The Empire Strikes Back [1980)

Today the United States of America officially became a purveyor of third-world justice.

American exceptionalism has long held that America is DIFFERENT from nations like Brazil and Pakistan.

But not any longer.

Just as was done to Bolsonaro–just as was done to Imran Khan, President Donald Trump has been convicted by his political enemies.

Such things are common in banana republics.

Want to derail the political career of a troublesome politician?

Throw him in jail.

Today, that ball started rolling in motion…towards a July 11th sentencing.

The USA is exceptional no longer.

Even pathetic, Trump-hating milquetoast Mitt Romney recently lamented that he was disappointed that President Joe Biden had not proactively pardoned Trump (or otherwise used his sway as President to dissuade fellow Democrats [such as the ones in New York state] from prosecuting Trump).

Romney is an interesting barometer.

[perhaps the only thing interesting about him]

EVEN ROMNEY knows that what Biden has done is wrong.

Not only does he know this, but his tongue has spoken such.

Much more then do the hearts and minds of actual Patriots burn tonight with anger.

But we must heed the wise words of Alex Jones (i.e. don’t be rash):

Heed the warning of Yoda.

Look to General Flynn.

If Trump has done one thing the past four years, it is to BE PATIENT.

All Patriots must follow this example.

I’m mad as hell at Trump about the COVID vaccines.

I’m mad as hell at Trump about his support for genocidal Israel.

I’m mad as hell at Trump for him banning me from Truth Social.

But here I am.

Supporting him as best I can.


Because Trump does not deserve the “third-world justice” he is receiving.

Given a choice, at this point, I choose RFK Jr. (because of his stance on the COVID vaccines).

But RFK is being edged out of the upcoming (next month) Presidential debates on CNN.

RFK is not playing by the rules of our corrupt two-party system.

So he has been (and continues to be) marginalized.

Put bluntly, there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that RFK Jr. wins the 2024 election.

But if he were on the ballot, today, before me, I would vote for him over Trump.

That’s correct.

I would throw my vote away on RFK.

That’s how PISSED OFF I am about Trump’s complete whitewashing of the vaccine genocide HE presided over as American President.

Seeing as how less that one percent of vaccine adverse events and reactions (including death) have historically been reported to the CDC/FDA VAERS system, if the VAERS system (which has completely [to my knowledge] STOPPED TAKING ANY REPORTS RELATED TO THE THREE AMERICAN COVID VACCINES) says there have been 37,000 reports of death potentially related to said vaccines, the actual number of deaths is not 37,000, nor 370,000, but 3.7 million.

To be clear, Donald Trump was the executive (the buck stops here) responsible for the death of 4 million Americans at the hands of Operation Ludicrous Speed vaccines.

Trump’s administration rushed these vaccines to market.

But it was BIDEN’S administration who COERCED Americans (including the U.S. military) to take these jabs (or else lose their jobs).

Trump has never once (to my knowledge) been critical of the safety or efficacy of his Warp Speed vaccines.

Quite the contrary, he has crowed ad nauseam about what a great achievement they were.

He is either very stupid, or very evil.

Perhaps both.

And yet I fight for him at this moment.


RFK Jr’s stance on Israel is just as bad as Trump’s.

Biden’s stance on Israel is just as bad as either of theirs.

The only other person (besides RFK Jr.) intellectually qualified to be POTUS is Cornel West.

He’s been vocally against the genocide of Palestinians at the hands of Israel.

He was vocal when it was not as safe to take such a position.

Jill Stein is a latecomer to this issue.

And Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver is coming even later to the Free Palestine table.

But Cornel West is a fucking moron when is comes to the COVID vaccines.

So we have no good choice.

And then there’s the two old dogs who are most likely to be on your ballot (if you’re an American):  Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Why, I ask again, am I bothering to defend Trump if I hold so much against him?

For starters, Trump was an enormous PAIN IN THE ASS for the American (and global) establishment.

For three solid years, Trump did a pretty damn good job of being President.

It was only in his fourth year (when he was blindsided by low-intensity biological warfare) that he gave control of the U.S. government to Anthony Fauci and Mike Pence.

Pence, in the end, fucked him.

[and Fauci fucked him coming and going]

But Biden WIELDED (through coercion) these dangerous COVID vaccines against the American people.

Something Trump did not do.

 Would Trump have also coerced Americans to take these vaccines that he loves as if they were his own syringe-shaped children?

I doubt it.

The fascist is not Trump, but Biden.

If you object to that diction, substitute authoritarian for fascist.

Leftists can be hella authoritarian.

And that’s just what Genocide Joe was with these deadly vaccines.

Trump’s final year in office was one prolonged October Surprise.

It appears to have been engineered by those connected to Event 201:  (namely) Bill Gates (via his Foundation), Klaus Schwab (via the World Economic Forum), and the CIA (via current Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines [a John Brennan protégée]).

But is there enough time for avian influenza to “save the day” for sleepy Joe Biden’s 2024 “campaign”???

No need.

This election cycle’s “October Surprise” started long ago.

Here are the red-letter dates in Biden’s TRUE campaign (a merciless campaign of THIRD-WORLD JUSTICE):

  • March 30, 2023:  34 felony charges AKA The People of the State of New York v. Donald J. Trump

Charges brought by Democratic Party prosecutor (New York County D.A) Alvin Bragg.  Case presided over by Joe Biden (and anti-Replublican Party) political donor Juan Merchan ( ).  Case decide by “impartial” jury fielded from New York City (Joe Biden “won” 60% of the vote in New York City in 2020 and no Republican Presidential candidate has won the city since Ronald Reagan in 1984 [they have only selected Democrats for 36 years in a row]).

Outcome?  Guilty on all 34 counts.  Who coulda possibly seen that verdict coming?!?


  • June 8, 2023:  37 felony charges (later upped to 40) AKA United States of America v. Donald J. Trump, Waltine Nauta, and Carlos De Oliveira [should be known as “Florida election interference” case]

Charges brought by Democrat-appointed (Merrick Garland) “independent” special counsel Jack Smith.

Charges brought by Democrat-appointed (Merrick Garland) “independent” special counsel Jack Smith.

  • August 14, 2023:  13 charges (later dropped to 10) AKA The State of Georgia v. Donald J. Trump, et al. 

Charges brought by Democratic Party prosecutor (Fulton County D.A.) Fani Willis.

At the nexus of Romney’s shocking candor and the film under consideration (in half these cases) is perhaps, one might say, the “Emperor” of American “third-world justice”:


Trump can gain my unconditional endorsement (not that he needs it) by his doing two things:

  1. disavow his Operation Warp Speed vaccines
  2. condemn the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza

Will he do it?

I doubt it.


Delta Farce [2007)

Just when you think Donald Trump can’t get any more idiotic, he goes and insults the intelligence of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (calling him “the dumbest member of the Kennedy clan”).

In so doing, Donald Trump has signaled that he still believes his Operation Warp Speed vaccines to be “safe and effective” (they are neither).

Furthermore, Trump has signaled that he intends to alienate all those who voted for him in 2016 and/or 2020 and with whom Kennedy’s message (as brilliantly laid out in the book The Real Anthony Fauci) resonates (including yours truly).

But this problem (denying the awful truth of the COVID vaccines) has plagued Trump for the past four years.

Now Trump has a new problem:  Israel.

Benjamin Netanyahu was one of the first world leaders (along with Boris Johnson) to congratulate Joe Biden on his “victory” in 2020.

This pissed Trump off (as well it should have).

But Trump’s delusions don’t end with his safe and effective vaccines.

Donald Trump’s blind allegiance to Israel is a threat to American national security.

And sadly, RFK Jr.’s brilliance appears to begin and end with the vaccine issue.

RFK Jr. and Donald Trump are equally moronic and callous when it comes to blind faith in Israel and willful blindness regarding the disproportionate riposte (to put it nicely) Israel has leveled against Gaza since Oct. 7, 2023. 

Trump and RFK Jr. don’t care about the 34,000+ dead men, women, and children in Gaza.

They only care about securing that juicy Israeli support.

Trump “loves America”, but he doesn’t have the balls or brains to admit his vaccines are worse than worthless.

He doesn’t have any moral backbone when it comes to telling the truth about those vaccines.

Trump “loves America”, but he doesn’t give a fuck about all the Americans who have been killed by his precious vaccines.

At least RFK Jr. sees that (and speaks about it…at great cost of derision to himself).

Then there’s Cornel West.

West is a genius when it comes to Palestine and Israel.

But a moron when it comes to the COVID vaccines.

West is getting even less traction than RFK Jr.

Wonder why.

Because he’s not kissing Israeli ass à la Kennedy?

Joe Biden, of course, may be even worse on the COVID vaccines than Trump.

Biden coerced millions of Americans to take these unsafe, ineffective vaccines.

Trump merely encouraged people to take them.

As for Israel and Palestine, Genocide Joe keeps arming Israel.

So Joe, like Trump, is a failure on both issues.

RFK Jr. and West are a failure on one of the two issues.

And a success on one of the two issues.

The only person to be getting any traction whatsoever from their anti-genocide stance is Jill Stein.

But the traction she is getting is very, very little.

I could be wrong, but it seems Jill Stein has not said jack shit about the COVID vaccines.

So she is basically just Cornel West with a bit more traction.

And West was far more vocal when it mattered.

Stein wasn’t able to register on the pro-Palestine radar (as far as I know) until a couple of days ago.

So all of these candidates fail basic tests regarding intelligence (ability to do rudimentary research with integrity) and humanity (empathy for everyone…even the “out group” [Palestinians]).

RFK Jr., as it turns out, is BY FAR the smartest candidate, but he has no empathy for the 15,000 dead children in Gaza.

He has no empathy for the 7,500 dead women in Gaza.

He has no empathy for the 7,500 dead men in Gaza (were they all HAMAS militants?).

Two candidates are morons with empathy:  Cornel West and Jill Stein.

And two candidates (the two most likely to win) are heartless nincompoops:  Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

At this point, the only positive thing I can say about Trump is that he has the best position (of all these candidates) regarding the U.S. southern border.

Other than that, he is an utter failure (both morally and intellectually).

That being said, Trump is a marginal improvement over Biden if only these three issues are under consideration (COVID vaccines, Palestine/Israel, and illegal immigration/border security).

All of this foretells of a very bleak future for America.

The only hopes:

A.  Trump comes clean on the vaccines and recognizes the evil Israel has wrought in Gaza 

B.  RFK Jr. opens his fucking eyes to the genocidal slaughter of Palestinians at the hands of Israelis

C.  Cornel West buys a clue (good place to start is with RFK Jr.’s book)

D.  Jill Stein goes full-truth (all she has to do is visit OpenVAERS…is that so fucking hard for a “doctor”?!?)

E.  Joe Biden tells Israel to fuck off and apologizes for his totalitarian wielding of the COVID vaccines

All of these possibilities seem HIGHLY UNLIKELY.

If given the choice of all these candidates, I pick RFK Jr.

Genocide via vaccine has been a greater killer than even Israel has been in Gaza.

[only about 1% of vaccine adverse events and reactions (including deaths) are reported to the voluntary CDC/FDA VAERS system.  Likewise, it appears the system stopped accepting (quite a while ago) ANY REPORTS WHATSOEVER regarding the three COVID vaccines which were/are available in the USA.  Re: point #1, you must add a couple of zeros to the “reports of death” to arrive at an accurate number.  Not 37,000 but 3.7 mil.]

However, if the choice is between Biden and Trump, I would choose Trump.

That said, if RFK Jr. makes it on the ballot in Texas, I would be very tempted to vote for him.

Trump can’t cling to his beloved vaccines and to Israel both.

Both entities (COVID vaccines and the IDF) have been on a murderous rampage.

Trump is the moron.

RFK Jr. is the genius.

Too bad Kennedy apparently has no heart.


Ariel [1988)

The CIA carried out the attacks in Moscow by training Ukrainians and blaming the attacks on what is now a CIA proxy army:  ISIS.

That is my gut feeling.

Cui bono?

Look at Syria.

Syria has been in an ongoing civil war since at least mid-2012.

12+ years.

Who are the combatants?

On the one side, you have the Syrian Armed Forces under the control of Bashar al-Assad.

Allied with Syria in this civil war are Iran and Russia.

On the other side, you have such parties as the United States of America, Al-Qaeda, and ISIS.

So it is PLAUSIBLE that ISIS would want to attack Russia.

This “plausible deniability” is the essential coin in trade of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The USA ostensibly fought ISIS in Syria from 2014-2017.

The following year, the U.S. fought against “pro-government forces” (which is to say, against the government of Syria).

The USA provided “armament support” for the “Syrian National Army” from 2011 (before the civil war even began) till 2017.

The SNA was not even “officially established” until 2017.

The SNA, also with the notable help of Turkey, fights against the Bashar al-Assad government (and military) in Syria.

So you see NATO (USA and Turkey) meddling in Syria.

And you also see how the USA appears to have perhaps PRECIPITATED (or at least added fuel to a burning fire) by funding the SNA even before the civil war was started in earnest.

Also fighting in the Syrian Civil War are the “Syrian Democratic Forces” (of north and east Syria).

The United States CONTINUES to support this particular prong of the Syrian Civil War.

This particular support appears to have begun in 2017.

Then you have that really gnarly third prong of the anti-Assad forces:  the Salafi Jihadists.

Here you will find Al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc.

I will leave it to those more savvy than myself to find USA/CIA direct material assistance to Al-Qaeda and ISIS, but any way you slice it:

ISIS and the USA are on the SAME SIDE in the Syrian Civil War.

Now…why would the CIA “burn” one of its assets (ISIS) by using them as a “fall guy” in a false-flag terror attack in Moscow?

Well, for starters:  that’s the nature of what the CIA does.

To say the CIA is unscrupulous would not even begin to scratch the surface.

Perhaps ISIS has worn out its usefulness for the CIA?

Perhaps the USA/CIA knows that the Syrian Civil War cannot be won by any of the aforementioned prongs and will, instead, be won by the government of Syria (Bashar al-Assad) with the assistance of Iran and Russia.

The CIA would have no qualms about “throwing ISIS under the bus” (so to speak).

Cui bono?

Next you have to look at Yemen.

You have seen the Houthis in the news.

How they are these horrible people for attacking ships in the Red Sea.

I agree that it is not optimal.

But the Houthis of northern Yemen have made up their minds.

What is most important to them is the protection of women and children in Gaza.

No other nation on Earth has really taken any tangible, meaningful step in confronting Israel’s gross slaughter of Arabs in the Gaza Strip except for Yemen (the Houthis).

I don’t approve of terrorism.

I don’t condone terrorism.

But what is it that Israel is doing in Gaza?

Let’s get a perspective on what Israel is doing in Gaza.

In response to the terrorist attacks by Hamas on Oct. 7th, Israel has launched (and continues to wage) a war against Gaza.

How many Israelis have been affected?

Israeli citizens killed:  819

Israeli soldiers killed:  667

Israelis kidnapped:  253

Total:  1,739

How many Arabs in Gaza (Palestinians) have been affected?

Palestinian people killed:  32,142

Israel has killed 30 times more people that it lost on October 7th.

There were 1,143 Israelis killed on October 7th.

Israel has, in response, killed 32,142 Palestinians (so far).

Yemen is not ok with this.

Yemen’s solution?

To try and cut the supply lines of Israel.

If I remember correctly, Yemen (the Houthis) declared war on Israel not long after Palestinian casualties started piling up in the Gaza Strip.

The Houthis control the capital of Yemen (Sanaa) even though they do not control the southern half of Yemen.

Who controls south Yemen (aside from the internationally-recognized “Republic of Yemen”)?

You guessed it:  ISIS.

Need proof?

Need references?

Do yourself a favor and watch the PBS Frontline episode “The Fight for Yemen” (Season 33).

And while you’re at it, also watch  the two episodes of “Bitter Rivals:  Iran and Saudi Arabia” from Season 36 of PBS Frontline.

[these episodes can be found on iTunes]

It becomes more and more apparent that ISIS is a CIA “Swiss-Army knife”–a proxy army.

We often hear of Iran as being a “state sponsor of terrorism”.

We hear of Iran’s “proxy armies” such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis (HHH).

What, then, is ISIS?

Hezbollah fights on the side of THE SYRIAN GOVERNMENT (Assad) in Syria.

Which is to say, Hezbollah hates ISIS.

And the Houthis hate ISIS.

They are not on the same side.

What is going on in Yemen?

The USA and the UK are acting as a combined military force on behalf of Israel (by repeatedly bombing Yemen).

The “plausible deniability” here is that the US/UK are “just protecting shipping” in the Red Sea.

The problem with that is that the U.S. military (specifically the U.S. Air Force) has been on the ground in Israel during this entire “war” (genocide/ethnic cleansing/war crime) in a support role for Israeli bombing of Gaza.

[hence the disgust felt by honorable airman deceased Aaron Bushnell who burned himself alive in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. some time back]

Regardless of the specifics of how/where/when the USA has materially-supported the GENOCIDE/ETHNIC CLEANSING/WAR CRIMES of Israel in Gaza (it is indisputable that Joe Biden and the USA have continued to supply copious amounts of weaponry to Israel throughout this “war” [slaughter]), the U.S has not done what Yemen has done.

What Yemen is doing in the Red Sea may be wrong.

And what Israel is doing in Gaza is likely worse.

How many people have been killed by Houthi attacks in the Red Sea?


The USA and ISIS fight against Syria.

The USA and ISIS fight against Yemen.

[are you seeing this pattern?]

If we are to be utterly-naive, we would have to reckon this a HUGE coincidence…that the USA and ISIS just happen to keep showing up on the same side of conflicts.

If we knew a little more about history (which we do [see the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan {1979-1989} and its successor Al-Qaeda]), we would have to wonder whether the United States now effectively controls ISIS as a tool for attempted regime change.

Where the USA cannot expediently (conveniently) use American troops to achieve foreign policy directives, is the USA instead employing the services of ISIS?

Perhaps the main way of “employing” an army is to supply them.

Does the USA ever “accidentally” supply ISIS in Syria?

Does the USA ever purposefully supply ISIS in Syria (in the hopes of toppling Assad)?

And isn’t it convenient for the USA to be providing airstrikes on behalf of ISIS in Yemen.

The USA and ISIS just keep ending up on the same side.

Which is why it would not surprise me if the body cam footage from the Moscow terror attack came from Ukrainian (CIA-trained) assets, passed through the hands of the CIA, and then was passed on to ISIS.

Whereby ISIS could then “claim responsibility”.

Hell, we’re already helping ISIS in Syria and Yemen…maybe they owe us one?

“Here, guys.  Take the blame for this and we’ll get you a bunch more Toyota pickups with .50 cals mounted on the back.  Thanks in advance!”

Whatever the case may be, the ISIS “eager claim of authorship” for the Moscow terror attacks STINKS of CIA involvement.

And the REAL initial reports out of Russia are that the perpetrators were not Arabs.

Nor even Muslims.

But Ukrainians.

Cui bono?

Perhaps you are more of an audio learner.

Here, have this rock and roll refresher course on exactly what the CIA and Ukraine have to do with one another:

There are definite connections.

It is not debatable to say that the United States is supplying (and has supplied) MASSIVE amounts of weaponry to Ukraine in what is, truthfully, a civil war there.

The USA is supporting the central governent.


But what if the territories that seceded (Donetsk and Lugansk) had good reason to secede?

It is also not debatable that Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt were plotting the ouster/replacement of the Russian-friendly Ukrainian government back around the time of the Euromaidan protests.

The Russian-speaking, Russian-majority areas of Ukraine (Lugansk and Donetsk) attempted to declare independence from a Ukrainian “puppet government” (one which still controls the country…and America is pulling the strings).

Lugansk and Donetsk wanted nothing to do with this American-controlled Ukrainian central governement.

In response, groups like the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion (now a part of the Ukrainian armed forces [Azov Regiment]) terrorized the peoples of Lugansk and Donetsk.

This went on for YEARS after the USA overthrew the elected government of Ukraine via the CIA-provocateured Euromaidan protests.

Russia FINALLY stepped in and said, “enough is enough”.

While it is true that Russia tried to make it a quick war (by toppling the central government of Ukraine…the same central government that was overseeing the terrorizing and killing of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in eastern Ukraine), I believe Russia accomplished its main mission:  to protect the Russian-speaking peoples of Lugansk and Donetsk.

Cui bono?

Public support in the USA for the Ukraine war is waning.


Ukraine is getting desperate.

They are losing the war.

The war is almost lost.

So would it be so hard to find a couple handfuls of crazed Ukrainians to train and send into Russia to commit a terror attack in Moscow???

The attack at Crocus City was meant to strike a blow to the public morale in Russia.

Timing is everything.

This was not the work of ISIS.


The Hurricane [1999)

My fellow Americans.

The storm is here.

It’s not about religion.

Not yet.

What we see now can be described without bringing religion into the equation.

An eye for an eye is justice.

30 eyes for an eye is evil.–30-960-martyrs–72-524-injured-in-gaza

Justice makes the guilty pay.

Evil makes the innocent pay.

About 1,000 Israeli civilians were affected by the October 7th attacks.

767 civilians died.

247 civilians were taken captive.


276 IDF soldiers were killed.

1,609 Palestinian soldiers (Hamas) were killed.

If we call the Oct. 7, 2023 attack by Hamas “terrorism” (and it was), then what do we call the Israeli response?

A disproportionate riposte?

Of the 767 Israeli civilian casualties, 36 were children.

Of the 30,960 people killed in Gaza so far (most killed by indiscriminate bombing), it is estimated that 78% percent of those were women and children.–30-800-martyrs–over-72-000-wounded–72–children-a

This makes sense insofar as about half (47%) of the residents of Gaza are under the age of 18 (which is to say, they are children).

In a largely indiscriminate bombing campaign of densely-packed urban areas (such as the campaign which Israel has undertaken), we would expect about 15,000 children to be among the 30,000 who have so far been killed.

Of the other 15,000 who have so far been killed, we would expect about half of those to be women.

That leaves an additional 7,500 deaths.

How many of those men were Hamas soldiers?

Now we will talk religion.

Was Rubin “Hurricane” Carter a Muslim?

What would it matter if he were?

And what would it matter if he were not?

It has been said that Carter became a “black Muslim” (Nation of Islam) in the 1960s.

He has been described as being an “outspoken Muslim” around this same time period.

It appears, however, that Carter “embraced Islam” while he was in the 101st Airborne in the 1950s and even “changed his name for awhile” to reflect his newfound religion.

So what?

Injustice is injustice.

But how do you endure being in a prison?

And what if you were serving a sentence for the “crime” of being black?

Or for the “crime” of being Muslim?

Or for the “crime” of being in the wrong place at the wrong time??

That is not justice.

Let us examine the Warsaw Ghetto for a moment.

Established in November 1940.

The largest of the Nazi ghettos.

430,000 people were imprisoned there.

An open-air prison.

Sounds nice, right?


Why wrong?

Because it was hell.

And these 430,000 people also happened to be Jewish.

Which is why they were being horrifically discriminated against.

Why was it hell?

“Meager food rations”.

Hey, that sounds like a place I know.


Never again, right?

When you dehumanize people (reduce them to “Jew” or “Muslim” or “black” or whatever), ANYTHING can be done to them.

And anything WILL be done to them.

History proves that.


If people are not considered fully human–if they are considered somehow “inferior”, then the end very quickly starts “justifying” the means.

Another characteristic of the Warsaw Ghetto was “limited…medical supplies”.

Hey, that ALSO sounds like a place I know.

You might be saying to yourself, “Well, the Warsaw Ghetto (at its ‘height’) had 460,000 people in an area of 1.3 square miles.  Gaza is 141 square miles.”



Rafah is 25 square miles.

And how many people have been HERDED there as a result of Israeli boming???

1.4 million.

The point is this:  you cannot repudiate the Warsaw Ghetto while embracing the population-wide torture of Gaza.

In any case, what is Israel trying to accomplish in Gaza?

Are they trying to “wipe out” Hamas?

Because if Hamas are “terrorists” (they are), and terrorism is fueled perceived injustice, then the actions of Israel in Gaza since October 7th WILL FUEL GENERATIONS OF TERRORISTS.

Did the 15,000 dead Palestinian children in Gaza vote for Hamas?

How long has it been since the last election in Gaza?

18 years?

Are you telling me that Israel has killed 15,000 kids (so far) who never were even alive to observe an election???

And what about the 40% of Gazan women (and men) who did not vote for Hamas in 2006?

Did they deserve to be killed BECAUSE OF WHO THEY FUCKING VOTED FOR?!?

40% (37.5% of seats/districts) of Gaza voted against Hamas in 2006.

So the EXCEEDINGLY-MONSTROUS (one might go so far as to say NAZI in its cruelty) opinion that “Gazans are getting what they voted for” does not hold true.

There has not been an election in Gaza in 18 years.

Even so, you don’t “liberate” people through the involuntary separation of soul from body.

There was a righteous way to handle the aftermath of October 7th.

The righteous way would have inflicted heavy casualties on the IDF.

And the world would have RESPECTED Israel for taking the RIGHTEOUS path.

A ground invasion.

Street by street.

Take your time.

Your goal is to wipe out Hamas, right?

Then wipe them out.

Like men.

Not like kids playing a video game.

Be men.

Enter Gaza.

Find Hamas.

Arrest Hamas (particularly the leadership).

EARN the respect of, not only the world but, Gazans.

Take out the bad actors.

Through law and order.

Street by street.

NOT by aerial bombardment of areas containing women and children.

But Israel did not take the righteous path.

Israel shows that terrorism (even though it is wrong) works.

Israel lost its cool.

And took 30 eyes for every eye (so far).

Israel has killed 30,000 people in Gaza to avenge the deaths of 1,143 dead Israelis.

Or, put another way, Israel has killed 30,000 people in Gaza in an effort to save 247 captives.

And yet another way, Israel has killed approximately 22,500 women and children in Gaza in the pursuit of “wiping out Hamas” (while killing, at most, 7,500 adult male Hamas soldiers).

And if voting demographics can be extrapolated onto those 7,500 dead adult males in Gaza, about 3,000 of those didn’t even vote for Hamas (and were, therefore, likely not Hamas “militants”).

At most, 9,000 Hamas voters have been killed by Israel.

15,000 who were not even born when the last election occurred have been killed in the process.

And 6,000 Fatah/independent (non-Hamas) voters have been killed.

21,000 people killed via “collateral damage” for the purpose of perhaps killing 9,000 Hamas voters.

Israel is not doing itself any favors with this operation.


Kansas City Confidential [1952)

Just like we drew it up. (Feb. 11, 2024 [21:50])

Mr. Big = “the big guy”

18% of voters more likely to back Taylor Swift-endorsed presidential candidate, poll shows (Jan. 29th, 2024)

Roll ’em, Pete!

49ers Stars Christian McCaffrey, Nick Bosa Infuriated After Hotel Fire Alarm Incident – ‘No Way It’s Random’ (Feb. 10, 2024)

Helen = Taylor Swift

“I signed and was responsible for the Music Modernization Act for Taylor Swift and and all other Musical Artists.  Joe Biden didn’t do anything for Taylor, and never will.” (Feb. 11, 2024 [15:35])

Travis Kelce = Joe Rolfe

Blazers find snake in locker room (May 8, 2014)

Joe Rolfe was a Marine at Iwo Jima


4 years ago today, A/C went out at Spurs-Heat finals game, causing LeBron to cramp up (Jun. 5, 2014)

San Antonio’s Foreign Players Didn’t Understand Why Everyone Was Freaking Out About The Broken Air Conditioning (Jun. 6, 2014)

San Antonio Spurs’ Manu Ginóbili Becomes First Argentinian Enshrined into Basketball Hall of Fame (Sep. 12, 2022)

Tim Duncan’s Hall of Fame career has made the U.S. Virgin Islands proud (May 14, 2021)

Gregg Popovich showed up to Air Force intelligence training like a super-spy (Jun. 12, 2013)

Video: Who wants to hear Popovich speak Russian? (Jan. 8, 2013)

East Chicago Native: Gregg Popovich (13 years ago)

[Chicago] Black Sox Scandal

1919 World Series

Arnold Rothstein

King of the Jews (book)


19-19 (World Series)

Just like we drew it up.

Who tweets on behalf of Joe Biden?

Who’s “we”?

Taylor was right to care about the genocide/ethnic cleansing/war crimes being perpetrated against the women and children of Gaza.

Half of the 2 million inhabitants of Gaza are under the age of 18.

Death toll in Gaza from Israeli bombing (since Oct. 7) as of today:  28,200

30 eyes for every eye.

Israel lost approximately 1,000 people on Oct. 7.

Just like the U.S.-Afghan War, a “disproportionate riposte” (to quote Thierry Meyssan).

The “wrong man” (to use Hitchcock’s most famous archetype) is blackmailed.

Like the three stooges who pulled the bank job (Jack Elam, Lee Van Cleef, and Neville Brand).

Taylor needed a Super Bowl win.

Biden needed Taylor to have a Super Bowl win.

Biden needs Taylor (desperately).

Fans lash out at Travis Kelce after 20-million-dollar deal with Pfizer (Dec. 30, 2023)

Money equals control.

Visible investments to secure under-the-table deals.

How to pay off an asset.

Dr. Anthony Fauci Announces New Memoir to Publish in Summer 2024 (Feb. 8, 2024)

Truth (lacking from Trump and West):

Truth (lacking from Trump [again] and RFK Jr.):

N.B.  Trump is the best of these three on the border, the economy, and abortion (to name just three).

Stay up to date every morning with curated news:


The Equalizer [2014)

Transmission received.

Obama Presidency.

Half mark.

Rumblings of military coup.

Possible Defense Intelligence Agency PSYOP.

Prefiguring QAnon.

A continuation.

Provenance not revealed till 2018.

Those most responsible for the fall of America.

  1. Mark Zuckerberg
  2. Sundar Pichai
  3. Susan Wojcicki
  4. Zuckerberg
  5. Liang Rubo
  6. Xi Jinping
  7. Zuckerberg
  8. Wu Hai
  9. Liu Yunli
  10. Pony Ma
  11. Steven Newhouse
  12. Donald Newhouse
  13. Elon Musk
  14. Bill Gates
  15. Robin Li
  16. Jeff Bezos
  17. Narendra Modi
  18. Vladimir Kiriyenko
  19. Vladimir Putin
  20. Zuckerberg
  21. Donald Trump

Denzel Washington is the best male actor to ever set foot in front of a motion picture camera.

Harvard and MIT.


John Grayken?

Follow the money.

Steve Tisch?

Todd Black?

Find Boston.

Find Dallas twice.

Clapper thrice.


Trump massive failure on COVID vaccines.

Trump massive failure on Gaza/Israel.

It pains me to include Putin, Xi, and Modi on that list.

Far from exhaustive.

Not airtight.

58% America was its own undoing.

25% a Chinese operation.

17% shared by the rest of the world (with Russian and Indian contributions being notably egregious).

Who curtailed CIA hegemony in Hollywood after Safe House (2012)?

Home Depot.

Progress, not perfection.



24 hours.

Nighthawks (Hopper).

Closest thing he had to a friend.

RFK Jr.–massive success on vaccines, massive failure on Israel

Michael Flynn–massive success on vaccines, massive failure on Israel (took six figures to consult for which company?)

Cornel West–massive success on Israel, massive failure on vaccines

Joe Biden–massive failure on vaccines, massive failure on Israel

Donald Trump–massive failure on vaccines, massive failure on Israel

So why doesn’t Biden make the list at the top?

Because he’s inconsequential.

A puppet.

But there’s more.

He only coerced.

Those on the list made decisions.

They all had a choice.

They all made essentially the same decision.

The wrong decision.

For America.

For Americans.

All on that list consigned America to failure.

In a very specific way.

Not too hard to figure out.

Some brought America to its knees more than did others 

Some did it in other ways.

Biden did it in other ways.

He can be on another list.

A worthless President.

All things considered, RFK Jr. is the best option for U.S. President in 2024.

Cornel West is the second-best option.

All things considered, Michael Flynn is a good man.

Trump has done immense good.

But the sobering fact is that the harm he has done (do no harm) has outweighed that good.

Do the right thing.

Do something about it, Trump.

You have a choice.

Apologize regarding the vaccines.

Tell the truth.

And stop being a moron on Israel.

Moron on vaccines–moron on Israel.

In such situation, give me RFK Jr.

Or even Cornel West.

But give me Trump before you give me Biden.

Nothing worse than Biden.

No redeeming qualities.

Old man gotta be the old man.

Fish gotta be the fish.

Special talent for reading license plates.


Connect Cofer Black (CIA) to Mitt Romney.

Now connect to Burisma.

Putin has done immense good…and very little harm.

I think more at fault is Vladimir Kiriyenko or his predecessor.

In spite of everything, I believe Xi Jinping to be a truly honorable man.

Like Putin, he has done immense good…much more good than bad.

The real problem, then, is Liang Rubo.

Likewise, I believe Narendra Modi to be a truly honorable man.

More likely at fault is Virendra Gupta and/or Umang Bedi.

And don’t forget about fake fuck Chris Pavlovski and shitnose Devin Nunes.

They deserve to be on that list more than Trump does.

But no one has done worse on vaccines and Israel than Trump.

Then again, perhaps the first list need not even exist.

It could just be replaced with the name Joe Biden.

But Trump has not done the right thing.

His window in which to change course is closing.

Trump loves his COVID vaccines.

Trump loves the IDF and Netanyahu (who fucked him over at least as fast as did Boris Johnson).

Stay cool.

Be a cucumber.

In a factory of pickles.

Do not become.

Stay cucumber.

16 seconds.  4 seconds per man.

So-called men.


Surprise.  Kill.  Vanish.

A bit rusty.

Minus 9.

Still 3 slow.

Marker A:  3:22’08

The absolutely indispensable acting performance of Marton Csokas.

We who?

We who?

Investigate Tony Schaffer for being a good person.

Suspected of being on the side of good and right.

Yet still so much bullshit about 9/11.

Hijack the hijackers.

Investigate Ezra Cohen.

AKA Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

[intern for Joe Biden in high school]

Minimum age for Defense Clandestine Service?


Squelched to save.

You don’t know your own power.

We saved your life.

Know your enemy.

Know yourself.

Home field advantage.

Weapons of opportunity.

Antoine Fuqua best director working–tied with Edgar Wright.

It’s even.

Fuqua more damage with less punches.

But a bit of a moron when it comes to voting in Georgia.

JFK 1961.
