Wake in Fright [1971)

Australia has fallen.

Tiboonda doesn’t exist (apparently).

But Tibooburra does.

And Bundanyabba also appears not to exist.

But Bundanoon does.

Tibooburra is a hot, desert town of about 100 people in New South Wales.

Bundanoon (also in NSW) is of about 2,000 population.

This all fits.

But Bundanoon is a sort of resort town, not the mining town that the Yabba (Bundanyabba) was to be.

We’re dealing with a novel here.

Same name.

From 10 years prior.

By Kenneth Cook.

Cook was born and died (1987) in NSW.

So it would make sense if the towns were somewhere in the state.


The outback of New South Wales.

We need to talk about mining in NSW.

Adelong [quartz and gold]. too small

Albert [copper]. too small

Alectown [Parkes Observatory]. too small

Wallarunga [silver, lead, feldspar, beryl]. too small

Araluen [gold]. too small

Ardglen [hard rock?]. too small

Ardlethen [gold]. too small

Attunga [limestone]. too small

Barraba [copper, asbestos]. maybe

Baryulgil [asbestos]. too small

Bathurst [gold] maybe too big

Batlow [?]. too small

Bellbird [coal]. too small?

Ben Bullen [?]. too small

Bingara. [diamonds]. too small

Birchgrove [?]. too close to Sydney

Bobadah [silver, lead, gold, copper]. too small?

Silverton [silver, lead, zinc, Mad Max]. too small

Bongongolong [?]. ?

Bredbo [Man from Snowy River]. too small

Broken Hill.

Found you, bitch.


Films like Stork.

The Adventures of Barry McKenzie.

Alvin Purple.

And later, The Castle (1997).


Ozploitation vs. Australian New Wave.

What can Ozploitation help us find that Australian New Wave ignores?



Returned and Services League of Australia.



Pay attention.

Doc Tydon and addiction.



Tim Hynes.

A different face on addiction.

Same substance.


But could just as well be sleeping pills.

Hynes somewhat more respectable.

But not by much.

They are (we are) all addicts.

And now Australia limiting alcohol to one six-pack per day (per person).

During a fucking lockdown!

Get angry, Aussies!!!


Me, I got suspended for 12 hours from Twitter for calling Bill Hemmer a “fucking retard”.

It’s true.

It’s all true.


Worth every keystroke, it were!

Just a good natured insult.

Fuck it.

We wouldn’t be in this mess hadn’t Rupert Murdoch’s bitches (like Hemmer) bent us over for a rigged election.

Murdoch’s network, FOX, was the first to call Arizona for Biden.

Biden did not win Arizona.

That will be proven shortly.

The Liz Harris canvass has already proven it.

But it will be proven with unimpeachable precision.

You can check out my song up there.

I posted a link.

“Australia, Here I Come!”

Because it’s been something of a dream to visit down under.

But now all dreams are being crushed like quartz.

Why does John vomit?

Wikipedia says it’s because he drank too much.

My suspicion is because he is gay.

Or because a hentai tentacle comes up Jeanette’s throat to tickle his tonsils.

But I still say he’s a faggot.

I love faggots.

Do you see how this goes now?

We have a First Amendment (free speech) because we have a Second Amendment (our fucking guns!).

Australia got raped by the Port Arthur massacre (false-flag).

Aussies sold their guns back.

The guns went straight to the landfill.

They were melted down.

They don’t exist anymore.

So now, Aussies no longer have free speech (or any freedom whatsoever).

Because they no longer have guns.

Because the government is not afraid to push them around.

Ever wonder why protests don’t go so well in China?

Because it’s hard to fight back with nothing but shovels.

The military has guns.

The people have shovels.

Gardening tools.

That is why there are no successful protests in China.

Yet, Tiananmen Square WAS a success.


With many martyrs.

And now Hong Kong faces the same fate.

And Taiwan faces the same fate.

Because the New World Order STOLE the American election and installed fake president Joe Biden.

Fuck Joe Biden!

I read it that Doc tries to rape John Grant as well.

Because you fuck anything that moves in the outback.

And you drink all the beer.

If it moves, kill it.

It’s like Texas.

I’ve been to Australia.

Because I’m from Texas.

It’s the same thing.

And I’m goddamned proud of Texas.

Because we are going to save the world!

Us, Florida, Sweden, and Denmark.

And there will be more who join.

We aren’t scared.

We are armed (Texas and Florida).

And we are smart (Sweden and Denmark).

Don’t discount the intelligence of Texans.

Or the tenacity of Swedes.

But each of us has a job to do in the GLOBAL REVOLUTION.

The great reset?

Fuck the great reset!

We want The Great Awakening!!!

Doc Tydon would have prescribed Ivermectin.

Because Ivermectin works.

As a cure (taken with doxycycline) for COVID.

Bangladesh has proven this.


But Doc Tyden might also prescribe you an alternate treatment:  hydroxychloroquine, Z-Pak, and zinc.

The zinc is important.

And the antibiotic (Z-Pak) is needed because the virus is carried by bacteria.

Read that again.

This is what quack, alcoholic Doc Tyden (Donald Pleasence) might prescribe.


Both courses!!

Either the Ivermectin course, or the hydroxychloroquine course.

Which is exactly why Australia has now effectively BANNED Ivermectin.

Ivermectin is now only to be used in Australia to treat RIVER BLINDNESS.

Australia is fucked.

And the whole world is getting fucked right along with them.

I’m here in Texas.

My doctor is a fucking twat who wouldn’t prescribe me Ivermectin.

Even a doctor friend of mine gave me some load of horseshit on how he thinks Ivermectin doesn’t work.

But guess what?

He thinks 19 guys with boxcutters carried out 9/11.

He also got his vaccine like a good little sheep.

And he shot down this persuasive meta-analysis (as did my own doctor):



Because doctors are a self-serving, intellectually-lazy, MORALLY-BEREFT cult!

They just wanna keep their jobs.

They are “just following orders”.

They think “do no harm” also means “do no good”.

They never read Jesus’s parable about the talents.

These doctors don’t give a fuck!

There are but a handful of doctors in the world that are worth a shit.

And I hope to make them more well-known with time.

One is Dr. Steve Pieczenik, MD PhD.

MD at Cornell (where he studied under Fauci [whose “crimes against humanity” arrest he is now rightly calling for]).

Psychiatry studies at Harvard.

PhD in international relations from MIT.

There are other medical doctors we will be highlighting as having done THE RIGHT THING during this pandemic.

But now it is time to eat kangaroo.

Now it is time to know why Crocodile Dundee had to shoot the hunters (this movie).

It was a cinematic riposte.

Shoot a rabbit and eat.

Over fire.

.22 rifle.


Sisyphus ends up back in Bundanyabba instead of Sydney.

All that work.

But he gets his rifle back.

You must understand this movie in order to understand Crocodile Dundee.

John Meillon.

Future proves past.

The truckers have got the right idea.


F for Fake [1973)

My second-favorite movie ever.

Who cares?

911 was an inside job.

It had to be.

WTC7 was rigged with explosives.

It came down as only a controlled demolition can.

At about 5 p.m. on 9/11/01.

Did al-Qaeda have ground teams?


Then who was the ground team that planted explosives in WTC7?

If it was al-Qaeda, then we would have heard about it.

We never heard about any ground teams.

Therefore, the ground team was not al-Qaeda.

Whoever the ground team was, their existence didn’t not fit the narrative of 19 beardy guys with box cutters defeating the greatest military on Earth and bringing down two of the three tallest buildings in America on one day.

But there were three buildings that came down.

WTC7 was not hit by a plane.

It was not consumed by a raging inferno (though it had been on fire most of the day).

No modern steel-framed skyscraper had ever collapsed because of fire.

But NIST (Department of Commerce) wants us to believe that three collapsed due to fire on the same day.

The two large towers, WTC1 and WTC2, had been designed by a Japanese architect to withstand the impact of what was roughly equivalent (in size and weight) to the 767s which hit them…without collapsing.

As for fire bringing them down, the wrong building fell first.

[i.e. the second tower hit was the first one to fall]

If WTC7 was rigged with explosives (something that couldn’t be done in one day [while the building was on fire]), then it stands to reason that WTC1 and WTC2 were almost certainly rigged with explosives as well.

There would have been time and opportunity to do this.

There were prolonged power outages (including the disabling of security systems) in the months leading up to 9/11.

The pretext was something.

New wiring.

Computer system updates.

New fire proofing on stairwells.

But these complete power downs (overnight) in WTC1 and WTC2 are the likely time when the buildings were rigged with explosives.

How do you surreptitiously bring (import) a huge amount of explosives into the United States without raising suspicions?

You don’t.

Inside job (to some [large] degree).

The explosives were already here.

Were there really planes that flew into WTC1 and WTC2?

I believe there were.

But I am open to other explanations.

Occam’s razor comes to an easy conclusion (in my opinion) that the flights which ostensibly hit the WTC were remotely captured and flown by remote control into the buildings.

My guess is that the “terrorists” were CIA/military assets who thought they were participating in a drill.

In other words, when they realized they were actually gonna fly smack into the side of a building, it was too late for them to get out of this “drill”.

And there were plenty of active drills that day.

Vigilant Guardian.

Vigilant Warrior.

And MANY, many more.

Experts can be fooled.

That is the message of F for Fake.

Think outside the box.

“War of the Worlds” (as presented by Orson Welles in 1938) was made “real” by fake news.

The next year, the world was really at war.

There’s no such thing as coincidences.


The Road Warrior [1981)

Why is Mark Milley such a fag?

Why is Mark Milley such a cocksucking faggot?

Maybe it’s because he hung out with Mark Esper too long.

Mark Esper hangs out with Lynn Forester de Rothschild (who was a frequent flier on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express).


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[on manifests as Lynn Forester]


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N.B.  The “Larry Summers” listed on Lolita Express is Lawrence Summers (former Harvard President, Clinton/Obama administration[s] official).

Which brings us to Milley’s pseudo-intellectualism.


For reference:


Mark Milley implied in Congressional testimony that:

A.  critical race theory is a perfectly fine thing for students at West Point to be studying

and (most importantly)

B.  that “white rage […] caused thousands of people to assault this building [the U.S. Capitol] and try to overturn the Constitution (!) of the United States of America”

Apparently, Mark Milley is unaware that there were some (how should we say) “issues” with the 2020 Presidential election.

And, therefore, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Latinos, Hispanics, Mexican-Americans…MANY people were pissed off that (for instance) Ruby Freeman was caught on film stuffing the ballot box in Fulton County.

Many people were upset that all of the swing states stopped counting votes at the same time on election night.

And when they restarted (early in the morning [while Ruby Freeman was stuffing the ballot box in Georgia]) that impossible statistical jumps occurred in Wisconsin and Michigan which gave Joe Biden his first lead of the election:  a lead he would never relinquish in those key states.

It is not “white rage” to want one’s vote to count.

Joe Biden, a white man, has made many derogatory comments about black people and other minorities.

Are we to say that “white rage” was responsible for Joe Biden’s miraculous win?

Did all the white people who voted for Joe Biden do so out of a feeling of “white rage”?

Which takes us back to the sad fact that Mark Milley is an idiot.

As Dinesh D’Souza astutely pointed out:  Milley apparently thinks there’s a three-fourths clause in the Constitution.

As Milley was wrapped up in brilliant exegesis before Congress, he misquoted the U.S. Constitution (that very thing he is supposed to be defending).

It is, of course, the Three-Fifths Clause.

Maybe if Milley had spent a little less time reading Mao, Lenin, and Stalin (as he bragged in a spontaneous statement), and a little more time reading the U.S. Constitution, he would know that.

But let’s get back to the faggotry of the traitors in key positions of the U.S. military.

Another fudge packer is Chris Miller.

I would have to assume his bosom buddy Ezra A. Cohen is also an ass licker of some renown:


This makes some sense…as Chris Miller spent a considerable amount of time with arch-faggot Mike Pence’s balls in his mouth (figuratively?).

Pence is the king of pedo-faggots.


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Unfortunately, the Chief Naval Officer (Gilday) is also a gigantic cock swallower:


So that means the Chairman (CJCS) and the Naval representative to the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff are both pathetic losers.

Donald Trump is an honorable man (to paraphrase Dr. Jon McGreevey [the whistleblower who details, under the pseudonym Ryan Dark White, exactly how Mike Pence was blackmailed by Rod Rosenstein and THE Deep State]).

Trump fulfilled his part of the contract.

Trump didn’t do a coup.

And I applaud Trump’s strong statement on loser Milley.

What Trump must now do to regain his preeminence as a truth-teller is to CALL OUT THE VACCINES AS POISON:

Trump absolutely MUST STOP gloating about Operation Warp Speed which has (indirectly) killed thousands of people.

The three COVID vaccines in the U.S. are murdering people.

Until Trump crosses this line, he is not the real deal anymore.


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N.B. Ric Grenell is a homosexual I could truly get behind.



Clear and Present Danger [1994)

Donald Moffat as George Bush Sr.


Where drug cartels are called “right wing”.

And there are communist guerrillas.

And a national state apparatus involving military and police.

And an ongoing conflict.

Marxist insurgency?


But far more complex.

I’ve a feeling there have been many cynical reasons for “fighting Marxists” down in cocaine-rich Colombia.

Donald Moffat as Ronald Reagan.

A little.



But dead ringer for Bush.

56 years.


Bill Barr how many years at CIA?

What positions?



No record.

Gap between General Robert Cushman and General Vernon Walters.

Gap between John E. McLaughlin and Admiral Albert Calland.

Hugh Price, David Cohen, Jack Downing…unclear.

Big gap between Greg Vogle and Elizabeth Kimber.

Sneaky bastard.


Stay alive.



Hawaiian shirt.

Meet in Panama hat.

Cortez is really the killer.




Che Guevara in Moscow.

Lourdes SIGINT station.

Paper bomb.


CIA hacks U.S. Congress.

CIA hacks CIA?

Who dares wins.

Knock knock jokes.

What kind of spymaster would take such risks?






Serpico [1973)

James Comey delusionally thinks he is Frank Serpico.

But James Comey is a cowardly twat.

Andrew McCabe thinks he is Frank Serpico.

But Andrew McCabe is one of the slimiest pencil pushers to have ever sullied the FBI.

Peter Strzok thinks he is Frank Serpico.

But Peter Strzok is guilty of treason.

The FBI may never regain any measure of public trust.

The three scumbags listed above were aided and abetted by others in the Bureau.

They spied on a Presidential candidate.

They conspired to get a National Security Advisor (and U.S. Army General) fired.

They covered for the rival political candidate.




James Comey is not honest.

Least of all with himself.

He is a bad actor in all senses of the word.

Unfortunately, Frank Serpico has now become controlled by a global cabal.

After such tenacity with the NYPD, he is now nothing more than a lukewarm celebrity.

But in his day he was the best.

The FBI faces an existential threat due to corruption at the highest levels.

But it remains essential that we as a nation (the United States of America) support those men and women in federal law enforcement who are doing their job with honor.

Sadly, it appears few of those can be found in the Hoover Building.

But I suspect you will find good Special Agents.

In Albany, NY.

In Buffalo.

In St. Louis.

In Cleveland and Cincinnati.

In Minneapolis.

In Pittsburgh.

Some field offices appear to do little if any work.

Seattle and Portland come to mind.

Some field offices appear to have too many agents compared to their efficacy as a unit.

New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago spring to mind.

The most pathetic of all may very well be the Washington Field office.

A mere extension of the Hoover Building’s ethos, no doubt.

Barack Obama wants us to “reimagine” policing.

Funny that the President from Chicago should have the gaul to speak at all on law enforcement.

There is not a more failed, lawless city in America than Chicago.

Barack Obama used the FBI to spy on Donald Trump.

It was illegal.

It is an epic scandal.

And it is on a back burner named Durham.

John Durham.

Bill Barr failed the United States of America.

And Christopher Wray appears to be doing the same thing.

Barr went from being a CIA intern to twice being the Attorney General of the United States.

Wray is from Yale.

There’s a club.

And you’re not a member.

And neither am I.

Which is why I’m writing this article.

On my own website.

“Trust the plan.”

But what if someone above is screwing you?

What if there is no plan?

What if the cavalry is not coming?

You are the plan.

This is the plan.

Reinforcements will arrive at the right time.

But the moment must be ripe.

Like that banana on the cover of the first Velvet Underground record.

Now is the time to support law enforcement.

James Comey is a politician.

Andrew McCabe is a political operative.

Peter Strzok is as dishonest as the day is long.

We must continue to lawfully demand justice.

Our route is not to loot and commit arson.

Our route is not vigilante civil war.

Now is the time to support the military.

Lloyd Austin is a pathetic excuse for a general.

I am trying to give Mark Milley the benefit of the doubt.

I would even like to give Chris Wray the benefit of the doubt.

But Wray has slow walked the Hunter Biden laptop (among many other misdeeds).

So we will support the troops.

We will support military intelligence.

We support those who have sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

We support the rule of law.

A country without free and fair elections cannot be said to have an operating, functional Constitution.

It is our job to delineate the corruption.

Like a grand jury.

Follow the facts.

Spread truth.

You have nothing left to lose.

There is a plan.

And it is God’s plan.

We look to Maricopa County.

But we are legion.

And we swarm.

Wave your flags proudly.

You can make a difference.

Your family and children will have nothing left to put hope in if you fail to act.

This is the defining moment of American history.

Corruption has destroyed us.

It has brought us to the brink of collapse.

The fight now is one of information.

Every citizen must be engaged.

We represent the peaceful side.

Peaceful warriors.

Ready to annihilate with truth.

Truth needs no propagandistic push.

Truth only needs a brave voice to give it life.

Say it over and over again.

Until someone listens.

Say it until it is said back to you.

Wherever you encounter anti-American lies, return fire with truth.

We can truth our way out of this.

It will not be easy.

But the alternative is death and shame.


Executive Action [1973)

LBJ was not innocent.

But the story goes far deeper than that.

And it depends on who you ask.

As Oliver Stone told it, Johnson was integral to the plot against Kennedy.

Here, Johnson is largely a footnote.

Here we enter the politics of history.

The politics of film.

The politics of telling a story.

To decipher, we must know Dalton Trumbo.

Relative to Oliver Stone.

What is most remarkable is that there was a film made which not only rivals the quality and conviction of Stone’s JFK, but perhaps exceeds it.

This is that film.

David Miller, its director, barely has a stub of biography to supplement his rather large filmic oeuvre.

Which is intriguing.

Let’s investigate further.

Miller started out as an editor for an RKO (Radio-Keith-Orpheum) film directed by a Halliburton.

That was 1933.

By 1937, he was directing.

Miller seems to have strictly directed short films for the next four years.

His first feature-length film of note was Billy the Kid in 1941.

By the next year he was directing John Wayne in Flying Tigers.

The war years were lean.

A short propaganda film here and there.

Seven years elapsed.

But Miller was back in the game by 1949…directing Bing Crosby in Top o’ the Morning.

That same year, Miller directed the Marx Brothers in their final feature film: Love Happy.

Future highlights for Miller included the noir film Sudden Fear in 1952 starring Joan Crawford and Jack Palance.

He directed Ginger Rogers in 1954’s Twist of Fate (aka Beautiful Stranger).

By 1956, he was directing Lana Turner and Roger Moore in Diane.

Joan Crawford teamed up with Miller again in 1957 for The Story of Esther Costello.

By 1960, Miller was teaming up with screenwriter Dalton Trumbo.

They had at their disposal Kirk Douglas.

The film was Lonely Are the Brave.

Miller was making a spy thriller by 1968:

the little-known Hammerhead.

The year I was born, 1976, Miller was making his last film (again with Lana Turner): Bittersweet Love.

His penultimate film, Executive Action, is a masterpiece.

Again teamed with Dalton Trumbo.

There is plenty of bitterness to go around for the conspirators of JFK’s murder.

Which brings us to the current state of American politics.

Who is really in control?

Is it Joe Biden?

I don’t not think that anyone would assume Biden is even controlling his own bowels at this point.

Which is sad.

Because he has only been in office a mere 30-some-odd days.

Is the business world running the U.S. government?

It’s possible, but I don’t think so.

As much as they would like to use Biden as their puppet, I do not think we are completely being ruled by corporations at the moment (though their power is considerable).

What about the Democrat Party?

Is it running America?

Nancy Pelosi seems powerful.

But also inept.



She and Biden make the perfect pair.

Slurring and stuttering.

Schumer is just a yutz.

But the Biden/Pelosi combo is one for the ages.

My fellow San Antonian, the late Jacques Barzun, might have something to say here re: decadence.


Like rotting teeth.

You can give Biden dental implants.

And Hunter too.

You can give Pelosi dentures.

But Joe and Nancy will continue to be an overwhelming embarrassment.

Which brings up Biden’s “80 million votes”.

And Pelosi’s unpopularity within her own party.

AOC’s star will fade, but for now, Sandy Cortez wields far more political capital than the haggard Pelosi.

And it is not hard to see why.

Cortez is an attractive (albeit moronic), young star of American communism.

She promises everything.

She will (of course) deliver nothing.

But hey: that’s the essence of communism.

Pelosi’s day has come and gone.

And it was a LOOOOOONG day.

Pelosi has overstayed her welcome.

Even in the minds of her fellow socialists.

But this is all just theater.

Because Biden, nor Pelosi, nor AOC are in control.

What about Kamala?


I don’t think so.

So we must keep searching.

And here we hit gold.

Either the military, the CIA, or the NSA (which is to say, the military) are now in control of the country.

In the case of the CIA, we must remind some readers that this organization started off with military roots.

The OSS.

And for many years, the CIA overthrew communist governments.

That is, until Barack Obama appointed a communist (John Brennan) to head the Agency.

It is not a matter of debate that Brennan voted for Gus Hall in 1976.


“John Brennan on Thursday recalled being asked a standard question for a top security clearance at his early CIA lie detector test: Have you ever worked with or for a group that was dedicated to overthrowing the US?”

Brennan said, “I froze”.

Which brings us to JFK.

And communism.

And Vietnam.


JFK had Addison’s disease.

And treatment for Addison’s disease can cause mood swings.

Maybe not the best trait for a President of the United States (especially at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis).

Not only this, but JFK and RFK lied about Kennedy’s condition.

Indeed, mood changes characterize Addison’s disease itself (and are not simply a side effect of treatment):


At his autopsy, JFK was found to have virtually no adrenal glands whatsoever.

To say this is an advanced stage of Addison’s would be an understatement.

This would have predisposed JFK to:




-poor concentration.

Again, not the traits you want in a President.

And not the sort of thing a Presidential candidate and his brother (Attorney General) should have lied about.

But they did.

None of which is to say that Kennedy deserved to die like a dog.

He didn’t.

But we now come into a realm of questioning and philosophy which involves the existential survival of America.

For the first time in my life, I today regarded Lyman L. Lemnitzer as a potentially-reasonable person.

He of Operation Northwoods infamy.


Because of the care taken in that document with regard to contrived obituaries, etc.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff, under Kennedy, did indeed present the option of (plot) terror attacks on the American people.

Some of the attacks (options) would have been real.

That is the Lemnitzer I have always detested.

But some of the attacks (options) would have been simulated.

In other words, these men of war would have taken great care in concocting fake deaths…TO PROTECT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

From what?

From Soviet nuclear weapons in Cuba.

So I ask you today:  is it possible that this same panel (the JCS) is now in control of the USA?

What about Lloyd Austin?

Are the JCS really reporting to him?

Maybe so.

Maybe not.

And what of the CIA?

Why was Mike Pompeo (West Point) put in charge of the CIA before becoming Secretary of State?

Why did Trump go to CIA headquarters so early in his Presidency?

Was it not reminiscent of his visits to Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the Vatican (respectively)?

If one was to really “drain the swamp”, where would this swamp-drainer start?

And if the CIA can infiltrate the Pentagon (the veracity of which, just prior to 9/11, Dr. Pieczenik has attested to), then can the Pentagon not (silently) reclaim the CIA?

What changes did Pompeo make while he was there?

Is it possible that the CIA is currently in control of the U.S. government?

And that the CIA has been gutted by Trump and Pompeo?

Is it possible that the U.S. military is operating out of Langley (in a script-flip of Langley infiltrating the Pentagon)?

Which then brings us to the NSA and CYBERCOM (which are, for the time being, virtually the same thing).

If any agency could run the country, it would be the NSA.


Because they would be able to undo corruption.

Piece by piece.

They would know which blackmailed leaders to remove (legally…over time…even if by martial law).

And they would know how to LEVERAGE information for command and control purposes.

For instance.

If Mark Milley (CJCS) was being a cunt (not that he ever would be), the NSA could neutralize him with information.

Perhaps Milley has some unsavory secrets he doesn’t want coming out.

The NSA would have that.

Which is to say, Paul Nakasone could literally be running the entire country all by himself at this point.

Perhaps with help from Keith Alexander.

And Jerry Boykin.

No need for kinetic warfare if the #InvisibleCoup / #SecretCoup / #SilentCoup is run with devastating efficiency and efficacy by Fort Meade.

But just in case, SOCOM/USSOCOM are ready to knock on some doors (if needed).

Joe Biden is being allowed to pretend he is President.

That is my theory.

I very much owe my realization to the writing of Martin Geddes.

What we are seeing is the United States being given a free sample of Chinese communism.

The military is running the country.

We can attack Iran.

And Biden will be blamed.

The military can mess up.

And Biden will be blamed.

And Biden will run the country into the ground on his own.

Yet the military will act as training wheels for this bicycle.

This is where SOCOM/USSOCOM comes in.

This is where Fort Bragg reigns supreme.


The American populace must be woken up.

It cannot be done all at once.

The American populace must experience first-hand the failure of socialism.

Which is why Donald Trump’s second term features Joe Biden as President.

Which brings us back to QAnon.

We know that Q was more that one writer.


But anyone could be framed for writing it.

Even myself.

But I did not write it.

And I very much believe that those now in control of our government DID write it.


The CIA pulled off 9/11.

But they were not alone.

There were traitorous elements within our military.

I can only now hope that those elements have left.

But, again:  the NSA/CYBERCOM would have all the goods needed to remove corruption from even the top ranks of the military.

All other unified combatant commands would need to rely on kinetic means.

Which brings up a possible coconspirator in preserving and defending the Constitution:


As we have said, SOCOM would be a muscle held in reserve.

A further buttress may be SPACECOM.

Indeed, it is possible that STRATCOM is not a part of this “invisible coup”.

STRATCOM’s capabilities may be constrained by those of SPACECOM.

Nevertheless, CYBERCOM (again) can control all other human elements.

It would be a sort of blackmail to save America.

If globalists can have a Great Reset, what’s to say the U.S. military couldn’t manufacture a national reset?

I would bet on the U.S. military before I would bet on the World Economic Forum.

And I also bet that the U.S. military now knows that the WEF have committed an act of war in inflicting COVID-19 upon the United States.

WEF, acting as a sort of nationstate, would fall under the category of terrorist organization (biological terror).

Bill Gates has given aid and comfort to this enemy.

Anthony Fauci has given aid and comfort to this enemy.

And all three have worked in concert with a foreign adversary to wreck the economy and morale of the United States.

That foreign adversary is China.

To win this war, it was necessary for Joe Biden to playact.

Except he doesn’t know he’s playacting.

Nor does Nancy Pelosi.

The U.S. military will act at its own pace.

The number one imperative is the good of the country.

Biden cheated and got caught.

The best path forward was to continue to find and weed out corruption.

The U.S. does not want a world war.

China will be dealt with in due time.

But first, the American house must be cleaned.

It is back to a one-room schoolhouse.

We are in session.

The class is political economy.

Joe Biden is teaching us.

What not to do.

The country is experiencing his leadership.

Right after having experienced the free market policies of a truly competent President:

Donald Trump.

The spell must be broken.

The mass media must be exposed.

They lied about Trump for four years.

They lie about everything.

Now they have what they wanted.

Trump’s great defeat.

And a senile incompetent in power.

But they have no plan to help people.

They merely wanted power for the sake of power.

Now that they have it, they don’t know what to do with it.

There is no tit to suck.

This is a crucible for policy.

Free markets work.

Watch the price of eggs.

Socialism/communism does not work.

And to the extent that it does work, it relies on authoritarianism to FORCE people to sacrifice for the greater good.

That is not what America is about.

America is about freedom.

Our dalliance with communism is about to be short-lived.

The U.S. military will dismantle propaganda.

Each domino will fall.

Andrew Cuomo.

Gavin Newsom.

This is a controlled demolition of a condemned building.

The corruption must come down.

But it must come STRAIGHT down.

So as to not harm the people to an undue extent.

Communism lies.

For the greater good.

Capitalism advertises.

It is a subtle differentiation.


Capitalism will win.

Goods must flow freely.

And you know what else must flow freely?

Ideas, motherfucker!

Dalton Trumbo was a communist propagandist.

A good story teller.

But a liar in some key details.

In reality, those who want depopulation (Bill Gates) are communists.

Bill Gates has hitched his wagon to Chinese communism.

America must go a different course.



You CAN take the vaccine (if you want to).

Listen to Donald Trump.

Therapeutics are better.

But he gave you your damn vaccine.

In record time.

Take at your own risk.

It’s experimental.

Trumbo was one of the Hollywood Ten.

Perhaps soon we will be able to list the Pedowood Ten (as Los Angeles has devolved in depravity).

History forgets some of these former (Hollywood Ten) communists.

But some we remember.


Ring Lardner Jr.

And Trumbo.

Ayn Rand was an anticommunist.

Good for her.

Not one of the Ten.

Other significant Hollywood personages blacklisted:

-Lillian Hellman

-Paul Robeson

-Richard Wright

Look them up.  This wasn’t racial.

Wright was literally a member of the American Communist Party.

Further communist elements:

-Leonard Bernstein

-Aaron Copland

-Dashiell Hammett

-Lena Horne

-Langston Hughes

-Burl Ives

-Alan Lomax

-Joseph Losey

-Burgess Meredith

-Arthur Miller

-Zero Mostel

-Dorothy Parker

-Edward G. Robinson

-Pete Seeger

-Artie Shaw

-Orson Welles

And more communist elements:

-Richard Attenborough

-Harry Belafonte

-Luis Buñuel

-Charlie Chaplin

-Jules Dassin

The lesson?

Being a communist when America is at war (Cold War) with a communist nation is not a good idea.

And guess what?

America is again at war with a communist nation (this time it’s China).

Getting out of stupid wars is a good idea.

Afghanistan and Iraq were/are stupid wars.

Trump did his best to remove troops.

There is no longer any urgent need to have troops in Europe as part of NATO.

The Soviet Union no longer exists.

Russia does not present the same threat to the United States as does China.

Which is to also say:  Vietnam was not a stupid war.

It was botched.

It was handled in a daft manner.

The draft gave birth to resentment.

But the threat was real.

And the war had merit.

Whether it retained that merit throughout is a matter of discussion.

Which is to say, JFK was not perfect.

He was made a martyr.

Which tends to overshadow aspects of his makeup which disqualified him for the Presidency (such as Addison’s disease…and lying about having Addison’s disease).

Biden and Pelosi are not focused on the believability of their “victory” and “power”.

By the time they realize what is going in, it will be too late for them.

They are no real threat to the republic.

JFK should not have been gunned down like a dog.

War is hell.


Three Days of the Condor [1975)

I’m not a spy.

I just read books.

Like Michael Ruppert’s Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil.

Page 49.

And the reason I got an MBA.

Page 53.

When last I wrote.

The power had gone off.

And we went days.

Freezing in a house with no heat.

Eventually our water went off.

Not enough electricity to run the pumping stations.

In a major American city.

San Antonio.

Steve Pieczenik did not work for the CIA.

Read his book.

Buy it.

It is the most important book of the 21st century so far.

Comb through his interviews.

“I have worked with and against the CIA.”

But who was to lead the coup?

The military.

I don’t know.

The CIA.

We are getting deep into machinations which are currently tweaking the world.

The gears spin.

Some free-floating doodads.

Slowed down by the friction of a finger.

Trying to find leaks for Huber.

Trying to find plot devices for the artist formerly know as Special Activities Division.



Q branch attempted to bring in Snowden for the NSA.

Look it up.

Who is sent to bring in Joe Turner?

The analogous.


What was Epstein’s townhouse?

The Herbert N. Straus mansion.


As it turns out, Bill Gates and (a) John Roberts did indeed ride on Lolita Express.

Lin Wood was right.


Take a look at the EXIM.

It is true that the CIA devours spy novels.

This has been admitted by the Agency.

But Sydney Pollack’s film gives this a very unique twist.


Key points:

  • The corrupt mass media that is under CCP control cannot accuse Trump of being a military dictator when the US military overtly becomes in control.
  • You can do military operations that otherwise would be politically unacceptable (think Iran, Syria).
  • avoids confusion for the public of which Presidency they are endorsing”

I have reordered these.

And trimmed a bit on the final one.

Because I do not believe the Organic Act bullshit about Trump being the 19th real President on March 4.

Read the Organic Act.

Unless I have shirked my duty as a researcher, there is nothing in this legislation which even hints at an untoward redirection of power.

Indeed, it is one of the most mundane pieces of legislation I have ever seen.

Judge for yourself:



The actual Act is many pages long.

All of which are reiterations of the same inane bullshit.

Which is to say, this act did nothing (as far as I can tell) to change the organization or legal status of the United States.

The United States of America.

Another fallacy (I think).

While I am open minded on this point (that a word has been removed somewhere and, thus, we are on a different timeline [so to speak…in the legal sense] as a result), I do not think that there has been a word removed or added TO THE NAME OF OUR FUCKING COUNTRY and that it has gone unnoticed by all legal minds of good will.

Even the worst legal minds (acting in bad faith) are, by definition, legalistic.

Do you think someone wouldn’t have taken the opportunity before now to point out a glaring error which fundamentally changes the legal status of our country?

So, I am not a big fan of this theory.

But I am a fan of Martin Geddes’s writing (to which I have just recently been made aware).

While I do not necessarily concur with all the points he makes in his article (particularly, about Joe Biden being on a movie set, yada yada [sure…it’s possible]), I do agree with some very salient points he makes.

To restate his points from a different angle, there has already been a military coup.

Pieczenik was right.

It was a hard coup.

But it was also (it seems) an invisible coup.

How is that possible?

It does start to strain credibility.

But it is possible.

And I would go far beyond that.

I would say it is likely.

A key part of this coup may be the fact that JOE BIDEN DOES NOT KNOW A COUP HAS TAKEN PLACE.

Indeed, neither does Nancy Pelosi.

This is a secret coup.

So who is running the country?

The military.

Wizards and warlocks.

Robert Redford identifies “a CIA within the CIA”.


That is the group that destroyed the Twin Towers (which play such a prominent role in this film).

Lucky break.

Better off dead.


Gunnery sergeant mailman.

Ugly motherfucker.

Same bloke dressed as a broad from Thunderball ?

Maybe not.

Stay calm.


Don’t leave me hanging on the telephone.

Do not hang up.

The is The Major.


A brutal game.

Yes, keep the heat on.

But drain the fucking swamp, for crying out loud.

Take your god damned time.

But please get the job done.

No country left.

Unless you act.

We are speaking to the counterweight.

Those who are currently running the country.

God bless you.

Let us delineate again.

We can bomb Iran.

Biden will take the heat.

We can fuck up.

Biden will be blamed.

And the most important part.

The country will come to be less confused.

It is the Pepsi challenge.

Coke wants you to be less white.

Coke is Joe Biden.

Crack is Hunter Biden.

Obi Don Kenobi is Pepsi.

The country is getting a free trial of Chinese-style communism.

When the time is right, the covert will become overt.

And it will be done in the way most beneficial to the country.

That is the ethos of those running the country.

And they are the authors of the fucking brilliant Q PSYOP.

As Tucker Carlson was having a hard time locating the QAnon website, let’s help him out:




There is, of course, no one Q website.

They are all aggregator sites.

They aggregate posts made on 4chan and 8chan/8kun respectively.

Some aggregators have been doxxed.

Other sites have gone tits-up for unknown reasons.

But these two links work as of now.

Like Buffalo ’66.

Or The Tiger Makes Out.

Max von Sydow is excellent here.

An assassin.

Like Locque in For Your Eyes Only.

But more Godard.



Older now.

Brown frames.


How to evade.

Stay in the light.

How to confuse.

How to keep it up.

How to devise a long-term strategy for survival.

How to become impervious to psywar.

Know yourself.

Know your enemy.

Devise tactics.

To beat the devil.

Identify mechanism for delivery.

Thwart demoralization.

Force brute.

David Icke model.

Warm goo phase.

Working for and against.

At various times.

You must understand Pieczenik in Panama.

With Noriega.

Why did the United States send this man?

You must understand Pieczenik in Syria.

In Southeast Asia.

Trace the network.

Pieczenik has come out for decades.

He has truly defected to the people.

He has given away no tradecraft.

He is not a Snowden.

He is a rock and roller.

And he is not full of shit.

What we are seeing currently is the greatest military operation in America’s history.

Either that, or we are fucked.

Why Spanish, Dutch, and Arabic?



Royal Dutch Shell.


Creative communication.

Hidden in plain sight.


Of a sort.






I take a different approach.

I appreciate Thomas Jefferson.

Cutting up his Bible.

But not for me.

Because the word of God is holy.

Yet my tattered volume.

Illuminated by colored pencils.

God has tested my faith.

I am weak.

But strong in my core.

And I give my full future to Jesus Christ.

May I bring glory to God.

Even if I curse like Lenny Bruce.

May God work through me as he has worked through Trump.

Rock and rollers.

Similarities to another masterpiece.

The Conversation. (1974)

Of Francis Ford Coppola.

Condor (1975).

No such agency.

Existence of which declassified when?

Current state of affairs.

Space Force.

17th to accede to IC.


Such a fucking stupid descriptor.

Ostensibly headed by Bill Gates’s bitch Avril Haines (Event 201).

Both beholden to China.

Can’t spell China without ChInA.

The entity which gave us COVID-19.

I am going to enjoy this.

Dr. Kaufman in Tomorrow Never Dies.

Bill Barr.

The worst kind of traitor.

In the same category as Dick Cheney and Mike Pence.

And John Roberts.

Never trust The New York Times.


Full Metal Jacket [1987)

America is at war.

With communism.

With China.

And with those who collaborate with China to suppress freedom.

Some of those communist agents have risen to the highest levels of U.S. government.

It is not a stretch to say that America is now run by communist China.

Which means people like myself–people who like to have their votes actually count–are placed in a very delicate situation.

I am no longer under any illusion that my vote counts.

My vote was stolen by Eric Coomer.

My vote was stolen by Ruby Freeman.

My vote was stolen by Fulton County and Wayne County.

My vote was stolen by Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee.

My vote was stolen by Maricopa County.

My vote was stolen by Phoenix.

My vote was stolen by Las Vegas.

My vote was stolen by Arizona and Nevada.

My vote was stolen by Chinese hackers.

My vote was stolen by the CIA.

My vote was stolen by the Deep State.

I could go on and on.

My vote was stolen by Mark Zuckerberg and his pathetic wife Priscilla Chan.

My vote was stolen by Mitch McConnell and his pathetic wife Elaine Chao.

And her pathetic sister Angela Chao.

And the Bank of China.

My vote was stolen by China.

China who gave the world COVID.

On purpose.

America is in a war.

It is undeclared publicly.

I’m not sure our military is even smart enough to realize we are under attack.

Because many of our top brass appear to be corrupt.

My vote was stolen by Michael Hayden and John Brennan.

My vote was stolen by Gina Haspel and Avril Haines.

My vote was stolen by Bill Gates.

My vote was stolen by James Mattis and John Kelly.

My vote was stolen by Colin Powell and James Comey.

My vote was stolen by Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok.

My vote was stolen and given to Joe Biden.

My vote appears to have been stolen by Mark Milley.

My vote appears to have been stolen by Chris Miller and Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

My vote was stolen by Mike Pence.

My vote was stolen by Brett Kavanaugh.

My vote was stolen by Amy Coney Barrett.

My vote was stolen by John Roberts.

My vote was stolen by Chris Krebs.

My vote was stolen by Christopher Wray.

South Carolina is where cars crash into trees.

Where drunks wreck their hoopties.

Fucked up on malt liquor.

Cheap wine.

Fuck it.


You’re almost in Georgia by that point.

But you gotta go inland to find the Georgia Guidestones.

So transparently talking about global depopulation.

But still on the South Carolina border.

Heading towards Alabama hit Atlanta.





Fake news.

Was it Ted Turner built the Guidestones or some other worthless fuck?

Some worthless piece of shit like Bill Gates.

Parris Island will get you to Jekyll Island.

Straight shot.

Where those filthy bankers plotted the Federal Reserve System in secret in 1910.

111 years ago.

Two world wars.

A Cold War.


Afghanistan for us and the Soviets.

Iraq twice.

And now we can never get out of debt.

All goes back to 9/11.


I liked R. Lee Ermey.

Some might say.

Like liking Darth Vader.

But I don’t think so.

Because Stanley Kubrick is a (very talented) propagandist.

True, war is disgusting.

True, Vietnam was depressing.

But now you see what we were fighting against.

Was it misguided?


But now Chinese communism has conquered our nation (with the installment of Joe Biden).

And so now the heroes of Vietnam–our American Vietnam vets–are truly heroes after all.

To stem the tide.

To buy us time.

And our politicians (and military brass) have pissed it away.

But mainly our politicians.

And our filthy intelligence (CIA) community.

America is not shit.

At its heart.

But Stanley Kubrick and all his commie fag friends want you to believe it’s so.

But we will not tolerate that.

We respect Kubrick’s talent.

But politely disagree with his artistic premise…that America is shit.


D’Onofrio breaks your heart.

And it is more schoolmaster bullying than anything.

Very British.

But it’s all plausible.

Yet Kubrick has to shoot it like The Shining.

Yeah, war will drive you crazy.

And real training should be the same intensity as the war you’re going to.

Otherwise, it’s worthless.

America is at war.



China doesn’t declare war anymore.

They just sneak around and poison you.

And fuck with your weather.

And buy off your politicians.

I love jelly donuts.

We’re not all cut out for the military.

But when the enemy invades the homeland (as China has done to us), all bets are off.

I am a digital soldier.

Born To Kill.

Matthew Modine good here too.

The terror.

In the eyes.

Kubrick was a genius.

An evil genius.

Yes, war is bad.

But Kubrick was a communist.

So, for him, a communist world was better than a war.

For me, a war is better than a communist world.

Because at least we got the chance of coming out the other side with some freedoms.

Freedom, motherfucker!

That thing I am using right now to write this blog.

That thing that guarantees I can insult the government.

I can make my views known.

I cannot be violent, but I can unleash a shitstorm of invective.

And my government is supposed to not be able to stop me.

Because they are constrained by our Constitution.

Political speech.

Is protected speech.

I wish no harm to anyone listed above.

Even if they have literally taken communist Chinese money (like Joe Biden).

I don’t wish them harm.

But I can’t vote them out.

Not anymore.

Which puts me in a very delicate situation.

Which necessitates that I study war.

To fight China myself.

Because my government has become (in many ways) one with China.

My loyalty is to the USA.

My loyalty is to my country.


Joe Biden’s loyalty is to money.

And those who give him money.

He and his family have profited handsomely off of Chinese dealings.

And Ukrainian dealings.

China has released a plague upon us.

This is not the time to make friends with China.

But Joe Biden doesn’t understand that.

He just understands corruption.

He just wants his pockets lined.

And Joe Biden’s handlers don’t care about the plague.

For them, it’s just another opportunity to make money (off of vaccines).

And really, they worship the plague…because the plague let them dethrone Trump.

It was the only way.

To get the mail-in ballots.

But some, like Bill Gates (and Avril Haines), are quite obviously more privy to a deeper plan.

A plan to cull the herd.

Unfortunately for them, the rapper Pitbull is onto their Event 201 bullshit.

So it is not looking good for Gates and Haines re: stealthiness.

Do you remember Charles Whitman?

Lee Harvey Oswald?

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman does.

Them’s the facts of life.

The Virgin Mary.

Mary Jane Rottencrotch.

A man can only be pushed so far.

How many people voted for Trump?

What do the rotten bastards say?

69 million?

That’s no small potatoes.

Based on post-election polling, I’m guessing the current number of Trump voters who believe the election was stolen sits at about 46 million people or more. Maybe closer to 50 million. And this is assuming the 69 million total is correct (which it cannot, in reality, be).

But I am not here to lay out the evidence.

I have done it before.

I am sick of doing it.

Research it yourself.

Nothing could possibly happen on Tet.

Never has before.

There couldn’t possibly be a military coup.

Never has been before.

Except in just about every country on Earth (America not withstanding).

But what we have had are:

–a Revolutionary War (which birthed the country)


–a Civil War (which tore the country in two).

It was a rebirth.

China (and Russia) would like nothing more than to see us go through a civil war.

China because they want to beat us.

Russia because they still hate us.

But Russia respects us.

Not our leaders, of course.

But us.

Those of us fighting against the New World Order.

China owns the New World Order.

Or vice versa.

It is symbiotic.

Russia is on the sidelines.

More or less self-sufficient.

But a little nervous.

About their neighbor China.

And about the disintegration of the U.S.

Of course Russia wants the E.U. to collapse.

But the E.U. deserves to collapse.

Because it is Chinese communism in disguise.

It is the pet project of the globalists (the Bilderberg set).

Adam Baldwin is also the most real thing here.

But D’Onofrio breaks your heart.

And mine too.

Fat boy.

We fucked up.

But we all get the punishment.

Gotta accept Jesus.

It’s not communism.

It’s grace.

It’s mercy.

It’s harmony.

Order out of chaos (some say).


But not cynical.

You gotta offer a choice.

God is the ultimate capitalist.

Free will.

A free market of souls.

Take your pick.

Look around.

Choose the Devil.

Or choose God.

Feel evil.

And feel good.

Make your bed.

Kubrick always goes a bit squiffy just when he could nail it.

Same in The Shining.

That stupid maze scene at the end.

More funny than scary.

Ruins a masterpiece.

Blood in slow-motion.

Empty filmmaking.

Kubrick doesn’t know…why…he’s doing what he’s doing.

Which is why this film is NOT as good (nor as important) as Apocalypse Now.

But Kubrick gets very close.

There’s a lot of Strangelove in this.

The irreverence of Joker.

A little bit of Cries and Whispers.

The gook sniper.

Kubrick is going for juxtaposition.

A nuke and Vera Lynn.

A war crime and the Mickey Mouse song.

Quite aware.

Marx and Coca-Cola.

Learn your lessons now, boys!


Career Opportunities [1991)

Special operations.



Dispose ASAP.



T.S. Eliot and William S. Burroughs.


Working at night.


In a store.

Mannequin meets Pretty in Pink.

Which makes sense.

Since John Hughes wrote this.

But didn’t direct it.


Moral dilemma.

Crise cœur.

Two roads diverge in the wilderness.

Yellow wood.

Jennifer Connelly on a mechanical horse.

For kids.

In the concession area.

How love begins.

A song.


Magic in the eyes.

Chain reaction.

Some good story.

How it ties together.



How many levels to this matryoshka?

You let fools make fools of themselves.

We all have our talents.

Special agents.


State-sanctioned skills.

You need a plan.

And another.

You never bank on one outcome.

No realm is so entirely concerned with contingencies as the military.

Many elements needed for this outcome to come together.

An abundance of force.

A disarming amount of shock.

A way to reload.


To hold criminals at bay.

Criminals who have multiple rounds to spend.


Know yourself.

Know your enemy.

Know your enemy.

Know yourself.

Dream big.

Trust in God.


Tropic Thunder [2008)

Jim Marrs fought the good fight.

Straight out of The Party.

And later Being There.

Full retard.


Waiting with bated breath.

After just five days.

Seven days in May.

I didn’t recognize Tom Cruise.

Impressive invective.

What is it with these Scientologists?

Why they gotta be such good fuckin’ actors?


And musicians.


Never mind.

Fuck ’em!

A bunch of nut jobs!!

‘Bout to rub tiger balm on this bitch.

Coogan spontaneously combusts.

But he had the right idea.

Strait out of Spies Like Us.

Strait out of The Three Amigos.

Massive influence of John Landis on Edgar Wright.

But here, Ben Stiller.

Straight out of Blair Witch.


Like Pavement.

I can relate.



Real bullets.

One round.

Rock and road.

Full metal jacket.

Guarding the poppy fields in Afghanistan.

Pat Tillman.

Now comes the pain.

Why were McConnell and McCain in Burma?




First Secretary of State to visit Myanmar in 50 years.

Big feather in her cap.

She came, she saw, he died.

Her foreign policy achievements.

Think the CIA isn’t capable of stoking race riots?

Princess Diana.

Is this real world or exercise?




Child soldiers.

Borat with video record.


No more LARPing.

Thoughtful Americans can no longer have any confidence in the U.S. voting system…unless they are Democrats.

Which may be mutually exclusive to “thoughtful”.

Regardless, the machines are rigged for Democrats.

Democrats never get in trouble.

Especially the big ones like Hillary.

But also the ones like Ruby Freeman (who get $100 to stuff the ballot box).

Just as busted as Derek Chauvin.

Ruby Freeman with her knee on the neck of our vote.

And Shaye Moss.

Asphyxiating democracy at the State Farm Arena in the early morning hours of November 4, 2020.

And Ralph Jones Sr.

And an as-yet-to-be-identified fourth suspect.

Suspected of committing massive ballot fraud.

The whole country has seen it.

But Ruby Freeman walks free (apparently).

No consequences.

Because she’s a Democrat.

And it would be racist to not let a black woman cheat.

Maybe there was no Q.

Or maybe Q is about to unleash hell.

Don’t ask me.

I don’t know.

Consigned to play the role of Simple Jack for eternity.

Colonel Kurtz, I presume.


Are there shifts?

I love America.

But my vote no longer counts in America.

Because of Ruby Freeman and (even more so) Dominion Voting Systems.

But also Hart InterCivic.

By way of the SolarWinds hack.


And even ES&S.

Why was Smartmatic interested in Burma’s vote in 2015?



You think we are weak and defeated.

QAnon was merely boot camp for digital soldiers.

Willing to die.

How die?

Rounded up by Biden’s death squads.

How die?

Targeted by Antifa.

How die?

Imprisoned on trumped up charges.

Better to burn out than to fade away.

Rust never sleeps.

Never stops oxidizing.

We know you, but do you know us?

We took down the Soviet Union with rock and roll.

Who are we?

We scoured Zbig’s big tell.

We will win the culture war.

You squash us, but we are Levi’s jeans in Gorky Park.

Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci.

You have to have balls.

To be a rock and roller.

Fuck it.

Let it roll.


Call it in the air.

Tumbling into the basket.

Fish and loaves.

By the power of Jesus Christ.

We rebuke you.



Larry Silverstein.

What a disgusting prick.

Human slime.

Warren Buffett too.

NetJets in Flight 93 neighborhood.

Nearest bird.

Golf tournament.

At Offutt AFB?

Lloyd Austin giving Donald Rumsfeld a run for his money.

As most pathetic, treasonous SecDef in U.S. history.

Forrestal is rolling in his grave while quoting Ajax.

Frank Olson has never been avenged.

What does Fort Detrick make of COVID-19?


Certainly unrestricted.


False-flag STAND DOWN.

Fake woke.

Lloyd Austin.


Trained actors.

Trained musicians.

Trained artists.

Information warfare.

Strategic intelligence.

CIA is Wall Street.

Hit ’em where it hurts.


Game continue.

The kabuki of war.

Willing to die.

Because I love George Washington.

And I love “one person, one vote”.

Because I am not a slave.

King Gary.


Something in the Civil War.


Bridge wired.

Stabbed by Mini Me.

War is hell.

All is fair.

I cannot accept a fake president.

How am I to participate in democracy if my vote no longer counts?

I lack “standing”.

My state lacks “standing”.

And all Democrats (and most Republicans) have also passed the buck.

Shirked their duties.

There is no justice at the Department of Justice.

But I still believe in the FBI.

I don’t believe in Comey.

I don’t believe in McCabe.

I don’t believe in Strzok (or his wife who just got a cherry position at the SEC).

I don’t believe in Lisa Page.

Clinesmith handling is a blatant double standard.

I still believe in the military.

I believe in law enforcement.

I shall remain peaceful.

I ask for the help of the military.

I ask for the help of law enforcement.

Make us proud.

Go out on the same limbs we do.

I have nothing in this life.

I am a “racist” just because I voted for Trump.

I need to be “deprogrammed”.

I need to be “re-educated”.

I will fight till my last day.

The word is mightier than the sword.