Jojo Rabbit [2019)

Something is collapsing.

Where did Stephane Bancel go?



The Spartacus Letter.


































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The same people who created the vaccines created the virus.

And Bourla couldn’t get into Israel…because he hadn’t taken his own company’s vaccine.

A tale of two CEOs.

Two of the most evil people to ever live.

They won’t give us Ivermectin.

They won’t give us hydroxychloroquine to put with our zinc.

[it must be the same dose of HCQ as used for other ailments…too much HCQ was used in New York State…USE THE SAME DOSAGE AS WITH MALARIA]

So we are prisoners in our own houses.

They want us to go to the hospitals and get pumped full of Remdesivir.


No fucking thanks.

I’d rather die at home.

[excursus on Bangladesh: ]

So we are the Jews hiding out.

The whole world.

People like me with asthma and high blood pressure.

And a heart condition.

There were two months in a row this year where I didn’t leave the house.

[and I am approaching another two months where I haven’t left the house]

I have asked two doctors (my own physician, and a friend) to prescribe me Ivermectin to be taken prophylactically.

Both refused.

So I am a prisoner in my own home.

With my two elderly parents.

Whom I love with all my heart.

I am not going to go out flippantly and get sick.

And I am not taking these #NeitherSafeNorEffective vaccines.


Uttar Pradesh did it right.

Japan did a great job embracing Ivermectin.

So you can tell me India is a backwards country (they are not…many brilliant doctors).

But you cannot tell me Japan is a backwards country.

Your anti-Ivermectin narrative is falling apart.

But the truckers are the heroes.

Canada is on the brink of revolution.

And America is on the brink of war.

Russia is forcing Biden’s hand.

I believe Putin is trying to force the U.S. military to remove Joe Biden from the Presidency.

It is my belief that Putin is attempting to prove to the U.S. military that Biden is corrupt SPECIFICALLY IN RELATION TO UKRAINE (and he is!):

If Russia invades Ukraine and Joe Biden chooses to send U.S. troops to die in defense of non-NATO Ukraine, this will be proof #1 for the U.S. military.

If Russia invades Ukraine, Xi Jinping will not be able to pass up the irresistible chance to invade Taiwan.

This will be proof #2 for the U.S. military because Joe Biden is corrupt SPECIFICALLY IN RELATION TO CHINA:

If Biden fails to defend Taiwan, this will be the second proof to the U.S. military.

But I must be fair.

Whether it is deception (is Joe Biden even capable of that in his currently deteriorated mental state?) or not, the POTUS said something which was actually sensible the other day.

To paraphrase, “We will not be able to rescue Americans inside Ukraine if Russia invades because if Americans and Russians start shooting at each other, that is very bad.”

This is the first thing Joe Biden has said during his Presidency which is both true and wise.

Is this some kind of ploy to garner votes?

Like the sudden back-off from the COVID restrictions?

But Justin Trudeau is not backing off.

Because he is a fucking retard.

And the Canadian people are showing more SPIRIT and COURAGE and FORTITUDE than any people in the entire world!!!

Previously, the Dutch had been the avant-garde.

And the Australian truckers were the FIRST to REALLY put the screws to their government by shutting down roads.

Also, don’t count out the French.

They did a similar thing near the Channel Tunnel (Chunnel).

But what the Canadians are doing is of a WHOLE OTHER MAGNITUDE ALTOGETHER!

People are wondering why Americans are not doing anything.

Black people are letting their rights be trampled in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other cities because they think that rocking the boat will prevent those sweet, sweet reparations from coming down the pipe.

UPDATE:  all you are getting from the Biden administration and Obama-black Kamala is crack pipes.

These politicians are liars.

They tricked you.


Where’s BLM???



I love my black brothers and sisters.

I’m not saying you don’t deserve reparations for slavery.

But I am saying this:  you ain’t getting shit from the Democrats and the Democratic Party.

AOC is a fucking fake.

Bernie Sanders is a fucking fake.

Barack Obama is a fucking fake.

Joe Biden is WAY MORE RACIST than Donald Trump could ever dream of being.

Speaking of which.

Justin “Blackface” Trudeau has no business calling any of these truckers “racists”.


How many times has Trudeau (likely the illegitimate son of Fidel Castro [is his governing style starting to make sense?]) been photographed in blackface?

But I am going to keep giving Trump hell until he calls out the COVID vaccines as the bullshit they are.

He hasn’t done that.

Instead, his dumb ass has PROMOTED these killer vaccines.






So Trump does not get a pass.

Not now.

Not yet.

He did a GREAT job as President.

But he is shirking his duty by extolling these vaccines.

If there are Nuremberg tribunals, Trump will be tried as well.

His actions have been assuring that that will happen.

He had plenty of opportunity to say that he had been tricked about these vaccines.

He STILL could throw the people REALLY responsible for these killer vaccines under the bus.

But he is not doing that.


This is why I cannot support Trump in 2024.

I will support DeSantis.

I will support Rand Paul (unless he recommended these vaccines to Trump).

I will support Tucker Carlson.

I will support Candace Owens.

I will support Robert Malone.

I will support Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

No one else is qualified right now to be President aside from these six.

But why aren’t American truckers doing what Canadian truckers are doing?

Because of January 6.

The FBI and corrupt agenda-setting (fake) news framed Americans.

The FBI provocateured the January 6 event.


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There are some good FBI field offices.

Here’s my favorites (in order from best to not quite as good):

#1  FBI Albany

#2  FBI Buffalo

#3  FBI St. Louis

#4  FBI Cleveland

#5  FBI Cincinnati 

#6  FBI Pittsburgh

#7  FBI Omaha

#8  FBI Oklahoma City

#9  FBI Philadelphia

#10  FBI Kansas City

Honorable mention:  FBI Little Rock

FBI Minneapolis and FBI Newark are also not bad.

What do you notice here?

Here’s what I notice (and suspect).

The “good agents” are sent to the Midwest.



Notice the pattern.

Philadelphia is a pretty good field office.

But Pittsburgh is much better.

Do you get it?

Send the good agents to the middle of nowhere.


Oklahoma City.

Little Rock.

St. Louis.





Send them to small towns.

New York City?








The FBI learned their lesson with Ted Gunderson (who almost became Director).

He was the best agent in the history of the Bureau.

Because he had INTEGRITY.

He was in some smaller places.

New Haven.  Memphis.  Dallas.

And he almost brought the whole house of cards down on the ruling class which wields power through the blackmail of pedophilia.

Ted rose to be the Special Agent in Charge of the Los Angeles field office.

Never again would an agent of such integrity rise so high.

Let’s talk about the worst, most corrupt, useless field offices.



They solve art crimes.

What a bunch of poseurs.

Same with FBI Portland.

Totally worthless.

FBI Los Angeles is where you send the corrupt agents.

FBI Phoenix are fighting windmills.

And where do you send the MOST-CORRUPT agents?

Well, FBI Washington (D.C.) Field Office, of course.

They see no evil.  Hear no evil.  Speak no evil.

And the FBI has come after ordinary Americans RUTHLESSLY for the past year.





Think of all the things FBI Baltimore could have been investigating…



Think of all the things FBI Chicago could have been investigating…





Not every field office went along.

Kudos to FBI Denver.


Think of all the things FBI Detroit could have been investigating…


Think of all the things FBI El Paso could have been investigating…









Think of all the things FBI Los Angeles could have been investigating…



Think of all the things FBI Las Vegas could have been investigating…





In addition to FBI Denver, FBI Miami was not having this bullshit.

Kudos to them and to the memory of these two special agents who lost their lives investigating real crimes.


The FBI’s Most Wanted Twitter account was busy posting photos of grandmas in ugly American flag sweaters.  These were a priority for the Most Wanted program.  Enough to tweet about it.  And pin it.  Forget drug kingpins.  Gotta find those grandmas that wandered through the Capital and took selfies with Capitol Police.


Think of all the things FBI New Haven (truly a shithole town) could have been investigating…


Think of all the things FBI New Orleans could have been investigating…









Even in crime-riddled San Juan, Puerto Rico, the FBI made #Jan6 their top priority.  Even up to three months after the event.






FBI San Diego is actually a decent field office.  They do investigate real crimes.  And yet, under the pitiable leadership of Christopher Wray, the Bureau continued the same kind of lawless law enforcement that typified the James Comey years.




[The FBI at no time ever had a pinned tweet (for three months) in reference to the George Floyd riots.  It should be noted that Mark Milley urged Trump to NOT invoke the Insurrection Act in the summer of 2020 because he characterized the riots in Portland, Minneapolis, and other places as just “penny packet protests” and that it wasn’t an insurrection because they only “used spray paint”.  Milley told President Trump that the George Floyd rioters were not “burning it down” (it being America), but Trump was right.  We sat back and watched America burn. ]













Back to summer 2020.






























































































The chilling effect has created an atmosphere where American truckers can be assured that THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT will come after them mercilessly if they dare stand up and exercise their right to symbolic speech in protest of vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, mask mandates, etc.

Canada still thinks their government will do the right thing when the chips are down.

We will see.

I will say this:

either the RCMP and CSIS greatly underestimated the scope and potential for success of the Freedom Convoy,

or those institutions are far less corrupt than the FBI and CIA.

Why do i say that?

Because there have been no major false-flags or provacateuring inflicted upon the Freedom Convoy AS OF YET.

But Canada is at an impasse.

If Trudeau uses Canadian troops against the peacefully-protesting truckers, it may force the Canadian military to remove Trudeau from power.

If that happens, the American military might be doubly (or trebly) convinced that now is the right time for them to remove Joe Biden from the Presidency.

This would be unprecedented in Canadian and American history.

This would be an unprecedented pair of “coups”.

But it would be most similar to removing the Nazis from power in Germany.

All of these leaders (including Trudeau and Biden) should be tried for war crimes and/or crimes against humanity.

These are war criminals.

They have been waging war on their own populations.

What good is the Canadian and/or American military if they are not protecting their populations from DOMESTIC ENEMIES?

I cannot speak to the structure in Canada concerning their charter rights, but Joe Biden is unequivocally an enemy of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Joe Biden is allowing the southern border to be invaded (just as Obama before him did).

If there is not a radical change in the balance of power in America (particularly in regards to what role the military plays), there is a very real chance the republic will fall.

Can we wait until the midterms?

Will the elections even be fair?

Has the election apparatus been sufficiently shored up to only allow American CITIZENS to vote ONCE apiece?

Have the vectors of fraud been eliminated?

I am not convinced that they have.

What happened in Virginia with Youngkin and company was hopeful.

But the other question is this:

will Joe Biden and his globalist criminal conspirators even allow the midterms to happen?

Will Bill Gates and company release smallpox in the U.S. (as they have been telegraphing they may)?

November 9, 2021

November 18, 2021

Context [from the same people who brought you Event 201]

Is DARPA trying to cover their asses?

Or are they really the good guys in this story?

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Think about all the people to have died in the shadows of spook world.

The microbiologists.

John P. Wheeler III.

Delaware, you say?


Took the Amtrak like Biden???


Why are WE THE PEOPLE having to do the job we pay our government to do?

Our government is not protecting us.

Our government is not meting out justice.

This is highly-problematic.

All of the attempts to curb COVID have been WORSE than failures.

They have allowed for a change in power in the United States.

Trump would not have lost had it not been for COVID and mail-in ballots.

Which is to say (not even getting our hands on those Maricopa routers), that he indeed WON the election.

But he is not in power.

Unless there is some incredibly weird dual-government situation playing out.

And at any rate, Trump sounds like a fucking retard when he talks about the vaccines.

And he has talked about them a lot.




Casually dropping his booster status right after a crowd had sung the Christian hymn “How Great Thou Art”.



Trump is on THE WRONG SIDE of the most important issue plaguing us right now.


Are we supposed to be assured that Trump is Sun Tzu’s bastard child?

And Trump is some international chess champion?

And he’s gonna swoop in at the last moment and do the right thing?

He and what army?

Our woke joke army of Mark Milley, Lloyd Austin, Michael Gilday, Bishop Garrison, and Richard Torres-Estrada?

That woke joke military???

Milley is absolutely a traitor to the United States of America.

Calling China behind Trump’s back to tell them that he would give them a “heads up” if Trump was going to attack was the definition of treason and espionage.


Lloyd Austin is absolutely a traitor to the United States of America.

Forcing our troops to take vaccines that are neither safe, nor effective, is criminal.

Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley are, and have been, destroying the readiness and lethality of our soldiers.

Michael Gilday did this by recommending that our troops read America-hating Ibram X. Kendi.

To “enlighten” them about the struggle of black people in America.



We don’t need to recommend our soldiers read a book by someone who hates the very idea of America.

Gilday actively destroyed morale.

Whether it is because he is a moron, or a saboteur, I cannot say with certainty.

Bishop Garrison is about as useful as Rosa Brooks.

Neither of them should have ever been let anywhere near the Department of Defense.

As for Richard Torres-Estrada, special operations is one area where “diversity” should not matter one bit.

Give me THE BEST soldiers.

If they are all women, fine.

If they are all men, fine.

If they are all black, fine.

If they are all white, fine.

And those leading them (SOCOM [USSOCOM]) should also be THE BEST administrators and leaders.

There should be no “diversity hires”.

Fuck your feelings.

The world is on edge.

So many dominoes which could trigger lightening-fast cataclysms.

The American judiciary is no longer functioning.

It is time for martial law.

But the American military has been infiltrated at the highest level by communists and traitors.

All of the institutions which “dealt with” the Nazis have been infiltrated by globalists like Klaus Schwab (whose own father was a Nazi collaborator).

NATO cannot be depended upon or trusted.

The same for the United Nations.

The same for the International Criminal Court.

All institutions of international law in The Hague have been corrupted and coopted.

China does some things well.

But China is very flawed.

China’s treatment of Hong Kong is inhumane.

China should coexist with Taiwan.

Taiwan should not be FORCED to become a part of China.

And then there is the abomination of what China did to Tibet.

And what they are doing to the Uyghurs.

And how they dealt with their Freedom Convoy (Tiananmen Square [8964]).

Anne Frank as a comedy.


A rather mediocre movie.

A clever idea.

But not a very good movie.

The real Nazis are the ones in Ottawa taking pictures of license plates and fanatically passing this info onto the police.

It must suck to have your first movie (Eagle vs Shark) be not only your best movie, but the only perfect film you’ve made.

This is, likewise, no Last Night in Soho.

Not by a long shot.

Jojo Rabbit is a pretty fucking stupid film.



Last Night in Soho [2021)

First off.

I am in love with Thomasin McKenzie.

I think Saoirse Ronan has lost her touch.

Kat Dennings doesn’t even bother with films anymore.

And Thora Birch is too much of a liberal moron.

But then all actors are liberal morons, aren’t they?

Except for a precious few.

Jon Voight.

James Woods.

Rob Schneider.

Kirstie Alley.

Robert Davi.

Jim Caviezel.


This film is a masterpiece.

Edgar Wright is the best filmmaker in the world right now.

Is he better than Jean-Luc Godard?


But Godard is not making films for mass consumption.

Is he better than Wes Anderson?


Don’t get me wrong.

Wes Anderson made one perfect film.

And that film was The Grand Budapest Hotel.

And that film wouldn’t have been perfect without Saoirse Ronan.

That’s how important her presence in that film was.

Saoirse has made another perfect film.


But her others are mediocre.



Lady Bird.

Even more meh (not a good thing).

Saoirse has gone astray.

Just as Thora Birch went astray.

Ghost World is a perfect film.

And American Beauty is close to perfect.

For my money, Homeless to Harvard is her other perfect film.

Kat Dennings films kinda suck.

Her masterpiece is actually 2 Broke Girls.

I’m serious.

But that’s not cinema.

Twin Peaks is cinema.

Even though it’s a TV show.

Histoire(s) du cinéma is the best film ever made.

And it was made for TV.

Homeless to Harvard is a Lifetime movie.

Made for TV.

It is not cinema.

Not exactly.

But it may be a perfect film.

Wes Anderson made his perfect film with Saoirse Ronan.

And he made a good film (Tenenbaums).

The rest are shite.

I did not understand Edgar Wright’s film language when I first saw Shaun of the Dead.

I thought it was crap.

How wrong I was!

Here is my contention.

Every Edgar Wright film is perfect.

Shaun of the Dead?


Hot Fuzz?


The World’s End?


Baby Driver?


Scott Pilgrim?


And this film is perfect too.

But this is not quite the Wright you are used to.

This is a genuinely scary film.

But it stands up with Psycho, Rosemary’s Baby, and The Shining as one of the four best horror films ever made.

Edgar Wright films are all about detail.

But not the twee obsession with detail that Wes Anderson has.

Edgar Wright is overflowing with talent.

Wes Anderson is not.

Anderson needed Saoirse Ronan to make his perfect film.

And there was a bit (just a bit!) of grit in Grand Budapest.

Saoirse is missing from his other films.

And there is no real grit in any of the others.

Tenenbaums is good.

But the Wes Anderson players are tiresome.

Is Bill Murray amazing?


But are his performances in Wes Anderson films his best work?

Absolutely not.

No more Jason Schwatzman (for fuck’s sake!).

Is Luke Wilson a great actor?


What’s his best film?

Masked and Anonymous.

Maybe it’s Paltrow and Hackman which make Tenenbaums good.

For my money, Luke Wilson is the one who makes that film go.

But it is not on the same level as Grand Budapest.

Last Night in Soho is the Grand Budapest of the ’20s.

We’re in the ’20s now.

Are they roaring?

Like a fucking mouse.

Last Night in Soho is a gazillion times better than No Time to Die.

This film has everything the Bond film didn’t.


Competent directing.

A story worth sticking with.

And so it is fitting that Diana Rigg’s last role should absolutely trump the death of James Bond.

The one George Lazenby film was WAY better than No Time to Die.

The death of love is more sad than the death of the hero.

Diana Rigg is the linchpin in the Bond franchise.

Pull that thread, and the sweater unravels.

Léa Seydoux is boring as fuck in the Bond films.

She was great in Blue.

But she was nothing compared to the one who carried that film (Adele Exarchopoulos).

Exarchopoulos made one perfect film.

Blue is the Warmest Color.

None of her other films are even good.

Wright makes what Youth in Revolt might have been.

He is not glib.

This is not a hipster film.

Michael Cera (who has made one perfect film [Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist]) is, mercifully, NOT in Last Night in Soho.

[correction…Kat Dennings DID make one perfect film]

Thomasin McKenzie’s obsession with ’60s London music is real.

It’s not a fucking Austin Powers joke.

Rita Tushingham is wonderful as Gram.

Excellent casting.

[take note, Bond franchise]

Thomasin hooks up with a black dude.

No big deal.

Take note, Bond franchise.


Thomasin’s love interest is a black fellow.

I have no problem with that.

He does a good job.

For fuck’s sake…he doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page!

Michael Ajao.

Fine acting!

There can be important black characters WITHOUT A FILM BEING A WOKE FUCKING JOKE (like the recent Bond film).

No big deal.

Don’t make it a big deal.

It has to fit with the story.

The story is the most important thing.

The writers of the Bond film (Purvis and Wade) have allowed their name to be attached to the fucking pathetic shit of No Time to Die.

So you get a kiwi to speak in a Cornish accent.


Thomasin McKenzie.

Say that name with me.

Jacinda Ardern’s father (or mother?) was a horse.

Ugly bitch.

Ugly soul.

Thomasin McKenzie is the best thing to ever come out of New Zealand.

However, there has been one perfect kiwi movie:  Eagle vs Shark.

Synnøve Karlsen is so fucking annoying in Soho.

And she was supposed to be.

So, good job (I guess).

Every film needs a villain.

And Jocasta (Karlsen’s character) is the real villain of this film.

Thomasin is different.

Jocasta beats her down.


A stingy spirit.

Can never share in any of her joys.

Do you know anyone like that?

But Thomasin is troubled.



Seeing ghosts?


We’re trying to solve a case here.

Cold case.

Maybe a lot of cold cases.

Maybe a serial killer.

To the Belle and Sebastian bedsit.

Salad days are short-lived.

Don’t underestimate Sandie Shaw.

Always something there to remind me.


Puppet on a string.

Gotta pay your dues.

As a wind-up bird girl.

Brian Epstein.

Giorgio Gomelsky.

Andrew Loog Oldham.


The influence of Vertigo upon Last Night in Soho cannot be understated.

The red of the Café de Paris.

The blonde of Anya Taylor-Joy’s hair.

And Thomasin’s hair.

[also, don’t underestimate Bergman’s Persona]

The glance to the side.

It’s not Jimmy Stewart.

It’s Thomasin.

Allusions to The Way of the Dragon and The Lady from Shanghai in the mirrors.

Sure, a bit of Pulp Fiction.

But that’s just for the kids.

Edgar Wright’s grasp of cinema history is way deeper than some Tarantino bullshit.

And yet, he likes zombies.

And shitty horror films from the ’80s.

I mean REALLY shitty, camp ones.

Slasher films.

Back to Vertigo.

Kim Novak’s apartment is bathed in green neon.

But Thomasin’s bedsit is a red, white, and blue homage to Godard.

An homage to Une Femme est une femme.


Dancing girls.


Vivre sa vie.

Pink dress fembot.

Pew pew.

Thomasin is way sexier than Anya Taylor-Joy.

Thomasin is the girl next door.

The frumpy hair of Homeless to Harvard.

I love it.

It must be this way.

To juxtapose the transition to Swinging Sixties glamour.

Is Trump just culture jamming with his vaccine tack?

Either that, or the hero has become the villain.

Did the D.C. swamp make Trump into a swamp zombie?

Maybe no one comes out clean.

International law was broken.

War crimes.

All these Wright films have zombies.

Or robots.

Faceless automatons.

A bit of Dragon Tattoo.

We all like a good microfiche scene!

Is Terence Stamp her father?

If Sandie is her mother?

Could be.

Otherwise, she would be the daughter of a prick.

But Stamp tried to save Sandie.

Arsenic and old lace.

The ones you never suspect.


“Buried” in the walls.




Wright’s “sympathy for the serial killer”.

What happened to these people that made them monsters?

Don’t underestimate Truffaut’s Fahrenheit 451 (his only English-language film…and a flat-out masterpiece).

In the world of Edgar Wright, it is records.


Not books.

And sometimes the elderly want to die with their memories.

They are not going anywhere.

They are not fleeing.

It’s been a good life.

Going down with the ship.

Up in flames.

The shitbags want their deaths avenged.

After all, they were just horny, well-to-do dads who needed a little excitement.


It’s the law, after all.

Murder is murder.

Crimes of passion.

By reason of insanity.

Not guilty.

Not insane.

But traumatized.

But Thomasin has been on the adventure.

She knows what Sandie has been through.

Trump was abused for four years.

That is true.

And he fought like a champ.

Is there no justice?

Is it culture jamming (I ask again)?


Keeping his enemies off balance.

Getting a foot in the door.

Truth Social will censor “hate speech” with a Silicon Valley AI bot.

In order to get on Apple App Store and Google Play.

But the roll out is delayed?

Lie about the vaccines.

“Safe and effective”.

Move in for the kill shot.

Against whom?

Big Pharma and the New World Order.

But we have to call out serial killers for who they are.

If you are saying the COVID vaccines are “safe and effective”, you are spreading misinformation that is endangering the lives of those who hear and trust you.

CDC:  11,879


Open VAERS:  23,149



Neither safe,

nor effective.


10,000-20,000 vaccine deaths should be read as 100,000-200,000 vaccine deaths because of this:



And correlation does not necessarily equal causation…unless this (peep the myocarditis…you think that’s all JnJ? [nigga please!]):


But the election was stolen.

Or was it allowed to be stolen?

When will the other shoe drop?

Or does the other shoe even exist?

This charade is going to go on until 2024?

Maybe Sandie is not her mother.


Giuliani Press Conference [11/19/20)

This is potentially the most important media event in the history of the United States of America.

Let’s use Google (please, no laughing yet…) to determine how “top” news organizations are covering a mass criminal conspiracy (if proven) which involved installing a losing candidate (Joe Biden) in the place of the candidate who actually won (Donald Trump).

That would be a big story, if true, right?

Let’s do a quick survey.

Because it’s the job of the news media to parse the one-hour-and-thirty-minute event and give American citizens an overview of its salient points.

Google search result for “giuliani press conference” videos page 1 (let’s presume a person might want to watch the whole thing for themselves):

–Result 1. Located on YouTube (owned, like Google, by Alphabet Inc. [how convenient]). Nine minutes. Key term: “hair dye”. Content: Jimmy Fallon

–Result 2. CNN. Two minutes and 42 seconds. Key term: “baseless claims”. Hey, CNN: do you treat all affidavits with such blanket dismissal?

–Result 3: Located on YouTube (part of Google conglomerate Alphabet Inc). Thirteen minutes and 51 seconds. Key term: “insane”. Content: Seth Meyers.

Let’s pause a moment.

Are we to assume that Google is impartially allowing the “most popular” results to rise to the top of their search here? We are presented with 2-out-of-3 results which directly benefit the search engine’s holding company (Alphabet) by way of a subsidiary (YouTube).

Sure, people like a good laugh.

But are comedy monologues usually the most popular when something as serious as a national criminal conspiracy comes to light?

To make fun of Rudy’s running hair dye is an ad hominem attack. Sure, it’s in good fun, right? But did Jimmy Fallon make fun of the room full of press who followed Rudy’s impassioned feat of logic with inane non sequiturs? I doubt it.

To characterize Rudy’s press conference as “insane” is to characterize Rudy himself as “insane”. This is, again, an ad hom attack which conveniently avoids addressing the event on any intellectual merit whatsoever.

Then, strangely, we have “news” wedged in between these two self-dealing redirects by Google. News in the form of CNN. What we appear to find is that, either A: CNN is the most popular news network in the USA (not true based on television ratings, financial solvency, etc.), or B: Google is pushing the views of a not-widely-popular network as being WILDLY-POPULAR.

Well, at least we can hope the title of said news coverage retains the appearance of impartiality.


CNN’s video is titled, “Rudy Giuliani spouts baseless claims at news conference.”

Well, then.

That’s all we need to know, right?

Might as well not even watch it.

…the hour-and-a-half version, much less the 2′(!)42″ version.

CNN is really providing a service here.

They are thinking FOR US.

The video is just complementary.

The title says all you need to know.

There is no subtle shading.

It is black and white.

To CNN (at least), it is clear that Rudy Giuliani’s sworn affidavits are “baseless claims”.

How, I wonder, did CNN come to this conclusion?

Are they able to, point by point, refute each affidavit in a mere two minutes and 42 seconds?

Perhaps an auctioneer delivers the story using logic of which Bertrand Russell would even be proud?

But I doubt it.

And I won’t waste my time being burned again by CNN.

CNN is worse that the village idiot.

Because CNN is not unaware of what it is doing.

–Result 4: Ohhh…The Guardian. U.K. The king’s English. They talk in that proper, fastidious accent. Surely they will be measured and retrospect in their approach. Forty-three seconds. Key terms: “sweaty”, “hair malfunction”, “bizarre”. Right. As has been said recently, your opinion stopped mattering to us in 1776.

–Result 5: People magazine. One hour, 48 minutes, and 39 seconds (no less). Sounds promising. Key terms: “hair dye” and “sweat”. The title is already telling me what to think. It’s already telling me what to focus on. I don’t like that.

–Result 6: Newsweek. A whole whopping 26 SECONDS! Video title: “Tucker Carlson defends Rudy Giuliani”. God forbid…

–Result 7: Located on YouTube [where’s Teddy Roosevelt when you need him?]. The Young Turks. Eight minutes and 45 seconds. Key term: “literally melting down”. Again, ad hominem attack to cast aspersion on the facts presented.

Hey. Rudy is old. Lights can be hot. Lawyers have dropped off his team because THEIR LIVES HAVE BEEN THREATENED. Oh, and there’s this little thing called WORK. Work generates HEAT. A heated human body naturally SWEATS to cool itself down. When’s the last time you saw a “journalist” sweat?

Result 8: Sky News Australia. Surely the Aussies will offer a different take in their one minute 46 second video. Key term: “hair dye sweat”. Ok, maybe not.

Result 9: CNN. Again!!! Wow…they must really be popular. Let me guess: they give Rudy a fair shake here and, therefore, the video is lower rated by Google (and, you know, “we the people” who utilize this fair and balanced search engine)? Again, with CNN, the title says it all (no need even watching [apparently]): “CNN reporter debunks Giuliani’s dangerous and false claims.” Wow. So Pamela Brown (whoever the fuck that is) takes just four minutes (!) to refute an hour-and-a-half press conference from extremely literate speakers (not limited to Giuliani, but including lucid delineation by Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis).

So, let me get this straight: is the whole world (and particularly the United States [whose election has just been stolen by criminal conspiracy]) just a bunch of fart-joke-laughing middle schoolers who gleaned nothing from this masterpiece of oratory other than from the 10 minutes (out of NINETY MINUTES) where Rudy’s hair dye ran down the sides of his face?

I get it. Funny. Ha ha. That’s right. Let’s just discount the whole thing. Let’s discount “America’s Mayor” who saw us through the dark days of 9/11/01. Let’s just take a big dump on him. Let’s kick this prostate cancer survivor in the nuts because, God forbid, he uses hair dye. And, GOD FORBID, he sweats when he works.

For this audience:

a Rudy Giuliani fart is more literate–more articulate than a Joe Biden State of the Union address could ever be (God forbid the later actually happens).

Result 10: Located on YouTube [$]. Bloomberg. One hour, 48 minutes, and 39 seconds. Hmmm…same exact feed as People? Wow. That said, it’s the only result on page one which seems to even attempt taking Rudy as seriously as CNN takes the Green New Deal.

If you’re not much on videos, then read. This seems to be a fairly accurate transcript (though I have just browsed the top portion [after having watched the entire press conference]).

I believe the three people who spoke (Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis) will go down in American history as heroes for what they did today. And so will those working in the shadows (like Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing).

This is the most epic break in the matrix (or Debord’s “spectacle”, whichever you prefer) in modern American history. It will be remembered that it all started here.


Chronique d’un été [1961)

Capture capture capture.

Always capture the emotion of what you’ve just seen.

You have to take a piss?

It can wait.

[ok, sometimes it can’t]

But here it must wait.

Because Chronicle of a Summer is beyond the level of masterpiece.

For so long, I wanted to see a film of Jean Rouch.

Et voilà…ici!

Joined by another genius = Edgar Morin.

Where Nuit et brouillard fails, Chronique d’un été succeeds.

The reality (yes) of the Holocaust is in Marceline.

Marceline who does not want to sleep with an African.

Marceline with the concentration camp tattoo.

Marceline and her memories of her dear papa.

In this moment, the Holocaust becomes true.

We believe it…because it is not the same bullshit propaganda we have heard a million times.

Propaganda meant to amplify a truth can actually succeed (fail) in negating a truth.

Such is with the Holocaust.

It is where Spielberg fails with Schindler’s List.

It’s the Titanic of Holocaust historiography.

Titanic might be a good film (I believe it is), but it is certainly not cinema.

It is popcorn viewing.

That’s what Spielberg (of Jaws) did with the Jews.

He knew no other way.

He made a pop song out of Berg’s Violin Concerto.

Not even that.


But Rouch (rouxsch) and Morin (more on, not moron) do the opposite.

Here we see all the techniques which would dominate the work of Jean-Luc Godard in the 1960s.

And Godard has admitted the debt to Rouch.


What is that?

Ethnic and graphs?

Might be some false cognation in there.

But yes:  this is a film from the social sciences.

Morin, the sociologist.

Rouch, the anthropologist (always mentioned as an “ethnographic filmmaker”).

It you want to see a film that doesn’t suck, see this one.

It has everything.

But it is not forced.

It is Paris, but it is also Africa (Côte d’Ivoire, Belgian Congo, colonial Algeria, jungles, leaves over the “sex” [genitals]).

Yet, all of this is merely talked about.

We are taken there by dialogue.  Language.

Immigrants.  Africans.

High and low.

A Renault factory.  Saint-Tropez.

Up and down.

Youth happy because the sun is shining and they are young.

Elderly who have lost their spouses or siblings.

Down and up.

Immigrants from Italy.  Depression.  REAL FUCKING DEPRESSION.

But beauty.  La bohème.  Attic apartments.

Bullfighting.  Rock climbing.  Bananas.

Fruit and //furniture forgeries.

Cooked books.  Accounting irregularities.

Leisure.  The revolution of doing nothing. [or at least something surreal]

You can’t just buy one book and expect to have it tell you “how the French think”.

No, my friends…

You must work at it.

You must study for years.  Study a culture.

And that’s what I’ve done with the French.  Because I love them.




Häxan [1922)

One of my ancestors was hung for being a witch.

Susannah Martin.


When I speak of it or think of it, it gives me chills.



No, she.

As Danish director Benjamin Christensen makes so clear in this masterpiece.

Häxan is Swedish for “witch”.

Our film was released by Svensk Filmindustri:  a Swedish film production company which still exists to this day.

Thus the Swedish title.  And the Swedish premier(s) in 1922.  And the Swedish intertitles.

The Danish would be Heksen.

Swedish, Danish, English…

Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered.

This is the horror of religion.  The horror of irrationality.  Violence against women.  Abuse of the elderly.  Mistreatment of the mentally ill.

Christensen’s film is a masterpiece precisely because it combines the clarity of modern thought with the mists of medieval superstition.

It begins almost as a documentary.

Unlike me, he lists his sources.

But then the film takes on a life of its own.

As if the director was not quite sure whether to dismiss superstition outright.

As if some dark Freudian specters were haunting his deliberate phantasmagoria.

It was meant to be a lucid montage.

But the letters became transposed.

Lucid, Lurid.  Live.  Evil.

Miles Davis had it right.  And Howlin’ Wolf (by way of Willie Dixon) [not to mention Howlin’ Pelle].

Svensk Filmindustri.  Founded a mere three years before Häxan.

Only fitting that the parent company (Bonnier Group) should have its roots in København.

Because Benjamin Christensen is brilliant as the Devil.

And now for the juicy stuff.

Not Hell, but Hellerup.  Denmark.

Birthplace of Stine Fischer Christensen (ooh la la!).

But we’re mainly interested in ASA Filmudlejning.

Or are we?

An unfinished symphony of horror.

…eine Symphonie des Grauens


Possessed by self-punishment.

“More weight!”

And even more wait.

Tom Waits for no man.

I was tricked.

Must have been needles and pins.  Voodoo.

He can’t even remember her name.

Ripped my heart from my chest.

Call it punk rock.

Moloch.  Bohemian Grove.

If it’s all a bunch of bollocks, then these blokes are just bluffing, right?



-Warren Christopher

-George Creel (investigative journalist and propagandist)

-Harlan Crow (this guy…son of Trammell Crow…buddy of Clarence Thomas [more on him later]…Thomas, who gave Crow the Bible of Frederick Douglass [what the fuck?!?]…Crow…owns at least one painting by Hitler…Napoleon’s writing desk…the Duke of Wellington’s sword [ca. 1815]…but weirdest is his Alec Trevelyan (006) / Janus sculpture garden which includes such spoils of war as Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Marx, Mubarak, Tito, Ceausescu, and Guevara)


-David Gergen (of course)


-Kissinger (naturally)

-John Lehman (9/11 commission)

-Henry S. Morgan (cofounder Morgan Stanley)

-Reagan (Owl’s Nest)

-George Shultz [sick]

-Tony Snow [“]

-Caspar Weinberger

Weaving spiders come not here.




Umberto D. [1952)

Unglamorous stories.

That is what Italy brought us in the post-war years.

And every “new wave” which has followed owes a debt to the masters like De Sica.

Perhaps you know Ladri di biciclette (Bicycle Thieves).

Don’t stop there, dear friend.

Because here we have the precursor to Dante Remus Lazarescu.

Sure.  There is some humor in Umberto D.  A very, very dark humor.

As with Moartea domnului Lăzărescu.

But mostly there is beauty.




There is the little dog Flike.  Not Flicka, but Flike (rhymes with psych).  Or bike.

Flike.  Like Céline’s cat Bebert.

And then there is the stunning (STUNNING) acting of Carlo Battisti as Umberto.

There are few performances which can equal it.

Ioan Fiscuteanu did it as Lazarescu.

And that’s about it.

Rarefied air…these two actors.

Let me put it another way.  Umberto D. was Ingmar Bergman’s favorite film.  Do you know what I mean?

The director of Smultronstället and Sommaren med Monika.

Picked one film.  And this was it.

Appropriately, this was Carlo Battisti’s only film role ever.

As the star of Umberto D.

He wasn’t an actor.  He was a linguist.

God damn…

It’s just unreal how good this film is!

But we must also give credit to the indispensable Maria-Pia Casilio.

It is through her eyes that we see the ants…formica in Italian.

In English, we think of a hard composite material.  Formica.  A table top.

But a sort of false cognate brings us back to the archetype which Dalí and Buñuel so evocatively exploited in Un Chien Andalou.  That was 1929.  A film.  The famous eyeball which gets “edited”.  And then the ants were back in La persistència de la memòria.  A painting.  Soft clocks.  You know the one.  And the only differences between Spanish and Catalan in this case are the diacritical marks.

But she burns paper.  To chase the ants.  And the stray cat prowls the roof at night soft as a snowflake.  And the grated skylight is her canvas to dream stretched out in her bed.  And nothing is more morose than a contemplative face at the window looking out on a dingy world.

We sense it did not go easily for Italy.  After the war.  Because when you choose the wrong side you will be punished.

And though Germany was divided and Berlin was the most surreal example of this (being wholly within East Germany…like a Teutonic Swaziland–a Lesotho leitmotiv), Italy still suffered.  We see it in Rossellini.  And we see it here.

Neorealism.  A update on the operas of Mascagni and Leoncavallo.  A continuation of Zola.  A nod to Dostoyevsky.


The star is an old man.  He is not really a hero.  He doesn’t save the world.  There aren’t explosions.

But (BUT)

he does something most extraordinary.  He survives…for a time.  What a miracle!

Ah!  The miracle of everyday life.  We have survived another year.  Another day!

Do you think there will be a war?

[Shame.  The shame of having to ask for help.  Begging for the first time.]

When your bed is a joke.  Newspapers and dust.  And there is a goddamned hole in your wall.  Perhaps.

A missile.  Or The Landlord’s Game (which became Monopoly).

When you are cold with a fever.  As an elderly person.  All your glamorous days have passed.

And you need your coat just to provide a little more warmth.  On top of the blanket.  To make it through the night.

As long.

As long as this film survives, humanity has a chance.
