The Road Warrior [1981)

Why is Mark Milley such a fag?

Why is Mark Milley such a cocksucking faggot?

Maybe it’s because he hung out with Mark Esper too long.

Mark Esper hangs out with Lynn Forester de Rothschild (who was a frequent flier on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express).

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[on manifests as Lynn Forester]


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N.B.  The “Larry Summers” listed on Lolita Express is Lawrence Summers (former Harvard President, Clinton/Obama administration[s] official).

Which brings us to Milley’s pseudo-intellectualism.


For reference:

Mark Milley implied in Congressional testimony that:

A.  critical race theory is a perfectly fine thing for students at West Point to be studying

and (most importantly)

B.  that “white rage […] caused thousands of people to assault this building [the U.S. Capitol] and try to overturn the Constitution (!) of the United States of America”

Apparently, Mark Milley is unaware that there were some (how should we say) “issues” with the 2020 Presidential election.

And, therefore, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Latinos, Hispanics, Mexican-Americans…MANY people were pissed off that (for instance) Ruby Freeman was caught on film stuffing the ballot box in Fulton County.

Many people were upset that all of the swing states stopped counting votes at the same time on election night.

And when they restarted (early in the morning [while Ruby Freeman was stuffing the ballot box in Georgia]) that impossible statistical jumps occurred in Wisconsin and Michigan which gave Joe Biden his first lead of the election:  a lead he would never relinquish in those key states.

It is not “white rage” to want one’s vote to count.

Joe Biden, a white man, has made many derogatory comments about black people and other minorities.

Are we to say that “white rage” was responsible for Joe Biden’s miraculous win?

Did all the white people who voted for Joe Biden do so out of a feeling of “white rage”?

Which takes us back to the sad fact that Mark Milley is an idiot.

As Dinesh D’Souza astutely pointed out:  Milley apparently thinks there’s a three-fourths clause in the Constitution.

As Milley was wrapped up in brilliant exegesis before Congress, he misquoted the U.S. Constitution (that very thing he is supposed to be defending).

It is, of course, the Three-Fifths Clause.

Maybe if Milley had spent a little less time reading Mao, Lenin, and Stalin (as he bragged in a spontaneous statement), and a little more time reading the U.S. Constitution, he would know that.

But let’s get back to the faggotry of the traitors in key positions of the U.S. military.

Another fudge packer is Chris Miller.

I would have to assume his bosom buddy Ezra A. Cohen is also an ass licker of some renown:

This makes some sense…as Chris Miller spent a considerable amount of time with arch-faggot Mike Pence’s balls in his mouth (figuratively?).

Pence is the king of pedo-faggots.


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Unfortunately, the Chief Naval Officer (Gilday) is also a gigantic cock swallower:

So that means the Chairman (CJCS) and the Naval representative to the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff are both pathetic losers.

Donald Trump is an honorable man (to paraphrase Dr. Jon McGreevey [the whistleblower who details, under the pseudonym Ryan Dark White, exactly how Mike Pence was blackmailed by Rod Rosenstein and THE Deep State]).

Trump fulfilled his part of the contract.

Trump didn’t do a coup.

And I applaud Trump’s strong statement on loser Milley.

What Trump must now do to regain his preeminence as a truth-teller is to CALL OUT THE VACCINES AS POISON:

Trump absolutely MUST STOP gloating about Operation Warp Speed which has (indirectly) killed thousands of people.

The three COVID vaccines in the U.S. are murdering people.

Until Trump crosses this line, he is not the real deal anymore.

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N.B. Ric Grenell is a homosexual I could truly get behind.