Serpico [1973)

James Comey delusionally thinks he is Frank Serpico.

But James Comey is a cowardly twat.

Andrew McCabe thinks he is Frank Serpico.

But Andrew McCabe is one of the slimiest pencil pushers to have ever sullied the FBI.

Peter Strzok thinks he is Frank Serpico.

But Peter Strzok is guilty of treason.

The FBI may never regain any measure of public trust.

The three scumbags listed above were aided and abetted by others in the Bureau.

They spied on a Presidential candidate.

They conspired to get a National Security Advisor (and U.S. Army General) fired.

They covered for the rival political candidate.




James Comey is not honest.

Least of all with himself.

He is a bad actor in all senses of the word.

Unfortunately, Frank Serpico has now become controlled by a global cabal.

After such tenacity with the NYPD, he is now nothing more than a lukewarm celebrity.

But in his day he was the best.

The FBI faces an existential threat due to corruption at the highest levels.

But it remains essential that we as a nation (the United States of America) support those men and women in federal law enforcement who are doing their job with honor.

Sadly, it appears few of those can be found in the Hoover Building.

But I suspect you will find good Special Agents.

In Albany, NY.

In Buffalo.

In St. Louis.

In Cleveland and Cincinnati.

In Minneapolis.

In Pittsburgh.

Some field offices appear to do little if any work.

Seattle and Portland come to mind.

Some field offices appear to have too many agents compared to their efficacy as a unit.

New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago spring to mind.

The most pathetic of all may very well be the Washington Field office.

A mere extension of the Hoover Building’s ethos, no doubt.

Barack Obama wants us to “reimagine” policing.

Funny that the President from Chicago should have the gaul to speak at all on law enforcement.

There is not a more failed, lawless city in America than Chicago.

Barack Obama used the FBI to spy on Donald Trump.

It was illegal.

It is an epic scandal.

And it is on a back burner named Durham.

John Durham.

Bill Barr failed the United States of America.

And Christopher Wray appears to be doing the same thing.

Barr went from being a CIA intern to twice being the Attorney General of the United States.

Wray is from Yale.

There’s a club.

And you’re not a member.

And neither am I.

Which is why I’m writing this article.

On my own website.

“Trust the plan.”

But what if someone above is screwing you?

What if there is no plan?

What if the cavalry is not coming?

You are the plan.

This is the plan.

Reinforcements will arrive at the right time.

But the moment must be ripe.

Like that banana on the cover of the first Velvet Underground record.

Now is the time to support law enforcement.

James Comey is a politician.

Andrew McCabe is a political operative.

Peter Strzok is as dishonest as the day is long.

We must continue to lawfully demand justice.

Our route is not to loot and commit arson.

Our route is not vigilante civil war.

Now is the time to support the military.

Lloyd Austin is a pathetic excuse for a general.

I am trying to give Mark Milley the benefit of the doubt.

I would even like to give Chris Wray the benefit of the doubt.

But Wray has slow walked the Hunter Biden laptop (among many other misdeeds).

So we will support the troops.

We will support military intelligence.

We support those who have sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

We support the rule of law.

A country without free and fair elections cannot be said to have an operating, functional Constitution.

It is our job to delineate the corruption.

Like a grand jury.

Follow the facts.

Spread truth.

You have nothing left to lose.

There is a plan.

And it is God’s plan.

We look to Maricopa County.

But we are legion.

And we swarm.

Wave your flags proudly.

You can make a difference.

Your family and children will have nothing left to put hope in if you fail to act.

This is the defining moment of American history.

Corruption has destroyed us.

It has brought us to the brink of collapse.

The fight now is one of information.

Every citizen must be engaged.

We represent the peaceful side.

Peaceful warriors.

Ready to annihilate with truth.

Truth needs no propagandistic push.

Truth only needs a brave voice to give it life.

Say it over and over again.

Until someone listens.

Say it until it is said back to you.

Wherever you encounter anti-American lies, return fire with truth.

We can truth our way out of this.

It will not be easy.

But the alternative is death and shame.