Take Me Somewhere Nice [2019)

Sara Luna Zorić.

The world is fucked up.

For two years we fought against medical tyranny.

We fought against killer vaccines.

And suddenly the narrative changed.


The plandemic/scamdemic wiped out.

Like chalk off a blackboard.

This is a flawed masterpiece.

Like the dent in Sara Luna Zorić’s forehead.

This film is a masterpiece.

This film is an utter masterpiece.

And it is carried by Sara Luna Zorić’s breasts.

And legs.

And scowl.

And sadness.

And dented forehead.

This film is a masterpiece.

It ends like Pierrot le fou, in some ways.

It ends like Contempt.

It ends like Ghost World.

So can I be in love with Sara Luna Zorić now?


Because the world is shit.

We must pick sides.

I pick Russia.

Fuck Ukraine.


There is not a more propagandistic website on Earth than Drudge Report.

Screen Shot 2022-03-05 at 4.32.23 AM

Do you know what propaganda looks like?

“Putin doesn’t want his people to see images of the war.”

“Russian Air Force incapable of complex military operations (invasion failing).”

“Zelensky is the reincarnation of Rasputin.”

“Russian soldiers raping Ukrainian women.”

“Russia [who secured both Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhia] are nuclear ‘terrorists'”. [For securing the facilities. All while the facilities are undamaged and not showing a rise in radiation leakage.]

“Russia is planning public executions.”

Might as well throw in some chestnut like “Russia shish-kebabbing Ukrainian infants on bayonets”.

Do you see where this is going?

“Two more top Russian commanders kiled.”


The same media that lied to you for two years about COVID and masks and vaccines and lab leaks now wants you to TRUST THEM and #StandWithUkraine .


What are the possibilities that Putin is beholden to Klaus Schwab?

I’d say 1%.

What is the possibility that Putin is doing the right thing.

I’d say 99%.

But the only problem is this: it completely overshadows the exceedingly-successful “freedom convoys” of truckers and also makes it impossible for any news about COVID duplicity to make it on any mainstream news.

So the timing is, one may see, unfortunate.

The whole COVID narrative was rapidly collapsing.

The virus was burning out with Omicron.

Serious, serious questions about impropriety from Moderna and Pfizer were arising.

And they CONTINUE to arise.

But you won’t hear about them.

The Ukraine war is like a giant school shooting.

This will be THE ONLY STORY in the news for months.

Perhaps years.

There are two reasons that people do things.

The “good” reason and the real reason.

Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

Because Zelensky announced 11 months ago that his intention was to retake Crimea by force.

And why else did Putin invade?

Because Zelensky announced seven months ago that Ukraine’s desire and intention was to join NATO.

Any other possible reasons?

Zbigniew Brzezinski called Ukraine the “bread basket” of the former Soviet Union.

What is the only thing which could rival oil right now in terms of astronomical inflation and actual scarcity?



Food security.

Putin may be securing this bread basket for Russia.

And I don’t blame him.

But let’s look at some attack scenarios.

Ukraine –> Moldova.

No NATO territory crossed.

Finland –> Sweden.

No NATO territory crossed.

Azerbaijan/Georgia (or vice versa) –> Armenia –> Iran (joins Russian Federation?) –> Iraq –> Syria (joins Russian Federation?)

No NATO territory crossed.

Monaco invasion.

And finally:

Bosnia and Herzegovina –> Serbia –> Kosovo.

I save this one for last because it is the most germane to our film.

This film’s action largely takes place in Bosnia.

Language: Bosnian.

Invasion from the sea.

Order of battle as above.

If you like Romanian New Wave, you will love Take Me Somewhere Nice.

I cannot understate the importance of this film.

Ena Sendijarević did a phenomenal job directing this.

Shades of Kiarostami.

Sonic Youth.

Tu dors Nicole.

Taste of Cherry.

This is dark humor.

But there is no punchline.

That’s how dark it is.

Dark, deadpan humor.

Dark absurdity.


Warts and all.


The forgotten parts of Europe.

Where it is a curse to grow up.

I always pray for the children and the elderly of Ukraine.

And the fucking Ukrainian morons who didn’t get involved in politics and prevent corrupt Joe Biden from becoming the U.S. President.

They bear some blame.

But we do not want civilian casualties.

Putin asked the Ukrainian military to overthrow Zelensky.

They have been very foolish to not heed Putin’s suggestion.

And Mark Milley was indeed at the Ukrainian border with 15+ wide-body planes full of Javelins and Stingers.

How exceedingly-foolish.

Russia has been unequivocal: provide weapons to Ukraine which are used against our troops and we will consider this an act of war.

Milley’s panties were wedged in his vagina over the “white rage” of Jan6, but here he is personally handing out missiles to Ukraine.


We have no defense treaty with Ukraine.

Our Congress has not declared war on Russia.


It’s the same faggots: Mark Milley, Lloyd Austin, Michael Gilday, Bishop Garrison…

The military is not coming to save us.

And Trump became a moron ever since he uttered the words “I got the Pfizer”.

Putin is the best leader in the world.

And this film is magnificent.


Reddit has gotta be the lamest site on the internet [2022)

If you are a rule-obsessed control freak, Reddit is the place for you.

It manages to be an antithesis (perhaps, THE antithesis) of the freedom which the internet represents.

I go over there to post some Spotify playlists.

I download the app.

I spend all this fucking time making a dumb-as-shit avatar.

I join about 10 communities.

Only to find out (one by one) that they all have a million rules.


What kind of liberal bullshit is Reddit?

I’m on Twitter, but none of my posts get any views.

Facebook has “moved my posts lower in the ‘news feed'” for 90 days.

Because I shared “misinformation” too many times.

You can’t fucking curse on GETTR (as far as I know).

But at least no one is micromanaging your posts.

Gab is pretty fucking awesome.

But it’s a really small community.

It seems like the initial buzz around Gab has been tempered a bit.

AND there is no Gab app.

THAT is annoying.

But it’s because Apple and Google are cocksuckers.

Speaking of which…

Poor Parler.

I really dug that site.

But then the Apple (App Store)/Google (Google Play)/Amazon (AWS) criminal cartel teamed up to run Parler out of business.

Last time I tried to use it, it wasn’t functional at all.

So I just closed my account.

But Apple, Google, and Amazon should be tried in a RICO case.

These fucking Silicon Valley pricks are racketeering out the wazoo!


TikTok is kinda cool.


It probably has the most people on it.

Even if most of them are 14.

But hey: that was The Beatles’ demographic.

Young people dig music.

And there are some great creators on TikTok.

My favorite is kandiesz.

I hope i spelled it right.

She really does some cool stuff.

I’ve watched all her videos and they were so good that I deleted all the ones I made and started over again.

So, yeah.

I’m on TikTok.

But TikTok has a China problem.

It is, of course, a Chinese app.

The parent company (Chinese) absolutely gets access to American user information.

This is why Trump banned TikTok.

Essentially, he forced TikTok to be sold to an American company.

Who bought it?



Because Biden became President.

And Biden decided not to ban it.


Think if you worked at the Defense Intelligence Agency and had TikTok on your phone.

That’s a big no-no.

But all these apps (Facebook, et al.) are tracking the fuck out of us.

And Zuckerberg is a China cocksucker.

He goes over there looking for money.

I know he did (for sure) around 2010.


And his fake-ass refugee wife Priscilla Chan let him do it.


She’s not a Cantonese speaker from Vietnam.

She’s a goddamn Chinese spy.


And so is Mitch McConnell’s wife Elaine Chao.

Look up McConnell’s sister-in-law Angela Chao.

On the fucking board of the Bank of China!

One of the biggest banks in communist China!!!


She’s another fake-ass refugee.

You think she and her family are genuine Taiwanese refugees from communism?

Not a chance in hell.

Look at the father and his shipping company.

Look who builds the ships.

But GETTR also has a China problem.

Is Miles Guo really an anti-communist refugee?

I have my fucking doubts.

Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t.

But I don’t trust him.

Not yet.

And why is Steve Bannon all up on his ballsack?

But TikTok is a whole other kind of evil.

The word “depression” is not trending.

At all.

As in, no one has ever tagged a TikTok #depression .


And you know what else is memory-holed?


Well ain’t that fucking convenient?!?

[Remember: TikTok did not actually get sold to an American company.]

You can’t see how many times “depression” and/or “crimes against humanity” have been applied to TikToks???

That’s some fucking bullshit right there.

But Twitter operates the same way.

Trump was absolutely right: Twitter should not be allowed to do business (the way they are currently doing business) in the USA.

Same for Facebook.

Facebook is like the FBI of social media.

They are censoring grandmas and grandpas for wrongthink.

Fuck Facebook!

Fuck Mark Zuckerberg!!

What a creepy android, spoiled-milk, Chinese-commie cocksucker!!!

Speaking of which.


If I post inane shit, it gets tons of likes.

If I post something political, it’s fucking crickets.

Twitter is similar.

Facebook (or actually Meta, the parent company which owns Instagram) does the same thing.

These social media companies are trying to ENGINEER you.

They are engineering SOCIETY.

They are punishing people for wrongthink.

They are rewarding people for thought acceptable to the Biden regime. [social credit]

{speaking of which, Reddit actually keeps track of your “karma” on the app…that is, my friends, a social credit score…it is still voluntary…you don’t have to be on Reddit…but if you’re on there, you’re gonna have a “karma” score. You might think I’m overreacting. But it is the same as TikTok not letting “crimes against humanity” trend. It is the same thing as all these companies punishing wrongthink through algorithmic “deboosting” aka shadow banning…if you trick the algorithm into thinking you have become a Democrat (takes a lot of work if you have a brain), then a few posts might get through the blockade. But as soon as you say an ill word about the vaccines, you are back in the digital slammer. Your voice is squelched}

And make no mistake: Zuckerberg, Paraga, Vijaya…all these fuckers are hand-in-glove with Biden.

In fact, Biden is probably not leftist enough for them.

He’s not a socialist-cool as AOC or Bernie.

And neither of those twats could operate a convenience store in anything but the red.

So our voices are pushed to the margin.

Because we think differently.


Because we THINK!!!

If you don’t take the COVID vaccines, you are ostracized from society.

Fuck that.

Those fucking things are neither safe, nor effective.

So nobody can hear me on Twitter.

I can post endless shit and hashtag it and it just sits there forever.

Gab is trying (God bless them).

GETTR is marginally-better than the Silicon dipshits.

Facebook is a total loss.

I get a three month slap on the wrist because I know how to tie together links to the CDC website and Open VAERS.



I know how to show VAERS underreporting by linking to a BMJ article on Kawasaki disease.


Fuck it.

I only have two goddamn degrees.

Misinformation my ass.

It’s because I disagree with Science ™ (aka Anthony Fauci).

There’s one I haven’t mentioned (which is quite good):  Telegram.

But Telegram is not really social media per se.

It’s messaging.

It’s groups.

You cannot build a following on Telegram.

It’s a one-way street.

If you already have a following, you can reach them on Telegram.

But I like it.

It’s effective.

That’s why Germany is trying to ban Telegram.


Germany is just as Nazi as it ever was.

And the Nazis are running the government!

If something doesn’t change quick, there are going to be quarantine camps there and elsewhere.

They are already in northern Australia.


Australia has fallen.

It is not hyperbole.

And Austria (the land of Hitler) has also fallen.

Who’s actually fighting back against the vaccine/health tyranny we are seeing?

Australia is fighting back a little.

Maybe too little, too late.

Germany is fighting back.

France is kinda fighting back.

They are thinking about fighting back.

The best, BY FAR, are the Dutch.

The Netherlands (and Belgium, to a large extent) are fighting back harder than any people on the planet.

American blacks are not fighting back.

Negroes in New York city and other urban areas are letting their rights get trampled on.

All because they think that if they rock the boat, they might not get reparations.






You got conned.

We all got conned.

Biden ain’t gonna give you reparations.

Fake-ass Kamala ain’t gonna give you reparations.


Al Sharpton is a fake-ass motherfucker.

They’re all fake.

AOC is fake as fuck.

LeBron sucks Chinese commie cock.


I wrote a song about it.  Wanna hear it?  Here it go:


Which brings us to Trump.

I am so fucking pissed off at Trump right now for embracing these shit-for-brains vaccines.

10,000+ vaccine deaths in the USA according to the CDC.


20,000+ according to Open VAERS.



If you take into account that VAERS is passive surveillance (reporting is voluntary)…

And you also take into account that the system catches less than one percent of serious adverse events like Kawasaki disease in children (underreporting by a factor of ten)…



Then 10,000 vaccine deaths is actually (potentially) 100,000.

And 20,000 (the CDC is parsing HHS VAERS data to make it look half as bad as it actually is) may actually by 200,000.

“Where are they hiding these deaths”, you might ask.

They are chalked up as COVID deaths.

Why?  And how?

Because these vaccines are clearly ineffective (at best).

Fauci knows damn well what antibody-dependent enhancement is.

If a vaccine is not properly and thoroughly tested (as the three COVID vaccines in the USA were not), then it has a possibility of making someone who catches the virus WORSE!


There is little other explanation for what is going on (aside from the idiocy of mass vaccination DURING a pandemic [creating variants which may go against the natural progression of viruses]).

A virus should become more contagious and less deadly during a pandemic.

If it is a natural virus (which COVID-19 most certainly is not [it was created in a lab]).

JAG_Docs_pt1_Og_WATERMARK_OVER_Redacted 2

Omicron is more contagious.

Ok, that adds up.

And Omicron is certainly less-deadly that Delta.


But HOW IN THE FUCK COULD WE HAVE TWICE (!) AS MANY COVID DEATHS YESTERDAY IN THE USA (when many many many Americans have been vaccinated) AS ONE YEAR AGO TODAY WHEN NOBODY (n o b o d y) HAD BEEN VACCINATED.  The vaccines barely had come into existence.  A very, very few people had been vaccinated against COVID in the USA one year ago.



So with the benefit of A YEAR of vaccinations (and boosters!), we have twice as many deaths (yesterday…as compared to one year earlier).

Not only that, less people died under Trump (and without the vaccines) than have died under Biden (and with the vaccines).

Look it up.








And the VAERS data mean that the vaccines are dangerous as fuck!

Correlation does not necessarily mean causation?

You’re gonna play that card here??


Go to Open VAERS.

Get the data.


10,000+ heart attacks among the recently-vaccinated.


About 3,500 miscarriages.

Which brings me to Trump.

I don’t know what the fuck he’s doing.

Do I expect (considering his moronic embrace of the vaccines) that Truth Social (his forthcoming social network) will be a success?


I like Trump.

A lot!

Or I did!

Until early-October when he started shilling for Pfizer.

“I got the Pfizer” (and encouraging people to get vaccinated).




Casually mentioning his vaccination status in Dallas in what was essentially a church setting (people singing hymns and stuff).



Lying (?) to Candace Owens about “people who are taking the vaccines are not dying” (paraphrase).



And then Trump goes after Ron DeSantis because DeSantis won’t reveal his booster status?!?

He didn’t go after him by name, but the reference was clear.

DeSantis is “gutless” according to Trump’s philosophy.



Give me #DeSantis2024.

Give me #Rand2024.

Give me #Tucker2024.

Give me #Candace2024.

Give me ANYBODY with a brain.

The vaccines are THE MAIN issue.

Trump is on THE WRONG SIDE of the issue.

Give me RFK Jr. 2024.

Fuck it!

At least he’s honest and educated about the vaccines.

And now for the playlists I was gonna post on Reddit.

Because this is my website and I can do whatever the fuck I want here.

I make the rules.
































The Boys from Brazil [1978)

CodeMonkeyZ blocked me on Telegram.



Pretty fucking hypocritical of a free speech advocate

I’m sure it was just some jerkoff moderator.

But I’m over it now.

Because we have a mission.

I believe Ron Watkins is a good person.

I believe President Trump is a good person.

The 2020 election was allowed to be stolen.

Operation Warp Speed was a trap.

The globalists fell for it.

Trump’s “I got the Pfizer” interview was military deception.

To throw the NWO off the scent.

And to buy some time.

As Q group takes out (one by one) all the bad actors worldwide.



You only get one chance.

The OWS trap was one in which the NWO jumped into a tiger pit.

From which they will hopefully never emerge (God willing).

But the war is not over.

Havana Syndrome + vaccines = mind control [MKUltra 2.0]

Graphene oxide + 5G = mind control





It was this 5G which really pissed off Twitter.

I had thought the 5G thing was probably a red herring.

Guess not.



Q group was behind the “Snow White” leak from the Jes Staley case.

It serves a dual purpose.

To put bad actors on notice.

To make them nervous.

They know what it means.

We MIGHT know what it means.

But also to encourage anons and autists.

If you have been living under a rock of fake news, you might not know that the CEO of Barclays bank (UK), Jes Staley, has resigned after it was discovered that he had lied about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.

The two exchanged at least 1000 emails.

And the phrase “Snow White” was supposedly passed back and forth between the two (apparently without a common-sense context).

So what does Snow White mean?

What did it mean between these two?

Well, there is this:


A code name for the CIA Directorate of Operations.

Why might Epstein (definitely a pedophile [and probably a blackmailer]) be talking about CIA covert ops?

And why would Staley be talking about it?

Indeed, from news reporting in the UK (Financial Times?), it is unclear whether Epstein or (conversely) Staley used the phrase.

Or whether they both used it.

Nor is it clear how many times it was used.

All that has been revealed is that it seemed to be used as a sort of coded phrase.

So who is Jes Staley?

[other than being a former board member of USCBC (an organization with a lot of Pfizer presence over the years)]



Does he have a Twitter profile?

Not that I can find.

But his brother, Peter, does.


Any public figure (like AIDS activist Peter Staley) who leaves their Twitter profile set to public (as opposed to private) is inviting snoopers.


Because enquiring minds want to know.

You can tell a lot about a person from their Twitter profile.

You can tell the ORDER in which they followed people.

Go back.

You can see who they have been following the longest.

And, conversely, who they have been following for the least amount of time.

You can also find interesting groupings.

Various people or organizations whom they followed in relatively quick succession.

Here’s the thing about Peter Staley.

He is Twitter “friends” with Ali Fauci.

Ali Fauci is the daughter of Anthony Fauci.

Ali Fauci has her profile set to private.

This indicates that Peter Staley and Ali Fauci may indeed know each other in real life.

As Anthony Fauci does not have a Twitter profile (as far as I know), this is the closest thing to Anthony Fauci making a trusted online connection with Peter Staley.

But Peter Staley’s interest in “medicine” does not end there.

[BTW…Ali Fauci is a software engineer for Twitter.  Is she in charge of censorship?  Or is that strictly the purview of Vijaya Gadde?]

Peter Staley also follows Peter Daszak.

Now that is a bit weird.

Daszak is the head of the EcoHealth Alliance.

EcoHealth sent National Institutes of Health (U.S. taxpayer) money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology where gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses was performed.

[to be fair, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (housed at Fort Belvoir) is STILL sending U.S. taxpayer money to the EcoHealth Alliance to study bat diseases in “western Asia”.  How much you wanna bet that money’s going to WIV?  And how did INSCOM not know about this??? https://www.usaspending.gov/award/ASST_NON_HDTRA11710064_9761 ]




In private emails, Peter Daszak THANKED Anthony Fauci for dismissing the WIV lab leak theory.

That’s strange.

Because as we all now know, that theory is probably the most plausible.

Although China will not admit it.

Back to Peter Staley.

Sometimes you can’t tell the people.

You must show them.

OSINT is a beautiful thing.


Following the CEO of Moderna, eh?

Do you see how these data points are piling up?

Epstein’s friend’s brother is REALLY interested in the minutiae of this pandemic and the big pharma aspects of it.


[BTW…there is a good chance that Bancel is one of the ones who actually released the virus.  Why?  Because Moderna came up with their vaccine in 48 hours. https://www.infowars.com/posts/damn-you-to-hell-you-will-not-destroy-america-read-the-spartacus-covid-letter-thats-gone-viral/  The same suspicion falls on NIAID’s Anthony Fauci.  And Event 201’s Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and (now promoted by Biden to head the entire American intelligence community [ODNI]) Avril Haines (a John Brennan promotee within the CIA whose promotion was out of the ordinary [i.e. she did not, in any apparent way, even earn THAT position…didn’t work her way up to it within the ranks.  Odd]]


Peter Staley (who is HIV-positive) LOVES him some good old fashioned gay sex.


And he also, around the time he was feeling horny (?), decided to follow one of the prime suspects for having unleashed COVID-19 on the world:  the aforementioned Peter Daszak (who, as you can see, has me blocked).

Was it something I said???


Peter Staley also follows Deborah Birx.

Remember her?

The scarf lady.

Fauci’s right-hand woman (for many absurd press conferences).

You will also notice that Birx’s profile is set to private.

Which means at least two things are possible.

Peter Staley followed Birx before her profile was set to private.


Peter Staley ALSO knows Deborah Birx personally.

The second possibility is supported by the fact that Peter Staley follows Ali Fauci.

It is highly likely that Ali Fauci and Deborah Birx both had to give express permission to ALLOW Peter Staley to follow them.

Why would they do that?

Maybe because they know Peter Staley in real life?

Let’s pause for a moment.

Ask yourself.

Why does a guy, whose brother was emailing “Snow White” in over 1000 emails to Jeffrey Epstein, personally know two of the main players in the COVID-19 saga:  Fauci’s daughter (a proxy for Anthony Fauci) and Deborah Birx (also, in a way, a proxy for Anthony Fauci)?


REMEMBER that Fauci was involved in AIDS research.

But Fauci is not necessarily highly-thought-of in this context.

Did Fauci run a program where experimental vaccines in the ’80s were given to gay men?

Did the AIDS pandemic break out RIGHT AFTER THAT??

What was in the vaccines???

This isn’t Anthony Fauci’s first rodeo.

He has tortured dogs.


Now he wants to give your kids vaccines (when the vaccines have been shown to be dangerous [particularly to young people]) even though kids do not get sick and die from COVID.


It is very rare for a child to succumb to COVID-19.

On the other hand, there are almost 10,000 (9,549) reports of death associated with the administration of the three COVID vaccines in the USA so far:



But let’s get back to Peter Staley.






I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that Peter Staley votes Democrat.

Lincoln Project is all but a front operation for jackasses like Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger.

And they have problems with pedophilia.

As in, certain among the Lincoln Project are apparently pedophiles.

How many?



I will let you do the digging on that.

But let’s pause again.

Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Jes Staley (until a few days ago, head of one of the biggest banks on earth) were apparently emailing the coded phrase “Snow White” back and forth.

And Staley’s brother Peter appears to support the pedophiles over at the Lincoln Project.


Also in the last shot, we see that Peter Staley felt it necessary to follow Francis Collins from the NIH.

Collins is also suspect for his behavior during this pandemic.


Peter Staley also appears to be a fan of both Greta Thunberg and CDC Director (and serial liar) Rochelle Walensky.

Thunberg is also a serial liar (or, in this case, more like an actor [from the same central casting that gave us Malala]), but that’s another story for another time.


Here’s a real classic.

Nothing says “I was so careful I can’t believe I got AIDS” like following Jack “Cum Machine” Mackenroth.

But, again, there is a very real possibility that the AIDS pandemic was caused by Fauci and the vaccines he pushed just prior to the first big AIDS outbreak in the United States.

Indeed, you might call that Fauci’s practice run.

No one cares about the homos, right?

So just test an experimental vaccine on them.

Watch them die from some new, exotic disease right after that.

What were they testing?

A time-delayed bioweapon, perchance?


I think you are going to see the current crop of time-delayed bioweapons (made by Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca) start causing mass death within the next two months.

And it will be called “COVID”.

A new wave.

The “fifth wave”.

[if that doesn’t do the trick, Bill Gates (who just outlined this scenario https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/bill-gates-smallpox-terror-attack-b1951245.html ) and company will likely release smallpox.  What Gates was referring to was war-gamed back in 2001 under the title Dark Winter.  It was executed by the same people (Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security) who gave the world Event 201 RIGHT BEFORE THE CURRENT PANDEMIC.  How many times have you heard Joe Biden strangely utter the phrase “dark winter”???  Here’s why.  Check out the CIA presence (Woolsey) which would be replicated by Avril Haines in 2019 for Event 201:  https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/events-archive/2001_dark-winter/ ]

And in the process, the Northern Hemisphere (particularly the USA and Europe) will then be subjected to the same tyranny to which Australia has just recently been subjected.

Australia was the test run.

How much will people put up with?

The absurd “no tolerance” policies of Australia and New Zealand (and, to a certain extent, China) have been a pretext to unleash the most unseemly policing ever to be seen on this planet.

I believe that is coming to the USA.

And Europe.

It is already fairly well advanced in Canada.

And it will come back…even harder.

In the next two months.

Jes Staley might not have a Twitter account, but his brother (and one of his two daughters) do(es).


Meet Alexa Staley.

While Fauci is obviously the Mengele of this whole pandemic, who is gonna oversee the electromagnetic mind control of the Havana Syndrome/vaccine graphene oxide/5G synergy?

You’d think you might need a few physicists, right?

[N.B.  Jeffrey Epstein likely had plenty of scientists (Santa Fe Institute) blackmailed.  Why was Epstein so interested in underage girls…and science?  I believe the science part was to make sure that this plandemic went off without a hitch.  No (very few) whistleblowers.  The big doctors are compromised.  Harvard as an institution is compromised.  Larry Summers (Harvard) most certainly rode on Lolita Express.  Find his name.  It’s in there.  How many prominent scientists can you also identify?]



Epstein most definitely wanted to create his own “super soldiers”:  https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9741060/jeffrey-epstein-new-mexico-zorro-ranch-prince-andrew/

Is the New World Order’s super soldier research about to come out?  Are they preemptively covering their asses by exposing Russia?  https://www.the-sun.com/news/4055022/russian-humanzee-human-ape-experiments/

Will the NWO try to pass off vaccine/Havana Syndrome/graphene oxide/5G mind control as “a good thing” (the same way their minion Biden administration has attempted to portray inflation as a good thing?) https://www.thedailybeast.com/injectable-gel-reversed-paralysis-in-mice-with-spinal-cord-injuries-human-clinical-trials-are-next

Look at Dr. Jonathan McGreevey’s (aka Ryan Dark White’s) interviews from the past year.

He was right.]

But back to Alexa Staley.

Where does she fit into this nexus between her dad and Jeffrey Epstein?

Do her qualifications even fit the kind of DARPA mind control stuff we are talking about?

See for yourself.


[N.B.  Alexa Staley seems to have made her current employer a matter of privacy on her resume.  I believe she has done that within the past 24 hours.  Why?  I can find no archived version of her website.  That is a bit odd.  Any good researchers wanna find one?]


She lives in San Francisco.

She wouldn’t happen to be friends with Ali Fauci, would she?

Alexa Staley appears to have gone to Colombia, while Ali Fauci went to Stanford.

But they’re both in San Francisco?

Where is Twitter HQ?

Are all their software engineers there?


Thank you for the help, Peter Staley.

Oh, BTW…he was also allowed to follow the personal Twitter account of Elton John’s husband David Furnish.

So that makes a third (Ali Fauci, Deborah Birx, David Furnish) instance where he appears to personally know some very powerful, well-placed people.  

Two of those people (Fauci [through her father] and Birx) are intimately connected to this pandemic.


Our director, Franklin J. Schaffner, was in the predecessor to the CIA:  the OSS.

At least the OSS were military.

Schaffner is better known for Patton and Planet of the Apes.

But this film is a masterpiece.

I’m just a Steve Guttenberg.

Police academy.

Fauci is most definitely Mengele.

Fauci Jesuit fascist.

[Bergoglio Jesuit communist…first Jesuit pope in the 500 years of the organization]

Fauci and Bergoglio working closely together.

The Fourth Reich.

Klaus Schwab.

Was his father really a Nazi collaborator like George Soros?


As is well-documented, Soros has admitted to posing as a Christian during the Holocaust and going around with his fake godfather confiscating the property of Jews.

And Soros feels no remorse about this whatsoever.


Lawrence Olivier is Steve Pieczenik.

Hitler’s home country will now lock down the unvaccinated.

Hitler must be proud.


Why 94?


You have to track down the deaths.

This was a twenty-year plan (9/11).


Or maybe longer.


The microbiologists.


A different source.



Lisa Colson:  [7/28/99] Maine, age 34


Malcolm Casadaban (died from bubonic plague):  [9/21/09] Chicago, age 60


Tom Berman (Israeli):  [4/17/13]  Galapagos Islands, age 79


Mayur Mehta (stabbed during road rage):  [12/16/13] Mumbai, 53


Any recently?

Suzanne Eaton (death unsolved?  disappeared while running?  body found six miles away):  [7/9/19] Crete (Greece), 59


Stuart Levy: [9/19/19] Boston, age 80


Frank Plummer:  [2/4/20] Winnipeg, age 67


Paul Matewele:  [4/22/20] London, age 62


David Boothman (was accidentally administered fentanyl in hospital after stroke):  [10/30/20] Indianapolis, age 61


Alexander Kagansky (fell 14 stories with stab wound):  [12/22/20]  St. Petersburg, age 45


Thomas Brock:  [4/4/21] Madison (WI), age 94


Ogehenetejiri Omiragua (tortured to death by police):  [5/16/21], Nigeria, age 28


Alina Llop:  [9/30/21] Cuba, age 84


Wyndham Lathem (convicted of stabbing murder of his boyfriend):  [10/8/21] Chicago


Microbiology is a dangerous profession (apparently).

And it all started in earnest right after 9/11/01.

[N.B. Dark Winter was the summer before 9/11/01.  Strategic signalling?  Fake out?  Audible called?]


Robert Schwartz was killed with a sword and had an X carved into the back of his neck.  Witchcraft/vampire-obsessed daughter ostensibly persuaded a friend to murder him. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/2003/02/11/daughter-gets-48-years-in-slaying-of-her-father/a1d3e0b1-698f-48e1-844c-a0403f7eaf73/

[N.B.  There is certainly a possibility that the CIA released COVID-19 at the World Military Games in Wuhan simultaneous to releases in northern Italy and Iran.  This would have been the coopted CIA working at the behest of the New World Order (just as they did in carrying out 9/11).  If this sounds farfetched, consider the possibility that the CIA has been running North Korea for a long time.  If that is true, it would not be impossible to release the virus in Iran.  Indeed, it begs the question:  is the CIA running Iran too?  Where did all those planeloads of cash from the Iran deal go?  Barack Obama???]

Nature AND nurture.

Follows exactly the brilliant, anti-CIA, Saoirse Ronan film Hanna.

Dolly the sheep (1996).


Operation Warp Speed was a trap.

Klaus Schwab et al. fell for it.

A handshake deal with Hitler.