The Empire Strikes Back [1980)

Today the United States of America officially became a purveyor of third-world justice.

American exceptionalism has long held that America is DIFFERENT from nations like Brazil and Pakistan.

But not any longer.

Just as was done to Bolsonaro–just as was done to Imran Khan, President Donald Trump has been convicted by his political enemies.

Such things are common in banana republics.

Want to derail the political career of a troublesome politician?

Throw him in jail.

Today, that ball started rolling in motion…towards a July 11th sentencing.

The USA is exceptional no longer.

Even pathetic, Trump-hating milquetoast Mitt Romney recently lamented that he was disappointed that President Joe Biden had not proactively pardoned Trump (or otherwise used his sway as President to dissuade fellow Democrats [such as the ones in New York state] from prosecuting Trump).

Romney is an interesting barometer.

[perhaps the only thing interesting about him]

EVEN ROMNEY knows that what Biden has done is wrong.

Not only does he know this, but his tongue has spoken such.

Much more then do the hearts and minds of actual Patriots burn tonight with anger.

But we must heed the wise words of Alex Jones (i.e. don’t be rash):

Heed the warning of Yoda.

Look to General Flynn.

If Trump has done one thing the past four years, it is to BE PATIENT.

All Patriots must follow this example.

I’m mad as hell at Trump about the COVID vaccines.

I’m mad as hell at Trump about his support for genocidal Israel.

I’m mad as hell at Trump for him banning me from Truth Social.

But here I am.

Supporting him as best I can.


Because Trump does not deserve the “third-world justice” he is receiving.

Given a choice, at this point, I choose RFK Jr. (because of his stance on the COVID vaccines).

But RFK is being edged out of the upcoming (next month) Presidential debates on CNN.

RFK is not playing by the rules of our corrupt two-party system.

So he has been (and continues to be) marginalized.

Put bluntly, there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that RFK Jr. wins the 2024 election.

But if he were on the ballot, today, before me, I would vote for him over Trump.

That’s correct.

I would throw my vote away on RFK.

That’s how PISSED OFF I am about Trump’s complete whitewashing of the vaccine genocide HE presided over as American President.

Seeing as how less that one percent of vaccine adverse events and reactions (including death) have historically been reported to the CDC/FDA VAERS system, if the VAERS system (which has completely [to my knowledge] STOPPED TAKING ANY REPORTS RELATED TO THE THREE AMERICAN COVID VACCINES) says there have been 37,000 reports of death potentially related to said vaccines, the actual number of deaths is not 37,000, nor 370,000, but 3.7 million.

To be clear, Donald Trump was the executive (the buck stops here) responsible for the death of 4 million Americans at the hands of Operation Ludicrous Speed vaccines.

Trump’s administration rushed these vaccines to market.

But it was BIDEN’S administration who COERCED Americans (including the U.S. military) to take these jabs (or else lose their jobs).

Trump has never once (to my knowledge) been critical of the safety or efficacy of his Warp Speed vaccines.

Quite the contrary, he has crowed ad nauseam about what a great achievement they were.

He is either very stupid, or very evil.

Perhaps both.

And yet I fight for him at this moment.


RFK Jr’s stance on Israel is just as bad as Trump’s.

Biden’s stance on Israel is just as bad as either of theirs.

The only other person (besides RFK Jr.) intellectually qualified to be POTUS is Cornel West.

He’s been vocally against the genocide of Palestinians at the hands of Israel.

He was vocal when it was not as safe to take such a position.

Jill Stein is a latecomer to this issue.

And Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver is coming even later to the Free Palestine table.

But Cornel West is a fucking moron when is comes to the COVID vaccines.

So we have no good choice.

And then there’s the two old dogs who are most likely to be on your ballot (if you’re an American):  Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Why, I ask again, am I bothering to defend Trump if I hold so much against him?

For starters, Trump was an enormous PAIN IN THE ASS for the American (and global) establishment.

For three solid years, Trump did a pretty damn good job of being President.

It was only in his fourth year (when he was blindsided by low-intensity biological warfare) that he gave control of the U.S. government to Anthony Fauci and Mike Pence.

Pence, in the end, fucked him.

[and Fauci fucked him coming and going]

But Biden WIELDED (through coercion) these dangerous COVID vaccines against the American people.

Something Trump did not do.

 Would Trump have also coerced Americans to take these vaccines that he loves as if they were his own syringe-shaped children?

I doubt it.

The fascist is not Trump, but Biden.

If you object to that diction, substitute authoritarian for fascist.

Leftists can be hella authoritarian.

And that’s just what Genocide Joe was with these deadly vaccines.

Trump’s final year in office was one prolonged October Surprise.

It appears to have been engineered by those connected to Event 201:  (namely) Bill Gates (via his Foundation), Klaus Schwab (via the World Economic Forum), and the CIA (via current Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines [a John Brennan protégée]).

But is there enough time for avian influenza to “save the day” for sleepy Joe Biden’s 2024 “campaign”???

No need.

This election cycle’s “October Surprise” started long ago.

Here are the red-letter dates in Biden’s TRUE campaign (a merciless campaign of THIRD-WORLD JUSTICE):

  • March 30, 2023:  34 felony charges AKA The People of the State of New York v. Donald J. Trump

Charges brought by Democratic Party prosecutor (New York County D.A) Alvin Bragg.  Case presided over by Joe Biden (and anti-Replublican Party) political donor Juan Merchan ( ).  Case decide by “impartial” jury fielded from New York City (Joe Biden “won” 60% of the vote in New York City in 2020 and no Republican Presidential candidate has won the city since Ronald Reagan in 1984 [they have only selected Democrats for 36 years in a row]).

Outcome?  Guilty on all 34 counts.  Who coulda possibly seen that verdict coming?!?


  • June 8, 2023:  37 felony charges (later upped to 40) AKA United States of America v. Donald J. Trump, Waltine Nauta, and Carlos De Oliveira [should be known as “Florida election interference” case]

Charges brought by Democrat-appointed (Merrick Garland) “independent” special counsel Jack Smith.

Charges brought by Democrat-appointed (Merrick Garland) “independent” special counsel Jack Smith.

  • August 14, 2023:  13 charges (later dropped to 10) AKA The State of Georgia v. Donald J. Trump, et al. 

Charges brought by Democratic Party prosecutor (Fulton County D.A.) Fani Willis.

At the nexus of Romney’s shocking candor and the film under consideration (in half these cases) is perhaps, one might say, the “Emperor” of American “third-world justice”:


Trump can gain my unconditional endorsement (not that he needs it) by his doing two things:

  1. disavow his Operation Warp Speed vaccines
  2. condemn the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza

Will he do it?

I doubt it.


تاکسی‎‎ [2015)


This must be “Axis of Evil” week here at 🙂

As I have stated recently to a friend.

George W. Bush was the worst President the United States has ever seen.

And Barack Obama was probably the second-worst.

So what does that make me?




Let’s get to that question (if you even care to know) by a circuitous route, shall we?

First, we must again praise the people of Iran.

It was long ago that I saw my first Iranian film.

Taste of Cherry.

طعم گيلاس…‎‎

[Ta’m-e gīlās…]

It was such a profound experience.

There I was.

In a movie theater in Austin.

And I couldn’t have given a shit about cinema.

But I was there.

For some reason.

God only knows why.

And I saw a movie which in many ways changed my life.

[but it took many years to sink in]

Even so, I came to regard the name of its director (Abbas Kiarostami) with a sort of awe.

Yet, I doubted.

[as we all well should]

And so I said to the cinema gods, “Let Kiarostami perform his miracle again…if he be so brilliant!”

And he did.

I was supposed to be watching Life, and Nothing More…

But I made a mistake.

Because my French is so bad.

[you know, Kiarostami died in Paris last year (may God rest his soul)]

I needed 1991, but I chose 1990.

And it was another miracle.


I don’t know.

Is it…

کلوزآپ ?


نمای نزدیک ?

[“Klūzāp”?  Or “nemā-ye nazdīk”?]

Because the unfailing Google Translate (now the second-most popular “tr” search after “Trump” [as “translate”]) tells me that both terms mean “close-up”.

But who can translate Trump?


Perhaps only an Iranian?

Well, we would be in good hands if director Jafar Panahi was that man.


Because Mr. Panahi has made a film which is of the same rarefied air as the two Kiarostami films which I have referenced.

The work is called Jafar Panahi’s Taxi, and it is currently available on Netflix in the U.S.

No, it’s not a really trite game show.

No, it’s not some premise for an uncreative pornographer.

Jafar Panahi’s Taxi ( تاکسی) pushes the limits of barebones filmmaking in much the same way that the Palestinian masterpiece 5 Broken Cameras did.

[yes, I know the latter film was an Israeli coproduction…with an Israeli co-director…‎‎but the film was very much Palestinian in its inmost heart]

What our director Mr. Panahi adds to the method (budget cinematography) is an uncertainty of reality.

Frankly, I have never seen a film quite like Jafar Panahi’s Taxi.

Is it a documentary?  Is it staged?

One thing’s for sure.

If it’s staged, the injured man and his wailing wife deserve Oscars “toot sweet”!

Truly, it is panic-inducing…

Which is not true of this film in general.

No, dear eggshell friends (if you’re out there)…don’t be afraid.

Jafar Panahi’s Taxi will only take you on a “wondrous boat ride” (so to speak) for a brief, more-or-less manageable period of time.

The rest of the film is fascinating…engrossing…painfully and gloriously perplexing.

Yes, Mr. Panahi borrows Kiarostami’s favorite device:  filming from a moving vehicle.

But so what?!?

Panahi was an assistant director to Kiarostami.

And Abbas certainly wasn’t the first to film out of a car window.

But let’s examine for a moment…

Yes, the special part of this method is that the camera is turned INWARDS.

And so we feel we are seeing Homayoun Ershadi vacillate between life and death…all over again.

Or we feel we are seeing the calm, gracious mannerisms of Mohsen Makhmalbaf transposed from motorcycle to taxicab.

But what we are seeing most of all is a director stepping in front of the camera.

Like Truffaut.

And Chaplin before him.

Godard has done it to excellent effect as well.

And Jafar Panahi is like an empty reed of meditation as he navigates an unending stream of chaos which enters his faux-taxi.

But the most poignant moments are when Hana Saeidi reminds us of the childish joy of being an auto passenger…and when the lawyer Ms. Nasrin Sotoudeh addresses us…we, the watchers of cinema.

Who will watch those watching the watchers?

It’s like Juvenal in a hall of mirrors.

But Ms. Sotoudeh breaks the fourth wall and takes us to a very special place.


And so, again, frankly:  we don’t know how Jafar Panahi’s Taxi was ever made.

Isn’t Iran one of the most intolerant countries on Earth?

Just what is going on here??

All of this Shostakovich-ean rebellion is really breathtaking when under the microscope of close viewing.

But Jafar Panahi remains stone-faced.

Like Buster Keaton.

Yet, this is largely no comedy.

This is a big “fuck you” to the government of Iran.

And yet, it is the most subtle “fuck you” ever committed to film.

Only a genius can do such things.



Yes, dear friends.  Mr. Panahi has been banned from making films.

And yet he made one.

And then another.

And then this one.

So we salute you, Mr. Panahi.

We appreciate such in America.

To illustrate:

<–fuck you, fuck you–>, and most of all…fuck you ^

That is freedom.

It is ugly.


But it works.

And so as a Donald Trump supporter (yes, me), I say, “bring it on, you whiny, sub-literate protesters!”

Maybe they’re right.

But it’s their right.

To protest.

And so we mix and knead.

And we need the yeast of dissent to ever grow again.

Let’s bake some goddamned bread, people!