Rocky II [1979)

America is suffering.

America is lost.


Trump quadruply-indicted.

Four different jurisdictions.

Two state indictments.

Two federal indictments.

All bullshit.

But Trump has an Achilles heel.

The unsafe, ineffective vaccines he brought to market.

Does Trump feel loyalty to those who tricked him?

When will Trump remove his proverbial head from his own proverbial ass?

Sure, he’s winning on the Republican side.

Because they’re all a bunch of losers.

But put Trump up against RFK Jr.

Trump loses.

America doesn’t want any more lies.

No more noble lies.

America doesn’t want any more liars.

And America needs to get smart.


There is a huge swath of America on the Republican/conservative side that believes whole-cloth an info op being run against them.

Who is running it?



The FBI?



That’s possible too.

Globalists like Schwab, Gates, et al.?

Also a possibility.

Really, it doesn’t matter who is running it.

What matters is that America has become irrevocably-dumb.

Incapable of intelligent, coherent thought.

Q (aka QAnon) was an info op run AGAINST the American people.

That is the only explanation that makes sense to me at this present time.

Q was bullshit.

Lots of truth in there.

But there was one overarching purpose to QAnon: TO MAKE AMERICANS LAZY.

To make Americans believe that the Santa-Claus, Tooth-Fairy U.S military was going to solve all their problems.

How’s that working out for us?

It isn’t.

At all.

If you believe any of the absolute horseshit emanating from Real Raw News, I can’t help you.

I know you need hope.

Well, I am here to offer you hope.

But I am Burgess Meredith.

I am not going to blow smoke up your ass.

Things are bad.

Mark Milley has not been arrested (though he should be court martialed for treason).

Nobody has been arrested.

Use your logical faculties.

Joe Biden is not a clone.

It’s the same dumb motherfucker.

Just with a shit-ton of plastic surgery to make him look younger and more electable.

What America needs right now is to have its swollen-shut eye cut open by Occam’s razor.

Ok, let’s follow the dipshit logic of Real Raw News for a second.

Ok, so Biden is a clone.


Oh, no: wait.

Biden is an actor wearing a mask.

Very implausible.

All White House press conferences are being done at a film-studio replica of the White House in Georgia.

Implausible to the point of being impossible.

What is Occam’s razor?

The simplest answer is usually right.

In other words, Hillary Clinton is not deceased.

She is not being played by an actor in a mask.

Each time this Real Raw News-esque grand horseshit conspiracy adds another wrinkle, it becomes exponentially less-plausible.

Fauci’s been arrested.


Bill Clinton is deceased.


There’s a factory in Alaska that makes clones of political leaders.

Very unlikely.

The entire American government has been replaced by clones.

And/or actors in masks.



The U.S. military has everything under control.

Definitely not.

If you believe any of this, you are the target audience of this information operation.

To reiterate, just as in the QAnon information operation, the overarching goal is to make you SIT BACK and DO NOTHING.


You felt included for awhile.

But Q disappeared.

Because Q was bullshit.

And now, in place of the quite-sophisticated Q info op, we have the hamfisted Real Raw News info op (for lack of a better name).

The tune is the same.

Trump is still the President.

Gimme a fucking break.

Trump SHOULD be the President, but he is not.

Because the 2020 election was stolen.

And much of the 2022 midterms was also stolen.

Particularly in Arizona.

What is happening right now in America is a color revolution.

What is happening to Trump is the same sort of thing that happened to Imran Khan in Pakistan and is happening to Bolsonaro in Brazil.

It is fascism coming in from the LEFT.

It is communism.


Trump has told you this.


But you don’t hear.

Because you prefer to believe the superhero movie version that Trump is secretly in charge of everything.

That he’s in control of everyting.

That he can “come back” at any time.

Yeah, no.

America is getting steamrolled.

The first step in fixing things is GETTING AN ACCURATE SITUATION REPORT.

Stop listening to the X-22 bullshit.

No more coddling the numbnuts.

Let’s go, General Flynn.

Be the realist that I know you are.


They trust you.

There is no more time to fear alienating people by popping their QAnon bubble.

Pop that fucker!
