V for Vendetta [2005)

Was QAnon bullshit?


We intend to answer these questions herein.

Because you deserve answers.

The first question supposes that Q is now in the past tense.

Did Q ever promise Biden would not be inaugurated?


Not to my knowledge.

But few followers of Q likely saw a triumphant Biden inaugural event in the cards.

President Trump brought the people together on January 6, 2021.

He did not incite anything.

Anyone with a fucking brain knows that most large political gatherings are incredibly susceptible to agents provocateurs.

We know about them from Genoa.


Before 9/11.

It was still a pre-9/11 world.

To wit, anti-globalization protesters at the G8 summit in Genoa claim that the violence at that event was provocateured.

I don’t doubt it.

So when I saw what was happening immediately after (actually BEFORE) Trump’s speech ended, I knew what I was seeing.

Sure, Trump supporters were mad.

And we still are!

But there was not a single MAGA rally over the past five years that ever descended into violence.

Find an example.

You can’t.

Because it doesn’t exist.

Antifa and BLM were allowed to commit arson, looting, and vandalism for AT LEAST six months (with impunity).

And so the corrupt ruling system exposed itself on January 6.

By way of faux outrage.

What of it?

What will happen now?

Indeed, what IS happening?

The 2020 election was stolen by every manner of fraud under the sun.

The thieves got caught.

And still they paid no price.

Because not only was the election rigged, but the SYSTEM is rigged.

A coherent movement going forward will recognize this.

Where We Go 1ne, We Go All.

St. Mary’s Virus.





Tony Fauci is a fraud.

A false savior.

A false messiah.


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But V for Vendetta got many things wrong.

It failed to account for (or warn against) totalitarianism rising from the Left.

We saw it in Hillary Clinton.

And we now see it in the authoritarian communism of Big Tech and the Democrat Party.

Keep in mind that V for Vendetta hails from the first War “on” Terror:  in which the United States subjected Muslims worldwide to horrible treatment (based on the lie that the terror attacks of 9/11 were the work of 19 beardy guys with box cutters).

I fought in that war.

I fought against the lies.

I called out Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld as being two of the primary authors of the attacks.

That was called 9/11 truth.

Subsequently, I voted for Barack Obama in 2008 solely because I thought he would bring these same neoconservatives (Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, etc.) to justice.

He did not.

And now the second War “on” Terror is upon us:  the one where everyone who voted for Trump (all 78 million of us [McInerney numbers]) are domestic terrorists.

Who was Q?

Who is Q?

Who is acting?

Who is real?


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It would appear that Ezra Cohen-Watnick is a fucktard.

Maybe he learned this in acting classes at Camp Peary while he was training to be in the Defense Clandestine Service (DIA).

This same Vanity Fair article also shows Chris Miller to be a pretty colossal fucktard.

But no one has taken the crown of Fucktard so completely as Mike Pence.

So what is it?

Are they all acting??

Or are they all, indeed, fucktards???

They are certainly ACTING like a bunch of cocksuckers.

I suppose only time will tell.

Brass tacks.

If they had a plan, it failed.

If they had a plan and it failed, it probably was a shitty plan.

Maybe they didn’t have a plan.

Maybe QAnon was just an FBI psyop.

But somehow I don’t think so.

I suppose because I am an eternal optimist.

Now we are hearing from such luminaries as Simon Parkes that the plan had to be called off.


Sounds a bit like the ever-shifting timeline of QAnon.

And that is a possibility.

Perhaps there was a plan.

Perhaps it was a great plan.

And perhaps now the plan has been moved back to March or April.

A couple of things we DO know.

Trump clearly won the election.

There was clearly MASSIVE election fraud.

Bill Barr was completely (seemingly) uninterested in said fraud.

Another prick acting like a fucktard.

Barr appoints John Durham.

Durham had three years to bring the Spygate/Obamagate cabal to justice.

He got ONE fucking indictment in three years.

Which makes John Durham look an awful lot like another fucktard.

Let’s be clear.

Trump supporters don’t want violence.

I don’t.

We don’t.

Trump should have pardoned Assange (but not Snowden).

Donald Trump very much became V (and Q?) by calling his supporters to D.C.

But he never once did anything remotely-related to inciting violence.

That claim is total bullshit.

It’s like the Phantom of the Opera.

Meets Batman.

And Punisher.

We waited patiently for pain.

Still waiting.

We see the church sex scandals.

I will give Bill Barr credit for one thing:  he rounded up Jeffrey Epstein.

But then the fucker went and offed himself under near-impossible circumstances.

Which leads us back to our commonalities:

–Trump supporters, BLM, and Antifa can all agree that the system is rigged 

–Trump supporters, BLM, and Antifa can all agree that Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself


Lots of LGBTQ bullshit in this movie.

Which only proves my point.

We love the first openly-homosexual DNI Richard Grenell.


We are not white supremacists.

Not anymore than BLM are black supremacists.

We are with you.


Ashli Babbitt.

Hands up, don’t shoot.


I guess Pelosi’s laptop just had a bunch of medium Sudokus on it.

We are coming for the inheritors of MKUltra.

But we are purely digital warriors.

Combing OSINT.

Information warfare is a scholarly way of saying gossip.

The most damning gossip is that which is true (and annotated with copious links).

Patriots must be tested.

It may seem cruel.

QAnon was merely boot camp for digital soldiers.

We have not yet begun to fight.

Stockholm syndrome.

You must be proven worthy.

We must see your true colors.

What is essential is Finch (Stephen Rea).

Imagine being an FBI special agent tasked with fooling the whole country.

You are tasked with concocting a gigantic movement of hope.

Only to let the whole lot down.

Only to preserve the status quo.

And collect your pension.

FBI are people too.

And they are watching.


Thinking, even, perhaps.

This all requires thinking outside of the box.

It requires the ability to be wrong.

Nothing wrong with being wrong.

Maybe QAnon was total bullshit.

But maybe it wasn’t.

Because maybe it’s not over.

Biological warfare is key here.


Learn about Chi Haotian:



Psychological warfare (greatest impact):



Pieczenik told us Biden would not become President.

Perhaps there has been a glitch.

Pieczenik told us there would be a military coup in the U.S.

The night is young.

We don’t want violence.

We just want justice.

And more than anything, we want our votes to count.

One person, one vote.

If we can’t have assurance of that, the social contract is broken.

Don’t mistake the lack of Trump-supporter riots for acquiescence.

Never has there been a more patriotic, determined lot.

We must get at the truth.

We must find the truth.

And we must do George Washington and those who birthed this country proud.

We must do all of our soldiers who died for the USA proud.

We must do the good policemen who gave their last full measure defending our streets proud.

This is our land.

No taxation without representation.

Sure, go ahead and make D.C. a state.

And Puerto Rico too.

Fuck it!

It doesn’t matter…as long as there are Dominion Voting machines and Ruby Freemans who face no consequences.

But we are watching.

And waiting.

Warfare is different now.

You may be occupying our country (China, with your puppet Joe Biden), but you have not seen resistance yet.

The Vietnamese and the Afghans were impossible to tame.

It was their land.

Home turf.

We will win.

You will lose.

Bill Gates.



Avril Haines.








Is This Dr. Steve Pieczenik’s Last Appearance on Infowars? [2021)


I have never come to you with such an important message, my dear friends.

The United States is now under martial law (although it has not been announced).

There has been/will be a military coup.

Trump will be President for the next eight years.

This according to Dr. Steve Pieczenik.

Dr. Pieczenik is my intellectual hero.

In the arts, my intellectual hero is Jean-Luc Godard.

But in philosophy, it is Dr. Pieczenik.

Life is art.

But art must be guided by a philosophy.

And so I have learned (over the past five years), from Dr. Pieczenik and Donald Trump, to honor the military and to honor law enforcement.

And it appears the military are about to save our asses.

Because our election was stolen.

It was stolen in a myriad of ways.

Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney warned us in the days leading up to the election that it would be stolen.

He told us about The Hammer (computer program) and Scorecard (an app run on that program).

And then we saw it happen.

As an insomniac, I was personally awake and exercising when Wisconsin miraculously shifted from Trump to Biden at 4 a.m.

Trump told us on the night of the election that this would happen.

He said (to paraphrase), “I don’t want them to find any ballots at 4 a.m.”

And that’s precisely what they did.

And WHEN they did it.


The powers that installed Joe Biden.

Or attempted to install him.

Joe Biden cannot be President.

He cannot be Commander in Chief.

He is publicly compromised by China.

He took money (as I understand, while still Vice President) from China.

This was exposed in emails on Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell”.

Joe Biden is doubtless “the big guy” who got a 10% cut of his son’s shady dealings.

The big guy.

But this goes much, much deeper than Joe Biden.

If Dr. Pieczenik is correct, what we will see over the next seven days will be a multitude of arrests.

Think ABSCAM, but on an infinitely-larger scale.

This is, very much, the rolling up of a public corruption ring.

But it is a ring which has invaded every area of our Federal government.

I don’t relish it.

I wouldn’t think the military would particularly relish it either.

Except that it is just.

9/11 was not the work of 19 beardy guys with boxcutters.

It was, far more so, the work of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld (to name but two).

Two wars were started because these traitors engineered the controlled demolition of Manhattan’s two tallest buildings.

And for nearly 20 years, those crimes have gone unpunished.

The U.S. military has had to fight the endless (and in many cases pointless) wars which have ensued.

I have no problem with a military veteran’s vote counting as two votes (in relation to mine).

What will the next seven days bring?

We citizens have tried to get the information out.

It has been exactly like 9/11.

The media lacks basic journalistic curiosity.

The end of “one vote, one person” coupled with Biden as Commander in Chief would be the death of America.

China has engineered it.

From COVID-19 to fake mail-in ballots.

No judge in the entire country would look at the evidence.

Lin Wood tried.

Sidney Powell tried.

Jenna Ellis tried.

Rudy Giuliani tried.

And only 147 of our 535 Federal legislators gave a fuck about election fraud.

By way of a false-flag attack on the Capitol (thanks CIA), no evidence was put in front of the American public.

The courts failed.

Congress failed.

And China is heavily invested in our media companies.

Which means that a certain narrative will prevail.

And that narrative will be crafted to please the stockholders.

We have done our part.

I have put in two months.

I have crammed evidence out into every crevice of the internet.

I have done it for two months straight.

Now it appears that our last hope is our military.

Martial law is warranted when court systems are no longer functioning.

Because of corruption, our court systems are no longer functioning.

Is a military coup ever warranted?

What if a country was so thoroughly infested by corruption that it could no longer function?

I believe that is the very situation we are in now.

Our voting system needs major overhauling.

It has been exposed as being nonfunctional.

There may be entire agencies of our government which have outgrown their usefulness.

And they will not go quietly into the night.

And so it very well may be that the Second American Revolution will be a military coup.

In these times of censorship, I am quite aware that I am not allowed to voice approval of this coup.

“If my thought dreams could be seen/they’d probably put my head in a guillotine”

I am also quite aware that my blog is surveilled.

Every blog is surveilled.

I am quite certain that I am (and have been) on “lists” for much of the past 20 years.

So, by writing this blog post, I am helping to alert all who might be interested that a military coup appears imminent in the USA.

I have no ability to stop this coup.

And I have no part to play in this coup.

But I have a right to say that my vote should count.

And my vote didn’t count.

The Supreme Court failed me.

Congress failed me.

It appears that Mike Pence failed me.

The news media has most certainly failed me.

Trump tried every legal means.

And by doing so, he has displayed that our system is fundamentally broken.

I did all I could as a concerned citizen.

But I will not resort to violence.

I will simply report what I hear.

This is what Steve Pieczenik has said.

I like Steve Pieczenik.

I love him.

I love all who love our American flag.

I love all who love our history of rebellion against tyranny.

I love all who honor our founding fathers.

I love all who honor our military.

I love all who respect our police.

This is a great war between the military and corruption.

There will be some military who are found to be corrupt.

Perhaps General Mattis.

Definitely General Clapper.

And what of Mark Milley?

I reserve the right to let his actions create a true impression in my mind.

General McInerney is an American hero.

It is from him that we learned “tactical deception”.

I am a simple citizen.

I don’t have a job.

I have two college degrees.

I have mental challenges.

I have love in my heart.

And fire in my veins.

The thought of America ending at the hands of Joe Biden boils my blood.

But it is now beyond my capability.

I now know that my vote doesn’t count.

Because of Dominion Voting Systems (among other reasons).

Because of Ruby Freeman (among other reasons).

Because of foreign election interference (cyber warfare).

I love our country.

I look at General Flynn, and I see someone who also loves our country.

The military cannot turn a blind eye to election fraud.

It was an attack upon our critical infrastructure.

It was an attack on the mechanisms of democracy.

America is out of balance.

It is now up to the military.

What will they decide?

What have they been working on?

What have they been investigating?

Is there a plan?

We should find out this week.

If Joe Biden is sworn in, then it is a fairly strong indication that there was no plan.

But I find it exceedingly-hard to believe that such lack of planning would be possible.

Every mechanism of our government (including our military) would have had to fail in order for an illegitimately-elected traitor (money from China while in office) to assume the role of Commander in Chief.

I am willing to die for my country.

I am willing to die for the hope that liberty might live on.

I cannot, with a good conscience, consign future generations to the totalitarian tendency of communism.

I cannot, as a citizen, be fine with turning the keys to the kingdom over to Beijing Joe.

I have done my part.

I have fought the good fight.

I have won the race.

My name is Paul Etheredge.

I spent decades searching for the truth about 9/11.

Everyone laughed at me.

I used my own money to buy books on the subject.

I delivered pizzas.

I listened to Alex Jones.

I worked hard for those books.

I am willing to be proven wrong.

But we cannot build our house on shifting sands.

We cannot continue to progress as a country if we constantly reinforce big lies.

At some point the truth must come out.

This may be the most consequential week in American history.

May God help us and bless us.

I ask this in the name of the Prince of Princes–the King of Kings.

I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ who died on the cross so that we might live with God the Father in heaven.

I ask that the Holy Spirit be with us and guide our actions.

May we move with swift, merciless love.

May we protect.

May we be merciful warriors.

May we protect and teach.

May God open the eyes of Americans to the corruption which surrounds us.

May God bring us peace for our repentance.

May God have mercy on the souls of those who harmed children.

May God have mercy on the souls of those who staged false-flag terror attacks.

May God have mercy on the souls of those who sent our young men and women to die in foreign lands…all for a buck.

May God mercilessly shut down the center of corruption.

May God mercilessly rid our land of the cancer of secrecy.

May God cancel those who have usurped powers they do not rightfully wield.

Six days.


Young Frankenstein [1974)


It’s been a bad week for Hollywood.

And a rough week for me.

But John Cusack hasn’t sent a hitman after me 🙂

Not yet.

I guess.

But let’s dispense with all these murderous liberals.

Let’s give them no more airtime here.

Jerks like Seth Rogen (who made jokes last week at the expense of a man in intensive care who at been stabbed nine times).

And let’s only mention Pedowood in passing.

The Hollywood run by pedophiles.

About which Corey Feldman has spoken.

About which Elijah Wood has spoken.

About which Ashton Kutcher has spoken.

About which Nicole Kidman has spoken.

And about which Stanley Kubrick spoke.

Ugly, nasty Hollywood.

Let’s not speak about Operation Broken Heart III (in which 238 “suspected child sex predators” [including “household names” as yet to be divulged] were recently arrested).


And yet, the “household names” seem to be slithering away so far.

So let us not talk of John Podesta, of whom we have talked so much.

Nor Kevin Spacey, who has preemptively (?) blocked me on Twitter 🙂

What do these folks have to fear?

Spacey, of course, famously rode on convicted child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous Lolita Express (private plane).  If I am not mistaken, Spacey’s trip aboard the aircraft coincided with one of Bill Clinton’s MANY trips aboard that airplane.

So yes.

Let us not speak of this.

Let us, in fact, celebrate (?) the fact that I am actually once again reviewing a film in my own peculiar way 🙂

This was a personal favorite of mine as a kid.

Mel Brooks made a very fine film.

It hangs together nicely.

And the trio of actresses (Madeline Kahn, Teri Garr, and Cloris Leachman) who festoon this production bring a real joy of variety to the whole affair.

But the real star, besides the amazing Gene Wilder, is Marty Feldman.

Which brings us to Jimmy Savile.

Let me be clear:  Marty Feldman, for all I know, was just a damned funny comedian.

But he bears a striking resemblance to the infamous Savile.

And thus we must talk about what needs talking about.

Savile was a British eccentric.

[one who gave eccentricity an extremely bad name]

His Wikipedia page lists the following as his métiers:

  • DJ
  • television personality
  • radio personality
  • dance hall manager

But he will sadly be remembered mainly as a sexual predator who preyed (it seems) primarily on those in hospitals and psychiatric institutions to which he had access as part of his celebrity and “charity fundraising”.

He may have raped children (and elderly) in as many as 28 National Health Service hospitals in the U.K.

Said Jeremy Hunt, U.K. Secretary of State for Health in 2014:

“Savile was a callous, opportunistic, wicked predator who abused and raped individuals, many of them patients and young people, who expected and had a right to expect to be safe. His actions span five decades — from the 1960s to 2010. … As a nation at that time we held Savile in our affection as a somewhat eccentric national treasure with a strong commitment to charitable causes. Today’s reports show that in reality he was a sickening and prolific sexual abuser who repeatedly exploited the trust of a nation for his own vile purposes.”

So I should just go back to reviewing Young Frankenstein, right?

Or should I wonder why John Cusack has blocked me and thousands of Trump supporters on Twitter?

Or why Kevin Spacey seems to have blocked a very large number of people on Twitter who have (at one time or another) talked about “pizzagate” or “pedogate”?

Or should we talk of Cardinal George Pell?

This week has been a bad week for Cardinal Pell 🙂

New York magazine’s article title about sums it up:  “The Pope’s Pedophile?”


That’s right.

Pope Francis’s “right-hand man”.

The man [Pell] in charge of the Vatican’s finances.

[remember the infamous Mr. Michele Sindona]

And for one more ingredient, let’s add former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s strange 3 a.m. tweet from last night:

“To the career men & women at DOJ/FBI: your actions and integrity will be unfairly questioned. Be prepared, be strong. Duty. Honor. Country.”

What the fuck?!?

I thought only nutbags like me tweeted at 3 a.m. 🙂

And Trump!

But Holder seems to be telegraphing something.

What the fuck is about to happen?



Will the U.S. “Deep State” (which appears to be so highly-addicted to pedophilia and occult ritual) finally be exposed?

Will Hollywood finally be exposed in such a way as to make Kenneth Anger rise from the grave?

What is this Babylon that we are witnessing?

In closing, Young Frankenstein is a very entertaining film…which I highly recommend.

No 🙂

Remember friends:  sometimes only humor can get us through the valley of the shadow of death.

And, for me, I pray to God.

I saw this wickedness coming long ago.

The level of vile crimes has already disgusted me and freaked me out before.

So I pray that you will be strong, my friends, as many bad things are revealed.

There are heroes in the world.

And those are such as former Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer.

His organization Veterans for Child Rescue is taking on the scourge of child sex trafficking.

He’s a sniper.

He’s been to war.

He’s not afraid of guys in suits.

Guys like Podesta and Soros.

And he’s not alone.

He’s been on the teams that go in and rescue kids that are literally in cages.

Check out that first article above.

It’s talking about a 6-year-old kid being raped.

The kid is lent out by the parent for $250 dollars.

And it gets much worse than that.

Let’s not talk about New York City Mayor Bill di Blasio’s employee Jacob Schwartz who was recently busted for child pornography.


My friends, this young man (age 29) was apparently aroused by sexual photos of SIX-MONTH-OLD BABIES.

And I have to say it one more time:  it gets worse than that.

So when you see photos of Mr. Schwartz and Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, pay those photos no mind, right?

And when you find to what ends Mr. Mook and Mr. John Podesta (Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair) went to concoct the “Russian collusion” (or, variously, “Russian hacking”) story which the largely-liberal U.S. media swallowed whole-cloth, you might begin to wonder just what dark secrets Mr. Podesta (and Hillary Clinton, for that matter) is hiding.


For those in a hurry:

“That strategy had been set within twenty-four hours of her concession speech. Mook and Podesta assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.”

The quote comes from Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes’s book Shattered:  Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign.

So once again, see Young Frankenstein 🙂



Bound by Flesh [2012)

I never know.

What I’m getting into.

These movies.

In the hopper.

And then spit out by a sort of roulette.

That I forget.

Anything I might have known.

And mostly I don’t want to know.

I just want to “pull the trigger” on these films.

Give it a try.

Try to watch it.

And boy did I find a doozy.  A masterpiece.  A truly special film.

Bound by Flesh is a documentary currently streaming in the U.S. on Netflix.

It was directed by Leslie Zemeckis.

Wife of Robert Zemeckis.


There are a couple of things which slayed me concerning this film.

First, is San Antonio.

My town.

The boring shithole in which I live.

A place so lifeless, so meaningless…that one must comb through the relics hoping for some shard of redemption.

Yes, Robert Johnson recorded here.

But he also recorded in Dallas.

And that was it.

So we have that half distinction.

And Pola Negri lived here.

We are very honored by that.

And Wings was made here.  The first film to win Best Picture at the Academy Awards.

But none of these things helps me to get up in the morning (or the middle of the day).

The 15-or-so years I lived in Austin, I had the legend of Sterling Morrison to give me hope.

Guitarist with The Velvet Underground.

Doctorate in medieval literature from UT-Austin.

And the Hole In The Wall was my sort of Mecca…because Sterling had played there.

But San Antonio has been an unmagical destination of return.

These past five (?) years.

But I say with utmost honesty…with absolute sincerity.

The story of Daisy and Violet Hilton has helped me.

These Siamese twins.

So beautiful!

I mean, really:  the two most beautiful girls you’ve ever seen.

And so The Smashing Pumpkins start to make sense.

That time at the Sunken Gardens Theater.

When I was but 17.

And they were touring Siamese Dream.

And my ballet classmate magically pirouetted out on stage.

“How the hell did you get up there?,” we asked her on Monday morning.

It was all magical.

The venue.

The Sunken Gardens.

But now it makes sense.

Siamese Dream.

Daisy and Violet (hereafter to be reversed) lived in San Antonio.

Their (by all accounts) evil manager Myer Myers (what a fucked up name!) built a huge mansion on Vance Jackson (that’s a street here) with the money he skimmed (or ladled) from his cash cows.

The freaks.

Violet and Daisy.

One of the best films I’ve seen in the past years is Violet & Daisy.

With my favorite working actress (Saoirse Ronan) and the very-fine Alexis Bledel.

So we shall go with that.

Violet and Daisy.

Indeed, all throughout this documentary, a prominent curator from the Witte Museum (our old, yet newly-renovated…reopening repository here in San Antonio) gives her articulate insights into the life of Violet and Daisy.

[that curator, incidentally, is the excellent Amy Fulkerson]

Ok…so the twins lived in San Antonio.


But what else?

Well, it was their route.

Talk about circuitous.

Born in Brighton, England.

Home of Nick Cave.

Hell, home of Jonny Aitken (hi Jonny!) last time I checked.

Interestingly, the twins next big locale change was to Australia.

Which is to say, their life was like Nick Cave in reverse.

And Cave would certainly gravitate to this sort of story.


Freak shows.

Carnival midway.


[and the death of minstrelsy…{think Emmett Miller}]


[and the death of vaudeville]


Hell…Violet and Daisy were in Freaks by Tod Browning!

Yeah, the guy who directed Dracula starring Bela Lugosi.

But as with many show business stories, this one turns sad.

And yet…as Ms. Fulkerson makes clear, the Hilton twins never gave up.

They had an indomitable spirit.

It may be cheesy to reference, but it reminds me of one of U2’s finest songs (off the very-fine War album).

“Two Hearts Beat As One”

Sure…Violet and Daisy didn’t stay in San Antonio.

They eventually moved on to New York.

And finally to Charlotte and environs.

But their story is so damned inspiring!

And to think that they graced my town 🙂

That they had their trial in 1931 (?) down at the red brick courthouse.

That Myer Myers got what was coming to him.

Which brings us to a parallel point.

To something I haven’t covered in a LONG time.


Or Pedogate.

Most of all, the John Podesta scandal which WikiLeaks unearthed.

First, I’d like to salute all the people who turned out in D.C. on the 25th to advocate for missing children.

We’re talking kidnapped, trafficked, raped, killed children.

And there is a very disturbing “video” of which I was just made aware today thanks to the ever-vigilant reporter David Seaman.

Said video is more sound than image, but it is purported to be a recording of John Podesta beating a child at Comet Ping Pong in Washington, D.C. at a Heaving Breathing show.

Heavy Breathing is one of the bizarre bands (including Sex Stains) which played at this “family” venue run by James Alefantis.

Simply put:  John Podesta’s cryptographically verifiable emails on WikiLeaks seem to point to him being AT BEST a pedophile, and at worst a violent child molester possibly involved in Satanic ritual sacrifice of children.

I’m not making this shit up.

Go read the emails for yourself.

Do some research.

It is the freakiest shit on the planet.

Look at it too long, and you want to vomit (while beating the crap out of Podesta).

That’s level one.

The emails.

Level two is/are the tentacles.

It involves Hillary.

Why was Hillary seemingly covering for Laura Silsby in Haiti?

In other words, why was the Secretary of State (Clinton) interceding for an American woman who had been convicted of child trafficking in Haiti?

You can read the story.

Likewise, certain of these Clinton emails are on WikiLeaks.

There are the “after ‘wheels-up'” statements.

But then we get to James Alefantis.

This motherfucker…

No, actually…if he was fucking mothers that would be somewhat socially acceptable.

Be it appears that his establishment IS INDEED integral to unraveling the pedogate ring.

To sum up, it appears that American “elites” (both Democrat and Republican) have a certain predilection for little boys and girls.

Some of the elites are also heavily immersed in occult practices.

Hillary is one of these.

Larry Nichols confirmed that Bill Clinton told him specifically of Hillary’s monthly jaunts to California to participate in a witches’ coven.

As I’ve mentioned before, Hillary would not have been playing second fiddle at such events.

And if that seems farfetched, we can point to the Bohemian Club (aka Bohemian Grove) [also in California] and their yearly opening ceremony called “the Cremation of Care”…at which they perform a “mock” sacrifice of an infant in the shadows of a giant (40 ft-tall?) statue of Moloch.

This is the meeting that has drawn (and continues to draw) the likes of Kissinger, Ted Turner, Reagan, Nixon…and so many more “elites”.

But let’s back up one level.

James Alefantis is a “bad (or sick)” person.

Ok, I couldn’t help it.

More accurately, he’s a sick, sick person.

His Instagram was archived.

And, as David Seaman correctly points out, it fetishizes the sale and abuse of children.

[this is where Violet and Daisy come back in…because they had no one truly looking out for them]

But let’s move laterally for a moment.

The sickest of the bunch might just be Tony Podesta, John’s brother.

This guy’s art collection is like a pedophile’s dream.

But also a Satanist’s dream.

The art that Tony Podesta (and his former wife Heather) collected (and presumably still collect) is some sick fucking shit!

So when you start to tie all this stuff together, John Podesta’s coded (not encrypted) messages made public by WikiLeaks start to take on a very ominous tone indeed.

But the video I alluded to can be found with a simple Google search of “John Podesta Skippy video”.

Yes, even the woeful Huffington Post (I refuse to italicize that crap publication) wrote about John Podesta’s bizarre alter ego years ago:  Skippy.

As stated, to my eyes, the video shows very little.

But the sound is of the utmost importance.

Unfortunately, with my highly-trained ear (I advanced a year in ear training classes in one day of university) I am not hearing what other researchers are hearing.

HOWEVER, it seems that someone is fucking with John Podesta.

And I can’t help thinking that is, in general, a good thing.

In other words, someone has “the goods” on Podesta.

The video, incidentally, ostensibly has a child (a horrifying sound…like Lou Reed’s Berlin to the nth degree) begging “John” and (not-quite-alternately) “Skippy” to stop the beating.

I will say this.

I do believe it to be a genuine article.

But in my honesty, I do not hear the words “John” nor “Skippy” at any point.

Yet, I believe it is John Podesta beating a child.

And I believe the general outline of pizzagate/pedogate to be true.

And so, dear friends, we owe it to children to remain vigilant.

Sexual abuse ruins lives.

It is very likely that Podesta (and his brother) himself (themselves) was (were) abused.

It doesn’t excuse their actions.

But it goes a certain distance in explaining them.

However, the occult (which has a direct tie-in to Marina Abramovic…again, verified in WikiLeaks emails) aspect is really hard to fathom.

It’s so bad that I don’t want to fathom it.

But we can’t ignore it.

We can’t be afraid.

We can’t just roll over and die.

I’d rather be wrong about Podesta than for a single child to suffer rape or torture or death at the hands of sadistic monsters.

So there you have it.

That’s how a Pauly Deathwish review goes.

Buy the ticket.  Take the ride.

As Hunter S. Thompson said.

I will tell you when a film sucks.

And I will tell you when a film is great.

And I will also tell you when something in the world is fucked up.

The nightly news and the morning paper won’t say “fucked up”.

And, somehow, that explains why they are truth-neutered.

But I ain’t got nothin’ to lose.

My life sucks.

And my life is beautiful.

But I’m down here at the bottom.

On the killing floor, as Howlin’ Wolf sang.

The abattoir blues, as Nick Cave sang.

I ain’t so deluded as to think that lying will get me a better life.

I’m sick of lies.

I’m too old to care.

Go ahead, kill me.

It doesn’t matter.

I’ve got no career for you to ruin.

And I understand the high bar for libel of public figures.

So go ahead, John Podesta:  keep comparing us to Sandy Hook truthers.

Yes, by the way, Sandy Hook was fake.

But you’re not weaseling out of this one.

You’re caught.

So let that Raskolnikov guilt sink in.

A thousand times worse than death.

You are a sick, sick person.

I hope I’m wrong.

But I don’t fucking think so.