Jojo Rabbit [2019)

Something is collapsing.

Where did Stephane Bancel go?



The Spartacus Letter.


































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The same people who created the vaccines created the virus.

And Bourla couldn’t get into Israel…because he hadn’t taken his own company’s vaccine.

A tale of two CEOs.

Two of the most evil people to ever live.

They won’t give us Ivermectin.

They won’t give us hydroxychloroquine to put with our zinc.

[it must be the same dose of HCQ as used for other ailments…too much HCQ was used in New York State…USE THE SAME DOSAGE AS WITH MALARIA]

So we are prisoners in our own houses.

They want us to go to the hospitals and get pumped full of Remdesivir.


No fucking thanks.

I’d rather die at home.

[excursus on Bangladesh: ]

So we are the Jews hiding out.

The whole world.

People like me with asthma and high blood pressure.

And a heart condition.

There were two months in a row this year where I didn’t leave the house.

[and I am approaching another two months where I haven’t left the house]

I have asked two doctors (my own physician, and a friend) to prescribe me Ivermectin to be taken prophylactically.

Both refused.

So I am a prisoner in my own home.

With my two elderly parents.

Whom I love with all my heart.

I am not going to go out flippantly and get sick.

And I am not taking these #NeitherSafeNorEffective vaccines.


Uttar Pradesh did it right.

Japan did a great job embracing Ivermectin.

So you can tell me India is a backwards country (they are not…many brilliant doctors).

But you cannot tell me Japan is a backwards country.

Your anti-Ivermectin narrative is falling apart.

But the truckers are the heroes.

Canada is on the brink of revolution.

And America is on the brink of war.

Russia is forcing Biden’s hand.

I believe Putin is trying to force the U.S. military to remove Joe Biden from the Presidency.

It is my belief that Putin is attempting to prove to the U.S. military that Biden is corrupt SPECIFICALLY IN RELATION TO UKRAINE (and he is!):

If Russia invades Ukraine and Joe Biden chooses to send U.S. troops to die in defense of non-NATO Ukraine, this will be proof #1 for the U.S. military.

If Russia invades Ukraine, Xi Jinping will not be able to pass up the irresistible chance to invade Taiwan.

This will be proof #2 for the U.S. military because Joe Biden is corrupt SPECIFICALLY IN RELATION TO CHINA:

If Biden fails to defend Taiwan, this will be the second proof to the U.S. military.

But I must be fair.

Whether it is deception (is Joe Biden even capable of that in his currently deteriorated mental state?) or not, the POTUS said something which was actually sensible the other day.

To paraphrase, “We will not be able to rescue Americans inside Ukraine if Russia invades because if Americans and Russians start shooting at each other, that is very bad.”

This is the first thing Joe Biden has said during his Presidency which is both true and wise.

Is this some kind of ploy to garner votes?

Like the sudden back-off from the COVID restrictions?

But Justin Trudeau is not backing off.

Because he is a fucking retard.

And the Canadian people are showing more SPIRIT and COURAGE and FORTITUDE than any people in the entire world!!!

Previously, the Dutch had been the avant-garde.

And the Australian truckers were the FIRST to REALLY put the screws to their government by shutting down roads.

Also, don’t count out the French.

They did a similar thing near the Channel Tunnel (Chunnel).

But what the Canadians are doing is of a WHOLE OTHER MAGNITUDE ALTOGETHER!

People are wondering why Americans are not doing anything.

Black people are letting their rights be trampled in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other cities because they think that rocking the boat will prevent those sweet, sweet reparations from coming down the pipe.

UPDATE:  all you are getting from the Biden administration and Obama-black Kamala is crack pipes.

These politicians are liars.

They tricked you.


Where’s BLM???



I love my black brothers and sisters.

I’m not saying you don’t deserve reparations for slavery.

But I am saying this:  you ain’t getting shit from the Democrats and the Democratic Party.

AOC is a fucking fake.

Bernie Sanders is a fucking fake.

Barack Obama is a fucking fake.

Joe Biden is WAY MORE RACIST than Donald Trump could ever dream of being.

Speaking of which.

Justin “Blackface” Trudeau has no business calling any of these truckers “racists”.


How many times has Trudeau (likely the illegitimate son of Fidel Castro [is his governing style starting to make sense?]) been photographed in blackface?

But I am going to keep giving Trump hell until he calls out the COVID vaccines as the bullshit they are.

He hasn’t done that.

Instead, his dumb ass has PROMOTED these killer vaccines.






So Trump does not get a pass.

Not now.

Not yet.

He did a GREAT job as President.

But he is shirking his duty by extolling these vaccines.

If there are Nuremberg tribunals, Trump will be tried as well.

His actions have been assuring that that will happen.

He had plenty of opportunity to say that he had been tricked about these vaccines.

He STILL could throw the people REALLY responsible for these killer vaccines under the bus.

But he is not doing that.


This is why I cannot support Trump in 2024.

I will support DeSantis.

I will support Rand Paul (unless he recommended these vaccines to Trump).

I will support Tucker Carlson.

I will support Candace Owens.

I will support Robert Malone.

I will support Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

No one else is qualified right now to be President aside from these six.

But why aren’t American truckers doing what Canadian truckers are doing?

Because of January 6.

The FBI and corrupt agenda-setting (fake) news framed Americans.

The FBI provocateured the January 6 event.


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There are some good FBI field offices.

Here’s my favorites (in order from best to not quite as good):

#1  FBI Albany

#2  FBI Buffalo

#3  FBI St. Louis

#4  FBI Cleveland

#5  FBI Cincinnati 

#6  FBI Pittsburgh

#7  FBI Omaha

#8  FBI Oklahoma City

#9  FBI Philadelphia

#10  FBI Kansas City

Honorable mention:  FBI Little Rock

FBI Minneapolis and FBI Newark are also not bad.

What do you notice here?

Here’s what I notice (and suspect).

The “good agents” are sent to the Midwest.



Notice the pattern.

Philadelphia is a pretty good field office.

But Pittsburgh is much better.

Do you get it?

Send the good agents to the middle of nowhere.


Oklahoma City.

Little Rock.

St. Louis.





Send them to small towns.

New York City?








The FBI learned their lesson with Ted Gunderson (who almost became Director).

He was the best agent in the history of the Bureau.

Because he had INTEGRITY.

He was in some smaller places.

New Haven.  Memphis.  Dallas.

And he almost brought the whole house of cards down on the ruling class which wields power through the blackmail of pedophilia.

Ted rose to be the Special Agent in Charge of the Los Angeles field office.

Never again would an agent of such integrity rise so high.

Let’s talk about the worst, most corrupt, useless field offices.



They solve art crimes.

What a bunch of poseurs.

Same with FBI Portland.

Totally worthless.

FBI Los Angeles is where you send the corrupt agents.

FBI Phoenix are fighting windmills.

And where do you send the MOST-CORRUPT agents?

Well, FBI Washington (D.C.) Field Office, of course.

They see no evil.  Hear no evil.  Speak no evil.

And the FBI has come after ordinary Americans RUTHLESSLY for the past year.





Think of all the things FBI Baltimore could have been investigating…



Think of all the things FBI Chicago could have been investigating…





Not every field office went along.

Kudos to FBI Denver.


Think of all the things FBI Detroit could have been investigating…


Think of all the things FBI El Paso could have been investigating…









Think of all the things FBI Los Angeles could have been investigating…



Think of all the things FBI Las Vegas could have been investigating…





In addition to FBI Denver, FBI Miami was not having this bullshit.

Kudos to them and to the memory of these two special agents who lost their lives investigating real crimes.


The FBI’s Most Wanted Twitter account was busy posting photos of grandmas in ugly American flag sweaters.  These were a priority for the Most Wanted program.  Enough to tweet about it.  And pin it.  Forget drug kingpins.  Gotta find those grandmas that wandered through the Capital and took selfies with Capitol Police.


Think of all the things FBI New Haven (truly a shithole town) could have been investigating…


Think of all the things FBI New Orleans could have been investigating…









Even in crime-riddled San Juan, Puerto Rico, the FBI made #Jan6 their top priority.  Even up to three months after the event.






FBI San Diego is actually a decent field office.  They do investigate real crimes.  And yet, under the pitiable leadership of Christopher Wray, the Bureau continued the same kind of lawless law enforcement that typified the James Comey years.




[The FBI at no time ever had a pinned tweet (for three months) in reference to the George Floyd riots.  It should be noted that Mark Milley urged Trump to NOT invoke the Insurrection Act in the summer of 2020 because he characterized the riots in Portland, Minneapolis, and other places as just “penny packet protests” and that it wasn’t an insurrection because they only “used spray paint”.  Milley told President Trump that the George Floyd rioters were not “burning it down” (it being America), but Trump was right.  We sat back and watched America burn. ]













Back to summer 2020.






























































































The chilling effect has created an atmosphere where American truckers can be assured that THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT will come after them mercilessly if they dare stand up and exercise their right to symbolic speech in protest of vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, mask mandates, etc.

Canada still thinks their government will do the right thing when the chips are down.

We will see.

I will say this:

either the RCMP and CSIS greatly underestimated the scope and potential for success of the Freedom Convoy,

or those institutions are far less corrupt than the FBI and CIA.

Why do i say that?

Because there have been no major false-flags or provacateuring inflicted upon the Freedom Convoy AS OF YET.

But Canada is at an impasse.

If Trudeau uses Canadian troops against the peacefully-protesting truckers, it may force the Canadian military to remove Trudeau from power.

If that happens, the American military might be doubly (or trebly) convinced that now is the right time for them to remove Joe Biden from the Presidency.

This would be unprecedented in Canadian and American history.

This would be an unprecedented pair of “coups”.

But it would be most similar to removing the Nazis from power in Germany.

All of these leaders (including Trudeau and Biden) should be tried for war crimes and/or crimes against humanity.

These are war criminals.

They have been waging war on their own populations.

What good is the Canadian and/or American military if they are not protecting their populations from DOMESTIC ENEMIES?

I cannot speak to the structure in Canada concerning their charter rights, but Joe Biden is unequivocally an enemy of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Joe Biden is allowing the southern border to be invaded (just as Obama before him did).

If there is not a radical change in the balance of power in America (particularly in regards to what role the military plays), there is a very real chance the republic will fall.

Can we wait until the midterms?

Will the elections even be fair?

Has the election apparatus been sufficiently shored up to only allow American CITIZENS to vote ONCE apiece?

Have the vectors of fraud been eliminated?

I am not convinced that they have.

What happened in Virginia with Youngkin and company was hopeful.

But the other question is this:

will Joe Biden and his globalist criminal conspirators even allow the midterms to happen?

Will Bill Gates and company release smallpox in the U.S. (as they have been telegraphing they may)?

November 9, 2021

November 18, 2021

Context [from the same people who brought you Event 201]

Is DARPA trying to cover their asses?

Or are they really the good guys in this story?

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Think about all the people to have died in the shadows of spook world.

The microbiologists.

John P. Wheeler III.

Delaware, you say?


Took the Amtrak like Biden???


Why are WE THE PEOPLE having to do the job we pay our government to do?

Our government is not protecting us.

Our government is not meting out justice.

This is highly-problematic.

All of the attempts to curb COVID have been WORSE than failures.

They have allowed for a change in power in the United States.

Trump would not have lost had it not been for COVID and mail-in ballots.

Which is to say (not even getting our hands on those Maricopa routers), that he indeed WON the election.

But he is not in power.

Unless there is some incredibly weird dual-government situation playing out.

And at any rate, Trump sounds like a fucking retard when he talks about the vaccines.

And he has talked about them a lot.




Casually dropping his booster status right after a crowd had sung the Christian hymn “How Great Thou Art”.



Trump is on THE WRONG SIDE of the most important issue plaguing us right now.


Are we supposed to be assured that Trump is Sun Tzu’s bastard child?

And Trump is some international chess champion?

And he’s gonna swoop in at the last moment and do the right thing?

He and what army?

Our woke joke army of Mark Milley, Lloyd Austin, Michael Gilday, Bishop Garrison, and Richard Torres-Estrada?

That woke joke military???

Milley is absolutely a traitor to the United States of America.

Calling China behind Trump’s back to tell them that he would give them a “heads up” if Trump was going to attack was the definition of treason and espionage.


Lloyd Austin is absolutely a traitor to the United States of America.

Forcing our troops to take vaccines that are neither safe, nor effective, is criminal.

Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley are, and have been, destroying the readiness and lethality of our soldiers.

Michael Gilday did this by recommending that our troops read America-hating Ibram X. Kendi.

To “enlighten” them about the struggle of black people in America.



We don’t need to recommend our soldiers read a book by someone who hates the very idea of America.

Gilday actively destroyed morale.

Whether it is because he is a moron, or a saboteur, I cannot say with certainty.

Bishop Garrison is about as useful as Rosa Brooks.

Neither of them should have ever been let anywhere near the Department of Defense.

As for Richard Torres-Estrada, special operations is one area where “diversity” should not matter one bit.

Give me THE BEST soldiers.

If they are all women, fine.

If they are all men, fine.

If they are all black, fine.

If they are all white, fine.

And those leading them (SOCOM [USSOCOM]) should also be THE BEST administrators and leaders.

There should be no “diversity hires”.

Fuck your feelings.

The world is on edge.

So many dominoes which could trigger lightening-fast cataclysms.

The American judiciary is no longer functioning.

It is time for martial law.

But the American military has been infiltrated at the highest level by communists and traitors.

All of the institutions which “dealt with” the Nazis have been infiltrated by globalists like Klaus Schwab (whose own father was a Nazi collaborator).

NATO cannot be depended upon or trusted.

The same for the United Nations.

The same for the International Criminal Court.

All institutions of international law in The Hague have been corrupted and coopted.

China does some things well.

But China is very flawed.

China’s treatment of Hong Kong is inhumane.

China should coexist with Taiwan.

Taiwan should not be FORCED to become a part of China.

And then there is the abomination of what China did to Tibet.

And what they are doing to the Uyghurs.

And how they dealt with their Freedom Convoy (Tiananmen Square [8964]).

Anne Frank as a comedy.


A rather mediocre movie.

A clever idea.

But not a very good movie.

The real Nazis are the ones in Ottawa taking pictures of license plates and fanatically passing this info onto the police.

It must suck to have your first movie (Eagle vs Shark) be not only your best movie, but the only perfect film you’ve made.

This is, likewise, no Last Night in Soho.

Not by a long shot.

Jojo Rabbit is a pretty fucking stupid film.



No Time to Die [2021)

This is not a game.

Pull quote.


This film was a rip of Blood Heat novel 1988 Steve Pieczenik.

Out of print.

Buy now.

Little man Fauci Malek.

Unit 731.

Pieczenik banned from Japan.


Persona non grata.

Khabarovsk War Crime Trials.

CIA paperclipped.

But so did Soviets.

No doubt.

Unit 100.

Unit 516.

Unit 1855.

Unit Ei 1644.

Unit 8604.

Unit 9420.

Diseases disguised as vaccinations.


Delivery mechanism.

Marine vessel Ning-Po.

Smallpox joke dropped early.

Date:  November 9, 2021.

Date:  November 18, 2021.  [note* nine days later]

Frame of reference.

How many times did Joe Biden drop the phrase “dark winter”?

Can the Democrats allow the midterms (2022) to happen?

Won’t they get politically slaughtered at the polls?

How much has the system which allowed the rigged 2020 U.S. Presidential election been shored up?

Was Virginia (Youngkin) a test?

Gates really likes the number 9.

BioNTech (Pfizer COVID vaccine) cash infusion ($55 mil.) from Gates Foundation.

Date:  September 4, 2019.


Date:  October 9, 2019

Event 201.

Date:  October 18, 2019 [nine days later]

I see five major players of the non-game 6uild6ack6etter:

Klaus Schwab (a Kissinger protégé), Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Prince Charles, and Pope Bergoglio.

Shirō Ishii.

Deaths of microbiologists in months following 9/11/01.

Benito Que, Donald C. Wiley, Vladimir Pasechnik, Robert Schwartz, Set Van Nguyen, Vladimir Korshunov, and Ian Langford.  Not to mention Air Sibir 1812 (shot down by Ukrainian SAM).  Five microbiologists aboard.  Israeli microbiologists?  En route to Novosibirsk.  Also not to mention Swissair crash on approach to Zurich.  Died:  head of hematology Ichilov Hospital (Israel).  Died:  directors of Tel Aviv Public Health Department and Hebrew University of Medicine.  33 passengers.  24 died.  All Israelis aboard died.  Possible names (pseudonyms?):  Avishai Berkman, Amiram Eldor, and Yaacov Matzner.

Masaji Kitano.

Doctors of death.

Listen to the master, Dr. Steve Pieczenik, M.D., Ph.D., speak about this.

Yoshio Shinozuka.

Yasuji Kaneko.

War criminals.

Ichirō Hatoyama (Japanese PM 1954-1956).

Nobusuke Kishi (Japanese PM 1957-1960).

Hayato Ikeda (Japanese PM 1960-1964).

Three Japanese Prime Ministers.

Not indicted.

Please explain Trump’s position on the COVID vaccines.

General Otozō Yamada.

Sentenced to 25 years in a labor camp by the Soviets.

Served only seven years before being repatriated to Japan.

General Shunji Sato (a physician).

Sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Served only seven years before being repatriated to Japan.

Bacteria mass production.

Under “epidemic prevention” and “water purification” euphemisms:

Rami Malek character Lucifer (Lyutsifer).

Peter Daszak working for CIA?

Anthony Fauci covering for CIA?

Fauci covering for U.S. military?

Sticky situation.

Are the statements of Dr. Jon McGreevey (Ryan Dark White) legitimate?

I believe Lin Wood has thoroughly discredited himself by now with his incessant attacks on (particulary) General Michael Flynn.

But could Lin Wood’s whistleblower by bona fide?

He’s running for U.S. Senate in Maryland.

And then you have Ron Watkins (CodeMonkeyZ) running for U.S. House of Representatives in Arizona.

Might as well throw in Bobby Piton running for U.S. Senate in Illinois.

Per McGreevey:

he claims that COVID is a defensive bioweapon “designed to protect the United States” and also (most notably) that he himself designed it.  According to McGreevey, it is called GenAegis (Genetic Shield).  McGreevey elaborates on it a bit here…”a weapon designed to seek out certain DNA, programmable […] they can make endless variants”.

Sound familiar?

McGreevey’s assertion is that Obama and Biden gave this bioweapon to China (who then converted it to an offensive bioweapon?).

It was (according to him) developed at Fort Detrick (Maryland).

How does this comport with USMC Major Joseph Murphy’s recent whistleblowing to Project Veritas?

Murphy claims that COVID was a vaccine FOR bats (which was to be administered in an aerosolized version by spraying it into caves in China), but that it leaked out of the Wuhan lab before it was finished.

Murphy’s main contention is that DARPA refused the project, but NIAID (which Fauci runs) then subsequently accepted the project.

The project was proposed to DARPA by the EcoHealth Alliance (run by Peter Daszak).

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This evidence was discovered by Murphy in his capacity at DARPA.

The evidence is now ostensibly being held by the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA) at Quantico.

Note that NCIS is also HQ at Quantico.

And of course there is FBI there as well.

[not to mention United States Army Criminal Investigation Command (USACID) and U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI or OSI)]

But let’s back up to NCIS for a moment.

Why does Ron DeSantis (Navy JAG) seem so much more wise than Donald Trump on the COVID vaccines in these last couple of months?

DeSantis has not gone full-retard like the man who should win the Nobel Peace Prize (Dr. Robert Malone), but DeSantis also hasn’t shot his mouth off like the buffoon Trump.

What happened to Trump?

Great President.

And then he broadcasts to the world that he got the Pfizer vaccine (while encouraging people to take these shots)?



And he casually drops his booster status after a crowd in Dallas gathered to hear him speak had just sung the Christian hymn “How Great Thou Art”?  [sounds like Hochul’s church vaccine speech]


And then Trump lies (?) to Candace Owens about people taking the vaccines not dying?


And finally, Trump makes what appears to be a pointed reference to DeSantis in which Trump insinuates that DeSantis is “gutless” for not revealing his booster status?

Just what the hell has been going on with Donald Trump?!?

These outbursts have caused me to lose all faith in him.

I would take DeSantis (or Ron Paul, or Tucker Carlson, or Candace Owens, or Robert Malone, or RFK Jr. or almost anyone) over Trump at this point.

Trump has backed off the vaccine-pushing.

But I have to say:  that is not good enough.

The man need only visit two websites to understand the danger of these vaccines:

the criminally-parsed version



the actual version



These figures (11,879 and 23,149 [respectively]) should be increased by a factor of 10 to account for the historical underreporting to the passive-surveillance (voluntary) VAERS system [HHS] of serious adverse events such as Kawasaki disease (i.e. 118,790 deaths or 231,490 deaths).



And in case anyone wants to play the “correlation does not necessarily equal causation” card, consider this:


As for their efficacy…


And of course there is this gem about ethno-specific bioweapons:

Are you starting to understand why China and Silicon Valley want your DNA?

This is a new kind of war where certain people will be purposefully made susceptible and others purposefully made nonsusceptible to bioweapons released on a massive scale.

Not to mention that the vaccines are debilitating the U.S. military (while SecDef Austin [a General] and CJCS Milley stand around with their dicks in their hands).  

That’s treason!

They should have known.

And if they didn’t know, they’re still responsible.

The buck stops with them.

Why the insane push for all of humanity to receive vaccines that are neither safe, nor effective?

And why is Trump’s “solidarity” with the Canadian truckers (Freedom Convoy) so at odds with his months of moronic statements regarding the vaccines?

Does he not realize that these people are rising up PRIMARILY BECAUSE OF THE VACCINES HE BROUGHT INTO THE WORLD?!?

Don’t forget that Trump’s Operation Warp Speed (of which he is evidently so proud [see Candace Owens article above]) ALSO PAID FOR THE AstraZenca VACCINE (WHICH IS NOT EVEN AVAILABLE AT ALL IN THE USA)!!!

[not to mention three others we funded that are also not available at all in the USA:  Novavax, Sanofi, and GlaxoSmithKline]




It should be noted that there is not a Sanofi or GSK COVID vaccine approved anywhere in the world.

Where did those $2 billion dollars we gave them go?

While Sanofi and GSK took HHS (U.S. taxpayer) money and ran (producing nothing?), here are the other countries which have developed their own COVID vaccines:

–China (8 different vaccines [Sinopharm BIBP, CoronaVac, Convidecia, Sinopharm WIBP, Zifivax, Minhai, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and Sinopharm CNBG])

–Russia (4 different vaccines [Sputnik V, Sputnik Light, EpiVacCorona, and CoviVac])

–Iran (4 different vaccines [COVIran Barekat, FAKHRAVAC, COVAX-19 {in conjunction with Australian company CinnaGen}, and Razi Cov Pars])

–India (3 different vaccines [Covaxin, ZyCoV-D, and Corbevax {developed by Texas Children’s Hospital < ! > and Baylor College of Medicine <Houston>}])

–Cuba (3 different vaccines [Abdala, Soberana 02, Soberana Plus])

–Turkey (Turkovac)

–Kazakhstan (QazCovid-in)

–Taiwan (Medigen)

Why was a children’s hospital and medical school in Texas developing a COVID vaccine that is only available in India (licensed to Biological E. Limited [BioE])?

Who paid for it?

Where’s Rand Paul?

This is a huge waste of money.

The three vaccines we got (Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson [which were totally unnecessary to rush {considering the low mortality rate of COVID-19 <relative to ebola or smallpox, for instance>}]) are neither safe, nor effective.

If Trump knows the available vaccines in the USA aren’t safe (how could he not know?), then he is liable for the death and injury caused by his encouragement for people to take the vaccines.

State Department character based on Ash Carter?

State Department infiltrated by Rami Malek.

CIA is trusting a foreign agent.

Death of Felix Leiter.

Death of James Bond.

Is 007 now a black lesbian like mayor Lightfoot of Chicago and disgraced BLM cofounder Patrice Cullors?

Q is gay.

Houston recently had a white lesbian mayor [Annise Parker].

And what about black lesbian Karine Jean-Pierre (KJP [Psaki’s backup])?

Is this some kind of cult?

That’s a lot of black lesbians.

And one white lesbian.

Muriel Bowser (D.C. mayor)?

Donna Brazile?

Lashana Lynch is aptly named after androgynous Klaus Nomi.

Is 007 now a black transexual?

Spoiler alert:  James Bond dies.

Is this the end of the series?

And the Bond franchise has to keep the diversity in high gear.

Who cast this movie:  Richard Torres-Estrada?

Bishop Garrison?

Lloyd Austin?

Mark Milley?

Michael Gilday?

At least Ana de Armas is charming.

I can’t say the same about Lashana Lynch.

What the fuck is this woke shit?!?

Ian Fleming would be puking his guts out.

Assange in Belmarsh.

But let’s make sure we have the score here.

The one representative of the CIA (Felix Leiter):  black male.

Miss Moneypenny:  black female.

The new 007:  black female.

What percentage of the U.K. is black?


Three percent.

This is a British film.

Eon Productions Ltd.

Piccadilly (London).

Pinewood Studios.

But the film was also produced by MGM.

Beverly Hills.


What percentage of the USA is black?



So let’s look at the main characters.

Daniel Craig:  British white male.

Léa Seydoux:  French white female.

Rami Malek:  Egyptian-American [African-American] male.

Lashana Lynch:  British black female.

Ben Whishaw:  British white male.

Naomie Harris:  British black female.

Jeffrey Wright:  African-American [black] male.

Christoph Waltz:  Austrian-German white male.

Ralph Fiennes:  British white male.

Billy Magnussen:  American white male.

Ana De Armas:  Cuban-Spanish female.

David Dencik:  Danish-Swedish white male.

Rory Kinnear:  British white male.

Dali Benssalah:  French-Algerian male.

14 characters.

It’s nominally a British movie (although co-produced by American company MGM).

What percentage of the main cast is British?

6/14 (43%).

Less than half of the main cast is British.

What percentage of the main cast is American?

3/14 (21%).

That means 36% of the main cast is neither British, nor American.


Maybe the story called for it.

The evil guys have to be exotic.

Rami Malek (Egyptian heritage) and Christoph Waltz (Germanic).

Dencik (the biological weapons guy) is a Scandinavian playing a Russian.

Also a baddie.

What percentage of the main cast is white?

8/14 (57%).

The good guy (James Bond) is white.

But two of the three villains are also white.

The third main villain is of Egyptian descent.

What percentage of the main cast is male?

10/14 (71%).

It is an action movie.

Who goes to war?


Are women drafted into most militaries in the world?

Do they participate in combat roles?

How often?

What percentage of the main cast is white male?

7/14 (50%).

Let’s be honest.

The James Bond franchise cucked out to the looters and arsonists of BLM.

Eon and MGM kneeled in fealty to woke Hollywood.


What percentage of the main cast is black?

3/14 (21%).

This is the important number.

Britain is 3.3% black.

So blacks are WAY overrepresented in what is a British franchise.

But even if we figure in the American coproducer MGM, blacks are still overrepresented.

America is 14.2% black.

So blacks are even overrepresented here by 50% in relation to the American production company.

But here’s the other important part.

Of the top seven characters (as they are listed in the Wikipedia entry for this film [presumably based on screentime]), three are black.

3/7 (43% of the “stars” or leading roles in this film are played black people).

Compare that to the 3.3% British black population.

Or the 14.2% American black population.

This is an absurdly-high overrepresentation of black people!

For what?

Are 43% of box office returns in the USA because of black viewers?

I highly fucking doubt it.

And do the 3.3% of Britain who are black make up 43% of the viewership (i.e. revenue) there?

There is strictly no chance.

So this movie is a woke joke.

A woke disaster.

In terms of casting.

The worst is Lashana Lynch.

Not talented.  Not charming.  Completely ill-cast.

Jeffrey Wright is mediocre.

Nothing special.

The best is Naomie Harris.

SHE should have been the black, female 007 (if they were going to go that route).

For fucksake…she was a field agent in Skyfall.

Why the fuck did she get relegated to becoming M’s secretary?

She’s charming.

She’s capable.

Neither of which (in the acting sense) can be said about Lashana Lynch.

Lynch is most similar to Gloria Hendry in Live and Let Die.

At least Hendry was attractive.


And funny.

Or we could compare Lynch to another androgynous abomination:  Trina Parks (Thumper) in Diamonds Are Forever.

Nothing like a flat-as-a-board, muscular black woman to get the heterosexual male fired up.

This is, again (after all), an action movie.

Who is the target audience?

Does the LGBTQ community really get into James Bond?

I don’t fucking think so.

At least Trump is right about this:  “Everything woke turns to shit.”

There are disaster movies.

And then there are movies that are disasters.

This is the latter.

What a fucking woke piece of shit.

And who was responsible for this artistic abomination?

Bay Area failed-snowboarder, Japanese-American Cary Joji Fukunaga.

This dude was totally unqualified to shoot a Bond film.

And it shows.

What a fucking ripoff.

Don’t waste your money on this piece-of-shit film.

Danny Boyle (both excellent Trainspotting films) should have directed this movie.

It appears that Fukunaga not only killed James Bond, but killed the James Bond franchise as well.

Great job, fucktard!

Fuck you, you piece-of-shit, no-talent director.



drugs [2021)

We are finally catching up with Pauly Deathwish.

Here on his sixth album, drugs.

Good psychedelic surf start.

The romance must have seemed possible.

Christian trappings.

A great opening track.

Psychedelic Christianity.

Think of those private press releases from the ’60s and ’70s.

I’m hearing the joy and gravity of Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci.

The breakdown of this song “An Ocean of Cough Syrup” is where it’s at.

Maybe a bit of Kevin Ayers.

Wasted innocence.

After the party.

The party at the end of the world.

Certainly song lyrics reminiscent of Wayne Coyne.

Sonic Youth.

Yummy Yummy Yummy.

Pop psych.


Maybe the romance has faded.


Even Dire Straits.

Walk of life.

Track 2 with acrobatic chord changes.

Music school.

Straight-up Fort Leavenworth presentation.

A pop song about biological warfare, economic warfare, psychological warfare, and divide/conquer.

This is some serious shit.

Not sure whether to call Billy Bragg or Glenn Greenwald.

This is the kind of shit that wins Nobels.

So maybe we are hearing the new Dylan here.

Imagine if Thom Yorke actually had something to say.

The bends.


Leonard Cohen.

John Cale.


This dude is definitely right-wing.

I guess you could say.

Imagine if Bob Dylan was actually in the John Birch Society.

That’s what you get here.

Hey, take it or leave it.

Ezra Pound!

But this dude is all about ‘merica.

And i got no problem with it.


Constitution of the USA.

Time’s up.

“memes at the ready”.

Information warfare taken into the realm of head music.


This guy is a danger…to the lame liberal establishment.



Jon Spencer.

Martin Rev dipping Copenhagen.


Butthole Surfers?


“Latinas for Trump”.


Track 3 is a trucker song.

Set in Switzerland.

With production like Nigel Godrich.

It’s a long track.

But enjoyable.

Drum machine and acoustic guitar.

And funky clavinet.

Jerry Reed.

Amos Moses.


FUcking hell.

Haven’t heard this since Jerry Lee.

Dwight Yoakam.

Chris Isaak.

But this is the kinda shit cognizant about There’s a Riot Goin’ On.

Spaced cowboy.

Travelogue of Swiss sites from cinema history.

I have a feeling this guy would drink Klaus Schwab’s blood.

This conspiracy platter is fine listening.



No Italian.

Except Cortina d’Ampezzo.

No Romansch.


NEU! meets Gram Parsons.

Who is/was this “Swiss Alps Truck-Driving Gal”?

Cosmic funk.

Like French band Air.

Great bassline.

Dancy filler track of highest quality.

Mike Lindell needs to hear this shit.



What if Wayne Coyne and Dave Fridmann actually made songs that spoke to something larger?

They’ve hit it occasionally.

You gotta have Jesus in your heart.

Brian Eno first four records spun out again and again.




Delta blues?

Country blues???

Yes, indeed.

“COVID-19 Blues”.

Like late-period Dylan.


If Dylan passes, this dude is next up.

I know it sounds implausible.

Communism used to be risqué.

Now the tables have turned.

Paul Joseph Watson needs to hear this shit.

The human condition.

Dr. Steve Pieczenik needs to hear this song, “COVID-19 Blues”.

This is Stax.

Muscle Shoals.


Booker T.

But with that San Antonio twist.

Pauly Deathwish from the Alamo city.

Augie Meyers.

Flaco Jimenez.

Is Trump still the President? 😉

When was this written?

Why that move to Bedminster?

Cabinet meeting.

A unifying song.

Like “Dixie”.

Ask Abraham Lincoln about “Dixie”.

Masked and anonymous.

QAnon line as money shot.

Sweet harmonica.

Linn drums.



It don’t matter.

This record rocks the Walmart parking lot.


Jimmy Vaughn.

B.B. King.

Richard Manuel tickling the ivories.

Band brown album.

Call Q.

Call Mojo.

Call Uncut.

Side two for all you vinyl lovers.

“Let’s Get Creative”.

Floyd delay.

Sexy song.

J. Spaceman.

Jeff Tweedy.

Kid A.

Really special production.

Which just goes to show that anything can be done with an iPhone.

Except privacy.

Tim Cook cocksucker.

In shitty record store.

Radiohead were our Beatles.

Or their Beatles.

Now many friends have left.

You can’t say White Lives Matter.

Can someone please tell Pauly Deathwish this?

Not that he SAID it.

Because he didn’t.

Trail of Dead.

Which makes sense.

Read this motherfucker’s bio on Spotify.

No slouch.

I happen to know some extra details which I may divulge at a later date.

Lots of training in music composition.

Multiple touches with Nadia Boulanger.

Sexy song.

T. Rex.


Jonny Greenwood.

Scott Pilgrim.

Edgar Wright needs to hear this shit.

No cap.

Dead ass.


Neil Young.

Dead Man.

Thurston Moore needs to hear this shit.

Funny mention.

Watch the water.

August 20.

Rollerskate Skinny appreciation society.

St. Johnny.

Boo Radleys.

First Stereolab album.


Harvest drums.

Like it!

Like a Sonic Youth country album.

Made in a barn.

Nothing Ween about this shit.

Except for the trucker song.

Which is funny as fuck.

This dude definitely a QAnon.

“Midnight Rider”.

Paul Revere.

One if by…two…

Mercury Rev.

Suzanne Thorpe.

Applied memetics.

Oh shit.

First Eno record.

Desert island.

THIS is impressive.

Turns out to be motto of 4th Psychological Operations Group (4thPOG) at Fort Bragg.

The PSYWAR just got real.

Vietnamese ghosts amplified.

But this is Chinese.

China bio attack.

Fauci through China.

Focus on Peter Daszak and his absurd opera-singer brother.

There is going to be hell to pay.

Q-uantum of solace.


Obviously, Pauly Deathwish loves the instrumentals from Bowie’s Low.

This is a constant touchstone.


Meditative techno.


When the bass drops in on “Verbum Vincet ’72”.

Who was Q?

Who is Q?

Was Q a psychological operation?

From whence might it have emanated?

Roger Waters.

Hell to pay.

Criminal networks wiped off the face of the earth.

Peking opera.

Sue me.

LeBron James is a worthless cocksucker.

I think I would get along with this Pauly Deathwish guy.


We have it all…in Utah.

“Bluffdale” like Marquee Moon.

Meets chiptune.

Super Marquee Moon.

Even a bit of John Bonham.

Good drum sound.


Riots worldwide.

No vaccine passports.

Here’s where BLM and MAGA come together.

Don’t vax us, man.

A unifying event.

The real racists are the totalitarian Democrats.

Am I doing this right?

Pepe Lives Matter needs to hear this shit.

Klaus Voorman bass.

Leave it in.

Smacked out of your gourd.

Phil Spector murdered by the Rona.

Lee “Scratch” producing The Clash.

People want to sleep forever.

Sleep through this global nightmare.

Gotta wake up.

But the reality is crushing.

So God gives us solace here and there.

Black ark.



Moby grape.

Hal Blaine back in the barn stoned on some world-class shit.



Astral weeks.

Nick Drake.

Ending album on serious note?

“Cotton Ball Soup”.

Will the masses win?

Against the vaccine passport bastards?


Where’s GYBE?

No heroes can be found.

Where’s Thom Yorke?


Bob Dylan?





Red Dawn [1984)

Wikipedia wants to focus on NATO.

“–Soviet Union suffers worst wheat harvest in 55 years.

–labor and food riots in Poland. Soviet troops invade.

–Cuba and Nicaragua reach troop strength goals of 500,000.

El Salvador and Honduras fall.

–Greens [sic] Party gains control of West German parliament.

Demands withdrawal of nuclear weapons from European soil.

–Mexico plunged into revolution.

–NATO dissolves.

United States stands alone.”

Gist correct.

Minor typographical errors possible.

Agenda set by Joi Ito’s sister Mimi.


Benjamin Mako Hill.

MIT Media Lab.

One Laptop per Child.

What could possibly go wrong?

Nicholas Negroponte.


John Negroponte.

First DNI.

Beneficiary of 9/11.

Now Avril Haines.

Rewarded for being a “player” in Event 201.

Mexico and Honduras.

Davenport College.


George H.W. Bush (Skull and Bones [CIA]).

George W. Bush (Skull and Bones).

William F. Buckley Jr. (Skull and Bones [CIA]).

Samantha Power.

Trevor Neilson (Gates Foundation).

Craig Newmark (Obama/Biden).

Melissa Hagemann (Soros).

Essa’a Al Shafei (MIT Media Lab [WEF]).

How snow looks in Texas from a 4th grade window.

Gets a bit ridiculous quite quickly.

A bit implausible.

Thinking Soviet.


They heard some Spanish.

Find the gun owners.


Lots of batteries.

Soda water.




7,000 Bell helicopters in the Vietnam War.

Re-education at the drive-in.

Harry Dean Stanton.

Film on repeat.

Saying how America was never great.*

120/124 #FlagOfficers4America .



72 special operators from USSOCAF lost under Bolduc’s command.


Avenge me!

Avenge me!

Toni and Erica join up.

Hidden in the cellar.

Like Jews.

Because of an invading force of pillaging rapists.

A constant in war.

Lea Thompson gunner.


Jennifer Grey nade.

Keep me warm.

No surgery now.

No surviving a wound of this sort.

Multiple gunshots.



Bleeding out of mouth.

Pull the pin for me.



Matthew DePerno.

Families of rebels killed.

Break the spirit of the rebels.

Mayor Bates is Mike Pence.

Powers Boothe.

F-15 ejection St. Louis on runway.

Southwest Texas State.

Me too.

Year two.

Later return.

Texas State.

Omaha (Offutt) overrun by Cubans [STRATCOM].

D.C. nuked.

Invasion across U.S. southern AND northern borders.

Middle of country taken.

Stopped at Rockies and Mississippi.

Conventional warfare prevails.

Asymmetrical wolverines.

Legendary on the coasts.

In California.

In the mountains of Colorado.

Northwestern Canada seized by Soviets.

Most important line.

600,000,000 Chinese on our side.

Give me a fucking break.

Wait for the remake.

China has never been a U.S. ally.

Wikipedia riddled with subtle propaganda.



10th Mountain.

Fort Drum.

A chopper from Rambo III.

Where were they getting these things?




MIGs at Area 51.

Must be willing to fly vertical.

Looked like Erica shot Daryl.

Mil Mi-24.




Pour in mouth.

Milk later.

Squeeze rind to flirt.

A moment of joy in the mountain sun.

Orange freshly.

A bit maudlin.


Cuban revolutionary cannot kill other revolutionaries.

Actually, a very interesting theoretical conundrum.

John Milius more writer than director?

Dirty Harry.

Apocalypse Now.

The Hunt for Red October.

Clear and Present Danger.

The film peaks.

By the swing set.

What we never thought we’d become.


In a war.

China is the threat and the invader.

The war is now.

Bio psywar economic sabotage Marxist divide and conquer British bolsheviks.


Cheney out.

Operation moving.

1 by 1.

Just sayin’.


V for Vendetta [2005)

Was QAnon bullshit?


We intend to answer these questions herein.

Because you deserve answers.

The first question supposes that Q is now in the past tense.

Did Q ever promise Biden would not be inaugurated?


Not to my knowledge.

But few followers of Q likely saw a triumphant Biden inaugural event in the cards.

President Trump brought the people together on January 6, 2021.

He did not incite anything.

Anyone with a fucking brain knows that most large political gatherings are incredibly susceptible to agents provocateurs.

We know about them from Genoa.


Before 9/11.

It was still a pre-9/11 world.

To wit, anti-globalization protesters at the G8 summit in Genoa claim that the violence at that event was provocateured.

I don’t doubt it.

So when I saw what was happening immediately after (actually BEFORE) Trump’s speech ended, I knew what I was seeing.

Sure, Trump supporters were mad.

And we still are!

But there was not a single MAGA rally over the past five years that ever descended into violence.

Find an example.

You can’t.

Because it doesn’t exist.

Antifa and BLM were allowed to commit arson, looting, and vandalism for AT LEAST six months (with impunity).

And so the corrupt ruling system exposed itself on January 6.

By way of faux outrage.

What of it?

What will happen now?

Indeed, what IS happening?

The 2020 election was stolen by every manner of fraud under the sun.

The thieves got caught.

And still they paid no price.

Because not only was the election rigged, but the SYSTEM is rigged.

A coherent movement going forward will recognize this.

Where We Go 1ne, We Go All.

St. Mary’s Virus.



Tony Fauci is a fraud.

A false savior.

A false messiah.

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But V for Vendetta got many things wrong.

It failed to account for (or warn against) totalitarianism rising from the Left.

We saw it in Hillary Clinton.

And we now see it in the authoritarian communism of Big Tech and the Democrat Party.

Keep in mind that V for Vendetta hails from the first War “on” Terror:  in which the United States subjected Muslims worldwide to horrible treatment (based on the lie that the terror attacks of 9/11 were the work of 19 beardy guys with box cutters).

I fought in that war.

I fought against the lies.

I called out Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld as being two of the primary authors of the attacks.

That was called 9/11 truth.

Subsequently, I voted for Barack Obama in 2008 solely because I thought he would bring these same neoconservatives (Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, etc.) to justice.

He did not.

And now the second War “on” Terror is upon us:  the one where everyone who voted for Trump (all 78 million of us [McInerney numbers]) are domestic terrorists.

Who was Q?

Who is Q?

Who is acting?

Who is real?

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It would appear that Ezra Cohen-Watnick is a fucktard.

Maybe he learned this in acting classes at Camp Peary while he was training to be in the Defense Clandestine Service (DIA).

This same Vanity Fair article also shows Chris Miller to be a pretty colossal fucktard.

But no one has taken the crown of Fucktard so completely as Mike Pence.

So what is it?

Are they all acting??

Or are they all, indeed, fucktards???

They are certainly ACTING like a bunch of cocksuckers.

I suppose only time will tell.

Brass tacks.

If they had a plan, it failed.

If they had a plan and it failed, it probably was a shitty plan.

Maybe they didn’t have a plan.

Maybe QAnon was just an FBI psyop.

But somehow I don’t think so.

I suppose because I am an eternal optimist.

Now we are hearing from such luminaries as Simon Parkes that the plan had to be called off.


Sounds a bit like the ever-shifting timeline of QAnon.

And that is a possibility.

Perhaps there was a plan.

Perhaps it was a great plan.

And perhaps now the plan has been moved back to March or April.

A couple of things we DO know.

Trump clearly won the election.

There was clearly MASSIVE election fraud.

Bill Barr was completely (seemingly) uninterested in said fraud.

Another prick acting like a fucktard.

Barr appoints John Durham.

Durham had three years to bring the Spygate/Obamagate cabal to justice.

He got ONE fucking indictment in three years.

Which makes John Durham look an awful lot like another fucktard.

Let’s be clear.

Trump supporters don’t want violence.

I don’t.

We don’t.

Trump should have pardoned Assange (but not Snowden).

Donald Trump very much became V (and Q?) by calling his supporters to D.C.

But he never once did anything remotely-related to inciting violence.

That claim is total bullshit.

It’s like the Phantom of the Opera.

Meets Batman.

And Punisher.

We waited patiently for pain.

Still waiting.

We see the church sex scandals.

I will give Bill Barr credit for one thing:  he rounded up Jeffrey Epstein.

But then the fucker went and offed himself under near-impossible circumstances.

Which leads us back to our commonalities:

–Trump supporters, BLM, and Antifa can all agree that the system is rigged 

–Trump supporters, BLM, and Antifa can all agree that Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself


Lots of LGBTQ bullshit in this movie.

Which only proves my point.

We love the first openly-homosexual DNI Richard Grenell.


We are not white supremacists.

Not anymore than BLM are black supremacists.

We are with you.


Ashli Babbitt.

Hands up, don’t shoot.


I guess Pelosi’s laptop just had a bunch of medium Sudokus on it.

We are coming for the inheritors of MKUltra.

But we are purely digital warriors.

Combing OSINT.

Information warfare is a scholarly way of saying gossip.

The most damning gossip is that which is true (and annotated with copious links).

Patriots must be tested.

It may seem cruel.

QAnon was merely boot camp for digital soldiers.

We have not yet begun to fight.

Stockholm syndrome.

You must be proven worthy.

We must see your true colors.

What is essential is Finch (Stephen Rea).

Imagine being an FBI special agent tasked with fooling the whole country.

You are tasked with concocting a gigantic movement of hope.

Only to let the whole lot down.

Only to preserve the status quo.

And collect your pension.

FBI are people too.

And they are watching.


Thinking, even, perhaps.

This all requires thinking outside of the box.

It requires the ability to be wrong.

Nothing wrong with being wrong.

Maybe QAnon was total bullshit.

But maybe it wasn’t.

Because maybe it’s not over.

Biological warfare is key here.

Learn about Chi Haotian:

Psychological warfare (greatest impact):

Pieczenik told us Biden would not become President.

Perhaps there has been a glitch.

Pieczenik told us there would be a military coup in the U.S.

The night is young.

We don’t want violence.

We just want justice.

And more than anything, we want our votes to count.

One person, one vote.

If we can’t have assurance of that, the social contract is broken.

Don’t mistake the lack of Trump-supporter riots for acquiescence.

Never has there been a more patriotic, determined lot.

We must get at the truth.

We must find the truth.

And we must do George Washington and those who birthed this country proud.

We must do all of our soldiers who died for the USA proud.

We must do the good policemen who gave their last full measure defending our streets proud.

This is our land.

No taxation without representation.

Sure, go ahead and make D.C. a state.

And Puerto Rico too.

Fuck it!

It doesn’t matter…as long as there are Dominion Voting machines and Ruby Freemans who face no consequences.

But we are watching.

And waiting.

Warfare is different now.

You may be occupying our country (China, with your puppet Joe Biden), but you have not seen resistance yet.

The Vietnamese and the Afghans were impossible to tame.

It was their land.

Home turf.

We will win.

You will lose.

Bill Gates.

Avril Haines.







Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy [2004)

The world is fucked up.

This is probably the craziest year most of us have ever lived through.

When has the world, in its entirety, faced such chaos in recent memory?

9/11 brought us terror on a horrific, spectacular* level.

Guy Debord predicted this in 1967 with his seminal book La société du spectacle.

No, he did not pull a Nostradamus (who happens to share my birthday).

He did not predict the three towers (including the 47-story WTC7) falling into their own footprints.

But he predicted something much more useful, or at least applicable, to our present times.

The “locus of illusion” that Debord talked about remains (though it be besieged on all sides) television.

For our purposes, we shall call it “video”.

Moving pictures.

Debord also predicted our current age of social-media dominance.

Though he could not name it then, he described it perfectly as, “a social relationship between people…mediated by images.”

What does the word “Facebook” evoke when you hear it?

Does it sound a bit like a dating site?

What role do memes (manipulated images) play in our social discourse?

“The spectacle”, Debord told us, “…turns reality on its head.”

How much of what you hear “on the news” (whether that be television, radio, Internet, social media) do you trust?

Because you are smart, dear reader, you consider the source.

And so do I.

Debord wanted to say something about fakes.

The epigrammatic beginning to the first chapter of The Society of the Spectacle gets right to this point.

It was the philosopher Feuerbach who said that in, “…the present age, which prefers the sign to the thing signified, the copy to the original, representation to reality, the appearance to essence…illusion only is sacred, truth profane.”

Ludwig Feuerbach wrote those words in the 1800s.

But the Irish rock band U2 would come to a similar epiphany in their song “Even Better Than the Real Thing”.

Debord wanted to talk about fake-ness.

But he also wanted to qualify his description of “the spectacle”.

For Debord, “reality erupts within the spectacle, and the spectacle is real”.

To translate (from French to English to philosophy to layman’s terms), there are some aspects of our image-driven information culture that are real (though a good deal of fake news exists).  But owing to the lack of a competing narrative to the overwhelming chorus of voices in agreement (corporate news), “the spectacle” (whatever the talking heads tell you) is, de facto, real.  Never mind that it might all be rubbish.  The sheer repetition of certain truths–day after day, hour after hour (from all the many “options” [ABC, CBS, NBC, New York Times, Washington Post])–renders those “truths” the currency of “factual” discourse.  Without an independent, competing narrative from alternative news sources (which currently lack the scale and reach to pose a symmetric threat to “legacy media”), whatever the aforementioned “usual suspects” (ABCBSNBC…) tell you is TRUE becomes “truth” the moment they report it.  The national news coverage of American current events is indistinguishable whether one has ABC, CBS, or NBC dialed up on the tele.

But the times, they are a-changin’.

Donald Trump’s 3+ years in office have been “a moment of falsehood”, which is to say, truth.

As Debord wrote, “In a world that really has been turned on its head, truth is a moment of falsehood.”

Debord seemed to be describing the “legacy media” when he wrote of an entity “out of reach and beyond all dispute”.

Of particular concern in this current situation (which already existed in Debord’s day) is the role that vision plays in our mediated understanding of the world.

As Debord wrote, “…it is inevitable that it should elevate the human sense of sight to the special place once occupied by touch…”.

He goes on to describe “sight” as, “…the most abstract of the senses, and the most easily deceived…”.

Think about a painting by Monet.


What are you seeing?

You are seeing the work of someone [Monet] whose eyesight was impaired.  Literally.  But though it be impaired, he still painted wonderful, huge canvases which EVOKED the atmosphere of a pond with waterlilies.

You are seeing blurry images.

Your brain has to fill in the details.

You are not seeing a high-definition photograph.

Furthermore, you are seeing oil paints which have been applied to a cloth canvas.

You are seeing a depiction.

This takes us all the way back to Plato’s “cave”, but I digress…

What happens when the big three TV networks in the U.S. get something wrong?

What about the New York Times and Washington Post (to just name the two most widely-distributed offenders)?

Do any of these entities make a concerted, SINCERE effort arising from true integrity to correct their previous, faulty coverage on events?

Debord could answer before the question was asked…because he knew the nature of these organizations (even in his native France).

He wrote, “The spectacle is by definition immune from human activity, inaccessible to any projected review or correction.  It is the opposite of dialogue.”

Social media changed this briefly.

But now, Twitter is acting like the generalissimo of a banana republic by banning accounts which “promote” the “conspiracy theory” known as QAnon.

This is just one example–from one social media platform–where the fleeting dialogue which threatened (?) “the spectacle” has been shut down.

Google, working closely with the communist Chinese government, is all too happy to facilitate similar totalitarian censorship in China…all for a buck (or yuan).

So let’s talk about vision/sight for a moment.

Did George Floyd die under the knee of Derek Chauvin?

All of the “usual suspects” (ABCBSNBC) tell me he did.

And there’s video!

Video never lies, does it?

I mean…movies are all true, right?

Is the video that Darnella Frazier ostensibly shot on her cell phone “documentary” footage?

It may be more than one thing.

It is possible to honestly document fake-ness (without knowing you are filming a pageant).

Have you ever seen an actress cry on command?

I have.

It is quite an astounding thing.

I have a friend who is a major motion-picture actress.

She once burst out in tears…right next to me.

I started to offer my condolences.

I was generally concerned.

I almost started crying.

Then she abruptly jumped out of character with a smile…to let me know she was just pranking me.

It was VERY convincing.

She had never done that to me before.

It was novel.

I had no experience against which to measure her crying fit.

I thought of her as a friend first and as an actress second.

I forgot, temporarily, that she was unequivocally a professional faker.

But Guy Debord saw more to “the spectacle” than just a stream of fake-ness.

Debord seemed to also sense an approaching hour when human relations would become totally stifled.

To hear Debord tell it, “Separation is the alpha and omega of the spectacle.”

Both its goal and its essence.

While mass media seems to bring us together (shared touchstones, talismans…), in actuality, it separates us more from one another.

We are always obliged to mention what “the news” says about a certain topic.

It is rare (almost impossible) that two people have a conversation where they each give their opinion of a recent event and “the spectacle” (a mass, homogenized media) is not invoked (in deferential terms) at some stage as a reference point.

Debord describes the “weapons of that system” as ranging “from cars to television”:  all meant to “reinforce the isolation of ‘the lonely crowd'”.

But Guy Debord was not merely taking aim at television and mass media.  He saw further.  He seems to have, though writing in 1967, seen the inevitably of the Internet.

As he describes it, “The spectacle is a map of this new world–a map drawn to the scale of the territory itself.”

While this is indeed a reference to a story by Borges (the world=the map), Debord’s insight in applying this to mass communication and information dissemination is extraordinarily prescient.

Guy Debord, it must be said, was not without fault.

Most importantly, he was an avowed Marxist.

So his perspicacity ended where mass media stops and economics begins.

Which brings us to the film Anchorman…

Will Ferrell is awkward here.

And gloriously so!

We get gender division.


As today we continue to get race divisions.

Who is driving this?

Cui bono?

The British were quite good at “divide and conquer”.

In the Indian subcontinent, Hindus and Muslims had lived relatively peaceably together…until the British decided to stoke this latent division for cynical ends.

“If the Hindus and Muslims are fighting each other, they can’t pose a unitary threat to us.”

That is what I can imagine British military strategists saying at the time when India was under their occupation.

And it worked.

It was brilliant.

Evil, but brilliant.

Ask yourself a question:  who benefits (cui bono) from blacks and whites and Hispanics and Asians and police and civilians in America being divided and at each other’s throats?

What series of events led to the isolation (frustration) needed to create the current powder keg that went up in smoke with the George Floyd event?

Ron Burgundy will read anything that is put in front of him on a Tele-Promp-Ter.

…as evidenced by his most unfortunate sign-off, “Go fuck yourself, San Diego!”

Which brings us to Joe Biden.

FDR managed to keep it a secret that he was stricken with polio.

He was carted around in a wheelchair during his Presidency.

He had the Resolute desk in the Oval Office modified so that a panel on the front obscured the prying eyes of news cameras.

You could not see his legs fastened to his wheelchair.

And the press obliged.

They loved FDR.

Good old liberal, Democrat FDR.

Elected to the Presidency FOUR times (an American record).

In the White House for over 12 (!) years.

Our Constitution was amended to make this impossible from there on out.

Now the limit is eight years (two terms).

All that notwithstanding, FDR never lost his mental faculties to any significant degree.

He had a physical disability which prevented him from ambulating fully.

Joe Biden can walk fairly well.

Sadly, there is no desk panel that can hide his mental deterioration.

It is there.  It will be there.  And it will get worse.

Which makes Joe Biden a FAR MORE RIDICULOUS candidate than Donald Trump.

And again, “the spectacle” is running defense for Biden.

Making excuses.

Tossing softball questions (if any at all).

The best thing that vicious, Marxist Democrats in the United States can come up with is a dud missile named Joe Biden.

He is harmless (to extend the missile metaphor), and in that he is very harmful.

He is, as regards the responsibilities of the Chief of the Executive Branch, useless.

Which gives us just one more example of how fakes are being foisted upon us.

Never has there been such a poor candidate for the American Presidency as Joe Biden.

It is becoming apparent to all that, if elected, he would not run his own government.

What a sham!

Why didn’t the Democrats have the foresight to nominate Cory Booker or Kamala Harris?

It couldn’t be because they are RACIST, could it?

Remember, Donald Trump is such a horrible misogynist.

How was it that the Democrats failed to nominate Elizabeth Warren or Amy Klobuchar?

Democrats REALLY care about Latinos in the U.S.

That’s why they failed to nominate a guy named Castro.

Democrats are so diverse!

That’s why they passed on nominating a guy named Yang.

And what did the Democrats end up with?

A halfwit, old, white man named Joe Biden.

Halfwit is really too kind a descriptor here.

The mobs wanted Ron Burgundy’s head.

Because he told them to “go fuck themselves”.

But it was a false-flag.

Did Ron Burgundy write the line, “Go fuck yourself, San Diego!” on the Tele-Promp-Ter?


Veronica Corningstone did.

Did the truth about who REALLY wrote it come out?


Not even from a news organization.

Burgundy was summarily fired and his life went to shit.

He ended up wandering the streets like a cross between fat Jim Morrison (Val Kilmer-influenced) and Brian Wilson.

Bathrobe and cheeseburgers.

Nilsson Schmilsson.

Drinking milk in the…hot sun!

But what goes around comes around.

Ms. Corningstone is pushed into a bear pit at the zoo.

An unenviable position, that.

And it takes a little dog to diffuse the situation.

A mob of bears.

A proud species.

Wronged by this intrusion into their hibernation.

But Baxter, the little dog, has a message.

“These are not the droids you are looking for.”

The bears consider the source.

They will not take Ron Burgundy’s word for it.

They will not take Veronica Corningstone’s word for it.

But they will listen to a fellow creature from the animal kingdom.

“I know your cousin,” Baxter says (and I paraphrase).

Baxter’s message rings true.

The bears reconsider.

They are able to retreat gracefully.

Baxter has just acted as crisis negotiator.

A feel-good movie ends with former enemies expressing respect for one another.


Not total reconciliation.

But a cessation of the mad chaos.

Brick Tamland (played brilliantly by Steve Carell) ends up (we are told) becoming a “top political advisor” to the Bush administration.

Mass media.

The spectacle.

Hollywood could not help taking a pot shot at a Republican President (even in a light-hearted comedy [and even though the bastard Bush deserved it]).


Because Bush was a (shitty) Republican (and a war criminal).

But for the eight years of Obama’s Presidency (and the eight years of Bill Clinton’s Presidency), you never saw Hollywood comment (on film) about the merits of these two Democrats.


Because the Democrat Party is inseparable from the mass media in the United States.

So let me ask you one final question:

do you think you are getting the truth about President Trump, coronavirus, George Floyd, or anything else from this tight-knit cabal of fakers?

Stay classy!



Boogie Nights [1997)

Something big is going down.

A country is getting taken down.

And that country is the USA.

It is getting taken down using methods suspiciously-similar to those used by the CIA in their regime change activities around the world.

Iran, Guatemala, Indonesia, Chile…

You know their work.

But this time it’s different.

Just as the American intelligence community was weaponized by President Barack Obama against Presidential candidate (and President-Elect) Donald Trump, so is the Deep State (chockfull of former CIA officers) now attempting to bring down the United States to save their asses.

Does China have any reason to attempt to totally destroy the United States AT THIS TIME?

No.  [but they are a part of (willing accomplice to) the takedown]

Does Russia have any reason to attempt to totally destroy the United States AT THIS TIME?


Is there any intelligence organization in the world capable of orchestrating the total war to which the United States has been subjected over the past three months?

Only China and Russia.

And perhaps Israel.

But Israel has absolutely no reason to attempt to depose their greatest ally (Donald Trump).

Iran does not have the capability or sophistication.

Nor does North Korea.

[and North Korea, even if they had the capability (which they do not), has no reason to run a regime change campaign against the most formidable counterintelligence apparatus in the world AT THIS TIME]

And so that leaves us but one “country”:  a country within a country.

The American (Globalist) Deep State.

It is almost synonymous with the CIA.

And the CIA’s methods and signatures are all over the multi-pronged onslaught we have witnessed these past months.

It’s not necessary at this time to point out the biggest players.

Soros?  Yes.

The Clintons?  Yes.

Obama?  Yes.

Bill Gates?  Yes.

What is most important is to locate the quarterback.

And that man is (in my opinion) none other than former Director of the CIA John Brennan.

There are other traitors involved.

But let’s outline the structure of what we have endured:

  1.  Biological Warfare–Here, China sacrificed one of its own cities [Wuhan] to create plausible deniability that they were in any way waging offensive BIOWAR.  As China miraculously shielded the rest of ITS country from COVID-19, they made sure the virus made it (in droves) to the homeland of their arch nemesis:  the USA
  2. Economic Warfare–Here, the Deep State (with a giddy China looking on) watched as the U.S. economy ground to a halt because of COVID-19.  Record unemployment.  All economic activity ceased.  The greatest economy on Earth was ruined (for the time being).  Each U.S. citizen received a pittance of $1,200 which has not been enough to really sustain anyone.
  3. Psychological Warfare–The masses of Americans were told to stay home.  They were cooped up in their houses for two months.  They had nothing to do.  No place to go.  Underlying depressions and anxieties were exponentially amplified.  The populace grew frustrated.  Most of all, the PANIC was conveyed daily by news organizations with heavy connections to the CIA and Democratic Party.  This propaganda terrorized the populace into being afraid to leave their homes–being afraid even to breathe.
  4. Divide and Conquer–Whether the death of George Floyd was a real or synthetic (staged) event, the news coverage would have been the same.  In terms of planning, it is likely that the event never took place at all.  But for the sake of argument, let’s assume for a moment that a man named George Floyd actually did die as a result of an incompetent and cruel police officer.  Magically, the big bogeyman (COVID-19) WAS COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN.  All of a sudden, the pent-up rage and frustration and poverty (see #3 and #2) were activated.  This is the “match in a tinderbox” scenario.  After two months of wall-to-wall coverage of the coronavirus (which ostensibly killed 100,000 Americans by Memorial Day), ALL OF A SUDDEN…THE LIFE OF ONE MAN (george floyd) has become more important than the lives of the 100,000 coronavirus victims (assuming that death toll is accurate [which it is not…it is grossly-inflated]).

So what we have here is a VERY SOPHISTICATED campaign designed to remove Donald Trump from the Presidency.  Worst case scenario (for the Deep State), it is supposed to prevent him from being reelected.

It is also a last-ditch effort to save the asses of those Deep State members whose treason has been pinpointed and for whom justice may not be far off:

-Loretta Lynch

-Sally Yates

-John Brennan*

-James Clapper

-James Comey

-Andrew McCabe

-Bruce Ohr

-James Baker [FBI]

-Peter Strzok

-Lisa Page

-Rod Rosenstein

-Susan Rice

It is my guess that these will be the first pawns to fall.

John Brennan is very important.

More than a pawn (in some ways).

But still a pawn.

How deep will this go?

Barack Obama?

Hillary Clinton?

Bill Gates?

George Soros?

So much depends on each move in this chess game.

Which brings us to Boogie Nights.

There’s a riot goin’ on.

Each of us has a gift.

Heather Graham is great here.

Mark Wahlberg does a really nice job.

We get the Corvette.

Symbol of summer.

Porn with “plots”.

An admirable pursuit.

Burt Reynolds is really phenomenal in this film.

But like Lovelace, this tale of sexual freedom gets darker and darker as it goes along.

You got the touch.

Feel, feel, feel, feel my heat.

Darker and darker.

But very real.

There is a great realism to certain scenes here.

Paul Thomas Anderson really does an amazing job with this one.

Even the usually-vapid Julianne Moore has some actual moments of artful acting herein.

They’re taking her children away.

Black people can like country music.

Definitely a bit of Tarantino in the donut shop scene.

But Anderson is a far superior director to QT.

QT is very talented, but very overrated.

Lots of hype…very little timeless filmmaking.

Anderson is a much more solid auteur.

There is something of Aronofsky here too.

Funny thing is, Anderson got there first.

But Requiem for a Dream goes MUCH DEEPER into drug darkness.

And yet, Anderson paints a portrait of a period of time.

So vividly.

And the colors are washed out.

The soul-eating burn of cocaine is depicted as it really is:  torrid.




Utterly destructive.


How many more nights will the “divide and conquer” boogie?

Military police.

82nd Airborne.

101st Airborne.

1st Infantry.

10th Mountain Division.

The United States is under attack…mainly from within.

China played a small (though not insignificant) role.

The main culprits are liberal globalists.


A second wave of coronavirus will hit the U.S.

This will happen as a result of the fake-news media pushing the narrative that one man’s death (george floyd) is more important than 100,000 ostensible fatalities.

The CIA/liberal media is distracting the country from being vigilant about hand washing, social distancing, etc.

And when will this second wave hit?

Right before November 3rd, perhaps?