Wake in Fright [1971)

Australia has fallen.

Tiboonda doesn’t exist (apparently).

But Tibooburra does.

And Bundanyabba also appears not to exist.

But Bundanoon does.

Tibooburra is a hot, desert town of about 100 people in New South Wales.

Bundanoon (also in NSW) is of about 2,000 population.

This all fits.

But Bundanoon is a sort of resort town, not the mining town that the Yabba (Bundanyabba) was to be.

We’re dealing with a novel here.

Same name.

From 10 years prior.

By Kenneth Cook.

Cook was born and died (1987) in NSW.

So it would make sense if the towns were somewhere in the state.


The outback of New South Wales.

We need to talk about mining in NSW.

Adelong [quartz and gold]. too small

Albert [copper]. too small

Alectown [Parkes Observatory]. too small

Wallarunga [silver, lead, feldspar, beryl]. too small

Araluen [gold]. too small

Ardglen [hard rock?]. too small

Ardlethen [gold]. too small

Attunga [limestone]. too small

Barraba [copper, asbestos]. maybe

Baryulgil [asbestos]. too small

Bathurst [gold] maybe too big

Batlow [?]. too small

Bellbird [coal]. too small?

Ben Bullen [?]. too small

Bingara. [diamonds]. too small

Birchgrove [?]. too close to Sydney

Bobadah [silver, lead, gold, copper]. too small?

Silverton [silver, lead, zinc, Mad Max]. too small

Bongongolong [?]. ?

Bredbo [Man from Snowy River]. too small

Broken Hill.

Found you, bitch.


Films like Stork.

The Adventures of Barry McKenzie.

Alvin Purple.

And later, The Castle (1997).


Ozploitation vs. Australian New Wave.

What can Ozploitation help us find that Australian New Wave ignores?



Returned and Services League of Australia.



Pay attention.

Doc Tydon and addiction.



Tim Hynes.

A different face on addiction.

Same substance.


But could just as well be sleeping pills.

Hynes somewhat more respectable.

But not by much.

They are (we are) all addicts.

And now Australia limiting alcohol to one six-pack per day (per person).

During a fucking lockdown!

Get angry, Aussies!!!


Me, I got suspended for 12 hours from Twitter for calling Bill Hemmer a “fucking retard”.

It’s true.

It’s all true.


Worth every keystroke, it were!

Just a good natured insult.

Fuck it.

We wouldn’t be in this mess hadn’t Rupert Murdoch’s bitches (like Hemmer) bent us over for a rigged election.

Murdoch’s network, FOX, was the first to call Arizona for Biden.

Biden did not win Arizona.

That will be proven shortly.

The Liz Harris canvass has already proven it.

But it will be proven with unimpeachable precision.

You can check out my song up there.

I posted a link.

“Australia, Here I Come!”

Because it’s been something of a dream to visit down under.

But now all dreams are being crushed like quartz.

Why does John vomit?

Wikipedia says it’s because he drank too much.

My suspicion is because he is gay.

Or because a hentai tentacle comes up Jeanette’s throat to tickle his tonsils.

But I still say he’s a faggot.

I love faggots.

Do you see how this goes now?

We have a First Amendment (free speech) because we have a Second Amendment (our fucking guns!).

Australia got raped by the Port Arthur massacre (false-flag).

Aussies sold their guns back.

The guns went straight to the landfill.

They were melted down.

They don’t exist anymore.

So now, Aussies no longer have free speech (or any freedom whatsoever).

Because they no longer have guns.

Because the government is not afraid to push them around.

Ever wonder why protests don’t go so well in China?

Because it’s hard to fight back with nothing but shovels.

The military has guns.

The people have shovels.

Gardening tools.

That is why there are no successful protests in China.

Yet, Tiananmen Square WAS a success.


With many martyrs.

And now Hong Kong faces the same fate.

And Taiwan faces the same fate.

Because the New World Order STOLE the American election and installed fake president Joe Biden.

Fuck Joe Biden!

I read it that Doc tries to rape John Grant as well.

Because you fuck anything that moves in the outback.

And you drink all the beer.

If it moves, kill it.

It’s like Texas.

I’ve been to Australia.

Because I’m from Texas.

It’s the same thing.

And I’m goddamned proud of Texas.

Because we are going to save the world!

Us, Florida, Sweden, and Denmark.

And there will be more who join.

We aren’t scared.

We are armed (Texas and Florida).

And we are smart (Sweden and Denmark).

Don’t discount the intelligence of Texans.

Or the tenacity of Swedes.

But each of us has a job to do in the GLOBAL REVOLUTION.

The great reset?

Fuck the great reset!

We want The Great Awakening!!!

Doc Tydon would have prescribed Ivermectin.

Because Ivermectin works.

As a cure (taken with doxycycline) for COVID.

Bangladesh has proven this.


But Doc Tyden might also prescribe you an alternate treatment:  hydroxychloroquine, Z-Pak, and zinc.

The zinc is important.

And the antibiotic (Z-Pak) is needed because the virus is carried by bacteria.

Read that again.

This is what quack, alcoholic Doc Tyden (Donald Pleasence) might prescribe.


Both courses!!

Either the Ivermectin course, or the hydroxychloroquine course.

Which is exactly why Australia has now effectively BANNED Ivermectin.

Ivermectin is now only to be used in Australia to treat RIVER BLINDNESS.

Australia is fucked.

And the whole world is getting fucked right along with them.

I’m here in Texas.

My doctor is a fucking twat who wouldn’t prescribe me Ivermectin.

Even a doctor friend of mine gave me some load of horseshit on how he thinks Ivermectin doesn’t work.

But guess what?

He thinks 19 guys with boxcutters carried out 9/11.

He also got his vaccine like a good little sheep.

And he shot down this persuasive meta-analysis (as did my own doctor):



Because doctors are a self-serving, intellectually-lazy, MORALLY-BEREFT cult!

They just wanna keep their jobs.

They are “just following orders”.

They think “do no harm” also means “do no good”.

They never read Jesus’s parable about the talents.

These doctors don’t give a fuck!

There are but a handful of doctors in the world that are worth a shit.

And I hope to make them more well-known with time.

One is Dr. Steve Pieczenik, MD PhD.

MD at Cornell (where he studied under Fauci [whose “crimes against humanity” arrest he is now rightly calling for]).

Psychiatry studies at Harvard.

PhD in international relations from MIT.

There are other medical doctors we will be highlighting as having done THE RIGHT THING during this pandemic.

But now it is time to eat kangaroo.

Now it is time to know why Crocodile Dundee had to shoot the hunters (this movie).

It was a cinematic riposte.

Shoot a rabbit and eat.

Over fire.

.22 rifle.


Sisyphus ends up back in Bundanyabba instead of Sydney.

All that work.

But he gets his rifle back.

You must understand this movie in order to understand Crocodile Dundee.

John Meillon.

Future proves past.

The truckers have got the right idea.


Soylent Green [1973)


Almost exactly 50 years ago.

We are now there.

Overpopulation is a myth.

Pollution hysteria was bullshit.

And global warning (aka “climate change”) is a gigantic scam.

A hoax.

But food shortages are hitting us.

China investments in U.S. food supply.

Bill Gates farmland.

Ted Turner landowner.

Georgia Guidestones.

Just before Jimmy Carter left White House.

Joe Biden (Jimmy Carter 2.0).

They want to say Reagan.

Not true.

Reagan was still lucid in year eight…when talking about “we the people”.

Third largest supplier of chicken in America is out of chicken wings.

Canary in a coalmine.

Texas power outage.

San Antonio has one power provider.

Monopoly on market.

No consumer choice.

When the one power supplier went down, the one water supplier also went down.

No power with which to purify water?

Warning sign.

Water supplies hit in Florida and Texas by cyberattacks.

Go back.

Check the news.

No shortage of housing as presented here.

People fleeing New York City.

Because of de Blasio and Cuomo.

Cuomo sacrificed New York’s nursing home population:


They want proof.

They need proof.

Crimes against humanity.

Inflationary crisis.

Part shortage.

Microchip shortage.


Right on schedule.

Percentage of global microchip market supplied by China?

Impact on American carmakers.

Impact (secondary) on average price of used cars in the USA.

Satie’s furniture music.


Interacts with medication.

Book people.

Professional researcher.

Will happen.

Archive offline.

My profession is coming into being.

If I don’t get eliminated before then.

Distinct possibility.

Good odds probability.

Eric Schmidt ocean.

Ghislaine Maxwell ocean.

John Podesta ocean.


Barry Sherman.

William R. Simonson.


Honey Sherman.

Connect the dots…






Plus zinc.




Read the words.



Tony and Heather Podesta.






Food riots.



Soylent Green.

The big secret.

By deduction, no other explanation than nefarious depopulation:


Michael Yeadon.

Former VP (and chief scientist in charge of allergy and respiratory) at Pfizer.

You need proof?

Supply bottlenecks.

Ever Given.

Suez Canal.

Colonial Pipeline.


Chris Krebs.

Most secure pipeline in history.

Fail to provide enough food for the masses, people get angry.

Steal an election, people get angry.

National Guard in D.C.

It was not an armed insurrection.

No weapons confiscated.

No one charged with insurrection.

Molotov cocktails found offsite.

Pipe bombs (which didn’t go off) found at both DNC and RNC headquarters.

Planted by same person (apparently).



Think the George Floyd riots were organic?



New York Governor corrupt.




Yeadon confirms that booster shots for COVID-19 “variants” are completely unnecessary.

And yet certain pharmaceutical companies are pushing them.


COVID-19 not able to trick the blood (immune system [test]) of people who survived ’02-’04 SARS outbreak despite 20% genetic difference in viruses.

Biggest divergence (variant) from Wuhan strain, the much vaunted South African strain, is only 0.03% different.

It is absurd to postulate a need for a booster shot when the above is considered.

Like Frank Olson.

Troubled by the truth.

Fort Detrick.


George Hunter White.



Dosing an unsuspecting employee.



Through window.

Jumped, or thrown?

James Forrestal.




The United Nations would have to hold Gates and Fauci responsible.

The United Nations would have to hold China responsible.

The United States would have to kick the United Nations out of New York City.

Like Herbert Lom.

Strikes again.

Epstein blackmailing scientists.



World Economic Forum.

Klaus Schwab.




Gates Foundation $55 mil. investment in BioNTech in September 2019.


Event 201 in October 2019.


BioNTech NASDAQ IPO ten days before Event 201 in NYC.


CEPI commences operations two days before Trump is inaugurated (January 18, 2017).



Bill Gates.




Who will heed the warning?