V for Vendetta [2005)

Was QAnon bullshit?


We intend to answer these questions herein.

Because you deserve answers.

The first question supposes that Q is now in the past tense.

Did Q ever promise Biden would not be inaugurated?


Not to my knowledge.

But few followers of Q likely saw a triumphant Biden inaugural event in the cards.

President Trump brought the people together on January 6, 2021.

He did not incite anything.

Anyone with a fucking brain knows that most large political gatherings are incredibly susceptible to agents provocateurs.

We know about them from Genoa.


Before 9/11.

It was still a pre-9/11 world.

To wit, anti-globalization protesters at the G8 summit in Genoa claim that the violence at that event was provocateured.

I don’t doubt it.

So when I saw what was happening immediately after (actually BEFORE) Trump’s speech ended, I knew what I was seeing.

Sure, Trump supporters were mad.

And we still are!

But there was not a single MAGA rally over the past five years that ever descended into violence.

Find an example.

You can’t.

Because it doesn’t exist.

Antifa and BLM were allowed to commit arson, looting, and vandalism for AT LEAST six months (with impunity).

And so the corrupt ruling system exposed itself on January 6.

By way of faux outrage.

What of it?

What will happen now?

Indeed, what IS happening?

The 2020 election was stolen by every manner of fraud under the sun.

The thieves got caught.

And still they paid no price.

Because not only was the election rigged, but the SYSTEM is rigged.

A coherent movement going forward will recognize this.

Where We Go 1ne, We Go All.

St. Mary’s Virus.





Tony Fauci is a fraud.

A false savior.

A false messiah.


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But V for Vendetta got many things wrong.

It failed to account for (or warn against) totalitarianism rising from the Left.

We saw it in Hillary Clinton.

And we now see it in the authoritarian communism of Big Tech and the Democrat Party.

Keep in mind that V for Vendetta hails from the first War “on” Terror:  in which the United States subjected Muslims worldwide to horrible treatment (based on the lie that the terror attacks of 9/11 were the work of 19 beardy guys with box cutters).

I fought in that war.

I fought against the lies.

I called out Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld as being two of the primary authors of the attacks.

That was called 9/11 truth.

Subsequently, I voted for Barack Obama in 2008 solely because I thought he would bring these same neoconservatives (Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, etc.) to justice.

He did not.

And now the second War “on” Terror is upon us:  the one where everyone who voted for Trump (all 78 million of us [McInerney numbers]) are domestic terrorists.

Who was Q?

Who is Q?

Who is acting?

Who is real?


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It would appear that Ezra Cohen-Watnick is a fucktard.

Maybe he learned this in acting classes at Camp Peary while he was training to be in the Defense Clandestine Service (DIA).

This same Vanity Fair article also shows Chris Miller to be a pretty colossal fucktard.

But no one has taken the crown of Fucktard so completely as Mike Pence.

So what is it?

Are they all acting??

Or are they all, indeed, fucktards???

They are certainly ACTING like a bunch of cocksuckers.

I suppose only time will tell.

Brass tacks.

If they had a plan, it failed.

If they had a plan and it failed, it probably was a shitty plan.

Maybe they didn’t have a plan.

Maybe QAnon was just an FBI psyop.

But somehow I don’t think so.

I suppose because I am an eternal optimist.

Now we are hearing from such luminaries as Simon Parkes that the plan had to be called off.


Sounds a bit like the ever-shifting timeline of QAnon.

And that is a possibility.

Perhaps there was a plan.

Perhaps it was a great plan.

And perhaps now the plan has been moved back to March or April.

A couple of things we DO know.

Trump clearly won the election.

There was clearly MASSIVE election fraud.

Bill Barr was completely (seemingly) uninterested in said fraud.

Another prick acting like a fucktard.

Barr appoints John Durham.

Durham had three years to bring the Spygate/Obamagate cabal to justice.

He got ONE fucking indictment in three years.

Which makes John Durham look an awful lot like another fucktard.

Let’s be clear.

Trump supporters don’t want violence.

I don’t.

We don’t.

Trump should have pardoned Assange (but not Snowden).

Donald Trump very much became V (and Q?) by calling his supporters to D.C.

But he never once did anything remotely-related to inciting violence.

That claim is total bullshit.

It’s like the Phantom of the Opera.

Meets Batman.

And Punisher.

We waited patiently for pain.

Still waiting.

We see the church sex scandals.

I will give Bill Barr credit for one thing:  he rounded up Jeffrey Epstein.

But then the fucker went and offed himself under near-impossible circumstances.

Which leads us back to our commonalities:

–Trump supporters, BLM, and Antifa can all agree that the system is rigged 

–Trump supporters, BLM, and Antifa can all agree that Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself


Lots of LGBTQ bullshit in this movie.

Which only proves my point.

We love the first openly-homosexual DNI Richard Grenell.


We are not white supremacists.

Not anymore than BLM are black supremacists.

We are with you.


Ashli Babbitt.

Hands up, don’t shoot.


I guess Pelosi’s laptop just had a bunch of medium Sudokus on it.

We are coming for the inheritors of MKUltra.

But we are purely digital warriors.

Combing OSINT.

Information warfare is a scholarly way of saying gossip.

The most damning gossip is that which is true (and annotated with copious links).

Patriots must be tested.

It may seem cruel.

QAnon was merely boot camp for digital soldiers.

We have not yet begun to fight.

Stockholm syndrome.

You must be proven worthy.

We must see your true colors.

What is essential is Finch (Stephen Rea).

Imagine being an FBI special agent tasked with fooling the whole country.

You are tasked with concocting a gigantic movement of hope.

Only to let the whole lot down.

Only to preserve the status quo.

And collect your pension.

FBI are people too.

And they are watching.


Thinking, even, perhaps.

This all requires thinking outside of the box.

It requires the ability to be wrong.

Nothing wrong with being wrong.

Maybe QAnon was total bullshit.

But maybe it wasn’t.

Because maybe it’s not over.

Biological warfare is key here.


Learn about Chi Haotian:



Psychological warfare (greatest impact):



Pieczenik told us Biden would not become President.

Perhaps there has been a glitch.

Pieczenik told us there would be a military coup in the U.S.

The night is young.

We don’t want violence.

We just want justice.

And more than anything, we want our votes to count.

One person, one vote.

If we can’t have assurance of that, the social contract is broken.

Don’t mistake the lack of Trump-supporter riots for acquiescence.

Never has there been a more patriotic, determined lot.

We must get at the truth.

We must find the truth.

And we must do George Washington and those who birthed this country proud.

We must do all of our soldiers who died for the USA proud.

We must do the good policemen who gave their last full measure defending our streets proud.

This is our land.

No taxation without representation.

Sure, go ahead and make D.C. a state.

And Puerto Rico too.

Fuck it!

It doesn’t matter…as long as there are Dominion Voting machines and Ruby Freemans who face no consequences.

But we are watching.

And waiting.

Warfare is different now.

You may be occupying our country (China, with your puppet Joe Biden), but you have not seen resistance yet.

The Vietnamese and the Afghans were impossible to tame.

It was their land.

Home turf.

We will win.

You will lose.

Bill Gates.



Avril Haines.








Citizenfour [2014)

Four days till the US election.

OK, three.

But we must take a look at things as they seem.

And analyze what they might be.

I have always written about Edward Snowden glowingly.

But this film is an enigma.

If you know the history of film, you realize that certain filmmakers (particularly Robert Flaherty) presented staged events as if they were documentaries.

This is known as docufiction.

And if you have followed my take on the two US Presidential candidates (Johnson and Stein can suck it…though Stein has true credibility), you’ll know that my assessment of Trump and Clinton has been mainly through the lens of film.

What we (I) look for is credibility.

Having watched all three Presidential debates (in addition to extensive supplemental research), it has been a no-brainer to conclude that Hillary Clinton has ZERO credibility while Donald Trump has immense credibility.

The differentiation could not be more mark-ed.


But what about Edward Snowden?

Let me start off by saying that Mr. Snowden does not come off as a wholly believable whistleblower in this film.

Perhaps Laura Poitras’ inexperience as a filmmaker is to blame.

Perhaps it is indeed because Edward Snowden is no actor.

But Mr. Snowden is completely inscrutable and opaque in this documentary.


there is something about his ostensible North Carolina drawl which rings true.

And so there are two major possibilities…

  1. Edward Snowden is an extremely brave individual who succeeded in “defecting to the side of the public” (to paraphrase)
  2. Edward Snowden is a superspy

I had read of Snowden.  In studying what he had leaked, his credibility seemed beyond a shadow of a doubt.  Such a damaging agent could not possibly have been a Trojan horse operation (so I thought).

Indeed, the most believable part of this film is the last 10 minutes or so.

Sadly, my “copy” of the movie switched to a German overdub for this final segment.

Which is to say, I was more focused on images in the finale.

Every once in a while I was able to make out the beginning of a phrase from William Binney or Glenn Greenwald.

At all other times during this last portion, the German superimposed upon the English made the latter an almost palimpsest.

My German is that bad.


But here are my reservations concerning hypothesis #1 (from above).

A).  Glenn Greenwald’s earliest interview after the leak was clearly shot with the skyline of Hong Kong in the background.  It is somewhat inconceivable that the NSA in conjunction with the CIA (and possibly the FBI or DIA) did not immediately follow Greenwald’s every move from that point forward (courtesy of operatives under the Hong Kong station chief of the CIA).

B).  Glenn Greenwald is a little too smooth to be believable (the same going for Snowden).  Greenwald’s sheer fluency in Portuguese (a bizarre choice for a second language) seems particularly suspect.  The credulous me wants to believe that Greenwald is simply brilliant.  The incredulous me sees Greenwald as just as much a CIA operative as Snowden.

Indeed, hypothesis #2 would be that Edward Snowden is in fact a CIA operative.  His complete calm at The Mira hotel in Hong Kong does not harmonize with a computer geek who just lifted the largest cache of the most top-secret files in world history.  Instead, his mannerisms almost all point to someone who has been hardened and trained at Camp Peary rather than someone who grew up so conveniently close to NSA headquarters.

Snowden is admittedly a former employee of the CIA.

But what could the purpose of such a Trojan horse exercise possibly be?

One strong possibility comes to mind.

As we learn in Dr. Strangelove, there’s no purpose in having a “doomsday machine” if the enemy doesn’t know about it.

In fact, we don’t even need cinema to illustrate this.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were demonstrations as much as they were mass-murder war crimes.

Weapons are “tested” often as much for the power of display as for the exercise of weapon efficacy.

But the world has always been a weird place.

And it is indeed possible that Edward Snowden is an idealistic, independent party in this affair.

The esteemed Dr. Steve Pieczenik (of whom I have spoken much recently) has lately called Snowden “no hero”.

I’m not exactly sure what he means by that.

Possibly Pieczenik knows the Snowden affair to positively be an intel operation.

Possibly Dr. Pieczenik (whom I respect deeply) merely sees Snowden as of no great bravery when compared to the men and women (both military and intelligence employees) who risk their lives on battlefields across the world…by direct order through the US chain of command.

But Dr. Pieczenik has also pointed out that some orders must be disobeyed.

That is part of the responsibility of defending the Constitution “against all enemies foreign and domestic”.

So we have a very interesting case here.

And it directly parallels our current election choices.

What SEEMS to be?

What is patriotism?

At what point must standard operating procedures be put aside?

What constitutes peaceful protest?

Who among us has the duty and privilege to spearhead a countercoup?

I’ve often thought to myself that I would be a horrible NSA employee because I would have a framed picture of Snowden on my desk.

Suffice it to say, I’m sure that is strictly NOT ALLOWED.

But this film makes me doubt the Snowden story.

As a further instructive detail, why does Snowden (in this film) feel so confident in his ability to withstand torture (!) as a means of coercing from him his password(s)?

Again, that does not sound like a standard ability of an “infrastructure analyst”.

Snowden does not admit in this film to ever having been a field operative.

Indeed, it almost feels like Louisiana Story or Tabu:  A Story of the South Seas when Snowden drapes a red article of cloth over his head and torso to ostensibly prevent Greenwald and Poitras from visually seeing his keystrokes.

It is overly dramatic.

These are thoughts.

No doubt, someone knows much more than me about the truth in this strange tale.

And so the film is, in turns, shockingly brilliant and daftly mediocre.

In a strange way, it is just as suspect as James Bamford’s books on the NSA (which I have long suspected were really NSA propaganda pieces).

One of the keys to propaganda and social engineering is gaining the trust of your targets.

In a large-scale psychological operation, the entire world (more or less) is the target.

Back to cinema, we need look no further than Eva Marie Saint “shooting” Cary Grant in North by Northwest.

Yes, Body of Secrets (Bamford) was damaging to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and US military in general (the revelation of Operation Northwoods) while also exposing Israel as a craven “ally” (the USS Liberty “incident”).

But if we are not careful, we are taken in by these juicy bits of “truth” (in all likelihood, very much true) on our way to accepting the whole book as an accurate exposé.

And this is what makes the world of intelligence so tricky.

Like a chess game in which you are blindsided by a brilliant move.

It takes years (perhaps decades) or an innate brilliance (perhaps both) to discern the organic from the synthetic in the shifting sands of this relativistic world of espionage.

I can only guess and gut.



The 39 Steps [1935)

Oh, to be a spy.  At once the dream of the adventurous and the curse of the actualized.  Why?  Why does Robert Donat let Annabella Smith come home with him from the music hall???  Perhaps it is her allure…  Her strange foreign accent.  Once you take the first step, the case collapses to become a chute…a slide.

Perhaps Richard Hannay (Robert Donat) was simply curious.  We know how the cat ended behaving thusly…

Perhaps Hannay was horny?  It was, after all, 1935…things were lightening up a bit.  No Tinder, but still…one might luck out at the music hall.

Well, Hannay has the misfortune of true cloak and dagger.  Annabella Smith…Hannay asks if she’s ever heard of persecution mania?  Yes, a good question until she comes stumbling from the kitchen with a knife in her back.

And so Hannay sees her fears materialize before his very eyes.  Sure, she could have stabbed herself in the back, but it’s not bloody likely!  And what’s this?

Her last words…cryptic…and a map of Scotland clutched in her hand.

Hanney has become a believer.  It is that moment when hypothetical (suppose she’s right?) becomes, to a certain extent, proven.

No time to split hairs quibbling…she makes it clear with her last breath:  they killed me and you’re next.

Why trust?  Perhaps the spy becomes tired.  She is, after all, a mercenary in a foreign country.  Yes, she is protecting the Kingdom, but for a price…  Her homeland is elsewhere.

And so an act of transference occurs.  Robert Donat now bears the burden of a secret…a hint of a secret…a trail.

He has a couple of choices.  The decision he makes ends up saving his life, yet it is completely counterintuitive.

He decides to get the hell out of there.  Annabella Smith is dead on the bed.  Hanney makes a deal with the milkman (1935) and creeps off towards the train station.

To Scotland.

Things begin to go very hard for Mr. Hanney.  He is pursued relentlessly.  A daring escape from a train stopped on a bridge brings him eventually to the Scottish moors and the village circled on Annabella’s map.

On the way he must overnight with a farm couple…  The man of the house is an overbearing null…the woman, an angel trapped in an unhappy provincial cage.

This is really the beginning of the James Bond idea.  In 1935, they shared but a kiss.

Now, if you have made it this far you will be spared further spoilers…because that is not the purpose of my site.  This isn’t Cliff’s Notes.

We must talk of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States.  Perhaps you have noticed the news element of my homepage?  It is really not fair to criticize our CIA…it is too easy.  There can be no doubt as to the difficulty of their work.

As a citizen of the USA I have dreamed of being a secret agent…just as many people do.  It would be a treasonous dream for me to wish employment by the MI6.  I am not British.  So my thoughts have turned now and again to my own country’s external intelligence organization.

Oh, I am too old to be a covert agent…too out of shape to have a fistfight with a Daniel Craig type.

But we remember certain things from our readings.  Wall Street = CIA.  This was Michael Ruppert’s assertion in his excellent book Crossing the Rubicon.  May Mr. Ruppert rest in peace.  No doubt he tried to do the right things during his time on this earth.  It was not until recently that I learned of his death.

Perhaps I began studying business as a roundabout way to court adventure.  There is no doubt that my future is not on Wall Street.  In fact, I don’t see much future at all.

Why?  Because I am like Robert Donat’s character in this film.  I can’t leave well-enough alone.  Killing in self-defense or in the defense of others can be honorable, but stretched to its limits by tenuous connection it eventually becomes murder.  When I read about the leading intelligence agencies of the world, I get the whiff of murder.  I get the scent of those who are “just following orders”…just like those good little Nazi soldiers.

It is this thirst for justice which makes me unemployable.  I know it.

And so I soldier on.  I do my cardio.  I lift my weights.  I study my texts.  I enrich my mind.

I am just a loner with my films.  I would like to contribute, but I was born of no prestigious family.  I don’t speak Dari or Pashto.

There are two camps of which I wish to be part of neither.  Camp one holds that everything America does is just and good. Camp two holds that nothing America does is just nor good.

I do not wish for a clean slate.  It is not possible.  Those who wish for the collapse of society are fools.  They are wishing for their own death and are far too optimistic about the practicality of starting over.

Now, dear film lover…you must be asking what this has to do with The 39 Steps.

Mr. Memory.

Office of Strategic Services.

Office of the Coordinator of Information.

Robert Sherwood.  movie critic.  Vanity Fair.  Dorothy Parker and Robert Benchley.  Algonquin Round Table. Rebecca and Foreign Correspondent.  Hitchcock.  Yes, it is a tenuous link.


Admiral John Godfrey.  “M”

Centre for Spastic Children, Chelsea.

…and finally

William Stephenson (c’est-à-dire) James Bond

the Icelandic orphan

alluded to in Casino Royale (2006)

to wit

British Security Coordination

Camp X (Whitby, Ontario) [the original Farm]

Ian Fleming, Roald Dahl

Rockefeller Center (35th and 36th floors of the International Building)

under the cover of British Passport Control Office

For better or worse, CIA is MI6.  Where does one stop and the other begin?  To what extent is this a private army for the corporate members of the Council on Foreign Relations (Royal Institute of International Affairs)?

Surely we’re all playing by the Chatham House rules here, aren’t we, gents?