The Expendables [2010)

America is in serious trouble.

Trump is right about WWIII.

It’s here.

Knocking on the door.

But Trump is wrong about the COVID vaccines.

If he loves America as much as he says he does, why doesn’t he give a fuck about all the Americans who died from his Warp Speed vaccines?

Sorry, Don: not good enough.

RFK Jr. is right about the vaccines.

And about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

You can find the true story of the pandemic in The Real Anthony Fauci.

But RFK Jr. has a snowball’s chance in hell of winning the 2024 election.

America’s elections are corrupt.




And they have not been fixed since the disaster of 2020 (an election which Donald Trump won).

Trump should be President.

But he’s not.

Biden shouldn’t be President.

He didn’t win.

But he is President.

Who can be found in America who is worth a shit?

I only respect RFK Jr.

Trump is being unjustly persecuted through lawfare in four separate jurisdictions.

I support Trump in his effort to defend himself from this abomination.

But he has not earned much more respect than that.

He was a great President for three years.

Then he turned the country over to Mike Pence and Tony Fauci.

Trump fucked up.


And he has never reversed course since then.

Never a critical word about his disastrous vaccines.

So I am only drawn to RFK Jr.

I voted for Trump twice.

Was glad to.

2016 and 2020.

But Trump is ignorant.

Trump is obstinate.

Trump is a lying piece of shit.

He could fix this any time he likes.

My guess is that he won’t.

To successfully fight the onslaught that is surrounding him via these court cases, he needs truth on his side.

The truth about the vaccines.

But he does not have that truth on his side.

He refuses to avail himself of this truth.

America is in serious trouble.

The U.S. military is taking orders from an unduly-elected President.

Of particular concern are two carrier strike groups:

-USS Gerald Ford strike group

-USS Dwight Eisenhower strike group

Additionally, the destroyer USS Carney is in the wrong place.

All these ships are in the mother of all Tonkins.

Remember the USS Liberty.

Remember the Alamo.

All warfare is based on deception.


Rocky IV [1985)

America is in serious trouble.

The USA has no pride.

No cohesion.

The United States of America does not command respect from any nation on earth.

This process began to exponentially accelerate on 9/11/01.

That is when we entered the Age of Perpetual Lies.

Two wars.




Lost before it even began.

You cannot predicate a “righteous war” upon a lie.

Two wars.

Two towers.

More lies.

Why do I love Russia?

Because they are not weak.

They are not spineless.

They are not a nation of ineffectual do-nothings.

And that is because of one great man.

Vladimir Putin.

There is a vacuum of power in the United States.

An absence of leadership.

We are a country drifting at sea.

A country who does not know who it is.

Or what it stands for.

A country perfectly divided.

Right down the middle.

Where one side cancels out the other.

This is not a check and balance.

It is a negation resulting in complete defeat.

America has no national spirit.

America’s reason for being has disappeared.

Along with the truth.

Who will save America?

You must save America.

It’s ok to love Russia.

It’s ok to love China.

Yes, I love China too.


Because they are on the righteous side of the war in Ukraine.

America is on the wrong side.

And I also love Palestine.

I’m sick of Donald Trump’s bullshit lies and politicking.

Even though I voted for him twice.

He has lied repeatedly about the COVID vaccines.

But even so, I support Trump in his legal battles.


Because he is being unfairly persecuted and punished.

But Trump is wrong about Israel.

Lindsey Graham is wrong about Iran.

I love Iran.

Because they stand with Russia.

And I love Syria.

Because they stand with Russia.

America continues to fight a pointless war.


This is madness.

I support Palestine because they are the bastard children of the world.

They have no big press machine behind them.

Unlike the propaganda onslaught in favor of Israel.

Josh Hawley is wrong about Israel.

So wrong that it is embarassing.

Fox News is infinitely embarassing.

They have completely lost the ability to think as logical, rational human beings.

Whose interests are they serving?

And why?

Trump is wrong to politick off the war in Israel.

I don’t hate Israel.

I don’t hate Ukraine.

But I hate propaganda.

And I hate an unfair advantage.

Ukraine has had the advantage of a global propaganda machine behind it.

I detest that.

Israel always has the advantage of a global propaganda machine behind it.

And America fights for everyone but itself.

America is weak.


Like Swiss cheese.

What can bring America together?

Not more lies.

No more lies.

No more noble lies.

RFK Jr. is right about the vaccines.

And MSNBC is actually right about Palestine and Israel.

America is on the point of total collapse.

The American military leadership is an embarassment.

Particularly Mark Milley.

His obstreperous James Comey pantomime is finally over.

He no longer has the office of CJCS to lend him any undue legitimacy.

I expect he will become much like John Brennan and Michael Hayden.

A complete detriment to the USA…even in retirement.

Does America have any good military leaders?

At all???

I like Michael Flynn.

That’s about it.

No one else has shown me anything impressive.

RFK Jr. is the best candidate to unite the country.

Trump may be the best candidate to save the country.

The American government is completely dysfunctional.

George W. Bush stole the 2000 election.

And Joe Biden stole the 2020 election.

Will your vote matter in 2024?

Do any votes matter?

Republicans lack a coherent strategy.

As dumb as Trump is (very fucking dumb!), he’s a fucking genius compared to ALL other Republican Presidential candidates.

Biden is as dumb as a potato.

And RFK Jr. will be boxed out everywhere he goes.

This is not a free system.

These are not “free and fair” elections.

This is a travesty.

Who will save America?

You must do it.

In your own way.

Whether big or small.

It’s ok to love and respect Russia.

It’s ok to say nice things about China.

It’s ok to root for Palestine.

It’s ok to sympathize with Iran and Syria.

Where is the American military?

We’ve seen the worst of the U.S. military (Milley).

Where’s the best?

Show yourselves.


Rocky III [1982)

America is in big trouble.

The USA had the “eye of the tiger” in World War II.

It did not have it in Vietnam.

Nor Aghanistan.

Nor even in Iraq.

America shoots off its mouth.

Projects its power through provocative NATO actions.

Right on Russia’s doorstep.

Struts its “morality” by arming Taiwan.

Right on China’s doorstep.

Arming Ukraine.

Thumbing its nose at Putin and the Russian people.

Dependent upon old methods of warfare.

With innumerable costs sunk into older gradients of war.

America is in deep trouble.

The enemy is inside the gates.

The enemy is Alvin Bragg.

The enemy is Letitia James.

The enemy is Jack Smith.

The enemy is Merrick Garland.

The enemy is Joe Biden.

The enemy is Tanya Chutkan.

The enemy is Fani Willis.

These are enemies of the United States.

The RICO suit should be against THEM.

Their collectivized hate is what is powering this lawfare of THE LEADING OPPOSITION CANDIDATE.

Yes, Joe Biden’s henchman (Merrick Garland) appointed his own henchman (Jack Smith).

Half of the criminal-indictment jurisdictions stem from this chain of command.

Biden Garland Smith.

Joe Biden–through Garland (though Smith)–is prosecuting his main obstacle to reelection.

Instead of letting Trump go gentle into that good night.

Instead of beating Trump at the polls.

Joe Biden is going after Trump.

In a way we have never seen in the USA.

One President (with his Justice Department [an executive branch agency under the aegis of the President]) going after another President.

Alvin Bragg is a Democrat.

Letitia James is a Democrat.

Fani Willis is a Democrat.

And, of course, Biden and Garland are Democrats.

Smith claims to be an independent.

I will believe that when he indicts Bill Clinton for the sex trafficking of children (aboard Epstein’s Lolita Express).

I will believe that when he indicts Barack Obama for covering up the false-flag/stand-down known as 9/11 (which was carried out by American neocons [with George W. Bush as the figurehead]).

Trump didn’t lock up Hillary Clinton.

It was rhetoric.

He SHOULD have locked her up.

But he didn’t.

Trump didn’t vindictively go after Democrats during his four years in office.

But Democrats are so terrified of Trump that they are indicting him right and left out of DESPERATION.

Desperate individuals are dangerous.

Even more so a desperate collective wielding the full power of the federal government.

So how does Trump “come back” from this shitstorm?

His first act must be to get on the side of righteousness.


How can he do this?

By disavowing the COVID vaccines he rushed to market.

There is no more time to fuck around.

Disavow the vaccines, Mr. President.

Do that, and you sink RFK Jr.’s entire campaign.

But do it too late and it will look insincere.

Truth be told, Trump is an egotistical moron when it comes to his precious vaccines.

There is no more time for this.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I don’t care who you have to throw under the proverbial bus, Mr. President.

Do it!

Why protect Fauci?

Why protect woke military advisors?

Trump has nothing to fear but the truth in his breathtaking vaccine denial.

Check Open VAERS.

Check CDC VAERS numbers.

Verify that VAERS historically represents about 1/2 of 1% of the actual adverse events and reactions attributable to vaccines in the USA.

Verify using Kawasaki disease as an example.

Verify via articles in BMJ.

If Trump refuses to do this, RFK Jr. deserves your vote next year.

No one else deserves it.

Not even Trump.

You can’t say Trump loves America if he doesn’t have the balls to admit that his Operation Warp Speed killed and maimed untold number of Americans by way of vaccines which were brought to market in 1/10th the time it should have taken.

Would you want a car that was rushed through development and safety testing at a breakneck pace?

I don’t think you would.

Trump can be a comeback story.

But his albatross is his vaccine debacle.

Trump must regain his edge.


He has lost that edge to RFK Jr.

Trump cannot defeat these myriad lawsuits with no edge.

There will be no comeback for Donald Trump unless he reverses course now.

The vaccines are the key issue.

Trump’s authenticity (which used to be so firmly-unshakable) was rebuilt on shifting sands.

The sands of noble lies.

We elected Donald Trump in 2016 because he wasn’t a politician.

Seven years later, he is nothing but a prevaricating cliche.

Put on the full armor of God, President Trump.

Tell the truth about the vaccines.

Do this and you will defeat every lawfare foe.

The two things might seem unconnected.

They are not.

God has set the test before Trump.

So far, he is failing miserably.



Rocky II [1979)

America is suffering.

America is lost.


Trump quadruply-indicted.

Four different jurisdictions.

Two state indictments.

Two federal indictments.

All bullshit.

But Trump has an Achilles heel.

The unsafe, ineffective vaccines he brought to market.

Does Trump feel loyalty to those who tricked him?

When will Trump remove his proverbial head from his own proverbial ass?

Sure, he’s winning on the Republican side.

Because they’re all a bunch of losers.

But put Trump up against RFK Jr.

Trump loses.

America doesn’t want any more lies.

No more noble lies.

America doesn’t want any more liars.

And America needs to get smart.


There is a huge swath of America on the Republican/conservative side that believes whole-cloth an info op being run against them.

Who is running it?



The FBI?



That’s possible too.

Globalists like Schwab, Gates, et al.?

Also a possibility.

Really, it doesn’t matter who is running it.

What matters is that America has become irrevocably-dumb.

Incapable of intelligent, coherent thought.

Q (aka QAnon) was an info op run AGAINST the American people.

That is the only explanation that makes sense to me at this present time.

Q was bullshit.

Lots of truth in there.

But there was one overarching purpose to QAnon: TO MAKE AMERICANS LAZY.

To make Americans believe that the Santa-Claus, Tooth-Fairy U.S military was going to solve all their problems.

How’s that working out for us?

It isn’t.

At all.

If you believe any of the absolute horseshit emanating from Real Raw News, I can’t help you.

I know you need hope.

Well, I am here to offer you hope.

But I am Burgess Meredith.

I am not going to blow smoke up your ass.

Things are bad.

Mark Milley has not been arrested (though he should be court martialed for treason).

Nobody has been arrested.

Use your logical faculties.

Joe Biden is not a clone.

It’s the same dumb motherfucker.

Just with a shit-ton of plastic surgery to make him look younger and more electable.

What America needs right now is to have its swollen-shut eye cut open by Occam’s razor.

Ok, let’s follow the dipshit logic of Real Raw News for a second.

Ok, so Biden is a clone.


Oh, no: wait.

Biden is an actor wearing a mask.

Very implausible.

All White House press conferences are being done at a film-studio replica of the White House in Georgia.

Implausible to the point of being impossible.

What is Occam’s razor?

The simplest answer is usually right.

In other words, Hillary Clinton is not deceased.

She is not being played by an actor in a mask.

Each time this Real Raw News-esque grand horseshit conspiracy adds another wrinkle, it becomes exponentially less-plausible.

Fauci’s been arrested.


Bill Clinton is deceased.


There’s a factory in Alaska that makes clones of political leaders.

Very unlikely.

The entire American government has been replaced by clones.

And/or actors in masks.



The U.S. military has everything under control.

Definitely not.

If you believe any of this, you are the target audience of this information operation.

To reiterate, just as in the QAnon information operation, the overarching goal is to make you SIT BACK and DO NOTHING.


You felt included for awhile.

But Q disappeared.

Because Q was bullshit.

And now, in place of the quite-sophisticated Q info op, we have the hamfisted Real Raw News info op (for lack of a better name).

The tune is the same.

Trump is still the President.

Gimme a fucking break.

Trump SHOULD be the President, but he is not.

Because the 2020 election was stolen.

And much of the 2022 midterms was also stolen.

Particularly in Arizona.

What is happening right now in America is a color revolution.

What is happening to Trump is the same sort of thing that happened to Imran Khan in Pakistan and is happening to Bolsonaro in Brazil.

It is fascism coming in from the LEFT.

It is communism.


Trump has told you this.


But you don’t hear.

Because you prefer to believe the superhero movie version that Trump is secretly in charge of everything.

That he’s in control of everyting.

That he can “come back” at any time.

Yeah, no.

America is getting steamrolled.

The first step in fixing things is GETTING AN ACCURATE SITUATION REPORT.

Stop listening to the X-22 bullshit.

No more coddling the numbnuts.

Let’s go, General Flynn.

Be the realist that I know you are.


They trust you.

There is no more time to fear alienating people by popping their QAnon bubble.

Pop that fucker!



Rambo: Last Blood [2019)

Here is the jewel in the crown of the Rambo franchise.


This is the best Rambo film.

Just as Casino Royale (2006) is the best Bond film.

And it’s an appropriate reference…because Rambo: Last Blood is equal parts Sicario and Skyfall.

Sure, First Blood can never really be topped.

Hell, Rambo III is an amazing movie!

But to mix franchises again, Dr. No can never be topped.

And yet, every franchise has a best film.

And for Sylvester Stallone’s Rambo franchise, this is the one.


It’s all about the knife.


Human trafficking.

Sex trafficking.

Slave labor.

Forced prostitution.


Stallone’s acting is amazing in this film.

He has honed his craft.

He is untouchable here.

Completely authentic.

A master of understatement.

Small movements.

Subtle intonations.


Driver’s license.

I think they throw it back on him.

Such a taut film.

One detail only with slack.

A little bit of The Punisher.

All he needs is a hammer.

Green Beret.

Sadness of time invested.

Sadness of family lost.

Sadness of best friend gone.

The acting.

Scene with Paz Vega.

True, raw emotion.

Samuel Fuller would have respected.

And loved it.

Setting a trap.

Mother Of All Traps.



Side of beef.

Memorial Day.

With General Flynn.

Michael Flynn.

May we prove to be worthy of their sacrifice.

My colonel may be long gone.

Reporting to flag officer.

You are watching a movie.

This film is a masterpiece.


Rambo [2008)


For three years I was engaged.

I thought maybe the message didn’t get through.

Then I found a verbal device.

A fingerprint.

To check if my message had been received.

And read.

To my satisfaction, the level of certainty is high.

That I love someone.

And they no longer love me.

Color revolution.



The truth about Aung San Suu Kyi (ASSK).

2008 about mask Karens.

No Rohingya.


Propaganda can still be artful.

Godard knew this as a youth under the tutelage of Langlois at the Cinèmathèque Française.

She wants to believe I stole her time.

I would gladly apologize.

For not being ready.

I was never ready.

Won’t be.

But she stole my innocence.

And retains it.

More tangible.

With no offer to return it.

They weren’t outnumbered.

They just didn’t want to risk giving away their presence.

Because they were not of a single mind.

To act or not act.

They would perform reconnaissance in a mostly perfunctory fashion.

Nothing much risked.

Just go have a look.

“Well, we’re outnumbered.  Time to head home.”

A gesture of “trying” for having taken missionary money.

MOAB.  (21,000 lb)

Tallboy. (12,000 lb)


Tallboy Torpex D1.


MOAB (18,700 lb).

Tallboy (5,200 lb).


Tallboy Torpex equivalent to 3,600 lb TNT.

MOAB equivalent to 11,000 lb TNT.

Largest uranium deposit in the U.S. 1952.

Moab, Utah.

Like Grants, New Mexico.

Jeffrey City, Wyoming.

Uravan, Colorado.

Edgemont, South Dakota.

Atomic City, Idaho.

[Idaho National Laboratory]

17 labs.

16 federally funded.

Q clearance.

Lawrence Berkeley.


Oak Ridge.





Ames strain was a mislabeled specimen.

Actually from Texas.

Vollum Iraq.

Live-spore vaccines dangerous to humans.

Protective-antigen vaccine option.

No human vaccine against Ames.

Protective-antigen anthrax vaccines ineffective.


Polymerase chain reaction.


People’s Republic of China.


Reverse transcription.

J.S. Bach.


Kary Mullis credited with polymerase chain reaction (1983).

Kary Mullis died August 7, 2019.

PCR invention did not make up for his girlfriend breaking up with him.

PCR bought by Roche Molecular Systems ($300 million).

Roche Diagnostics.

Rotkreuz, Switzerland.

Red cross.

Klaus Schwab.

World Economic Forum.

Geneva, Switzerland.


Kissinger student.

Dr. Francis Boyle.

Mullis friend killed by strep.

Hoffman-La Roche v. Promega Corporation.

PCR patent unenforceable.

Mullis labeled “AIDS denialist” because he was unable to find a peer-reviewed reference that HIV was the cause of AIDS.

Keep in mind that Mullis was a Nobel Prize-winning chemist (1993).

He published his alternative theory of AIDS the following year.

Get this.

The 1993 winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was then called a “pseudoscientist” because he had a different view on HIV/AIDS.

Strange, eh?

What would Mulllis have made of COVID-19 had he not died a mere six months before the pandemic broke out?

Mullis’ basic view:  there are different varieties of AIDS.

Mullis was 74 when he died of pneumonia.

Sixth months later, many people were dying of pneumonia.

And they were being categorized as having COVID-19 based on the technology he invented:  PCR.


Cold Spring Harbor.

Princeton Plasma Physics.

Stanford Linear Accelerator.

Iron ink palimpsest.

Rubbed off.

Still readable.

By way of radiation.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.






Large Hadron Collider.


From their own website.

When was the first time a Chinese head of state attended a WEF meeting in Davos?


Why was WEF observer status for ECOSOC revoked in 2012?

WEF’s President is on the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg meetings.

So is Stacey Abrams.

So is Eric Schmidt.

Also on the Bilderberg Steering Committee is Mark Carney of Canada.

He sits on the WEF Board of Trustees (which is chaired by Klaus Schwab).

Al Gore on WEF Board.

Queen Rania of Jordan on WEF Board [Podesta].

Rafael Reif on WEF Board.

Ask Pieczenik about this guy.


David Rubenstein on WEF Board.

Co-founder/co-executive chairman of Carlyle Group.

Dominion Voting Systems.

WEF Board member Zhu Min.

And Jack Ma.

And Yo-Yo Ma.


Zhu Min Johns Hopkins.


Davos 2020.

Greta Thunberg.

Ren Zhengfei (Huawei).

George Soros.

And, yes, Donald Trump.


“Summer Davos” was started by WEF in China in 2007.


The big conference is happening in Singapore this August?

Not Davos?

CEPI launched the day before Trump was inaugurated in 2017.

Gates.  Vaccines.

January 19, 2017.

Still believe in coincidences?

Same players as Event 201.

That last-second dress rehearsal.








It’s necessary to understand exactly how Avril Haines was promoted to her CIA position (by John Brennan) and what position she was rewarded (?) with soon after Biden took office (Director ODNI [head of entire American intelligence apparatus]).

CEPI and Moderna were working on a vaccine when there were only 600 cases and 26 deaths worldwide from COVID-19.

CEPI (funded by those lovebirds, Bill and Melinda Gates) and Moderna were already in partnership as of January 24, 2020.

“The Great Reset” was to be the theme of the January 2021 Davos WEF meeting.

That same theme will hold for August 2021 in Singapore.

Samuel P. Huntington.



Klaus Schwab.

Francis Boyle*.

“Davos Man”.

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator.

Cancelled yet?

Jefferson Lab.

Los Alamos.

J. Robert Oppenheimer.



July 16.

Vaccine distribution infrastructure.

Wen Ho Lee.

Judge apologized for incarcerating.


New Mexico.





United States bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade.

May 7.


The only bombing in the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia which was directed by the CIA.

George Tenet remained through 9/11/01.

Looks like it was no accident.

The CIA “mishap”.

To start a war?

Clinton apologized.


Tenet continued with Bush.




National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Golden, Colorado.

Savannah River.

South Carolina.

National Energy Technology Laboratory.


West Virginia.


Ames check.

Argonne check.

Brookhaven check.

Fermilab check.

Idaho check.

Berkeley check.

Livermore check.

Los Alamos check.

NREL check.

Oak Ridge check.

PNNL check.

PPPL check.

Sandia check.

SRNL check.

SLAC check.

TJNAF check.

NETL not federally funded?!?

Bettis Atomic Power Lab.


Knolls Atomic Power Lab.

New York.

New Brunswick Lab.








Uranium City, Saskatchewan.

Elliot Lake, Ontario.

Julie Benz.

Was not impressed.



First Blood [1982)

The war is here.

Good vs. evil.

Patriots vs. traitors.

To fight overseas for free and fair elections.

Only to lose them in your own land.

To fight communism abroad.

Only to see it ascend to the highest levels at home.

Law enforcement officers are usually good.

But sometimes they are not.

Like Comey.

Like McCabe.

Like Strzok.

Attacked our boy from Bragg.


We did not fight abroad to be steamrolled in our own country.

You can only push people so far.

Before they fight back.

On the information battle field.


This is my jungle.

I have survived for over 20 years.

The close relationship between psychological warfare and information warfare.

Where are our friends?

Where are the defenders of the Constitution?

Where is justice?

The United States is overseen by one big small-town, corrupt police force:

the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

There are many good agents there.

In places like Albany, St. Louis, Buffalo, Pittsburgh…

Good agents in Cleveland and Cincinnati.

Good agents in Minneapolis.

But there are no more Ted Gundersons.

And in justice, there are no more Jim Garrisons.

There are only pricks like Rod Rosenstein.


Where’s my 82?

Where’s my 101?

Why is Chris Miller such an abomination?

No wonder he was so cozy with Mike Pence.

Pence:  the gay pedo (according to the whistleblower link above).

And the President, Joe Biden, also a child-abusing pedophile.

Same document.

The whistleblower.

Ryan Dark White.

Read it.

150 pages.

Biden abusing kids in Delaware.

In houses owned by Federal judge Emmet Sullivan.

Who went after our boy from Bragg.

For four years.

So now we regroup.

Opus 1.

Harvard.  Kissinger.  Cornell.  Fauci.  MIT.  CFR.  RAND.

China Russia Iran.

Israel desperate to stop Tehran’s nuke program.

Biden set to appease the Ayatollahs.

For the next four years.

At least.

Israel can’t wait that long.

Taiwan in peril.

Ukraine as good as annexed.

All because Biden couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

Calling Putin a “killer” was his worst gaffe of all.

And taking Chinese money means the Chinese know.

He will do nothing when they take Taiwan.

But Iran is perhaps even more troubling.

Because the U.S. Fifth Fleet is headquartered in Qatar.

If there is not close coordination between Israel and the U.S., American troops are in imminent danger.

Biden has brought the world to the brink of a three-front war.

I will not give up.

China’s bio attack (COVID19) followed by a second bio attack in the form of vaccines:

Apple is part of a tech cartel which includes Facebook (Instagram), Twitter, Alphabet (Google [YouTube]), and Amazon Web Services.

Might as well throw Cloudflare into that mix.

These are all deeply anti-American companies in violation of EO13848 and thus subject to 18USC2381.

RICO route appropriate.

Layman’s explanation of bio attack phase two (Gates/Fauci/Soros/World Economic Forum/CIA/Avril Haines/John Brennan):

It’s the vaccines.

And what the vaccines will be setting you up for.



Our boy from Bragg is awake.




The vaccines are poison.

Medicine needed to counteract vaccines.

Two bio attacks and a cyber attack (stolen election).

China and domestic enemies (traitors [18USC2381]).

Vaccine CANNOT be mandated for military.


Contrary to international law used to prosecute and execute Nazi war criminal doctors.

Prison camp guards (those who administer) will not be excused for “just following orders”.

Where are our fighting men and women?

We cannot have a pedophile President (those frequent trips to Delaware) who is simultaneously beholden to China, Ukraine, and Iran.

Wajda negotiated the canal.


Given to the Chinese.

Now is the time.

It will not come again.

Indictments diversion for Saudi arrests.

Cyber can make you go dark.

Diversion to approach.

Isaiah 6:8

Send me.


Stallone is excellent here.

I once stood next to Sly.

It was my privilege to be in one of his films.

We now see Sidney Powell.

Killer elite.


Chuck Norris vs Communism [2015)

Dear Ilinca Călugăreanu,

You have made a beautiful film.

Which the world needed to see.

And the title made me think it would be imperialist propaganda directed at North Korea.

But I could not have been more wrong.

Because Romania has touched my heart so many times.

And so I am glad to add another name to the list of auteurs.

Cristi Puiu, Corneliu Porumboiu, Cătălin Mitulescu, Cristian Mungiu…

And now Ilinca Călugăreanu.

Yes, it is only right that a young female director should bring us this story.

This documentary.

Ms. Călugăreanu, born in 1981.

Because this film is very much about the 1980s.



And the situation in Romania.

Chuck Norris is merely a placeholder.

A meme which has undergone a certain détournement.

But there is no substitute for communism in this tale.

Perhaps, authoritarianism.

You see…

if you tell people to do one thing…and you’re really heavy-handed about it,

they will almost certainly do the opposite.

At some point.

And Ms. Călugăreanu’s very persuasive hypothesis is that videocassettes brought down the Ceaușescu regime.

And so there is very little way around this impasse without talking political economy.

First, let us address the very astute current Russian minister of culture Vladimir Medinsky.

The esteemed Mr. Medinsky has famously (?) called Netflix “U.S. government…mind control”.

Or at least that’s how The Washington Times (who needs the Post?) framed it.

But let’s investigate.

Let’s have Mr. Medinsky’s words and not just a CliffsNotes, elevator-pitch summation of them.

He says [translated],

“And, what, you thought these gigantic startups emerge by themselves? One schoolboy sat down, thought for a bit, and then billions of dollars rained down from above?”

That is pursuant to the funding which helped birth Netflix (and, presumably, other American companies with what Mr. Medinsky feels is a global, insidious reach).

He continues [translated],

“It turns out that that our ideological friends [the U.S. government] understand perfectly well that this is the art form that is the most important…”

Ahh, cinema…

And Vladimir Lenin himself knew it!

Mr. Medinsky then seems to evoke the Leonard Cohen of “Tower of Song” when he says [translated],

“They understand how to enter everyone’s homes by getting into every television with the help of Netflix…”

Leonard Cohen (God rest his soul) said it thus:

“Now you can say that I’ve grown bitter but of this you may be sure
The rich have got their channels in the bedrooms of the poor.”


What a lyric!!

And that was in 1988!!!

So our director, Ilinca Călugăreanu, knows that of which she speaks.

Because the grip of Ceaușescu was beginning to slip.

But let’s give Mr. Medinsky one more say [translated],

“And through this television, [they get into] the heads of everyone on Earth. But [Russians] don’t grasp this.”


Now why was Mr. Medinsky so upset?

Well, because Netflix undertook a vast expansion this past summer.

Indeed, the article from which I’m pirating these quotes (yes, translations are intellectual property) dates from June 23, 2016.

The same article notes pointedly that Netflix’s expansion into Russia, plus a vast number of new territories, means that the streaming service is now available in 190 countries worldwide.

Wait a minute…

How many countries are there, you might ask?  196.  Or 195.

Poor Taiwan, they just can’t catch a break.

So then you might say, well…what the fuck?!?

What countries is Netflix NOT in???

It appears those countries are China, North Korea, Syria, and…Crimea?

Suffice it to say, the international “community” is not unanimous in their appraisal of Crimean statehood.

Is it part of Russia?

Is it part of Ukraine?

What do the words Republic of Crimea even mean if its not an independent country?

Which brings up the specter of “frozen conflict zones”.

I’m guessing that Netflix might be unavailable in Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia, and Transnistria.

But I digress…

Because we are on to more specific matters.

There are at least two major ways in which Americans can view the Romanian communist period as it has been depicted in motion pictures.

First, Americans can sympathize with the repression of the Romanian people.

Any doubters should do a little digging on the PATRIOT Act.

Indeed, the psychosis of surveillance (which is mentioned in Chuck Norris vs Communism) could not field a more forbidding bogeyman than the National Security Agency.

And so, dear peoples of the world, would you feel more or less safe living in the same country in which the NSA is headquartered?


Second, Americans could extrapolate Ms. Călugăreanu’s hypothesis to mean that countries such as China will eventually implode as a result of the fulminating combination of repression and technology (even, perhaps, with a starring role for entertainment).

All of that is to say that movies COULD bring down China or North Korea or even Iran.

[Notice the non-Netflix countries…Syria is without, but apparently Iran does have the service.]

Which is to ultimately say, Mr. Medinsky’s fear is completely warranted.

What is at stake in Russia?

The fall of Putin.

A sea change in leadership.

And I will be quite frank.

There is no doubt that Netflix’s catalog is heavily biased towards globalist propaganda.

One of the most glaring areas is India.

I can’t tell you how many watery, transparent premises there are on Netflix which are some permutation of a young person rebelling against a repressive culture.

It’s almost like they’re churning these formulaic films out in a factory.

Boy marries girl from lower caste.  Mayhem follows.

Girl goes to human rights court.  Happily ever after…

Boy rebels against father’s traditional ways [read:  religion].

I mean, at a certain point it’s just pathetic.

But we must hand it to Netflix for some (SOME) of their selections.

Actually, I have found a good many gems on the site.

But it is a very biased (and historically-uninformed collection).

In general, history doesn’t exist for Netflix.

Unless that history is the Holocaust.

Then, of course, there are a plethora of scenarios to “inform” you about the Nazis.

Make no mistake (my best Obama voice), the Nazis were bad.

Really bad.

But do we need 10 fucking films about the Holocaust?

And if Schindler’s List is the zenith of the genre, God help us…

But I digress again…

Chuck Norris vs Communism is a very beautiful film.

It’s about rebellion.

It’s about the little things we do to assert our existence.

And in this case, it’s about a translator (a voiceover dubbing artist) who reached the hearts of innumerable Romanians.

Irina Nistor.

Whether it was Chuck Norris, or Jean-Claude Van Damme, or Sylvester Stallone, Irina’s voice made the dialogue come alive in Romanian.

But it was a subversive activity.

“Imperialist” films were not allowed in Romania.

But Romania was falling apart.

To take the interviewees of our documentary at their word, their lives sucked…without “video” night.

But we must be clear.

Everything (EVERYTHING) about this enterprise was illegal in Romania.

First, the videos had to be smuggled across the border.

Then they had to be copied and dubbed (voiceover).

Then they had to be distributed.

Then some brave schmucks took the risk of screening these films on their TV sets (for a few lei, of course).

But it was dangerous business.

Especially if you were the kingpin.

So it is then strange to meet this kingpin of video piracy face to face.


Not the guy with the panpipes.

No, this was Teodor Zamfir.

Made a pretty penny.

But the fascinating thing (by Călugăreanu’s hypothesis) is that he completely changed Romanian culture.

The seeds of revolution were sown by Dirty Dancing, Last Tango in Paris, The King of Comedy

And especially by the action films.

Rocky, Rambo, Lone Wolf McQuade…

And so, if you want to piss off a communist (or socialist, or whatever they’re going by these days), you can go with the familiar tack,

“Didn’t they already try that?  Wasn’t it an immense failure?”

I don’t know.

But I don’t doubt the faces of those who lived through Ceaușescu.

No national cinema has been nearly as effective as the Romanian in communicating to the West just what life under communism was like.

And so Romania becomes our lens into the Soviet Union and its satellite states.

I know there are Russians who fondly remember communism.

Let’s be clear:  capitalism can also suck.

Change and upheaval can be deadly.

They say, “Watch the price of eggs” (to demonstrate how a free market dictates prices).

But we see a very similar discontent in the Middle East.

Is this democracy?

Fuck this!

Yes, America has made some mistakes.

And so we should watch everything with a critical eye.

Be your own critic.

Be like Emerson.

Be bold.

And then double back.


Live by palimpsest.

Because you are the ultimate philosopher.

For your life.

I can’t tell you.

And you can’t tell me.

We have to learn.

It must be the right time.

To receive a particular lesson.

I draw courage from Irina Margareta Nistor.

But most of all, I draw courage from the Romanian people.

Perhaps my country’s Hollywood crap (the stuff I took for granted) was just the stuff necessary in the dark times.

Entertainment.  Ass kicking.  Escape.

But the Romanian cinema of today inspires me beyond words.

And so let us remember, whether we are capitalists or socialists, the price paid by the people of Romania in December 1989.

Was it 1,100 people?

11,000 people?

110,000 people?

It’s troubling that nobody knows for sure.

But even if it was a thousand people.

They didn’t just get trampled by goats or run over by garbage trucks.

It wasn’t a bloodless revolution.

At least 1000 people.

They saw their moment.

They seized on a moment.

They capitalized on their opportunity.

There was something which impelled them not to just sit at home and listen.

I salute these brave souls who went out into the streets.

For a thousand people to have died, it seems rather inconceivable that there wasn’t an attempt made by the government to “restore order”.

That’s the line which can’t be crossed.

That’s when a government has lost its legitimacy.

Some stories are twisted.

And full-blown civil wars do erupt.

But it appears, in the end, that repression lost.

And repression, censorship, and heavy-handed tactics (whether adopted by socialists or capitalists) should, by historical lesson, be most strictly avoided.

It is human nature.

The people will not tolerate being treated like livestock.

And something as seemingly inconsequential as VHS tapes can tip the balance.


Rocky [1976)

Here we have a great film.

From an actor with whom I was so lucky as to work on one occasion.

Sylvester Stallone.

It was an honor.

And yet, I didn’t really get it.

That this movie, Rocky, was so central to the American dream.

But it’s more than that.

It’s the backdrop of Philadelphia.

The streets.

The eggs.

The meat.

The iron gates you gotta kick open.

And the screenless door you gotta reach around.

It’s the machete stuck in the wall.

And the black leather jacket to hang over the handle.

The knife stabbed into the wall.

And the black fedora that hangs on it.

But most of all it is Talia Shire.

To offset the brutality of boxing.

A shy soul.

In kitty cat glasses.

It’s the pet store.

The failed jokes.

The parakeets like flying candy.

And Butkus the dog.

You know, I don’t hear so well…because I got punched too many times…taking my best shot at music.

And so I’m a bum…but I got into the arena for a good 15 years.

And those final four…when I was a contender.

When I met Sylvester Stallone.

I was standing next to greatness.

A great actor.  A great figure in film history.

We are taught to denigrate our American movies.

That they could never be as good as the French.

But the American films inspired the French.

It was Truffaut and company took Hitchcock from novelty to pantheon.

But it’s shy Talia.

Telling a story.  A real love.

Getting up in years.  And maybe she’s retarded.

Maybe he’s dumb.

But to him she’s the prettiest star.

And he perseveres.

However many rounds it takes.

Because fate has called him to one woman.

Why does he fight, she asks.

It’s a big obstacle.

For Rocky and Adrian to overcome the awkwardness of their collective insecurities.

For them to communicate.

But it’s such a beautiful story.

Pithy.  Gritty.

When Pauly throws the Thanksgiving turkey out into the alley.

It’s dysfunction.  Dysfunction everywhere.

Abusive meat packing desperation.

Always an ass pocket full of whiskey.

And just a favor to the loan shark.

I can break thumbs.

But you don’t wanna do that.

The protector.

In the world of crime, but not of the world of crime.

Poor, simple icebox.  Some cupcakes.

Never enough beer.  Anywhere.

And the genius of spectacle comes along.

Carl Weathers.  Like Clyde Drexler.

Reading The Wall Street Journal.

Like Trump…thinking big…and juxtaposing entities.

To speak to the sentimental.  Sentimental.

Because you don’t wanna be known as a whore.

It’s that reputation.  A hard lesson.

Big brother to a little sister.

You don’t wanna smoke.

Make yer teeth yellow.

Breath rotten.

But you gotta work.

To stay in this game.

Train.  Train.  Train.

And maybe you get one shot.

It all comes down to this.

Burgess Meredith like Rod Marinelli.

The wisdom of hard knock cracks.

But we like ice skating.

$10 for ten minutes.

A date.

A tip.

When you give life back to a prisoner of home.

When you give love to a lonely fighter.


Rough around the edges.

Desperation of poverty Pauly.

Makes us all a little crazy to be so trapped economically.

But God has called you to greatness.

And will you answer that call?

Can you imagine the career?

Is anything at all clear?

We only know tenacity.

Fighting till the very end.

Hospital and next day Pentagon basement.

Be an expert for your country.

So many skills needed for a nation to flourish.


Go the distance is not just Field of Dreams (another great sporting film).

Going the distance.  Till the very end.  Tour of duty.

God, please get me back home.

We’re so close now.

You’ll have to cut me so I can see.

“When you’re lost in the rain in Juarez” and you only want to hear her say “I love you”.

And she you.

You made it.

You lost by decision.  But you proved it to yourself.

That you could go the full fifteen rounds with the best.

The best and brightest.

That you could be the shy, awkward bum to overcome.

Don’t say that.

You’re not a bum.

We want.  Need.  That positive reinforcement.

When the whole world tells us we’re losers.

You won by keeping going.  Every day.




Bullet to the Head [2012)

I’m in this one.  Just had to get that out of the way up front. 

For some reason I didn’t expect this film to be particularly great, but it is surprisingly awesome.  Credit director Walter Hill with coaxing an excellent performance out of the singularly talented Sylvester Stallone. 

My biggest beef with this flick is the editing.  It seems someone in the corporate hierarchy wanted the whole thing to resemble CSI:  Miami.  Not exactly my notion of cinema.  I suppose it was an effort to relate to audiences who live for their favorite TV shows.  Television mise-en-scène these days is generally deplorable…revolting…you get the picture. 

Aside from that one concession, this is a thoroughly enjoyable film.  Sure, Sung Kang is pretty stiff here and there in the delivery of his lines, but his character is generally an automaton anyway (until his redeeming moment near film’s end). 

Sarah Shahi is fantastic as Stallone’s daughter.  Stallone is excellent and droll throughout…like Charles Bronson or Humphrey Bogart.  His performance really is an astounding feat for someone his age. 

In closing, don’t expect a nouvelle vague masterpiece here.  You will be sorely disappointed.  But if you watch this with an open mind you might just end up agreeing with me that Walter Hill (like Guy Hamilton) is an overlooked auteur.