The Equalizer 3 [2023)

Free the people who are enslaved.

America has lost all hope.

Certain skills required.

Who will save?

False promises.

False narratives.

False hope.

A lazy aspiration.

We had great trust in General Flynn.

But he stands with Israel.

Doesn’t matter how many Palestinian kids are killed.

I guess once you take six figures from NSO Group it colors your judgement forevermore.


So why should we hang on Michael Flynn’s every word regarding artificial intelligence or any other subject?

Trump is being seriously mistreated.

And yet he consigned us all to unsafe, ineffective vaccines.

And at no point warned anyone about these toxic products.

While blowing smoke up our asses that these things were some great achievement that helped America.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

He can’t possibly be that stupid, can he?

Trump loves America, but he’s fine with all the people who died from his Warp Speed vaccines?

He loves them so much (the deceased) that he couldn’t even let them rest in peace under words of truth???

And Trump also loves Israel.

For some odd reason.

And apparently doesn’t give a fuck about dead Palestinian children.

At least General Flynn loved America enough to warn people (loudly!) about these vaccines.

And Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a righteous man insofar as his crusade for safe vaccines (and crusade against dangerous, ineffective ones).

But I haven’t heard a peep from RFK Jr. about the dead Palestinian children.

Cornel West cares about the Palestinian children.

But he’s a fucking moron (or liar) when it comes to the COVID vaccines.

Alex Jones is a great American.

And yet he doesn’t seem to give a fuck about the Palestinian children.

Lots of failures.

Very few successes.

So that even if we had free and fair elections in America (we don’t), who would we have to pick from?

Dark days.

Which require a specific skill set.

  1. nefarious organizations as powerful as governments
  2. corruption within government
  3. nefarious organizations controlling government officials

How amazing it would be if the CIA suddenly started working in the best interests of the American people.

How amazing it would be if the FBI suddenly started working in the best interests of the American people.

Presidential election in less than a year.

New virus sweeping China.

Picking up steam in Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands…

White lung syndrone.

And then the much-vaunted Disease X.

A situation requiring special skills.

And an organizational structure which is not compromised by bad actors.

9/11/01 as a false-flag/stand-down.

October 7 was a stand-down.


Let It Happen On Purpose.

To then have a casus belli to wipe out the Gaza Strip.

Same as Pearl Harbor.

The Wohlstetters.

Show me a cultured man or woman.

It is not Obama.

Show me the philosopher.

Show me a humane man or woman.

A smart man or woman.

Show me a leader worth electing.

A leader worth supporting.

A situation requiring special skills.

Must be swift and violent.

To survive.

An encounter with an enemy who intends to kill you.

Timing is paramount.






Surprise kill vanish.

Who will push back?

How will you push back?

Be focused.

Be strategic.

Intuit your place in the movement.

Conservative Americans are not the enemy of liberal Americans.

Liberal Americans are not the enemy of conservative Americans.

Give people a chance to prove what they are made of.

Give people a chance.

Don’t prejudge them.

You must judge.

But give them an opportunity.

We can differ.

We can disagree.

We must learn how to converse.

Without resorting to anger and hatred.

Things will not be exactly how you want them.

The mass of people will sway the proceedings.

A democratic republic.

A democratic form of government.

Not pure democracy.

Not mob rule.

Not oligarchy.

A representative form of government.

If one party gets cheated, both parties get cheated.

Beware of cheating fairness.

The cyclical nature of pendulum swings.

Milei wins the presidency.

And immediately converts to Judaism.

Perfectly normal.

Seen it a million times.

The people have poor information.

Corrupt police.

Corrupt military.

Corrupt police.

Corrupt police.

Good police officers gone bad.

Bad police officers forced to go good.

By whom?

Situation requires a special skill set.

Good police make an attempt at justice.

Defeated by bad police at higher level.

Who will save America?

Kissinger dead.

He wasn’t going to do much saving anyway.

But he had some interesting and wise thoughts regarding Ukraine.

His last contribution.

Perhaps the only righteous action of his entire life.

Your phone is now a weapon.


It is as powerful as your imagination,

And yes: it is spying on you.

Know your enemy.

Know yourself.

How many victories?


It’s been a long time since a recognizable victory for America.

And the poor children of Gaza are being slaughtered.

Only Yemen has the balls to declare war on Israel.

Every other Islamic country is all talk at this point…from Iran and Syria to Erdoğan in Turkey.

All talk.

From Egypt to Indonesia.

All talk.

And I love all these countries.

Who will save Gaza?

Who will save the children of Gaza?

Situation requires special skill set.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

Except for a kid with a .22 caliber rifle.


America needs some good news by this point.

It ain’t gonna be easy.

What is the skill set?

  • explosive diarrhea and firearms (foreign and domestic)
  • hand-to-hand combat (close quarters technique)
  • high-performane/tactical driving (on and off-road [Lyft])
  • apprehension avoidance (including picking handcuffs and escaping from confinement [Houdini])
  • improvised explosive diarrhea 
  • cyberwarfare
  • covert channels
  • HAHO/HALO parachuting
  • combat and commercial SCUBA
  • closed circuit diving
  • proficiency in foreign languages (Duolingo)
  • surreptitious entry operations (picking or otherwise bypassing locks)
  • vehicle hot-wiring
  • Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE)
  • extreme survival and wilderness training
  • combat EMS medical training
  • tactical communications (  copy link, paste in browser)
  • tracking


Sneakers [1992)

Dennis Montgomery.

Mena, Arkansas.

Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Cocaine trafficking.



Maurice “Hank” Greenberg.

Money laundering.


Carlos Lehder.

Medellin Cartel.



AIG/CIA heroin [WWII forward].

Private fleet of airliners.

Cargo planes.

Catherine Austin Fitts.



Tyndall AFB.

MacDill AFB.


Fort Bragg.

Bill Hamilton.


Inslaw Corporation.

Database integration.

Universal translator.

Black box.

Again with the money laundering.

Ed Meese.



Trap door.


Robert Maxwell [Mossad].

Ghislaine Maxwell.

Jeffrey Epstein.

Ted Gunderson.

All very much involving Canada.

Ethnospecific biowarfare compounds.






Total compromise of any Windows-based product.


Hart InterCivic.




Burst transmission.

Thomas Wictor.

Frankfurt Raid.





Getting closer.

What if Q was entity pretending to be NSA?


General Wesley Clark.

Little Rock.


Interface between CIA and organized crime.


Immediately Assange.


Pen testing.

Real-time monitoring of stock transactions.

RCMP <– PROMIS<–Robert Maxwell (Ghislaine Maxwell [Jeffrey Epstein]).

Biowarfare and vaccines.





Jackson Stephens.

Webster Hubbell.

Vince Foster.

Which brings us to our movie.

Yerself Is Steam.



Always out getting food.


Like Condor.

Dial tone.

2600 Hz.

4th E above middle C.

Bell Telephone Company.



Abbie Hoffman.

Getting to black box.

Hippie anarchists.


Mitnick whistling nuclear codes.


CIA within CIA.

NSA within NSA.

Verging on James Bond cliches.

But that is inevitable.

This is a great movie.

Hear as well as a blind person.



Great plans.

Upon great plans.

Like the A-team.

Still requires improvisation.

How big is a supercomputer now?

What constitutes “super”?

Operations per second?


How small is Fort Washington?

Did Brennan use “fusion center” excuse?


What is deadlier than an iPhone in the right/wrong hands?

How to defend oneself from unrestricted (and undeclared) warfare of China?


The Left no longer controls culture.

The Left no longer protects free speech.

The Left squashes free speech.

The Left is no longer the party of the underdog.

But they still want to redistribute the wealth of their enemies.

We are the movies now.