Reddit has gotta be the lamest site on the internet [2022)

If you are a rule-obsessed control freak, Reddit is the place for you.

It manages to be an antithesis (perhaps, THE antithesis) of the freedom which the internet represents.

I go over there to post some Spotify playlists.

I download the app.

I spend all this fucking time making a dumb-as-shit avatar.

I join about 10 communities.

Only to find out (one by one) that they all have a million rules.


What kind of liberal bullshit is Reddit?

I’m on Twitter, but none of my posts get any views.

Facebook has “moved my posts lower in the ‘news feed'” for 90 days.

Because I shared “misinformation” too many times.

You can’t fucking curse on GETTR (as far as I know).

But at least no one is micromanaging your posts.

Gab is pretty fucking awesome.

But it’s a really small community.

It seems like the initial buzz around Gab has been tempered a bit.

AND there is no Gab app.

THAT is annoying.

But it’s because Apple and Google are cocksuckers.

Speaking of which…

Poor Parler.

I really dug that site.

But then the Apple (App Store)/Google (Google Play)/Amazon (AWS) criminal cartel teamed up to run Parler out of business.

Last time I tried to use it, it wasn’t functional at all.

So I just closed my account.

But Apple, Google, and Amazon should be tried in a RICO case.

These fucking Silicon Valley pricks are racketeering out the wazoo!

TikTok is kinda cool.


It probably has the most people on it.

Even if most of them are 14.

But hey: that was The Beatles’ demographic.

Young people dig music.

And there are some great creators on TikTok.

My favorite is kandiesz.

I hope i spelled it right.

She really does some cool stuff.

I’ve watched all her videos and they were so good that I deleted all the ones I made and started over again.

So, yeah.

I’m on TikTok.

But TikTok has a China problem.

It is, of course, a Chinese app.

The parent company (Chinese) absolutely gets access to American user information.

This is why Trump banned TikTok.

Essentially, he forced TikTok to be sold to an American company.

Who bought it?



Because Biden became President.

And Biden decided not to ban it.

Think if you worked at the Defense Intelligence Agency and had TikTok on your phone.

That’s a big no-no.

But all these apps (Facebook, et al.) are tracking the fuck out of us.

And Zuckerberg is a China cocksucker.

He goes over there looking for money.

I know he did (for sure) around 2010.

And his fake-ass refugee wife Priscilla Chan let him do it.

She’s not a Cantonese speaker from Vietnam.

She’s a goddamn Chinese spy.


And so is Mitch McConnell’s wife Elaine Chao.

Look up McConnell’s sister-in-law Angela Chao.

On the fucking board of the Bank of China!

One of the biggest banks in communist China!!!

She’s another fake-ass refugee.

You think she and her family are genuine Taiwanese refugees from communism?

Not a chance in hell.

Look at the father and his shipping company.

Look who builds the ships.

But GETTR also has a China problem.

Is Miles Guo really an anti-communist refugee?

I have my fucking doubts.

Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t.

But I don’t trust him.

Not yet.

And why is Steve Bannon all up on his ballsack?

But TikTok is a whole other kind of evil.

The word “depression” is not trending.

At all.

As in, no one has ever tagged a TikTok #depression .


And you know what else is memory-holed?


Well ain’t that fucking convenient?!?

[Remember: TikTok did not actually get sold to an American company.]

You can’t see how many times “depression” and/or “crimes against humanity” have been applied to TikToks???

That’s some fucking bullshit right there.

But Twitter operates the same way.

Trump was absolutely right: Twitter should not be allowed to do business (the way they are currently doing business) in the USA.

Same for Facebook.

Facebook is like the FBI of social media.

They are censoring grandmas and grandpas for wrongthink.

Fuck Facebook!

Fuck Mark Zuckerberg!!

What a creepy android, spoiled-milk, Chinese-commie cocksucker!!!

Speaking of which.


If I post inane shit, it gets tons of likes.

If I post something political, it’s fucking crickets.

Twitter is similar.

Facebook (or actually Meta, the parent company which owns Instagram) does the same thing.

These social media companies are trying to ENGINEER you.

They are engineering SOCIETY.

They are punishing people for wrongthink.

They are rewarding people for thought acceptable to the Biden regime. [social credit]

{speaking of which, Reddit actually keeps track of your “karma” on the app…that is, my friends, a social credit score…it is still voluntary…you don’t have to be on Reddit…but if you’re on there, you’re gonna have a “karma” score. You might think I’m overreacting. But it is the same as TikTok not letting “crimes against humanity” trend. It is the same thing as all these companies punishing wrongthink through algorithmic “deboosting” aka shadow banning…if you trick the algorithm into thinking you have become a Democrat (takes a lot of work if you have a brain), then a few posts might get through the blockade. But as soon as you say an ill word about the vaccines, you are back in the digital slammer. Your voice is squelched}

And make no mistake: Zuckerberg, Paraga, Vijaya…all these fuckers are hand-in-glove with Biden.

In fact, Biden is probably not leftist enough for them.

He’s not a socialist-cool as AOC or Bernie.

And neither of those twats could operate a convenience store in anything but the red.

So our voices are pushed to the margin.

Because we think differently.


Because we THINK!!!

If you don’t take the COVID vaccines, you are ostracized from society.

Fuck that.

Those fucking things are neither safe, nor effective.

So nobody can hear me on Twitter.

I can post endless shit and hashtag it and it just sits there forever.

Gab is trying (God bless them).

GETTR is marginally-better than the Silicon dipshits.

Facebook is a total loss.

I get a three month slap on the wrist because I know how to tie together links to the CDC website and Open VAERS.

I know how to show VAERS underreporting by linking to a BMJ article on Kawasaki disease.

Fuck it.

I only have two goddamn degrees.

Misinformation my ass.

It’s because I disagree with Science ™ (aka Anthony Fauci).

There’s one I haven’t mentioned (which is quite good):  Telegram.

But Telegram is not really social media per se.

It’s messaging.

It’s groups.

You cannot build a following on Telegram.

It’s a one-way street.

If you already have a following, you can reach them on Telegram.

But I like it.

It’s effective.

That’s why Germany is trying to ban Telegram.

Germany is just as Nazi as it ever was.

And the Nazis are running the government!

If something doesn’t change quick, there are going to be quarantine camps there and elsewhere.

They are already in northern Australia.

Australia has fallen.

It is not hyperbole.

And Austria (the land of Hitler) has also fallen.

Who’s actually fighting back against the vaccine/health tyranny we are seeing?

Australia is fighting back a little.

Maybe too little, too late.

Germany is fighting back.

France is kinda fighting back.

They are thinking about fighting back.

The best, BY FAR, are the Dutch.

The Netherlands (and Belgium, to a large extent) are fighting back harder than any people on the planet.

American blacks are not fighting back.

Negroes in New York city and other urban areas are letting their rights get trampled on.

All because they think that if they rock the boat, they might not get reparations.






You got conned.

We all got conned.

Biden ain’t gonna give you reparations.

Fake-ass Kamala ain’t gonna give you reparations.


Al Sharpton is a fake-ass motherfucker.

They’re all fake.

AOC is fake as fuck.

LeBron sucks Chinese commie cock.

I wrote a song about it.  Wanna hear it?  Here it go:

Which brings us to Trump.

I am so fucking pissed off at Trump right now for embracing these shit-for-brains vaccines.

10,000+ vaccine deaths in the USA according to the CDC.


20,000+ according to Open VAERS.



If you take into account that VAERS is passive surveillance (reporting is voluntary)…

And you also take into account that the system catches less than one percent of serious adverse events like Kawasaki disease in children (underreporting by a factor of ten)…



Then 10,000 vaccine deaths is actually (potentially) 100,000.

And 20,000 (the CDC is parsing HHS VAERS data to make it look half as bad as it actually is) may actually by 200,000.

“Where are they hiding these deaths”, you might ask.

They are chalked up as COVID deaths.

Why?  And how?

Because these vaccines are clearly ineffective (at best).

Fauci knows damn well what antibody-dependent enhancement is.

If a vaccine is not properly and thoroughly tested (as the three COVID vaccines in the USA were not), then it has a possibility of making someone who catches the virus WORSE!

There is little other explanation for what is going on (aside from the idiocy of mass vaccination DURING a pandemic [creating variants which may go against the natural progression of viruses]).

A virus should become more contagious and less deadly during a pandemic.

If it is a natural virus (which COVID-19 most certainly is not [it was created in a lab]).

JAG_Docs_pt1_Og_WATERMARK_OVER_Redacted 2

Omicron is more contagious.

Ok, that adds up.

And Omicron is certainly less-deadly that Delta.


But HOW IN THE FUCK COULD WE HAVE TWICE (!) AS MANY COVID DEATHS YESTERDAY IN THE USA (when many many many Americans have been vaccinated) AS ONE YEAR AGO TODAY WHEN NOBODY (n o b o d y) HAD BEEN VACCINATED.  The vaccines barely had come into existence.  A very, very few people had been vaccinated against COVID in the USA one year ago.


So with the benefit of A YEAR of vaccinations (and boosters!), we have twice as many deaths (yesterday…as compared to one year earlier).

Not only that, less people died under Trump (and without the vaccines) than have died under Biden (and with the vaccines).

Look it up.


And the VAERS data mean that the vaccines are dangerous as fuck!

Correlation does not necessarily mean causation?

You’re gonna play that card here??


Go to Open VAERS.

Get the data.

10,000+ heart attacks among the recently-vaccinated.


About 3,500 miscarriages.

Which brings me to Trump.

I don’t know what the fuck he’s doing.

Do I expect (considering his moronic embrace of the vaccines) that Truth Social (his forthcoming social network) will be a success?


I like Trump.

A lot!

Or I did!

Until early-October when he started shilling for Pfizer.

“I got the Pfizer” (and encouraging people to get vaccinated).



Casually mentioning his vaccination status in Dallas in what was essentially a church setting (people singing hymns and stuff).


Lying (?) to Candace Owens about “people who are taking the vaccines are not dying” (paraphrase).


And then Trump goes after Ron DeSantis because DeSantis won’t reveal his booster status?!?

He didn’t go after him by name, but the reference was clear.

DeSantis is “gutless” according to Trump’s philosophy.


Give me #DeSantis2024.

Give me #Rand2024.

Give me #Tucker2024.

Give me #Candace2024.

Give me ANYBODY with a brain.

The vaccines are THE MAIN issue.

Trump is on THE WRONG SIDE of the issue.

Give me RFK Jr. 2024.

Fuck it!

At least he’s honest and educated about the vaccines.

And now for the playlists I was gonna post on Reddit.

Because this is my website and I can do whatever the fuck I want here.

I make the rules.



Stieg Larssons Millennium: Del 1 [2010)

You thought we were done.

You’ve wasted so much ammunition.

Having fun yet?

Electoral College meeting date.

December 14.

Sandy Hook.

Harriet Vanger disappearance.

September 22.

Stieg Larsson’s death.

November 9.

Election day.

November 3.

Larsson dies before any of his novels are published?

Dies before the fantastic success of both the novels and subsequent films.

Heart attack at age 50 “after climbing the stairs at work”.

His grandfather had also died of a heart attack at age 50?

He was a smoker, they say.

Like Lisbeth Salander.

Search CIA heart attack gun.

Get this.

The Soviets developed first (ostensibly).

Just like MKUltra.

Not brainwashing, but “deprogramming” those POWs brainwashed during the Korean war.


And the Nazis were just “researching” when they conducted human experiments on Jews and other prisoners, right?

Per Oscarsson dies in house fire after appearing in the final Millennium Trilogy film.

December 31.


Corrupt billionaire of fiction.

Stig Wennerström.

Actual Swedish Air Force colonel convicted of spying on behalf of the Soviets.

He was suspected by SÄPO (the Swedish equivalent of the FBI) of working for the Nazis as early as 1943.

From working with the Nazis (national socialism), he dovetailed into working for the Soviets (socialism/communism).

OPUS 240 Fascism comes from the Left!

Wennerström could have been executed by firing squad for treason because, after all, there was a war on (the Cold War).

War on Terrorism.

Was the end declared?

Instead, he was given a life sentence (which was later commuted to 20 years).

In 1972.

Think hippies.

What country do Bernie Sanders, AOC, et al. most want to copy?

Replicate their “democratic-socialist” utopia?


And I get it.

It is an alluring trick.

Sweden is a beautiful country.

The land is beautiful.

The women (with cans of General Snus in the back pockets of their tight bluejeans) are beautiful.

Even rednecks like me could be fooled.


By the façade.

The “Nordic model” countries (with their literal female models in tow).

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and (chiefly powering the Left’s zeitgeist) Sweden.

But Norway has a shit-ton of oil.


But I see it.

Walk down the cobbled streets of a small Danish town and you too may be swayed by the seeming utopia.

America is not a Nordic country.

And as Nordic countries (particularly Sweden) attempt to mimic AMERICAN leftist policies (think immigration), they see their homogenous utopias ripped apart.

There are reasons certain forms of government work IN CERTAIN PLACES.

There are factors.


America, at this point in its history, cannot whole-cloth adopt the Swedish system.

And any leftist with a brain knows this.

But it doesn’t prevent American leftists from dangling the Swedish carrot (fish?) in front of the noses of their moronic acolytes.

And, as alluded to earlier, it is meant to draw the weak-minded “across the aisle”.

“Come on over.  Everything will be just like Sweden.  Not the current Sweden, of course, but…you know:  the old Sweden.”

Two years after Wennerström’s life sentence was commuted to 20 years, he was paroled.

He had only been in custody for 10 years.

10 years for sharing 20,000 secret documents with the Soviets concerning Swedish air defenses, clandestine Swedish bases, etc.

This was the Swedish custom.

Serve half your sentence and get paroled.

Initial sentence could have been death [treason] (Cold War).

Actual sentence was life.

Sentence commuted to 20 years.

Cut in half (10 years) by parole.

That’s Sweden (in the early ’70s) and, perhaps, quintessential Swedish policy.

The “Nordic model”.


No justice, really.

No defense, really.

No state secrets, really.

No sovereignty, in actuality.

Bad trajectory.

About as robust a defense apparatus as an IKEA bed.

Which is to say.




Interesting that Sweden is not a part of NATO.

What if the big, bad Russians (who have 20,000 secret documents pertaining to radar, strategy, mobilization plans…) actually were to invade Sweden?

Those are old documents by now, of course.

But the Russians have a very easy sell to potential Swedish spies.

“Don’t worry.  There’s no declared war.  This isn’t the Cold War.  No treason. No firing squad.  If you get life in prison, it will probably be commuted to a paltry 20 years.  And you’ll be paroled after 10.  If you even get caught.”

Great deterrence, Sweden!

Back to the “Nordic model”…

Guess who ARE members of NATO?

Denmark, Iceland, and Norway.

Finland, right on Russia’s doorstep, are (like the Swedes) not members of NATO.

For more examples of Sweden’s liberal (lax) justice/prison apparatus, see the case of spy Stig Bergling.

Sentenced to life (like Wennerström).

Fled to Moscow during a conjugal visit (you can’t make this shit up!).

Voluntarily returned to Sweden seven years after his escape.

And was PAROLED three years later.

Again, this was DURING the Cold War.

Bergling’s arrest was a full 15 YEARS after Wennerström’s.

In other words, this was the next generation (same shitty policies) of spies being slapped on the wrist.

Bergling was parolled in 1997.

Ahh, that liberal paradise…Sweden.

Unlike Switzerland, it has no natural defenses (mountains) to guarantee its continued paradisal existence.

Need more?

Bertil Ströberg.

Swedish Air Force.

Convicted of spying for Poland [Soviet bloc] during the Cold War.

Sentenced to a mere six years in prison.

Paroled after three years.

Which brings us back to the brilliant (I mean it!) Swedish storyteller Stieg Larsson…himself a committed leftist (going so far as to train guerrillas in Eritrea in the firing or mortars).

What of Vanger?



ASEA (the now-defunct General Swedish Electrical Company Limited) removed the swastika from their logo in 1933.

The company’s swastika logo had been used since the late-19th century.


What if it’s a similar sound?


In Swedish, “catches”.

Like in a cage?


In closely-related Danish, “prisoners”.

Like in cages?

What if a letter is missing?


In Swedish, “pregnant”.

Like, pregnant with meaning?

[svan, btw, means “swan” in Swedish]

Pregnant swan?

Like Leda of Greek mythology?

Zeus, in the form of a swan, raped Leda (a woman) who became pregnant and gave birth to “the most beautiful woman in the world”:  Helen of Troy.

And around whom does this mystery revolve?

The hauntingly-beautiful Henrietta (Helen?) Vanger.

Who had been been repeatedly raped by her father and brother.

[it is true that the Swedish equivalent of Helen would be Helena or Elin, but the initials match]

How did Larsson come to settle on this name Vanger?

Some have suggested Wagner.

Perhaps even Wegner.


Wolf, in Swedish, is “varg”.


Vargar, in Swedish, is “wolves”.

Now we are getting somewhere.

But we must flesh out the story.

We are looking for three Swedish Nazi brothers.

I believe the fourth (the good guy) was invented by Larsson.

Three Swedish Nazis?

How about Birger, Gunnar, and Sigurd Furugård?

They founded the Swedish National Socialist Farmers’ and Workers’ Party in 1924.

It’s a good fit.

The good guy might just be IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad.

By “good”, I mean that he was a member of the Swedish SSS (Svensk Socialistisk Samling [National Socialist Workers’ Party…basically Swedish Nazis]) at age 17 and before that, at age 16, a member of the fascist New Swedish Movement WHO LATER DECLARED (in 1994) that his membership in the latter was the “greatest mistake” of his life.  His association with the SSS wasn’t publicly revealed until 2011 (at which time he made no further comment on having been a part of these types of groups).

So maybe Ingvar Kamprad wasn’t the good guy after all?

Did Larsson meld the Furugårds (Nazis) and Kamprad (a successful business man…and Nazi) into the amalgamation we know as the Vanger family?

Kamprad, incidentally, is a variant of “comrade”.

Again, National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party.


So “far right” (says Wikipedia) that they were fucking socialists!?!





This is exactly what Pieczenik is talking about in the above video.

Fascism coming from the Left.

Kamprad started off with fascism (New Swedish Movement) and a year later went full-Nazi (National Socialist Workers’ Party).

Again, socialist.

You can’t take that word out of there.

And Antifa started as “anti-fascist” [against the Nazis, but FOR communism].

And they remain communist (leftist) and have devolved, ironically, into a fascist organization themselves (at least in America…where their tactics are indistinguishable from those of Hitler and Mussolini’s respective gangs [Sturmabteilung/SA/Braunhemden/Brownshirts & MVSM/Blackshirts/squadristi]).

BTW…IKEA was founded by a 17-year-old Ingvar Kamprad.

Yes, that’s right:  he is confirmed in the above link to have been a member of the SSS [essentially the Swedish Nazi party] that very same year.


As for Lisbeth, look no further than the alleged Norwegian witch Lisbeth Nypan.




“blotches on its back”.

From mythology to the real life fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra).



Frigidity (able to extinguish fire).

But also “a product of fire”.



Wizards and warlocks.


Disappearance of the Beaumont children (on Australia Day).

Church of Satan formed by Anton LaVey.

Moors murder trial.

Five children (between the ages of 10 and 17) murdered in and around Manchester between 1963 and 1965.  At least four were sexually assaulted.

Killer (Ian Brady) read Mein Kampf and books on Nazi atrocities.

Gertrude Baniszewski found guilty of murdering and torturing Sylvia Likens in Indianapolis.  Paroled in 1985 [American justice failure].

Charles Whitman kills 14 people with a sniper rifle from above the UT-Austin Tower (after killing his wife and mother).

September 22.

Lindwal railway incident.

Anna Karina born.

Nick Cave born.

Magda 30112.

Sara     32016.

BJ         32027.

LI         31208.

Mari    32018.



Le Vent d’est [1970)

Film by Godard.

Dziga Vertov.

Group in Mozambique.

Marxist Western.

Cowboys and Indians.

Das Kapital.

No no.

I must be wrong.

Not Mozambique.

That was much later.

I was confused.

So this is just Italy.

But still.

Quite possibly the only Marxist Western ever made 🙂

And, yes:  the Dziga Vertov Group.

With Jean-Pierre Gorin.

So here was the great filmmaker (Godard) subsuming himself in the communalism of group creation.

Like being in a rock band.

There might be a main songwriter (or two).

And there might be a lead vocalist.

But it is a group effort.

Rock bands are kinda like little democracies (in my experience).

So, does that mean that communism/socialism starts at its most cellular level as something resembling democracy?

It is an interesting thought.

Because Godard was most certainly a hardcore socialist at this point.

A communist.

A Maoist!

But we remember those strange counterintuitive phrases like “dictatorship of the people”.

In other words, Marxist-Leninist thought was promising popular representation SO POWERFUL that the PEOPLE became a META-DICTATOR.

But it all kinda turned out like Tom Cruise’s witchcraft 🙂

A big bollocks burger in Eastern Europe.

And a Soviet Union that collapsed beneath its own weight.

But China soldiered on.

And juche (North Korea).

Notice that “zhoosh or tjuz” means to “smarten up” or “stylize” in that Cockney code language known as Polari.

And for my dear pizzagate researchers, you should be heartened by this further corroboration of James Alefantis’ sick mind:

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Why do I have a feeling about this?

Because of Bowie’s last album:  Blackstar.

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But reinserting ourselves in history, it is rather obvious that communism soldiered on mostly in the East.

Let’s not forget Vietnam and Laos (both still communist to this day).

Thus, Wind from the East.

Yes, Peter Wollen, there’s definitely some Brecht in here.

Especially in that scene when a fucking horse finally shows up 🙂

Not much of a Western without a horse.

So there is eventually one horse for Gian Maria Volontè.

Volentè, of course, really WAS in Westerns (about five years previous).

A couple of those great Sergio Leone “spaghetti Westerners” with Clint Eastwood:  A Fistful of Dollars and also For a Few Dollars More.

So kudus to Godard, Gorin, and the whole Dziga Vertov Group for getting Volontè.

But really the star is the beautiful redhead Anne Wiazemsky, who passed away just nine days ago.

It is no wonder Godard fell in love with her.

As he had fallen for Anna Karina previously.

But Wiazemsky was a mind.

A beauty, but a total 180 from Karina.

Of course, neither marriage worked out.

But Wiazemsky is lovely in this film.

Indeed, she is one of the few breaths of air in the whole picture.

There are certainly some suffocating scenes.

The opening shot is interminable.

Slight movements.

But eventually things get rolling.


Wiazemsky is splashed with blood as she is repeatedly choked by Volontè.

A bizarre scene.

Also part of this amalgam was Daniel Cohn-Bendit.

I thought I was seeing Mozambique.

It colored everything I was watching.

I was looking out for poisonous snakes.

Godard would eventually make it to Mozambique…later in the 1970s…but I was merely confused.

I mean, here’s a film that until recently was available only as a Japanese DVD (with no English subtitles).

That is the version I watched.

I hear there is another release of this film recently with other of the Dziga Vertov work, but I am happy enough (for the time being) to have seen it as a Frenchman might have in 1970.

My French was tested.


This is a rather experimental film.

Perhaps it is no great masterpiece.

But it teaches that we can go backwards or forwards through time by way of cinema.

Forwards with imagination, and backwards in reality.

We were already beyond this point, and yet we have been blessed to return.

To get one step closer.

To close a loop.

Solve a riddle.

Replace a missing stone.

It was a lot of work seeing this film.

That is love.



Chuck Norris vs Communism [2015)

Dear Ilinca Călugăreanu,

You have made a beautiful film.

Which the world needed to see.

And the title made me think it would be imperialist propaganda directed at North Korea.

But I could not have been more wrong.

Because Romania has touched my heart so many times.

And so I am glad to add another name to the list of auteurs.

Cristi Puiu, Corneliu Porumboiu, Cătălin Mitulescu, Cristian Mungiu…

And now Ilinca Călugăreanu.

Yes, it is only right that a young female director should bring us this story.

This documentary.

Ms. Călugăreanu, born in 1981.

Because this film is very much about the 1980s.



And the situation in Romania.

Chuck Norris is merely a placeholder.

A meme which has undergone a certain détournement.

But there is no substitute for communism in this tale.

Perhaps, authoritarianism.

You see…

if you tell people to do one thing…and you’re really heavy-handed about it,

they will almost certainly do the opposite.

At some point.

And Ms. Călugăreanu’s very persuasive hypothesis is that videocassettes brought down the Ceaușescu regime.

And so there is very little way around this impasse without talking political economy.

First, let us address the very astute current Russian minister of culture Vladimir Medinsky.

The esteemed Mr. Medinsky has famously (?) called Netflix “U.S. government…mind control”.

Or at least that’s how The Washington Times (who needs the Post?) framed it.

But let’s investigate.

Let’s have Mr. Medinsky’s words and not just a CliffsNotes, elevator-pitch summation of them.

He says [translated],

“And, what, you thought these gigantic startups emerge by themselves? One schoolboy sat down, thought for a bit, and then billions of dollars rained down from above?”

That is pursuant to the funding which helped birth Netflix (and, presumably, other American companies with what Mr. Medinsky feels is a global, insidious reach).

He continues [translated],

“It turns out that that our ideological friends [the U.S. government] understand perfectly well that this is the art form that is the most important…”

Ahh, cinema…

And Vladimir Lenin himself knew it!

Mr. Medinsky then seems to evoke the Leonard Cohen of “Tower of Song” when he says [translated],

“They understand how to enter everyone’s homes by getting into every television with the help of Netflix…”

Leonard Cohen (God rest his soul) said it thus:

“Now you can say that I’ve grown bitter but of this you may be sure
The rich have got their channels in the bedrooms of the poor.”


What a lyric!!

And that was in 1988!!!

So our director, Ilinca Călugăreanu, knows that of which she speaks.

Because the grip of Ceaușescu was beginning to slip.

But let’s give Mr. Medinsky one more say [translated],

“And through this television, [they get into] the heads of everyone on Earth. But [Russians] don’t grasp this.”


Now why was Mr. Medinsky so upset?

Well, because Netflix undertook a vast expansion this past summer.

Indeed, the article from which I’m pirating these quotes (yes, translations are intellectual property) dates from June 23, 2016.

The same article notes pointedly that Netflix’s expansion into Russia, plus a vast number of new territories, means that the streaming service is now available in 190 countries worldwide.

Wait a minute…

How many countries are there, you might ask?  196.  Or 195.

Poor Taiwan, they just can’t catch a break.

So then you might say, well…what the fuck?!?

What countries is Netflix NOT in???

It appears those countries are China, North Korea, Syria, and…Crimea?

Suffice it to say, the international “community” is not unanimous in their appraisal of Crimean statehood.

Is it part of Russia?

Is it part of Ukraine?

What do the words Republic of Crimea even mean if its not an independent country?

Which brings up the specter of “frozen conflict zones”.

I’m guessing that Netflix might be unavailable in Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia, and Transnistria.

But I digress…

Because we are on to more specific matters.

There are at least two major ways in which Americans can view the Romanian communist period as it has been depicted in motion pictures.

First, Americans can sympathize with the repression of the Romanian people.

Any doubters should do a little digging on the PATRIOT Act.

Indeed, the psychosis of surveillance (which is mentioned in Chuck Norris vs Communism) could not field a more forbidding bogeyman than the National Security Agency.

And so, dear peoples of the world, would you feel more or less safe living in the same country in which the NSA is headquartered?


Second, Americans could extrapolate Ms. Călugăreanu’s hypothesis to mean that countries such as China will eventually implode as a result of the fulminating combination of repression and technology (even, perhaps, with a starring role for entertainment).

All of that is to say that movies COULD bring down China or North Korea or even Iran.

[Notice the non-Netflix countries…Syria is without, but apparently Iran does have the service.]

Which is to ultimately say, Mr. Medinsky’s fear is completely warranted.

What is at stake in Russia?

The fall of Putin.

A sea change in leadership.

And I will be quite frank.

There is no doubt that Netflix’s catalog is heavily biased towards globalist propaganda.

One of the most glaring areas is India.

I can’t tell you how many watery, transparent premises there are on Netflix which are some permutation of a young person rebelling against a repressive culture.

It’s almost like they’re churning these formulaic films out in a factory.

Boy marries girl from lower caste.  Mayhem follows.

Girl goes to human rights court.  Happily ever after…

Boy rebels against father’s traditional ways [read:  religion].

I mean, at a certain point it’s just pathetic.

But we must hand it to Netflix for some (SOME) of their selections.

Actually, I have found a good many gems on the site.

But it is a very biased (and historically-uninformed collection).

In general, history doesn’t exist for Netflix.

Unless that history is the Holocaust.

Then, of course, there are a plethora of scenarios to “inform” you about the Nazis.

Make no mistake (my best Obama voice), the Nazis were bad.

Really bad.

But do we need 10 fucking films about the Holocaust?

And if Schindler’s List is the zenith of the genre, God help us…

But I digress again…

Chuck Norris vs Communism is a very beautiful film.

It’s about rebellion.

It’s about the little things we do to assert our existence.

And in this case, it’s about a translator (a voiceover dubbing artist) who reached the hearts of innumerable Romanians.

Irina Nistor.

Whether it was Chuck Norris, or Jean-Claude Van Damme, or Sylvester Stallone, Irina’s voice made the dialogue come alive in Romanian.

But it was a subversive activity.

“Imperialist” films were not allowed in Romania.

But Romania was falling apart.

To take the interviewees of our documentary at their word, their lives sucked…without “video” night.

But we must be clear.

Everything (EVERYTHING) about this enterprise was illegal in Romania.

First, the videos had to be smuggled across the border.

Then they had to be copied and dubbed (voiceover).

Then they had to be distributed.

Then some brave schmucks took the risk of screening these films on their TV sets (for a few lei, of course).

But it was dangerous business.

Especially if you were the kingpin.

So it is then strange to meet this kingpin of video piracy face to face.


Not the guy with the panpipes.

No, this was Teodor Zamfir.

Made a pretty penny.

But the fascinating thing (by Călugăreanu’s hypothesis) is that he completely changed Romanian culture.

The seeds of revolution were sown by Dirty Dancing, Last Tango in Paris, The King of Comedy

And especially by the action films.

Rocky, Rambo, Lone Wolf McQuade…

And so, if you want to piss off a communist (or socialist, or whatever they’re going by these days), you can go with the familiar tack,

“Didn’t they already try that?  Wasn’t it an immense failure?”

I don’t know.

But I don’t doubt the faces of those who lived through Ceaușescu.

No national cinema has been nearly as effective as the Romanian in communicating to the West just what life under communism was like.

And so Romania becomes our lens into the Soviet Union and its satellite states.

I know there are Russians who fondly remember communism.

Let’s be clear:  capitalism can also suck.

Change and upheaval can be deadly.

They say, “Watch the price of eggs” (to demonstrate how a free market dictates prices).

But we see a very similar discontent in the Middle East.

Is this democracy?

Fuck this!

Yes, America has made some mistakes.

And so we should watch everything with a critical eye.

Be your own critic.

Be like Emerson.

Be bold.

And then double back.


Live by palimpsest.

Because you are the ultimate philosopher.

For your life.

I can’t tell you.

And you can’t tell me.

We have to learn.

It must be the right time.

To receive a particular lesson.

I draw courage from Irina Margareta Nistor.

But most of all, I draw courage from the Romanian people.

Perhaps my country’s Hollywood crap (the stuff I took for granted) was just the stuff necessary in the dark times.

Entertainment.  Ass kicking.  Escape.

But the Romanian cinema of today inspires me beyond words.

And so let us remember, whether we are capitalists or socialists, the price paid by the people of Romania in December 1989.

Was it 1,100 people?

11,000 people?

110,000 people?

It’s troubling that nobody knows for sure.

But even if it was a thousand people.

They didn’t just get trampled by goats or run over by garbage trucks.

It wasn’t a bloodless revolution.

At least 1000 people.

They saw their moment.

They seized on a moment.

They capitalized on their opportunity.

There was something which impelled them not to just sit at home and listen.

I salute these brave souls who went out into the streets.

For a thousand people to have died, it seems rather inconceivable that there wasn’t an attempt made by the government to “restore order”.

That’s the line which can’t be crossed.

That’s when a government has lost its legitimacy.

Some stories are twisted.

And full-blown civil wars do erupt.

But it appears, in the end, that repression lost.

And repression, censorship, and heavy-handed tactics (whether adopted by socialists or capitalists) should, by historical lesson, be most strictly avoided.

It is human nature.

The people will not tolerate being treated like livestock.

And something as seemingly inconsequential as VHS tapes can tip the balance.