crestfall [2021)

Starts sampledelia.

A story.

The push and pull of clunky electronics.

The goal of fucking up a sound recording to the greatest extent possible.

And then those beautiful strings come in.

Like The Cure.

All cats are grey.

Bass doesn’t drop until two minutes.

Pretty slick.

The Specials.

Ghost town.

Of James Brown pianists.


The Bar-Kays.

Soul finger.

Spies like us.

Not so long ago now, seems it?

Have you got your anti-radiation supplements?

Let me help you out on that.

In case your city gets nuked.

And the 300 kiloton warhead doesn’t incinerate you.

Because it was dropped on the other side of town.

Maybe because the missile was old.

Or clunky.

You don’t have to be that accurate with a nuke of that yield.

Now you are battling radiation.

Stay inside as long as possible.




Water will soon be contaminated.

But soaking for 30 minutes in a bath of sea salt (one capful [as if it were bath salts]).


William S. Burroughs.

Has to be sea salt.

Can’t be table salt.

Pulls the radiation out of your body.

But you’ll need more than that.

Storable drinking water.

Storable food.

Air ok to breathe, but don’t go outside.

Air conditioner filter will remove radioactive particles.

But do not open any windows or doors.

[NB The EMP of the nuclear weapon will fry all electronic devices…so you will not have electricity probably for the next few months (at least). Air conditioner will not be working, but any air that passes through its filter will be cleared of a lot of radioactive particles. Phones will not work. Computers will not work. Internet will not work.]

Avoid yellow dust (nuclear fallout).

Here’s what you need to combat those radioactive isotopes (assuming you and your family didn’t get incinerated as a result of NATO’s insane and incessant eastward push over the past 30 years).

You need iodine.

Yes, potassium iodide is good.

Nascent iodine is probably even better.

But you need something to protect you from iodine-131.

Nascent iodine and/or potassium iodide will do that.

You need potassium.

You’re not gonna be making any trips to the store for bananas (unless you’re a moron).

And there will be no food arriving at any stores for quite some time (an understatement).

Potassium orotate.

Protects you against cesium-137.

You’re gonna need calcium.

Same story as with the bananas.


You don’t need milk from the store.

There will be none there anyway.

Get some calcium that includes magnesium.

If it has a little zinc in there too, that’s fine.

But you mainly need the calcium to protect you against strontium-90.

The magnesium is gonna help the calcium work better.

You’re gonna need iron.

I’d say probably take for a week or two.

No longer than that.

You need iron to protect against plutonium-239.

And finally, you need some vitamin B12.

This is gonna protect you against cobalt-60.

What a schizo record!

If you wanna bump up the effectiveness of the sea salt bath, add a cup of baking soda each time.

Meanwhile, Pauly keeps releasing these albums.

He’s up to 24 albums (369 songs) over the course of the past year.

And we are way behind here at Pauly Deathwish Incorporated in reviewing our own albums.

But this one is pretty good.

Lots of variety.

Some Brazilian.

Hard to review your own albums.

Some might say pointless.

I disagree.

I think it’s pretty cool that this dude has put out so much music in the past year.

Something for everyone.

This is a pretty experimental album.

But has some accessible stuff too.

Dub reggae.

America is fucked!

Russia’s selling oil in rubles now.

Impressive music.

Considering this was all created with little more than an iPhone 7.

Things really start heating up with “H&mmer & Scorec&rd”.

Sophisticated piece.

Gershwin would have dug this.

So would have Penderecki.




Bernard Herrmann.

A composer should be able to write about their own music.

Should be able to analyze their own music.

This album comes from the era when a Pauly Deathwish album would have 10 songs.

introversion, bucolic, MZFPK, zenith, glitch, drugs, disassemble, 41020…

After 41020, Pauly finally changed things up.

Released a maxi single.

The cover of Sonic Youth’s “Schizophrenia”.

And here he was back to another 10-song album.


These albums are pithy.

They are challenges.

They challenge the audience to figure out what the fuck is going on over the course of a mere 10 songs.

Let’s look at running times:

introversion 48:25

bucolic 39:59

MZFPK 35:49

zenith 48:06

glitch 54:36

drugs 55:01

disassemble 38:38

41020 48:00

crestfall 43:56




Rambo [2008)


For three years I was engaged.

I thought maybe the message didn’t get through.

Then I found a verbal device.

A fingerprint.

To check if my message had been received.

And read.

To my satisfaction, the level of certainty is high.

That I love someone.

And they no longer love me.

Color revolution.



The truth about Aung San Suu Kyi (ASSK).

2008 about mask Karens.

No Rohingya.


Propaganda can still be artful.

Godard knew this as a youth under the tutelage of Langlois at the Cinèmathèque Française.

She wants to believe I stole her time.

I would gladly apologize.

For not being ready.

I was never ready.

Won’t be.

But she stole my innocence.

And retains it.

More tangible.

With no offer to return it.

They weren’t outnumbered.

They just didn’t want to risk giving away their presence.

Because they were not of a single mind.

To act or not act.

They would perform reconnaissance in a mostly perfunctory fashion.

Nothing much risked.

Just go have a look.

“Well, we’re outnumbered.  Time to head home.”

A gesture of “trying” for having taken missionary money.

MOAB.  (21,000 lb)

Tallboy. (12,000 lb)


Tallboy Torpex D1.


MOAB (18,700 lb).

Tallboy (5,200 lb).


Tallboy Torpex equivalent to 3,600 lb TNT.

MOAB equivalent to 11,000 lb TNT.

Largest uranium deposit in the U.S. 1952.

Moab, Utah.

Like Grants, New Mexico.

Jeffrey City, Wyoming.

Uravan, Colorado.

Edgemont, South Dakota.

Atomic City, Idaho.

[Idaho National Laboratory]

17 labs.

16 federally funded.

Q clearance.

Lawrence Berkeley.


Oak Ridge.





Ames strain was a mislabeled specimen.

Actually from Texas.

Vollum Iraq.

Live-spore vaccines dangerous to humans.

Protective-antigen vaccine option.

No human vaccine against Ames.

Protective-antigen anthrax vaccines ineffective.


Polymerase chain reaction.


People’s Republic of China.


Reverse transcription.

J.S. Bach.


Kary Mullis credited with polymerase chain reaction (1983).

Kary Mullis died August 7, 2019.

PCR invention did not make up for his girlfriend breaking up with him.

PCR bought by Roche Molecular Systems ($300 million).

Roche Diagnostics.

Rotkreuz, Switzerland.

Red cross.

Klaus Schwab.

World Economic Forum.

Geneva, Switzerland.


Kissinger student.

Dr. Francis Boyle.

Mullis friend killed by strep.

Hoffman-La Roche v. Promega Corporation.

PCR patent unenforceable.

Mullis labeled “AIDS denialist” because he was unable to find a peer-reviewed reference that HIV was the cause of AIDS.

Keep in mind that Mullis was a Nobel Prize-winning chemist (1993).

He published his alternative theory of AIDS the following year.

Get this.

The 1993 winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was then called a “pseudoscientist” because he had a different view on HIV/AIDS.

Strange, eh?

What would Mulllis have made of COVID-19 had he not died a mere six months before the pandemic broke out?

Mullis’ basic view:  there are different varieties of AIDS.

Mullis was 74 when he died of pneumonia.

Sixth months later, many people were dying of pneumonia.

And they were being categorized as having COVID-19 based on the technology he invented:  PCR.


Cold Spring Harbor.

Princeton Plasma Physics.

Stanford Linear Accelerator.

Iron ink palimpsest.

Rubbed off.

Still readable.

By way of radiation.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.






Large Hadron Collider.


From their own website.

When was the first time a Chinese head of state attended a WEF meeting in Davos?


Why was WEF observer status for ECOSOC revoked in 2012?

WEF’s President is on the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg meetings.

So is Stacey Abrams.

So is Eric Schmidt.

Also on the Bilderberg Steering Committee is Mark Carney of Canada.

He sits on the WEF Board of Trustees (which is chaired by Klaus Schwab).

Al Gore on WEF Board.

Queen Rania of Jordan on WEF Board [Podesta].

Rafael Reif on WEF Board.

Ask Pieczenik about this guy.


David Rubenstein on WEF Board.

Co-founder/co-executive chairman of Carlyle Group.

Dominion Voting Systems.

WEF Board member Zhu Min.

And Jack Ma.

And Yo-Yo Ma.


Zhu Min Johns Hopkins.


Davos 2020.

Greta Thunberg.

Ren Zhengfei (Huawei).

George Soros.

And, yes, Donald Trump.


“Summer Davos” was started by WEF in China in 2007.


The big conference is happening in Singapore this August?

Not Davos?

CEPI launched the day before Trump was inaugurated in 2017.

Gates.  Vaccines.

January 19, 2017.

Still believe in coincidences?

Same players as Event 201.

That last-second dress rehearsal.








It’s necessary to understand exactly how Avril Haines was promoted to her CIA position (by John Brennan) and what position she was rewarded (?) with soon after Biden took office (Director ODNI [head of entire American intelligence apparatus]).

CEPI and Moderna were working on a vaccine when there were only 600 cases and 26 deaths worldwide from COVID-19.

CEPI (funded by those lovebirds, Bill and Melinda Gates) and Moderna were already in partnership as of January 24, 2020.

“The Great Reset” was to be the theme of the January 2021 Davos WEF meeting.

That same theme will hold for August 2021 in Singapore.

Samuel P. Huntington.



Klaus Schwab.

Francis Boyle*.

“Davos Man”.

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator.

Cancelled yet?

Jefferson Lab.

Los Alamos.

J. Robert Oppenheimer.



July 16.

Vaccine distribution infrastructure.

Wen Ho Lee.

Judge apologized for incarcerating.


New Mexico.





United States bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade.

May 7.


The only bombing in the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia which was directed by the CIA.

George Tenet remained through 9/11/01.

Looks like it was no accident.

The CIA “mishap”.

To start a war?

Clinton apologized.


Tenet continued with Bush.




National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Golden, Colorado.

Savannah River.

South Carolina.

National Energy Technology Laboratory.


West Virginia.


Ames check.

Argonne check.

Brookhaven check.

Fermilab check.

Idaho check.

Berkeley check.

Livermore check.

Los Alamos check.

NREL check.

Oak Ridge check.

PNNL check.

PPPL check.

Sandia check.

SRNL check.

SLAC check.

TJNAF check.

NETL not federally funded?!?

Bettis Atomic Power Lab.


Knolls Atomic Power Lab.

New York.

New Brunswick Lab.








Uranium City, Saskatchewan.

Elliot Lake, Ontario.

Julie Benz.

Was not impressed.



The Girl in the Spider’s Web [2018)


This has been planned for a long time.

The red hat.

Gate 45.

The chess piece is the watermark.

Sting operation.

Think it can’t happen?

Think ABSCAM times a million.

Sans FBI.

Every ballot watermarked with QFS blockchain encryption code.

Yes, it appears (from the testimony provided in the link above) that secret anti-fraud measures were put in place for this year’s election.

Watermarked ballots.

Trump has pulled back and is allowing the thoroughly-corrupt Democrats (who represent the globalists) and their pusillanimous media minions (99% of American mass media) to make fools of themselves.

It was a trap.

Sun Tzu, motherfuckers!

DHS (who will likely soon replace the FBI it its entirety) was in charge of printing ballots.

Non-radioactive isotope watermarks.

National guard called up in 12 states.

Washington [+D.C.?], Delaware, Texas, Arizona, Alabama…

The implication here is that the military will be used as law enforcement in some way.

That is how I’m reading it (by watching the above video).

Counter-coup II.

In 2016 it was Hillary (and family).

Now it is the corrupt Biden family.

Q:  “Are arrests coming down the road?”

A:  “Yes.  They’re coming…not just down the road.  They are being implemented.”


“People will be arrested as of tonight, tomorrow, and it will go on for quite awhile.”

Holy fuck.

“This is the biggest sting operation in our country…probably that we’ve ever had.”

Some sort of RFID (?) on the ballots for cyber tracking?

Some sort of radiation signature?

Enter the NSA.

Not exactly located in D.C. (as this movie would have you believe), but rather at Fort Meade in Maryland.

Firefall sounds (phonetically) like Skyfall (and, in substance, like The Hammer/Scorecare).

What happens when NSA tools escape?

Assange revealed some stuff in the Vault 7 drop.

For which the password was a riddle:


Ahhh, the good old days of Vault 7 (leading up to the 2016 election).

SÄPO (Swedish FBI) again show themselves to be corrupt (and inept).

[like the former leaders of the American FBI…Comey, McCabe, Strzok…]

The Spiders.

Organized crime.

Certain elements are trite (like the half-hearted, passing device of framing Salander for shooting Balder).

Double-cross the double-cross.

Or as Guy Debord wrote, “deceit deceives itself”.

Seeing through walls.

Tapping into “security” system.

Makes you sitting ducks.

Two technologies fused to create a sort of video game.

The mother of invention.

The absurdity of evil.

Beyond banality is the end scenario.

A rout.

Claire Foy is pretty damned good here.

So is LaKeith Stanfield.

Christopher Convery does a very fine job.

Cameron Britton makes a good Plague.

Quite a fine film from Fede Álvarez.

Even some very nice musical scoring from Roque Baños.

So get your popcorn ready.