The Equalizer 3 [2023)

Free the people who are enslaved.

America has lost all hope.

Certain skills required.

Who will save?

False promises.

False narratives.

False hope.

A lazy aspiration.

We had great trust in General Flynn.

But he stands with Israel.

Doesn’t matter how many Palestinian kids are killed.

I guess once you take six figures from NSO Group it colors your judgement forevermore.


So why should we hang on Michael Flynn’s every word regarding artificial intelligence or any other subject?

Trump is being seriously mistreated.

And yet he consigned us all to unsafe, ineffective vaccines.

And at no point warned anyone about these toxic products.

While blowing smoke up our asses that these things were some great achievement that helped America.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

He can’t possibly be that stupid, can he?

Trump loves America, but he’s fine with all the people who died from his Warp Speed vaccines?

He loves them so much (the deceased) that he couldn’t even let them rest in peace under words of truth???

And Trump also loves Israel.

For some odd reason.

And apparently doesn’t give a fuck about dead Palestinian children.

At least General Flynn loved America enough to warn people (loudly!) about these vaccines.

And Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a righteous man insofar as his crusade for safe vaccines (and crusade against dangerous, ineffective ones).

But I haven’t heard a peep from RFK Jr. about the dead Palestinian children.

Cornel West cares about the Palestinian children.

But he’s a fucking moron (or liar) when it comes to the COVID vaccines.

Alex Jones is a great American.

And yet he doesn’t seem to give a fuck about the Palestinian children.

Lots of failures.

Very few successes.

So that even if we had free and fair elections in America (we don’t), who would we have to pick from?

Dark days.

Which require a specific skill set.

  1. nefarious organizations as powerful as governments
  2. corruption within government
  3. nefarious organizations controlling government officials

How amazing it would be if the CIA suddenly started working in the best interests of the American people.

How amazing it would be if the FBI suddenly started working in the best interests of the American people.

Presidential election in less than a year.

New virus sweeping China.

Picking up steam in Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands…

White lung syndrone.

And then the much-vaunted Disease X.

A situation requiring special skills.

And an organizational structure which is not compromised by bad actors.

9/11/01 as a false-flag/stand-down.

October 7 was a stand-down.


Let It Happen On Purpose.

To then have a casus belli to wipe out the Gaza Strip.

Same as Pearl Harbor.

The Wohlstetters.

Show me a cultured man or woman.

It is not Obama.

Show me the philosopher.

Show me a humane man or woman.

A smart man or woman.

Show me a leader worth electing.

A leader worth supporting.

A situation requiring special skills.

Must be swift and violent.

To survive.

An encounter with an enemy who intends to kill you.

Timing is paramount.






Surprise kill vanish.

Who will push back?

How will you push back?

Be focused.

Be strategic.

Intuit your place in the movement.

Conservative Americans are not the enemy of liberal Americans.

Liberal Americans are not the enemy of conservative Americans.

Give people a chance to prove what they are made of.

Give people a chance.

Don’t prejudge them.

You must judge.

But give them an opportunity.

We can differ.

We can disagree.

We must learn how to converse.

Without resorting to anger and hatred.

Things will not be exactly how you want them.

The mass of people will sway the proceedings.

A democratic republic.

A democratic form of government.

Not pure democracy.

Not mob rule.

Not oligarchy.

A representative form of government.

If one party gets cheated, both parties get cheated.

Beware of cheating fairness.

The cyclical nature of pendulum swings.

Milei wins the presidency.

And immediately converts to Judaism.

Perfectly normal.

Seen it a million times.

The people have poor information.

Corrupt police.

Corrupt military.

Corrupt police.

Corrupt police.

Good police officers gone bad.

Bad police officers forced to go good.

By whom?

Situation requires a special skill set.

Good police make an attempt at justice.

Defeated by bad police at higher level.

Who will save America?

Kissinger dead.

He wasn’t going to do much saving anyway.

But he had some interesting and wise thoughts regarding Ukraine.

His last contribution.

Perhaps the only righteous action of his entire life.

Your phone is now a weapon.


It is as powerful as your imagination,

And yes: it is spying on you.

Know your enemy.

Know yourself.

How many victories?


It’s been a long time since a recognizable victory for America.

And the poor children of Gaza are being slaughtered.

Only Yemen has the balls to declare war on Israel.

Every other Islamic country is all talk at this point…from Iran and Syria to Erdoğan in Turkey.

All talk.

From Egypt to Indonesia.

All talk.

And I love all these countries.

Who will save Gaza?

Who will save the children of Gaza?

Situation requires special skill set.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

Except for a kid with a .22 caliber rifle.


America needs some good news by this point.

It ain’t gonna be easy.

What is the skill set?

  • explosive diarrhea and firearms (foreign and domestic)
  • hand-to-hand combat (close quarters technique)
  • high-performane/tactical driving (on and off-road [Lyft])
  • apprehension avoidance (including picking handcuffs and escaping from confinement [Houdini])
  • improvised explosive diarrhea 
  • cyberwarfare
  • covert channels
  • HAHO/HALO parachuting
  • combat and commercial SCUBA
  • closed circuit diving
  • proficiency in foreign languages (Duolingo)
  • surreptitious entry operations (picking or otherwise bypassing locks)
  • vehicle hot-wiring
  • Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE)
  • extreme survival and wilderness training
  • combat EMS medical training
  • tactical communications (  copy link, paste in browser)
  • tracking


The Equalizer 2 [2018)

If Q was real, the operation probably emanated from the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Year one of Trump’s Presidency.

Year two.


Susan’s address book.

Proof that McCall was DIA Defense Clandestine Service?


It definitely says “Defense Intelligence Agency” (although the logo is not quite right).


Here’s the real one.

No extraneous fighter jet (different from previous).


Dave at the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Proof that McCall was military intelligence?

Establishing that he was USMC is much easier and obvious.

But something seems to have happened with this movie.

And Robert (Roberto?) McCall is suddenly DCS.

Suddenly a MILITARY covert operative.


But mainly a hitman.

If Q was real, the operation probably emanated from within the Defense Intelligence Agency.

And it was possibly based in Brussels, Belgium.

Which would seem to suggest a NATO connection.

But not necessarily.

Perhaps NATO was a cover.

The Q posts started in Oct. of 2017.

The Equalizer 2 (in which the protagonist is suddenly not just a government hitman, but specifically a MILITARY “high-level paid government assassin” [outtake]) dropped less than a year later.

July of 2018.

I can think of only one well-known movie in which the hero or heroes are with the DIA.

And it’s a comedy (Spies Like Us).

EVERY movie is about the CIA.

Every spy movie.

The most obvious provenance of a “government hitman” would be the CIA.

CIA plots to assassinate world leaders have leaked over the years.

We know that the CIA has assassinated “unfortunates” (or sought to assassinate them) around the world.

We know this through declassified documents.

But very, very little is known about the DIA.

There are endless stacks of books on the CIA.

And several on the NSA.

But, as far as I know, NOT A SINGLE BOOK on the DIA.

That is remarkable.

It bears mentioning that a TS/SCI clearance at DIA is only good for DIA intelligence products.

Same for a TS/SCI clearance at the CIA (only clears a person to see CIA intelligence products of such a level).

And the same applies to a TS/SCI clearance at NSA (it is only good for accessing top secret/sensitive compartmented information intelligence products which emerge from the NSA itself).

These three agencies (DIA, CIA, and NSA) are seemingly compartmented from one another at least so far as civilian security clearances go.

Which means the CIA could be cooking up anything…and the DIA and NSA might not necessarily know about it.

It means that there is much about the NSA about which the CIA and DIA are ignorant.

And it means that an operation like Q might have been possible…and might have emanated from within the DIA.

[N.B.  military top-secret level is known as TS/SAP:  are DIA and NSA employees (both military) potentially holding civilian and military security clearances?]

The timing is interesting.

Q’s first post was Oct. 28, 2017.

The Equalizer suddenly became military intelligence on July 20, 2018.

He could have as easily been CIA.

It would have been the norm in Hollywood to make him CIA.

So how on earth did he become DIA?!?

If my research is correct, the CIA plays a much bigger role in Hollywood than does the Department of Defense.

And of all Defense Department entities to highlight in a film, DIA (Defense Clandestine Service) is a notably-odd choice.

Perhaps it was the zeitgeist.

Perhaps Q had soured the American public (and much of the world) to the idea of CIA.

So Antoine Fuqua and company decided to distance themselves from The Company and make the agency in question the Defense Intelligence Agency.


No coincidences, right?

Which brings us to the DIA.

An agency started by JFK.

Go back and read the Q posts.

There are a few where the authors seem to be writing glowingly about JFK.

Make sense if their agency was formed by him (1961)?

We always figured INSCOM.  NSA.

But no one ever focused on DIA.

And they are the only military entity with covert operatives (as far as we know).

As for declassified records, we have no indication that the DIA has ever assassinated (or even sought to assassinate) anyone.

The same cannot be said for the CIA.

They sought to assassinate Castro (for starters).

We have declassified documents about poisoned scuba suits and exploding cigars.

Documents about the CIA recruiting mafia hitmen to whack Castro.

It’s pretty safe to say the CIA has assassinated quite a few people worldwide (including some world leaders).

But what about the DIA?

We don’t have the evidence to assume the same.

Operation Northwoods is very damning.

It indicts the Joint Chiefs of Staff for planning terror attacks (real or simulated) on Americans as a casus belli to invade Cuba.


JFK rejected these options which CJCS Lemnitzer (Lyman L. Lemnitzer) presented to him.

So we can say that the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Kennedy’s era had few qualms about conducting REAL terror attacks (such as mass shootings) on the American mainland (in places such as Florida…blaming “Cubans”…and thus giving the USA a green light to take out Cuban missile sites, etc.).

Very, very little is known about the DIA.

Sure, they have a Twitter account (last time I checked), but nothing they post is substantive.

Well, then:  what DO we know about the Defense Intelligence Agency?

What little we know might be gleaned mainly from the biographies of current and former DIA Directors.

Beyond that, there isn’t much.

Practice your analysis skills.

Find a way.

Break a code.

Know the most commonly-used English letters.

And the % of time they occur.

Same for every other language on earth.

It was an Arab who realized this.

1000 years ago?

U.S. Army X I 11


U.S. Navy I I I 3



The Defense Intelligence Agency is primarily a U.S. Army institution (judging by the preponderance of leaders from that service branch).

With quite a bit of Air Force influence (at times).

Occasional Navy leadership.

And extremely rare Marine leadership.

The DIA also briefly had a former CIA operative for a Director.

[we are not going to get out of this morass until everyone reads The Secret Team by L. Fletcher Prouty]

From Prouty, we know that even the CJCS can be a CIA operative (as in Maxwell Taylor).

Who else has recently acted more like woke CIA operatives than patriotic military men?

Mark Milley?

Lloyd Austin?

Michael Gilday?

Next we want to find nodes.


Choke points.

If we want to understand.

My gut tells me QAnon is bullshit cooked up by Russian intelligence or (more likely) the FBI.

But it could just as well have been a CIA operation.

Indeed, that is what the most famous DIA Director (Michael Flynn) intimated in this article:

The problem with intelligence work is that you would say the same thing (for different reasons) whether you were lying, or telling the truth.

Flynn:  “I think it’s a disinformation campaign. I think it’s a disinformation campaign that the CIA created. That’s what I believe. Now, I don’t know that for a fact, but that’s what I think it is.”

Is that the truth?  Or does he know that Lin Wood is recording him?

I think it’s the truth (i.e. Q is bullshit).

But it would make a nice cover.

What connects the current and former Directors of the DIA?

Two institutions:  the Command and General Staff College in Kansas.

And the National War College at Fort McNair in D.C.

And who taught at those two institutions?

When did they teach there?

Maybe it’s just a coincidence.

Hijack the hijackers.

What else connects the Directors of the DIA?

Army G-2.

What aforementioned erstwhile teacher connects to that entity?

Probably just a coincidence, right?

Of the 20 historical Directors of the DIA, only one was black:  Vincent R. Stewart.

He also happened to be a U.S. Marine (like Robert McCall).

He’s also dead.

Or is he?

He was appointed by the only black President in U.S. history.

Why is it significant that he is dead?

Because he was only 64 when he died.

How did he die?

I don’t know.

When did he die?

A few months ago.

April 28, 2023.

The Equalizer 3 came out on September 1, 2023.

Did General Stewart die suddenly because he had taken one of the three COVID vaccines which were rushed through testing and given Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA?

Why did the Commandant of the USMC (Eric Smith) have a heart attack and go into cardiac arrest on October 29, 2023 at the age of 58 or 59?

Was he too vaccinated with one of the Operation Warp Speed vaccines??

Eric Smith is still alive.

General Stewart is dead.

Why is it notable that he is dead?

When was the last time a Director of the DIA died (prior to Stewart)?

Funny you should ask.

Stewart was the first Director of the DIA to die so far THIS YEAR.

The second was Dennis M. Nagy (who was briefly with the Air Force before a long career with DIA).

Nagy died on August 5, 2023.

He was 80.

Here’s the problem.

Half of the Directors of the DIA are still alive.

Each and every one that surrounds General Stewart.

Of the 10 most-recent Directors of the Defense Intelligence Agency, only General Stewart is deceased.

Most DIA Directors die in their 80s.

Some die in their 90s.

A couple died in their 70s.

General Stewart was the youngest Director of the DIA to ever die.

The current DIA Director and his predecessor are both from Army G-2 (Army intelligence).

The most recent DIA Director to be educated at the CGSC (Fort Leavenworth) is General Flynn.

His predecessor was also educated there.

The DIA also has quite a connection to Texas.

General Maples was from Texas.

Back to the CGSC, General Hughes was an alumnus (that’s 3).

Hughes also connects to NGA and NRO.

General Minihan is from Pampa, Texas (that’s 2).


General Soyster is an alumnus of both CGSC (4) and the National War College.

It should be noted that multiple DIA Directors went to work for L-3 Communications after retiring.

Soyster’s predecessor’s predecessor (General Williams) was also an alumnus of CGSC (5) and the National War College (2).

Not long before, General Wilson had headed the DIA.

He too was an alumnus of CGSC (6) and the National War College (3).

His predecessor was an alumnus of CGSC (7).

Admiral de Poix (who is a bit further back on the roll of former Directors) was a National War College alumnus (4).

General Bennett, the 2nd Director of DIA, was an alumnus of CGSC (8).

Bias check:  Texas does not play that big of a role in the DIA.

Confirmed:  almost half of the DIA Directors graduated from the CGSC.

In recent times, there appears to be a shift towards the USAWC in Carlisle Barracks, PA being the premier educational institution for DIA Directors.

So The Equalizer series can be seen as a gigantic recruitment commercial for the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Or as an adjunct to Q.

Q hasn’t posted in 11 months.

McCall posted 2 months ago.


Maybe we are “literally” watching a movie?

The Equalizer series can also be seen as a gigantic Suunto watch commercial.

Which could be Finnish propaganda.

If that Finnish company weren’t owned by a Chinese company (it is).

Which brings us back to NATO.

Did Sam Rubinstein teach at the CGSC?

Good military vs. evil military.

Good guys (like L. Fletcher Prouty [Colonel X]) vs. private contractors within government.

The “private contractors” trope can also be read as CIA infiltration of the Pentagon.

This is PRECISELY what Prouty was writing about in 1973.

And perhaps the mechanism by which the CIA used DoD materiel to stage the 9/11 false-flag.

And then there is the overarching theme.

The storm.

Antoine Fuqua lets it bubble and simmer like a cauldron for much of this film.

Building background tension.

America needs hope.

America needs to reexamine itself.

Nothing shameful about that.

I find myself relating to thinkers I previously found revolting.

We get caught up in things.


But America is special.

It is worth saving.

But its survival is not guaranteed.

Rethink your assumptions.

About everything.

Body, mind, spirit.

The storm is here.


Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987]

Sidney Powell knows the truth about the COVID vaccines.

She has spread the word about these toxic killers.

Donald Trump denies and suppresses the truth about the COVID vaccines.

His COVID vaccines.

Which is the bad guy?

Barack Obama is right about Palestine and Israel.

Donald Trump kissed Israel’s ass for four years.

They fucked him over.

Trump briefly lashed out at Netanyahu.

Only to continue kissing Israel’s ass up through current events.

Which is the bad guy?

Joe Biden consistently brings the world closer and closer to nuclear war.

Not least with his actions in Ukraine.

Donald Trump consistently moved the world further away from nuclear war during his four years as President.

With one vital foul-up.


The missile attack.

It was an early mistake in Trump’s Presidency.

It almost cost him his base.

Which is the bad guy?

The U.S. still has troops INSIDE Syria.

They were just attacked by drones.

Why does the U.S. have troops inside of Syria?

The United States government is a failure.

The pinnacle of hypocrisy.

Compared to illiterate, enfeebled Joe Biden, Donald Trump is a genius.

But go read RFK Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Fauci.

Compared to RFK Jr., Donald Trump is drooling moron.

The United States military has abandoned the United States populace.


By allowing a digital coup.

Who runs the USA?

A. Google (YouTube [Alphabet Inc.])

B. Facebook (Instagram [Meta])–Zuckerberg

C. Twitter (Tesla [Space X])–Elon Musk

D. Truth Social (Donald Trump)

E. Rumble (Canada)

The only bastion of freedom in the United States (oh, the irony!) is Tik Tok.

Tik Tok is not perfect.

But it is kind of like Russian news.

Tik Tok is a million times better than any U.S. social media companies.

A-E all censor heavily (including yours truly).

Tik Tok allows me a voice.

I don’t always pass the “social credit” test.

But at least I get a chance.

YouTube Music gives me no chance.

Twitter (X) gives me no chance.

Truth Social gives me no chance.

Rumble gives me so little chance as to be worthless.

I would recommend

Also available as an app.

Except there’s no one there.

So I would, instead, recommend Tik Tok.

Kiss China’s ass heartily.

The U.S. military has allowed this situation to transpire.

Donald Trump allowed this situation to transpire.

Joe Biden continues to allow this situation to prevail.

America is a failed country.

Russian news isn’t perfect.

But it is gospel truth compared to American mainstream news.

In the end, Superman ushered in mindless superhero movies.

This film is the template for the current state of American cinema.

Which is to say, absolute horseshit.


Rocky II [1979)

America is suffering.

America is lost.


Trump quadruply-indicted.

Four different jurisdictions.

Two state indictments.

Two federal indictments.

All bullshit.

But Trump has an Achilles heel.

The unsafe, ineffective vaccines he brought to market.

Does Trump feel loyalty to those who tricked him?

When will Trump remove his proverbial head from his own proverbial ass?

Sure, he’s winning on the Republican side.

Because they’re all a bunch of losers.

But put Trump up against RFK Jr.

Trump loses.

America doesn’t want any more lies.

No more noble lies.

America doesn’t want any more liars.

And America needs to get smart.


There is a huge swath of America on the Republican/conservative side that believes whole-cloth an info op being run against them.

Who is running it?



The FBI?



That’s possible too.

Globalists like Schwab, Gates, et al.?

Also a possibility.

Really, it doesn’t matter who is running it.

What matters is that America has become irrevocably-dumb.

Incapable of intelligent, coherent thought.

Q (aka QAnon) was an info op run AGAINST the American people.

That is the only explanation that makes sense to me at this present time.

Q was bullshit.

Lots of truth in there.

But there was one overarching purpose to QAnon: TO MAKE AMERICANS LAZY.

To make Americans believe that the Santa-Claus, Tooth-Fairy U.S military was going to solve all their problems.

How’s that working out for us?

It isn’t.

At all.

If you believe any of the absolute horseshit emanating from Real Raw News, I can’t help you.

I know you need hope.

Well, I am here to offer you hope.

But I am Burgess Meredith.

I am not going to blow smoke up your ass.

Things are bad.

Mark Milley has not been arrested (though he should be court martialed for treason).

Nobody has been arrested.

Use your logical faculties.

Joe Biden is not a clone.

It’s the same dumb motherfucker.

Just with a shit-ton of plastic surgery to make him look younger and more electable.

What America needs right now is to have its swollen-shut eye cut open by Occam’s razor.

Ok, let’s follow the dipshit logic of Real Raw News for a second.

Ok, so Biden is a clone.


Oh, no: wait.

Biden is an actor wearing a mask.

Very implausible.

All White House press conferences are being done at a film-studio replica of the White House in Georgia.

Implausible to the point of being impossible.

What is Occam’s razor?

The simplest answer is usually right.

In other words, Hillary Clinton is not deceased.

She is not being played by an actor in a mask.

Each time this Real Raw News-esque grand horseshit conspiracy adds another wrinkle, it becomes exponentially less-plausible.

Fauci’s been arrested.


Bill Clinton is deceased.


There’s a factory in Alaska that makes clones of political leaders.

Very unlikely.

The entire American government has been replaced by clones.

And/or actors in masks.



The U.S. military has everything under control.

Definitely not.

If you believe any of this, you are the target audience of this information operation.

To reiterate, just as in the QAnon information operation, the overarching goal is to make you SIT BACK and DO NOTHING.


You felt included for awhile.

But Q disappeared.

Because Q was bullshit.

And now, in place of the quite-sophisticated Q info op, we have the hamfisted Real Raw News info op (for lack of a better name).

The tune is the same.

Trump is still the President.

Gimme a fucking break.

Trump SHOULD be the President, but he is not.

Because the 2020 election was stolen.

And much of the 2022 midterms was also stolen.

Particularly in Arizona.

What is happening right now in America is a color revolution.

What is happening to Trump is the same sort of thing that happened to Imran Khan in Pakistan and is happening to Bolsonaro in Brazil.

It is fascism coming in from the LEFT.

It is communism.


Trump has told you this.


But you don’t hear.

Because you prefer to believe the superhero movie version that Trump is secretly in charge of everything.

That he’s in control of everyting.

That he can “come back” at any time.

Yeah, no.

America is getting steamrolled.

The first step in fixing things is GETTING AN ACCURATE SITUATION REPORT.

Stop listening to the X-22 bullshit.

No more coddling the numbnuts.

Let’s go, General Flynn.

Be the realist that I know you are.


They trust you.

There is no more time to fear alienating people by popping their QAnon bubble.

Pop that fucker!



The Alamo [1960)

America is at a dangerous crossroads.

Hot tamales.

And they’re red hot.

Donald Trump is currently being politically persecuted in four different U.S. jurisdictions.

In New York (34 state felony charges with a potential of up to 136 years in jail for the former President [brought by Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg]).

In Florida (40 federal felony charges with a potential of up to 440 years in jail for the former President [brought by Joe Biden appointee Merrick Garland’s appointee special counsel Jack Smith]).

In Washington, DC (four more felony counts with a potential of up to 55 years in jail for the former President [also brought by Joe Biden appointee Merrick Garland’s appointee special counsel Jack Smith]).

In Georgia (13 state felony counts with a potential of up to 75 and 1/2 years in jail for the former President [brought by Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis]).

That adds up to 701 and 1/2 years of potential jail time for Donald J. Trump.

That is obscene.

How many times did Bill Clinton ride on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express?

Was George W. Bush the President who presided over an administration that perpetrated a false-flag/stand-down (self-inflicted terror attack) on 9/11/01?

Did Barack Obama cover up the crimes of his false-flagging neocon predecessors (Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush, Stephen Hadley, Elliott Abrams, David Wurmser, John Bolton, Elliot Cohen, Douglas Feith, “Scooter” Libby, Rabbi Dov Zakheim, W., etc.)?

All of these other former Presidents are still alive.

None has faced so much as a parking ticket since leaving office.

Trump could have misused his Department of Justice (as Joe Biden is misusing his), but Trump didn’t do that.

For all the “Lock Her Up” rhetoric, Trump did not go after Hillary Clinton during his Presidency.

Which brings us to the courage of Texas.

William Barret Travis.

Born in South Carolina.

Died at age 26 for the freedom of his adopted state.

Jim Bowie.

Born in Kentucky.

Died at age 40 for the freedom of his adopted state.

Davy Crockett.

Born in Tennessee.

Died at age 49 for the freedom of his adopted state.

Let’s be frank.

There is no plan.

There never was a plan.

QAnon was either:

A. the FBI

B. FSB/GRU (Russian intelligence)


C. the FBI pretending to be Russian intelligence

D. Russian intelligence pretending to be FBI

In 1836, it was 13 days of darkness.

That was real.

Not made-up, PSYOP bullshit.

Not hopium meant to have you be a spectator rather than an actor in your own destiny.

YOU have to have a plan.

Local action = national impact.

Now is the time to put aside differences.

What is the major issue for you?

For me, it is the murderous vaccines that were all-but-forced upon (and acquiesced to by) a vast majority of American citizens (not to mention the coercive mass vaccination that occurred in the rest of the developed world).

For this reason, I want to vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in 2024.

He is (BY FAR) the strongest candidate on this issue.

So Trump is not my first pick (even though I voted for him in 2016 and 2020).

But what is being done to Trump is unacceptable.

Why can’t Biden and the Democrats just beat Trump at the polls in 2024???

Why seek 700+ years in prison for him (AFTER HE’S ANNOUNCED HIS CANDIDACY FOR A SECOND TERM [a race in which he is currently lapping all other Republican candidates])?

The leader (Biden) is seeking (by proxy [Garland]) to imprison the opposition leader (Trump).

This is what the West accused Putin of doing to Navalny.

This is what Lula is doing to Bolsonaro.

And it is the same type of thing currently being experienced by Imran Khan.

So the United States is now, politically, very similar to “devoloping countries” (think Third World) Russia, Brazil, and Pakistan.

The comparison to Pakistan is particularly rich considering Imran Khan was the most recent Prime Minister (analogous to President Trump) and he has now been jailed.

Furthermore, Pakistan is a “lower middle income” country according to the IMF (as opposed to “upper middle income” countries Russia and Brazil).

One month ago (August 5th), Imran Khan was sentenced to three years in prison.

His conviction was, however, suspended and he was granted bail on August 29th.

In Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro was barred on June 30, 2023 by the Brazilian Superior Electoral Court from running for office again until 2030.

Were the post-election Brazilian riots of January 8, 2023 as provocateured as the post-election American protest of January 6, 2021?

If so, by whom were these events provocateured?

The playbook is the same.

Trump and Bolsonaro are both accused of “undermining the validity” of “democratic” elections.

The federal governments of both the USA and Brazil are attempting to lawfare these former leaders into submission.

In the case of Bolsonaro, he is set to appeal the career-derailing decision against him.

The defenders of the Alamo sacrificed themselves.


Trump is sacrificing himself.

Rudy Giuliani, a true American patriot, is also being dragged through the mud in Georgia.

Forced to pose for a mugshot.

Ditto for American patriot Sidney Powell.

So congratulations, liberals.

Enjoy your Alamo slaughter.

Enjoy your mugshot vengeance.

Half of America is SEETHING over what is happening to Trump.

Because roughly half of the electorate voted for him in the last election.

Polls be damned!

Remember those amazing 538 polls from 2016?

Remember the New York Times putting Hillary’s chances of winning 2016 at 95%…EVEN UP TILL AND DURING THE ELECTION???

How were those polls so wrong?

Because they were fucking lies meant to demoralize conservative voters into staying home and not bothering to cast a ballot.

QAnon was meant to keep you lazy and WAITING FOR “THE MILITARY” TO COME AND SAVE THE DAY.

Ain’t gonna happen.

YOU ARE the military.

Our military has all been sent to secure the borders of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania.

And this was IMMEDIATELY AFTER they had been finghting pointless wars (predicated on absolute lies) in Afghanistan and Iraq for two decades–wars which bankrupted America.

And now the final bankrupting of America is happening.

Most of it happened during the scamdemic.

To be fair to Joe Biden (thought he does not at all deserve a fair shake), “Bidenflation” is largely the fault of U.S. Congress spending during the scamdemic.

The nails in the coffin are interminable aid to Ukraine and the rapid ascendency of BRICS.

It is time to have courage, America.

Pray to God.

Pray to know your mission.

Your mission IS NOT violence.

Your mission is in the realm of fifth generation warfare (5GW).

Your mission is to spread to word.

And have some fucking courage.

Like the defenders of the Alamo.

But each of us has a unique mission.

Pray to the Lord Jesus Christ to show you the way.

There is no time.

There is no future.

The future is now.

We are in a perpetual present.

You can either live bravely–with your head held high–and die with honor.

Or play it safe and cast your lot with Joe Biden and the America-destroying Democrats.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could save the Democrat Party.

He could make a Democrat out of me.

But I have a feeling he won’t be getting the nomination.

In which case, I’m voting for Trump.

In any case, there is much to be done before the 2024 election (if it even occurs at all).

Now is the time to pull out all the stops on the organ.


The Magnificent Seven [1960)

Patriots are NOT in control.

I repeat.

Patriots are NOT in control.

Wake the fuck up, America!!!

You are waiting for the next rigged election?!?


The purpose of QAnon was to make American patriots PASSIVE.

When the chips were down, American patriots did NOTHING.

Because they thought the American MILITARY was going to SAVE THEM.

That did not happen.

It was a fucking lie.

Wake the fuck up, America!!!

What is to be done?

Local action equals national impact.

Do your part.

Help your neighbor.

As for the American military, they are the most abject of fucking losers.

I am talking about the commanders.

I am talking about the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

I am talking about the the human pus-bucket Secretary of Defense.

The American military has lost the TRUST of the American people.



Because when the chips were down, THEY DID NOTHING.

Donald Trump ROYALLY fucked up by leaving office without ASSURING the American public that the 2020 Presidential results were legit.

General Flynn showed Trump the path.

Trump DID NOT take that path.

The path was for the U.S. military to confiscate voting machines and VERIFY that they indeed had not been hacked.

Donald Trump failed.

And now he wants another chance.

The sad thing is, he may be the best chance we have to get the country back.

America is fucked.

Totally fucked.

Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.

And so we wait for another rigged election.

In case the 2020 rigged election seemed too far back in your memory, the 2022 election was a great reminder that elections in America ARE STILL RIGGED.

Kari Lake is case in point.

She won.

Katie Hobbs is case in point.

She lost.

But Katie Hobbs is illegally occupying the Governor’s mansion in Arizona.

Just as Joe Biden is illegally occupying the White House in D.C.

Get it through your thick skulls, you fucking idiots:


The American people cannot force the U.S. military to grow a pair of collective testicles.

And the U.S. military can’t force the American people to WAKE THE FUCK UP and GET INVOLVED.

But the American military could certainly give us a sign.

They could show us that they are on the side of right and good.

But they don’t do that.

They haven’t done that.

They just keep taking illegal orders (from Biden) and keep fighting in Ukraine.

They keep poking the Russian bear.

CYBERCOM has lost the trust of the American people.

Paul Nakasone has lost the trust of the American people.

USSF has lost the trust of the American people.

Mark Milley is a traitor for not opposing the unsafe, ineffective COVID vaccination of American forces.

Lloyd Austin is a traitor for forcing the unsafe, ineffective COVID vaccination of American forces.

Charles Q. Brown has lost the trust of the American people.

USMC leadership has lost the trust of the American people.

U.S. Army leadership has lost the trust of the American people.

U.S. Special Forces leadership has lost the trust of the American people.

American military intelligence has lost the trust of the American people.

The National Guard has lost the trust of the American people.

And worst of all, Americans just sit here like lazy, fat bastards and do nothing.

What can you do?

Learn about fifth-generation warfare.

General Flynn wrote a book about it.

Get into the information war.

Alex Jones continues to fight that war every day.

STAND the fuck UP.

Your country is being looted from you.

Your country is being destroyed beneath your feet.

And you aren’t doing a God-damned thing about it.

ENTER the war of narratives.

What is the truth?






Help your next-door neighbor.

Take up your cross.

May the strength of Christ be with you.

This is your last marker before your country is GONE.


Der Untergang [2004)

Donald Trump has continuously and repeatedly betrayed the U.S. military and the American people by maintaining that the COVID vaccines available in the USA are “safe and effective”.  The U.S. military were coerced into taking the COVID-19 vaccines which Trump rushed to market under Operation Warp Speed (more like “ludicrous speed” [think Spaceballs, but no laughing matter]).  He refuses to confront reality:

The only possible caveat is the hypothesis that the U.S. military were given a vaccine that is not available to the general public (because the safety profile of all three of the vaccines commercially-available in the USA [as documented below by the VAERS system {as open-source-compiled by OpenVAERS}] is, frankly, atrocious [by any historical definition of a “safe” vaccine {see the 1976 U.S. halt to the swine flu mass vaccination program, after just 362 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome were reported in 45 million Americans vaccinated, as an instructive example of what previously defined “unsafe”}]):

Data from the U.S. government’s VAERS system (a dual-agency [CDC and FDA] product) has borne out the dangers of these vaccines for the past two years.

The data (including numerous, copious reports of heart attacks [18,181] and death [33,591] in reasonably-close temporal relation to the administration of the three COVID vaccines available in the USA) are available here:

Even the CDC admits “18,649 preliminary [sic] reports of death”…”after COVID-19 vaccination”:

These statistics should (if history is any guide) be read as being at least one order of magnitude too low.  The voluntary “passive surveillance” of the VAERS system caught roughly just 2.5% of the cases of Kawasaki disease in children (a serious vaccine adverse reaction) during the period 1990-2007 associated with the vaccine RotaTeq:

Therefore, 18,649 vaccine deaths (current CDC number[an extremely-low number compared the the actual statistics in the VAERS system]) should be read as 745,960 vaccine deaths in the USA (so far).

The seemingly far-more-accurate current OpenVAERS number of 33,591 vaccine deaths should be read as 1,343,640 vaccine deaths in the USA (so far).

N.B.  The actual submitted VAERS reports can be read (and counted!) at OpenVAERS.  The same cannot be said of the CDC’s adverse events page (link above).  Why is VAERS not available as a read-only product anywhere but at ?  Why don’t the CDC and/or FDA make the VAERS system available in a read-only version to the American public (if there is indeed nothing to hide)?  It should be noted that the CDC and FDA have gone in the opposite direction since 11/18/2022–making the VAERS system MORE SECRETIVE and hidden from the public.  “Text field information” is no longer a part of the free public data if users are accessing VAERS from Europe/UK.

As for the efficacy of these vaccines, more Americans died “of COVID” during Biden’s first year in office (2021)–a year in which these vaccines were widely available and taken en masse by the American public–than died during Trump’s last year in office (2020):  a year in which no COVID vaccines were available in the USA until after that year’s November elections.


“I Saw Horrific War Crimes Committed by Azov” [2022)

A former French soldier goes on Radio Sud.

His name is Adrien Bocquet.

He had been in Ukraine for 16 days.

A special operator (commando) there to render humanitarian (medical) aid.

He was in Kiev, Bucha, and Lvov.

Which is to say–he was everywhere.

He was where most don’t go (particularly Bucha).

Here is a man with extensive military and war experience.

[He is a paraplegic as a result of a military training exercise.]

The French speak to the French.

The carrots are cooked.

The carrots are cooked.

Study your history.

The French Resistance.

What were they resisting?

The Nazis.

Who had occupied their country.

And what were these cryptic radio broadcasts?

They were mainly rubbish.

Until the Resistance got the message they had been waiting for.

The French Resistance received a message.

And that message activated a network of saboteurs who wrecked railway lines, etc.

The French Resistance prepared the battlefield (the best they could) in a very important way for the Allies who landed on the beaches of Normandy (D-Day).

And today…the former allied countries (USA, France, etc.) are sending weapons to Ukrainian neo-Nazis (and lying to their domestic populations about the nature of this new ally [Ukraine] which they are supporting with unspeakable monetary and military donations).

Sud Radio Bercoff.


Parlons vrai.

Bocquet has written a book about his paralysis.

Published by Max Milo.

Every detail is important.

Lève toi et marche.

YouTube removed my song “Crimes Against Humanity”.

Here it is:

Who can most-easily recognize war crimes?

A soldier.

A soldier who has been trained to never (under no circumstances) ever commit these violations of the Geneva Conventions.

Mr. Bocquet says he saw no war crimes committed by Russians in Ukraine.

But that he saw MANY, MANY war crimes committed in Ukraine.

By the Ukrainian military (primarily the Azov Battalion [which, by the way, is a group which is closer to 20,000 neo-Nazi soldiers rather than just 5,000 neo-Nazi soldiers]).

And, as has been stated repeatedly here and elsewhere, the Azov Battalion is part of the official Ukrainian military force structure.

They are not a militia.

They are not separate from the Ukrainian military.

They are very much indeed a substantial portion of the mainline Ukrainian military.

And they are neo-Nazis.

And they were trained by NATO.

And they are currently being funded by the countries of NATO (including the $46 BILLION dollars flowing from the USA [thanks to the U.S. Congress being a bunch of ignorant fucking retards]).

Why did the Azov Battalion take as their main symbol the Wolfsangel of the Nazi SS?

Why did they likewise complement it with the Nazi “black sun” symbol (merely inverted to a white sun)?

[The Azov Battalion has, of course, recently (in the last few weeks) completely redesigned its patch.  Does that satisfy you, dear readers, that they are decidedly no longer neo-Nazis?  I’m sorry.  It doesn’t satisfy me.]


Compare to the emblem (below) of the 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich (to cite but one example).


What did Zelensky say about the Azov Battalion when questioned about them by (it must be admitted) rather pathetic Fox News journalist Bret Baier?

This was the translation that played on Fox News:

“So, Azov was [sic] one of those many battalions.  They are what they are. (!)  They were defending our country.  And later I want to explain to you.  Everything, uh, from, uh, all the components of those volunteer battalions later, uh, were, uh, incorporated into the…the military of Ukraine.  Those, uh, Azov, uh, fighters are no longer self-, uh, established, uh, group:  they are a component of the Ukrainian military.  Back in 2014, there was [sic] situations when our volunteers was [sic] encircled and some of them did violate laws.  Uh, laws of Ukraine.  And they actually were taken to court and got, uh, prison sentences.  So law is above all.”

Have you ever known a Jew (like Zelensky) to defend neo-Nazis?

“They are what they are”?!?

“They were defending our country”???

It should be noted that Fox News seems to have eliminated this segment from the main Bret Baier broadcast featuring Zelensky.

It cannot be found within this clip:

But here it is again (as an isolated clip):

Indeed, it appears Fox News was trying to cover for Jewish Zelensky’s rather unfortunate (and perhaps inadvertently-candid) defense of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion:

But let’s get back to the video at hand.

Radio Sud.

Bocquet continues:

The Azov Battalion (still very much existing and not, as Zelensky claimed, a thing of the past) were speaking in front of him in English, Russian, and Ukrainian (all languages in which Bocquet has at least some level of comprehension) and, “The joked and laughed that if they came across Jews or blacks, they would skin them.”).

Keep in mind that Zelensky, as commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian military, could (at any time over the past eight years [including now]) BREAK UP the Azov Battalion.

He could disband them.

He could disown them.

They could be deported.

Zelensky could (and should) refuse their services in “defending our country”.

But he doesn’t do this.

And it is quite surprising to me.

Because, as an actor, he should know the EASY, EASY impression this makes upon people across the world.

If a battalion sports Nazi symbols on its patch, it is VERY, VERY bad public relations.

Unless the goal is to tell the world, “We’re neo-Nazis.  Please save us from the awful Russians!”

The most epic and quintessential meme of the war:


Bocquet says that the Azov members talking about skinning Jews and blacks seemed to view this kind of talk as “a total blast of fun for them”.


I wonder why?


But it gets worse.

It goes beyond talk.

Bocquet says he witnessed (and possesses video evidence of) “…Russian soldiers who had been captured and who were already badly beaten and were tied up. […]  And these Russian soldiers who were captured, they were brought in in little vans, three or four at a time.  Every time they brought [sic] made these soldiers get out of the van, the Ukrainian military, asked them, ‘Who’s the officer?  Who’s the officer?’  […] Every soldier who got out of the van was shot in the knee with a Kalashnikov.  […] while they were defenseless, tied up.  […]  And those who had the misfortune to say, ‘I’m the officer,’ would get shot in the head.”

Bocquet goes on to state that he saw American journalists lying about “Russian” bombardments of certain locations.

Their answer was:  “It’s okay.  It will make great photos.”

These were American journalists who were totally cognizant about the fact that they were deliberately misattributing Ukrainian bombings as “Russian” bombings.

The bombings in question were maladjusted, poorly-calibrated Ukrainian mortars.

So the American media on the ground was lying about most everything.

According to Bocquet.

Keep in mind, he has videos of the Russian soldiers being shot in the knees and heads.

Bocquet correctly states that in urban warfare, two sides (Ukrainian and Russian) shelling each other are BOTH going to hit civilian targets.

But the news coverage has portrayed every civilian target hit as being the result of “Russian bombing”.

That is simply not possible.

Bocquet survived a Russian missile attack on Lvov.

He went to assess the damage (near his hotel).

Of the five missiles fired by the Russians, four hit arms depots.

“…arms depots with weapons from Europe which were stored in Lviv waiting to be brought to Kiev and to the units.”

“…they store them in civilian facilities and in civilian houses, without people even knowing that.”

Bocquet says that, to avoid suspicion, even DHL vans are being used to transport weapons into Ukraine.

So that civilians are not aware that weapons are being stashed near their residences.

Bocquet is correct:

“I call that using the civilian population as human shields.”


Bocquet was in Bucha.

About Bucha he says,
“…cadavers were left behind on purpose.  Even some bodies were moved for pictures [sic] purposes.”

Bocquet is calling for talk,

“about the war crimes of Ukraine, because those exist.  And all the people who are on the TV sets who say the opposite…”

Bocquet also accurately points out where the Western weapons are going:

“…the weapons we give are mainly to the Azov units.”

Bocquet accurately assesses the true size of the Azov Battalion:

it is not merely 5,000 troops, but at least three or four times that big (when “committed volunteers, plus volunteers from all over the place who come” are added to that number).

15,000-20,000 neo-Nazis.

In that particular battalion.

Which has the complete blessing of Zelensky and the central government in Kiev.

Indeed, Bocquet further adjust his number to claim that the Azov Battalion has AT LEAST 20,000 troops.

Keep in mind that this interview is from at least five weeks ago (no later than May 13, 2022).

Bocquet reiterates that this neo-Nazi battalion (the Azov Battalion), which had (until perhaps two weeks ago) a patch which features not one, but two Nazi symbols, is receiving weapons from Europe and the USA which they then use to commit war crimes.

Of this he has video.

And to be quite clear:

he is talking about 19-year-old Russian soldiers who have surrendered, are tied up and unresponsive, and are being shot twice in the knees and allowed to bleed to death.

Bocquet claims his video documentation of this includes “dozens and dozens of videos”.

How did he get such video?

Well, in addition to being a commando, he was also allowed to ride in automobiles because he is paralyzed.

I am guessing these factors allowed him to position himself in such a way while documenting as to not be noticed.

Bocquet makes a final point.

There are American and French MERCENARIES fighting on the side of Ukraine.

This term is important.

Do mercenaries enjoy all the protections of the Geneva Conventions?

I will let you research and decide that for yourself.

Bocquet reiterates:

these are mostly mercenaries (as opposed to foreign volunteers).

Bocquet was kidnapped and held for ten hours by the Azov Battalion.

They searched everything including his phone.

Bocquet was exfiltrated (by whom?) to Slovakia.

[main candidate:  DGSE]

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs is aware of what is REALLY happening in Ukraine (as a result of Bocquet’s reportage).

By the way, this Ministry has a new head as of May 20, 2022 (after Bocquet’s interview).

The current officeholder is Catherine Colonna.

From Slovakia, Bocquet was taken to Krakow and then back to France.

As you might imagine, Bocquet is now no longer welcome in Ukraine.

Bocquet’s book title in English is Get Up and Walk.

Has the book been translated into English?

These are the kind of people we need to support.

If you need a musical dissertation on these topics, I humbly ask that you start here:

If you wish to research further, I humbly ask that you continue here:


N.B.  The Ukrainian military (primarily the Azov Battalion) killed approximately 14,000 Russian-speaking eastern Ukrainians in the Donbass between 2014 and 2022.

Thirteen Days [2000)

I almost didn’t watch this.

Because of arch-cocksucker Philip Zelikow.

But I was curious.

Biden is no JFK.

And Milley is just a woke version of LeMay.

Or Maxwell Taylor.

Biden wants war.

He desperately wants war.

Milley wants war.

He went and did a photo op on the Polish-Ukrainian border as 14 “wide-body aircraft” (per day…the average) behind him were unloading military gear bound for Ukraine.


That certainly gives the impression that NATO supports Ukraine.

And why would NATO do that?

Ukraine is not in NATO.

Can it then be extrapolated (when joined with the fact that NATO has continuously expanded eastward since the end of the Cold War to now include not just one member that borders Russia [Norway], but five members [Norway, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania]) that it is indeed NATO, and not Russia, that is the root cause of this current conflagration in Ukraine?

This is the Cuban Missile Crisis all over again, except this time we are REALLY in Russia’s backyard (at their fucking door, you might say).

I support U.S. troops.

I pledge allegiance to the USA.

Not to NATO.

The USA needs to swiftly exit NATO.

Because doing so would be in the best interest of the USA.

Doing so would be in the best interest of those men and women who serve our country in our armed forces.

So what is happening in Ukraine?

Is Russia “losing”?

Is Russia withdrawing from Kiev?

Did they ever even really make it into Kiev?

Was it a goal to make it in?

If so, why?

Was/is Zelensky the problem?

Z seems to stand for something other than Zelensky.

Unless Z represents the Westernization of Зеленский (or зеленський).

Would it surprise you to learn that Zelensky’s native language is Russian (and not Ukrainian)?

Does he not even speak Ukrainian fluently?

That would be rather embarrassing if he didn’t.

The operation (Operation Z) is now switching its focus solely to Donbass?


Was it a poorly-planned operation?

Or did it achieve what Putin hoped it would achieve?

Whose idea was the invasion?


In what way (and by whom) was he advised?

Have any of his advisors been reprimanded or fired?

I have seen a marked change in the reporting from Pravda over the past 12-24 hours.

It appears (according to that site [which indeed does seem to have a liberal/communist slant {makes sense considering the history of the publication}]) that some rather huge breakthroughs have been made in the Ukraine-Russia negotiations in Turkey.

Strangely, other Russian sources (RT, TASS, and Sputnik) are not exactly echoing this messaging.

So to read Pravda tonight, you would think that we are out of the woods.

I don’t quite believe that yet.

But I hope that it is true.

Russia has made their point.

Putin is a man of action.

Far more so than any American leader (including, especially, Donald Trump).

There is a lack of leadership in the USA.

Trump has ceased to be that leader for some time.

His moronic position on the COVID vaccines made him irrelevant.

And his estimation of Zelensky as a “hero” has continued Trump’s plunge into near-absolute irrelevance.

Trump could rescue his political career.

But he would have to do two things:

A.  Call out the COVID vaccines as being bullshit (#NeitherSafeNorEffective [which they most certainly are])

B.  Call for the USA to leave NATO

Short of that, Trump is just a washed-up has-been.

We looked to him to call out the bullshit.

And then he BECAME the bullshit.

It’s not good enough.

Putin is a man of action.

Trump left us hanging.

And just about every position he is taking (vaccines, Ukraine…) verifies that he is full of shit.

America is in deep, deep trouble if he is our best politician/leader.

Maybe Tulsi Gabbard is the answer.

At least she has the balls to call out NATO (the ONLY American politician that I’ve heard do so in a LONG time).

But I haven’t heard her say shit about the killer vaccines.



NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio [2009)

Film directed by Andreas Pichler.

Reference point:

Formed in 1956.

The year after the Warsaw Pact (Comecon [1955]).

A legitimate fear.

Let me be unequivocal.

In my opinion, communism is bad.

One might even say evil.

But no one should be killed or tortured for their political beliefs.

A crime must be committed in order for rule of law to come into play.

It is not a crime to hold naive theories (like communism) on what is a good economic system.

A Marxist can only be punished insofar as they promote the overthrow of the government.

I do not think Joe Biden was duly-elected.

But I am not calling for him to be overthrown.

That is not my place.

I could play no role in that.

The only entity which could overthrow Joe Biden’s regime would be the U.S. military.

They should do what they think is right.

They do, however, have an obligation to NOT FOLLOW illegal orders.

Would all orders emanating from a President who was not duly-elected be illegal?

I would think they would be.

But it is not my role to decide that.

Our military will either let us suffer and cease to exist as a country (under the criminal leadership of Joe Biden), or they will make their voices heard.

Every time our military follows an order of Joe Biden, they are making the choice that that order is legal and valid.

And that is their choice.

History will judge them.

It is not my place to give the military advice.

Even though they work for me.

And Joe Biden also derives his (stolen) power from me.

I repudiate Joe Biden.

He is not the legal President.

But what can I do about it?

Here’s what I CAN’T do about it.

I cannot act like a Marxist and encourage the overthrow of the government.

I don’t encourage that.

But I do encourage our military leaders to think.

I do encourage our military leaders to take the situation and condition of the country into consideration.

And I do encourage our military leaders to be abreast of the “irregularities” (to put it nicely) of the 2020 election.

It is up to them to decide what to do.

If they think they are following legal orders by carrying out the commands of Joe Biden, then there’s not much I can do about that.

Joe is right.

We the people would need nukes and fighter jets.

But we the people will only allow our rights to be infringed UP TO A POINT.

An unjust law is no law at all.

Natural law.

I reserve the right to peacefully protest and to utilize my First Amendment rights of free speech.

I wish Biden well.

I hope he keeps us out of WWIII.

I wish he would get us out of NATO.

But I know he won’t.

Because he’s a corrupt moron.

I hope the 2022 midterms actually happen.

I hope Bill Gates doesn’t unleash a smallpox attack.

I hope the 2022 elections are actually free and fair.

I believe the 2020 elections were neither free, nor fair.

Trump won.

I am very disappointed with Trump’s stance on the COVID vaccines.

I am also quite disappointed that Trump called Zelensky a hero.

But it doesn’t change the fact that Trump won.

Would I vote for Trump again?

I don’t know.

I voted for him two times.

I might prefer Ron DeSantis, Rand Paul, Ron Johnson, Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, RFK Jr., Robert Malone, Joe Rogan, Alex Jones…

I think any of these people would make a fine President.

And I am liking Tulsi Gabbard more and more.

Which brings us to NATO.

NATO is clearly (CLEARLY!) at fault in the Ukraine war.

NATO precipitated this war.

And the presence of the USA in NATO is unnecessary.

Being in NATO is an unnecessary danger for the United States.

NATO should not even exist anymore (because its enemies…the USSR and the Warsaw Pact alliance) no longer exist.

NATO is no longer a force for peace.

Was it ever?

That brings us to our current film.

Years of Lead.

Anni di piombo.


Guido Salvini.

Good guy.

CIA using groups like Ordine Nuovo (fascists) in Italy.

New Order.

New World Order.

Britain wants to maintain that MI6 are choir boys.


But what about SHAPE?


Gladio (Italy) reported (“responded”) to SACEUR.

It is GOOD to know how communist revolutions work.

It is GOOD to stop them before they happen.

But it is VERY, VERY BAD to murder innocent dumbasses who are wearing Che Guevara t-shirts.

And it is even worse to indiscriminately bomb banks and train stations to scare a population into not voting communist.

The formula was:

-NATO-led (right-wing) stay-behind networks commit terrorist attack on behalf of US/NATO

-attack blamed on leftists

-population avoids voting for communists out of fear

Children were killed in these operations.


Mass shootings.

All blamed on leftists.

And most (if not all) carried out by right-wing paramilitary groups under orders from US/NATO.



Felice Casson.

Good guy.

Daniele Ganser (whose article I posted near the top of the page).

Good guy.

Italian intelligence may have stolen the 2020 U.S. election.

Via the military/satellite company Leonardo.

In the days of Gladio, the prime mover within Italy was SISMI.

Military intelligence.





But Italy was hit the hardest.

Along with SISMI (which no longer exists per se), another suspect would be VSSE of Belgium.

Only the Vatican’s intelligence agency is older than VSSE.

VSSE is the CIA of Belgium.

Belgium also has a military intelligence organization (GISS).

Strategy of tension.

Look it up.

It dominated the USA in the years after 9/11/01.

And it has dominated the past two years of COVID (with biological warfare [disguised as a naturally-occurring pandemic] replacing higher-intensity forms of terrorism).

The W. Bush administration denies that the USA had anything to do with the terrorism of the stay-behind networks (like Gladio) which they set up in all NATO countries following WWII.

Yeah, sure.

This same Bush administration says it’s just all “made up” by the Russians.

All evidence points to the various security services in Europe (Italy, Belgium, etc.) protecting these stay behind networks from prosecution when they committed these acts of terrorism.

So the Bush administration was (in 2006) relying on an implausible deniabilty.

It’s possible, but highly unlikely, that the United States didn’t participate in these terror activities.

And it is even less possible that they didn’t know about them and condone them.

It remains to be discovered just what just the U.S. and NATO played in this terrorism.

There is no question that NATO/US set up these stay-behind networks.

And there is very little question that these stay-behind networks committed acts of terrorism upon European civilians.

Indeed, the original mission of these stay-behind networks appears to have changed from “use in case of emergency [a Soviet takeover of Western Europe]” to “use for any purpose which will cause Europeans to fear communist political candidates”.

This violence should not have been committed.

When children are killed (as they were by a bombing in Munich at the Octoberfest), then the end does not justify the means.

Try telling the father who lost his young son and daughter to that bombing.

The girl was ripped open by the bomb.

The boy had bomb fragments which went through his head.

They both suffered.

They did not die instantly.

They both spoke to their father.

The girl said, “Please help me, father.”

The boy said, “I’m ok. I’m just cold.”

They both died soon after.

And that father had to live with that grief.

All so that communists would not be voted into power in Western Europe.



SDRA8 in Belgium.

Absalon in Denmark.

TD BDJ in Germany (where a former Nazi, Gehlen, was head of post-war German intel).

LOK in Greece.

Stay-Behind in Luxembourg.

I&O in Netherlands.

ROC in Norway.

Aginter Press in Portugal.

Red Quantum in Spain.

P26 in Switzerland.

Özel Harp Dairesi in Turkey.

AGAG in Sweden.

Plan Bleu in France.

OWSGV in Austria.

The name of the Finnish version is unknown.


Giulio Andreotti.

Vincenzo Vinciguerra.

Licio Gelli.

Propagada 2 (Masonic lodge).

Nazis and fascists in South America.

Operation Condor.

CIA-backed Nazis in Ukraine.


Stepan Bandera.

Azov Battalion.

Ihor Kolomoyskyi.

The second or third richest person in Ukraine.

A Jew.

Who supports (and funds) the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion.


Now why would a Jew support an anti-Semitic (goes without saying) Nazi group?


SISMI was preceded by SID.

Let’s get into the hideous details.

Piazza Fontana bombing.


17 dead.

88 wounded.

Bomb went off in an agricultural bank.

Two farmers had just closed a deal with a bank manager.

Does that sound like the kind of target leftists would hit?

A bank for farmers?


But that wasn’t the only bomb of the day.

Other than the 4:37 p.m. bombing of the Banca Nazionale dell’Agricoltura, there were three other bombings that same afternoon in Rome and Milan.





Four in a day.

There was a U.S. Navy officer (David Carrett) indicted for his role in the Piazza Fontana bombing by the aformentioned Guido Salvini.

A US/NATO intel official (Sergio Minetto) was also indicted by Salvini.

The CIA coordinator for northeastern Italy (Carlo “Uncle Otto” Digilio) was likewise indicted by Salvini.

The head of SISMI (Sergio Siracusa) was charged by the aforementioned Felice Casson.

It seems the Piazza Fontana investigation was obstructed by SID (SISMI) director General Gianandelio Maletti (a P2 Masonic lodge member).

Neo-Nazi/neo-Fascist Franco Freda got life in prison in 1979 for the bombing.

As did Giovanni Ventura.

As did Italian secret agent Guido Gianettini.

All three were then acquitted on appeals in 1981.

Freda and Venturi still each got 15 years for bombings they committed in Padua and Milan.

Gianettini was acquitted in 1982.

All defendants acquitted in 1985 (including alleged conspirators Valpreda and Merlino).

Two members of the Italian secret services went to jail for misleading the investigation.

Now what possible reason might they have had for doing that?

I don’t know…maybe because the bombers were working for them???

Gian Adelio Maletti got one year in prison.

Antonio Labruna got 10 months.

For the death of 17 people.

But in 1987, here comes our good friend from Operation Condor.

Stefano Delle Chiaie.

Tried for the Piazza Fontana bombing.


By 2000 it had come to Delfo Zorzi.

He received life in prison for the bombing.

Carlo Digilio received immunity in exchange for information.

Zorzi was then acquitted on appeal in 2004.

U.S. intelligence knew about the Piazza Fontana bombing (and the Piazza della Loggia bombing five years later in Brescia) before they happened.

But they did nothing to stop them.


This sounds awful similar to what the CIA did in South America with Operation Condor.

In Brescia, it appears that the target was even more stupid.

Why would right-wing false-flaggers bomb an anti-fascist protect?

That makes no sense.

France was the only member of NATO to ever withdraw from the alliance.

And if they had been smart (which they evidently are not), they would have stayed out.

But they didn’t stay out.

Nevertheless, SHAPE was forced by France’s withdrawal in 1967 to move to Mons, Belgium.

The Brabant massacres.

The Brabant killers.

The Nivelles gang.

De Bende van Nijvel.

Les Tueurs fous du Brabant.

Delhaize grocery stores.

28 deaths.


Etterbeek. 1981


Dinant. 1982

Armed robbery (grocery store).

Maubeuge (France). 1982

Armed robbery.

Wavre. 1982

Death of policeman.

Armed robbery (restaurant).

Employee tortured and killed.

Beersel. 1982


Murder of taxi driver.

Brussels. 1983

[car found in Mons {SHAPE}]

Armed robbery (grocery store).

Rixensart. 1983

Armed robbery (grocery store).

Uccle. 1983

Armed robbery (grocery store).

One employee killed.

Halle. 1983

Armed robbery (grocery store).

Houdeng-Gougnies. 1983

Armed robbery (textile factory).

One worker killed.

Temse. 1983

Service station robberies.

More murders.

Armed robbery (restaurant).

Owner killed.

Ohain. 1983

Armed robbery.

One customer killed.

Beersel (again). 1983

Armed robbery.

Two owners of shop killed.

Anderlues. 1983


Nothing in 1984.

Armed robbery (Delhaize grocery store).

Three people killed.

Braine-l’Alleud. 1985

Armed robbery (Delhaize grocery store).

Five people killed.

Overijse. 1985

Armed robbery (Delhaize grocery store).

Father, mother, and daughter killed in the parking lot.

Son ran back into the shop and was shot at point blank.

Eight deaths today during this robbery.

Aalst. 1985

Buckshot in 12-gauge Winchester pump shotguns was a rare type similar to a former Belgian special forces unit called Group Diane.




In Greece, there was CIA coordination with General Lucian Truscott.

LOK is Greek special forces.

There is some evidence they were involved in the Greek military coup of 1967.

This coup happened one month before national elections.

There were 10,000 arrests in this coup.

This ushered in the Regime of the Colonels which lasted in Greece from 1967-1974.

A secret NATO army in Greece appears to have been named Red Sheepskin (or Operation Sheepskin).

Arms cashes of the stay-behinds were found near Arnhem, Netherlands.

Operation Gladio again connects to Operation Condor by was of Stefano Delle Chiae.

In Spain (where many Nazis hid out before fleeing to South America).

We also find another connection to Vincenzo Vinciguerra.

William Colby is the only CIA Director that I like.