The Expendables [2010)

America is in serious trouble.

Trump is right about WWIII.

It’s here.

Knocking on the door.

But Trump is wrong about the COVID vaccines.

If he loves America as much as he says he does, why doesn’t he give a fuck about all the Americans who died from his Warp Speed vaccines?

Sorry, Don: not good enough.

RFK Jr. is right about the vaccines.

And about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

You can find the true story of the pandemic in The Real Anthony Fauci.

But RFK Jr. has a snowball’s chance in hell of winning the 2024 election.

America’s elections are corrupt.




And they have not been fixed since the disaster of 2020 (an election which Donald Trump won).

Trump should be President.

But he’s not.

Biden shouldn’t be President.

He didn’t win.

But he is President.

Who can be found in America who is worth a shit?

I only respect RFK Jr.

Trump is being unjustly persecuted through lawfare in four separate jurisdictions.

I support Trump in his effort to defend himself from this abomination.

But he has not earned much more respect than that.

He was a great President for three years.

Then he turned the country over to Mike Pence and Tony Fauci.

Trump fucked up.


And he has never reversed course since then.

Never a critical word about his disastrous vaccines.

So I am only drawn to RFK Jr.

I voted for Trump twice.

Was glad to.

2016 and 2020.

But Trump is ignorant.

Trump is obstinate.

Trump is a lying piece of shit.

He could fix this any time he likes.

My guess is that he won’t.

To successfully fight the onslaught that is surrounding him via these court cases, he needs truth on his side.

The truth about the vaccines.

But he does not have that truth on his side.

He refuses to avail himself of this truth.

America is in serious trouble.

The U.S. military is taking orders from an unduly-elected President.

Of particular concern are two carrier strike groups:

-USS Gerald Ford strike group

-USS Dwight Eisenhower strike group

Additionally, the destroyer USS Carney is in the wrong place.

All these ships are in the mother of all Tonkins.

Remember the USS Liberty.

Remember the Alamo.

All warfare is based on deception.


Rocky III [1982)

America is in big trouble.

The USA had the “eye of the tiger” in World War II.

It did not have it in Vietnam.

Nor Aghanistan.

Nor even in Iraq.

America shoots off its mouth.

Projects its power through provocative NATO actions.

Right on Russia’s doorstep.

Struts its “morality” by arming Taiwan.

Right on China’s doorstep.

Arming Ukraine.

Thumbing its nose at Putin and the Russian people.

Dependent upon old methods of warfare.

With innumerable costs sunk into older gradients of war.

America is in deep trouble.

The enemy is inside the gates.

The enemy is Alvin Bragg.

The enemy is Letitia James.

The enemy is Jack Smith.

The enemy is Merrick Garland.

The enemy is Joe Biden.

The enemy is Tanya Chutkan.

The enemy is Fani Willis.

These are enemies of the United States.

The RICO suit should be against THEM.

Their collectivized hate is what is powering this lawfare of THE LEADING OPPOSITION CANDIDATE.

Yes, Joe Biden’s henchman (Merrick Garland) appointed his own henchman (Jack Smith).

Half of the criminal-indictment jurisdictions stem from this chain of command.

Biden Garland Smith.

Joe Biden–through Garland (though Smith)–is prosecuting his main obstacle to reelection.

Instead of letting Trump go gentle into that good night.

Instead of beating Trump at the polls.

Joe Biden is going after Trump.

In a way we have never seen in the USA.

One President (with his Justice Department [an executive branch agency under the aegis of the President]) going after another President.

Alvin Bragg is a Democrat.

Letitia James is a Democrat.

Fani Willis is a Democrat.

And, of course, Biden and Garland are Democrats.

Smith claims to be an independent.

I will believe that when he indicts Bill Clinton for the sex trafficking of children (aboard Epstein’s Lolita Express).

I will believe that when he indicts Barack Obama for covering up the false-flag/stand-down known as 9/11 (which was carried out by American neocons [with George W. Bush as the figurehead]).

Trump didn’t lock up Hillary Clinton.

It was rhetoric.

He SHOULD have locked her up.

But he didn’t.

Trump didn’t vindictively go after Democrats during his four years in office.

But Democrats are so terrified of Trump that they are indicting him right and left out of DESPERATION.

Desperate individuals are dangerous.

Even more so a desperate collective wielding the full power of the federal government.

So how does Trump “come back” from this shitstorm?

His first act must be to get on the side of righteousness.


How can he do this?

By disavowing the COVID vaccines he rushed to market.

There is no more time to fuck around.

Disavow the vaccines, Mr. President.

Do that, and you sink RFK Jr.’s entire campaign.

But do it too late and it will look insincere.

Truth be told, Trump is an egotistical moron when it comes to his precious vaccines.

There is no more time for this.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I don’t care who you have to throw under the proverbial bus, Mr. President.

Do it!

Why protect Fauci?

Why protect woke military advisors?

Trump has nothing to fear but the truth in his breathtaking vaccine denial.

Check Open VAERS.

Check CDC VAERS numbers.

Verify that VAERS historically represents about 1/2 of 1% of the actual adverse events and reactions attributable to vaccines in the USA.

Verify using Kawasaki disease as an example.

Verify via articles in BMJ.

If Trump refuses to do this, RFK Jr. deserves your vote next year.

No one else deserves it.

Not even Trump.

You can’t say Trump loves America if he doesn’t have the balls to admit that his Operation Warp Speed killed and maimed untold number of Americans by way of vaccines which were brought to market in 1/10th the time it should have taken.

Would you want a car that was rushed through development and safety testing at a breakneck pace?

I don’t think you would.

Trump can be a comeback story.

But his albatross is his vaccine debacle.

Trump must regain his edge.


He has lost that edge to RFK Jr.

Trump cannot defeat these myriad lawsuits with no edge.

There will be no comeback for Donald Trump unless he reverses course now.

The vaccines are the key issue.

Trump’s authenticity (which used to be so firmly-unshakable) was rebuilt on shifting sands.

The sands of noble lies.

We elected Donald Trump in 2016 because he wasn’t a politician.

Seven years later, he is nothing but a prevaricating cliche.

Put on the full armor of God, President Trump.

Tell the truth about the vaccines.

Do this and you will defeat every lawfare foe.

The two things might seem unconnected.

They are not.

God has set the test before Trump.

So far, he is failing miserably.
