Delta Farce [2007)

Just when you think Donald Trump can’t get any more idiotic, he goes and insults the intelligence of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (calling him “the dumbest member of the Kennedy clan”).

In so doing, Donald Trump has signaled that he still believes his Operation Warp Speed vaccines to be “safe and effective” (they are neither).

Furthermore, Trump has signaled that he intends to alienate all those who voted for him in 2016 and/or 2020 and with whom Kennedy’s message (as brilliantly laid out in the book The Real Anthony Fauci) resonates (including yours truly).

But this problem (denying the awful truth of the COVID vaccines) has plagued Trump for the past four years.

Now Trump has a new problem:  Israel.

Benjamin Netanyahu was one of the first world leaders (along with Boris Johnson) to congratulate Joe Biden on his “victory” in 2020.

This pissed Trump off (as well it should have).

But Trump’s delusions don’t end with his safe and effective vaccines.

Donald Trump’s blind allegiance to Israel is a threat to American national security.

And sadly, RFK Jr.’s brilliance appears to begin and end with the vaccine issue.

RFK Jr. and Donald Trump are equally moronic and callous when it comes to blind faith in Israel and willful blindness regarding the disproportionate riposte (to put it nicely) Israel has leveled against Gaza since Oct. 7, 2023. 

Trump and RFK Jr. don’t care about the 34,000+ dead men, women, and children in Gaza.

They only care about securing that juicy Israeli support.

Trump “loves America”, but he doesn’t have the balls or brains to admit his vaccines are worse than worthless.

He doesn’t have any moral backbone when it comes to telling the truth about those vaccines.

Trump “loves America”, but he doesn’t give a fuck about all the Americans who have been killed by his precious vaccines.

At least RFK Jr. sees that (and speaks about it…at great cost of derision to himself).

Then there’s Cornel West.

West is a genius when it comes to Palestine and Israel.

But a moron when it comes to the COVID vaccines.

West is getting even less traction than RFK Jr.

Wonder why.

Because he’s not kissing Israeli ass à la Kennedy?

Joe Biden, of course, may be even worse on the COVID vaccines than Trump.

Biden coerced millions of Americans to take these unsafe, ineffective vaccines.

Trump merely encouraged people to take them.

As for Israel and Palestine, Genocide Joe keeps arming Israel.

So Joe, like Trump, is a failure on both issues.

RFK Jr. and West are a failure on one of the two issues.

And a success on one of the two issues.

The only person to be getting any traction whatsoever from their anti-genocide stance is Jill Stein.

But the traction she is getting is very, very little.

I could be wrong, but it seems Jill Stein has not said jack shit about the COVID vaccines.

So she is basically just Cornel West with a bit more traction.

And West was far more vocal when it mattered.

Stein wasn’t able to register on the pro-Palestine radar (as far as I know) until a couple of days ago.

So all of these candidates fail basic tests regarding intelligence (ability to do rudimentary research with integrity) and humanity (empathy for everyone…even the “out group” [Palestinians]).

RFK Jr., as it turns out, is BY FAR the smartest candidate, but he has no empathy for the 15,000 dead children in Gaza.

He has no empathy for the 7,500 dead women in Gaza.

He has no empathy for the 7,500 dead men in Gaza (were they all HAMAS militants?).

Two candidates are morons with empathy:  Cornel West and Jill Stein.

And two candidates (the two most likely to win) are heartless nincompoops:  Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

At this point, the only positive thing I can say about Trump is that he has the best position (of all these candidates) regarding the U.S. southern border.

Other than that, he is an utter failure (both morally and intellectually).

That being said, Trump is a marginal improvement over Biden if only these three issues are under consideration (COVID vaccines, Palestine/Israel, and illegal immigration/border security).

All of this foretells of a very bleak future for America.

The only hopes:

A.  Trump comes clean on the vaccines and recognizes the evil Israel has wrought in Gaza 

B.  RFK Jr. opens his fucking eyes to the genocidal slaughter of Palestinians at the hands of Israelis

C.  Cornel West buys a clue (good place to start is with RFK Jr.’s book)

D.  Jill Stein goes full-truth (all she has to do is visit OpenVAERS…is that so fucking hard for a “doctor”?!?)

E.  Joe Biden tells Israel to fuck off and apologizes for his totalitarian wielding of the COVID vaccines

All of these possibilities seem HIGHLY UNLIKELY.

If given the choice of all these candidates, I pick RFK Jr.

Genocide via vaccine has been a greater killer than even Israel has been in Gaza.

[only about 1% of vaccine adverse events and reactions (including deaths) are reported to the voluntary CDC/FDA VAERS system.  Likewise, it appears the system stopped accepting (quite a while ago) ANY REPORTS WHATSOEVER regarding the three COVID vaccines which were/are available in the USA.  Re: point #1, you must add a couple of zeros to the “reports of death” to arrive at an accurate number.  Not 37,000 but 3.7 mil.]

However, if the choice is between Biden and Trump, I would choose Trump.

That said, if RFK Jr. makes it on the ballot in Texas, I would be very tempted to vote for him.

Trump can’t cling to his beloved vaccines and to Israel both.

Both entities (COVID vaccines and the IDF) have been on a murderous rampage.

Trump is the moron.

RFK Jr. is the genius.

Too bad Kennedy apparently has no heart.


Der Untergang [2004)

Donald Trump has continuously and repeatedly betrayed the U.S. military and the American people by maintaining that the COVID vaccines available in the USA are “safe and effective”.  The U.S. military were coerced into taking the COVID-19 vaccines which Trump rushed to market under Operation Warp Speed (more like “ludicrous speed” [think Spaceballs, but no laughing matter]).  He refuses to confront reality:

The only possible caveat is the hypothesis that the U.S. military were given a vaccine that is not available to the general public (because the safety profile of all three of the vaccines commercially-available in the USA [as documented below by the VAERS system {as open-source-compiled by OpenVAERS}] is, frankly, atrocious [by any historical definition of a “safe” vaccine {see the 1976 U.S. halt to the swine flu mass vaccination program, after just 362 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome were reported in 45 million Americans vaccinated, as an instructive example of what previously defined “unsafe”}]):

Data from the U.S. government’s VAERS system (a dual-agency [CDC and FDA] product) has borne out the dangers of these vaccines for the past two years.

The data (including numerous, copious reports of heart attacks [18,181] and death [33,591] in reasonably-close temporal relation to the administration of the three COVID vaccines available in the USA) are available here:

Even the CDC admits “18,649 preliminary [sic] reports of death”…”after COVID-19 vaccination”:

These statistics should (if history is any guide) be read as being at least one order of magnitude too low.  The voluntary “passive surveillance” of the VAERS system caught roughly just 2.5% of the cases of Kawasaki disease in children (a serious vaccine adverse reaction) during the period 1990-2007 associated with the vaccine RotaTeq:

Therefore, 18,649 vaccine deaths (current CDC number[an extremely-low number compared the the actual statistics in the VAERS system]) should be read as 745,960 vaccine deaths in the USA (so far).

The seemingly far-more-accurate current OpenVAERS number of 33,591 vaccine deaths should be read as 1,343,640 vaccine deaths in the USA (so far).

N.B.  The actual submitted VAERS reports can be read (and counted!) at OpenVAERS.  The same cannot be said of the CDC’s adverse events page (link above).  Why is VAERS not available as a read-only product anywhere but at ?  Why don’t the CDC and/or FDA make the VAERS system available in a read-only version to the American public (if there is indeed nothing to hide)?  It should be noted that the CDC and FDA have gone in the opposite direction since 11/18/2022–making the VAERS system MORE SECRETIVE and hidden from the public.  “Text field information” is no longer a part of the free public data if users are accessing VAERS from Europe/UK.

As for the efficacy of these vaccines, more Americans died “of COVID” during Biden’s first year in office (2021)–a year in which these vaccines were widely available and taken en masse by the American public–than died during Trump’s last year in office (2020):  a year in which no COVID vaccines were available in the USA until after that year’s November elections.


Last Night in Soho [2021)

First off.

I am in love with Thomasin McKenzie.

I think Saoirse Ronan has lost her touch.

Kat Dennings doesn’t even bother with films anymore.

And Thora Birch is too much of a liberal moron.

But then all actors are liberal morons, aren’t they?

Except for a precious few.

Jon Voight.

James Woods.

Rob Schneider.

Kirstie Alley.

Robert Davi.

Jim Caviezel.


This film is a masterpiece.

Edgar Wright is the best filmmaker in the world right now.

Is he better than Jean-Luc Godard?


But Godard is not making films for mass consumption.

Is he better than Wes Anderson?


Don’t get me wrong.

Wes Anderson made one perfect film.

And that film was The Grand Budapest Hotel.

And that film wouldn’t have been perfect without Saoirse Ronan.

That’s how important her presence in that film was.

Saoirse has made another perfect film.


But her others are mediocre.



Lady Bird.

Even more meh (not a good thing).

Saoirse has gone astray.

Just as Thora Birch went astray.

Ghost World is a perfect film.

And American Beauty is close to perfect.

For my money, Homeless to Harvard is her other perfect film.

Kat Dennings films kinda suck.

Her masterpiece is actually 2 Broke Girls.

I’m serious.

But that’s not cinema.

Twin Peaks is cinema.

Even though it’s a TV show.

Histoire(s) du cinéma is the best film ever made.

And it was made for TV.

Homeless to Harvard is a Lifetime movie.

Made for TV.

It is not cinema.

Not exactly.

But it may be a perfect film.

Wes Anderson made his perfect film with Saoirse Ronan.

And he made a good film (Tenenbaums).

The rest are shite.

I did not understand Edgar Wright’s film language when I first saw Shaun of the Dead.

I thought it was crap.

How wrong I was!

Here is my contention.

Every Edgar Wright film is perfect.

Shaun of the Dead?


Hot Fuzz?


The World’s End?


Baby Driver?


Scott Pilgrim?


And this film is perfect too.

But this is not quite the Wright you are used to.

This is a genuinely scary film.

But it stands up with Psycho, Rosemary’s Baby, and The Shining as one of the four best horror films ever made.

Edgar Wright films are all about detail.

But not the twee obsession with detail that Wes Anderson has.

Edgar Wright is overflowing with talent.

Wes Anderson is not.

Anderson needed Saoirse Ronan to make his perfect film.

And there was a bit (just a bit!) of grit in Grand Budapest.

Saoirse is missing from his other films.

And there is no real grit in any of the others.

Tenenbaums is good.

But the Wes Anderson players are tiresome.

Is Bill Murray amazing?


But are his performances in Wes Anderson films his best work?

Absolutely not.

No more Jason Schwatzman (for fuck’s sake!).

Is Luke Wilson a great actor?


What’s his best film?

Masked and Anonymous.

Maybe it’s Paltrow and Hackman which make Tenenbaums good.

For my money, Luke Wilson is the one who makes that film go.

But it is not on the same level as Grand Budapest.

Last Night in Soho is the Grand Budapest of the ’20s.

We’re in the ’20s now.

Are they roaring?

Like a fucking mouse.

Last Night in Soho is a gazillion times better than No Time to Die.

This film has everything the Bond film didn’t.


Competent directing.

A story worth sticking with.

And so it is fitting that Diana Rigg’s last role should absolutely trump the death of James Bond.

The one George Lazenby film was WAY better than No Time to Die.

The death of love is more sad than the death of the hero.

Diana Rigg is the linchpin in the Bond franchise.

Pull that thread, and the sweater unravels.

Léa Seydoux is boring as fuck in the Bond films.

She was great in Blue.

But she was nothing compared to the one who carried that film (Adele Exarchopoulos).

Exarchopoulos made one perfect film.

Blue is the Warmest Color.

None of her other films are even good.

Wright makes what Youth in Revolt might have been.

He is not glib.

This is not a hipster film.

Michael Cera (who has made one perfect film [Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist]) is, mercifully, NOT in Last Night in Soho.

[correction…Kat Dennings DID make one perfect film]

Thomasin McKenzie’s obsession with ’60s London music is real.

It’s not a fucking Austin Powers joke.

Rita Tushingham is wonderful as Gram.

Excellent casting.

[take note, Bond franchise]

Thomasin hooks up with a black dude.

No big deal.

Take note, Bond franchise.


Thomasin’s love interest is a black fellow.

I have no problem with that.

He does a good job.

For fuck’s sake…he doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page!

Michael Ajao.

Fine acting!

There can be important black characters WITHOUT A FILM BEING A WOKE FUCKING JOKE (like the recent Bond film).

No big deal.

Don’t make it a big deal.

It has to fit with the story.

The story is the most important thing.

The writers of the Bond film (Purvis and Wade) have allowed their name to be attached to the fucking pathetic shit of No Time to Die.

So you get a kiwi to speak in a Cornish accent.


Thomasin McKenzie.

Say that name with me.

Jacinda Ardern’s father (or mother?) was a horse.

Ugly bitch.

Ugly soul.

Thomasin McKenzie is the best thing to ever come out of New Zealand.

However, there has been one perfect kiwi movie:  Eagle vs Shark.

Synnøve Karlsen is so fucking annoying in Soho.

And she was supposed to be.

So, good job (I guess).

Every film needs a villain.

And Jocasta (Karlsen’s character) is the real villain of this film.

Thomasin is different.

Jocasta beats her down.


A stingy spirit.

Can never share in any of her joys.

Do you know anyone like that?

But Thomasin is troubled.



Seeing ghosts?


We’re trying to solve a case here.

Cold case.

Maybe a lot of cold cases.

Maybe a serial killer.

To the Belle and Sebastian bedsit.

Salad days are short-lived.

Don’t underestimate Sandie Shaw.

Always something there to remind me.


Puppet on a string.

Gotta pay your dues.

As a wind-up bird girl.

Brian Epstein.

Giorgio Gomelsky.

Andrew Loog Oldham.


The influence of Vertigo upon Last Night in Soho cannot be understated.

The red of the Café de Paris.

The blonde of Anya Taylor-Joy’s hair.

And Thomasin’s hair.

[also, don’t underestimate Bergman’s Persona]

The glance to the side.

It’s not Jimmy Stewart.

It’s Thomasin.

Allusions to The Way of the Dragon and The Lady from Shanghai in the mirrors.

Sure, a bit of Pulp Fiction.

But that’s just for the kids.

Edgar Wright’s grasp of cinema history is way deeper than some Tarantino bullshit.

And yet, he likes zombies.

And shitty horror films from the ’80s.

I mean REALLY shitty, camp ones.

Slasher films.

Back to Vertigo.

Kim Novak’s apartment is bathed in green neon.

But Thomasin’s bedsit is a red, white, and blue homage to Godard.

An homage to Une Femme est une femme.


Dancing girls.


Vivre sa vie.

Pink dress fembot.

Pew pew.

Thomasin is way sexier than Anya Taylor-Joy.

Thomasin is the girl next door.

The frumpy hair of Homeless to Harvard.

I love it.

It must be this way.

To juxtapose the transition to Swinging Sixties glamour.

Is Trump just culture jamming with his vaccine tack?

Either that, or the hero has become the villain.

Did the D.C. swamp make Trump into a swamp zombie?

Maybe no one comes out clean.

International law was broken.

War crimes.

All these Wright films have zombies.

Or robots.

Faceless automatons.

A bit of Dragon Tattoo.

We all like a good microfiche scene!

Is Terence Stamp her father?

If Sandie is her mother?

Could be.

Otherwise, she would be the daughter of a prick.

But Stamp tried to save Sandie.

Arsenic and old lace.

The ones you never suspect.


“Buried” in the walls.




Wright’s “sympathy for the serial killer”.

What happened to these people that made them monsters?

Don’t underestimate Truffaut’s Fahrenheit 451 (his only English-language film…and a flat-out masterpiece).

In the world of Edgar Wright, it is records.


Not books.

And sometimes the elderly want to die with their memories.

They are not going anywhere.

They are not fleeing.

It’s been a good life.

Going down with the ship.

Up in flames.

The shitbags want their deaths avenged.

After all, they were just horny, well-to-do dads who needed a little excitement.


It’s the law, after all.

Murder is murder.

Crimes of passion.

By reason of insanity.

Not guilty.

Not insane.

But traumatized.

But Thomasin has been on the adventure.

She knows what Sandie has been through.

Trump was abused for four years.

That is true.

And he fought like a champ.

Is there no justice?

Is it culture jamming (I ask again)?


Keeping his enemies off balance.

Getting a foot in the door.

Truth Social will censor “hate speech” with a Silicon Valley AI bot.

In order to get on Apple App Store and Google Play.

But the roll out is delayed?

Lie about the vaccines.

“Safe and effective”.

Move in for the kill shot.

Against whom?

Big Pharma and the New World Order.

But we have to call out serial killers for who they are.

If you are saying the COVID vaccines are “safe and effective”, you are spreading misinformation that is endangering the lives of those who hear and trust you.

CDC:  11,879


Open VAERS:  23,149



Neither safe,

nor effective.


10,000-20,000 vaccine deaths should be read as 100,000-200,000 vaccine deaths because of this:



And correlation does not necessarily equal causation…unless this (peep the myocarditis…you think that’s all JnJ? [nigga please!]):


But the election was stolen.

Or was it allowed to be stolen?

When will the other shoe drop?

Or does the other shoe even exist?

This charade is going to go on until 2024?

Maybe Sandie is not her mother.


No Time to Die [2021)

This is not a game.

Pull quote.


This film was a rip of Blood Heat novel 1988 Steve Pieczenik.

Out of print.

Buy now.

Little man Fauci Malek.

Unit 731.

Pieczenik banned from Japan.


Persona non grata.

Khabarovsk War Crime Trials.

CIA paperclipped.

But so did Soviets.

No doubt.

Unit 100.

Unit 516.

Unit 1855.

Unit Ei 1644.

Unit 8604.

Unit 9420.

Diseases disguised as vaccinations.


Delivery mechanism.

Marine vessel Ning-Po.

Smallpox joke dropped early.

Date:  November 9, 2021.

Date:  November 18, 2021.  [note* nine days later]

Frame of reference.

How many times did Joe Biden drop the phrase “dark winter”?

Can the Democrats allow the midterms (2022) to happen?

Won’t they get politically slaughtered at the polls?

How much has the system which allowed the rigged 2020 U.S. Presidential election been shored up?

Was Virginia (Youngkin) a test?

Gates really likes the number 9.

BioNTech (Pfizer COVID vaccine) cash infusion ($55 mil.) from Gates Foundation.

Date:  September 4, 2019.


Date:  October 9, 2019

Event 201.

Date:  October 18, 2019 [nine days later]

I see five major players of the non-game 6uild6ack6etter:

Klaus Schwab (a Kissinger protégé), Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Prince Charles, and Pope Bergoglio.

Shirō Ishii.

Deaths of microbiologists in months following 9/11/01.

Benito Que, Donald C. Wiley, Vladimir Pasechnik, Robert Schwartz, Set Van Nguyen, Vladimir Korshunov, and Ian Langford.  Not to mention Air Sibir 1812 (shot down by Ukrainian SAM).  Five microbiologists aboard.  Israeli microbiologists?  En route to Novosibirsk.  Also not to mention Swissair crash on approach to Zurich.  Died:  head of hematology Ichilov Hospital (Israel).  Died:  directors of Tel Aviv Public Health Department and Hebrew University of Medicine.  33 passengers.  24 died.  All Israelis aboard died.  Possible names (pseudonyms?):  Avishai Berkman, Amiram Eldor, and Yaacov Matzner.

Masaji Kitano.

Doctors of death.

Listen to the master, Dr. Steve Pieczenik, M.D., Ph.D., speak about this.

Yoshio Shinozuka.

Yasuji Kaneko.

War criminals.

Ichirō Hatoyama (Japanese PM 1954-1956).

Nobusuke Kishi (Japanese PM 1957-1960).

Hayato Ikeda (Japanese PM 1960-1964).

Three Japanese Prime Ministers.

Not indicted.

Please explain Trump’s position on the COVID vaccines.

General Otozō Yamada.

Sentenced to 25 years in a labor camp by the Soviets.

Served only seven years before being repatriated to Japan.

General Shunji Sato (a physician).

Sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Served only seven years before being repatriated to Japan.

Bacteria mass production.

Under “epidemic prevention” and “water purification” euphemisms:

Rami Malek character Lucifer (Lyutsifer).

Peter Daszak working for CIA?

Anthony Fauci covering for CIA?

Fauci covering for U.S. military?

Sticky situation.

Are the statements of Dr. Jon McGreevey (Ryan Dark White) legitimate?

I believe Lin Wood has thoroughly discredited himself by now with his incessant attacks on (particulary) General Michael Flynn.

But could Lin Wood’s whistleblower by bona fide?

He’s running for U.S. Senate in Maryland.

And then you have Ron Watkins (CodeMonkeyZ) running for U.S. House of Representatives in Arizona.

Might as well throw in Bobby Piton running for U.S. Senate in Illinois.

Per McGreevey:

he claims that COVID is a defensive bioweapon “designed to protect the United States” and also (most notably) that he himself designed it.  According to McGreevey, it is called GenAegis (Genetic Shield).  McGreevey elaborates on it a bit here…”a weapon designed to seek out certain DNA, programmable […] they can make endless variants”.

Sound familiar?

McGreevey’s assertion is that Obama and Biden gave this bioweapon to China (who then converted it to an offensive bioweapon?).

It was (according to him) developed at Fort Detrick (Maryland).

How does this comport with USMC Major Joseph Murphy’s recent whistleblowing to Project Veritas?

Murphy claims that COVID was a vaccine FOR bats (which was to be administered in an aerosolized version by spraying it into caves in China), but that it leaked out of the Wuhan lab before it was finished.

Murphy’s main contention is that DARPA refused the project, but NIAID (which Fauci runs) then subsequently accepted the project.

The project was proposed to DARPA by the EcoHealth Alliance (run by Peter Daszak).

JAG_Docs_pt1_Og_WATERMARK_OVER_Redacted 2

This evidence was discovered by Murphy in his capacity at DARPA.

The evidence is now ostensibly being held by the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA) at Quantico.

Note that NCIS is also HQ at Quantico.

And of course there is FBI there as well.

[not to mention United States Army Criminal Investigation Command (USACID) and U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI or OSI)]

But let’s back up to NCIS for a moment.

Why does Ron DeSantis (Navy JAG) seem so much more wise than Donald Trump on the COVID vaccines in these last couple of months?

DeSantis has not gone full-retard like the man who should win the Nobel Peace Prize (Dr. Robert Malone), but DeSantis also hasn’t shot his mouth off like the buffoon Trump.

What happened to Trump?

Great President.

And then he broadcasts to the world that he got the Pfizer vaccine (while encouraging people to take these shots)?



And he casually drops his booster status after a crowd in Dallas gathered to hear him speak had just sung the Christian hymn “How Great Thou Art”?  [sounds like Hochul’s church vaccine speech]


And then Trump lies (?) to Candace Owens about people taking the vaccines not dying?


And finally, Trump makes what appears to be a pointed reference to DeSantis in which Trump insinuates that DeSantis is “gutless” for not revealing his booster status?

Just what the hell has been going on with Donald Trump?!?

These outbursts have caused me to lose all faith in him.

I would take DeSantis (or Ron Paul, or Tucker Carlson, or Candace Owens, or Robert Malone, or RFK Jr. or almost anyone) over Trump at this point.

Trump has backed off the vaccine-pushing.

But I have to say:  that is not good enough.

The man need only visit two websites to understand the danger of these vaccines:

the criminally-parsed version



the actual version



These figures (11,879 and 23,149 [respectively]) should be increased by a factor of 10 to account for the historical underreporting to the passive-surveillance (voluntary) VAERS system [HHS] of serious adverse events such as Kawasaki disease (i.e. 118,790 deaths or 231,490 deaths).



And in case anyone wants to play the “correlation does not necessarily equal causation” card, consider this:


As for their efficacy…


And of course there is this gem about ethno-specific bioweapons:

Are you starting to understand why China and Silicon Valley want your DNA?

This is a new kind of war where certain people will be purposefully made susceptible and others purposefully made nonsusceptible to bioweapons released on a massive scale.

Not to mention that the vaccines are debilitating the U.S. military (while SecDef Austin [a General] and CJCS Milley stand around with their dicks in their hands).  

That’s treason!

They should have known.

And if they didn’t know, they’re still responsible.

The buck stops with them.

Why the insane push for all of humanity to receive vaccines that are neither safe, nor effective?

And why is Trump’s “solidarity” with the Canadian truckers (Freedom Convoy) so at odds with his months of moronic statements regarding the vaccines?

Does he not realize that these people are rising up PRIMARILY BECAUSE OF THE VACCINES HE BROUGHT INTO THE WORLD?!?

Don’t forget that Trump’s Operation Warp Speed (of which he is evidently so proud [see Candace Owens article above]) ALSO PAID FOR THE AstraZenca VACCINE (WHICH IS NOT EVEN AVAILABLE AT ALL IN THE USA)!!!

[not to mention three others we funded that are also not available at all in the USA:  Novavax, Sanofi, and GlaxoSmithKline]




It should be noted that there is not a Sanofi or GSK COVID vaccine approved anywhere in the world.

Where did those $2 billion dollars we gave them go?

While Sanofi and GSK took HHS (U.S. taxpayer) money and ran (producing nothing?), here are the other countries which have developed their own COVID vaccines:

–China (8 different vaccines [Sinopharm BIBP, CoronaVac, Convidecia, Sinopharm WIBP, Zifivax, Minhai, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and Sinopharm CNBG])

–Russia (4 different vaccines [Sputnik V, Sputnik Light, EpiVacCorona, and CoviVac])

–Iran (4 different vaccines [COVIran Barekat, FAKHRAVAC, COVAX-19 {in conjunction with Australian company CinnaGen}, and Razi Cov Pars])

–India (3 different vaccines [Covaxin, ZyCoV-D, and Corbevax {developed by Texas Children’s Hospital < ! > and Baylor College of Medicine <Houston>}])

–Cuba (3 different vaccines [Abdala, Soberana 02, Soberana Plus])

–Turkey (Turkovac)

–Kazakhstan (QazCovid-in)

–Taiwan (Medigen)

Why was a children’s hospital and medical school in Texas developing a COVID vaccine that is only available in India (licensed to Biological E. Limited [BioE])?

Who paid for it?

Where’s Rand Paul?

This is a huge waste of money.

The three vaccines we got (Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson [which were totally unnecessary to rush {considering the low mortality rate of COVID-19 <relative to ebola or smallpox, for instance>}]) are neither safe, nor effective.

If Trump knows the available vaccines in the USA aren’t safe (how could he not know?), then he is liable for the death and injury caused by his encouragement for people to take the vaccines.

State Department character based on Ash Carter?

State Department infiltrated by Rami Malek.

CIA is trusting a foreign agent.

Death of Felix Leiter.

Death of James Bond.

Is 007 now a black lesbian like mayor Lightfoot of Chicago and disgraced BLM cofounder Patrice Cullors?

Q is gay.

Houston recently had a white lesbian mayor [Annise Parker].

And what about black lesbian Karine Jean-Pierre (KJP [Psaki’s backup])?

Is this some kind of cult?

That’s a lot of black lesbians.

And one white lesbian.

Muriel Bowser (D.C. mayor)?

Donna Brazile?

Lashana Lynch is aptly named after androgynous Klaus Nomi.

Is 007 now a black transexual?

Spoiler alert:  James Bond dies.

Is this the end of the series?

And the Bond franchise has to keep the diversity in high gear.

Who cast this movie:  Richard Torres-Estrada?

Bishop Garrison?

Lloyd Austin?

Mark Milley?

Michael Gilday?

At least Ana de Armas is charming.

I can’t say the same about Lashana Lynch.

What the fuck is this woke shit?!?

Ian Fleming would be puking his guts out.

Assange in Belmarsh.

But let’s make sure we have the score here.

The one representative of the CIA (Felix Leiter):  black male.

Miss Moneypenny:  black female.

The new 007:  black female.

What percentage of the U.K. is black?


Three percent.

This is a British film.

Eon Productions Ltd.

Piccadilly (London).

Pinewood Studios.

But the film was also produced by MGM.

Beverly Hills.


What percentage of the USA is black?



So let’s look at the main characters.

Daniel Craig:  British white male.

Léa Seydoux:  French white female.

Rami Malek:  Egyptian-American [African-American] male.

Lashana Lynch:  British black female.

Ben Whishaw:  British white male.

Naomie Harris:  British black female.

Jeffrey Wright:  African-American [black] male.

Christoph Waltz:  Austrian-German white male.

Ralph Fiennes:  British white male.

Billy Magnussen:  American white male.

Ana De Armas:  Cuban-Spanish female.

David Dencik:  Danish-Swedish white male.

Rory Kinnear:  British white male.

Dali Benssalah:  French-Algerian male.

14 characters.

It’s nominally a British movie (although co-produced by American company MGM).

What percentage of the main cast is British?

6/14 (43%).

Less than half of the main cast is British.

What percentage of the main cast is American?

3/14 (21%).

That means 36% of the main cast is neither British, nor American.


Maybe the story called for it.

The evil guys have to be exotic.

Rami Malek (Egyptian heritage) and Christoph Waltz (Germanic).

Dencik (the biological weapons guy) is a Scandinavian playing a Russian.

Also a baddie.

What percentage of the main cast is white?

8/14 (57%).

The good guy (James Bond) is white.

But two of the three villains are also white.

The third main villain is of Egyptian descent.

What percentage of the main cast is male?

10/14 (71%).

It is an action movie.

Who goes to war?


Are women drafted into most militaries in the world?

Do they participate in combat roles?

How often?

What percentage of the main cast is white male?

7/14 (50%).

Let’s be honest.

The James Bond franchise cucked out to the looters and arsonists of BLM.

Eon and MGM kneeled in fealty to woke Hollywood.


What percentage of the main cast is black?

3/14 (21%).

This is the important number.

Britain is 3.3% black.

So blacks are WAY overrepresented in what is a British franchise.

But even if we figure in the American coproducer MGM, blacks are still overrepresented.

America is 14.2% black.

So blacks are even overrepresented here by 50% in relation to the American production company.

But here’s the other important part.

Of the top seven characters (as they are listed in the Wikipedia entry for this film [presumably based on screentime]), three are black.

3/7 (43% of the “stars” or leading roles in this film are played black people).

Compare that to the 3.3% British black population.

Or the 14.2% American black population.

This is an absurdly-high overrepresentation of black people!

For what?

Are 43% of box office returns in the USA because of black viewers?

I highly fucking doubt it.

And do the 3.3% of Britain who are black make up 43% of the viewership (i.e. revenue) there?

There is strictly no chance.

So this movie is a woke joke.

A woke disaster.

In terms of casting.

The worst is Lashana Lynch.

Not talented.  Not charming.  Completely ill-cast.

Jeffrey Wright is mediocre.

Nothing special.

The best is Naomie Harris.

SHE should have been the black, female 007 (if they were going to go that route).

For fucksake…she was a field agent in Skyfall.

Why the fuck did she get relegated to becoming M’s secretary?

She’s charming.

She’s capable.

Neither of which (in the acting sense) can be said about Lashana Lynch.

Lynch is most similar to Gloria Hendry in Live and Let Die.

At least Hendry was attractive.


And funny.

Or we could compare Lynch to another androgynous abomination:  Trina Parks (Thumper) in Diamonds Are Forever.

Nothing like a flat-as-a-board, muscular black woman to get the heterosexual male fired up.

This is, again (after all), an action movie.

Who is the target audience?

Does the LGBTQ community really get into James Bond?

I don’t fucking think so.

At least Trump is right about this:  “Everything woke turns to shit.”

There are disaster movies.

And then there are movies that are disasters.

This is the latter.

What a fucking woke piece of shit.

And who was responsible for this artistic abomination?

Bay Area failed-snowboarder, Japanese-American Cary Joji Fukunaga.

This dude was totally unqualified to shoot a Bond film.

And it shows.

What a fucking ripoff.

Don’t waste your money on this piece-of-shit film.

Danny Boyle (both excellent Trainspotting films) should have directed this movie.

It appears that Fukunaga not only killed James Bond, but killed the James Bond franchise as well.

Great job, fucktard!

Fuck you, you piece-of-shit, no-talent director.



Lost Transmissions [2019)

This is the worst movie I’ve ever seen.


Katharine O’Brien should have failed film school.

Or she should enroll in film school, submit this film for her final project, and then flunk out.

This is the most unartistic hunk of shit I have ever sat through.

For fuck’s sake.

It takes a special lack of talent to make a Simon Pegg movie suck.

But this bitch did it.

And she had some help.

Juno Temple is a horrible, talentless fucking actress.

Jesus God.

So bad.

Especially next to the amazing talents of Simon Pegg.

Pegg is decent here.

Juno Temple is all-world bad.

Born of a communist family.

Makes sense.

Nina Temple.

U.K. commies.


Sister of Julien Temple.


No-talent Juno gets this gig.

Julien Temple has talent.

A lot of it.

Juno Temple has no talent.

At all.


But just when you think this film can’t get any worse, Harley fucking Quinn pops up courtesy of vapid null Alexandra Daddario.

Lots of nepotism.

Emilio Q. Daddario.


Democratic Party.


Fort Meade.

You are watching a movie.

One in which Nakasone kisses Michael Hayden’s ass.

And Colin Powell’s ass.



Who else inflicted this film upon the world?

Filip Jan Rymsza.



The music isn’t horrible.

Hugo Nicolson does alright.

Gravitas Ventures should have chucked this film directly in the nearest trash bin.

Straight-to-video would have been too good a fate for this moronic feature.

Tribeca Film Festival should have categorically denied this film a venue.

Because it is utter shite.

De Niro loves the Chinese commies.

Li Shaohong.

Liu Fendou.

Li Yang.

Keep the money flowing to De Niro and Tribeca.

Then we have to suffer through the maudlin coda with Tao Okamoto.

Nepotism everywhere.

Richard Harris’s son Jamie.

No talent anywhere except for Simon Pegg.

And Hugo Nicolson.

But mainly Pegg.

This is a fucking movie.

Q:  What makes for a good movie?

A:  The exact opposite of all the rubbish crammed into this godawful flick


Robert Schwartzman in his cousin Sofia Coppola’s films.

Sofia has talent.

Quite a bit of talent.

Unlike the director of Lost Transmissions.

What ever happened to Q?

Almost one year since the stolen election.

Our military cucked out.

A bunch of fucking pussies.


Mark Milley.

Michael Gilday.

Lloyd Austin.

Commies all.

Fuck ’em!

Talia Shire’s son.

Talia had talent.

A lot of it.

Unlike Juno Temple.

Who has none.

Then you get Schwartzman’s nepotism brother Jason.

Jason Schwartzman.

Band Rooney for Robert.


Must be nice.

Phantom Planet for Jason.

Epic MCA Geffen (2) Interscope.

Must be nice.

Polish Jews.

You don’t say…

Italian Catholic.


Uncle Francis Ford.

Cousin Nicolas Cage.


Jewish Catholic.

Uh huh.



The Strokes.

Must be nice.

But the main offender is the screenplay.

By director Katharine O’Brien.

For fuck’s sake.

Ten minutes worth of material spun out into a 105-minute wank fest.


O’Brien does not have control of her craft.

No one (not even herself) should have funded this folly.

This film has no plot.

…and not in a cool way!

It is just the Jew bitch with the big nose chasing Simon Pegg around screaming “Theo” for 105 minutes.

Lame, nepotistic tripe.

The Prague International Film Festival should be ashamed for enabling this shit.

Best actor?


Best actress?!?

You gotta be fucking kidding me!!!

And the GRAND PRIX???????

God damn.

ANYTHING would be better than this film.

Give me 105 minutes of Czech TV commercials.

It would be better than this.

Trump loves Pfizer, Israel, and America [maybe].

In that order.





Trump lost me when he started shilling for Pfizer.


CDC lowballs it.


For a person who supposedly reads several newspapers a day, Donald Trump sure is one dumb motherfucker.

He owes at least 9,367 apologies to the families of those who perished due to the vaccines he rushed to market through Operation Warp Speed.

But he’s not fighting for you, Mr. and Mrs. America.

As you are losing your jobs because of the Biden vaccine mandate.

Trump wants us to fight the rigged election.

But he is not fighting for us.

He is ENCOURAGING people to get these deadly shots.

How many newspapers does one have to read in order to pretty quickly conclude that the COVID vaccines are neither safe nor effective?

And in case you wanna pretend Pfizer (the most deadly vaccine in America according to VAERS data) didn’t get any OWS funding, you must admit that the MASSIVE U.S. government preorder allowed them to scale up production.

It was an advance.

Hell…Trump even funded the AstraZeneca clot shot.

N.B.  Janssen = Johnson & Johnson [vaccines developed in the Netherlands by Belgian JnJ subsidiary Janssen Pharmaceuticals]








Johnson & Johnson [Janssen] $456 mil. + $1 bil. = $1.456 bil.

AstraZeneca at least $1.2 bil.

Pfizer $1.95 bil.

Moderna $4.1 bil.

Again, Trump RUSHED these vaccines to market.

And left us at the mercy of Joe Biden and the globalists who are now killing us with them.

Either we can take the #NeitherSafeNorEffective vaccines, or we can lose our jobs.

We can be refused organ transplant surgery.

We can be kicked out of the U.S. armed forces.

We can be fired from NYPD and FDNY.

Where’s Trump?

Sure would be nice if he called the vaccines bullshit (which they most certainly are).

He is so at ease in calling bullshit on ANYTHING in this world, but not when it comes to these vaccines.

Ask yourself Y.

Let’s go, Brandon!