Soylent Green [1973)


Almost exactly 50 years ago.

We are now there.

Overpopulation is a myth.

Pollution hysteria was bullshit.

And global warning (aka “climate change”) is a gigantic scam.

A hoax.

But food shortages are hitting us.

China investments in U.S. food supply.

Bill Gates farmland.

Ted Turner landowner.

Georgia Guidestones.

Just before Jimmy Carter left White House.

Joe Biden (Jimmy Carter 2.0).

They want to say Reagan.

Not true.

Reagan was still lucid in year eight…when talking about “we the people”.

Third largest supplier of chicken in America is out of chicken wings.

Canary in a coalmine.

Texas power outage.

San Antonio has one power provider.

Monopoly on market.

No consumer choice.

When the one power supplier went down, the one water supplier also went down.

No power with which to purify water?

Warning sign.

Water supplies hit in Florida and Texas by cyberattacks.

Go back.

Check the news.

No shortage of housing as presented here.

People fleeing New York City.

Because of de Blasio and Cuomo.

Cuomo sacrificed New York’s nursing home population:


They want proof.

They need proof.

Crimes against humanity.

Inflationary crisis.

Part shortage.

Microchip shortage.


Right on schedule.

Percentage of global microchip market supplied by China?

Impact on American carmakers.

Impact (secondary) on average price of used cars in the USA.

Satie’s furniture music.


Interacts with medication.

Book people.

Professional researcher.

Will happen.

Archive offline.

My profession is coming into being.

If I don’t get eliminated before then.

Distinct possibility.

Good odds probability.

Eric Schmidt ocean.

Ghislaine Maxwell ocean.

John Podesta ocean.


Barry Sherman.

William R. Simonson.

Honey Sherman.

Connect the dots…




Plus zinc.



Read the words.


Tony and Heather Podesta.





Food riots.



Soylent Green.

The big secret.

By deduction, no other explanation than nefarious depopulation:

Michael Yeadon.

Former VP (and chief scientist in charge of allergy and respiratory) at Pfizer.

You need proof?

Supply bottlenecks.

Ever Given.

Suez Canal.

Colonial Pipeline.


Chris Krebs.

Most secure pipeline in history.

Fail to provide enough food for the masses, people get angry.

Steal an election, people get angry.

National Guard in D.C.

It was not an armed insurrection.

No weapons confiscated.

No one charged with insurrection.

Molotov cocktails found offsite.

Pipe bombs (which didn’t go off) found at both DNC and RNC headquarters.

Planted by same person (apparently).


Think the George Floyd riots were organic?


New York Governor corrupt.




Yeadon confirms that booster shots for COVID-19 “variants” are completely unnecessary.

And yet certain pharmaceutical companies are pushing them.


COVID-19 not able to trick the blood (immune system [test]) of people who survived ’02-’04 SARS outbreak despite 20% genetic difference in viruses.

Biggest divergence (variant) from Wuhan strain, the much vaunted South African strain, is only 0.03% different.

It is absurd to postulate a need for a booster shot when the above is considered.

Like Frank Olson.

Troubled by the truth.

Fort Detrick.


George Hunter White.



Dosing an unsuspecting employee.



Through window.

Jumped, or thrown?

James Forrestal.



The United Nations would have to hold Gates and Fauci responsible.

The United Nations would have to hold China responsible.

The United States would have to kick the United Nations out of New York City.

Like Herbert Lom.

Strikes again.

Epstein blackmailing scientists.



World Economic Forum.

Klaus Schwab.



Gates Foundation $55 mil. investment in BioNTech in September 2019.

Event 201 in October 2019.

BioNTech NASDAQ IPO ten days before Event 201 in NYC.

CEPI commences operations two days before Trump is inaugurated (January 18, 2017).


Bill Gates.

Who will heed the warning?


Slow Learners [2015)

Megyn Kelly and James Alefantis.

Last night.

The worst interview in the history of journalism.

But to know why it was so bad, you must know the context.


Yes, this is a film review.

Bear with me.

I would like to delineate some slow learners.

First, a group of fake news outlets:

ABC News


The Washington Post

The New York Times

The New Yorker


Mother Jones

Second, a group of censors and their surrogates:



Media Matters *


This suffices to give us a good start.

If you don’t want a heaping pile of BS for news on the subject of pizzagate, try

or (for a great general overview)


The U.S. news media are particularly slow learners.

They assured us that Donald Trump had no chance of being elected President.

Now, they are assuring us that the pedophile ring which has been uncovered by Internet researchers has no chance of being true.

And so Megyn Kelly did a very disgusting thing when she had on a very suspect person (James Alefantis) and verbally genuflected to this man for an entire segment of her vapid “news” show.

If you have an eye for detail, you will have noticed that one of the censorship groups named above (Media Matters) had an asterisk beside it.

That’s became Mr. Alefantis was the lover of David Brock:  founder of Media Matters.


Why did I single out the aforementioned slow learners (fake news & censors) and not other offending entities such as the completely worthless CNN?

Because, the biggest censor of all (Google) is telling us (by way of their search results) that the above-mentioned entities are the most popular in relation to the search term “pizzagate”.

But let us step back a bit.

We who voted for Donald Trump did not believe the vast majority of American media which told us he had no shot at winning.

Indeed, the more savvy among us understood our ostensible roles as targets in a social engineering operation.

That operation (to get Hillary elected) did not work.

And those of us who have been at this for awhile also know that the media shirked its duty on 9/11, Sandy Hook, and many other events which were sold to us as something other than what they were.

And so now the U.S. news media thinks we are dumb enough to not see through their transparent effort to cover up for very legitimate questions about the child trafficking pedophile network at the heart of the pizzagate story.

Furthermore, the U.S. news media thinks it still has power to memory-hole a giant scandal by way of a pathetic puff piece (like the one Megyn Kelly did on James Alefantis).

Two words:  slow learners.

Which brings us to our film.


The slow learners in this film have a personal rather than systemic problem.

They are dorks.

They self-identify as such.

Adam Pally does a nice job as Jeff.

But the real star (in my opinion) is Sarah Burns as Anne.

These two numbnuts are high school teachers.

Well, actually, one is a guidance counselor and the other is a librarian.

But they work at the same high school.

It is a cute story directed by Don Argott and Sheena M. Joyce.

It is a unique movie.

I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a masterpiece, but it’s real (unlike Megyn Kelly and James Alefantis).

Our principal players start off as hopeless rejects in the game of romance.

They start off as friends.

But they morph into monsters.


Ars Technica

NBC News


CNN (finally)

FOX News (can Megyn Kelly…pronto)


The Guardian


The Daily Beast

The Globe and Mail

Huffington Post

USA Today


Those kinds of monsters.

Our protagonists (much like the pedo-protecting Reddit) proceed to censor their own lives.

They censor their old selves.

The world tells them they are not cool enough.

And so they blend in.

They don’t make trouble.

They buy the latest styles.

Pretty soon, there’s nothing left of their souls.

They become thoroughly bankrupt individuals.

As our film is a romantic comedy (albeit an extremely quirky one), I don’t think it’s too much of a spoiler to tell you that it has a happy ending.

But our parallel case (that of the fake news media and their censoring surrogates) may not have such a happy ending.

We’ve seen what was on James Alefantis’ Instagram account.

We know that Megyn Kelly’s softball questions were completely reprehensible considering what might be at stake.

And thus Slow Learners is a cautionary tale for the global news media.

The U.S. news media is the cutting edge of BS.

But the citizens have had enough.

We know about John Podesta (thanks to WikiLeaks).

We know about Tony Podesta (thanks to WikiLeaks).

We know about the code language in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

We know about Tamera Luzzatto.

We know about Obama and his $65,000 of “hot dogs and pizza” .

We know about "cheese pizza".

We know about "pasta".

We know about "dominos" (whatever the hell that encodes to).

We know it's a code.

We know about Comet Ping Pong (run by Mr. Alefantis).

We know about the pedophile symbols rampant on Connecticut Avenue in Washington, D.C.

We know about Besta Pizza.

Maybe we got the wrong Andrew Kline (a mistake in one of my previous posts), but we are still researching.

Because we see the FBI doing nothing.

We see the news media covering up.

We know about Terasol Bistro and Artisan Gallery.

We know about Buck's Fishing and Camping.

Yes, jimmycomet, we know.

We know that Facebook, YouTube, and even 4chan are censoring.

This is unprecedented.


We know about the Louise Bourgeois sculpture and its connection to Dahmer.

We know The Washington Post is pulling old, incriminating stories about Tony Podesta.

We know that WaPo's owner, Jeff Bezos, provides $600 million in cloud services to the CIA.

We know "the Russians did it" is BS.

We know about Biljana Djurdjevic.

We know about Kim Noble.

We know about Satanic ritual abuse.

[The Wikipedia article on that topic is truly comical in its assertion that every SRA case (seemingly) has been "proven" to be "fake".  Very convenient.]

We know about Marina Abramovic.

We know about Spirit Cooking.

We know about Lady Gaga. ['bout time for Bud Light to ditch her]

We know about "chickenlovers".

We know about #killroom.

Yes, little innocent Jimmy Alefantis commented on a very suspect looking freezer with "#murder".  Yes, little innocent Jimmy Alefantis that was on FOX News.  Because his establishment was supposedly terrorized by a man with a gun.

We know about false flags.

We know about crisis actors.

We know that real news (like the links I provided above) gets buried on Google when a zero casualty event is reported on by every mainstream news outlet in the country.

And we may be slow learners, but we are the ones who go to page 26 of the Google results to find something.

And if Google screws us (which they so often do), then we look elsewhere.

We are the dorks who read books.

And your story (Messrs. Alefantis, Podesta, and Podesta) does not add up.

I will end my litany here.

We are sick of fake news like what we saw from Megyn Kelly and James Alefantis tonight on FOX News.

And as BREXIT and the Trump victory have already proven, it is you [the news media] who are the true slow learners.