The Equalizer [2014)

Transmission received.

Obama Presidency.

Half mark.

Rumblings of military coup.

Possible Defense Intelligence Agency PSYOP.

Prefiguring QAnon.

A continuation.

Provenance not revealed till 2018.

Those most responsible for the fall of America.

  1. Mark Zuckerberg
  2. Sundar Pichai
  3. Susan Wojcicki
  4. Zuckerberg
  5. Liang Rubo
  6. Xi Jinping
  7. Zuckerberg
  8. Wu Hai
  9. Liu Yunli
  10. Pony Ma
  11. Steven Newhouse
  12. Donald Newhouse
  13. Elon Musk
  14. Bill Gates
  15. Robin Li
  16. Jeff Bezos
  17. Narendra Modi
  18. Vladimir Kiriyenko
  19. Vladimir Putin
  20. Zuckerberg
  21. Donald Trump

Denzel Washington is the best male actor to ever set foot in front of a motion picture camera.

Harvard and MIT.


John Grayken?

Follow the money.

Steve Tisch?

Todd Black?

Find Boston.

Find Dallas twice.

Clapper thrice.


Trump massive failure on COVID vaccines.

Trump massive failure on Gaza/Israel.

It pains me to include Putin, Xi, and Modi on that list.

Far from exhaustive.

Not airtight.

58% America was its own undoing.

25% a Chinese operation.

17% shared by the rest of the world (with Russian and Indian contributions being notably egregious).

Who curtailed CIA hegemony in Hollywood after Safe House (2012)?

Home Depot.

Progress, not perfection.



24 hours.

Nighthawks (Hopper).

Closest thing he had to a friend.

RFK Jr.–massive success on vaccines, massive failure on Israel

Michael Flynn–massive success on vaccines, massive failure on Israel (took six figures to consult for which company?)

Cornel West–massive success on Israel, massive failure on vaccines

Joe Biden–massive failure on vaccines, massive failure on Israel

Donald Trump–massive failure on vaccines, massive failure on Israel

So why doesn’t Biden make the list at the top?

Because he’s inconsequential.

A puppet.

But there’s more.

He only coerced.

Those on the list made decisions.

They all had a choice.

They all made essentially the same decision.

The wrong decision.

For America.

For Americans.

All on that list consigned America to failure.

In a very specific way.

Not too hard to figure out.

Some brought America to its knees more than did others 

Some did it in other ways.

Biden did it in other ways.

He can be on another list.

A worthless President.

All things considered, RFK Jr. is the best option for U.S. President in 2024.

Cornel West is the second-best option.

All things considered, Michael Flynn is a good man.

Trump has done immense good.

But the sobering fact is that the harm he has done (do no harm) has outweighed that good.

Do the right thing.

Do something about it, Trump.

You have a choice.

Apologize regarding the vaccines.

Tell the truth.

And stop being a moron on Israel.

Moron on vaccines–moron on Israel.

In such situation, give me RFK Jr.

Or even Cornel West.

But give me Trump before you give me Biden.

Nothing worse than Biden.

No redeeming qualities.

Old man gotta be the old man.

Fish gotta be the fish.

Special talent for reading license plates.


Connect Cofer Black (CIA) to Mitt Romney.

Now connect to Burisma.

Putin has done immense good…and very little harm.

I think more at fault is Vladimir Kiriyenko or his predecessor.

In spite of everything, I believe Xi Jinping to be a truly honorable man.

Like Putin, he has done immense good…much more good than bad.

The real problem, then, is Liang Rubo.

Likewise, I believe Narendra Modi to be a truly honorable man.

More likely at fault is Virendra Gupta and/or Umang Bedi.

And don’t forget about fake fuck Chris Pavlovski and shitnose Devin Nunes.

They deserve to be on that list more than Trump does.

But no one has done worse on vaccines and Israel than Trump.

Then again, perhaps the first list need not even exist.

It could just be replaced with the name Joe Biden.

But Trump has not done the right thing.

His window in which to change course is closing.

Trump loves his COVID vaccines.

Trump loves the IDF and Netanyahu (who fucked him over at least as fast as did Boris Johnson).

Stay cool.

Be a cucumber.

In a factory of pickles.

Do not become.

Stay cucumber.

16 seconds.  4 seconds per man.

So-called men.


Surprise.  Kill.  Vanish.

A bit rusty.

Minus 9.

Still 3 slow.

Marker A:  3:22’08

The absolutely indispensable acting performance of Marton Csokas.

We who?

We who?

Investigate Tony Schaffer for being a good person.

Suspected of being on the side of good and right.

Yet still so much bullshit about 9/11.

Hijack the hijackers.

Investigate Ezra Cohen.

AKA Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

[intern for Joe Biden in high school]

Minimum age for Defense Clandestine Service?


Squelched to save.

You don’t know your own power.

We saved your life.

Know your enemy.

Know yourself.

Home field advantage.

Weapons of opportunity.

Antoine Fuqua best director working–tied with Edgar Wright.

It’s even.

Fuqua more damage with less punches.

But a bit of a moron when it comes to voting in Georgia.

JFK 1961.




Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987]

Sidney Powell knows the truth about the COVID vaccines.

She has spread the word about these toxic killers.

Donald Trump denies and suppresses the truth about the COVID vaccines.

His COVID vaccines.

Which is the bad guy?

Barack Obama is right about Palestine and Israel.

Donald Trump kissed Israel’s ass for four years.

They fucked him over.

Trump briefly lashed out at Netanyahu.

Only to continue kissing Israel’s ass up through current events.

Which is the bad guy?

Joe Biden consistently brings the world closer and closer to nuclear war.

Not least with his actions in Ukraine.

Donald Trump consistently moved the world further away from nuclear war during his four years as President.

With one vital foul-up.


The missile attack.

It was an early mistake in Trump’s Presidency.

It almost cost him his base.

Which is the bad guy?

The U.S. still has troops INSIDE Syria.

They were just attacked by drones.

Why does the U.S. have troops inside of Syria?

The United States government is a failure.

The pinnacle of hypocrisy.

Compared to illiterate, enfeebled Joe Biden, Donald Trump is a genius.

But go read RFK Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Fauci.

Compared to RFK Jr., Donald Trump is drooling moron.

The United States military has abandoned the United States populace.


By allowing a digital coup.

Who runs the USA?

A. Google (YouTube [Alphabet Inc.])

B. Facebook (Instagram [Meta])–Zuckerberg

C. Twitter (Tesla [Space X])–Elon Musk

D. Truth Social (Donald Trump)

E. Rumble (Canada)

The only bastion of freedom in the United States (oh, the irony!) is Tik Tok.

Tik Tok is not perfect.

But it is kind of like Russian news.

Tik Tok is a million times better than any U.S. social media companies.

A-E all censor heavily (including yours truly).

Tik Tok allows me a voice.

I don’t always pass the “social credit” test.

But at least I get a chance.

YouTube Music gives me no chance.

Twitter (X) gives me no chance.

Truth Social gives me no chance.

Rumble gives me so little chance as to be worthless.

I would recommend

Also available as an app.

Except there’s no one there.

So I would, instead, recommend Tik Tok.

Kiss China’s ass heartily.

The U.S. military has allowed this situation to transpire.

Donald Trump allowed this situation to transpire.

Joe Biden continues to allow this situation to prevail.

America is a failed country.

Russian news isn’t perfect.

But it is gospel truth compared to American mainstream news.

In the end, Superman ushered in mindless superhero movies.

This film is the template for the current state of American cinema.

Which is to say, absolute horseshit.


Superman III [1983)

We all battle ourselves.


Vs. self-love.

Pride vs. self-respect.

A subtle distinction there.

Alcoholism vs. sobriety.

Destructive evil vs. creative good.

But evil itself is created.

Man vs. machine.

Man vs. computer.

Sentient computers.

This is a pretty good movie.

Which gets lazy at the end.

But it is well worth watching.

Because it is iconic.

Richard Pryor really makes this one tick.

Sure, some of the comedy is goofy.

But I also gotta hand it to Christopher Reeve.

He really tapped into an impressive DARKNESS here.

Reeve essentially plays three characters in the film:

-nerdy, clumsy Clark Kent (this is impressive because his portrayal of Clark is so consistent)

-noble, honorable Superman (a suave character who always does the right thing)

-pathetic, angry, bitter, spiteful Evil Superman (Superman’s own opposite–spawned by a sort of “splitting” of Superman’s being)

The new aspect in this film is, of course, this dark side to Reeve’s acting.

And he does it well.

In this film, Clark returns to his hometown of Smallville.

Which brings us to Allison Mack.

And the New York sex cult NXIVM.

Amazingly, Lois Lane doesn’t get abducted in the Bermuda Triangle.

Which brings us to East Palestine.

And a fictional substance called beltric acid.

Which brings us to the Chinese “Belt & Road Initiative”.

The pants in poor countries are always falling down.

Because too skinny.

Hence need belt.

Hey, you can talk shit about the People’s Republic of China, but I got one word for you:  TikTok.


YouTube Music (owned by Google [aka Alphabet Inc.]) BANNED all of my music.


Pauly Deathwish.

They REMOVED about 700 of my original songs.

And have refused delivery of about 300 more.

It all started with my anti-vaccine song “Crimes Against Humanity”.

From there, YouTube banned every song I have ever put out under my stage name Pauly Deathwish.

That includes simple love songs (what could possibly be questionable about those?).

Where is YouTube/Google/Alphabet headquartered?

YouTube is an American company HQed in San Bruno, California.

Google is an American company HQed in Mountain View, California.

Alphabet is an American company HQed in Mountain View, California.

Google (now a subsidiary) and Alphabet (the parent company of Google) are located in the same building (known as Googleplex).

An American company (probably at the urging of the FBI, CDC, or some other federal agency) COMPLETELY stifled my speech.

I am betting that YouTube/Google was merely a proxy for the American government when it came to my music.

Which is a violation of my Constitutional rights.

Anyone wanna take up my case?
It would have to be pro bono as a MOTHERFUCKER.

Cause I don’t make a cent.


Google (the Americans) banned me.

TikTok (the communist, supposedly-authoritarian Chinese) merely removed ONE of my videos.

I was mad about that video being removed.

So mad that I left TikTok.

But I am back on TikTok (pdeathwish).


Well, let me tell you about the other companies which have banned me.

And before I do, take a wild guess as to where they are headquartered.

Next is Truth Social.

That’s right, Donald Trump’s social media company (to the best of my knowledge) BANNED me (and my 81-year-old U.S. Army-vet father) from their platform.



My presumption is because I publicly questioned Trump about his vaccine stance.

Magically, after three days, my account stopped working.

My dad tried to make an account some time later.

I also presume that he was banned because we share an internet connection.

See how that works?

It appears Trump banned MY WHOLE FUCKING FAMILY because I dared to present some facts from the VAERS system on his precious platform.

Now, I should point out.

i SUPPORT Trump in his current legal battles.

I find the political persecution of Trump to be disgusting.

As a disclaimer, I would add that I want to vote for RFK Jr. in 2024.

Indeed, my intention at this point is to vote for Bobby Kennedy.

N.B.  I voted for Trump in both 2016 and 2020.

Where is Truth Social HQed?

Sarasota, Florida.

Truth Social is a subsidiary of Trump Media & Technology Group.

Where is TMTG headquartered?

Palm Beach, Florida.

If we count YouTube/Google/Alphabet as one company and TruthSocial/TMTG as another company, that makes TWO American companies that have banned me.

Meanwhile, the People’s Republic of China and their flagship app TikTok has not banned me.

Far from it!

N.B.  No other major music streaming platform in the world (besides YouTube Music) has removed ANY of my material (to my knowledge).

Moving on.

The next company (guess where this one is from) to deplatfrom me was Elon Musk’s Twitter/X.

That’s right.

Even the dipshit assholes Jack Dorsey and Vijaya Gadde never permanently suspended me.

They did, however, suspend me “accidentally” (I have the email from them where they admit that as the reason) FOR FOUR MONTHS.

What happened during the time that Twitter suspended me for four months?

A.  the 2020 U.S. Presidential election

B.  the Biden inauguration

After Jack and Vijaya admitted they had mistakenly banned my account, I was back in business.

And I had high hopes when Elon took over.

But he banned me.

For “platform manipulation and/or spam”.

It was a very vague, Kafkaesque accusation.

The platform manipulation part is particularly funny to me.

If I was manipulating the platform, then I obviously wasn’t doing a very good job at it.

Why do I say that?

Because my PUBLIC (not set to private) profile [which I had had for five years] had TWO [sic] followers (even though I think I had made 100,000+ tweets).

My followers were:

A.  Dr. Steve Pieczenik MD, PhD

B.  Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn

As for spam, don’t you think one of those two personages would have unfollowed me were I a spammer?

Where is X headquartered?

San Francisco, California.

And it appears to be a subsidiary of X. Corp. (which is also HQed in San Francisco, California).

Taken as one entity, that makes THREE A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N companies which have deplatformed me.

Meanwhile, the Chinese communists accept me.

Enough to let me post.

And my posts are seen.

Well, they get views (anyway).

The PRC has censored me.

But very little in comparison with these three American companies (which totally squashed me).

Why am I whining about this?

Because as an almost-unknown musician, I have very little way to tell the world about my music when major media companies (like YouTube and Twitter) ban me.

The further irony is this:

A.  Trump’s company is called Truth Social.  I came to him with sourced facts from VAERS, CDC, and BMJ.  And my account magically thereafter stopped working.  Permanently.

B.  Musk calls himself a “free speech absolutist”.  If you can’t see the irony of him then banning me for nebulous reasons, I can’t paint a more-clear picture for you

There is one last company I would like to mention.


The ostensible “conservative” competitor to YouTube.

Rumble did not ban me.

But they refused my advertising dollars.

For a very small campaign with which I was trying to promote my music.

Why did they refuse my money?

Because my website (the one you are reading) is not “age appropriate”.

Let me translate that for you–I think they meant “you are not conservative enough”.

Where is Rumble headquartered?

Toronto, Canada.

Ok, so we finally found another country where my music is hated (by a small company).

But is my music hated in communist China?

Not if my access to TikTok is any indication.

I should also point out that Facebook has mercilessly censored me for at least the past five years.

So much so that I gave up on that platform.

One of their subsidiaries, Instagram, has also recently given me trouble.

Not allowing me to do this.  Not allowing me to do that.

But I haven’t had the same issue with TikTok.

Where, by the way, are Facebook and Instagram (subsidiaries of Meta Platforms) headquartered?

Facebook is headquartered in Menlo Park, California.

Instagram is headquartered in Menlo Park, California.

Meta Platforms is headquartered in Menlo Park, California.

Like YouTube/Google/Alphabet, it is essentially one big company.

So there’s another American company suppressing (probably at the urging of various government agencies) my free speech which should be protected from the hand-in-glove fascism of cozy government/corporate-proxy activity.

Who’s gonna take my case?

I’m not holding my breath.

Which brings us back to Evil Superman.

Who dies by strangulation.

Hell, Superman himself almost even suffocates in this movie.

He gets caught in the Wayne Coyne bubble and it gets a bit uncomfortable for a bit.

Bloke can’t breathe.

But fortunately he can shoot laser beams out of his eyes like Jimmy Page.

We get weather modification.

Weather weapons.

Man vs. weather.

Man vs. machine-controlled weather.

Science fiction?

If you don’t wanna be an evil son of a bitch, you gotta watch out for that low-tar kryptonite.

Pryor is great as a three-star general.

Superman hates himself.

Because he has become poisoned.

Something has come over him.

He changes.

For the worse.

Just a slump (says Ricky).

Coming up on an election year, this was roughly the middle of Reagan’s Presidency.

And it was the decade when computing really fell into the hands of plebes like me.

[though I was not a digital native and didn’t really start becoming computer literate until about 1995]

May 1980:  Pac-Mac released in Japan

October 1980:  development of MS-DOS begins in U.S.

January 1982:  the 8-bit Commodore 64 debuts at an electronics show in Las Vegas

August 1982:  Commodore 64, the best-selling computer model of all time, is released

October 1982:  MIDI standard is published

June 1983:  Superman III is released

October 1983:  Microsoft Word is released

This movie really falls apart when Vera becomes a cyborg.

It is utterly-ridiculous.

I’m just an ole chunk of coal.

But I’m gonna be a diamond someday.

Annette O’Toole is the secret weapon of this movie.


Rod Rosenstein and His Dirty Tricks Squad [2021)

This is not James Clapper.

And this film review covers not only the first link (which Lin Wood first posted to Telegram on January 24, 2021), but all other snippets of the same sessions which Lin Wood has posted to date on Telegram.

I admit.

It sounds a hell of a lot like James Clapper.

At first, when I heard of this clip circulating, I thought, “There’s no way in hell that James Clapper is being ‘interrogated.'”

And that is likely true.

Because this isn’t James Clapper.

But as I listened to the Rumble clip (which purports that the voice speaking is that of James Clapper) I started to believe it was (or could be) him.

I will say this:  both Clapper and the voice speaking have very similar audible mannerisms…particularly the vocal cadence they share.

This is what led me on a hunt to find the truth.

My verdict is this:  for one reason or another (whether nefarious or otherwise), someone has misled people to think that these interviews are of James Clapper.

How did they mislead?

Well, first of all, they slyly edited out all clips which have details that would contradict Clapper’s biography.

For good measure, they also sped up the audio (for some inexplicable reason).

If for nefarious purposes, a person or persons may be trying to set the groundwork to undercut the information in the future (by planting the false notion that the messenger was Clapper).

If for productive purposes (in a vein similar to QAnon), shock value may have been used to capture the imagination of the populace and FORCE THEM TO DIG.

Whatever the purpose (and whoever the authors of this deception), it has caused me to dig.

And the information is important.

So I am going to parse it for you in executive summary.

What we almost certainly have here is a federal agent (whistleblower).

Is that Lin Wood interviewing him?

I think not.

Lin’s Georgia accent sounds nothing like the interviewer.

So let’s get down to the facts (and assertions of this whistleblower).

First of all, let’s get our sourcing and timeline straight.

Lin Wood began dropping these video clips on January 19, 2021:  the day before the inauguration.

The first video covers:


Supreme Court Justice Roberts.

Epstein “helped” Roberts with his adopted children.

Children from Wales.

Channeled through Ireland.

Epstein then facilitated adoption.

Children as a commodity.

Compromising people.

“Children are the payment and the dirt and the control.”

The FBI has copies of the videos.

Rod Rosenstein.

Shawn Henry (FBI).

Shaun Bridges (Secret Service).

The second video covers:

Pence and his two lovers (and his younger ones).

Surveillance of Roberts’ children.

The abuse of Roberts’ children.

The children were “loaned out” for these different groups.

And it was surveilled.

Plots to murder judges.

Set up by FBI.


They were going to use a “sovereign citizen” group.

“Obama didn’t want any terrorism unless it was white terrorism.”

FBI had infiltrated and armed and instigated.

Divorced fathers with a grudge against the court system.


Attacks on the Supreme Court.

Roberts was aware.


Automatic weapons.

Rocket launchers.

Lisa Monaco was a target.

Video three covers:

Supreme Court was target.

Homeland Security were overwhelmed.

Called in FBI.

DoJ picked up whistleblower.

Martha Coakley.

Groups to assassinate federal judges:  1/3 of group made up of “sovereign citizen” patsies and 2/3 made up of FBI.

Whistleblower and his wife were going to be killed.

Plan foiled.

Plans written out.


Would have been in the first year of Hillary’s Presidency.

She was not supposed to lose.

Roberts was helping.

He wanted to pick new judges (for those assassinated).

Purpose was to ban firearms and pack Supreme Court.

Antonin Scalia

Video four covers:

Scalia was biggest threat.

Scalia found out about plans and went to White House.

Scalia was taken out.

Cibolo Ranch.

Temp worker.


Group there hunting.



Dimethyl sulfoxide.

Fairly inert chemical.

Mix with poison.

Why found with pillow over face.

Struggling to breathe.

Can be mixed with fentanyl, etc.

Goes directly into skin.

Eric Holder as replacement.

Hillary and Obama knew about it.

Rod has an intense hatred of Hillary.

He’s only fond of himself.

Running The Hammer system through Baltimore.

Which brings us to our title film.

It covers:

how the whistleblower started working directly with Rod Rosenstein in Baltimore.

FBI would come for corroboration.

Undercover nature.


Domestic terrorism.

Whistleblower was fairly well concealed.

Dirty Tricks Squad.


“This is where they were using Hammer, Sunrise, Sunset, things like that.”

To illegally spy on people.

Attempt to corrupt judges.

They concentrated on corrupting people.

Under the guise of a CCIPS (DoJ) operation.

Run out of Fort Washington, Maryland.

[McInerney marker]

Illegally compromise people.

Illegally wiretap.

Break into computers.

Plant, reverse, change information.

Change emails.

Things of that nature.

Judges, Roberts, Pence.

Whistleblower squashed.

Went to DHS.

With pile of evidence.

Made its way back to FBI/DoJ.

Contacted Devin Nunes.

Whistleblower tried to warn Trump about Rod Rosenstein.

Rod, Pence, Paul Ryan.

Core of group.

Rod was “brilliant legal mind”.

Operational name at beginning was Run Silent Run Deep.

[1958 film with Lancaster and Gable about being passed up for promotion]

Pence hated Trump.

Had taken his slot.

Mitt Romney was also involved.

Trump was outsider.

Had not paid dues.

Pence was their mole inside.


Surveillance from way back.

2013 range.

FISA warrants.

Rod wanted VP slot.

Paul Ryan also wanted it.

So did Romney.

Vice Presidential slot under Pence.

With Trump removed under 25th Amendment.


Pence homosexual.

Many adults.

Throughout his time in Congress.

As Governor, felt more free.

One 20 years his junior.

One half his age.

Would introduce others.

Younger and younger people.

15 year olds.

13 year olds.

Rod and Roberts were able to get FISA warrants because.

Younger people supplied by Epstein.

Because Epstein was an intelligence asset.

When he was in USA, FISA warrant used.

FBI would not save the child.

Was more important for them to have the leverage.

Operation directed by Rosenstein.

Dirty Tricks Squad.



Shawn Henry (FBI).

Shaun Wesley Bridges (Secret Service).

Joseph Rosati (DEA).

Al Borshack ? (ATF).

Greg Utz (DEA).

Another group in Fort Washington.

[McInerney marker]

For the real illegal stuff.

Illegal communications, hacking, phone tapping.

Main focus: Federal judges.

Compromising people.

Planting information.

Planting child porn.


100s of cases.

Plead to lesser charge.

Forfeit money.

Percentage skimmed.

Shaun Bridges.

His speciality.

#1 expert on computer forensics.

Secret Service.

Hacked Obama’s BlackBerry for fun.

Hacked Obama daughters’ phones.

A violent person.



All about the money.

Hack people.

Steal info.

Sell intel.

Bridges and Bitcoin.

In prison.

Holds several passports.

Will disappear to Argentina or Colombia.

Al Borshack?



A nasty piece of work.

Illegal gun running for Fast and Furious.

Made sure paperwork stayed clean.

Serial numbers.

Gun dealer.

Lots of disposable money.

Lots of cash.

Lives very well.

Borshack and Rosati both divorce their wives.

As Rosenstein started falling out of favor as DAG.

Paid off house.


Gave wife 600k.

Custom van with road race bikes.

Has watercraft and cars.

Never has a problem finding cash.

Helped supply the firearm for Seth Rich.

Joseph Rosati.


Steroid freak.

Violent, nasty, lying person.

Cases where he added drugs.

Always the cowboy.

Had to swoop in with the big bust.

Sued many times.

Over and over again.

From defendants and agents.

Borshack involved in Seth Rich.

Rosati brought in MS-13.

Rosati also brought in Kevin Doherty?




Jack Burkman.

Borshack and Rosati.


Local version of Fast and Furious.

Like a game to them.

Thought it was funny.

Rosati poisons.

Hot shots.

Pure drugs.

Done to informants.




Pharmacy fraud.

As DEA agent.

Pharmacy inspections once a month.

Short prescriptions.

Massive amounts of opioids.

Laundering pills.

He’s a piece of crap.

Big bodybuilder.

Cousin with same face.

Bank fraud.


Anything for money.

Calling as a phony DEA agent.

Package intercepted.


Drug precursors.

But it you pay a fee, it will never get here.

He was point man for complaints.

If anything came back, it would go to him anyway.

Payphone near work.

Payphone near house.

Burner phone.

People recorded with app.

Real agents shot as a result.

He got his own agents shot.

Maryland mafia.

Conowingo Pizza.


Route 1.


Little Tony.

Big Tony.

New Jersey.

New York.



Rosati’s steady supplier.

Heroin for Baltimore and D.C.

Rosati can give them intelligence.

Rosati is always skimming.

They will sell what he skims.




Shawn Henry (FBI).

He’s just nasty.

Dirty Tricks Squad.


At CrowdStrike now.


John Roberts.

Shawn Henry.


False flag people.

Roberts knew.

Provided FISA warrants.

Roberts provided intelligence.

Sharyl Attkisson.

Next video:

The death of Seth Rich.

Rod Rosenstein.


Seth Rich downloaded a lot of info.

Downloaded everything he could.

DNC, Hillary, Bowser, Brazile…

They were worried.

Rod was worried.

Intended to be a robbery.

Ended up being a murder.


Gang specialist.


Thumb drive switched.

Convincing, but didn’t expose Rod.

Brazile at hospital before Seth Rich was brought in.

They wanted to recover the thumb drive.

Next video:


FBI op.

Ghost Stories.

Heavy surveillance on known Russian assets within the U.S.

Russian Reset.



Cancelled Ghost Stories.


Shaun Bridges was taking money.


Rod put Sean Wesley Bridges in jail.

[Extortion 17 marker…Tik Tok…]

Terre Haute.

That concludes a brief overview of the videos on Lin Wood’s Telegram account which feature the blurry-faced whistleblower.

Judging by his level of detail and familiarity with certain aspects of his testimony (as well as his passion level rising while recounting certain aspects of the Dirty Tricks Squad), I would guess that the whistleblower was a DEA agent.

God bless him.

It’s not Clapper.

Any connection to Coomer?

Tik Tok mystery man.

“Find out who I am.”

Real name?

Not an Extortion 17 casualty.

Court documents re: Shaun Wesley Bridges and Rod Rosenstein?

Any Coomer connection to Fort Washington facility?

Why did McInerney say that Hammer and Scorecard was at Fort Washington?


