google [Alphabet Inc.]), and others.

Not to mention the Obama administration and the corrupt FBI that spied on his campaign.

Where is the justice for that?

Why is the FBI allowed to so egregiously break the law?

Where the fuck is John Durham?

This is all a bunch of god damn bullshit.

At least the Canadian truckers have balls.

So anyway…here is my playlist.

Featuring: Doja Cat, Lana Del Rey, Madds Buckley, The Living Tombstone, Flo Milli, The Stupendium, Lily Allen, Nelly Furtado, Timbaland, Freddie Dredd, Studio Killers, Lady Gaga, Ini Kamoze, and Salaam Remi.

It’s all the jams you hear on TikTok.

Songs like:

–“master of Minecraft”

–“when you gonna ditch that stupid [bitch] you got/it’s me you should be seeing”

–The Red Means I Love You

–“I have an idea [what’s your idea?]…your tears are what I look [live?] for”

–“family don’t like the way that I’m living/but they didn’t raise me so fuck they opinion”

–“honestly, did you not read the colony policy?”

–“fuck you very much”

–“I want you on my team [so does everybody else]”

–“damn, son…bitches want some…no, bitch: you fucking dumb”

–“I wanna ruin our friendship (we should be lovers instead)”

–“I wanna take a ride on your disco stick”

–Here Comes the Hotstepper

With a bunch of my songs thrown in–those songs of mine most closely related to the hip sounds I am hearing on TikTok (which, by the way, will also fail as an app because of censorship).


By the way, make sure to check out this account.

This young lady is the most talented content creator on TikTok.

I have watched all of her videos.


Argo [2012)

Q in Joseph Murphy.


Marine Corps Intelligence Activity.

Unclassified files from DARPA.

Now held at Quantico.

Project Veritas.


File name “jag”.

Ron DeSantis.

Navy SEAL.



CYBERCOM outed two pedophile producers at CNN.

Drip drip drip.

We have it all.


George Kaplan.

Roger Thornhill.

You can never tell anyone what you do.

Can you keep a secret?

Maybe I stayed home for two months.

Didn’t leave the house.

Or maybe I left the country.

Phone farm.

Replica of house.

Internally consistent.

Who can check?

Two rooms.



Four is easy.

One, two, and three are more effort than it’s worth.

Because this possibility never seemed plausible to any analysts.

Ghost Army were decoys.

But their chatter was real.

A ghost army is still an army.

FISA renewed.

Australia loophole.

McCrystal is butthurt that we highjacked his idea.

Because he used our truth.

Military intelligence is far superior to CIA.

With some caveats.

Old CIA < New CIA.

William Burns good.

Trust operation.

Counter-info op turned into info op.

Counter-info op that hijacked a LARP.

Is it a cover story to protect DTRA and make DARPA look honorable?


Or maybe DoD are less scumbags than CIA are.

War between NSA and CIA.

Hacking capabilities.

Tailored access (Fort Meade).


Frankfurt consulate.

CIA attempt to usurp NSA area of expertise.

DIA pushback against CIA via DCS.

COVID as bat vaccine.


To be sprayed in caves.

Escaped Wuhan lab before it was finished.

EcoHealth Alliance (run by Peter Daszak [check out his opera singer brother]) offered GoF project to DARPA.

DARPA declined.

EcoHealth’s proposal was on a top secret drive.



Documents not classified.

Pushed off site by Major Joseph Murphy (USMC).

Aide to Commandant Berger.

General staff.

MCIA as intel support to Berger.

In his role on the Joint Chiefs of Staff (who have certainly fucked things up before [Operation Northwoods proposal for false-flag terror attacks {real casualties} on American citizens]).

Now led by traitor Mark Milley.

Also populated by subversive Michael Gilday.

Civilian control by Lloyd Austin (traitor for pushing killer vaccines on troops).



Why is CDC parsing HHS VAERS data to make it look half as bad as it actually is?


How passive is the surveillance of VAERS (historically)?

Let’s take something serious such as Kawasaki Disease as an example.

Underreporting of severe adverse events to VAERS appears to be by a factor of 10.

If CDC admits 10,688 #VaccineDeaths , the actual number may be 106,880.

If OpenVAERS gives the real number in the VAERS system (21,382 vaccine deaths), the actual number may be 213,820 vaccine deaths so far in the USA from this portfolio of COVID vaccines (JnJ, Moderna, and Pfizer).

Pfizer is clearly the most deadly (as the above picture shows).

CDC tries to play the “correlation doesn’t necessarily equal causation” card, but that doesn’t wash.

Consider this:


For free, techno fog.

Major Murphy makes it clear why this is.

Thank you, James O’Keefe:

The above document deserves extreme scrutiny.

If it is a cover story, it is a good one.

It may provide some cover for the military.

But I think it is largely true.

There is, unfortunately, a reason the military might need cover.

What the fuck is this (ongoing program)?

The “highlights”:





How could INSCOM not know about this?

DTRA is literally co-located with them at Fort Belvoir.

Do you need the CliffsNotes?

No problem:

Flynn is definitely doing the Lord’s work.

As is Colonel Sellin:

The Canadian Caper.

Of course it’s CIA propaganda.

But Godard said some of the best (because of their passion) movies ever made were propaganda.


Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.


The original Joe Biden (Jimmy Carter).

Inflation (Bidenflation).

Gas price.

Afghanistan and Yemen now substituting for Tehran.



John Kerry.

Pallets of cash (Iran Deal).

Heavily invested in Big Pharma.

It appears Joe Kennedy III took over where the “Climate Envoy” left off:

I disagree with Major Murphy on Remdesivir.

Causes fluid in lungs.

Completely unsuitable as a treatment for COVID.

Problem is Moderna IPO in Dec. 2018 and BioNTech IPO about ten days before #Event201 in October 2019.

Open Secrets (Congressional stock holdings) lagging approximately four years right now.

Kerry just as deep in Burisma as Joe and Hunter Biden.

Ukraine blew it.

They could have blown the whistle on Biden.

They caved.

Now Russia will own them.

They dug their own grave.

Corruption has consequences.

RE:  BioNTech (and Event 201 foreknowledge).

Gates Foundation invested $55 mil. in BioNTech the month before their NASDAQ IPO.

To reiterate, that IPO then preceded the coronavirus war game (sponsored by Gates Foundation and World Economic Forum with help from Johns Hopkins CHS) by about a week and a half.








#AvrilHaines (John Brennan).

Avril Haines now promoted (by Biden) from extremely-suspicious pandemic exercise RIGHT BEFORE THE REAL PANDEMIC BROKE OUT to head the entire U.S. intelligence community (ODNI).

John Brennan and Michael Hayden are, for all intents and purposes, the same traitorous piece of shit.

No reason for either of them to publicly (a huge break in precedent for CIA and NSA) berate Trump for four-straight years on Twitter.

Brennan’s protege at Event 201.





Joint Chiefs of Staff fuckery:

I thought Lyman L. Lemnitzer was the worst CJCS.

That was until Mark Milley came along.


Like Tammy Wynette might have sung:


But Trump is a fucking retard as well.

Latest proof:

#DeSantis2024 #Rand2024

A history of Trump’s retardation and #CrimesAgainstHumanity .


Trump had to nonchalantly mention his booster status in what was basically a church setting.

This is about as close to being Hochul-level-evil as one can get.


Kinda like how England vaccinated people in cathedrals with organ music playing to calm their nerves (slaughterhouse).

Who’s more objectionable now:  Milley (absolutely a traitor) or Trump (absolutely encouraging crimes against humanity [the administration of killer vaccines] when he should know better)?

Milley is a straight-up traitor to the United States of America…and he might be a better person than Donald Trump.

I’ve already demonstrated that the COVID vaccines are dangerous.

Now let me remind you that they don’t work.




What would make Trump go from being the best President in modern history (he was!) to a vaccine-worshipping, sell-out cunt?

Some really tortured logisticians postulate that it’s all about “optics”.

Hm.  Perhaps.

But to what end?

What is the strategic advantage of Trump alienating his own base?

Does he really think he’s going to win over liberals?

Is he winning them over by sucking the dick of Big Pharma?

I don’t think so.

The heat is now on Fauci.



Serpico [1973)

James Comey delusionally thinks he is Frank Serpico.

But James Comey is a cowardly twat.

Andrew McCabe thinks he is Frank Serpico.

But Andrew McCabe is one of the slimiest pencil pushers to have ever sullied the FBI.

Peter Strzok thinks he is Frank Serpico.

But Peter Strzok is guilty of treason.

The FBI may never regain any measure of public trust.

The three scumbags listed above were aided and abetted by others in the Bureau.

They spied on a Presidential candidate.

They conspired to get a National Security Advisor (and U.S. Army General) fired.

They covered for the rival political candidate.




James Comey is not honest.

Least of all with himself.

He is a bad actor in all senses of the word.

Unfortunately, Frank Serpico has now become controlled by a global cabal.

After such tenacity with the NYPD, he is now nothing more than a lukewarm celebrity.

But in his day he was the best.

The FBI faces an existential threat due to corruption at the highest levels.

But it remains essential that we as a nation (the United States of America) support those men and women in federal law enforcement who are doing their job with honor.

Sadly, it appears few of those can be found in the Hoover Building.

But I suspect you will find good Special Agents.

In Albany, NY.

In Buffalo.

In St. Louis.

In Cleveland and Cincinnati.

In Minneapolis.

In Pittsburgh.

Some field offices appear to do little if any work.

Seattle and Portland come to mind.

Some field offices appear to have too many agents compared to their efficacy as a unit.

New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago spring to mind.

The most pathetic of all may very well be the Washington Field office.

A mere extension of the Hoover Building’s ethos, no doubt.

Barack Obama wants us to “reimagine” policing.

Funny that the President from Chicago should have the gaul to speak at all on law enforcement.

There is not a more failed, lawless city in America than Chicago.

Barack Obama used the FBI to spy on Donald Trump.

It was illegal.

It is an epic scandal.

And it is on a back burner named Durham.

John Durham.

Bill Barr failed the United States of America.

And Christopher Wray appears to be doing the same thing.

Barr went from being a CIA intern to twice being the Attorney General of the United States.

Wray is from Yale.

There’s a club.

And you’re not a member.

And neither am I.

Which is why I’m writing this article.

On my own website.

“Trust the plan.”

But what if someone above is screwing you?

What if there is no plan?

What if the cavalry is not coming?

You are the plan.

This is the plan.

Reinforcements will arrive at the right time.

But the moment must be ripe.

Like that banana on the cover of the first Velvet Underground record.

Now is the time to support law enforcement.

James Comey is a politician.

Andrew McCabe is a political operative.

Peter Strzok is as dishonest as the day is long.

We must continue to lawfully demand justice.

Our route is not to loot and commit arson.

Our route is not vigilante civil war.

Now is the time to support the military.

Lloyd Austin is a pathetic excuse for a general.

I am trying to give Mark Milley the benefit of the doubt.

I would even like to give Chris Wray the benefit of the doubt.

But Wray has slow walked the Hunter Biden laptop (among many other misdeeds).

So we will support the troops.

We will support military intelligence.

We support those who have sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

We support the rule of law.

A country without free and fair elections cannot be said to have an operating, functional Constitution.

It is our job to delineate the corruption.

Like a grand jury.

Follow the facts.

Spread truth.

You have nothing left to lose.

There is a plan.

And it is God’s plan.

We look to Maricopa County.

But we are legion.

And we swarm.

Wave your flags proudly.

You can make a difference.

Your family and children will have nothing left to put hope in if you fail to act.

This is the defining moment of American history.

Corruption has destroyed us.

It has brought us to the brink of collapse.

The fight now is one of information.

Every citizen must be engaged.

We represent the peaceful side.

Peaceful warriors.

Ready to annihilate with truth.

Truth needs no propagandistic push.

Truth only needs a brave voice to give it life.

Say it over and over again.

Until someone listens.

Say it until it is said back to you.

Wherever you encounter anti-American lies, return fire with truth.

We can truth our way out of this.

It will not be easy.

But the alternative is death and shame.


Pelosi’s Laptop: Full Conversation with Lieutenant General Thomas Mcinerney [2021)

Essential transmission.

Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney talks about Italy’s role in stealing the election for Joe Biden.

Done through an Italian military satellite run by Leonardo S.p.A.

Coordinated by China.

Through an American computer/app which James Comey sold to the Chinese.

That computer and app being The Hammer and Scorecard (respectively).

The whole world has seen Ruby Freeman steal votes on CCTV footage out of Georgia.

If they haven’t, they should.

Along with her daughter (and boss) Shaye Moss as well as another superior Ralph Jones Sr.

Along with one other person (as yet to be identified), these four individuals ran Republican poll watchers (and all press) out of the State Farm Arena in Fulton County, Georgia by telling the lie that they were going to stop counting for the night.

But they didn’t stop counting.

The lie was buttressed by a tall tale about a water main having been busted.

It was a leaky urinal.

These four criminals then retrieved special ballots (there were other bins closer and more accessible) from under a table which was covered with a cloth.

The four criminals proceeded to runs these same ballots MULTIPLE TIMES through the Dominion Voting Systems machines in the State Farm Arena in Atlanta (Fulton County, Georgia).

The next morning, Joe Biden had pulled off a miraculous “win” in that state.

A similar thing took place in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada.

But we are told there is no evidence.

And that Donald Trump’s claims of election fraud are “baseless”.

When presented with direct evidence (the CCTV footage of Ruby Freeman, et al.), the media use the “big lie” tactic of Joseph Goebbels.

They lie.

And they continue to lie.

And in the face of truth, they lie more.

Creating a BIG LIE.

Which is then, gradually, unquestioned.

I will speak more later (God willing) on China’s untoward investments in ALL American media companies (aka “news” sources).

So now we come down to Pelosi.

Nancy Pelosi calls up the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) Mark Milley attempting to BLOCK current President Donald Trump from accessing the American nuclear arsenal.

Milley tells her this is not possible.


Because Trump is still President.

To even ATTEMPT to block him from protecting the country is AT LEAST the sixth coup d’état attempt the Democrats/Deep State have attempted against Trump over the past four years.

Why is Nancy Pelosi so FRANTIC to impeach Trump using the 25th Amendment (a farce…it would necessitate Trump being INCAPABLE of fulfilling the duties of President)?

Because (according to Mcinerney) U.S. Special Forces (SOCOM/USSOCOM) surreptitiously confiscated Nancy Pelosi’s laptop during the “siege” of the U.S. Capitol.

Makes sense.

It’s plausible.

But Mcinerney goes on to detail that there is a “songbird” (John McCain?) willing to spill the beans about the continual HIGH TREASON which has been directed at Donald Trump these past four years (six coup attempts).

Let’s just take the fifth coup attempt:  the election fraud (stolen election).

All who have participated in this treason in an active role should be subject to prosecution under 18 U.S.C. 2381.

The penalty for treason is death.

So we are sitting here in America and wondering when Donald Trump will activate the Emergency Broadcast System.

And when Trump will make an announcement pursuant to his Executive Order 13848 regarding foreign election interference.

We know COVID-19 is a bioweapon.

China’s biological warfare against the world (and particularly against the United States) is in harmony with China’s stated policy of Unrestricted Warfare.

Find the book.

It was written by two Chinese Air Force colonels in 1999.

You can find an English translation even for the Amazon Kindle.

You can learn a lot by listening to General McInerney.

He is truly a brilliant intellect.

And an American hero.

You can learn, for instance, about tactical deception.

Digital soldiers must watch this video which I have posted above.

It is an important video document.

Are we to become a third-world country like Haiti?

We are if we let this election fraud stand.

Anthony Fauci is a false messiah.

Fauci outsourced dangerous “gain of function research” experiments on coronavirus to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

That’s right:  one of the most guilty parties is parading as savior.

Look it up.


Times of India.

General Flynn is another great patriot.

McInerney and Flynn will go down in history as two of our greatest Americans.

But we must preserve the Republic!!!

McInerney was stationed in London when he was in the USAF.

He commanded the 111 ATKW.

3rd Air Force.

He knows, from his foreign travels, of GCHQ.

Britain’s equivalent of Fort Meade.



And so there has been, for some time, some funny business going on regarding this whole effort to slander Trump re: “Russian collusion”.

It is, in fact, the Democrats themselves who colluded with Russia.

This PROJECTION tactic is straight from Saul Alinsky.

Hillary Clinton has gotten away with this stuff for far too long.

Why did former President Obama have a SCIF installed in his D.C. home?

Does Valerie Jarrett live in Obama’s household?

Would this be considered a shadow government?

And so we have Biden.

Or do we?


Turn off Fox News.

It is utter bullshit.

They called Arizona ON THE NIGHT OF THE ELECTION for Joe Biden.

Biden ended up officially “winning” the state by a mere 10,000 votes.

The fix was/is in.

Learn about “counter information operations”.

McInerney advises not trusting the FBI.

What a sad state of affairs for the Bureau.

I quite admire Ted Gunderson (and others).

It is time for good Special Agents to STAND UP!

Mike Pence committed treason.

Another USAF veteran (Ashli Babbitt) was shot in the neck and killed by Capitol Police.

She was unarmed.

Was it a false-flag?


But now you have people like McInerney (who was THE SOLE DoD official who reported to the White House under AL GORE’S (!) Reinventing Government initiative) coming out and saying that the Democrats/Deep State (many, MANY Republicans as well) have committed and are committing HIGH TREASON.

This is the moment, patriots.


Do not shirk your duties as digital soldiers.

Let freedom ring.

Let the truth be shouted from every mountaintop and housetop.


Do not be silenced!

Find a way.

I regret that I have but four social media accounts to give for my country.


There will be no tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be our country RULED BY CHINA.


Shout it!

For fuck’s sake!!!


The Hammer/Scorecard [2020)

This is not a game.

This is not a movie.

Transcription (notes) of video that has now been removed from YouTube.

This one was still up.

General Tom McInerney (USAF).

Admiral Ace Lyons? (Navy).

“The Hammer”.



Lisa Page.

Texts confirm?

Concerned they had been discovered?

“The Hammer”.







“The Hammer”.

Was transferred from military control.

By way of CIA.

To a location in Maryland [Fort Washington?].

A SIGINT group.

Listening to US citizens.

Against US law.

Only ones who can listen are


And they are prevented (by law)

From listening to US citizens.

“The Hammer” program.

Converted to phone app

Called “Scorecard”?

Steals votes in voting machines.

Obama used this in 2012 election.

To win Florida (and general election).

[all while DNC and mainstream media are same entity (proof…NY Post Biden story totally censored/memoryholed)]


Being used again in

Florida, Georgia, Texas, Pennsylvania,

Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona.

“The Hammer” has alternate site.

[besides Maryland]

“The Hammer” was supposed to deliver

A victory for Hillary in 2016.


That is why everyone was shocked

When she didn’t win.

System failed in 2016.

Hence, the “backup” site.

Obama admin corruption 

[including Mueller]

Still hasn’t been brought to justice

By John Durham and Bill Barr.


Including Biden family

Giving away technology secrets.

Investigative reporters

Mary Fanning/Alan (?) Jones

American Report.

Story on “Scorecard”.

Cyber warfare.



Treasonous activity.


Shut “The Hammer” down.

Before it starts on Tuesday [today].

Corruption at the highest levels

Of the Democratic Party.

Bernie Sanders was defeated in

2020 Democratic Primaries thanks to


Biden’s nomination was stolen from Bernie

Using the very same system.

About to be attempted again [today].

Software and cyber warfare 

Gave Biden the “victory” against Bernie.


American Report article.

Hammer_sales sheet_2020





Was it called “Quantum Hammer” at NSA?

[link disappeared overnight…not archived]


score card


Stieg Larssons Millennium: Del 4 [2010)

When police are investigating police, there has to be a cover story (to assure the bad cops not to flee).

The same goes for high-profile corruption cases involving government officials (or former government officials) who are still in power (or who enjoy the sympathies and protection of a those [a select few?] still in power).

Frame-up job.

“Trump swift boat”.

The world’s oldest stratagem.

The false-flag:

Who’s watching the watchers?


When does corruption become a national defense liability?  Who is tasked to spot such hard-to-define threats?  What if the FBI (counterintelligence [Strzok]) were found to be corrupt?  Who safeguards a reset?


What if the former head of the military’s equivalent to the CIA (DIA) were targeted by a corrupt cabal?  What activities of said cabal might qualify them as being insurgents?  To what set of laws might they then be subject?état

Microcosm…to be applied to much graver crimes:

Strategic signaling:

Crime and punishment.

December 2000.

Four murder convictions that had stood for 32 years (since 1968) were vacated after John Durham proved that the FBI had framed the four individuals.


Federal government forced to pay approximately $100 in civil decision relating to this case.

FBI agent got 10 years in prison courtesy of John Durham:

Durham also indicted another FBI agent (who died before going to trial):

Durham prosecuted Republican Connecticut Governor John G. Rowland for corrupt activities.  Rowland spent a year in jail and is now a convicted felon.

But Durham has also punted before.  Did not recommend any criminal charges be filed against CIA:

Durham has been called upon by Janet Reno, Eric Holder, and now Bill Barr.

For Holder, again:  no charges brought against CIA for torture re:


Noticing any patterns yet?

Do you think John Brennan is sitting back comfortably?

Durham has gotten one guilty plea [Kevin Clinesmith] re: Crossfire Hurricane so far.



John Bash:

October 5, 2020 (yesterday):

What the fuck?!?


Stieg Larssons Millennium: Del 1 [2010)

You thought we were done.

You’ve wasted so much ammunition.

Having fun yet?

Electoral College meeting date.

December 14.

Sandy Hook.

Harriet Vanger disappearance.

September 22.

Stieg Larsson’s death.

November 9.

Election day.

November 3.

Larsson dies before any of his novels are published?

Dies before the fantastic success of both the novels and subsequent films.

Heart attack at age 50 “after climbing the stairs at work”.

His grandfather had also died of a heart attack at age 50?

He was a smoker, they say.

Like Lisbeth Salander.

Search CIA heart attack gun.

Get this.

The Soviets developed first (ostensibly).

Just like MKUltra.

Not brainwashing, but “deprogramming” those POWs brainwashed during the Korean war.


And the Nazis were just “researching” when they conducted human experiments on Jews and other prisoners, right?

Per Oscarsson dies in house fire after appearing in the final Millennium Trilogy film.

December 31.


Corrupt billionaire of fiction.

Stig Wennerström.

Actual Swedish Air Force colonel convicted of spying on behalf of the Soviets.

He was suspected by SÄPO (the Swedish equivalent of the FBI) of working for the Nazis as early as 1943.

From working with the Nazis (national socialism), he dovetailed into working for the Soviets (socialism/communism).

OPUS 240 Fascism comes from the Left!

Wennerström could have been executed by firing squad for treason because, after all, there was a war on (the Cold War).

War on Terrorism.

Was the end declared?

Instead, he was given a life sentence (which was later commuted to 20 years).

In 1972.

Think hippies.

What country do Bernie Sanders, AOC, et al. most want to copy?

Replicate their “democratic-socialist” utopia?


And I get it.

It is an alluring trick.

Sweden is a beautiful country.

The land is beautiful.

The women (with cans of General Snus in the back pockets of their tight bluejeans) are beautiful.

Even rednecks like me could be fooled.


By the façade.

The “Nordic model” countries (with their literal female models in tow).

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and (chiefly powering the Left’s zeitgeist) Sweden.

But Norway has a shit-ton of oil.


But I see it.

Walk down the cobbled streets of a small Danish town and you too may be swayed by the seeming utopia.

America is not a Nordic country.

And as Nordic countries (particularly Sweden) attempt to mimic AMERICAN leftist policies (think immigration), they see their homogenous utopias ripped apart.

There are reasons certain forms of government work IN CERTAIN PLACES.

There are factors.


America, at this point in its history, cannot whole-cloth adopt the Swedish system.

And any leftist with a brain knows this.

But it doesn’t prevent American leftists from dangling the Swedish carrot (fish?) in front of the noses of their moronic acolytes.

And, as alluded to earlier, it is meant to draw the weak-minded “across the aisle”.

“Come on over.  Everything will be just like Sweden.  Not the current Sweden, of course, but…you know:  the old Sweden.”

Two years after Wennerström’s life sentence was commuted to 20 years, he was paroled.

He had only been in custody for 10 years.

10 years for sharing 20,000 secret documents with the Soviets concerning Swedish air defenses, clandestine Swedish bases, etc.

This was the Swedish custom.

Serve half your sentence and get paroled.

Initial sentence could have been death [treason] (Cold War).

Actual sentence was life.

Sentence commuted to 20 years.

Cut in half (10 years) by parole.

That’s Sweden (in the early ’70s) and, perhaps, quintessential Swedish policy.

The “Nordic model”.


No justice, really.

No defense, really.

No state secrets, really.

No sovereignty, in actuality.

Bad trajectory.

About as robust a defense apparatus as an IKEA bed.

Which is to say.




Interesting that Sweden is not a part of NATO.

What if the big, bad Russians (who have 20,000 secret documents pertaining to radar, strategy, mobilization plans…) actually were to invade Sweden?

Those are old documents by now, of course.

But the Russians have a very easy sell to potential Swedish spies.

“Don’t worry.  There’s no declared war.  This isn’t the Cold War.  No treason. No firing squad.  If you get life in prison, it will probably be commuted to a paltry 20 years.  And you’ll be paroled after 10.  If you even get caught.”

Great deterrence, Sweden!

Back to the “Nordic model”…

Guess who ARE members of NATO?

Denmark, Iceland, and Norway.

Finland, right on Russia’s doorstep, are (like the Swedes) not members of NATO.

For more examples of Sweden’s liberal (lax) justice/prison apparatus, see the case of spy Stig Bergling.

Sentenced to life (like Wennerström).

Fled to Moscow during a conjugal visit (you can’t make this shit up!).

Voluntarily returned to Sweden seven years after his escape.

And was PAROLED three years later.

Again, this was DURING the Cold War.

Bergling’s arrest was a full 15 YEARS after Wennerström’s.

In other words, this was the next generation (same shitty policies) of spies being slapped on the wrist.

Bergling was parolled in 1997.

Ahh, that liberal paradise…Sweden.

Unlike Switzerland, it has no natural defenses (mountains) to guarantee its continued paradisal existence.

Need more?

Bertil Ströberg.

Swedish Air Force.

Convicted of spying for Poland [Soviet bloc] during the Cold War.

Sentenced to a mere six years in prison.

Paroled after three years.

Which brings us back to the brilliant (I mean it!) Swedish storyteller Stieg Larsson…himself a committed leftist (going so far as to train guerrillas in Eritrea in the firing or mortars).

What of Vanger?



ASEA (the now-defunct General Swedish Electrical Company Limited) removed the swastika from their logo in 1933.

The company’s swastika logo had been used since the late-19th century.


What if it’s a similar sound?


In Swedish, “catches”.

Like in a cage?


In closely-related Danish, “prisoners”.

Like in cages?

What if a letter is missing?


In Swedish, “pregnant”.

Like, pregnant with meaning?

[svan, btw, means “swan” in Swedish]

Pregnant swan?

Like Leda of Greek mythology?

Zeus, in the form of a swan, raped Leda (a woman) who became pregnant and gave birth to “the most beautiful woman in the world”:  Helen of Troy.

And around whom does this mystery revolve?

The hauntingly-beautiful Henrietta (Helen?) Vanger.

Who had been been repeatedly raped by her father and brother.

[it is true that the Swedish equivalent of Helen would be Helena or Elin, but the initials match]

How did Larsson come to settle on this name Vanger?

Some have suggested Wagner.

Perhaps even Wegner.


Wolf, in Swedish, is “varg”.


Vargar, in Swedish, is “wolves”.

Now we are getting somewhere.

But we must flesh out the story.

We are looking for three Swedish Nazi brothers.

I believe the fourth (the good guy) was invented by Larsson.

Three Swedish Nazis?

How about Birger, Gunnar, and Sigurd Furugård?

They founded the Swedish National Socialist Farmers’ and Workers’ Party in 1924.

It’s a good fit.

The good guy might just be IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad.

By “good”, I mean that he was a member of the Swedish SSS (Svensk Socialistisk Samling [National Socialist Workers’ Party…basically Swedish Nazis]) at age 17 and before that, at age 16, a member of the fascist New Swedish Movement WHO LATER DECLARED (in 1994) that his membership in the latter was the “greatest mistake” of his life.  His association with the SSS wasn’t publicly revealed until 2011 (at which time he made no further comment on having been a part of these types of groups).

So maybe Ingvar Kamprad wasn’t the good guy after all?

Did Larsson meld the Furugårds (Nazis) and Kamprad (a successful business man…and Nazi) into the amalgamation we know as the Vanger family?

Kamprad, incidentally, is a variant of “comrade”.

Again, National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party.


So “far right” (says Wikipedia) that they were fucking socialists!?!





This is exactly what Pieczenik is talking about in the above video.

Fascism coming from the Left.

Kamprad started off with fascism (New Swedish Movement) and a year later went full-Nazi (National Socialist Workers’ Party).

Again, socialist.

You can’t take that word out of there.

And Antifa started as “anti-fascist” [against the Nazis, but FOR communism].

And they remain communist (leftist) and have devolved, ironically, into a fascist organization themselves (at least in America…where their tactics are indistinguishable from those of Hitler and Mussolini’s respective gangs [Sturmabteilung/SA/Braunhemden/Brownshirts & MVSM/Blackshirts/squadristi]).

BTW…IKEA was founded by a 17-year-old Ingvar Kamprad.

Yes, that’s right:  he is confirmed in the above link to have been a member of the SSS [essentially the Swedish Nazi party] that very same year.


As for Lisbeth, look no further than the alleged Norwegian witch Lisbeth Nypan.




“blotches on its back”.

From mythology to the real life fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra).



Frigidity (able to extinguish fire).

But also “a product of fire”.



Wizards and warlocks.


Disappearance of the Beaumont children (on Australia Day).

Church of Satan formed by Anton LaVey.

Moors murder trial.

Five children (between the ages of 10 and 17) murdered in and around Manchester between 1963 and 1965.  At least four were sexually assaulted.

Killer (Ian Brady) read Mein Kampf and books on Nazi atrocities.

Gertrude Baniszewski found guilty of murdering and torturing Sylvia Likens in Indianapolis.  Paroled in 1985 [American justice failure].

Charles Whitman kills 14 people with a sniper rifle from above the UT-Austin Tower (after killing his wife and mother).

September 22.

Lindwal railway incident.

Anna Karina born.

Nick Cave born.

Magda 30112.

Sara     32016.

BJ         32027.

LI         31208.

Mari    32018.



Boogie Nights [1997)

Something big is going down.

A country is getting taken down.

And that country is the USA.

It is getting taken down using methods suspiciously-similar to those used by the CIA in their regime change activities around the world.

Iran, Guatemala, Indonesia, Chile…

You know their work.

But this time it’s different.

Just as the American intelligence community was weaponized by President Barack Obama against Presidential candidate (and President-Elect) Donald Trump, so is the Deep State (chockfull of former CIA officers) now attempting to bring down the United States to save their asses.

Does China have any reason to attempt to totally destroy the United States AT THIS TIME?

No.  [but they are a part of (willing accomplice to) the takedown]

Does Russia have any reason to attempt to totally destroy the United States AT THIS TIME?


Is there any intelligence organization in the world capable of orchestrating the total war to which the United States has been subjected over the past three months?

Only China and Russia.

And perhaps Israel.

But Israel has absolutely no reason to attempt to depose their greatest ally (Donald Trump).

Iran does not have the capability or sophistication.

Nor does North Korea.

[and North Korea, even if they had the capability (which they do not), has no reason to run a regime change campaign against the most formidable counterintelligence apparatus in the world AT THIS TIME]

And so that leaves us but one “country”:  a country within a country.

The American (Globalist) Deep State.

It is almost synonymous with the CIA.

And the CIA’s methods and signatures are all over the multi-pronged onslaught we have witnessed these past months.

It’s not necessary at this time to point out the biggest players.

Soros?  Yes.

The Clintons?  Yes.

Obama?  Yes.

Bill Gates?  Yes.

What is most important is to locate the quarterback.

And that man is (in my opinion) none other than former Director of the CIA John Brennan.

There are other traitors involved.

But let’s outline the structure of what we have endured:

  1.  Biological Warfare–Here, China sacrificed one of its own cities [Wuhan] to create plausible deniability that they were in any way waging offensive BIOWAR.  As China miraculously shielded the rest of ITS country from COVID-19, they made sure the virus made it (in droves) to the homeland of their arch nemesis:  the USA
  2. Economic Warfare–Here, the Deep State (with a giddy China looking on) watched as the U.S. economy ground to a halt because of COVID-19.  Record unemployment.  All economic activity ceased.  The greatest economy on Earth was ruined (for the time being).  Each U.S. citizen received a pittance of $1,200 which has not been enough to really sustain anyone.
  3. Psychological Warfare–The masses of Americans were told to stay home.  They were cooped up in their houses for two months.  They had nothing to do.  No place to go.  Underlying depressions and anxieties were exponentially amplified.  The populace grew frustrated.  Most of all, the PANIC was conveyed daily by news organizations with heavy connections to the CIA and Democratic Party.  This propaganda terrorized the populace into being afraid to leave their homes–being afraid even to breathe.
  4. Divide and Conquer–Whether the death of George Floyd was a real or synthetic (staged) event, the news coverage would have been the same.  In terms of planning, it is likely that the event never took place at all.  But for the sake of argument, let’s assume for a moment that a man named George Floyd actually did die as a result of an incompetent and cruel police officer.  Magically, the big bogeyman (COVID-19) WAS COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN.  All of a sudden, the pent-up rage and frustration and poverty (see #3 and #2) were activated.  This is the “match in a tinderbox” scenario.  After two months of wall-to-wall coverage of the coronavirus (which ostensibly killed 100,000 Americans by Memorial Day), ALL OF A SUDDEN…THE LIFE OF ONE MAN (george floyd) has become more important than the lives of the 100,000 coronavirus victims (assuming that death toll is accurate [which it is not…it is grossly-inflated]).

So what we have here is a VERY SOPHISTICATED campaign designed to remove Donald Trump from the Presidency.  Worst case scenario (for the Deep State), it is supposed to prevent him from being reelected.

It is also a last-ditch effort to save the asses of those Deep State members whose treason has been pinpointed and for whom justice may not be far off:

-Loretta Lynch

-Sally Yates

-John Brennan*

-James Clapper

-James Comey

-Andrew McCabe

-Bruce Ohr

-James Baker [FBI]

-Peter Strzok

-Lisa Page

-Rod Rosenstein

-Susan Rice

It is my guess that these will be the first pawns to fall.

John Brennan is very important.

More than a pawn (in some ways).

But still a pawn.

How deep will this go?

Barack Obama?

Hillary Clinton?

Bill Gates?

George Soros?

So much depends on each move in this chess game.

Which brings us to Boogie Nights.

There’s a riot goin’ on.

Each of us has a gift.

Heather Graham is great here.

Mark Wahlberg does a really nice job.

We get the Corvette.

Symbol of summer.

Porn with “plots”.

An admirable pursuit.

Burt Reynolds is really phenomenal in this film.

But like Lovelace, this tale of sexual freedom gets darker and darker as it goes along.

You got the touch.

Feel, feel, feel, feel my heat.

Darker and darker.

But very real.

There is a great realism to certain scenes here.

Paul Thomas Anderson really does an amazing job with this one.

Even the usually-vapid Julianne Moore has some actual moments of artful acting herein.

They’re taking her children away.

Black people can like country music.

Definitely a bit of Tarantino in the donut shop scene.

But Anderson is a far superior director to QT.

QT is very talented, but very overrated.

Lots of hype…very little timeless filmmaking.

Anderson is a much more solid auteur.

There is something of Aronofsky here too.

Funny thing is, Anderson got there first.

But Requiem for a Dream goes MUCH DEEPER into drug darkness.

And yet, Anderson paints a portrait of a period of time.

So vividly.

And the colors are washed out.

The soul-eating burn of cocaine is depicted as it really is:  torrid.




Utterly destructive.


How many more nights will the “divide and conquer” boogie?

Military police.

82nd Airborne.

101st Airborne.

1st Infantry.

10th Mountain Division.

The United States is under attack…mainly from within.

China played a small (though not insignificant) role.

The main culprits are liberal globalists.


A second wave of coronavirus will hit the U.S.

This will happen as a result of the fake-news media pushing the narrative that one man’s death (george floyd) is more important than 100,000 ostensible fatalities.

The CIA/liberal media is distracting the country from being vigilant about hand washing, social distancing, etc.

And when will this second wave hit?

Right before November 3rd, perhaps?