Mad Max [1979)

Crunch time.

Ghost rider.

Motorcycle hero.

Chain Bowery.


Mind games.

Fifi McAfee.


Toecutter is Wayne Coyne.  Hugh Keays-Byrne.  On Highway 61.  In a forrest-green Ford Focus?  Oklahoma plates.  Near Emerald Mound.  Flaming Lips poster tucked into the back of the driver’s seat.  Soft Bulletin era.  Before Yoshimi.  Dead in December of last year in New South Wales.  Peacefully?  In a hospital?  At age 73?  12/2/2020.  Gay Bubba is Marc Almond.  Satanist.  Now says it was a joke.  This is quintessential Antifa.  As if Johnny the Boy had his eyes gouged out.  Dumb driver runs away.  Left his woman.  Pitiful.  Steve Bisley with compassion.  Goose is Max von Sydow.  We are going to win Australia back for Australians.  And win Canada back for Canadians.  And win the U.K. back for the English and Scottish and Welsh.  And the Irish of Belfast.  My mates in The Answer.  Google me.  No one showed up.  And Johnny walked free.  It’s time to show up, Australia.  Here is your song, Australia.  We will make it together. Bernard Kerik is now on our side.  Goose.  We won’t lose.  Lori “Eraserhead” Lightfoot. IMG_0853

That THING is not the Mayor of Chicago.  Intel from Bobby Piton that she is a CCP operative.  Interesting.  Singer licking her lips.  Could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.  Goose’s last taste of life.  Went out with a bang.  But burnt to a crisp.  And not out.  Alive and suffering.  Bike in the back of a fuck-ugly ute.  Under which Goose is cooked.  Antifa tactics.  Mean, nasty people.  Cowards.  Sadists.  Unhappy adolescents who remain unhappy adolescents for their entire lives.  Sick utopians.  If only everyone saw things their way, then the world would be a wonderful place.  They think.  Rebels without an understanding of their cause.  Which is to say, without a cause.  The cause is only a prop.  And so nebulous as to be virtually nonexistent.  West side story.  Cascadia.  Rosa Brooks.  Nils Gilman.  Transition Integrity Project.  Brooks involved in Soros projects like Open Society Foundations.  Gilman with Berggruen in California.  Which is to say, China.  Intimate connection.  Berggruen Institute.  Satellite offices mainland.  Tries to quit and get out.  Some good times.  Family time.  Swimming.  A child.  Tender moments between man and wife.  Sharing childhood memories in vulnerability.  Fifi needed him.  McAfee.  Abandoned.  Had to make a choice.  Chose family.  I chose family.  And now I can buy Bitcoin and shrink Abbey Road to the size of a matchbox.  More or less.  At least as passable as Radiohead glitch fidelity.  Sprog is sperg.  Autists activate.IMG_0647


Reconcile.  Contempt meets Rambo.  Again it’s Cascadia.  Twin Peaks.  Knives in movies.  They drew first blood, not me.  Paul Hogan.  Mel Gibson never finished fixing the fan belt.  If you wait, it’s too late.  Death Wish.  True romance.  It would seem they needed Toecutter for the sequel.    Good versus evil.  The Flaming Lips versus me.  Versus the Devil in fuckery.  You can saw through the cuffs in 10, or your ankle in 5.  Joanne Samuel beautiful and great acting.  The Mel Gibson contingent is taking back the world.  Just you watch.


Three Days of the Condor [1975)

I’m not a spy.

I just read books.

Like Michael Ruppert’s Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil.

Page 49.

And the reason I got an MBA.

Page 53.

When last I wrote.

The power had gone off.

And we went days.

Freezing in a house with no heat.

Eventually our water went off.

Not enough electricity to run the pumping stations.

In a major American city.

San Antonio.

Steve Pieczenik did not work for the CIA.

Read his book.

Buy it.

It is the most important book of the 21st century so far.

Comb through his interviews.

“I have worked with and against the CIA.”

But who was to lead the coup?

The military.

I don’t know.

The CIA.

We are getting deep into machinations which are currently tweaking the world.

The gears spin.

Some free-floating doodads.

Slowed down by the friction of a finger.

Trying to find leaks for Huber.

Trying to find plot devices for the artist formerly know as Special Activities Division.



Q branch attempted to bring in Snowden for the NSA.

Look it up.

Who is sent to bring in Joe Turner?

The analogous.


What was Epstein’s townhouse?

The Herbert N. Straus mansion.


As it turns out, Bill Gates and (a) John Roberts did indeed ride on Lolita Express.

Lin Wood was right.

Take a look at the EXIM.

It is true that the CIA devours spy novels.

This has been admitted by the Agency.

But Sydney Pollack’s film gives this a very unique twist.

Key points:

  • The corrupt mass media that is under CCP control cannot accuse Trump of being a military dictator when the US military overtly becomes in control.
  • You can do military operations that otherwise would be politically unacceptable (think Iran, Syria).
  • avoids confusion for the public of which Presidency they are endorsing”

I have reordered these.

And trimmed a bit on the final one.

Because I do not believe the Organic Act bullshit about Trump being the 19th real President on March 4.

Read the Organic Act.

Unless I have shirked my duty as a researcher, there is nothing in this legislation which even hints at an untoward redirection of power.

Indeed, it is one of the most mundane pieces of legislation I have ever seen.

Judge for yourself:


The actual Act is many pages long.

All of which are reiterations of the same inane bullshit.

Which is to say, this act did nothing (as far as I can tell) to change the organization or legal status of the United States.

The United States of America.

Another fallacy (I think).

While I am open minded on this point (that a word has been removed somewhere and, thus, we are on a different timeline [so to speak…in the legal sense] as a result), I do not think that there has been a word removed or added TO THE NAME OF OUR FUCKING COUNTRY and that it has gone unnoticed by all legal minds of good will.

Even the worst legal minds (acting in bad faith) are, by definition, legalistic.

Do you think someone wouldn’t have taken the opportunity before now to point out a glaring error which fundamentally changes the legal status of our country?

So, I am not a big fan of this theory.

But I am a fan of Martin Geddes’s writing (to which I have just recently been made aware).

While I do not necessarily concur with all the points he makes in his article (particularly, about Joe Biden being on a movie set, yada yada [sure…it’s possible]), I do agree with some very salient points he makes.

To restate his points from a different angle, there has already been a military coup.

Pieczenik was right.

It was a hard coup.

But it was also (it seems) an invisible coup.

How is that possible?

It does start to strain credibility.

But it is possible.

And I would go far beyond that.

I would say it is likely.

A key part of this coup may be the fact that JOE BIDEN DOES NOT KNOW A COUP HAS TAKEN PLACE.

Indeed, neither does Nancy Pelosi.

This is a secret coup.

So who is running the country?

The military.

Wizards and warlocks.

Robert Redford identifies “a CIA within the CIA”.


That is the group that destroyed the Twin Towers (which play such a prominent role in this film).

Lucky break.

Better off dead.


Gunnery sergeant mailman.

Ugly motherfucker.

Same bloke dressed as a broad from Thunderball ?

Maybe not.

Stay calm.


Don’t leave me hanging on the telephone.

Do not hang up.

The is The Major.


A brutal game.

Yes, keep the heat on.

But drain the fucking swamp, for crying out loud.

Take your god damned time.

But please get the job done.

No country left.

Unless you act.

We are speaking to the counterweight.

Those who are currently running the country.

God bless you.

Let us delineate again.

We can bomb Iran.

Biden will take the heat.

We can fuck up.

Biden will be blamed.

And the most important part.

The country will come to be less confused.

It is the Pepsi challenge.

Coke wants you to be less white.

Coke is Joe Biden.

Crack is Hunter Biden.

Obi Don Kenobi is Pepsi.

The country is getting a free trial of Chinese-style communism.

When the time is right, the covert will become overt.

And it will be done in the way most beneficial to the country.

That is the ethos of those running the country.

And they are the authors of the fucking brilliant Q PSYOP.

As Tucker Carlson was having a hard time locating the QAnon website, let’s help him out:


There is, of course, no one Q website.

They are all aggregator sites.

They aggregate posts made on 4chan and 8chan/8kun respectively.

Some aggregators have been doxxed.

Other sites have gone tits-up for unknown reasons.

But these two links work as of now.

Like Buffalo ’66.

Or The Tiger Makes Out.

Max von Sydow is excellent here.

An assassin.

Like Locque in For Your Eyes Only.

But more Godard.



Older now.

Brown frames.


How to evade.

Stay in the light.

How to confuse.

How to keep it up.

How to devise a long-term strategy for survival.

How to become impervious to psywar.

Know yourself.

Know your enemy.

Devise tactics.

To beat the devil.

Identify mechanism for delivery.

Thwart demoralization.

Force brute.

David Icke model.

Warm goo phase.

Working for and against.

At various times.

You must understand Pieczenik in Panama.

With Noriega.

Why did the United States send this man?

You must understand Pieczenik in Syria.

In Southeast Asia.

Trace the network.

Pieczenik has come out for decades.

He has truly defected to the people.

He has given away no tradecraft.

He is not a Snowden.

He is a rock and roller.

And he is not full of shit.

What we are seeing currently is the greatest military operation in America’s history.

Either that, or we are fucked.

Why Spanish, Dutch, and Arabic?



Royal Dutch Shell.


Creative communication.

Hidden in plain sight.


Of a sort.






I take a different approach.

I appreciate Thomas Jefferson.

Cutting up his Bible.

But not for me.

Because the word of God is holy.

Yet my tattered volume.

Illuminated by colored pencils.

God has tested my faith.

I am weak.

But strong in my core.

And I give my full future to Jesus Christ.

May I bring glory to God.

Even if I curse like Lenny Bruce.

May God work through me as he has worked through Trump.

Rock and rollers.

Similarities to another masterpiece.

The Conversation. (1974)

Of Francis Ford Coppola.

Condor (1975).

No such agency.

Existence of which declassified when?

Current state of affairs.

Space Force.

17th to accede to IC.


Such a fucking stupid descriptor.

Ostensibly headed by Bill Gates’s bitch Avril Haines (Event 201).

Both beholden to China.

Can’t spell China without ChInA.

The entity which gave us COVID-19.

I am going to enjoy this.

Dr. Kaufman in Tomorrow Never Dies.

Bill Barr.

The worst kind of traitor.

In the same category as Dick Cheney and Mike Pence.

And John Roberts.

Never trust The New York Times.


Rod Rosenstein and His Dirty Tricks Squad [2021)

This is not James Clapper.

And this film review covers not only the first link (which Lin Wood first posted to Telegram on January 24, 2021), but all other snippets of the same sessions which Lin Wood has posted to date on Telegram.

I admit.

It sounds a hell of a lot like James Clapper.

At first, when I heard of this clip circulating, I thought, “There’s no way in hell that James Clapper is being ‘interrogated.'”

And that is likely true.

Because this isn’t James Clapper.

But as I listened to the Rumble clip (which purports that the voice speaking is that of James Clapper) I started to believe it was (or could be) him.

I will say this:  both Clapper and the voice speaking have very similar audible mannerisms…particularly the vocal cadence they share.

This is what led me on a hunt to find the truth.

My verdict is this:  for one reason or another (whether nefarious or otherwise), someone has misled people to think that these interviews are of James Clapper.

How did they mislead?

Well, first of all, they slyly edited out all clips which have details that would contradict Clapper’s biography.

For good measure, they also sped up the audio (for some inexplicable reason).

If for nefarious purposes, a person or persons may be trying to set the groundwork to undercut the information in the future (by planting the false notion that the messenger was Clapper).

If for productive purposes (in a vein similar to QAnon), shock value may have been used to capture the imagination of the populace and FORCE THEM TO DIG.

Whatever the purpose (and whoever the authors of this deception), it has caused me to dig.

And the information is important.

So I am going to parse it for you in executive summary.

What we almost certainly have here is a federal agent (whistleblower).

Is that Lin Wood interviewing him?

I think not.

Lin’s Georgia accent sounds nothing like the interviewer.

So let’s get down to the facts (and assertions of this whistleblower).

First of all, let’s get our sourcing and timeline straight.

Lin Wood began dropping these video clips on January 19, 2021:  the day before the inauguration.

The first video covers:


Supreme Court Justice Roberts.

Epstein “helped” Roberts with his adopted children.

Children from Wales.

Channeled through Ireland.

Epstein then facilitated adoption.

Children as a commodity.

Compromising people.

“Children are the payment and the dirt and the control.”

The FBI has copies of the videos.

Rod Rosenstein.

Shawn Henry (FBI).

Shaun Bridges (Secret Service).

The second video covers:

Pence and his two lovers (and his younger ones).

Surveillance of Roberts’ children.

The abuse of Roberts’ children.

The children were “loaned out” for these different groups.

And it was surveilled.

Plots to murder judges.

Set up by FBI.


They were going to use a “sovereign citizen” group.

“Obama didn’t want any terrorism unless it was white terrorism.”

FBI had infiltrated and armed and instigated.

Divorced fathers with a grudge against the court system.


Attacks on the Supreme Court.

Roberts was aware.


Automatic weapons.

Rocket launchers.

Lisa Monaco was a target.

Video three covers:

Supreme Court was target.

Homeland Security were overwhelmed.

Called in FBI.

DoJ picked up whistleblower.

Martha Coakley.

Groups to assassinate federal judges:  1/3 of group made up of “sovereign citizen” patsies and 2/3 made up of FBI.

Whistleblower and his wife were going to be killed.

Plan foiled.

Plans written out.


Would have been in the first year of Hillary’s Presidency.

She was not supposed to lose.

Roberts was helping.

He wanted to pick new judges (for those assassinated).

Purpose was to ban firearms and pack Supreme Court.

Antonin Scalia

Video four covers:

Scalia was biggest threat.

Scalia found out about plans and went to White House.

Scalia was taken out.

Cibolo Ranch.

Temp worker.


Group there hunting.



Dimethyl sulfoxide.

Fairly inert chemical.

Mix with poison.

Why found with pillow over face.

Struggling to breathe.

Can be mixed with fentanyl, etc.

Goes directly into skin.

Eric Holder as replacement.

Hillary and Obama knew about it.

Rod has an intense hatred of Hillary.

He’s only fond of himself.

Running The Hammer system through Baltimore.

Which brings us to our title film.

It covers:

how the whistleblower started working directly with Rod Rosenstein in Baltimore.

FBI would come for corroboration.

Undercover nature.


Domestic terrorism.

Whistleblower was fairly well concealed.

Dirty Tricks Squad.


“This is where they were using Hammer, Sunrise, Sunset, things like that.”

To illegally spy on people.

Attempt to corrupt judges.

They concentrated on corrupting people.

Under the guise of a CCIPS (DoJ) operation.

Run out of Fort Washington, Maryland.

[McInerney marker]

Illegally compromise people.

Illegally wiretap.

Break into computers.

Plant, reverse, change information.

Change emails.

Things of that nature.

Judges, Roberts, Pence.

Whistleblower squashed.

Went to DHS.

With pile of evidence.

Made its way back to FBI/DoJ.

Contacted Devin Nunes.

Whistleblower tried to warn Trump about Rod Rosenstein.

Rod, Pence, Paul Ryan.

Core of group.

Rod was “brilliant legal mind”.

Operational name at beginning was Run Silent Run Deep.

[1958 film with Lancaster and Gable about being passed up for promotion]

Pence hated Trump.

Had taken his slot.

Mitt Romney was also involved.

Trump was outsider.

Had not paid dues.

Pence was their mole inside.


Surveillance from way back.

2013 range.

FISA warrants.

Rod wanted VP slot.

Paul Ryan also wanted it.

So did Romney.

Vice Presidential slot under Pence.

With Trump removed under 25th Amendment.


Pence homosexual.

Many adults.

Throughout his time in Congress.

As Governor, felt more free.

One 20 years his junior.

One half his age.

Would introduce others.

Younger and younger people.

15 year olds.

13 year olds.

Rod and Roberts were able to get FISA warrants because.

Younger people supplied by Epstein.

Because Epstein was an intelligence asset.

When he was in USA, FISA warrant used.

FBI would not save the child.

Was more important for them to have the leverage.

Operation directed by Rosenstein.

Dirty Tricks Squad.



Shawn Henry (FBI).

Shaun Wesley Bridges (Secret Service).

Joseph Rosati (DEA).

Al Borshack ? (ATF).

Greg Utz (DEA).

Another group in Fort Washington.

[McInerney marker]

For the real illegal stuff.

Illegal communications, hacking, phone tapping.

Main focus: Federal judges.

Compromising people.

Planting information.

Planting child porn.


100s of cases.

Plead to lesser charge.

Forfeit money.

Percentage skimmed.

Shaun Bridges.

His speciality.

#1 expert on computer forensics.

Secret Service.

Hacked Obama’s BlackBerry for fun.

Hacked Obama daughters’ phones.

A violent person.



All about the money.

Hack people.

Steal info.

Sell intel.

Bridges and Bitcoin.

In prison.

Holds several passports.

Will disappear to Argentina or Colombia.

Al Borshack?



A nasty piece of work.

Illegal gun running for Fast and Furious.

Made sure paperwork stayed clean.

Serial numbers.

Gun dealer.

Lots of disposable money.

Lots of cash.

Lives very well.

Borshack and Rosati both divorce their wives.

As Rosenstein started falling out of favor as DAG.

Paid off house.


Gave wife 600k.

Custom van with road race bikes.

Has watercraft and cars.

Never has a problem finding cash.

Helped supply the firearm for Seth Rich.

Joseph Rosati.


Steroid freak.

Violent, nasty, lying person.

Cases where he added drugs.

Always the cowboy.

Had to swoop in with the big bust.

Sued many times.

Over and over again.

From defendants and agents.

Borshack involved in Seth Rich.

Rosati brought in MS-13.

Rosati also brought in Kevin Doherty?




Jack Burkman.

Borshack and Rosati.


Local version of Fast and Furious.

Like a game to them.

Thought it was funny.

Rosati poisons.

Hot shots.

Pure drugs.

Done to informants.




Pharmacy fraud.

As DEA agent.

Pharmacy inspections once a month.

Short prescriptions.

Massive amounts of opioids.

Laundering pills.

He’s a piece of crap.

Big bodybuilder.

Cousin with same face.

Bank fraud.


Anything for money.

Calling as a phony DEA agent.

Package intercepted.


Drug precursors.

But it you pay a fee, it will never get here.

He was point man for complaints.

If anything came back, it would go to him anyway.

Payphone near work.

Payphone near house.

Burner phone.

People recorded with app.

Real agents shot as a result.

He got his own agents shot.

Maryland mafia.

Conowingo Pizza.


Route 1.


Little Tony.

Big Tony.

New Jersey.

New York.



Rosati’s steady supplier.

Heroin for Baltimore and D.C.

Rosati can give them intelligence.

Rosati is always skimming.

They will sell what he skims.




Shawn Henry (FBI).

He’s just nasty.

Dirty Tricks Squad.


At CrowdStrike now.


John Roberts.

Shawn Henry.


False flag people.

Roberts knew.

Provided FISA warrants.

Roberts provided intelligence.

Sharyl Attkisson.

Next video:

The death of Seth Rich.

Rod Rosenstein.


Seth Rich downloaded a lot of info.

Downloaded everything he could.

DNC, Hillary, Bowser, Brazile…

They were worried.

Rod was worried.

Intended to be a robbery.

Ended up being a murder.


Gang specialist.


Thumb drive switched.

Convincing, but didn’t expose Rod.

Brazile at hospital before Seth Rich was brought in.

They wanted to recover the thumb drive.

Next video:


FBI op.

Ghost Stories.

Heavy surveillance on known Russian assets within the U.S.

Russian Reset.



Cancelled Ghost Stories.


Shaun Bridges was taking money.


Rod put Sean Wesley Bridges in jail.

[Extortion 17 marker…Tik Tok…]

Terre Haute.

That concludes a brief overview of the videos on Lin Wood’s Telegram account which feature the blurry-faced whistleblower.

Judging by his level of detail and familiarity with certain aspects of his testimony (as well as his passion level rising while recounting certain aspects of the Dirty Tricks Squad), I would guess that the whistleblower was a DEA agent.

God bless him.

It’s not Clapper.

Any connection to Coomer?

Tik Tok mystery man.

“Find out who I am.”

Real name?

Not an Extortion 17 casualty.

Court documents re: Shaun Wesley Bridges and Rod Rosenstein?

Any Coomer connection to Fort Washington facility?

Why did McInerney say that Hammer and Scorecard was at Fort Washington?





Baby Driver [2017)

What happens in war?

The CDC declared war on the psyches of Americans when it started counting probable cases of coronavirus and probable deaths resulting from COVID as ACTUAL cases and ACTUAL deaths attributable to COVID-19.

CNN declared war on Donald Trump and waged this war for four-straight years by way of merciless propaganda.

In 1980, an anonymous group erected a mysterious stone structure in the United States which prioritized their stated desires starting thusly: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.”

[the world’s population at the time was 4.43 billion (meaning that this anonymous group thought there were about 4 billion excess humans on the planet)]

In 1910, seven men met in utmost secrecy just off the coast of the United States on Jekyll Island to plan what would become the Federal Reserve System.


Jayne Mansfield was, in all likelihood, a Satanist.

She died when the car in which she was traveling crashed into the back of a tractor-trailer just east of New Orleans.

Did Hitler have tinnitus?

20 July plot.

Operation Valkyrie.


Could we call those Nazis heroes?

They tried to assassinate Hitler with plastic explosives.

It failed.

But they fucked up his ears.

Kevin Spacey embodies evil in this film (and some might say, in real life).

I avoided watching this film for a long time…strictly because Spacey was in it.

It is well known that he took a trip to Africa aboard Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express”.

Sexual assault charges have been filed against Spacey by multiple people.

And multiple accusers have subsequently died.

If there is such a thing as the New World Order (some might just call it the Bilderberg Meetings), then Kevin Spacey might well be the most thoroughly-connected Hollywood actor.

It’s just a hunch.

But one thing is certain: Kevin Spacey possesses an amazing thespian talent.

Which brings us to another point.

Do we have to approve of the lifestyles of artists?

Not necessarily so.

I love Pablo Picasso’s work.

I don’t judge his work based on the details of his life.

So I am somewhat remiss to say: Kevin Spacey is brilliant in this film.

And if he be evil in real life, then he had no problem channeling that force for this role.

For he is, undoubtedly, the villain.

And yet, he is human.

There is shading.

Like a Dostoyevsky character.

No one is completely good.

And no one is completely bad.

Which brings us back to war.

We must respect our enemies.

If they indeed demand our respect.

If the Central Intelligence Agency was to have a primary asset in Hollywood, that asset might very well be Kevin Spacey.

Again, just a hunch.

And so we can appreciate brilliance.

Brilliance in conception.

Brilliance in execution.

There are many battlefields.

Many geometric planes on which to do battle.

Kevin Spacey is an infinitely-talented actor.

It is almost scary how deft he truly is.

This movie may have saved my romantic relationship.

My engagement.

On again after four hellish days of arguments.

Because music saves us.

And we make music.

There is a connection which no one can get at.

Our DNA is musical.

Thinking back to Jayne’s measurements.

And songs I’ve written.

A timely shock of hair.

A jawline.

A purity.

Thank you for your service.

Few industries are as sick and corrupt as the acting and music industries.

I know the latter firsthand.

There’s no such thing as a former KGB man.

When life was carefree in Austin, Texas.

Before Antifa ruined it.

Anything was possible.


Summer nights.

Potential bursting from every moment.

A sensual heaviness to the air.



The 2020 election was stolen.

And Georgia was centerstage.

Ruby Freeman got caught.

On film.

And (apparently) paid no price.

But this travesty gave us at least one American hero: Lin Wood.

And now L. Lin Wood stands as one of the few remaining beacons in the darkness which has settled over America.

But there were other heroes.

Like Jesse Morgan.

What happened to his truck-full of ballots that he transported from Bethpage, New York to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania?

His truck disappeared.

The 2020 election was a heist of the most grand proportions.

Analog, digital…you name it.

Ask Phill Kline what happened to that truck.

Ask Anthony Shaffer.

The Amistad Project tried to preserve “one person, one vote” in America.

So far, not a single court in the land (post-election) has had the guts to look at the evidence.

And the evidence is embarrassingly-copious.

Jamie Foxx is excellent in this film.

Don’t underestimate the thug.

Street smarts and book smarts differ.

The latter can earn you a living.

The former can keep you alive.

Staying alive in the world of crime and secrecy (a deadly combination) is no small feat.

Especially when the stakes are high.

For criminals, cops are bad.

Unless the cops are corrupt.

In which case, the cops may very well be working to supply the criminals (among other things).

Which makes me think of the highly-questionable Eric Holder.

And the genre this movie emerges from.

A franchise and a genre.

Fast and furious.

We are the scum that keep it alive.

We are the 7 billion people who will not make the cut alluded to in the Georgia Guidestones.

But romance continues in war.

As love is more desperate.

And each moment savored more so.

A morsel here.


We get bold.

Nerds of the world.



Desperate times.


Yes, we have no bananas.

Just writing songs.

A potential deserter.

Every man has his breaking point.

Ansel Elgort is also brilliant in this film.

Edgar Wright may be the most important film director working in the world today.

This film is a masterpiece.

The problem is (and it’s hardly a problem), all his films are masterpieces.

I watch them repeatedly.

Wright is truly an auteur.

He is truly an indispensable filmmaker.

I didn’t GET that at first.

Just like I didn’t GET the first Grinderman record when it came out.

Some things take time.

Each artist has their own language.

You must first learn the language.

Maybe you can only run so long.

Which is why an army is not one man or one woman.

That day will come when you are not so lucky.

If you only have one memory.

It is priceless.

Can bad people do a good turn?


And we pray that they see the light.

Can quiet nerds be bad motherfuckers?

You better believe it.

But they never stop being (simultaneously) fragile.

It is a tenuous balance.

Breathe on it and it collapses.

Yet no hurricane could shake it.


Chase it.

Fight for it.

Enjoy it.

Be thankful.

Seek it.

God is love.

We must reward those who stick with us.

It is the sweetest honey.

Death is certain.

Life is optional upon participation.

God bless.


Is This Dr. Steve Pieczenik’s Last Appearance on Infowars? [2021)

I have never come to you with such an important message, my dear friends.

The United States is now under martial law (although it has not been announced).

There has been/will be a military coup.

Trump will be President for the next eight years.

This according to Dr. Steve Pieczenik.

Dr. Pieczenik is my intellectual hero.

In the arts, my intellectual hero is Jean-Luc Godard.

But in philosophy, it is Dr. Pieczenik.

Life is art.

But art must be guided by a philosophy.

And so I have learned (over the past five years), from Dr. Pieczenik and Donald Trump, to honor the military and to honor law enforcement.

And it appears the military are about to save our asses.

Because our election was stolen.

It was stolen in a myriad of ways.

Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney warned us in the days leading up to the election that it would be stolen.

He told us about The Hammer (computer program) and Scorecard (an app run on that program).

And then we saw it happen.

As an insomniac, I was personally awake and exercising when Wisconsin miraculously shifted from Trump to Biden at 4 a.m.

Trump told us on the night of the election that this would happen.

He said (to paraphrase), “I don’t want them to find any ballots at 4 a.m.”

And that’s precisely what they did.

And WHEN they did it.


The powers that installed Joe Biden.

Or attempted to install him.

Joe Biden cannot be President.

He cannot be Commander in Chief.

He is publicly compromised by China.

He took money (as I understand, while still Vice President) from China.

This was exposed in emails on Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell”.

Joe Biden is doubtless “the big guy” who got a 10% cut of his son’s shady dealings.

The big guy.

But this goes much, much deeper than Joe Biden.

If Dr. Pieczenik is correct, what we will see over the next seven days will be a multitude of arrests.

Think ABSCAM, but on an infinitely-larger scale.

This is, very much, the rolling up of a public corruption ring.

But it is a ring which has invaded every area of our Federal government.

I don’t relish it.

I wouldn’t think the military would particularly relish it either.

Except that it is just.

9/11 was not the work of 19 beardy guys with boxcutters.

It was, far more so, the work of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld (to name but two).

Two wars were started because these traitors engineered the controlled demolition of Manhattan’s two tallest buildings.

And for nearly 20 years, those crimes have gone unpunished.

The U.S. military has had to fight the endless (and in many cases pointless) wars which have ensued.

I have no problem with a military veteran’s vote counting as two votes (in relation to mine).

What will the next seven days bring?

We citizens have tried to get the information out.

It has been exactly like 9/11.

The media lacks basic journalistic curiosity.

The end of “one vote, one person” coupled with Biden as Commander in Chief would be the death of America.

China has engineered it.

From COVID-19 to fake mail-in ballots.

No judge in the entire country would look at the evidence.

Lin Wood tried.

Sidney Powell tried.

Jenna Ellis tried.

Rudy Giuliani tried.

And only 147 of our 535 Federal legislators gave a fuck about election fraud.

By way of a false-flag attack on the Capitol (thanks CIA), no evidence was put in front of the American public.

The courts failed.

Congress failed.

And China is heavily invested in our media companies.

Which means that a certain narrative will prevail.

And that narrative will be crafted to please the stockholders.

We have done our part.

I have put in two months.

I have crammed evidence out into every crevice of the internet.

I have done it for two months straight.

Now it appears that our last hope is our military.

Martial law is warranted when court systems are no longer functioning.

Because of corruption, our court systems are no longer functioning.

Is a military coup ever warranted?

What if a country was so thoroughly infested by corruption that it could no longer function?

I believe that is the very situation we are in now.

Our voting system needs major overhauling.

It has been exposed as being nonfunctional.

There may be entire agencies of our government which have outgrown their usefulness.

And they will not go quietly into the night.

And so it very well may be that the Second American Revolution will be a military coup.

In these times of censorship, I am quite aware that I am not allowed to voice approval of this coup.

“If my thought dreams could be seen/they’d probably put my head in a guillotine”

I am also quite aware that my blog is surveilled.

Every blog is surveilled.

I am quite certain that I am (and have been) on “lists” for much of the past 20 years.

So, by writing this blog post, I am helping to alert all who might be interested that a military coup appears imminent in the USA.

I have no ability to stop this coup.

And I have no part to play in this coup.

But I have a right to say that my vote should count.

And my vote didn’t count.

The Supreme Court failed me.

Congress failed me.

It appears that Mike Pence failed me.

The news media has most certainly failed me.

Trump tried every legal means.

And by doing so, he has displayed that our system is fundamentally broken.

I did all I could as a concerned citizen.

But I will not resort to violence.

I will simply report what I hear.

This is what Steve Pieczenik has said.

I like Steve Pieczenik.

I love him.

I love all who love our American flag.

I love all who love our history of rebellion against tyranny.

I love all who honor our founding fathers.

I love all who honor our military.

I love all who respect our police.

This is a great war between the military and corruption.

There will be some military who are found to be corrupt.

Perhaps General Mattis.

Definitely General Clapper.

And what of Mark Milley?

I reserve the right to let his actions create a true impression in my mind.

General McInerney is an American hero.

It is from him that we learned “tactical deception”.

I am a simple citizen.

I don’t have a job.

I have two college degrees.

I have mental challenges.

I have love in my heart.

And fire in my veins.

The thought of America ending at the hands of Joe Biden boils my blood.

But it is now beyond my capability.

I now know that my vote doesn’t count.

Because of Dominion Voting Systems (among other reasons).

Because of Ruby Freeman (among other reasons).

Because of foreign election interference (cyber warfare).

I love our country.

I look at General Flynn, and I see someone who also loves our country.

The military cannot turn a blind eye to election fraud.

It was an attack upon our critical infrastructure.

It was an attack on the mechanisms of democracy.

America is out of balance.

It is now up to the military.

What will they decide?

What have they been working on?

What have they been investigating?

Is there a plan?

We should find out this week.

If Joe Biden is sworn in, then it is a fairly strong indication that there was no plan.

But I find it exceedingly-hard to believe that such lack of planning would be possible.

Every mechanism of our government (including our military) would have had to fail in order for an illegitimately-elected traitor (money from China while in office) to assume the role of Commander in Chief.

I am willing to die for my country.

I am willing to die for the hope that liberty might live on.

I cannot, with a good conscience, consign future generations to the totalitarian tendency of communism.

I cannot, as a citizen, be fine with turning the keys to the kingdom over to Beijing Joe.

I have done my part.

I have fought the good fight.

I have won the race.

My name is Paul Etheredge.

I spent decades searching for the truth about 9/11.

Everyone laughed at me.

I used my own money to buy books on the subject.

I delivered pizzas.

I listened to Alex Jones.

I worked hard for those books.

I am willing to be proven wrong.

But we cannot build our house on shifting sands.

We cannot continue to progress as a country if we constantly reinforce big lies.

At some point the truth must come out.

This may be the most consequential week in American history.

May God help us and bless us.

I ask this in the name of the Prince of Princes–the King of Kings.

I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ who died on the cross so that we might live with God the Father in heaven.

I ask that the Holy Spirit be with us and guide our actions.

May we move with swift, merciless love.

May we protect.

May we be merciful warriors.

May we protect and teach.

May God open the eyes of Americans to the corruption which surrounds us.

May God bring us peace for our repentance.

May God have mercy on the souls of those who harmed children.

May God have mercy on the souls of those who staged false-flag terror attacks.

May God have mercy on the souls of those who sent our young men and women to die in foreign lands…all for a buck.

May God mercilessly shut down the center of corruption.

May God mercilessly rid our land of the cancer of secrecy.

May God cancel those who have usurped powers they do not rightfully wield.

Six days.