The Sparks Brothers [2021)

Whole world falling apart.

But falling apart in a certain way.

The Freedom Convoy in Ottawa drawing the ire of little shit Hitler Trudeau.

Klaus Schwab:  “When I mention our names…like Mrs. Merkel…even Vladimir Putin, and so on:  they all have been Young Global Leaders of the Economic Forum…but, um…what we are really proud of, now…is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau…um, President of Argentina…and so on…so we penetrate the cabinets…so…yesterday, I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I would know that half of this cabinet, or even more half [sic] of this cabinet are…for our actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum.”

David Gergen:  “That’s true in Argentina as well.”

Schwab:  “It’s true in Argentina, and uh, it’s true in France now, I mean, with the President, uh, with the Young Global Leader, but…what is important for…”

There are two parallel online databases–one shorter, and one longer–maintained by the YGL (Young Global Leaders program) of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) aka Davos.  Here is the longer, more inclusive database:

This is ostensibly a list of “alumni”.

It should be noted that in neither database is listed Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel, or Vladimir Putin.

Indeed, I can find no record on WEF websites which draw attention to any of the these three leaders having been “trained” by the WEF.

[it should be noted that the Young Global Leaders formerly went by the name Global Leaders for Tomorrow]

Perhaps, in a strictly accurate sense, neither Trudeau, Merkel, nor Putin were in the YGL program.

But this is disingenuous.

It is the same program.

Just simply renamed.

And this is where I need researchers more talented than myself to DIG!

It is ESSENTIAL to delineate the hideous world order under which we now live.

Go back to the year the program started.

In the early-1990s.

Why is it essential?

Because Schwab is bragging (you must read between the lines…listen to his tone of voice) that these leaders are BEHOLDEN to him.

And while we cannot yet put our finger on the very years these three leaders were trained, we can cite with more authority the strange network which Schwab has built up.

Let me introduce you:


It’s time people stopped worshipping Trump.

Face the truth.

The motherfucker has pushed the vaccine in myriad ways the past few months.

So here you go.


Maybe Bartiromo was just gathering intelligence.

For what it’s worth, I like her more than Trump at this point.

Same with Putin.

I like him more than Trump.

I could see Putin (a former Stasi officer) treating a WEF invitation as a chance to gather intelligence.

It should be noted, there are VERY FEW Russians included in the HIGHLY-EXCLUSIVE Young Global Leaders program.

But Canada is of much concern.

If Trudeau was really in the Global Leaders for Tomorrow program and is beholden to Schwab.

Things start adding up.



If you are looking for members of the climate cult, look no further than the YGL.

Comb through all 98 pages (as I did).

You will find some doozies!



The head of New Zealand.

The head of Belgium.

And the Canadians beholden to Schwab just keep on coming!


Don’t buy into the Tulsi crap.

She’s fake as a plastic lei.


Owning politicians.

And fake news.

Wire services.

The “choke points” of the news industry.


I’ve heard that Bono was among the Global Leaders for Tomorrow.

I can’t yet verify that.

But I can verify this.


Heads of state (verified):

New Zealand




Do you need some vaccines to really start to round out this picture?




Former (recent) heads of state:  Mexico.


How about some really weird, pseudo-philanthropy, social-engineering stuff?


Eyes open!


But the Canadians keep coming hot and heavy.


And fake news can be proffered and gate-kept by means other that simply wire services.

This is information warfare.


Censorship can be achieved in many ways.

How about “deplatforming”?

How is that done?


I first went through the shorter database.

A mere 60 pages or so.

Then found there to be a larger database (the 98-page one).

Who was left out of the shorter one?

This guy.


There are so many it’s hard to remember who is on which list.




I will have to leave some out.

Pick a concentration.

A specialty.

Trace it through the 98 pages.


It’s astounding and heartbreaking that Kissinger protege Klaus Schwab wields this much power.

It appears that the Bilderberg group is no longer the prime focus of the New World Order.

It is, rather, the World Economic Forum.

And George Soros is no longer the living, breathing James Bond villain-to-end-all-villains.

That is, rather, Klaus Schwab.

Schwab puts the words in the mouths of Prince Charles and Pope Bergogio.


Gates and Schwab are weaving the same hideous tapestry.

Fauci is a rather mid-level functionary.

At a Vatican event here.

Hand-in-glove with Gates in many other places.

But Klaus Schwab is at the top of the pile.

The pinnacle of the shit heap.

He “penetrates cabinets”.



Former (recent) heads of state:  





I’m leaving out all of the forays the WEF Young Global Leaders make into the private sector.





Skull and Bones had their election (2004):  Bush vs. Kerry.


And now the WEF is starting to pick off U.S. Presidential candidates.

And “penetrating cabinets” (transportation, in this case.




Buy the regulators.

So you won’t be regulated.


I’m not at all telling you about all of the bankers the WEF “owns”.

But here’s another government connection.


The New World Order is not just white men.

Perhaps they are pulling the strings.

But they have puppets of every make and model.

Every color.

Every gender.

Every woke permutation.




Some are tokens.

But many hold key, KEY positions in major economies.

Major regional powers.


When Schwab spoke about essentially controlling half of Canada’s cabinet, he wasn’t kidding.



Supranational banks.


Soros buys prosecutors.

Gets them elected.

“Bail reform”.

Goal:  cause chaos/anarchy.

Societal collapse.

The antithesis of law and order.

Absurd policies which increase crime.


So it is biblical that Canada’s truckers should have taken such a stand.

Because no government on earth appears to be owned more by the WEF than Canada’s.



There was a lot of mention of Argentina between Schwab and Gergen (didn’t Gergen attend Bohemian Grove? [Alex Jones once did a great ambush interview with Gergen]).

Remember, Bohemian Grove is where people (like Kissinger) do a “mock” sacrifice of a child (called the “Cremation of Care”) under a giant sculpture of Moloch (in the form of an owl).

This is out in the woods near San Francisco.


Or maybe you need some Jesuits to go with Fauci, Bergoglio, and Francis Collins?


[Bergoglio Argentine Jesuit]

The places with the fastest-disappearing freedoms (Canada, Australia…) seem to be big focuses of the Young Global Leaders program.


To Myanmar’s credit, they appear to have rid their country of the Soros influence.


Need some more vaccines?



Need some critical race theory?

Klaus Schwab controls the Elvis of that racket.


How about the U.S. Congressman most heavily invested in Big Pharma?

Yep, Schwab has him too.



Even Trump hired one of these dumb fucks.



How about some transhumanism?


Keep in mind:  I am giving you an overview that is far from exhaustive.

There are more Argentines.

More Brazilians.


Could Chinese communist news be more fake and insidious than it already is?



Make the anchors beholden to Klaus Schwab.


The World Economic Forum is a threat to every country on earth.

But Schwab seems to idolize China.


Russia has been smart enough to make Soros persona non grata.

China should do the same with Schwab.

EVERY country should do the same with BOTH of them!


Wikipedia thoroughly compromised.

Now does it make sense why you can’t find any real news or facts on Wikipedia?

Why it is so politicized and liberal-, communist-, GLOBALIST-biased?


But this is recruiting.


These may not be the Prime Ministers today, but they will be.

Own New Zealand, France, Belgium…own Mexico and Georgia.

These high-profile recruits make scamming the third-world even easier.


The only type of people who could enter this Young Global Leaders program and not come out blackmailed are the Putin and Bartiromo types.

HARD individuals.

And I cannot guarantee that either of them made it out unscathed.


Let’s check in on those current heads of state (which we can confirm were Young Global Leaders):

New Zealand



Costa Rica


(and recently




Belgium and Finland, eh?

Maybe Schwab just wants to control the countries with the most pale women?

His father was a Nazi collaborator (after all):





Once you control the Prime Minister and the head of finance, what can’t you do?


How about somebody over where Fauci works?


Make it look like charity.

Make it look like philanthropy.




I am leaving out Google.

And Meta.

And AWS.

But here’s an interesting one.


This is basically a public intelligence-gathering organization masquerading as a leadership academy.

This is a transnational conspiracy operating (mostly) in plain sight.

I am leaving out think tanks.


Because there are so many damned Canadians!


Make it look like a Disney movie of diversity.


Unassailable on the surface.

All answering to Klaus Schwab.

All thankful to have been chosen for this exclusive club.

All owing their current places in business and industry (or government) to his benison.


I’m leaving out princes and princesses (Norway).

I’m leaving out other royals who are also ambassadors (Saudi Arabia).


Being a European, Schwab really wants to collect all the European heads of state.

He wants the complete set.


Not timely enough?

How about some vats???


Everyone must bend to the will of Schwab.

He will kiss China’s ass.

But only insofar as they kiss his.


I owe no allegiance to China.

I don’t even LIKE them.

But I would urge them to BREAK ALL TIES IMMEDIATELY with Klaus Schwab.

Not timely enough?

Need more proof that Schwab is behind the plandemic?

How did he and Bill Gates “flood the zone” with bogus information and fearmongering?

How did they economically shut down the planet (thereby gaining a death-grip on humanity)?

Here’s one vector.


You will eat the bugs…and worship the little Scandinavian midget girl…and you will be happy.


How were all these levers pulled?


I rest my case.



Mad Max [1979)

Crunch time.

Ghost rider.

Motorcycle hero.

Chain Bowery.


Mind games.

Fifi McAfee.


Toecutter is Wayne Coyne.  Hugh Keays-Byrne.  On Highway 61.  In a forrest-green Ford Focus?  Oklahoma plates.  Near Emerald Mound.  Flaming Lips poster tucked into the back of the driver’s seat.  Soft Bulletin era.  Before Yoshimi.  Dead in December of last year in New South Wales.  Peacefully?  In a hospital?  At age 73?  12/2/2020.  Gay Bubba is Marc Almond.  Satanist.  Now says it was a joke.  This is quintessential Antifa.  As if Johnny the Boy had his eyes gouged out.  Dumb driver runs away.  Left his woman.  Pitiful.  Steve Bisley with compassion.  Goose is Max von Sydow.  We are going to win Australia back for Australians.  And win Canada back for Canadians.  And win the U.K. back for the English and Scottish and Welsh.  And the Irish of Belfast.  My mates in The Answer.  Google me.  No one showed up.  And Johnny walked free.  It’s time to show up, Australia.  Here is your song, Australia.  We will make it together. Bernard Kerik is now on our side.  Goose.  We won’t lose.  Lori “Eraserhead” Lightfoot. IMG_0853

That THING is not the Mayor of Chicago.  Intel from Bobby Piton that she is a CCP operative.  Interesting.  Singer licking her lips.  Could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.  Goose’s last taste of life.  Went out with a bang.  But burnt to a crisp.  And not out.  Alive and suffering.  Bike in the back of a fuck-ugly ute.  Under which Goose is cooked.  Antifa tactics.  Mean, nasty people.  Cowards.  Sadists.  Unhappy adolescents who remain unhappy adolescents for their entire lives.  Sick utopians.  If only everyone saw things their way, then the world would be a wonderful place.  They think.  Rebels without an understanding of their cause.  Which is to say, without a cause.  The cause is only a prop.  And so nebulous as to be virtually nonexistent.  West side story.  Cascadia.  Rosa Brooks.  Nils Gilman.  Transition Integrity Project.  Brooks involved in Soros projects like Open Society Foundations.  Gilman with Berggruen in California.  Which is to say, China.  Intimate connection.  Berggruen Institute.  Satellite offices mainland.  Tries to quit and get out.  Some good times.  Family time.  Swimming.  A child.  Tender moments between man and wife.  Sharing childhood memories in vulnerability.  Fifi needed him.  McAfee.  Abandoned.  Had to make a choice.  Chose family.  I chose family.  And now I can buy Bitcoin and shrink Abbey Road to the size of a matchbox.  More or less.  At least as passable as Radiohead glitch fidelity.  Sprog is sperg.  Autists activate.IMG_0647


Reconcile.  Contempt meets Rambo.  Again it’s Cascadia.  Twin Peaks.  Knives in movies.  They drew first blood, not me.  Paul Hogan.  Mel Gibson never finished fixing the fan belt.  If you wait, it’s too late.  Death Wish.  True romance.  It would seem they needed Toecutter for the sequel.    Good versus evil.  The Flaming Lips versus me.  Versus the Devil in fuckery.  You can saw through the cuffs in 10, or your ankle in 5.  Joanne Samuel beautiful and great acting.  The Mel Gibson contingent is taking back the world.  Just you watch.


Redoubtable [2017)


Inspiring fear and respect.




That Swiss-Maoist asshole is my hero.

In many ways.

But which Godard?

If I were to say “late Godard” (and that would be my natural, truthful answer), Monsieur Godard would likely point out the merits of his early films…just to annoy me.

If I spoke lovingly of Vivre sa vie, he would probably proclaim that it is shit.

Jean-Luc Godard is a very complex individual.

And I can wholeheartedly identify with that.

A walking civil war.

This film never makes reference to Cahiers du cinéma.  

It doesn’t need to.

This film covers a period of time which Wikipedia classifies as Godard’s “revolutionary period”.

When did Godard stop writing for Cahiers?

He never stopped being a critic.

We know that.

And I see his point.

This is shit.

Because we want to invent new forms.

Breathless was like his “I Wanna Hold Your Hand”.

Or his Bolero.

He couldn’t escape it.

Couldn’t lose it.

Must be nice.

But maybe not.

“Play the hits!”

Did politics ruin Jean-Luc Godard?


But it was necessary.

It was his process of growing up.

His process of attaining wisdom.

Trial and error.

Formative years.

But not the last word.

I don’t agree with Godard’s politics.

Perhaps at some point in my youth I did.

But not very much.

Because I never really understood them.

I dabbled.

But I too am a revolutionary.

In these days.

After the 2020 election.

You may call me a reactionary.

I don’t care what you call me.

I think George Washington is cool.

I think the United States of America is worth saving.

And the American Revolution has recommenced.

Same goals as the founders had.

Love it or leave it.

Godard did not show up in 2010 to receive his honorary Academy Award.

Good for him.

Fuck Hollywood!

Give me the old stuff.


Howard Hawks.

Not this new crap.


Perhaps you see where me and Godard overlap?

Too rashes like a Venn diagram…with a particularly-irritated common ground.

The skin is red and peeling.




I scratch my arms.

I’m running out of real estate on my body for these nicotine patches.


You thought it was something more interesting?

More taboo?


Where does the former President of Peru come in?

Pedro Pablo Kuczynski.

Godard’s first cousin.

I too had cousins.

Who are as far off as Peru.

But always close in my heart.

Kuczynski is 82.

Godard will be 90 in one week.

I will be 44 when the Electoral College meets.

Anna Karina died on my birthday last year.

She was 79.

But this film doesn’t deal with the wonderful Ms. Karina.

No, this film deals with another stunning beauty:  Anne Wiazemsky.

Wiazemsky died three years ago.

The same year Redoubtable came out.

In the English-speaking world, we know it (ironically) as Godard Mon Amour.

Sounds more sophisticated to have the subtitled film with a more commercial FRENCH product label.

Redoubtable is too vague.

Godard Mon Amour sells itself.

[that’s what the advertising guys must have said]

Godard and Wiazemsky were married for 12 years.

Godard and Karina married for a mere 4.

I’ve never read Mauriac.

I have nothing against Catholics.

I adore Olivier Messiaen’s music.

So it bears mentioning that one of the smartest, most unique artists in the history of the world was a French Catholic [Messiaen].

Which is to say, believing in God does not make you boring.

I believe in God.

The same God.

The Christian God.

God who gave us Jesus.

God who gave us synesthesia.

Combat didn’t like La Chinoise.

De Gaulle withdrew from NATO.

Will Trump win?

De Gaulle supported sovereignty.

The European Union is the antithesis of what de Gaulle wanted.

De Gaulle criticized America’s war in Vietnam.

But that wasn’t enough for revolutionaries like Godard.

Too lukewarm.

De Gaulle wanted Québec to be free from Canada.

If you’ve ever been to Québec, you might see why.

It is unlike the rest of Canada.

Except for New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

But not really.

Île de Chêne?



De Gaulle.




Mauriac’s granddaughter.

Starring in a Maoist film directed by Jean-Luc Godard.

La Chinoise.

And then they married.

Godard was correct.

Au Hasard Balthazar is the antithesis of the Central Intelligence Agency.

But Godard never said that.

I did.

So Anne Wiazemsky wrote a book called Un An Après which was published in 2015.

She died two years later.

The same year her book was adapted for film as Redoubtable.

She died of breast cancer.

Less than a month after Redoubtable was released in France.

This film proves that Michel Hazanavicius is a very talented filmmaker.

It proves that he knows his Godard.

But it is flawed.

Aren’t all masterpieces?

Maybe not.

Is Redoubtable a masterpiece?

In some ways, yes.

In some ways, no.

It is probably most similar to Sacha Gervasi’s Hitchcock.

Both of them are films of “exorbitant privilege”.

Which is to say, a little out of touch with their subject matter.

Was Pablo Picasso ever called an asshole?

Not if we take Jonathan Richman at his word.

Art contains deeper layers of meaning.


Unless you’re Warhol.

In which case, the meaning MAY be found closer to the surface.

Stravinsky liked this too.

Music has no meaning.

It is just tones.




Little dots on a page.

So we are told.

By Igor.

Jean-Luc Godard and Igor Stravinsky both embraced MANY different approaches to their craft over their long careers.

Because they loved their crafts.

They were addicted.

It was a compulsion.

And, for Godard, it remains so.

Godard married the girl who rejected Robert Bresson.

Do not underestimate the thrill of this.

The thrill of it all.

Bresson was a genius too.

But she was only 18 when Bresson made his advances.

Girls want to live.

Bresson was 65.


Numbers can lie.

Godard and Wiazemsky were only together as man and wife for three years.

Though they were married for 12.

Three years was enough, apparently.

The divorce appears to have been more a formality.




I spoke to Anne-Marie on the phone once.

In exceedingly-broken French.

She was saintly in her patience.

All I wished to convey, as I called Rolle (Switzerland) on my flip phone, was that Godard was my intellectual hero.  [it is true]  And that his LATE films mattered.  That they mattered THE MOST.  That he had created beauty.  That he had plumbed the depths.  I owed it to my master to deliver this message before I (or he) died (God forbid).

I was compelled.

Jean-Luc Godard is my favorite creator this side of heaven.

Even though I don’t agree with his politics.

Bob Dylan is neck-and-neck for this honor.

Dylan is, no doubt, my favorite musician to have ever lived.

Neck-and-neck with Roland Kirk (perhaps).

My favorite jazz artist.

My favorite instrumentalist.

It is never noted that Wiazemsky was in Les Gauloises bleues.

And Godard could be an asshole.

So can I.

So can Trump.

Trump is my ideological hero.

My political hero.

I DO agree with his political philosophy.


And yet, my favorite film director (auteur) remains Godard.

No one is even neck-and-neck with JLG for me.

Brakhage is a distant second.

Welles is formidable.

But they do not hit the mark like Jean-Luc.

Il seme dell’uomo.

Nothing suggestive there.

Global plague.

Marco Ferreri.

Marco Margine?

Shot-reverse shot.

And then I gave Jacques Demy’s grandson piano lessons.

Or Agnès Varda’s grandson.

Same difference.

More like organ lessons.

Booker T.

You should use Belmondo again.

Funny films.

We see Coutard’s hair early.

Politics entered soon.

Le Petit soldat.

Shadow war.

The perfection of Vivre sa vie.

The jaunty, carefree, playful anarchy of Breathless.

And a sadness tied to beauty.

Politics again with Les Carabiniers.

An attempt at commercialism with Contempt.

Equivalent to Nirvana’s In Utero album.

Big-budget negation.


A thorough disdain for the Hollywood system.

And the “tradition of quality” in France.

But something deeper…and more bitter.

Bande à part more like Breathless.

A little like Vivre sa vie.




Cafe culture.

Down and out in Paris.

Life at the margin of society.


Hazanavicius first really gets going with Une Femme mariée.

Stacy Martin in the nude.



Grabbing the bedsheets.


Brace brace brace.

The resemblance to Charlotte Gainsbourg is striking.

A little Alphaville.

Someone who nibbles Godard’s neck.

The Samuel Fuller scene from Pierrot le fou turned into a fistfight.


Don’t insult me!

A bit of Macha Méril in the hair.

And a bit more of Chantal Goya.

Getting shouted down by a situationist during the May ’68 occupation of the Sorbonne.  Lumped in with Coca-Cola.

Things go dark with insults.

Swiss-Maoist jerk.

On the blink.

“Ruby’s Arms”.

It hurts.

Made in U.S.A.

Two or Three Things I Know About Her.


“You ruined my shot!”


Eating Chinese food.

A rather unfortunate outburst directed at a war hero.

And his wife.

These are the things we do.

When we’re young.

And stupid.

And fiery.

What is striking is the humor in Redoubtable.

The broken eyeglasses.

The slipping shoes.

And their replacement.

I must give credit to Louis Garrel.

He really does convey the mania and eccentricity of Godard.

While Stacy Martin is very good here, it is a shame that Hazanavicius chose to lovingly evoke every detail of Godard’s life…except Wiazemsky’s red hair.



Caddyshack [1980)

I’m so happy to be bringing you an actual film review today.

Even though I’m under the weather.

Yes, the airborne molds here in San Antonio seem to have brought on a nasty head cold.

[And before that it was the mountain cedar pollen.  It seems my city is among the five worst in the U.S. for allergens!]

But nothing does the health quite as much good as a larf 🙂

And I must say, categorically, that Caddyshack is a masterpiece.

I suspected as much, but I never truly analyzed every bit of dialogue.

Till now.

And let me just start off by saying, the screenwriters responsible for this film deserve immense kudos.

First, Douglas Kenney.

If you go to the Caddyshack page on Wikipedia, you will notice that Mr. Kenney has no hypertext love for his name in the “informatics” box.

[Correction, Kenney’s name under the heading “Writers” is not hypertext-enabled, but his name is linkable elsewhere on the page.]

The story of Mr. Kenney is sad.

The strangest part is, HE DOES indeed have a Wikipedia page!

So why no link to the Caddyshack page?

My guess is that this film (and its stakeholders) probably want to distance themselves from the late- Mr. Kenney.

And that’s the saddest part.

You see, Douglas Kenney died almost exactly a month after Caddyshack was released.

Apparently Mr. Kenney was depressed about the bad reviews Caddyshack had gotten.

It’s a tragic story.

But we’re here to celebrate this wonderful film!

And there are two more writers to credit.

Harold Ramis, who passed away in 2014, is also credited with writing our timeless work.

And finally, Brian Doyle-Murray (who is thankfully still with us).

These three writers crafted a great story.

But most importantly, they should be revered for the fantastic banter which they concocted.

In its own way, the script for Caddyshack deserves a prominent place next to Ernest Lehman’s North by Northwest.

But to pull off great lines, you need great actors.

And Caddyshack is chockfull of masterful performances.

But first let’s take a look at the socioeconomic aspects of this story.

The action is completely set at a posh golf course in Nebraska:  Bushwood Country Club.

While some of the allegorical caricatures are a bit crude (indeed, the whole film is gloriously crude), there is a nice message to this film.

Quite simply, it is the “haves” and the “have-nots”.

And the main, anarchist “have-nots” are the caddies.

Those lowly youngsters who schlep golf bags up and down green hills in lieu of golf carts.

It’s funny…

The manager of the Caddy Shack (actually played by writer Brian Doyle-Murray) holds the specter of replacement over the young caddies’ heads.

Shape up, or you’ll be replaced by golf carts.

[Or something to that effect]

I can hear the same strains echoing from my local McDonald’s (though I never go there).

You want fifteen dollars an hour?


Hello robots.

But these kids put up with a lot of shit.

And, though this film doesn’t get this in-depth, I feel for the youngsters who are out there working crappy jobs.

America is fucked up.

A cashier at a corner store shouldn’t be prevented from getting antibiotics for her infected tooth.

She shouldn’t have to miss work because we can’t figure out this problem.

I’m guessing she can’t afford the doctor’s visit.

Or the visit to a clinic.

But that’s pretty sad.

It’s like panhandling…

No one would dream of such an existence.

So we gotta be less cynical.

Yeah, panhandlers will try any trick in the book.

But in the final estimation, one must really feel sorry for anyone who has no better options than to spend their time begging (or, for that matter, hawking cigarettes for minimum wage at the Kwik-E-Mart).

But I digress…

The late- Ted Knight did a great job of playing the yuppie villain in this film.

You want to go to law school?  And your parents can’t afford it?

Well, the world needs ditch-diggers too.

It’s a bloody-jawdropping line from our three screenwriters!

Ted Knight plays Judge Smails.

Yes, a real piece of work he is!

The “good-old-boys” network.

Even up in Nebraska.

Perhaps a jab at Warren Buffett?

We know, of course, that Mr. Buffett was having a very convenient charity golf tournament the morning of 9/11 at Offutt Air Force Base.

And Offutt is the central node of the U.S. nuclear deterrent.

And George W. Bush eventually made his way to Offutt on 9/11 (after stopping over at the second most important nuke site, Barksdale Air Force Base in Shreveport, Louisiana).

And then there was the jet owned by Mr. Buffett that was conveniently in the air near Flight 93 in Pennsylvania.

And Ms. Anne Tatlock who would have normally been in her office at Fiduciary Trust Company in the World Trade Center, but was playing golf with Warren Buffett.

Fiduciary Trust lost 87 employees on the morning of 9/11 when Flight 175 slammed into the WTC.

But Tatlock was in Omaha.

Too crazy to be true?

And who were the other invitees at Buffett’s event?

Let’s return to comedy, shall we? 🙂

Chevy Chase is fantastic as Ty Webb in our film.

He has no editing mechanism.

Here is a guy so effortlessly-rich that he just says whatever is on his mind.

Remind you of anyone?

And if that pointed-allusion to our PEOTUS isn’t pithy enough, we then have Rodney Dangerfield’s ostentatious character:  a realtor!

Remember, in 1978 (two years before Caddyshack) the villain of Superman (Lex Luthor) was also a realtor.

It’s an interesting meme.

Indeed, the word “meme” was coined just two years before THAT (in Richard Dawkins’ 1976 book The Selfish Gene).

So perhaps it was just the Zeitgeist, but our writers had latched onto something with the realtor trope.

However, as stated, the villain of Caddyshack is the venal Judge Smails.

Rodney Dangerfield (who was magnificent in this film) is very much an anti-villain:  the enemy of our enemy.

Dangerfield’s character Al Czervik may be nouveau riche, but he has many redeeming qualities.

To reel in one of my favorite memes, he puts the disruptive in “disruptive innovation” (thank you Clay Christensen).

I mean, really…you gotta hand it to a guy with Budweiser on tap in his golf bag 🙂

But perhaps the most important character is Carl (played to genius proportions by Bill Murray).

Carl is the slack-jawed “assistant [head?] greenskeeper” whose internal monologue is just audible enough to guide us through this film.

Every film critic should identify with Carl (except, of course, the “successful” ones).

Here’s a guy who basically lives in the toolshed.

I mean, the scene where Chevy Chase “plays through” is just classic!

Carl eventually does a little housekeeping with a leaf blower (presaging the eccentric roots of Beck Hansen [whose dust-choking start was still a ways off in 1980]).

But Carl really makes this film tick.

He is the Fanfare for the Common Man.

And there are Bronx cheers in place of the timpani!

[Did somebody sit on a duck?]

Sarah Holcomb probably doesn’t get much credit for her role in this film, but she should.

Ms. Holcomb was born on September 11, 1958.

This was her last film (according to Wikipedia).

While her Irish accent is a bit grating (because, I am guessing, it is merely a plot device), she is a joyful presence in this film.

Ah, but Cindy Morgan really steals the show as Lacey Underall.

And she’s not just a pretty face!

Her acting (and chemistry with Chevy Chase) is really remarkable.

Plus, she has the best line of the film:


God, I love that line…

Which takes us back to our writers.

These guys were really something!

But I haven’t even mentioned the auteur of our film.

It was, indeed, one of the three writers:  Harold Ramis.

Sure, there are cheap stunts (actually, $8 mil. worth…in 1980!).

But they almost all work beautifully.

For instance, the Jaws spoof with the Baby Ruth in the swimming pool 🙂

I mean, God…what a concept!

And even little touches…like Ted Knight hacking through the bathroom door with a golf club instead of an axe (à la The Shining).

The Shining, incidentally, was released about two months before Caddyshack.

[Jaws hailed from 1975 and Jaws 2 had dropped in 1978.]

It’s hard to say to what extent Bill Murray and Chevy Chase improvised in this film.

The same goes for Rodney Dangerfield.

These were/are comedic geniuses.

So no doubt a good bit of credit for the final product goes to these three gentlemen.

But Harold Ramis pulled it all together.

And so, dear friends, if you haven’t seen this film, then you absolutely must.

It’s not Gone With the Wind, but it’s a very significant milestone in the development of cinema.


Numero deux [1975)

Back.  Return return.  Long absence.

Unrestful battle to the death with corporate finance.

And Jeannot mentions Georges.  Beauregard?

Yes, almost certainly.

And so politics becomes sex.  But sex remains politics.  The two phenomena simultaneously.

Like dependent events and statistical fluctuations.

Ah, statistics…

Not the fun stuff of batting averages.  No, we mean correlations and covariance and stultifying minutiae.

And that’s where the money comes from.

Godard after 45 years had finally finished with Paris.  Done.  Fin.

Il y a equals = Grenoble?

A new era with Anne-Marie Miéville.  Sonimage.  Mon ton son image son.

Wordplay cures illnesses.

The glissando of sliding meaning.


I want to write film criticism as if I am writing a viola sonata.  Everything is possible.

Amazingly…amazingly…Wikipedia gives a synopsis.

Thank you kind soul…kind, fastidious soul.

Is it the same in France?  Numero deux est la merde?

Yes, Godard finds a way to shock…again.  Like Salò, but in a mundane grocery store of quotidian pain.

Wordplay and illnesses.

Is it Sandrine Battistella?

Is it Pierre Oudrey?

Are the child actors the best players in this film (in the tradition of Bresson)?

And Alexandre Rignault.  The old man?  I am too lazy.  It is already a service.  Mon beau souci.

The anarchy of breasts.

Both enjoy in different ways.

Pain is not simple.

It was this point at which Godard became a true revolutionary.  With his army surplus jacket.  Inconsequential.

Having survived the revolution.  The upheaval.  To live on into the era of Bruce Lee kicking Chuck Norris’ ass.

We see briefly.

But mainly we see fatigue.  The fatigue of Beethoven.  Facile technician.  Adjusting color timing instinctively.  Habit.

Sometime you must take a break from James Bond to question the fundamental things.

White people problems, they say.

No, I see the same in true cultures…in China…in Africa.

Unique modes of expression.  Unlearning.

The greatest service is to convey the feelings of the film.  If these feelings harmonize with the dissonance of your pathetique lives, then you are like me.  Searching for small miracles.

Actors cannot touch non-actors.  Praise be to actors who appear to have no technique–who appear to be non-actors.

Either way.  Doesn’t matter.  Matters.