Twitter are a bunch of fucking cunts [2022)

I can’t post a god damn thing on Twitter right now.

Just all-of-a-sudden.

No notice.

No message that I’ve done anything wrong.

Just BAM: can’t post.


At all.

So let me remind all you pricks: the same shit happening to Facebook is going to happen to Twitter.

And very fucking soon too!

Why did Facebook REALLY lose all that fucking money the other day?


Because of censorship.

I am so fucking censored on Facebook.

I have had this notice on my account for months that “my posts will be ‘temporarily’ moved lower in the news feed” because I repeatedly shared “misinformation”.



I only have two fucking college degrees.

A bachelor’s and a master’s.

So I’m a big fucking misinformed citizen that Facebook needs to swat down.

But the worst part is this: the ban just keeps renewing.

Facebook has not successfully reeducated me from the error of my ways, so that 90 day suspension (where all my posts are made invisible) just keeps renewing with every bit of “misinformation” I share.

And you know what fucking really pisses me off?

They have my dad so censored that I can’t see ANYTHING he posts (unless it is a harmless, self-made meme).

My dad is 80 years old.

He worked hard all his life.

Served for four years in the U.S. Army.

He is a smart man.

Had an important job in nuclear weapons in the military.


Pays his taxes.

Mows his lawn.

And is made totally invisible by Facebook.

Because he is a purveyor of “misinformation”.

Let me tell you about the time Twitter suspended me for four months without even telling me why (only to admit in an email that they had suspended me “in error”).

You know what happened during those four months?

A Presidential election.

And a Presidential inauguration.


Foreign election interference.

Who owns Twitter?

Was the Saudi influence purged??

Knowingly aiding foreign election interference.


See…I just wanted to post a fucking Spotify playlist on my Twitter account.

And now Twitter has made me mad…and I have taken to my own site to post whatever the fuck I want.

So, politely, Paraga Agrawal and Vijaya Gadde and all those other fuckers can suck a massive donkey cock.

I hope they fucking go to jail for their bullshit.

They kicked the sitting President of the United States off their platform!

Trump is being a colossal dumbass right now with his moronic position on the COVID vaccines.

But it doesn’t change the fact that he was attacked and fucked over for four years by Twitter, Facebook, YouTube (Google [Alphabet Inc.]), and others.

Not to mention the Obama administration and the corrupt FBI that spied on his campaign.

Where is the justice for that?

Why is the FBI allowed to so egregiously break the law?

Where the fuck is John Durham?

This is all a bunch of god damn bullshit.

At least the Canadian truckers have balls.

So anyway…here is my playlist.

Featuring: Doja Cat, Lana Del Rey, Madds Buckley, The Living Tombstone, Flo Milli, The Stupendium, Lily Allen, Nelly Furtado, Timbaland, Freddie Dredd, Studio Killers, Lady Gaga, Ini Kamoze, and Salaam Remi.

It’s all the jams you hear on TikTok.

Songs like:

–“master of Minecraft”

–“when you gonna ditch that stupid [bitch] you got/it’s me you should be seeing”

–The Red Means I Love You

–“I have an idea [what’s your idea?]…your tears are what I look [live?] for”

–“family don’t like the way that I’m living/but they didn’t raise me so fuck they opinion”

–“honestly, did you not read the colony policy?”

–“fuck you very much”

–“I want you on my team [so does everybody else]”

–“damn, son…bitches want some…no, bitch: you fucking dumb”

–“I wanna ruin our friendship (we should be lovers instead)”

–“I wanna take a ride on your disco stick”

–Here Comes the Hotstepper

With a bunch of my songs thrown in–those songs of mine most closely related to the hip sounds I am hearing on TikTok (which, by the way, will also fail as an app because of censorship).


By the way, make sure to check out this account.

This young lady is the most talented content creator on TikTok.

I have watched all of her videos.


Is This Dr. Steve Pieczenik’s Last Appearance on Infowars? [2021)

I have never come to you with such an important message, my dear friends.

The United States is now under martial law (although it has not been announced).

There has been/will be a military coup.

Trump will be President for the next eight years.

This according to Dr. Steve Pieczenik.

Dr. Pieczenik is my intellectual hero.

In the arts, my intellectual hero is Jean-Luc Godard.

But in philosophy, it is Dr. Pieczenik.

Life is art.

But art must be guided by a philosophy.

And so I have learned (over the past five years), from Dr. Pieczenik and Donald Trump, to honor the military and to honor law enforcement.

And it appears the military are about to save our asses.

Because our election was stolen.

It was stolen in a myriad of ways.

Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney warned us in the days leading up to the election that it would be stolen.

He told us about The Hammer (computer program) and Scorecard (an app run on that program).

And then we saw it happen.

As an insomniac, I was personally awake and exercising when Wisconsin miraculously shifted from Trump to Biden at 4 a.m.

Trump told us on the night of the election that this would happen.

He said (to paraphrase), “I don’t want them to find any ballots at 4 a.m.”

And that’s precisely what they did.

And WHEN they did it.


The powers that installed Joe Biden.

Or attempted to install him.

Joe Biden cannot be President.

He cannot be Commander in Chief.

He is publicly compromised by China.

He took money (as I understand, while still Vice President) from China.

This was exposed in emails on Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell”.

Joe Biden is doubtless “the big guy” who got a 10% cut of his son’s shady dealings.

The big guy.

But this goes much, much deeper than Joe Biden.

If Dr. Pieczenik is correct, what we will see over the next seven days will be a multitude of arrests.

Think ABSCAM, but on an infinitely-larger scale.

This is, very much, the rolling up of a public corruption ring.

But it is a ring which has invaded every area of our Federal government.

I don’t relish it.

I wouldn’t think the military would particularly relish it either.

Except that it is just.

9/11 was not the work of 19 beardy guys with boxcutters.

It was, far more so, the work of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld (to name but two).

Two wars were started because these traitors engineered the controlled demolition of Manhattan’s two tallest buildings.

And for nearly 20 years, those crimes have gone unpunished.

The U.S. military has had to fight the endless (and in many cases pointless) wars which have ensued.

I have no problem with a military veteran’s vote counting as two votes (in relation to mine).

What will the next seven days bring?

We citizens have tried to get the information out.

It has been exactly like 9/11.

The media lacks basic journalistic curiosity.

The end of “one vote, one person” coupled with Biden as Commander in Chief would be the death of America.

China has engineered it.

From COVID-19 to fake mail-in ballots.

No judge in the entire country would look at the evidence.

Lin Wood tried.

Sidney Powell tried.

Jenna Ellis tried.

Rudy Giuliani tried.

And only 147 of our 535 Federal legislators gave a fuck about election fraud.

By way of a false-flag attack on the Capitol (thanks CIA), no evidence was put in front of the American public.

The courts failed.

Congress failed.

And China is heavily invested in our media companies.

Which means that a certain narrative will prevail.

And that narrative will be crafted to please the stockholders.

We have done our part.

I have put in two months.

I have crammed evidence out into every crevice of the internet.

I have done it for two months straight.

Now it appears that our last hope is our military.

Martial law is warranted when court systems are no longer functioning.

Because of corruption, our court systems are no longer functioning.

Is a military coup ever warranted?

What if a country was so thoroughly infested by corruption that it could no longer function?

I believe that is the very situation we are in now.

Our voting system needs major overhauling.

It has been exposed as being nonfunctional.

There may be entire agencies of our government which have outgrown their usefulness.

And they will not go quietly into the night.

And so it very well may be that the Second American Revolution will be a military coup.

In these times of censorship, I am quite aware that I am not allowed to voice approval of this coup.

“If my thought dreams could be seen/they’d probably put my head in a guillotine”

I am also quite aware that my blog is surveilled.

Every blog is surveilled.

I am quite certain that I am (and have been) on “lists” for much of the past 20 years.

So, by writing this blog post, I am helping to alert all who might be interested that a military coup appears imminent in the USA.

I have no ability to stop this coup.

And I have no part to play in this coup.

But I have a right to say that my vote should count.

And my vote didn’t count.

The Supreme Court failed me.

Congress failed me.

It appears that Mike Pence failed me.

The news media has most certainly failed me.

Trump tried every legal means.

And by doing so, he has displayed that our system is fundamentally broken.

I did all I could as a concerned citizen.

But I will not resort to violence.

I will simply report what I hear.

This is what Steve Pieczenik has said.

I like Steve Pieczenik.

I love him.

I love all who love our American flag.

I love all who love our history of rebellion against tyranny.

I love all who honor our founding fathers.

I love all who honor our military.

I love all who respect our police.

This is a great war between the military and corruption.

There will be some military who are found to be corrupt.

Perhaps General Mattis.

Definitely General Clapper.

And what of Mark Milley?

I reserve the right to let his actions create a true impression in my mind.

General McInerney is an American hero.

It is from him that we learned “tactical deception”.

I am a simple citizen.

I don’t have a job.

I have two college degrees.

I have mental challenges.

I have love in my heart.

And fire in my veins.

The thought of America ending at the hands of Joe Biden boils my blood.

But it is now beyond my capability.

I now know that my vote doesn’t count.

Because of Dominion Voting Systems (among other reasons).

Because of Ruby Freeman (among other reasons).

Because of foreign election interference (cyber warfare).

I love our country.

I look at General Flynn, and I see someone who also loves our country.

The military cannot turn a blind eye to election fraud.

It was an attack upon our critical infrastructure.

It was an attack on the mechanisms of democracy.

America is out of balance.

It is now up to the military.

What will they decide?

What have they been working on?

What have they been investigating?

Is there a plan?

We should find out this week.

If Joe Biden is sworn in, then it is a fairly strong indication that there was no plan.

But I find it exceedingly-hard to believe that such lack of planning would be possible.

Every mechanism of our government (including our military) would have had to fail in order for an illegitimately-elected traitor (money from China while in office) to assume the role of Commander in Chief.

I am willing to die for my country.

I am willing to die for the hope that liberty might live on.

I cannot, with a good conscience, consign future generations to the totalitarian tendency of communism.

I cannot, as a citizen, be fine with turning the keys to the kingdom over to Beijing Joe.

I have done my part.

I have fought the good fight.

I have won the race.

My name is Paul Etheredge.

I spent decades searching for the truth about 9/11.

Everyone laughed at me.

I used my own money to buy books on the subject.

I delivered pizzas.

I listened to Alex Jones.

I worked hard for those books.

I am willing to be proven wrong.

But we cannot build our house on shifting sands.

We cannot continue to progress as a country if we constantly reinforce big lies.

At some point the truth must come out.

This may be the most consequential week in American history.

May God help us and bless us.

I ask this in the name of the Prince of Princes–the King of Kings.

I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ who died on the cross so that we might live with God the Father in heaven.

I ask that the Holy Spirit be with us and guide our actions.

May we move with swift, merciless love.

May we protect.

May we be merciful warriors.

May we protect and teach.

May God open the eyes of Americans to the corruption which surrounds us.

May God bring us peace for our repentance.

May God have mercy on the souls of those who harmed children.

May God have mercy on the souls of those who staged false-flag terror attacks.

May God have mercy on the souls of those who sent our young men and women to die in foreign lands…all for a buck.

May God mercilessly shut down the center of corruption.

May God mercilessly rid our land of the cancer of secrecy.

May God cancel those who have usurped powers they do not rightfully wield.

Six days.


Pelosi’s Laptop: Full Conversation with Lieutenant General Thomas Mcinerney [2021)

Essential transmission.

Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney talks about Italy’s role in stealing the election for Joe Biden.

Done through an Italian military satellite run by Leonardo S.p.A.

Coordinated by China.

Through an American computer/app which James Comey sold to the Chinese.

That computer and app being The Hammer and Scorecard (respectively).

The whole world has seen Ruby Freeman steal votes on CCTV footage out of Georgia.

If they haven’t, they should.

Along with her daughter (and boss) Shaye Moss as well as another superior Ralph Jones Sr.

Along with one other person (as yet to be identified), these four individuals ran Republican poll watchers (and all press) out of the State Farm Arena in Fulton County, Georgia by telling the lie that they were going to stop counting for the night.

But they didn’t stop counting.

The lie was buttressed by a tall tale about a water main having been busted.

It was a leaky urinal.

These four criminals then retrieved special ballots (there were other bins closer and more accessible) from under a table which was covered with a cloth.

The four criminals proceeded to runs these same ballots MULTIPLE TIMES through the Dominion Voting Systems machines in the State Farm Arena in Atlanta (Fulton County, Georgia).

The next morning, Joe Biden had pulled off a miraculous “win” in that state.

A similar thing took place in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada.

But we are told there is no evidence.

And that Donald Trump’s claims of election fraud are “baseless”.

When presented with direct evidence (the CCTV footage of Ruby Freeman, et al.), the media use the “big lie” tactic of Joseph Goebbels.

They lie.

And they continue to lie.

And in the face of truth, they lie more.

Creating a BIG LIE.

Which is then, gradually, unquestioned.

I will speak more later (God willing) on China’s untoward investments in ALL American media companies (aka “news” sources).

So now we come down to Pelosi.

Nancy Pelosi calls up the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) Mark Milley attempting to BLOCK current President Donald Trump from accessing the American nuclear arsenal.

Milley tells her this is not possible.


Because Trump is still President.

To even ATTEMPT to block him from protecting the country is AT LEAST the sixth coup d’état attempt the Democrats/Deep State have attempted against Trump over the past four years.

Why is Nancy Pelosi so FRANTIC to impeach Trump using the 25th Amendment (a farce…it would necessitate Trump being INCAPABLE of fulfilling the duties of President)?

Because (according to Mcinerney) U.S. Special Forces (SOCOM/USSOCOM) surreptitiously confiscated Nancy Pelosi’s laptop during the “siege” of the U.S. Capitol.

Makes sense.

It’s plausible.

But Mcinerney goes on to detail that there is a “songbird” (John McCain?) willing to spill the beans about the continual HIGH TREASON which has been directed at Donald Trump these past four years (six coup attempts).

Let’s just take the fifth coup attempt:  the election fraud (stolen election).

All who have participated in this treason in an active role should be subject to prosecution under 18 U.S.C. 2381.

The penalty for treason is death.

So we are sitting here in America and wondering when Donald Trump will activate the Emergency Broadcast System.

And when Trump will make an announcement pursuant to his Executive Order 13848 regarding foreign election interference.

We know COVID-19 is a bioweapon.

China’s biological warfare against the world (and particularly against the United States) is in harmony with China’s stated policy of Unrestricted Warfare.

Find the book.

It was written by two Chinese Air Force colonels in 1999.

You can find an English translation even for the Amazon Kindle.

You can learn a lot by listening to General McInerney.

He is truly a brilliant intellect.

And an American hero.

You can learn, for instance, about tactical deception.

Digital soldiers must watch this video which I have posted above.

It is an important video document.

Are we to become a third-world country like Haiti?

We are if we let this election fraud stand.

Anthony Fauci is a false messiah.

Fauci outsourced dangerous “gain of function research” experiments on coronavirus to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

That’s right:  one of the most guilty parties is parading as savior.

Look it up.


Times of India.

General Flynn is another great patriot.

McInerney and Flynn will go down in history as two of our greatest Americans.

But we must preserve the Republic!!!

McInerney was stationed in London when he was in the USAF.

He commanded the 111 ATKW.

3rd Air Force.

He knows, from his foreign travels, of GCHQ.

Britain’s equivalent of Fort Meade.



And so there has been, for some time, some funny business going on regarding this whole effort to slander Trump re: “Russian collusion”.

It is, in fact, the Democrats themselves who colluded with Russia.

This PROJECTION tactic is straight from Saul Alinsky.

Hillary Clinton has gotten away with this stuff for far too long.

Why did former President Obama have a SCIF installed in his D.C. home?

Does Valerie Jarrett live in Obama’s household?

Would this be considered a shadow government?

And so we have Biden.

Or do we?


Turn off Fox News.

It is utter bullshit.

They called Arizona ON THE NIGHT OF THE ELECTION for Joe Biden.

Biden ended up officially “winning” the state by a mere 10,000 votes.

The fix was/is in.

Learn about “counter information operations”.

McInerney advises not trusting the FBI.

What a sad state of affairs for the Bureau.

I quite admire Ted Gunderson (and others).

It is time for good Special Agents to STAND UP!

Mike Pence committed treason.

Another USAF veteran (Ashli Babbitt) was shot in the neck and killed by Capitol Police.

She was unarmed.

Was it a false-flag?


But now you have people like McInerney (who was THE SOLE DoD official who reported to the White House under AL GORE’S (!) Reinventing Government initiative) coming out and saying that the Democrats/Deep State (many, MANY Republicans as well) have committed and are committing HIGH TREASON.

This is the moment, patriots.


Do not shirk your duties as digital soldiers.

Let freedom ring.

Let the truth be shouted from every mountaintop and housetop.


Do not be silenced!

Find a way.

I regret that I have but four social media accounts to give for my country.


There will be no tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be our country RULED BY CHINA.


Shout it!

For fuck’s sake!!!