Ива́ново де́тство [1962)

Was QAnon bullshit?

I’m getting really fed up with my country.

Shitfaces like Mark Milley.

Shitfaces like Lloyd Austin.

Shitfaces like Michael Gilday.

Shitfaces like Bishop Garrison.

Does the U.S. military follow the orders of Fake President Joe Biden?

If he was not duly-elected (and he was not), then he is not the legitimate President.

Why is the U.S. Cyber Command taking the orders of Joe Biden and Lloyd Austin?

Why are they helping non-NATO Ukraine to fight Russian troops?

Why is Paul Nakasone prostituting himself in such a manner?

Why is the 780th putting up with this shit?

Joe Biden’s Presidency is a disaster.

That’s why he wants a war in Ukraine.

Russia’s invasion was induced by the continued terror of the Ukrainian military against the people of the Donbass.

Get your dates straight, you fucking amateurs.

“Military intelligence”…


I can name two honorable members of the U.S. military:

-Colonel Matthew Lohmeier of the U.S. Space Force who warned in his excellent book about how Marxism has infected the U.S. military


-Colonel Stuart Scheller of the USMC

Lohmeier’s dismissal does not paint General Raymond in a kind light.

And Scheller’s dismissal does not paint Commandant Berger in a kind light.

Is there a single high-ranking U.S. military officer who hasn’t disgraced himself during this war which started with the Democrat Party/WEF/CIA release of COVID-19?

Perhaps General Charles Q. Brown?

One fake fucking shitface is Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

AKA Ezra A. Cohen.


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Is Ezra Cohen a LARPing cocksucker?

Just what the fuck is going on with the Telegram account which bears his name???


Cohen’s bitch pussy ass blocked me on Twitter LONG BEFORE I ever really tore into him.

If Cohen wanted to be revered, then he shouldn’t have thrown Trump under the bus in the above Vanity Fair article.

Same thing goes for “Mr. Badass” Christopher Miller.

5th Special Forces Group my ass.

Way to NOT do Fort Campbell proud, dipshit!

Why did Cohen and Miller feel the need to denigrate Trump immediately after the inauguration of Joe Biden?

But maybe it doesn’t fucking matter.

Because, as great a President as Trump was for four years (and he was great!), he ultimately abandoned the American people when he got on his little fucking helicopter and flew away.

You can’t tell America it was a “rigged election” (and it fucking was!!!) and then not fix it.

Putin was presented with a similar situation.

His country was bordered by five NATO members (Norway, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) and was about to be bordered by a sixth (Ukraine).

Zelensky telegraphed his country’s intention to not only join NATO, but to militarily take back Crimea (with [it goes without saying] the military might of NATO]).

He was not secretive about either of these goals.

He announced them.

This is a big reason Russia invaded Ukraine.

But not, by any means, the only reason.

Putin did not leave his country hanging.

Trump did leave his country hanging.

If it was a rigged election, you have to fix it.

You don’t turn the keys over to the beneficiary of a rigged election.

Trump should have never left office until this debacle was resolved.

But he did leave office.

Putin did the opposite.

Instead of blithely sitting by and watching NATO take another country bordering Russia, Putin ACTED.

Took action.

QAnon is a bunch of fucking talk.

A bunch of fucking chatter.

And it has gotten less and less believable since the stolen election and since Trump pussied out and left office.

Trump did not stop there in disgracing himself.

He vigorously pushed neither safe, nor effective COVID vaccines in a variety of settings.

Prostituting himself out to Pfizer in a Yahoo Finance piece.

Hawking the booster with Bill O’Reilly in Dallas.

Telling Candace Owens the bullshit line that (paraphrase) “people who are taking the COVID vaccines are not dying”.

Hell, Trump even called Zelensky a hero.

What a fucking joke!

So Trump’s idea of “action” is endorsing spirit cooker Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania.

I am sick of the bullshit narrative that Trump is doing bad stuff (the wrong stuff) for good reasons.

REALITY does not bear that out.

Trump is not that fucking smart.

I thought he was.

He isn’t.

And he’s not really brave.

I thought he was.

He isn’t.

He was brave for four years.

And then he packed it in and started sucking Pfizer’s asshole.

By the way, Trump absolutely, unequivocally got $1 mil. from Pfizer for his 2016 inauguration:



I called Trump out on this (and on his vaccine stance in general) on his pathetic app Truth Social and I believe he banned me from the site.

I was polite.

I asked him why he had pushed these neither safe, nor effective vaccines for the past year.

I also asked him publicly about the cool mil. he took from Pfizer.

I believe Trump and his cocksucker son Don Jr. got me banned from Truth Social.

Not only that, I believe they blacklisted my home router (effectively banning my 80-year-old, U.S. Army-vet father from every joining Truth Social).

You are not allowed to criticise Trump or Truth Social on Truth Social.

This is an excellent film.

One of the best I have ever seen.

I would venture to guess that Tarkovsky is actually more important than Eisenstein.

And certainly more important that Dziga Vertov.

Just on the basis of his debut film:  Ivan’s Childhood.

Nikolai Burlyayav is fantastic here.

Such intensity!

Breathtaking black and white cinematography by Vadim Yusov.

But what really takes this music over the top is the music by Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov.

This may be the best and most effective film soundtrack I have ever heard.

Valentin Zubkov is like Jean Gabin.

Valentina Malyavina is excellent as Masha.

In a birchwood forest.

Blinding white.

Forest for trees.

Dmitri Milyutenko has a small-but-priceless part.

He is getting the house in order.

For his dead wife.

Who will be coming home any moment.

And he locks the gate.

Even though there is no fence.

Tarkovsky’s wife Irma Raush does a nice job here.

Where was this film shot?

In central Ukraine.

When Ukraine and Russia were major constituents of the Soviet Union.

In the town where Taras Shevchenko is buried.

By the way, “the League of Ukrainian Fascists (Soiuz ukraïns’kykh fashystiv, SUF)” are the ones who “invented the fascist greeting ‘Glory to Ukraine!’ (Slava Ukraïni!)” [according to Grzegorz Rossolinsky-Liebe in his excellent book Stepan Bandera:  The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist].