Ukraine on Fire [2016)

Here is a film which every person on Earth needs to watch at this time.

It reinforces the conclusions of my previous article: that NATO’s actions (constant eastward expansion towards Russia in the absence of the threats it was ostensibly set up to defend against [the USSR and Warsaw Pact countries]) have been a provocative, aggressive (albeit slow-motion) attack.

Russia’s recent actions in Ukraine are a line in the sand.

Russia has been very patient for 30 years.

Vladimir Putin is the bravest and most wise leader in the world.

He knew that this was the last point at which to fight.

This was the last point at which Russia could push back against those warmongers cloaked in mutual-defense bullshit (NATO) without the result being a guaranteed nuclear war.

It was a risky move on Putin’s part.

But to do nothing would have been even riskier (in the long run).

I am an American citizen.

I love my country.

I love the military of my country.

I love the soldiers of my country.

But I ZERO faith the the military leadership of my country.

General Lloyd Austin, our current “civilian” Secretary of Defense, has facilitated the pushing of killer vaccines on our troops.

As of 1-2 weeks ago, there had been approximately 12,000 reports of death associated with the three COVID-19 vaccines in the USA (according to the CDC).

Open VAERS (a far more reliable source) had counted approximately 23,000 reports of death in the HHS VAERS system (the same system from which the CDC got its data that it then proceeded to apparently “cook”).

You can say correlation does not necessarily equal causation.

And that is true.

But go to Open VAERS.

Look at the number of heart attacks associated with the three COVID vaccines available in the USA.

Look at the number of miscarriages.

And, particularly, look at the incidence of myocarditis.

And then avail yourself of the statistical breakdown by vaccine.

The most deadly is the Pfizer vaccine (by number of deaths).

The second-most deadly is the Moderna vaccine.

And the least-deadly of the three (still with VERY BAD numbers) is the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Which one of these vaccines has been the most retroactively regulated?

The JnJ vaccine.

It has taken the fall.

It has been (after the fact) thrown under the bus as the ONE vaccine which is not completely safe.

But the truth is this: none of the three vaccines are safe.

And none of them have been effective.

And Lloyd Austin has made our troops take these vaccines.

The U.S. Army developed its own vaccine.

Is it ready yet?

Is it in use?

Which vaccine(s) was/were our troops required to get?

Could it have been any one of the the three vaccines also available to American civilians?

General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, did nothing to protect our troops from the policy pushed by Secretary Austin.

General Milley also called China behind President Trump’s back and assured them that he would give them a “heads up” if Trump was going to attack them.

That is treason.

Textbook treason.

Yet Milley still enjoys the same position he enjoyed under Trump.

And some of us also remember Milley impugning those of us who doubted the 2020 election results as being people motivated by “white rage”.

Chief Naval Officer Admiral Michael Gilday recommended that every U.S. Navy sailor read a book by Ibram X. Kendi.

This was inappropriate.

And ridiculous.

Apparently Admiral Gilday shares General Milley’s assessment that America is imminently-plagued by racism.

Look up Ibram X. Kendi.

Find the book which Gilday recommended.

And then look up a person named Bishop Garrison.

Garrison was (last I checked) something of an anti-“extremism” czar for the U.S. military.

Do you support Trump?

You are extreme.

Do you wear a red hat that says “Make America Great Again”?

You are extreme.

Do you support Black Lives Matter?

You are not extreme.

Do you support Antifa?

You are not extreme.

This is the narrative which can be cobbled together from the actions of Austin, Milley, Gilday, and Garrison.

Why do I lump Austin into this equation?

Because he saw fit to order an operational stand-down for the entire U.S. military one year ago to address “extremism” within the ranks.

The timing and message were clear.

Those who doubted the accuracy of the 2020 elections were extremists.

Those who came to Washington, D.C. a few months prior (on Jan. 6) to let their voices be heard were extremists.

This is why Joe Biden’s Secretary of Defense took this unprecedented move of an “operational stand-down”.

Were the George Floyd rioters (made up of both BLM and Antifa) of summer 2020 extemists?

Apparently not.

I never heard Mark Milley utter the phrase “black rage”.

Milley is white.

Gilday is white.

I never heard Lloyd Austin (who is black) utter the phrase “black rage”.

I never heard Bishop Garrison (who is black) utter the “black rage”.

There was only accommodation of the summer 2020 protestors.

Their rage was to be CODDLED and UNDERSTOOD.

The entire rest of the U.S. military (which is, most of the military) needed to read Ibram X. Kendi so they could be more sensitive and compassionate about the “black rage” of their fellow soldiers.

And not once was it called “black rage” by any leader of the U.S. military.

So our military is being run by fucking retards.

Which is why I respect and support Putin.

Is Putin my President?


Is Russia my country?


But I do not support Joe Biden.

I do not think our elections in 2020 were free and fair.

But I am not a violent protestor.

I am exercising my right to civil disobedience.

Vladimir Putin is a man of action.

I have my doubts as to whether Austin, Milley, Gilday, and Garrison are even men (much less, men of action).

So these are the geniuses we send off to confer with NATO (an aggressive, provocative organization which the United States should leave immediately).

So I say, “Stand With Russia”.

Every news outlet on the planet is making Zelensky out to be a hero.

And the same outlets are making Putin out to be a villain.

I don’t trust these outlets.

They have lied about COVID for two years (and about 9/11 for 20 years).

They have lied about everything.

They set an agenda.

They are constantly agenda-setting.

This is a real phenomenon explained by agenda-setting theory.

So if the media that I thoroughly distrust is brainwashing my neighbors into worshipping Zelensky and “standing” with Ukraine, then I am going to exercise my right to worship Putin and “stand” with Russia.

So I also say, “Stand With Putin”.

Fuck it.

Come and get me.

I am sick of your bullshit, AP…Reuters…UPI…McClatchy…DPA…AFP.

I understand choke points.

I understand oil choke points.


And I understand information choke points.

You don’t have to physically control each little news station.

You just control all the upstream news sources.

The wire services.

Where the news gets its news.

And I am sick of it.

But don’t misunderstand me.

I am also sick of Donald Trump.

He was a great President for four years.

Then he started shilling for Pfizer.

“I got the Pfizer”.

He had to let us know which brand.

And then he pushed boosters.

Right after a crowd in Dallas gathered to hear him speak had sung the Christian hymn “How Great Thou Art”.

So he is, at this point, no better than Governor Hochul.

There should be no proselytizing for vaccines in churches or any other religious setting.

If we’re not allowed to preach about politics in church nor endorse candidates (without losing our tax-exempt status), then you’re not allowed to come into our churches and preach about vaccines.

But Trump didn’t stop there.

He gave a moronic, lying (?), whopper of an interview to Candace Owens (whom I love) where he said something to the effect that “people who are taking the COVID vaccines aren’t dying”.

No, I’m sorry Mr. Former-President: yes they are dying.

Some of them, in fact, are dying from the vaccines themselves.

But some of them are dying from COVID even though they are vaccinated.

But that is beside the point.

Trump, as a recent President (who oversaw the commercial rollout of these three vaccines), should be expected to know his shit.

He should be expected to know that 12,000 reports of death had been submitted to HHS VAERS (according to the CDC).

And he should also be expected to know that the CDC is cutting the “reports of death” number in half for some odd reason (which is easily provable by going to the Open VAERS website and finding that there were 23,000 reports of death as of 1-2 weeks ago).

He should know the number of heart attacks.

At least 10,000.

And the number of miscarriages (3-4,000).

And the number of myocarditis cases (30,000).

And he should know that VAERS is a passive surveillance system which has historically caught less than 1% of the actual number of vaccine adverse events and reactions.

This is easily provable by visiting a third website.

The under-reporting of Kawasaki disease makes this an ironclad case.

So Donald Trump should know that his “vaccines that aren’t killing people” are responsible for between 120,000-230,000 deaths so far.

VAERS is a canary in a coal mine.

It can and should be extrapolated by ten-fold multiplication.

But, generally speaking, I am only expecting “uber-genius” Donald Trump to have visited two fucking websites: that of the CDC and that of Open VAERS.

He either hasn’t done that (because he is busy reading the bullshit in the Wall Street Journal), or he is lying his ass off.

Let me be unequivocal: Trump is just as responsible as anyone for ramming through the approval of these neither-safe-nor-effective vaccines.

If we are talking about hundreds of thousands of deaths due to these vaccines, then we are talking about crimes against humanity.

And he has pissed away any chance of using the “I was tricked” defense by unremittingly PROMOTING these vaccines when he should have known that they were unsafe.

What does this have to do with Ukraine?

Putin saw a problem.



They asked for help.

And he helped.

And so I am asking the U.S. military for help.

Both active military and retired.

General Boykin.

General Bolduc.

General Dempsey.

General Nakasone.

General Charles Q. Brown.

General Berger.

General Raymond.


Joe Biden is gonna get us all killed.

And the first to be killed will be U.S. troops sent into another totally-absurd war that does not need to be fought.

And he is gonna destroy the USA.

Austin, Milley, Gilday, and Garrison (to name but four) are DESTROYING the U.S. military.

If you can’t see that, then I can’t help you.

Readiness and lethality.

Reading Ibram X. Kendi does not enhance readiness or morale.

Forcing killer vaccines on our troops (some of whom have left the service over this issue) does not enhance readiness, nor lethality.

We don’t need to hear General Milley’s thoughts on “white rage”.

That kind of performance put him on par with John Brennan and Michael Hayden.

It is embarrassing.

It is like having a middle schooler for the CJCS.

But readiness and lethality are TOTALLY DESTROYED when a CJCS can call our greatest adversary (China) and promise them that he will give them a “heads up” should the sitting President choose to attack them.

Lohmeier got kicked out for a podcast.

Shame on you, Raymond.

Scheller got kicked out for demanding accountability.

Shame on you, Berger.

The U.S. military is a joke.

I have NO RESPECT for the current leadership of the U.S. military.

But I have IMMENSE RESPECT for Vladimir Putin.

That is my right as an American citizen.

I can critique my government.

I can point out the obvious: that our military leaders are doing a shitty job.

And I can have an opinion: that the Commander-in-Chief of Russia is doing an EXCELLENT job.

For his people.

Putin is looking out for and protecting Russians.

Biden is looking out for and protecting Hunter Biden and his own corrupt dealings in China and elsewhere.

And Austin, Milley, Gilday, and Garrison are going about systematically DESTROYING the defenses (our greatest asset…our soldiers!) of the United States of America.

Lloyd Austin should be capable of visiting the CDC and Open VAERS websites.

Mark Milley should be capable of visiting the CDC and Open VAERS websites.

If Michael Gilday wants to be a gender studies professor, maybe it’s time for him to change careers.

And we don’t need a Malcolm X (Bishop Garrison) micromanaging the thoughts and opinions of our service members.

If you’re gonna call MAGA-hat wearing, American-flag-waving Trump supporters extremists for protesting on Jan. 6 what they felt to be a rigged election, then you gotta call BLM and Antifa extremists as well.

Are you telling me there are no BLM, nor Antifa supporters in the U.S. miltary?

Are you telling me that there is an overrepresentation of MAGA-hat-wearing, American-flag-waving conservatives in the U.S. military?

Seeing as how we have a volunteer military, then maybe shaming these Trump-supporting, patriotic service members is not really the best strategy to boost morale and encourage cohesion.

Is the goal to have recruitment numbers plummet?

You can watch this movie for free on Tubi.


Argo [2012)

Q in Joseph Murphy.


Marine Corps Intelligence Activity.

Unclassified files from DARPA.

Now held at Quantico.

Project Veritas.


File name “jag”.

Ron DeSantis.

Navy SEAL.



CYBERCOM outed two pedophile producers at CNN.

Drip drip drip.

We have it all.


George Kaplan.

Roger Thornhill.

You can never tell anyone what you do.

Can you keep a secret?

Maybe I stayed home for two months.

Didn’t leave the house.

Or maybe I left the country.

Phone farm.

Replica of house.

Internally consistent.

Who can check?

Two rooms.



Four is easy.

One, two, and three are more effort than it’s worth.

Because this possibility never seemed plausible to any analysts.

Ghost Army were decoys.

But their chatter was real.

A ghost army is still an army.

FISA renewed.

Australia loophole.

McCrystal is butthurt that we highjacked his idea.

Because he used our truth.

Military intelligence is far superior to CIA.

With some caveats.

Old CIA < New CIA.

William Burns good.

Trust operation.

Counter-info op turned into info op.

Counter-info op that hijacked a LARP.

Is it a cover story to protect DTRA and make DARPA look honorable?


Or maybe DoD are less scumbags than CIA are.

War between NSA and CIA.

Hacking capabilities.

Tailored access (Fort Meade).


Frankfurt consulate.

CIA attempt to usurp NSA area of expertise.

DIA pushback against CIA via DCS.

COVID as bat vaccine.


To be sprayed in caves.

Escaped Wuhan lab before it was finished.

EcoHealth Alliance (run by Peter Daszak [check out his opera singer brother]) offered GoF project to DARPA.

DARPA declined.

EcoHealth’s proposal was on a top secret drive.



Documents not classified.

Pushed off site by Major Joseph Murphy (USMC).

Aide to Commandant Berger.

General staff.

MCIA as intel support to Berger.

In his role on the Joint Chiefs of Staff (who have certainly fucked things up before [Operation Northwoods proposal for false-flag terror attacks {real casualties} on American citizens]).

Now led by traitor Mark Milley.

Also populated by subversive Michael Gilday.

Civilian control by Lloyd Austin (traitor for pushing killer vaccines on troops).



Why is CDC parsing HHS VAERS data to make it look half as bad as it actually is?


How passive is the surveillance of VAERS (historically)?

Let’s take something serious such as Kawasaki Disease as an example.

Underreporting of severe adverse events to VAERS appears to be by a factor of 10.

If CDC admits 10,688 #VaccineDeaths , the actual number may be 106,880.

If OpenVAERS gives the real number in the VAERS system (21,382 vaccine deaths), the actual number may be 213,820 vaccine deaths so far in the USA from this portfolio of COVID vaccines (JnJ, Moderna, and Pfizer).

Pfizer is clearly the most deadly (as the above picture shows).

CDC tries to play the “correlation doesn’t necessarily equal causation” card, but that doesn’t wash.

Consider this:


For free, techno fog.

Major Murphy makes it clear why this is.

Thank you, James O’Keefe:

The above document deserves extreme scrutiny.

If it is a cover story, it is a good one.

It may provide some cover for the military.

But I think it is largely true.

There is, unfortunately, a reason the military might need cover.

What the fuck is this (ongoing program)?

The “highlights”:





How could INSCOM not know about this?

DTRA is literally co-located with them at Fort Belvoir.

Do you need the CliffsNotes?

No problem:

Flynn is definitely doing the Lord’s work.

As is Colonel Sellin:

The Canadian Caper.

Of course it’s CIA propaganda.

But Godard said some of the best (because of their passion) movies ever made were propaganda.


Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.


The original Joe Biden (Jimmy Carter).

Inflation (Bidenflation).

Gas price.

Afghanistan and Yemen now substituting for Tehran.



John Kerry.

Pallets of cash (Iran Deal).

Heavily invested in Big Pharma.

It appears Joe Kennedy III took over where the “Climate Envoy” left off:

I disagree with Major Murphy on Remdesivir.

Causes fluid in lungs.

Completely unsuitable as a treatment for COVID.

Problem is Moderna IPO in Dec. 2018 and BioNTech IPO about ten days before #Event201 in October 2019.

Open Secrets (Congressional stock holdings) lagging approximately four years right now.

Kerry just as deep in Burisma as Joe and Hunter Biden.

Ukraine blew it.

They could have blown the whistle on Biden.

They caved.

Now Russia will own them.

They dug their own grave.

Corruption has consequences.

RE:  BioNTech (and Event 201 foreknowledge).

Gates Foundation invested $55 mil. in BioNTech the month before their NASDAQ IPO.

To reiterate, that IPO then preceded the coronavirus war game (sponsored by Gates Foundation and World Economic Forum with help from Johns Hopkins CHS) by about a week and a half.








#AvrilHaines (John Brennan).

Avril Haines now promoted (by Biden) from extremely-suspicious pandemic exercise RIGHT BEFORE THE REAL PANDEMIC BROKE OUT to head the entire U.S. intelligence community (ODNI).

John Brennan and Michael Hayden are, for all intents and purposes, the same traitorous piece of shit.

No reason for either of them to publicly (a huge break in precedent for CIA and NSA) berate Trump for four-straight years on Twitter.

Brennan’s protege at Event 201.





Joint Chiefs of Staff fuckery:

I thought Lyman L. Lemnitzer was the worst CJCS.

That was until Mark Milley came along.


Like Tammy Wynette might have sung:


But Trump is a fucking retard as well.

Latest proof:

#DeSantis2024 #Rand2024

A history of Trump’s retardation and #CrimesAgainstHumanity .


Trump had to nonchalantly mention his booster status in what was basically a church setting.

This is about as close to being Hochul-level-evil as one can get.


Kinda like how England vaccinated people in cathedrals with organ music playing to calm their nerves (slaughterhouse).

Who’s more objectionable now:  Milley (absolutely a traitor) or Trump (absolutely encouraging crimes against humanity [the administration of killer vaccines] when he should know better)?

Milley is a straight-up traitor to the United States of America…and he might be a better person than Donald Trump.

I’ve already demonstrated that the COVID vaccines are dangerous.

Now let me remind you that they don’t work.




What would make Trump go from being the best President in modern history (he was!) to a vaccine-worshipping, sell-out cunt?

Some really tortured logisticians postulate that it’s all about “optics”.

Hm.  Perhaps.

But to what end?

What is the strategic advantage of Trump alienating his own base?

Does he really think he’s going to win over liberals?

Is he winning them over by sucking the dick of Big Pharma?

I don’t think so.

The heat is now on Fauci.



Law Abiding Citizen [2009)

Death Wish.

No deals.

Benghazi ain’t going away.


Wizards and warlocks.

Supply chain.


Proof that we knew 2020 would be stolen.

We let our enemies think they are winning.

Proof that we knew the pandemic was coming.



Dimethyl sulfoxide.

Sidney Gottlieb.

A think tank guy.


Spies are a dime a dozen.

There is a team.

Q group.

The Army of Northern Virgina.

Isaiah 6:8.

Send me.

Digital soldiers.

Connected by God.


Holy Spirit.


Proof Baldwin.

Operators are standing by.

Cannon AFB.


Ninja attack.


Defense Digital Service.


Duplicate government.

Training wheels.

For Resident Biden.

Precipice not yet.

Q clearance.

Wernher von Braun.


Centralized is CYBERCOM.

Once you flip the switch, you can’t go back.

Unprecedented in “terrorist” attacks.

To turn transponders OFF.

Eglin AFB.



Milley Hayden Brennan.

Hand to hand.

Hand to mouth.

Game the system.

Game theory.

Prisoner’s dilemma.

Tunnel in.

The entire chessboard must be set.

Before the first piece can move.


To the doctors who fucked us over.

To the governors who killed our grandparents.

As they died lonely.

The five governors at fault.

Cuomo, Wolf, Murphy, Whitmer, and Newsom.

The doctors who denied us Ivermectin.

Who continue to suck the dick of Anthony Fauci.

19 beardy guys with boxcutters.

Central Intelligence Agency.

*I don’t know*


Sussmann [sic].

Read indictment.


C before D.

Prolonging the pain.

Prolonging the joy.

Panic in DC.

Murdered on a flight that went down.

Into building.

Daniel Lewin.


How to kill with ballpoint pen.




First week.

Camp Peary.

All patriots have their role.

A professional network of patriots.


DDS Florida?

Small, private company.

Ask yourself Y?

The tactician.

Strategy and tactics.

They don’t know.

Gilday fail.

How much patience do you have?

We operate on our time schedule.

We take the time necessary to conduct the operation to perfection.

Take pains–be perfect.

Autists combined intellect?


Good vs. evil.

Great Awakening weaponization.


Specialty was SO/LIC.

Hubris deflated.

We love phones.


Ryan Dark White reveal.

Jon McGreevey.

Dr. Jonathan.

Chevy Chase, MD.





More to come.

When is a military prosecutor not a military prosecutor?

Extraordinary measures needed.

Disinformation is necessary.

If we lack authenticity, then we have nothing.


San Francisco.


Podesta flowers.


Baltimore mob.

Dr. Mabuse.

Dr. Benway.

Frank Olson.

Fort Detrick.

Mistake Emerald Robinson removal.

Twitter fail.

Jack Vijaya Kaidan Omid Fei-Fei Zoellick.

Saudi front company.

Bandar Bush.




I have not yet begun to fight.

Standing with our law enforcement brothers and sisters.

Standing against dirty cops.






The lovers.

If Trump calls the vaccines bullshit, I’m back on the Trump train.

Says Pauly.

Post-Trump provisions.


Will be DeSantis or Rand.

A statement to get a response.

Yahoo Finance.

To draw out patriots.

Free thinkers.



No more lockdowns.

Blackmail the blackmailers.

Utah Data Center.

Dagger Complex.

Frankfurt Consulate.

Gohmert correct.

Scytl raid good.

Wictor correct.

Continuity operations called devolution.

Parallel executive branch.


We marked the ballots.

Wasn’t precipice yet.

Teaching Americans to once again run America.

QAnon bootcamp.

New bootcamp.

Special warfare.

Parents getting involved.

Flynn messaging.


The generals and admirals who planned.

CYBERCOM essential delineation.

Three directors.


Hayden is a traitor.

Hayden and Brennan doppelgängers.

There will be no happy ending.

It’s not a morality play.

It is a war.

Like all wars before.

A war of independence.


Freeing ourselves from slavery.

We will not be meek, mindless Franklin Grahams.

Plan flexibility.

There will be no Hallmark moments.

No Lifetime conclusions.

It’s gonna be biblical.


Lost Transmissions [2019)

This is the worst movie I’ve ever seen.


Katharine O’Brien should have failed film school.

Or she should enroll in film school, submit this film for her final project, and then flunk out.

This is the most unartistic hunk of shit I have ever sat through.

For fuck’s sake.

It takes a special lack of talent to make a Simon Pegg movie suck.

But this bitch did it.

And she had some help.

Juno Temple is a horrible, talentless fucking actress.

Jesus God.

So bad.

Especially next to the amazing talents of Simon Pegg.

Pegg is decent here.

Juno Temple is all-world bad.

Born of a communist family.

Makes sense.

Nina Temple.

U.K. commies.


Sister of Julien Temple.


No-talent Juno gets this gig.

Julien Temple has talent.

A lot of it.

Juno Temple has no talent.

At all.


But just when you think this film can’t get any worse, Harley fucking Quinn pops up courtesy of vapid null Alexandra Daddario.

Lots of nepotism.

Emilio Q. Daddario.


Democratic Party.


Fort Meade.

You are watching a movie.

One in which Nakasone kisses Michael Hayden’s ass.

And Colin Powell’s ass.



Who else inflicted this film upon the world?

Filip Jan Rymsza.



The music isn’t horrible.

Hugo Nicolson does alright.

Gravitas Ventures should have chucked this film directly in the nearest trash bin.

Straight-to-video would have been too good a fate for this moronic feature.

Tribeca Film Festival should have categorically denied this film a venue.

Because it is utter shite.

De Niro loves the Chinese commies.

Li Shaohong.

Liu Fendou.

Li Yang.

Keep the money flowing to De Niro and Tribeca.

Then we have to suffer through the maudlin coda with Tao Okamoto.

Nepotism everywhere.

Richard Harris’s son Jamie.

No talent anywhere except for Simon Pegg.

And Hugo Nicolson.

But mainly Pegg.

This is a fucking movie.

Q:  What makes for a good movie?

A:  The exact opposite of all the rubbish crammed into this godawful flick


Robert Schwartzman in his cousin Sofia Coppola’s films.

Sofia has talent.

Quite a bit of talent.

Unlike the director of Lost Transmissions.

What ever happened to Q?

Almost one year since the stolen election.

Our military cucked out.

A bunch of fucking pussies.


Mark Milley.

Michael Gilday.

Lloyd Austin.

Commies all.

Fuck ’em!

Talia Shire’s son.

Talia had talent.

A lot of it.

Unlike Juno Temple.

Who has none.

Then you get Schwartzman’s nepotism brother Jason.

Jason Schwartzman.

Band Rooney for Robert.


Must be nice.

Phantom Planet for Jason.

Epic MCA Geffen (2) Interscope.

Must be nice.

Polish Jews.

You don’t say…

Italian Catholic.


Uncle Francis Ford.

Cousin Nicolas Cage.


Jewish Catholic.

Uh huh.



The Strokes.

Must be nice.

But the main offender is the screenplay.

By director Katharine O’Brien.

For fuck’s sake.

Ten minutes worth of material spun out into a 105-minute wank fest.


O’Brien does not have control of her craft.

No one (not even herself) should have funded this folly.

This film has no plot.

…and not in a cool way!

It is just the Jew bitch with the big nose chasing Simon Pegg around screaming “Theo” for 105 minutes.

Lame, nepotistic tripe.

The Prague International Film Festival should be ashamed for enabling this shit.

Best actor?


Best actress?!?

You gotta be fucking kidding me!!!

And the GRAND PRIX???????

God damn.

ANYTHING would be better than this film.

Give me 105 minutes of Czech TV commercials.

It would be better than this.

Trump loves Pfizer, Israel, and America [maybe].

In that order.





Trump lost me when he started shilling for Pfizer.


CDC lowballs it.


For a person who supposedly reads several newspapers a day, Donald Trump sure is one dumb motherfucker.

He owes at least 9,367 apologies to the families of those who perished due to the vaccines he rushed to market through Operation Warp Speed.

But he’s not fighting for you, Mr. and Mrs. America.

As you are losing your jobs because of the Biden vaccine mandate.

Trump wants us to fight the rigged election.

But he is not fighting for us.

He is ENCOURAGING people to get these deadly shots.

How many newspapers does one have to read in order to pretty quickly conclude that the COVID vaccines are neither safe nor effective?

And in case you wanna pretend Pfizer (the most deadly vaccine in America according to VAERS data) didn’t get any OWS funding, you must admit that the MASSIVE U.S. government preorder allowed them to scale up production.

It was an advance.

Hell…Trump even funded the AstraZeneca clot shot.

N.B.  Janssen = Johnson & Johnson [vaccines developed in the Netherlands by Belgian JnJ subsidiary Janssen Pharmaceuticals]








Johnson & Johnson [Janssen] $456 mil. + $1 bil. = $1.456 bil.

AstraZeneca at least $1.2 bil.

Pfizer $1.95 bil.

Moderna $4.1 bil.

Again, Trump RUSHED these vaccines to market.

And left us at the mercy of Joe Biden and the globalists who are now killing us with them.

Either we can take the #NeitherSafeNorEffective vaccines, or we can lose our jobs.

We can be refused organ transplant surgery.

We can be kicked out of the U.S. armed forces.

We can be fired from NYPD and FDNY.

Where’s Trump?

Sure would be nice if he called the vaccines bullshit (which they most certainly are).

He is so at ease in calling bullshit on ANYTHING in this world, but not when it comes to these vaccines.

Ask yourself Y.

Let’s go, Brandon!


Full Metal Jacket [1987)

America is at war.

With communism.

With China.

And with those who collaborate with China to suppress freedom.

Some of those communist agents have risen to the highest levels of U.S. government.

It is not a stretch to say that America is now run by communist China.

Which means people like myself–people who like to have their votes actually count–are placed in a very delicate situation.

I am no longer under any illusion that my vote counts.

My vote was stolen by Eric Coomer.

My vote was stolen by Ruby Freeman.

My vote was stolen by Fulton County and Wayne County.

My vote was stolen by Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee.

My vote was stolen by Maricopa County.

My vote was stolen by Phoenix.

My vote was stolen by Las Vegas.

My vote was stolen by Arizona and Nevada.

My vote was stolen by Chinese hackers.

My vote was stolen by the CIA.

My vote was stolen by the Deep State.

I could go on and on.

My vote was stolen by Mark Zuckerberg and his pathetic wife Priscilla Chan.

My vote was stolen by Mitch McConnell and his pathetic wife Elaine Chao.

And her pathetic sister Angela Chao.

And the Bank of China.

My vote was stolen by China.

China who gave the world COVID.

On purpose.

America is in a war.

It is undeclared publicly.

I’m not sure our military is even smart enough to realize we are under attack.

Because many of our top brass appear to be corrupt.

My vote was stolen by Michael Hayden and John Brennan.

My vote was stolen by Gina Haspel and Avril Haines.

My vote was stolen by Bill Gates.

My vote was stolen by James Mattis and John Kelly.

My vote was stolen by Colin Powell and James Comey.

My vote was stolen by Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok.

My vote was stolen and given to Joe Biden.

My vote appears to have been stolen by Mark Milley.

My vote appears to have been stolen by Chris Miller and Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

My vote was stolen by Mike Pence.

My vote was stolen by Brett Kavanaugh.

My vote was stolen by Amy Coney Barrett.

My vote was stolen by John Roberts.

My vote was stolen by Chris Krebs.

My vote was stolen by Christopher Wray.

South Carolina is where cars crash into trees.

Where drunks wreck their hoopties.

Fucked up on malt liquor.

Cheap wine.

Fuck it.


You’re almost in Georgia by that point.

But you gotta go inland to find the Georgia Guidestones.

So transparently talking about global depopulation.

But still on the South Carolina border.

Heading towards Alabama hit Atlanta.





Fake news.

Was it Ted Turner built the Guidestones or some other worthless fuck?

Some worthless piece of shit like Bill Gates.

Parris Island will get you to Jekyll Island.

Straight shot.

Where those filthy bankers plotted the Federal Reserve System in secret in 1910.

111 years ago.

Two world wars.

A Cold War.


Afghanistan for us and the Soviets.

Iraq twice.

And now we can never get out of debt.

All goes back to 9/11.


I liked R. Lee Ermey.

Some might say.

Like liking Darth Vader.

But I don’t think so.

Because Stanley Kubrick is a (very talented) propagandist.

True, war is disgusting.

True, Vietnam was depressing.

But now you see what we were fighting against.

Was it misguided?


But now Chinese communism has conquered our nation (with the installment of Joe Biden).

And so now the heroes of Vietnam–our American Vietnam vets–are truly heroes after all.

To stem the tide.

To buy us time.

And our politicians (and military brass) have pissed it away.

But mainly our politicians.

And our filthy intelligence (CIA) community.

America is not shit.

At its heart.

But Stanley Kubrick and all his commie fag friends want you to believe it’s so.

But we will not tolerate that.

We respect Kubrick’s talent.

But politely disagree with his artistic premise…that America is shit.


D’Onofrio breaks your heart.

And it is more schoolmaster bullying than anything.

Very British.

But it’s all plausible.

Yet Kubrick has to shoot it like The Shining.

Yeah, war will drive you crazy.

And real training should be the same intensity as the war you’re going to.

Otherwise, it’s worthless.

America is at war.



China doesn’t declare war anymore.

They just sneak around and poison you.

And fuck with your weather.

And buy off your politicians.

I love jelly donuts.

We’re not all cut out for the military.

But when the enemy invades the homeland (as China has done to us), all bets are off.

I am a digital soldier.

Born To Kill.

Matthew Modine good here too.

The terror.

In the eyes.

Kubrick was a genius.

An evil genius.

Yes, war is bad.

But Kubrick was a communist.

So, for him, a communist world was better than a war.

For me, a war is better than a communist world.

Because at least we got the chance of coming out the other side with some freedoms.

Freedom, motherfucker!

That thing I am using right now to write this blog.

That thing that guarantees I can insult the government.

I can make my views known.

I cannot be violent, but I can unleash a shitstorm of invective.

And my government is supposed to not be able to stop me.

Because they are constrained by our Constitution.

Political speech.

Is protected speech.

I wish no harm to anyone listed above.

Even if they have literally taken communist Chinese money (like Joe Biden).

I don’t wish them harm.

But I can’t vote them out.

Not anymore.

Which puts me in a very delicate situation.

Which necessitates that I study war.

To fight China myself.

Because my government has become (in many ways) one with China.

My loyalty is to the USA.

My loyalty is to my country.


Joe Biden’s loyalty is to money.

And those who give him money.

He and his family have profited handsomely off of Chinese dealings.

And Ukrainian dealings.

China has released a plague upon us.

This is not the time to make friends with China.

But Joe Biden doesn’t understand that.

He just understands corruption.

He just wants his pockets lined.

And Joe Biden’s handlers don’t care about the plague.

For them, it’s just another opportunity to make money (off of vaccines).

And really, they worship the plague…because the plague let them dethrone Trump.

It was the only way.

To get the mail-in ballots.

But some, like Bill Gates (and Avril Haines), are quite obviously more privy to a deeper plan.

A plan to cull the herd.

Unfortunately for them, the rapper Pitbull is onto their Event 201 bullshit.

So it is not looking good for Gates and Haines re: stealthiness.

Do you remember Charles Whitman?

Lee Harvey Oswald?

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman does.

Them’s the facts of life.

The Virgin Mary.

Mary Jane Rottencrotch.

A man can only be pushed so far.

How many people voted for Trump?

What do the rotten bastards say?

69 million?

That’s no small potatoes.

Based on post-election polling, I’m guessing the current number of Trump voters who believe the election was stolen sits at about 46 million people or more. Maybe closer to 50 million. And this is assuming the 69 million total is correct (which it cannot, in reality, be).

But I am not here to lay out the evidence.

I have done it before.

I am sick of doing it.

Research it yourself.

Nothing could possibly happen on Tet.

Never has before.

There couldn’t possibly be a military coup.

Never has been before.

Except in just about every country on Earth (America not withstanding).

But what we have had are:

–a Revolutionary War (which birthed the country)


–a Civil War (which tore the country in two).

It was a rebirth.

China (and Russia) would like nothing more than to see us go through a civil war.

China because they want to beat us.

Russia because they still hate us.

But Russia respects us.

Not our leaders, of course.

But us.

Those of us fighting against the New World Order.

China owns the New World Order.

Or vice versa.

It is symbiotic.

Russia is on the sidelines.

More or less self-sufficient.

But a little nervous.

About their neighbor China.

And about the disintegration of the U.S.

Of course Russia wants the E.U. to collapse.

But the E.U. deserves to collapse.

Because it is Chinese communism in disguise.

It is the pet project of the globalists (the Bilderberg set).

Adam Baldwin is also the most real thing here.

But D’Onofrio breaks your heart.

And mine too.

Fat boy.

We fucked up.

But we all get the punishment.

Gotta accept Jesus.

It’s not communism.

It’s grace.

It’s mercy.

It’s harmony.

Order out of chaos (some say).


But not cynical.

You gotta offer a choice.

God is the ultimate capitalist.

Free will.

A free market of souls.

Take your pick.

Look around.

Choose the Devil.

Or choose God.

Feel evil.

And feel good.

Make your bed.

Kubrick always goes a bit squiffy just when he could nail it.

Same in The Shining.

That stupid maze scene at the end.

More funny than scary.

Ruins a masterpiece.

Blood in slow-motion.

Empty filmmaking.

Kubrick doesn’t know…why…he’s doing what he’s doing.

Which is why this film is NOT as good (nor as important) as Apocalypse Now.

But Kubrick gets very close.

There’s a lot of Strangelove in this.

The irreverence of Joker.

A little bit of Cries and Whispers.

The gook sniper.

Kubrick is going for juxtaposition.

A nuke and Vera Lynn.

A war crime and the Mickey Mouse song.

Quite aware.

Marx and Coca-Cola.

Learn your lessons now, boys!


The Great Reset: The Deep State vs the Great Awakening [2020)

Something is afoot.

If you’re not curious whether there was election fraud in the U.S. during this recent election, then you’re not paying very much attention.

It has been 22 days since the U.S. election.

For the American mass “news” media, everything is all wrapped up with a bow in a tidy little package.

They pull from here and there.

Yesterday it was Paul Ryan.

Since when did Democrats OR Republicans give a fuck about Paul Ryan?!?

Since pretty much never.

The U.S. “news” media trots out Mitt Romney.

Liz Cheney.

The criminal organization which is attempting to illegitimately install Joe Biden as our next President is DESPERATE to seal the deal.

Which makes it infinitely-interesting that President Trump retweeted a Lin Wood tweet.

The surface layer of content in Lin Wood’s tweet was this:


But the golden nugget embedded in the article was this:

How long will Alphabet Inc. leave it up?

You have the title.

The Wayback Machine has no working records of the YouTube video.

I would archive it, but I’m sick of fucking signing up for shit and being tracked.

So fuck it.

You can track it down.

And we’re gonna do a little oral transmission here.

Spoiler alert:

this film review will be strictly spoilers and nothing but.

Not my usual m.o..

I’m not selling anything.

I don’t generate income by you clicking on this story.

I have no link to any content creator above.

I write very strange film reviews.

It’s called free fucking speech.

I also write music.

All my music is free to stream and download.

And I’m not gonna post a link.

Go find it.

The purpose of this article is strictly to get information out.

I am a conservative.

The same kind of conservative Donald Trump is.

Like it, or leave it.

I belive in Jesus.

I love God.

If you don’t like my foul mouth, then you can leave now.

I curse because I’m angry.

And I curse because I will not be told what I can and cannot say.

This is my website.

I’m using my free speech.

I’m gonna walk until they make me run.

So I’m here today to tell you about what I think is going on.

I scour the internet every day (especially these past 22 days) in an effort to avail myself of actionable intelligence.

I have a thirst for knowledge.

But more than that, I have a thirst for truth.

I support QAnon.

I support Trump.

I love my country:  the United States of America.

I support our military.

I support our law enforcement officers.

And now I’m going to get around to the fucking point.

I watched this entire one hour, eight minute, and 44 second video – – – – – – so that you don’t have to.

But I still recommend you watch it.

And archive it (if at all possible).

Wayback Machine is my jam.

I’ve never been asked to “log in” until today.


Fuck it.

You can work a little too.

Here’s the beef.

This whole video is good.

All of the guests are good.

But there is one particular guest (the first one) who drops what I find to be some new and illuminating information.

The guest is Major Jeffrey Prather.

It should be noted that several of the six guests (including Maj. Prather) appear to be forthcoming content creators for this new outlet:  American Media Periscope.

I’ve never heard of this outlet.

I get the impression that they have only been around a couple of weeks.


Which brings me back to my point.

Something in here MUST be salient.

And my guess is that it is the first guest:  Major Prather.

If you haven’t heard of Sidney Powell by now, you have been living under a rock.

While most of America is being blasted with “Sidney Powell is even too crazy for Trump” blah blah bullshit, those who know (Trump voters) are well aware that Ms. Powell is an accomplished lawyer.

Her most recent claim to notoriety is successfully defending General Michael Flynn from the petty bitterness of sore losers.

Update:  if you’re just waking up, the Flynn case has been dismissed (within the past 24 hours).  This according to a tweet by one of Flynn’s brothers.  Go find it yourself.  I.e., Flynn’s not gonna need a pardon.

We’ve known this for awhile.

The government has no case when the government has no prosecutor.

Judge Emmet Sullivan is a really atrocious example of a judicial activist.

An activist.

Not a judge.

Sullivan dragged out the case another three months…after the Department of Justice withdrew its case.

But I digress…

It does not take a fucking genius to imagine that the exceedingly-persecuted Michael Flynn might be very grateful indeed for the legal services of Sidney Powell.

Flynn fought hard for Trump in 2016.

Flynn was unfairly targeted by Obama’s illegal Crossfire Hurricane program (run by the FBI).

Flynn’s life has been ruined (in a worldly sense).

But he has survived.

I believe the man had to sell his home to pay his legal fees.

Thirty years in the U.S. Army and that’s the treatment he got from Obama, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Lisa Page, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, Bruce Ohr, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, James Clapper, and (last but not least) Joe Biden.

So Michael Flynn has some scores to settle.

Because of his ongoing case, he was essentially precluded by the judge from publicly speaking for the past four years.

What a illegal travesty!

So now we come to what should be obvious to any thinking individual as the massively-fraudulent election of 2020.

We have been waiting three years for any of those aforementioned people to get in trouble…FOR ANYTHING!

We would have been happy if Hillary Clinton had gotten a fucking parking ticket, but she didn’t.

We have waited through:

-Jeff Sessions

-John Huber

-John Bash?

-Bill Barr


-John Durham.

We have been built up by a bunch of tick-tock bullshit.

Maybe it had a purpose.

Surely it did.

But what I am about to report casts it in a slightly different light.

You can decide for yourself whether what I convey seems plausible.

I belive Q is legit.

But it is a HIGHLY, HIGHLY complex and nuanced PSYOP.

I do not believe it is a fucking LARP.

And if it’s a LARP, then so what?

It has been effective.


It is a part of world history.

It has gotten people DIGGING like never before.

Me and a few other people tried to expose 9/11 as an inside job/false-flag stand down/what have you.

We didn’t really prevail.

We were ignored.

Maybe we were completely wrong to doubt the official story of 9/11.

But I don’t think so.

I researched that event like my life depended on it.


We didn’t need to go to war in Afghanistan.

And we didn’t need to stay there 20 years.

We didn’t need to go to Iraq.


Correct me if I’m wrong (and I’m sure you will), but I think we could have arrested Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and a few others and called it a day.

Which brings us to the current times.

There wasn’t enough of a GREAT AWAKENING to reach critical mass.

But that was 19 years ago.

I can’t really recall Q ever having talked about 9/11.

That’s alright.

Maybe Q will tell us that 9/11 was actually the work of 19 beardy guys with boxcutters working out of a cave in Afghanistan.

And maybe that’s the whole story.

But I don’t buy it.

I believe the CIA was involved.

So does Dr. Steve Pieczenik.

Do yourself a favor and buy his eBook American Warrior in Crises.

I get nothing for plugging that.

He’s not a friend of mine.

I’ve never spoken to or exchanged correspondence with him.

I just respect his work.


Is he always right?

Probably not.

But for my money, he’s as close as we get to truth in this day and age.

So here’s the rub.

Flynn has some scores to settle.

The other military people who saw Flynn become a political prisoner also have some scores to settle…ON HIS BEHALF.

You cannot fail to serve your country (like Obama) and then turn around and ruin a guy’s life who did (for 30 years!).

You shouldn’t prosecute a guy for a process crime and, in so doing, make him lose his house.

I think I donated 20 bucks to Flynn.

Damn right I did!

I worked at Starbucks.

And I was proud to give my hard-earned money to a MILITARY spy chief.

And there’s the rub.

I used to want to work in intelligence.

Maybe I still do.

But I’m old.

Washed up.

And, honestly, I’m a fucking musician.

So just call me Sherlock Holmes.

And a shabby one at that (perhaps).

But I take great pride in TRYING to know what’s going on.

Because, again, I LOVE MY COUNTRY!

And who taught me to truly love my country?

Donald Trump.

And who else?

Steve Pieczenik.

And who else?

Michael Flynn.

If you don’t think that Sidney Powell is privy to some very interesting information by way of representing General Flynn, then you are incredibly naive.

Which finally brings us to this YouTube video.

Major Prather.

Major Prather (according to his LinkedIn) worked at the Defense Intelligence Agency for 17 years…and in a very high position at that!

General Flynn headed the DIA.

It might be said that the DIA is the military rival in the U.S. to the civilian CIA.

That’s right:  the CIA is a civilian intelligence organization.

A weird thing.

Created in 1947.

The CIA’s predecessor was the OSS:  a military intelligence unit.

Although the OSS were a bit kooky (thanks to their head William J. Donovan), at least they were putting themselves in harm’s way.

But again I digress.

The CIA has lost a little more than 100 officers/operatives in the past 73 years.

That’s the official number.

And it sounds about right.

The DIA has officially lost 21.

That number makes less sense.

But it makes sense in that the DIA is sort of the cream of the crop for military intelligence in the United States.

The NSA may be thought of as being even more elite (and powerful as a unit) because of the unique types of intelligence gathering they do.

The NSA supplies intel to the CIA, FBI, DIA, etc.

The NSA is a military intelligence organization.

Back to these casualty numbers.

The CIA has officially lost 133 of its employees on the job…in 73 years.

The DIA has officially lost 21 of its employees on the job…in 59 years.

But that doesn’t really tell the true story.

Sure, the CIA has its paramilitary strike teams.

They used to be called SAD/SOG (Special Activities Division/Special Operations Group).

These officers were largely recruited from the military special operations units:  Army Delta Force, Navy SEALs, MARSOC, etc.

Other than these agents, the CIA is more pencil-pusher, wear a tie, James Bond shit.

And I do mean shit.

Once upon a time, the CIA used to help overthrow communist governments.

This might seem inhumane.

Until you live under communism.

In which case, you see just how humane it really is.

But the CIA has gotten away from that mission.

So much so that they ended up with a Director who had once voted for a communist for U.S. President.

That’s right:  John Brennan voted for Gus Hall.

It should have been a disqualifying factor by some estimations.

The CIA and FBI apparently share the same requirement upon beginning official employment:  you must pass a lie detector test…and one of the questions is something to the effect of “have you ever supported a group that has sought the overthrow of the U.S. government.”

John Brennan admittedly had a tough time answering that question.

But he might as well have answered:

“Not yet.”

To my eyes, John Brennan is clearly a traitor to the U.S.

Following closely behind him is Michael Hayden (who led both the CIA and NSA respectively).

But Michael Flynn is cut from a different cloth.

He’s a spymaster.

But he cut his teeth doing the real thing.

Serving in Army intelligence (INSCOM).

Putting himself in harm’s way.

The same cannot be said of John Brennan (and most of the CIA).

[Michael Hayden is a strange case of…well, I don’t know…I just have to assume he is corrupted and coopted to such an extraordinary level that he doesn’t even really love his country any more (if he ever did in the first place)–he loves himself…first and foremost]

So I give Major Jeffrey Prather (formerly of the DIA) a great deal of respect as a foregone conclusion.

[keep in mind…the DIA has had its share of bad eggs…James Clapper chiefly among them]

If you watch no other section of the video I posted above, watch the segment with Prather.


Where do they fit in to this election?

Which brings up 9/11.

And the incredibly strange/significant “death” of Daniel Lewin.

Yes, I know I put death in quotes.

I’m about as sure Daniel Lewin died on 9/11 as I am sure that Adam Lanza was a master with an assault rifle.

Which is to say, not very sure.

But the Electoral College will meet on my birthday:  December 14th.




Ok, we know about Dominion Voting Systems and all the programmers they have/had in Serbia.  A bit of a strange locale.  Wonder if the company memos are in Cyrillic?


I don’t now why I wrote that down.

I’m going off notes.


Ok, yes.


Something appears to have happened there.

I’m not sure what Prather’s point was on this.

What was seized?

From Scytl?

From the CIA?

And seized by whom?

The U.S. Army?

I should take this opportunity to point out a strange assertion of Prather’s.

I find this one a little hard to believe, but I suppose it’s possible.

Prather asserts that the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and Marines have all had their computer systems compromised.

Might this have something to do with the DoD contract with AWS?

Amazon Web Services.

The CIA uses them too.

Look it up, you lazy fucker!

It’s an article…in The Atlantic.


There have been rumors that the votes in (for example) Michigan were sent by Dominion Voting Systems by way of AWS (which is to say, over the internet?  cloud???) to Europe in order for the votes to be tallied.

Giuliani has pointed out just how ludicrous this is.

And it is!

But what’s the exact chain?

We know there is a company called Scytl.

They are headquartered in Barcelona.

They are rumored to have a “back up” data site (servers) in Frankfurt.

There is good evidence that internet traffic in Frankfurt, Germany on the night of the U.S. election set records for that city.

Look it up.

Find it.

WikiLeaks exposed the fact that the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt is a giant CIA hacking base.

This can be found in the Vault 7 materials from WikiLeaks.

So, did the CIA hack our election?

Seems to me like a high probability.

Indeed, Prather outlines this dichotomy:  the civil war in the U.S. has already started…and the SO/LIC confrontation can so far best be described as DIA vs. CIA (or, perhaps more accurately, military vs. CIA).

I believe this is probably accurate.

It is borne out by all the intelligence I have personally gathered (OSINT) over the past few years.

The CIA has lost its way.

I once applied there.

Thank God I didn’t get the job.

I also once tried to sell my soul to the Devil (true story), but that tale can wait…

I am saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.

I am the worst among sinners.

Which is why I need the grace of Jesus more than anyone.

I also applied for Air Force Intelligence once.

Didn’t get it.

Maybe because I have a fucking music degree and an MBA.

Not exactly what’s commonly thought needed to assess China’s answer to the F-35.

Which brings us to Prather’s point.

According to Major Prather, only the U.S. Air Force and the newly created Space Force have retained the security of their computer networks.

This is a bold claim.

I don’t have anything to really gauge it on.

Except that I have a soft spot for INSCOM (because of Q and Flynn) and a soft spot for the 4th POG (because they followed me on Twitter for some odd reason [before Jack Dorsey squashed me like a bug]).

Prather then pivots to his concerns.

He talked about possibly-imminent “interdictions” against Iran.

We have heard Q talk about Iran.

I love Iranian psychedelic music from the ’60s.

Before the Islamic revolutionaries fucked everything up.

I have nothing against Muslims.

I love them.

I have nothing against Iranians.

I love them.

I LOVE Kiarostami [RIP].

But let’s take stock for a moment here.

Joe Biden “won”.

Netanyahu pretty fucking quickly called to congratulate Joe.

And THEN…YESTERDAY Netanyahu calls to congratulate Jonathan Pollard on his release.

What in the actual fuck?!?

How pro-Israeli does a President [Trump] have to be in order to get a little respect from Israel?

Ok, ok.

I know.

Maybe Netanyahu is working with Trump behind the scenes.

Entirely possible.

Maybe we should have a sort of FVEY agreement with Israel.

But probably not.

Because, you know, remember the U.S.S. Liberty (you fuckers!).

Back to 9/11.

I have no idea if the Israelis were involved.

There was definitely some suspicious shit.

Zim-American Israeli Shipping.

Vacating the WTC right before the attacks.

And the moving truck company [Dominick Suter].

Mossad had some strange presence in and around NYC leading up to 9/11.

I don’t know what they were doing there.

And then there were the Mossad “art students” (which Pieczenik has attested to from personal experience).

All I know is this.

9/11 could not have gone undetected (and undeterred) by our military.

To the list of Rumsfeld and Cheney (Liz’s dad), we should add Ralph Eberhart, Richard Myers, etc.  And almost certainly Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Perle, etc.

Keep in mind, nobody ever got in trouble.

The two tallest buildings in America fell down (were blown up) and all we did was waterboard KSM 183 times.

Perhaps Flynn and Anthony Shaffer could set me straight on some stuff.

I get the general gist of Able Danger.

But it still doesn’t explain a lot of things.

I’m gonna have to side with Pieczenik on this one:  we’ve seen one long procession of (unpunished) false-flags since 9/11.

Now comes the pain.

Pieczenik seemed really sure about those watermarks on the ballots.

And I believe him.

Shaffer seemed to corroborate their likelihood.

But I was of the understanding that DHS was running this election sting.

After watching this YouTube video, it has dawned on me just how suspicious Chad Wolf has been acting.

See something, say something, right?

Why wouldn’t he fire Chris Krebs?

Even more importantly, what in the actual fuck was CISA doing on the night of the election?

Alexandra Bruce brings up some pretty excellent points in this video.

If I understand her correctly, she seems to be saying that cisa WAS IN ON THE WHOLE THING!

[Which would make sense in the same way that NORAD was doubtless in on 9/11]

But here is perhaps the most intriguing bit of information which Major Prather dropped.

It is his assertion that Ezra Cohen-Watnick is, in fact, Q.

Or rather, he says something to the effect that there is a [and I paraphrase] “very high likelihood” of this.

Call me dumb, but I never even thought of that possibility.

I know who ECW is (not personally, of course).

Thomas Wictor drew attention to this personage years ago.

Said there were no pictures of him because he’s military intelligence.

It’s all starting to click.

I find the ECW theory highly-plausible.

But then Prather throws a massive curveball.

Maj. Prather asserts that Bill Barr is getting ready to indict Ezra Cohen-Watnick (!).

For what?

For being Q??

A final bit of potentially disheartening information from Prather is that “Durham has done nothing” (paraphrase).

I.e., John Durham has not, and will not, bring any of the Crossfire Hurricane [coup #1] traitors to justice.

Sure, we got Clinesmith, but give me a fucking break…

I’d still rather see Hillary get a parking ticket.

So there you have it.

The other guests in the video are all quite good.

They all have some rather harrowing predictions for the coming days/weeks/months.

All seem to agree that Trump will probably prevail and be elected to a 2nd term.

But it could get really ugly.

Ms. Burke brings up the specter of military tribunals.

I see her point.

It may be necessary.

I also highly recommend the PSYOP officer.

And the big fat guy with the beautiful brain.


Stieg Larssons Millennium: Del 6 [2010)

Things are about to get nasty.

“The key figures will be arrested in a joint operation.”

(CIA) Brennan.

Importan extension Hayden (NSA/CIA).

Clapper (ODNI).

Comey (FBI).


Homeland Security.



Bin Laden death in question.

Old crimes will be resurrected.








Screen Shot 2020-10-21 at 5.25.50 AM

“the big guy”.


Screen Shot 2020-10-21 at 6.00.19 AM



Paper founded by Alexander Hamilton (New York Post) censored by Twitter–information ignored by Drudge Report (replaced by watery projection).

Laptop from hell.


^CBP (45,741)




^ICE (20,000+).

17 SRTs.

^USSS (7,000+).


*ATF (5,101).


USMS (4,000+).

SOG (Beauregard).

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