The Empire Strikes Back [1980)

Today the United States of America officially became a purveyor of third-world justice.

American exceptionalism has long held that America is DIFFERENT from nations like Brazil and Pakistan.

But not any longer.

Just as was done to Bolsonaro–just as was done to Imran Khan, President Donald Trump has been convicted by his political enemies.

Such things are common in banana republics.

Want to derail the political career of a troublesome politician?

Throw him in jail.

Today, that ball started rolling in motion…towards a July 11th sentencing.

The USA is exceptional no longer.

Even pathetic, Trump-hating milquetoast Mitt Romney recently lamented that he was disappointed that President Joe Biden had not proactively pardoned Trump (or otherwise used his sway as President to dissuade fellow Democrats [such as the ones in New York state] from prosecuting Trump).

Romney is an interesting barometer.

[perhaps the only thing interesting about him]

EVEN ROMNEY knows that what Biden has done is wrong.

Not only does he know this, but his tongue has spoken such.

Much more then do the hearts and minds of actual Patriots burn tonight with anger.

But we must heed the wise words of Alex Jones (i.e. don’t be rash):

Heed the warning of Yoda.

Look to General Flynn.

If Trump has done one thing the past four years, it is to BE PATIENT.

All Patriots must follow this example.

I’m mad as hell at Trump about the COVID vaccines.

I’m mad as hell at Trump about his support for genocidal Israel.

I’m mad as hell at Trump for him banning me from Truth Social.

But here I am.

Supporting him as best I can.


Because Trump does not deserve the “third-world justice” he is receiving.

Given a choice, at this point, I choose RFK Jr. (because of his stance on the COVID vaccines).

But RFK is being edged out of the upcoming (next month) Presidential debates on CNN.

RFK is not playing by the rules of our corrupt two-party system.

So he has been (and continues to be) marginalized.

Put bluntly, there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that RFK Jr. wins the 2024 election.

But if he were on the ballot, today, before me, I would vote for him over Trump.

That’s correct.

I would throw my vote away on RFK.

That’s how PISSED OFF I am about Trump’s complete whitewashing of the vaccine genocide HE presided over as American President.

Seeing as how less that one percent of vaccine adverse events and reactions (including death) have historically been reported to the CDC/FDA VAERS system, if the VAERS system (which has completely [to my knowledge] STOPPED TAKING ANY REPORTS RELATED TO THE THREE AMERICAN COVID VACCINES) says there have been 37,000 reports of death potentially related to said vaccines, the actual number of deaths is not 37,000, nor 370,000, but 3.7 million.

To be clear, Donald Trump was the executive (the buck stops here) responsible for the death of 4 million Americans at the hands of Operation Ludicrous Speed vaccines.

Trump’s administration rushed these vaccines to market.

But it was BIDEN’S administration who COERCED Americans (including the U.S. military) to take these jabs (or else lose their jobs).

Trump has never once (to my knowledge) been critical of the safety or efficacy of his Warp Speed vaccines.

Quite the contrary, he has crowed ad nauseam about what a great achievement they were.

He is either very stupid, or very evil.

Perhaps both.

And yet I fight for him at this moment.


RFK Jr’s stance on Israel is just as bad as Trump’s.

Biden’s stance on Israel is just as bad as either of theirs.

The only other person (besides RFK Jr.) intellectually qualified to be POTUS is Cornel West.

He’s been vocally against the genocide of Palestinians at the hands of Israel.

He was vocal when it was not as safe to take such a position.

Jill Stein is a latecomer to this issue.

And Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver is coming even later to the Free Palestine table.

But Cornel West is a fucking moron when is comes to the COVID vaccines.

So we have no good choice.

And then there’s the two old dogs who are most likely to be on your ballot (if you’re an American):  Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Why, I ask again, am I bothering to defend Trump if I hold so much against him?

For starters, Trump was an enormous PAIN IN THE ASS for the American (and global) establishment.

For three solid years, Trump did a pretty damn good job of being President.

It was only in his fourth year (when he was blindsided by low-intensity biological warfare) that he gave control of the U.S. government to Anthony Fauci and Mike Pence.

Pence, in the end, fucked him.

[and Fauci fucked him coming and going]

But Biden WIELDED (through coercion) these dangerous COVID vaccines against the American people.

Something Trump did not do.

 Would Trump have also coerced Americans to take these vaccines that he loves as if they were his own syringe-shaped children?

I doubt it.

The fascist is not Trump, but Biden.

If you object to that diction, substitute authoritarian for fascist.

Leftists can be hella authoritarian.

And that’s just what Genocide Joe was with these deadly vaccines.

Trump’s final year in office was one prolonged October Surprise.

It appears to have been engineered by those connected to Event 201:  (namely) Bill Gates (via his Foundation), Klaus Schwab (via the World Economic Forum), and the CIA (via current Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines [a John Brennan protégée]).

But is there enough time for avian influenza to “save the day” for sleepy Joe Biden’s 2024 “campaign”???

No need.

This election cycle’s “October Surprise” started long ago.

Here are the red-letter dates in Biden’s TRUE campaign (a merciless campaign of THIRD-WORLD JUSTICE):

  • March 30, 2023:  34 felony charges AKA The People of the State of New York v. Donald J. Trump

Charges brought by Democratic Party prosecutor (New York County D.A) Alvin Bragg.  Case presided over by Joe Biden (and anti-Replublican Party) political donor Juan Merchan ( ).  Case decide by “impartial” jury fielded from New York City (Joe Biden “won” 60% of the vote in New York City in 2020 and no Republican Presidential candidate has won the city since Ronald Reagan in 1984 [they have only selected Democrats for 36 years in a row]).

Outcome?  Guilty on all 34 counts.  Who coulda possibly seen that verdict coming?!?


  • June 8, 2023:  37 felony charges (later upped to 40) AKA United States of America v. Donald J. Trump, Waltine Nauta, and Carlos De Oliveira [should be known as “Florida election interference” case]

Charges brought by Democrat-appointed (Merrick Garland) “independent” special counsel Jack Smith.

Charges brought by Democrat-appointed (Merrick Garland) “independent” special counsel Jack Smith.

  • August 14, 2023:  13 charges (later dropped to 10) AKA The State of Georgia v. Donald J. Trump, et al. 

Charges brought by Democratic Party prosecutor (Fulton County D.A.) Fani Willis.

At the nexus of Romney’s shocking candor and the film under consideration (in half these cases) is perhaps, one might say, the “Emperor” of American “third-world justice”:


Trump can gain my unconditional endorsement (not that he needs it) by his doing two things:

  1. disavow his Operation Warp Speed vaccines
  2. condemn the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza

Will he do it?

I doubt it.


The Equalizer [2014)

Transmission received.

Obama Presidency.

Half mark.

Rumblings of military coup.

Possible Defense Intelligence Agency PSYOP.

Prefiguring QAnon.

A continuation.

Provenance not revealed till 2018.

Those most responsible for the fall of America.

  1. Mark Zuckerberg
  2. Sundar Pichai
  3. Susan Wojcicki
  4. Zuckerberg
  5. Liang Rubo
  6. Xi Jinping
  7. Zuckerberg
  8. Wu Hai
  9. Liu Yunli
  10. Pony Ma
  11. Steven Newhouse
  12. Donald Newhouse
  13. Elon Musk
  14. Bill Gates
  15. Robin Li
  16. Jeff Bezos
  17. Narendra Modi
  18. Vladimir Kiriyenko
  19. Vladimir Putin
  20. Zuckerberg
  21. Donald Trump

Denzel Washington is the best male actor to ever set foot in front of a motion picture camera.

Harvard and MIT.


John Grayken?

Follow the money.

Steve Tisch?

Todd Black?

Find Boston.

Find Dallas twice.

Clapper thrice.


Trump massive failure on COVID vaccines.

Trump massive failure on Gaza/Israel.

It pains me to include Putin, Xi, and Modi on that list.

Far from exhaustive.

Not airtight.

58% America was its own undoing.

25% a Chinese operation.

17% shared by the rest of the world (with Russian and Indian contributions being notably egregious).

Who curtailed CIA hegemony in Hollywood after Safe House (2012)?

Home Depot.

Progress, not perfection.



24 hours.

Nighthawks (Hopper).

Closest thing he had to a friend.

RFK Jr.–massive success on vaccines, massive failure on Israel

Michael Flynn–massive success on vaccines, massive failure on Israel (took six figures to consult for which company?)

Cornel West–massive success on Israel, massive failure on vaccines

Joe Biden–massive failure on vaccines, massive failure on Israel

Donald Trump–massive failure on vaccines, massive failure on Israel

So why doesn’t Biden make the list at the top?

Because he’s inconsequential.

A puppet.

But there’s more.

He only coerced.

Those on the list made decisions.

They all had a choice.

They all made essentially the same decision.

The wrong decision.

For America.

For Americans.

All on that list consigned America to failure.

In a very specific way.

Not too hard to figure out.

Some brought America to its knees more than did others 

Some did it in other ways.

Biden did it in other ways.

He can be on another list.

A worthless President.

All things considered, RFK Jr. is the best option for U.S. President in 2024.

Cornel West is the second-best option.

All things considered, Michael Flynn is a good man.

Trump has done immense good.

But the sobering fact is that the harm he has done (do no harm) has outweighed that good.

Do the right thing.

Do something about it, Trump.

You have a choice.

Apologize regarding the vaccines.

Tell the truth.

And stop being a moron on Israel.

Moron on vaccines–moron on Israel.

In such situation, give me RFK Jr.

Or even Cornel West.

But give me Trump before you give me Biden.

Nothing worse than Biden.

No redeeming qualities.

Old man gotta be the old man.

Fish gotta be the fish.

Special talent for reading license plates.


Connect Cofer Black (CIA) to Mitt Romney.

Now connect to Burisma.

Putin has done immense good…and very little harm.

I think more at fault is Vladimir Kiriyenko or his predecessor.

In spite of everything, I believe Xi Jinping to be a truly honorable man.

Like Putin, he has done immense good…much more good than bad.

The real problem, then, is Liang Rubo.

Likewise, I believe Narendra Modi to be a truly honorable man.

More likely at fault is Virendra Gupta and/or Umang Bedi.

And don’t forget about fake fuck Chris Pavlovski and shitnose Devin Nunes.

They deserve to be on that list more than Trump does.

But no one has done worse on vaccines and Israel than Trump.

Then again, perhaps the first list need not even exist.

It could just be replaced with the name Joe Biden.

But Trump has not done the right thing.

His window in which to change course is closing.

Trump loves his COVID vaccines.

Trump loves the IDF and Netanyahu (who fucked him over at least as fast as did Boris Johnson).

Stay cool.

Be a cucumber.

In a factory of pickles.

Do not become.

Stay cucumber.

16 seconds.  4 seconds per man.

So-called men.


Surprise.  Kill.  Vanish.

A bit rusty.

Minus 9.

Still 3 slow.

Marker A:  3:22’08

The absolutely indispensable acting performance of Marton Csokas.

We who?

We who?

Investigate Tony Schaffer for being a good person.

Suspected of being on the side of good and right.

Yet still so much bullshit about 9/11.

Hijack the hijackers.

Investigate Ezra Cohen.

AKA Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

[intern for Joe Biden in high school]

Minimum age for Defense Clandestine Service?


Squelched to save.

You don’t know your own power.

We saved your life.

Know your enemy.

Know yourself.

Home field advantage.

Weapons of opportunity.

Antoine Fuqua best director working–tied with Edgar Wright.

It’s even.

Fuqua more damage with less punches.

But a bit of a moron when it comes to voting in Georgia.

JFK 1961.




The Boys from Brazil [1978)

CodeMonkeyZ blocked me on Telegram.


Pretty fucking hypocritical of a free speech advocate

I’m sure it was just some jerkoff moderator.

But I’m over it now.

Because we have a mission.

I believe Ron Watkins is a good person.

I believe President Trump is a good person.

The 2020 election was allowed to be stolen.

Operation Warp Speed was a trap.

The globalists fell for it.

Trump’s “I got the Pfizer” interview was military deception.

To throw the NWO off the scent.

And to buy some time.

As Q group takes out (one by one) all the bad actors worldwide.



You only get one chance.

The OWS trap was one in which the NWO jumped into a tiger pit.

From which they will hopefully never emerge (God willing).

But the war is not over.

Havana Syndrome + vaccines = mind control [MKUltra 2.0]

Graphene oxide + 5G = mind control




It was this 5G which really pissed off Twitter.

I had thought the 5G thing was probably a red herring.

Guess not.



Q group was behind the “Snow White” leak from the Jes Staley case.

It serves a dual purpose.

To put bad actors on notice.

To make them nervous.

They know what it means.

We MIGHT know what it means.

But also to encourage anons and autists.

If you have been living under a rock of fake news, you might not know that the CEO of Barclays bank (UK), Jes Staley, has resigned after it was discovered that he had lied about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.

The two exchanged at least 1000 emails.

And the phrase “Snow White” was supposedly passed back and forth between the two (apparently without a common-sense context).

So what does Snow White mean?

What did it mean between these two?

Well, there is this:

A code name for the CIA Directorate of Operations.

Why might Epstein (definitely a pedophile [and probably a blackmailer]) be talking about CIA covert ops?

And why would Staley be talking about it?

Indeed, from news reporting in the UK (Financial Times?), it is unclear whether Epstein or (conversely) Staley used the phrase.

Or whether they both used it.

Nor is it clear how many times it was used.

All that has been revealed is that it seemed to be used as a sort of coded phrase.

So who is Jes Staley?

[other than being a former board member of USCBC (an organization with a lot of Pfizer presence over the years)]


Does he have a Twitter profile?

Not that I can find.

But his brother, Peter, does.


Any public figure (like AIDS activist Peter Staley) who leaves their Twitter profile set to public (as opposed to private) is inviting snoopers.


Because enquiring minds want to know.

You can tell a lot about a person from their Twitter profile.

You can tell the ORDER in which they followed people.

Go back.

You can see who they have been following the longest.

And, conversely, who they have been following for the least amount of time.

You can also find interesting groupings.

Various people or organizations whom they followed in relatively quick succession.

Here’s the thing about Peter Staley.

He is Twitter “friends” with Ali Fauci.

Ali Fauci is the daughter of Anthony Fauci.

Ali Fauci has her profile set to private.

This indicates that Peter Staley and Ali Fauci may indeed know each other in real life.

As Anthony Fauci does not have a Twitter profile (as far as I know), this is the closest thing to Anthony Fauci making a trusted online connection with Peter Staley.

But Peter Staley’s interest in “medicine” does not end there.

[BTW…Ali Fauci is a software engineer for Twitter.  Is she in charge of censorship?  Or is that strictly the purview of Vijaya Gadde?]

Peter Staley also follows Peter Daszak.

Now that is a bit weird.

Daszak is the head of the EcoHealth Alliance.

EcoHealth sent National Institutes of Health (U.S. taxpayer) money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology where gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses was performed.

[to be fair, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (housed at Fort Belvoir) is STILL sending U.S. taxpayer money to the EcoHealth Alliance to study bat diseases in “western Asia”.  How much you wanna bet that money’s going to WIV?  And how did INSCOM not know about this??? ]




In private emails, Peter Daszak THANKED Anthony Fauci for dismissing the WIV lab leak theory.

That’s strange.

Because as we all now know, that theory is probably the most plausible.

Although China will not admit it.

Back to Peter Staley.

Sometimes you can’t tell the people.

You must show them.

OSINT is a beautiful thing.


Following the CEO of Moderna, eh?

Do you see how these data points are piling up?

Epstein’s friend’s brother is REALLY interested in the minutiae of this pandemic and the big pharma aspects of it.


[BTW…there is a good chance that Bancel is one of the ones who actually released the virus.  Why?  Because Moderna came up with their vaccine in 48 hours.  The same suspicion falls on NIAID’s Anthony Fauci.  And Event 201’s Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and (now promoted by Biden to head the entire American intelligence community [ODNI]) Avril Haines (a John Brennan promotee within the CIA whose promotion was out of the ordinary [i.e. she did not, in any apparent way, even earn THAT position…didn’t work her way up to it within the ranks.  Odd]]


Peter Staley (who is HIV-positive) LOVES him some good old fashioned gay sex.


And he also, around the time he was feeling horny (?), decided to follow one of the prime suspects for having unleashed COVID-19 on the world:  the aforementioned Peter Daszak (who, as you can see, has me blocked).

Was it something I said???


Peter Staley also follows Deborah Birx.

Remember her?

The scarf lady.

Fauci’s right-hand woman (for many absurd press conferences).

You will also notice that Birx’s profile is set to private.

Which means at least two things are possible.

Peter Staley followed Birx before her profile was set to private.


Peter Staley ALSO knows Deborah Birx personally.

The second possibility is supported by the fact that Peter Staley follows Ali Fauci.

It is highly likely that Ali Fauci and Deborah Birx both had to give express permission to ALLOW Peter Staley to follow them.

Why would they do that?

Maybe because they know Peter Staley in real life?

Let’s pause for a moment.

Ask yourself.

Why does a guy, whose brother was emailing “Snow White” in over 1000 emails to Jeffrey Epstein, personally know two of the main players in the COVID-19 saga:  Fauci’s daughter (a proxy for Anthony Fauci) and Deborah Birx (also, in a way, a proxy for Anthony Fauci)?


REMEMBER that Fauci was involved in AIDS research.

But Fauci is not necessarily highly-thought-of in this context.

Did Fauci run a program where experimental vaccines in the ’80s were given to gay men?

Did the AIDS pandemic break out RIGHT AFTER THAT??

What was in the vaccines???

This isn’t Anthony Fauci’s first rodeo.

He has tortured dogs.


Now he wants to give your kids vaccines (when the vaccines have been shown to be dangerous [particularly to young people]) even though kids do not get sick and die from COVID.


It is very rare for a child to succumb to COVID-19.

On the other hand, there are almost 10,000 (9,549) reports of death associated with the administration of the three COVID vaccines in the USA so far:


But let’s get back to Peter Staley.






I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that Peter Staley votes Democrat.

Lincoln Project is all but a front operation for jackasses like Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger.

And they have problems with pedophilia.

As in, certain among the Lincoln Project are apparently pedophiles.

How many?



I will let you do the digging on that.

But let’s pause again.

Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Jes Staley (until a few days ago, head of one of the biggest banks on earth) were apparently emailing the coded phrase “Snow White” back and forth.

And Staley’s brother Peter appears to support the pedophiles over at the Lincoln Project.


Also in the last shot, we see that Peter Staley felt it necessary to follow Francis Collins from the NIH.

Collins is also suspect for his behavior during this pandemic.


Peter Staley also appears to be a fan of both Greta Thunberg and CDC Director (and serial liar) Rochelle Walensky.

Thunberg is also a serial liar (or, in this case, more like an actor [from the same central casting that gave us Malala]), but that’s another story for another time.


Here’s a real classic.

Nothing says “I was so careful I can’t believe I got AIDS” like following Jack “Cum Machine” Mackenroth.

But, again, there is a very real possibility that the AIDS pandemic was caused by Fauci and the vaccines he pushed just prior to the first big AIDS outbreak in the United States.

Indeed, you might call that Fauci’s practice run.

No one cares about the homos, right?

So just test an experimental vaccine on them.

Watch them die from some new, exotic disease right after that.

What were they testing?

A time-delayed bioweapon, perchance?

I think you are going to see the current crop of time-delayed bioweapons (made by Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca) start causing mass death within the next two months.

And it will be called “COVID”.

A new wave.

The “fifth wave”.

[if that doesn’t do the trick, Bill Gates (who just outlined this scenario ) and company will likely release smallpox.  What Gates was referring to was war-gamed back in 2001 under the title Dark Winter.  It was executed by the same people (Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security) who gave the world Event 201 RIGHT BEFORE THE CURRENT PANDEMIC.  How many times have you heard Joe Biden strangely utter the phrase “dark winter”???  Here’s why.  Check out the CIA presence (Woolsey) which would be replicated by Avril Haines in 2019 for Event 201: ]

And in the process, the Northern Hemisphere (particularly the USA and Europe) will then be subjected to the same tyranny to which Australia has just recently been subjected.

Australia was the test run.

How much will people put up with?

The absurd “no tolerance” policies of Australia and New Zealand (and, to a certain extent, China) have been a pretext to unleash the most unseemly policing ever to be seen on this planet.

I believe that is coming to the USA.

And Europe.

It is already fairly well advanced in Canada.

And it will come back…even harder.

In the next two months.

Jes Staley might not have a Twitter account, but his brother (and one of his two daughters) do(es).


Meet Alexa Staley.

While Fauci is obviously the Mengele of this whole pandemic, who is gonna oversee the electromagnetic mind control of the Havana Syndrome/vaccine graphene oxide/5G synergy?

You’d think you might need a few physicists, right?

[N.B.  Jeffrey Epstein likely had plenty of scientists (Santa Fe Institute) blackmailed.  Why was Epstein so interested in underage girls…and science?  I believe the science part was to make sure that this plandemic went off without a hitch.  No (very few) whistleblowers.  The big doctors are compromised.  Harvard as an institution is compromised.  Larry Summers (Harvard) most certainly rode on Lolita Express.  Find his name.  It’s in there.  How many prominent scientists can you also identify?]



Epstein most definitely wanted to create his own “super soldiers”:

Is the New World Order’s super soldier research about to come out?  Are they preemptively covering their asses by exposing Russia?

Will the NWO try to pass off vaccine/Havana Syndrome/graphene oxide/5G mind control as “a good thing” (the same way their minion Biden administration has attempted to portray inflation as a good thing?)

Look at Dr. Jonathan McGreevey’s (aka Ryan Dark White’s) interviews from the past year.

He was right.]

But back to Alexa Staley.

Where does she fit into this nexus between her dad and Jeffrey Epstein?

Do her qualifications even fit the kind of DARPA mind control stuff we are talking about?

See for yourself.

[N.B.  Alexa Staley seems to have made her current employer a matter of privacy on her resume.  I believe she has done that within the past 24 hours.  Why?  I can find no archived version of her website.  That is a bit odd.  Any good researchers wanna find one?]


She lives in San Francisco.

She wouldn’t happen to be friends with Ali Fauci, would she?

Alexa Staley appears to have gone to Colombia, while Ali Fauci went to Stanford.

But they’re both in San Francisco?

Where is Twitter HQ?

Are all their software engineers there?


Thank you for the help, Peter Staley.

Oh, BTW…he was also allowed to follow the personal Twitter account of Elton John’s husband David Furnish.

So that makes a third (Ali Fauci, Deborah Birx, David Furnish) instance where he appears to personally know some very powerful, well-placed people.  

Two of those people (Fauci [through her father] and Birx) are intimately connected to this pandemic.


Our director, Franklin J. Schaffner, was in the predecessor to the CIA:  the OSS.

At least the OSS were military.

Schaffner is better known for Patton and Planet of the Apes.

But this film is a masterpiece.

I’m just a Steve Guttenberg.

Police academy.

Fauci is most definitely Mengele.

Fauci Jesuit fascist.

[Bergoglio Jesuit communist…first Jesuit pope in the 500 years of the organization]

Fauci and Bergoglio working closely together.

The Fourth Reich.

Klaus Schwab.

Was his father really a Nazi collaborator like George Soros?

As is well-documented, Soros has admitted to posing as a Christian during the Holocaust and going around with his fake godfather confiscating the property of Jews.

And Soros feels no remorse about this whatsoever.

Lawrence Olivier is Steve Pieczenik.

Hitler’s home country will now lock down the unvaccinated.

Hitler must be proud.

Why 94?


You have to track down the deaths.

This was a twenty-year plan (9/11).

Or maybe longer.

The microbiologists.

A different source.


Lisa Colson:  [7/28/99] Maine, age 34

Malcolm Casadaban (died from bubonic plague):  [9/21/09] Chicago, age 60

Tom Berman (Israeli):  [4/17/13]  Galapagos Islands, age 79

Mayur Mehta (stabbed during road rage):  [12/16/13] Mumbai, 53

Any recently?

Suzanne Eaton (death unsolved?  disappeared while running?  body found six miles away):  [7/9/19] Crete (Greece), 59

Stuart Levy: [9/19/19] Boston, age 80

Frank Plummer:  [2/4/20] Winnipeg, age 67

Paul Matewele:  [4/22/20] London, age 62

David Boothman (was accidentally administered fentanyl in hospital after stroke):  [10/30/20] Indianapolis, age 61

Alexander Kagansky (fell 14 stories with stab wound):  [12/22/20]  St. Petersburg, age 45

Thomas Brock:  [4/4/21] Madison (WI), age 94

Ogehenetejiri Omiragua (tortured to death by police):  [5/16/21], Nigeria, age 28

Alina Llop:  [9/30/21] Cuba, age 84

Wyndham Lathem (convicted of stabbing murder of his boyfriend):  [10/8/21] Chicago

Microbiology is a dangerous profession (apparently).

And it all started in earnest right after 9/11/01.

[N.B. Dark Winter was the summer before 9/11/01.  Strategic signalling?  Fake out?  Audible called?]


Robert Schwartz was killed with a sword and had an X carved into the back of his neck.  Witchcraft/vampire-obsessed daughter ostensibly persuaded a friend to murder him.

[N.B.  There is certainly a possibility that the CIA released COVID-19 at the World Military Games in Wuhan simultaneous to releases in northern Italy and Iran.  This would have been the coopted CIA working at the behest of the New World Order (just as they did in carrying out 9/11).  If this sounds farfetched, consider the possibility that the CIA has been running North Korea for a long time.  If that is true, it would not be impossible to release the virus in Iran.  Indeed, it begs the question:  is the CIA running Iran too?  Where did all those planeloads of cash from the Iran deal go?  Barack Obama???]

Nature AND nurture.

Follows exactly the brilliant, anti-CIA, Saoirse Ronan film Hanna.

Dolly the sheep (1996).

Operation Warp Speed was a trap.

Klaus Schwab et al. fell for it.

A handshake deal with Hitler.



Rod Rosenstein and His Dirty Tricks Squad [2021)

This is not James Clapper.

And this film review covers not only the first link (which Lin Wood first posted to Telegram on January 24, 2021), but all other snippets of the same sessions which Lin Wood has posted to date on Telegram.

I admit.

It sounds a hell of a lot like James Clapper.

At first, when I heard of this clip circulating, I thought, “There’s no way in hell that James Clapper is being ‘interrogated.'”

And that is likely true.

Because this isn’t James Clapper.

But as I listened to the Rumble clip (which purports that the voice speaking is that of James Clapper) I started to believe it was (or could be) him.

I will say this:  both Clapper and the voice speaking have very similar audible mannerisms…particularly the vocal cadence they share.

This is what led me on a hunt to find the truth.

My verdict is this:  for one reason or another (whether nefarious or otherwise), someone has misled people to think that these interviews are of James Clapper.

How did they mislead?

Well, first of all, they slyly edited out all clips which have details that would contradict Clapper’s biography.

For good measure, they also sped up the audio (for some inexplicable reason).

If for nefarious purposes, a person or persons may be trying to set the groundwork to undercut the information in the future (by planting the false notion that the messenger was Clapper).

If for productive purposes (in a vein similar to QAnon), shock value may have been used to capture the imagination of the populace and FORCE THEM TO DIG.

Whatever the purpose (and whoever the authors of this deception), it has caused me to dig.

And the information is important.

So I am going to parse it for you in executive summary.

What we almost certainly have here is a federal agent (whistleblower).

Is that Lin Wood interviewing him?

I think not.

Lin’s Georgia accent sounds nothing like the interviewer.

So let’s get down to the facts (and assertions of this whistleblower).

First of all, let’s get our sourcing and timeline straight.

Lin Wood began dropping these video clips on January 19, 2021:  the day before the inauguration.

The first video covers:


Supreme Court Justice Roberts.

Epstein “helped” Roberts with his adopted children.

Children from Wales.

Channeled through Ireland.

Epstein then facilitated adoption.

Children as a commodity.

Compromising people.

“Children are the payment and the dirt and the control.”

The FBI has copies of the videos.

Rod Rosenstein.

Shawn Henry (FBI).

Shaun Bridges (Secret Service).

The second video covers:

Pence and his two lovers (and his younger ones).

Surveillance of Roberts’ children.

The abuse of Roberts’ children.

The children were “loaned out” for these different groups.

And it was surveilled.

Plots to murder judges.

Set up by FBI.


They were going to use a “sovereign citizen” group.

“Obama didn’t want any terrorism unless it was white terrorism.”

FBI had infiltrated and armed and instigated.

Divorced fathers with a grudge against the court system.


Attacks on the Supreme Court.

Roberts was aware.


Automatic weapons.

Rocket launchers.

Lisa Monaco was a target.

Video three covers:

Supreme Court was target.

Homeland Security were overwhelmed.

Called in FBI.

DoJ picked up whistleblower.

Martha Coakley.

Groups to assassinate federal judges:  1/3 of group made up of “sovereign citizen” patsies and 2/3 made up of FBI.

Whistleblower and his wife were going to be killed.

Plan foiled.

Plans written out.


Would have been in the first year of Hillary’s Presidency.

She was not supposed to lose.

Roberts was helping.

He wanted to pick new judges (for those assassinated).

Purpose was to ban firearms and pack Supreme Court.

Antonin Scalia

Video four covers:

Scalia was biggest threat.

Scalia found out about plans and went to White House.

Scalia was taken out.

Cibolo Ranch.

Temp worker.


Group there hunting.



Dimethyl sulfoxide.

Fairly inert chemical.

Mix with poison.

Why found with pillow over face.

Struggling to breathe.

Can be mixed with fentanyl, etc.

Goes directly into skin.

Eric Holder as replacement.

Hillary and Obama knew about it.

Rod has an intense hatred of Hillary.

He’s only fond of himself.

Running The Hammer system through Baltimore.

Which brings us to our title film.

It covers:

how the whistleblower started working directly with Rod Rosenstein in Baltimore.

FBI would come for corroboration.

Undercover nature.


Domestic terrorism.

Whistleblower was fairly well concealed.

Dirty Tricks Squad.


“This is where they were using Hammer, Sunrise, Sunset, things like that.”

To illegally spy on people.

Attempt to corrupt judges.

They concentrated on corrupting people.

Under the guise of a CCIPS (DoJ) operation.

Run out of Fort Washington, Maryland.

[McInerney marker]

Illegally compromise people.

Illegally wiretap.

Break into computers.

Plant, reverse, change information.

Change emails.

Things of that nature.

Judges, Roberts, Pence.

Whistleblower squashed.

Went to DHS.

With pile of evidence.

Made its way back to FBI/DoJ.

Contacted Devin Nunes.

Whistleblower tried to warn Trump about Rod Rosenstein.

Rod, Pence, Paul Ryan.

Core of group.

Rod was “brilliant legal mind”.

Operational name at beginning was Run Silent Run Deep.

[1958 film with Lancaster and Gable about being passed up for promotion]

Pence hated Trump.

Had taken his slot.

Mitt Romney was also involved.

Trump was outsider.

Had not paid dues.

Pence was their mole inside.


Surveillance from way back.

2013 range.

FISA warrants.

Rod wanted VP slot.

Paul Ryan also wanted it.

So did Romney.

Vice Presidential slot under Pence.

With Trump removed under 25th Amendment.


Pence homosexual.

Many adults.

Throughout his time in Congress.

As Governor, felt more free.

One 20 years his junior.

One half his age.

Would introduce others.

Younger and younger people.

15 year olds.

13 year olds.

Rod and Roberts were able to get FISA warrants because.

Younger people supplied by Epstein.

Because Epstein was an intelligence asset.

When he was in USA, FISA warrant used.

FBI would not save the child.

Was more important for them to have the leverage.

Operation directed by Rosenstein.

Dirty Tricks Squad.



Shawn Henry (FBI).

Shaun Wesley Bridges (Secret Service).

Joseph Rosati (DEA).

Al Borshack ? (ATF).

Greg Utz (DEA).

Another group in Fort Washington.

[McInerney marker]

For the real illegal stuff.

Illegal communications, hacking, phone tapping.

Main focus: Federal judges.

Compromising people.

Planting information.

Planting child porn.


100s of cases.

Plead to lesser charge.

Forfeit money.

Percentage skimmed.

Shaun Bridges.

His speciality.

#1 expert on computer forensics.

Secret Service.

Hacked Obama’s BlackBerry for fun.

Hacked Obama daughters’ phones.

A violent person.



All about the money.

Hack people.

Steal info.

Sell intel.

Bridges and Bitcoin.

In prison.

Holds several passports.

Will disappear to Argentina or Colombia.

Al Borshack?



A nasty piece of work.

Illegal gun running for Fast and Furious.

Made sure paperwork stayed clean.

Serial numbers.

Gun dealer.

Lots of disposable money.

Lots of cash.

Lives very well.

Borshack and Rosati both divorce their wives.

As Rosenstein started falling out of favor as DAG.

Paid off house.


Gave wife 600k.

Custom van with road race bikes.

Has watercraft and cars.

Never has a problem finding cash.

Helped supply the firearm for Seth Rich.

Joseph Rosati.


Steroid freak.

Violent, nasty, lying person.

Cases where he added drugs.

Always the cowboy.

Had to swoop in with the big bust.

Sued many times.

Over and over again.

From defendants and agents.

Borshack involved in Seth Rich.

Rosati brought in MS-13.

Rosati also brought in Kevin Doherty?




Jack Burkman.

Borshack and Rosati.


Local version of Fast and Furious.

Like a game to them.

Thought it was funny.

Rosati poisons.

Hot shots.

Pure drugs.

Done to informants.




Pharmacy fraud.

As DEA agent.

Pharmacy inspections once a month.

Short prescriptions.

Massive amounts of opioids.

Laundering pills.

He’s a piece of crap.

Big bodybuilder.

Cousin with same face.

Bank fraud.


Anything for money.

Calling as a phony DEA agent.

Package intercepted.


Drug precursors.

But it you pay a fee, it will never get here.

He was point man for complaints.

If anything came back, it would go to him anyway.

Payphone near work.

Payphone near house.

Burner phone.

People recorded with app.

Real agents shot as a result.

He got his own agents shot.

Maryland mafia.

Conowingo Pizza.


Route 1.


Little Tony.

Big Tony.

New Jersey.

New York.



Rosati’s steady supplier.

Heroin for Baltimore and D.C.

Rosati can give them intelligence.

Rosati is always skimming.

They will sell what he skims.




Shawn Henry (FBI).

He’s just nasty.

Dirty Tricks Squad.


At CrowdStrike now.


John Roberts.

Shawn Henry.


False flag people.

Roberts knew.

Provided FISA warrants.

Roberts provided intelligence.

Sharyl Attkisson.

Next video:

The death of Seth Rich.

Rod Rosenstein.


Seth Rich downloaded a lot of info.

Downloaded everything he could.

DNC, Hillary, Bowser, Brazile…

They were worried.

Rod was worried.

Intended to be a robbery.

Ended up being a murder.


Gang specialist.


Thumb drive switched.

Convincing, but didn’t expose Rod.

Brazile at hospital before Seth Rich was brought in.

They wanted to recover the thumb drive.

Next video:


FBI op.

Ghost Stories.

Heavy surveillance on known Russian assets within the U.S.

Russian Reset.



Cancelled Ghost Stories.


Shaun Bridges was taking money.


Rod put Sean Wesley Bridges in jail.

[Extortion 17 marker…Tik Tok…]

Terre Haute.

That concludes a brief overview of the videos on Lin Wood’s Telegram account which feature the blurry-faced whistleblower.

Judging by his level of detail and familiarity with certain aspects of his testimony (as well as his passion level rising while recounting certain aspects of the Dirty Tricks Squad), I would guess that the whistleblower was a DEA agent.

God bless him.

It’s not Clapper.

Any connection to Coomer?

Tik Tok mystery man.

“Find out who I am.”

Real name?

Not an Extortion 17 casualty.

Court documents re: Shaun Wesley Bridges and Rod Rosenstein?

Any Coomer connection to Fort Washington facility?

Why did McInerney say that Hammer and Scorecard was at Fort Washington?





The Great Reset: The Deep State vs the Great Awakening [2020)

Something is afoot.

If you’re not curious whether there was election fraud in the U.S. during this recent election, then you’re not paying very much attention.

It has been 22 days since the U.S. election.

For the American mass “news” media, everything is all wrapped up with a bow in a tidy little package.

They pull from here and there.

Yesterday it was Paul Ryan.

Since when did Democrats OR Republicans give a fuck about Paul Ryan?!?

Since pretty much never.

The U.S. “news” media trots out Mitt Romney.

Liz Cheney.

The criminal organization which is attempting to illegitimately install Joe Biden as our next President is DESPERATE to seal the deal.

Which makes it infinitely-interesting that President Trump retweeted a Lin Wood tweet.

The surface layer of content in Lin Wood’s tweet was this:


But the golden nugget embedded in the article was this:

How long will Alphabet Inc. leave it up?

You have the title.

The Wayback Machine has no working records of the YouTube video.

I would archive it, but I’m sick of fucking signing up for shit and being tracked.

So fuck it.

You can track it down.

And we’re gonna do a little oral transmission here.

Spoiler alert:

this film review will be strictly spoilers and nothing but.

Not my usual m.o..

I’m not selling anything.

I don’t generate income by you clicking on this story.

I have no link to any content creator above.

I write very strange film reviews.

It’s called free fucking speech.

I also write music.

All my music is free to stream and download.

And I’m not gonna post a link.

Go find it.

The purpose of this article is strictly to get information out.

I am a conservative.

The same kind of conservative Donald Trump is.

Like it, or leave it.

I belive in Jesus.

I love God.

If you don’t like my foul mouth, then you can leave now.

I curse because I’m angry.

And I curse because I will not be told what I can and cannot say.

This is my website.

I’m using my free speech.

I’m gonna walk until they make me run.

So I’m here today to tell you about what I think is going on.

I scour the internet every day (especially these past 22 days) in an effort to avail myself of actionable intelligence.

I have a thirst for knowledge.

But more than that, I have a thirst for truth.

I support QAnon.

I support Trump.

I love my country:  the United States of America.

I support our military.

I support our law enforcement officers.

And now I’m going to get around to the fucking point.

I watched this entire one hour, eight minute, and 44 second video – – – – – – so that you don’t have to.

But I still recommend you watch it.

And archive it (if at all possible).

Wayback Machine is my jam.

I’ve never been asked to “log in” until today.


Fuck it.

You can work a little too.

Here’s the beef.

This whole video is good.

All of the guests are good.

But there is one particular guest (the first one) who drops what I find to be some new and illuminating information.

The guest is Major Jeffrey Prather.

It should be noted that several of the six guests (including Maj. Prather) appear to be forthcoming content creators for this new outlet:  American Media Periscope.

I’ve never heard of this outlet.

I get the impression that they have only been around a couple of weeks.


Which brings me back to my point.

Something in here MUST be salient.

And my guess is that it is the first guest:  Major Prather.

If you haven’t heard of Sidney Powell by now, you have been living under a rock.

While most of America is being blasted with “Sidney Powell is even too crazy for Trump” blah blah bullshit, those who know (Trump voters) are well aware that Ms. Powell is an accomplished lawyer.

Her most recent claim to notoriety is successfully defending General Michael Flynn from the petty bitterness of sore losers.

Update:  if you’re just waking up, the Flynn case has been dismissed (within the past 24 hours).  This according to a tweet by one of Flynn’s brothers.  Go find it yourself.  I.e., Flynn’s not gonna need a pardon.

We’ve known this for awhile.

The government has no case when the government has no prosecutor.

Judge Emmet Sullivan is a really atrocious example of a judicial activist.

An activist.

Not a judge.

Sullivan dragged out the case another three months…after the Department of Justice withdrew its case.

But I digress…

It does not take a fucking genius to imagine that the exceedingly-persecuted Michael Flynn might be very grateful indeed for the legal services of Sidney Powell.

Flynn fought hard for Trump in 2016.

Flynn was unfairly targeted by Obama’s illegal Crossfire Hurricane program (run by the FBI).

Flynn’s life has been ruined (in a worldly sense).

But he has survived.

I believe the man had to sell his home to pay his legal fees.

Thirty years in the U.S. Army and that’s the treatment he got from Obama, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Lisa Page, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, Bruce Ohr, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, James Clapper, and (last but not least) Joe Biden.

So Michael Flynn has some scores to settle.

Because of his ongoing case, he was essentially precluded by the judge from publicly speaking for the past four years.

What a illegal travesty!

So now we come to what should be obvious to any thinking individual as the massively-fraudulent election of 2020.

We have been waiting three years for any of those aforementioned people to get in trouble…FOR ANYTHING!

We would have been happy if Hillary Clinton had gotten a fucking parking ticket, but she didn’t.

We have waited through:

-Jeff Sessions

-John Huber

-John Bash?

-Bill Barr


-John Durham.

We have been built up by a bunch of tick-tock bullshit.

Maybe it had a purpose.

Surely it did.

But what I am about to report casts it in a slightly different light.

You can decide for yourself whether what I convey seems plausible.

I belive Q is legit.

But it is a HIGHLY, HIGHLY complex and nuanced PSYOP.

I do not believe it is a fucking LARP.

And if it’s a LARP, then so what?

It has been effective.


It is a part of world history.

It has gotten people DIGGING like never before.

Me and a few other people tried to expose 9/11 as an inside job/false-flag stand down/what have you.

We didn’t really prevail.

We were ignored.

Maybe we were completely wrong to doubt the official story of 9/11.

But I don’t think so.

I researched that event like my life depended on it.


We didn’t need to go to war in Afghanistan.

And we didn’t need to stay there 20 years.

We didn’t need to go to Iraq.


Correct me if I’m wrong (and I’m sure you will), but I think we could have arrested Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and a few others and called it a day.

Which brings us to the current times.

There wasn’t enough of a GREAT AWAKENING to reach critical mass.

But that was 19 years ago.

I can’t really recall Q ever having talked about 9/11.

That’s alright.

Maybe Q will tell us that 9/11 was actually the work of 19 beardy guys with boxcutters working out of a cave in Afghanistan.

And maybe that’s the whole story.

But I don’t buy it.

I believe the CIA was involved.

So does Dr. Steve Pieczenik.

Do yourself a favor and buy his eBook American Warrior in Crises.

I get nothing for plugging that.

He’s not a friend of mine.

I’ve never spoken to or exchanged correspondence with him.

I just respect his work.


Is he always right?

Probably not.

But for my money, he’s as close as we get to truth in this day and age.

So here’s the rub.

Flynn has some scores to settle.

The other military people who saw Flynn become a political prisoner also have some scores to settle…ON HIS BEHALF.

You cannot fail to serve your country (like Obama) and then turn around and ruin a guy’s life who did (for 30 years!).

You shouldn’t prosecute a guy for a process crime and, in so doing, make him lose his house.

I think I donated 20 bucks to Flynn.

Damn right I did!

I worked at Starbucks.

And I was proud to give my hard-earned money to a MILITARY spy chief.

And there’s the rub.

I used to want to work in intelligence.

Maybe I still do.

But I’m old.

Washed up.

And, honestly, I’m a fucking musician.

So just call me Sherlock Holmes.

And a shabby one at that (perhaps).

But I take great pride in TRYING to know what’s going on.

Because, again, I LOVE MY COUNTRY!

And who taught me to truly love my country?

Donald Trump.

And who else?

Steve Pieczenik.

And who else?

Michael Flynn.

If you don’t think that Sidney Powell is privy to some very interesting information by way of representing General Flynn, then you are incredibly naive.

Which finally brings us to this YouTube video.

Major Prather.

Major Prather (according to his LinkedIn) worked at the Defense Intelligence Agency for 17 years…and in a very high position at that!

General Flynn headed the DIA.

It might be said that the DIA is the military rival in the U.S. to the civilian CIA.

That’s right:  the CIA is a civilian intelligence organization.

A weird thing.

Created in 1947.

The CIA’s predecessor was the OSS:  a military intelligence unit.

Although the OSS were a bit kooky (thanks to their head William J. Donovan), at least they were putting themselves in harm’s way.

But again I digress.

The CIA has lost a little more than 100 officers/operatives in the past 73 years.

That’s the official number.

And it sounds about right.

The DIA has officially lost 21.

That number makes less sense.

But it makes sense in that the DIA is sort of the cream of the crop for military intelligence in the United States.

The NSA may be thought of as being even more elite (and powerful as a unit) because of the unique types of intelligence gathering they do.

The NSA supplies intel to the CIA, FBI, DIA, etc.

The NSA is a military intelligence organization.

Back to these casualty numbers.

The CIA has officially lost 133 of its employees on the job…in 73 years.

The DIA has officially lost 21 of its employees on the job…in 59 years.

But that doesn’t really tell the true story.

Sure, the CIA has its paramilitary strike teams.

They used to be called SAD/SOG (Special Activities Division/Special Operations Group).

These officers were largely recruited from the military special operations units:  Army Delta Force, Navy SEALs, MARSOC, etc.

Other than these agents, the CIA is more pencil-pusher, wear a tie, James Bond shit.

And I do mean shit.

Once upon a time, the CIA used to help overthrow communist governments.

This might seem inhumane.

Until you live under communism.

In which case, you see just how humane it really is.

But the CIA has gotten away from that mission.

So much so that they ended up with a Director who had once voted for a communist for U.S. President.

That’s right:  John Brennan voted for Gus Hall.

It should have been a disqualifying factor by some estimations.

The CIA and FBI apparently share the same requirement upon beginning official employment:  you must pass a lie detector test…and one of the questions is something to the effect of “have you ever supported a group that has sought the overthrow of the U.S. government.”

John Brennan admittedly had a tough time answering that question.

But he might as well have answered:

“Not yet.”

To my eyes, John Brennan is clearly a traitor to the U.S.

Following closely behind him is Michael Hayden (who led both the CIA and NSA respectively).

But Michael Flynn is cut from a different cloth.

He’s a spymaster.

But he cut his teeth doing the real thing.

Serving in Army intelligence (INSCOM).

Putting himself in harm’s way.

The same cannot be said of John Brennan (and most of the CIA).

[Michael Hayden is a strange case of…well, I don’t know…I just have to assume he is corrupted and coopted to such an extraordinary level that he doesn’t even really love his country any more (if he ever did in the first place)–he loves himself…first and foremost]

So I give Major Jeffrey Prather (formerly of the DIA) a great deal of respect as a foregone conclusion.

[keep in mind…the DIA has had its share of bad eggs…James Clapper chiefly among them]

If you watch no other section of the video I posted above, watch the segment with Prather.


Where do they fit in to this election?

Which brings up 9/11.

And the incredibly strange/significant “death” of Daniel Lewin.

Yes, I know I put death in quotes.

I’m about as sure Daniel Lewin died on 9/11 as I am sure that Adam Lanza was a master with an assault rifle.

Which is to say, not very sure.

But the Electoral College will meet on my birthday:  December 14th.




Ok, we know about Dominion Voting Systems and all the programmers they have/had in Serbia.  A bit of a strange locale.  Wonder if the company memos are in Cyrillic?


I don’t now why I wrote that down.

I’m going off notes.


Ok, yes.


Something appears to have happened there.

I’m not sure what Prather’s point was on this.

What was seized?

From Scytl?

From the CIA?

And seized by whom?

The U.S. Army?

I should take this opportunity to point out a strange assertion of Prather’s.

I find this one a little hard to believe, but I suppose it’s possible.

Prather asserts that the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and Marines have all had their computer systems compromised.

Might this have something to do with the DoD contract with AWS?

Amazon Web Services.

The CIA uses them too.

Look it up, you lazy fucker!

It’s an article…in The Atlantic.


There have been rumors that the votes in (for example) Michigan were sent by Dominion Voting Systems by way of AWS (which is to say, over the internet?  cloud???) to Europe in order for the votes to be tallied.

Giuliani has pointed out just how ludicrous this is.

And it is!

But what’s the exact chain?

We know there is a company called Scytl.

They are headquartered in Barcelona.

They are rumored to have a “back up” data site (servers) in Frankfurt.

There is good evidence that internet traffic in Frankfurt, Germany on the night of the U.S. election set records for that city.

Look it up.

Find it.

WikiLeaks exposed the fact that the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt is a giant CIA hacking base.

This can be found in the Vault 7 materials from WikiLeaks.

So, did the CIA hack our election?

Seems to me like a high probability.

Indeed, Prather outlines this dichotomy:  the civil war in the U.S. has already started…and the SO/LIC confrontation can so far best be described as DIA vs. CIA (or, perhaps more accurately, military vs. CIA).

I believe this is probably accurate.

It is borne out by all the intelligence I have personally gathered (OSINT) over the past few years.

The CIA has lost its way.

I once applied there.

Thank God I didn’t get the job.

I also once tried to sell my soul to the Devil (true story), but that tale can wait…

I am saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.

I am the worst among sinners.

Which is why I need the grace of Jesus more than anyone.

I also applied for Air Force Intelligence once.

Didn’t get it.

Maybe because I have a fucking music degree and an MBA.

Not exactly what’s commonly thought needed to assess China’s answer to the F-35.

Which brings us to Prather’s point.

According to Major Prather, only the U.S. Air Force and the newly created Space Force have retained the security of their computer networks.

This is a bold claim.

I don’t have anything to really gauge it on.

Except that I have a soft spot for INSCOM (because of Q and Flynn) and a soft spot for the 4th POG (because they followed me on Twitter for some odd reason [before Jack Dorsey squashed me like a bug]).

Prather then pivots to his concerns.

He talked about possibly-imminent “interdictions” against Iran.

We have heard Q talk about Iran.

I love Iranian psychedelic music from the ’60s.

Before the Islamic revolutionaries fucked everything up.

I have nothing against Muslims.

I love them.

I have nothing against Iranians.

I love them.

I LOVE Kiarostami [RIP].

But let’s take stock for a moment here.

Joe Biden “won”.

Netanyahu pretty fucking quickly called to congratulate Joe.

And THEN…YESTERDAY Netanyahu calls to congratulate Jonathan Pollard on his release.

What in the actual fuck?!?

How pro-Israeli does a President [Trump] have to be in order to get a little respect from Israel?

Ok, ok.

I know.

Maybe Netanyahu is working with Trump behind the scenes.

Entirely possible.

Maybe we should have a sort of FVEY agreement with Israel.

But probably not.

Because, you know, remember the U.S.S. Liberty (you fuckers!).

Back to 9/11.

I have no idea if the Israelis were involved.

There was definitely some suspicious shit.

Zim-American Israeli Shipping.

Vacating the WTC right before the attacks.

And the moving truck company [Dominick Suter].

Mossad had some strange presence in and around NYC leading up to 9/11.

I don’t know what they were doing there.

And then there were the Mossad “art students” (which Pieczenik has attested to from personal experience).

All I know is this.

9/11 could not have gone undetected (and undeterred) by our military.

To the list of Rumsfeld and Cheney (Liz’s dad), we should add Ralph Eberhart, Richard Myers, etc.  And almost certainly Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Perle, etc.

Keep in mind, nobody ever got in trouble.

The two tallest buildings in America fell down (were blown up) and all we did was waterboard KSM 183 times.

Perhaps Flynn and Anthony Shaffer could set me straight on some stuff.

I get the general gist of Able Danger.

But it still doesn’t explain a lot of things.

I’m gonna have to side with Pieczenik on this one:  we’ve seen one long procession of (unpunished) false-flags since 9/11.

Now comes the pain.

Pieczenik seemed really sure about those watermarks on the ballots.

And I believe him.

Shaffer seemed to corroborate their likelihood.

But I was of the understanding that DHS was running this election sting.

After watching this YouTube video, it has dawned on me just how suspicious Chad Wolf has been acting.

See something, say something, right?

Why wouldn’t he fire Chris Krebs?

Even more importantly, what in the actual fuck was CISA doing on the night of the election?

Alexandra Bruce brings up some pretty excellent points in this video.

If I understand her correctly, she seems to be saying that cisa WAS IN ON THE WHOLE THING!

[Which would make sense in the same way that NORAD was doubtless in on 9/11]

But here is perhaps the most intriguing bit of information which Major Prather dropped.

It is his assertion that Ezra Cohen-Watnick is, in fact, Q.

Or rather, he says something to the effect that there is a [and I paraphrase] “very high likelihood” of this.

Call me dumb, but I never even thought of that possibility.

I know who ECW is (not personally, of course).

Thomas Wictor drew attention to this personage years ago.

Said there were no pictures of him because he’s military intelligence.

It’s all starting to click.

I find the ECW theory highly-plausible.

But then Prather throws a massive curveball.

Maj. Prather asserts that Bill Barr is getting ready to indict Ezra Cohen-Watnick (!).

For what?

For being Q??

A final bit of potentially disheartening information from Prather is that “Durham has done nothing” (paraphrase).

I.e., John Durham has not, and will not, bring any of the Crossfire Hurricane [coup #1] traitors to justice.

Sure, we got Clinesmith, but give me a fucking break…

I’d still rather see Hillary get a parking ticket.

So there you have it.

The other guests in the video are all quite good.

They all have some rather harrowing predictions for the coming days/weeks/months.

All seem to agree that Trump will probably prevail and be elected to a 2nd term.

But it could get really ugly.

Ms. Burke brings up the specter of military tribunals.

I see her point.

It may be necessary.

I also highly recommend the PSYOP officer.

And the big fat guy with the beautiful brain.


The Filth and the Fury [2000)

Here we go again.

Twenty years later.

Four years later.

The polls.

The first film.

Are they skewed?

This is a really fine film.

It starts off approaching the genius of Histoire(s) du cinéma and F for Fake, but miraculously (?) loses its way around the midpoint (or a little before that).

So it is not an all-time cinematic masterpiece.

So what?

It is still important.

And germane to today because one Pistol has had the bollocks to stand up for Donald Trump (the underdog [just look at those fucking polls]):

namely, Johnny Rotten.

What will today hold?

Johnny Rotten has said that he would vote for Trump.

So, I suppose, we can assume he did.

It wasn’t a joke.

I voted for Trump.


And proud of it.

Most celebrities have spent the past four years agreeing with one another that Trump is literally Adolph Hitler.

Good for them.


And from the throng of brainless celebrities emerged Johnny Rotten.

He made me feel more comfortable out here in the cold.

Am I a typical Trump voter?

I don’t know.

I have a degree in music theory.

I wrote a string quartet.

I toured England, Scotland, and Spain as the bassist in a hard rock band.

I am from Texas.

I played on Steve Jones’ radio show in Los Angeles.

I toured the world (U.S., Canada, France, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark) as the drummer in a French-language Cajun punk rock band.

[at least they were punk when I was in the band]

I have an MBA.

I could quite easily vote for Trump just based on my knowledge of economics.

Free-market capitalism works.

No, it’s not perfect.

Communism/socialism does not (in the long term) work.

It is an economic death wish.

It produces so little value * relative to capitalism.

But, you know, fuck it.

I also like Trump!

And so does Johnny Rotten.

Me, Pauly Deathwish…

I like Trump.

Trump has gotten me to see the light.

Trump has taught me to respect our great U.S. military.

Trump has taught me to respect our wonderful American law enforcement officers.

And Trump does not take any shit FROM ANYONE.

Particularly the press.

I always knew the press was full of shit since 9/11/01.

And I found out that the Democratic Party was just as full of shit after I voted for Obama in 2008.

I thought Obama would hold the neocons responsible for the 9/11 false-flag/stand down.

I was wrong.

Obama was/is a fake.

In every sense of the word.

Trump has fought tooth and nail for four years AGAINST THE ESTABLISHMENT.

And he is still going.

This motherfucker is TOUGH!

And the more I learn about Joe Biden, I realize he’s just another corrupt career politician scumbag.

So what’ll it be, America?

You have the opportunity to throw off the mind control which has blanketed you since birth.

Throw off 99% of news coverage.

All of it says that Trump sucks.

Every day.

In every way.

That’s all they say.

Is it because he’s mean to them and their feelings are hurt?

Not exactly.

It’s more sinister than that.

It’s more un-American than that.

You have been brainwashed by Jeff Zucker and others of his ilk.

But go ahead, swallow the blue pill.

Zucker’s CNN told you in 2016 that Hillary would win.

They (and every other American news outlet) proffered that Trump had almost no chance of winning in 2016.

Why does that sound familiar?

Oh, that’s right.


But this time they are saying that Trump has LESS THAN a slim chance of winning.

The hyperbole is staggering.

So, you know what?

Might as well not even vote, right?

How many CNN viewers will get lazy?

How many MSNBC viewers will get lazy?

They say (“the polls”) that Joe has had a massive lead for months.

And his lead hasn’t changed at all.

Do you believe that?

Do Democrats believe that?

Then why even vote?

Is there a possible boomerang effect from such an audacious PSYOP???

Trump voters know that the polls can be wrong.

Biden voters SHOULD know that.

Trump voters will vote either way.

Sure, there might be some “casual Trump voters” (though the type seems pretty improbable) who get discouraged by Joe’s seeming victory before the match has even been played.

Brexit voters would remember.

“Leave” had no chance, right?

“Remain” would take the day.

All the polls said so.

But what happened?

That’s right:

“leave” won.

And Johnny Rotten stood with those people.

When the people had decided, he stood with the people.

Brexit was fine with him.

And Trump is fine with him too.

I support Britain’s exit from the EU.

The EU is a nightmare of well-meaning mismanagement.

Can “control freaks” be poor managers?

Apparently so.

Just look at the EU.

I’m not gonna make a prediction here.

I don’t know who’s going to win today (or next week [or two months from now]).

But I am dedicated to the idea of America.

I’m not gonna freak out like a child and go out looting and committing arson.

I’m not going to make life miserable for “Biden supporters” (if they even truly exist).

Biden is a joke.

And not a very funny one.

There is no true enthusiasm for him…not anymore…not within his own party.

He’s a “safe pick” (like Mitt Romney was for the Republicans).

I didn’t vote in 2012.

Obama had disappointed me.

No neocons were brought to justice re: 9/11 false-flag terror attacks.

And I had no desire to vote for Mitt Romney.

So I just dropped out of politics.

I didn’t care.

Until Trump came along.

At first, I too thought he was a racist, etc.

Then I came to the realization that those thoughts had been planted in my head by way of misleading “journalism” (propaganda) which assailed me at every turn.

I broke out of the matrix.

I came to see that it was all bullshit.

Calling Trump a racist was the kryptonite that the Dems thought would keep Donald out of the White House.

It didn’t work.

And the world has never been the same since.


Trump vs. Biden, October 22 [2020)




Come on, man!

Surprises happen.

Laptop from hell.

Biden is a one-trick pony in a party of well-meaning morons.

No President has ever been hated so much…

…by the establishment.


It took one of their own to bring them to their knees.

And now the establishment has come up with an exceptionally-pathetic excuse for a candidate:

Joe Biden.

Republicans tried to elect a showroom dummy once (recently).

Mitt Romney.

Had the looks.

What could go wrong?

He came off as cold.


And so all the genius, conniving minds of the Democrat Party have gotten behind the person they think can Trojan their specious ideas into the realm of policy.

It is quite obvious.

Joe Biden didn’t get a big enough shot in the ass of ginkgo biloba to really stay in the ring 12 rounds with Trump.

Joe needs to be mainlining that shit by now.

If Joe Biden ate nothing but onions and drank nothing but tea, his brain would still be like a hunk of Swiss cheese.

Trump, fresh off recovering from the plague of the century (once-in-a-100-years) was cogent and articulate.

Look around.

If every media outlet, every source of information, every sports star, every celebrity is against Trump, what does that make Trump?


So, go ahead.

Vote for Joe.

Joe couldn’t last five minutes playing Tropico (much less five minutes actually running the USA).

And he will not be running the USA (if elected).

Swiss-cheese-brain Biden has actually bought and believed the syrupy propaganda of his own party.

Which makes sense.

Because his brain has become (and will rapidly accelerate towards being) childlike.

Which doesn’t excuse Biden of being a nakedly-corrupt politician par excellence.

Joe would bring the old gang back together.

Hillary would have a chance to get her pay-to-play Clinton Foundation back up and running.

Hell, why not make her Secretary of State again?

She will be emboldened to shred every law because, even though she got caught, she paid no price (except for the nosedive in Clinton Foundation contributions).

You would have “bonesmen” like Austan Goolsbee.

[a pale imitation of an actually-competent individual (Mnuchin)]

Hell, bring ’em all back.

Comey at FBI.

Brennan at CIA.

Lynch on the Supreme Court.

Bring back Eric “Fast and Furious” Holder.

Put Bernie’s great economic theories to work at the Department of Labor.

[another guy who would crap out at Tropico within minutes]

Because it’s all one big gang.

It’s all one big, compromised gang.

And it’s all about making money OFF the people (rather than making money FOR the people).

Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters…


Limousine liberals (as they say).

Their respective personal worth always MAGICALLY balloons in their years of “service” to the USA.

It doesn’t take a genius to make money that way.

It takes a scumbag.

Trump didn’t need the money.

Hell, he gives away his Presidential salary checks.

But there is something.


So, yeah…

He didn’t fight in Vietnam.

[it’s also quite likely he never disparaged the military]

“Anonymous sources”…

Joe Biden disparaged the military ON TAPE, but never a hardball question about that:

[6’10” —> “clap for that, you stupid bastards”]

on tape.

Joe Biden has a problem with being caught on tape.

Here bragging about getting a Ukrainian prosecutor fired (while using American taxpayer dollars as leverage).  Hmmm, why would he want a UKRAINIAN prosecutor (?!?) fired?  Why would he brag about it?  What was this prosecutor investigating?  Why would we interfere in the judicial system of the Ukraine (by way of Joe Biden)?  Seems like his son Hunter had some dealings in Ukraine.  Hmmm…  Could it be, that this prosecutor was investigating his son Hunter???

But Joe Biden also has, how can I put this tactfully, other “problems” on tape.  It’s not just the hair of women he is sniffing:

Wouldn’t be so bad (?) if it was an isolated incident.  Maybe it was taken out of context?

You don’t need to watch all 17 minutes of the above clip to get the gist.  Joe Biden takes liberties with children…knowingly…on C-SPAN, etc.  What does he do behind closed doors?  The footage we’ve seen is shocking enough.

Joe Biden makes women and children (particularly Chris Coons’ daughter) feel uncomfortable.  You can see it in the body language.  Biden whispers in their ears.  And the young Coons daughter pulls away from the kiss.  Cre-epy!

But in this debate (the final of the 2020 season), Donald Trump made Joe Biden feel uncomfortable…especially when Trump brought up the “laptop from hell”.  You could see it in Joe’s body language.  

“It’s all lies,” said Joe repeatedly throughout the two debates.

Pull his string:  “It’s all lies.”

“Come on, man!”

Sometimes it’s funny.

Like the moronic George W. Bush who was part and parcel of the cabal that brought down the Twin Towers.

Bush was funny.

But scary.

Because he was so dumb.

But Joe Biden is not so completely ravaged by senile dementia not to feel the fear at even the mention of “the laptop from hell”.

But let’s hit some key points.

Joe Biden cannot consistently get his train of thought from point A to point B.  Witness this gem:

“And I don’t look at this in terms of the way he does, blue states and red states. They’re all the United States. And look at the states that are having such a spike in the coronavirus. They’re the red states, they’re the states in the Midwest, they’re the states in the upper Midwest. “

Trump knows his opponent is mentally-compromised.

But Trump also knows that his opponent is a textbook corrupt politician:

“Joe, you have raised a lot of money, tremendous amounts of money. And every time you raise money deals are made, Joe. I could raise so much more money. As President, and as somebody that knows most of those people, I could call the heads of Wall Street, the heads of every company in America. I would blow away every record. But I don’t want to do that because it puts me in a bad position.

Like with the kids, Joe just couldn’t help himself (even against the obvious preparation where his advisors explicitly told him to, under no circumstances, broach this topic) #LaptopFromHell:

“His own National Security Advisor told him that what is happening with his buddy… Well, I shouldn’t… Well, I will. His buddy Rudy Giuliani. He’s being used as a Russian pawn.”

Joe fucked up.  As Trump explains:

“Well, let me respond to the first part, as Joe answered. Joe got $3.5 million from Russia and it came through Putin, because he was very friendly with the former mayor of Moscow and it was the mayor of Moscow’s wife. And you got $3.5 million. Your family got $3.5 million. And someday you’re going to have to explain, why did you get three and a half? I never got any money from Russia. I don’t get money from Russia.”


More booms:

“But now, with what came out today, it’s even worse. All of the emails, the emails, the horrible emails of the kind of money that you were raking in, you and your family. And Joe, you were vice-president when some of this was happening, and it should have never happened. And I think you owe an explanation to the American people. Why is it, somebody just had a news conference a little while ago who was essentially supposed to work with you and your family, but what he said was damning. And regardless of me, I think you have to clean it up and talk to the American people. Maybe you can do it right now.”

Big tech scrambled to censor this ^ story.

But the follow-up story was far more damning:

Big boom:

“…I don’t make money from China. You do. I don’t make money from Ukraine. You do. I don’t make money from Russia. You made $3.5 million, Joe, and your son gave you, they even have a statement that we have to give 10% to the big man. You’re the big man, I think. I don’t know, maybe you’re not, but you’re the big man, I think.”


AKA #TheBigMan.


“I was put through a phony witch hunt for three years. It started before I even got elected. They spied of my campaign. No president should ever have to go through what I went through. Let me just say this, Mueller and 18 angry Democrats and FBI agents all over the place spent $48 million. They went through everything I had, including my tax returns, and they found absolutely no collusion and nothing wrong. $48 million. I guarantee you, if I spent $1 million on you, Joe, I could find plenty wrong because the kind of things that you’ve done and the kind of monies that your family has taken, I mean, your brother made money in Iraq…millions of dollars. Your other brother made a fortune, and it’s all through you, Joe. And they say you get some of it. And you do live very well, you have houses all over the place. You live very well.”

Fire when ready:

“His son didn’t have a job for a long time, was, sadly, no longer in the military service, I won’t get into that, and he didn’t have a job. As soon as he became vice-president, Burisma, not the best reputation in the world, I hear they paid him $183,000 a month, listen to this, $183,000, and they gave him a $3 million upfront payment, and he had no energy experience. That’s 100% dishonest.”

Trump did this same thing to Hillary.

Blew holes in her metaphorical hull.


“He is the vice-president of the United States and his son, his brother, and his other brother are getting rich. They’re like a vacuum cleaner. They’re sucking up money…”


“His son walked out with a billion and a half dollars from China to…after spending 10 minutes in office and being in Air Force Two. Number one. Number two, there’s a very strong email talking about your family wanting to make $10 million a year for introductions.”

Joe Biden does not understand international finance.

He does not understand the implications of Chinese currency devaluations.

He doesn’t even understand the mechanism.

Joe Biden is a (renovated) showroom dummy:

“My response is, look, there’s a reason why he’s bringing up all this malarkey. There’s a reason for it. He doesn’t want to talk about the substantive issues. It’s not about his family and my family. It’s about your family, and your family’s hurting badly. If you’re a middle-class family, you’re getting hurt badly right now. You’re sitting at the kitchen table this morning deciding, ‘Well, we can’t get new tires. They’re bald, because we have to wait another month or so.’ Or, ‘Are we going to be able to pay the mortgage?’ Or, ‘Who’s going to tell her she can’t go back to community college?’ They’re the decisions you’re making, and the middle-class families like I grew up in Scranton and Claymont, they’re in trouble. We should be talking about your families, but that’s the last thing he wants to talk about.”

Bill Clinton was persuasive when he was peddling this same shit.

Joe Biden isn’t.

And Trump calls it out:

“That is a typical statement.


That’s a typical political statement. Let’s get off this China thing, and then he looks, ‘The family around the table, everything.’ Just a typical politician when I see that. I’m not a typical politician.


That’s why I got elected. Let’s get off the subject of China. Let’s talk about sitting around the table. Come on, Joe. You could do better.”

Joe Biden’s message is hackneyed.

His delivery is maudlin.

His economic “plan” is planned economy.


Been tried.

Doesn’t work.

“Inefficient” would be too kind a descriptor.

It’s just not fair.

Joe Biden only has one “dollar word” left in his intellectual quiver:

“The public option is an option that says that if you in fact do not have the wherewithal, if you qualify for Medicaid and you do not have the wherewithal in your state to get Medicaid, you automatically are enrolled, providing competition for insurance companies.”

Twice in the same sentence?!?

Come on, man!!

Joe’s (and the Democrats’) answer for everything is “bailout”…as Trump begins to delineate:

“The bill that was passed in the House was a bailout of badly run, high crime, Democrat, all run by Democrat cities and states. It was a way of getting a lot of money, billions and billions of dollars, to these guys. It was also a way of getting a lot of money from our people’s pockets to people that come into our country illegally. We were going to take care of everything for them. And I’d love to do that. I’d love to help them. But what that does, everybody all over the world will start pouring into our country. We can’t do it. This was a way of taking care of them. This was a way of spending on things that had nothing to do with COVID, as per your question. But it was really a big bailout for badly run Democrat cities and states.”

Joe wants a planned economy (like Uncle Joe Stalin had).  Price ceilings.  Price floors.  Arbitrary values for labor (a major factor in production).  It doesn’t work.

Trump defeats this backwards economic chestnut in one sentence:

“How are you helping your small businesses when you’re forcing wages?”

Watch the price of eggs.

That’s how you will see the free market (as opposed to a planned economy) assert itself.

Supply and demand.

As simple as that.

Don’t toy with it.

Don’t stifle it.

Let it create value.

For everyone.

It may be trite, but “a rising tide lifts all ships” (as it is said).

The stock market is equivalent to the vital signs of a medical patient.

Joe may or may not understand that.

Again, he seems to have bought the “black propaganda” (total disinformation) of his own party.

What little brain Joe has left has been thoroughly washed of all real-world, economic logic.

As good as Kristen Welker was (and she was quite good [compared to the atrociously-partisan Chris Wallace]), she is still part of a profession that, when it comes to Democrat interviewees, almost always shirks its duty:

“Who built the cages? I’d love you to ask him that. Who built the cages, Joe?”

The U.S. immigration system is broken (on purpose).  And Joe should know that.  But he still blithely opines otherwise.  Trump truth:

“And then you say they come back. Less than 1% of the people come back. We have to send ICE out and Border Patrol out to find them. We would say, ‘Come back in two years, three years. We’re going to give you a court case. You did Perry Mason. We’re going to give you a court case.’ When you say they come back, they don’t come back, Joe. They never come back. Only the really… I hate to say this, but those with the lowest IQ, they might come back, but there are very, very few.”


Trump is rough around the edges.

But he is no bullshit.

And there are a few opinion leaders (Johnny Rotten) who understand and appreciate this.

Joe steps in it again:

“My daughter is a social worker and she’s written a lot about this. She has her graduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania in social work.”

This daughter?

Doesn’t take a fucking genius to see that Sleepy Joe is actually Creepy Joe.


“You know Joe, I ran because of you. I ran because of Barack Obama, because you did a poor job. If I thought you did a good job, I would’ve never run. I would’ve never run. I ran because of you. I’m looking at you now, you’re a politician, I ran because of you.”

And again (for good measure):

“If this stuff is true about Russia, Ukraine, China, other countries, Iraq. If this is true, then he’s a corrupt politician. So don’t give me the stuff about how you’re this innocent baby. Joe, they’re calling you a corrupt politician…They’re calling it the laptop from hell.”

Emphasis mine.

No cap:

“But, why didn’t he get it done? See, it’s all talk, no action with these politicians, why didn’t he get it? ‘That’s what I’m going to do when I become president.’ You were vice president along with Obama as your president, your leader, for eight years, why didn’t you get it done? You had eight years to get it done, now you’re saying you’re going to get it done because you’re all talking and no action, Joe.”


Biden:  “I don’t know where he comes from.  I don’t know where he comes up with these numbers.”

Trump:  “Queens.”



Stieg Larssons Millennium: Del 2 [2010)

Maurene Comey prosecuted Nicholas Tartaglione.

Tartaglione was Jeffrey Epstein’s cellmate at the MCC in NYC and alerted guards during Epstein’s first suicide attempt.

Maurene Comey files court documents on behalf of SDNY regarding the fact that footage of Tartaglione’s efforts to save Epstein (footage which would have documented Epstein’s first suicide attempt) was incorrectly filed and the backup system was nonoperational (according to the FBI) [which her dad used to run…very recently].  She is involved in telling the court that the footage is lost.

Maurene Comey is now one of three prosecutors in charge of the Ghislaine Maxwell case.

Maurene Comey graduated from McLean High School in 2006.  There are two high schools in McLean, Virginia.  Oh yeah…it’s also the location of the CIA headquarters.  To be fair, Langley High School (the other HS) is located closer to CIA HQ.  Langley alums include Mika Brzezinski (daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski:  founder [with David Rockefeller] of the shadowy Trilateral Commission).  McLean alums include Aldrich Ames (Soviet spy who worked for the CIA), Sharyn Alfonsi (ABC News), Rose Arce (CNN producer), Liz Cheney (daughter of what the late Michael Ruppert described as 9/11 [false-flag/stand down] prime suspect Dick Cheney), Mary Cheney (another of Dick Cheney’s daughters), actor Jared Leto, Ann Sommovigo Moore (former CEO of Time, Inc.), and New Mexico Democratic U.S. Senator Tom Udall.

Maurene Comey is married to Lucas Issacharoff.

The former Assistant Attorney General for the SDNY was Geoffrey Berman…until June 20, 2020 (when he was fired by President Trump [at the request of AG Bill Barr]).  Maurene Comey’s husband, Lucas Issacharoff, ALSO joined the SDNY office (before Berman left) in September of 2019.  Epstein died (?) [supposedly by suicide] the previous month [August 2019].  Again, Maurene Comey was one of the prosecutors on the Epstein case…until the case was dropped (because Epstein dropped dead).  To further clarify, now James Comey (former FBI director who, at the very least, committed gross impropriety in “spying” [Bill Barr’s characterization] on Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign) has both his daughter AND son-in-law working in the office which attempted to prosecute Jeffrey Epstein and is now prosecuting Epstein’s co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell.  Maurene Comey is a prosecutor on the Maxwell case.

But let’s plant a seed here.

Berman (lawyer).

Bjurman (lawyer).


Lucas’s father is a notable law professor who was born in Argentina.

Here is Lucas acting on behalf of the CDC in March regarding a FOIA request.

Lucas appears to have a longstanding interest in “orderly” presidential elections.

Issacharoff’s mother is also a notable law professor.

How about Maurene’s mother (James Comey’s wife)?  She REALLY likes Democrats (including Kamala Harris)…and Mitt Romney.

Who else has been in the SDNY recently?  How about Robert Khuzami.  As Berman (Bjurman?) would have been recused in raiding Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s home and office, Khuzami likely signed off on the raids.  What do we know about Khuzami?  Ah.  A big fan of John McCain.  What a shocker.

You’ve heard of Epstein, but have you heard of this guy?  The parallels are striking.

Which brings us back to Scandinavia.  The “Nordic model”.  


Michael Jackson, George H.W. Bush, Prince Andrew…

Quite a collection of visitors to Nygård’s island.

Let’s add Oprah and Robert de Niro.

Trump tests positive.

You are here.