First Blood [1982)

The war is here.

Good vs. evil.

Patriots vs. traitors.

To fight overseas for free and fair elections.

Only to lose them in your own land.

To fight communism abroad.

Only to see it ascend to the highest levels at home.

Law enforcement officers are usually good.

But sometimes they are not.

Like Comey.

Like McCabe.

Like Strzok.

Attacked our boy from Bragg.


We did not fight abroad to be steamrolled in our own country.

You can only push people so far.

Before they fight back.

On the information battle field.


This is my jungle.

I have survived for over 20 years.

The close relationship between psychological warfare and information warfare.

Where are our friends?

Where are the defenders of the Constitution?

Where is justice?

The United States is overseen by one big small-town, corrupt police force:

the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

There are many good agents there.

In places like Albany, St. Louis, Buffalo, Pittsburgh…

Good agents in Cleveland and Cincinnati.

Good agents in Minneapolis.

But there are no more Ted Gundersons.

And in justice, there are no more Jim Garrisons.

There are only pricks like Rod Rosenstein.


Where’s my 82?

Where’s my 101?

Why is Chris Miller such an abomination?

No wonder he was so cozy with Mike Pence.

Pence:  the gay pedo (according to the whistleblower link above).

And the President, Joe Biden, also a child-abusing pedophile.

Same document.

The whistleblower.

Ryan Dark White.

Read it.

150 pages.

Biden abusing kids in Delaware.

In houses owned by Federal judge Emmet Sullivan.

Who went after our boy from Bragg.

For four years.

So now we regroup.

Opus 1.

Harvard.  Kissinger.  Cornell.  Fauci.  MIT.  CFR.  RAND.

China Russia Iran.

Israel desperate to stop Tehran’s nuke program.

Biden set to appease the Ayatollahs.

For the next four years.

At least.

Israel can’t wait that long.

Taiwan in peril.

Ukraine as good as annexed.

All because Biden couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

Calling Putin a “killer” was his worst gaffe of all.

And taking Chinese money means the Chinese know.

He will do nothing when they take Taiwan.

But Iran is perhaps even more troubling.

Because the U.S. Fifth Fleet is headquartered in Qatar.

If there is not close coordination between Israel and the U.S., American troops are in imminent danger.

Biden has brought the world to the brink of a three-front war.

I will not give up.

China’s bio attack (COVID19) followed by a second bio attack in the form of vaccines:

Apple is part of a tech cartel which includes Facebook (Instagram), Twitter, Alphabet (Google [YouTube]), and Amazon Web Services.

Might as well throw Cloudflare into that mix.

These are all deeply anti-American companies in violation of EO13848 and thus subject to 18USC2381.

RICO route appropriate.

Layman’s explanation of bio attack phase two (Gates/Fauci/Soros/World Economic Forum/CIA/Avril Haines/John Brennan):

It’s the vaccines.

And what the vaccines will be setting you up for.



Our boy from Bragg is awake.




The vaccines are poison.

Medicine needed to counteract vaccines.

Two bio attacks and a cyber attack (stolen election).

China and domestic enemies (traitors [18USC2381]).

Vaccine CANNOT be mandated for military.


Contrary to international law used to prosecute and execute Nazi war criminal doctors.

Prison camp guards (those who administer) will not be excused for “just following orders”.

Where are our fighting men and women?

We cannot have a pedophile President (those frequent trips to Delaware) who is simultaneously beholden to China, Ukraine, and Iran.

Wajda negotiated the canal.


Given to the Chinese.

Now is the time.

It will not come again.

Indictments diversion for Saudi arrests.

Cyber can make you go dark.

Diversion to approach.

Isaiah 6:8

Send me.


Stallone is excellent here.

I once stood next to Sly.

It was my privilege to be in one of his films.

We now see Sidney Powell.

Killer elite.