Trump Attorney Rips Off Mic After Questioning from CBSN Anchor [2021)

It turns out some of the greatest patriots in the United States of America are still to be found in the northeast.

They may be few and far between, but they are powerful.

Donald Trump of Queens, New York.

Rudy Giuliani of New York City.

And now Michael van der Veen of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

You’ve heard of a “mic drop”.

And this is literally that (if not a “mic throw” [with a lavalier microphone, no less]).

But that’s not the important part.

It was a punctuation of disgust.

But what is important here is that “reality has erupted within the spectacle” (to paraphrase Guy Debord).

This is as close as many people are ever going to get to seeing Peter Finch in Network shout, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!!!”.

And this is as close to a real-world example of that famous filmic moment that any of us have probably ever seen.

Lana Zak has the condescending fake kindness of Jen Psaki and all the charm of a 1980s android prototype.

Kamala Harris is fake as fuck.

Lana Zak is fake as fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

She has to sound disappointed.

And no doubt, she IS disappointed.

That Trump was acquitted.

She has to speak in somber tones.

Because there is only one side to every story.

And she has a role to play in holding up that one side.

From the University of Iowa to Harvard–from ABC to CBS, Lana Zak has proven that she can be trusted (to let absolutely no news leak through the fortified establishment filter).

After many years, she has been rewarded with an anchorship.

She has to sound excited and inspired that seven Republicans in the Senate voted to convict Trump.

This is very hopeful to her.

Her voice rises…as if imagining a future where all dissent will be squashed and her point of view (which just happens to align perfectly with the establishment point of view) is the only view allowed at all…ever…at all times…in all places.

But in the meantime, she is indulging in gross agenda setting:

She calls the “assault” on the Capitol “deadly”.

Is she referring to Brian Sicknick?

Or Ashli Babbitt?

Or the two Capitol Police officers who committed suicide (were suicided?) after the incursion?

Indeed, Brian Sicknick died after the incursion as well (and not, as the above link points out, in the way which most media have described).

Therefore, the “deadly” “assault” on the Capitol, then, was merely deadly for one side:  the side which broke into the Capitol.

Ashli Babbitt was unarmed.

She was shot in the head by a still-to-be-named Capitol Police officer.

She died minutes later.

I am willing to bet that Lana Zak has never said the words, “Ashli Babbitt” on air.

And I’m equally willing to bet that she has said the words “Brian Sicknick” quite a few times on the air.

Yes, there were other “medical emergencies” at the scene.

But all on the side of the protestors.

A Trump supporter had a heart attack when a stun grenade went off near him.

But you won’t hear much about that.

And you won’t hear anyone #SayHerName in regards to unarmed victim of excessive police force Ashli Babbitt.

You won’t even hear about how she was a 14-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force.

You won’t hear about how she did three tours of duty in Iraq/Afghanistan only to be gunned down, unarmed, in her own Capitol Building.

You won’t hear #HandsUpDontShoot in regards to her.

You will only hear about Brian Sicknick and how he was bludgeoned by a fire extinguisher.

Except he wasn’t.

There is no proof of that.

The New York Times has had to retract that claim.

Every other news outlet ran with it as well.

Except that it appears to be untrue.

It is not supported by ANYTHING.

No video evidence.

No medical evidence.

The worst part is, that is probably the least strange thing about Brian Sicknick’s death.

Again, read it here:

So it should come as little surprise that Michael van der Veen is mad as hell.

The people who stole the election in his city and state (Philadelphia/Pennsylvania) have spray-painted “traitor” on his front driveway in red along with arrows pointing at his house.

All for upholding the due process rights of Donald Trump.

But the very first link in this article, indeed the whole reason for this article, is that no one has so succinctly voiced the disgust that (let’s say) 78 million Trump voters (McInerney numbers) have felt and are still feeling.

We hear about the coup in Myanmar, but how many of you know that Biden and the National Guard are planning on being in D.C. continuously until March 2022?

That news was released today.

Find it.

I’m not going to do all your work for you.

Don’t believe me?


Have no vested interest?

Don’t care?

Not my problem.

The global media is non-critically reporting (amplifying) that protestors in Myanmar have the moral high ground.

The same media that told us Trump’s claims of election fraud were “baseless” (thanks, CIA) is taking that same show on the road.

All claims of election fraud in Myanmar (the official reason for the coup) are also “baseless”, we are told.

When the media is slightly less sloppy, they use the word “unfounded”.

But it’s not sloppiness.

It’s signalling [sic]:

If you know the true facts, you know that Twitter suspended Trump IMMEDIATELY AFTER he posted a video urging calm during the #Jan6 events.

Again, Twitter PREVENTED the sitting U.S. President from getting out a message to CALM HIS FOLLOWERS DOWN.

They did this by disabling the ability of the tweet to be shared.

President calls for peace.

Twitter stifles message.

You do the math.

But Twitter’s not on trial.

Twitter pays no price (other than a billion+ in market cap.).

Jack Dorsey pays no price.

He can go on reading The Satanic Verses and twiddling his beard and tweeting about pasta:

Screen Shot 2020-10-21 at 5.25.50 AM

Vijaya Gadde pays no price.

The House impeachment managers are bad “lawyers”.

Jamie Raskin has a J.D. from Harvard.

Will he be held accountable for the manipulated evidence presented at the impeachment trial?

Joaquin Castro has a J.D. from Harvard.

Will he be held accountable for the manipulated evidence presented at the impeachment trial?

David Cicilline has a J.D. from Georgetown.

Will he be held accountable for the manipulated evidence presented at the impeachment trial?

Madeleine Dean has a J.D. from Wiedner University.

Will she be held accountable for the manipulated evidence?

Diana DeGette has a J.D. from NYU.

Will she be held accountable for the manipulated evidence?

Ted Lieu has a J.D. from Georgetown.

Will he be held accountable?

Joe Neguse has a J.D. from the University of Colorado.

Will he be held accountable?

Stacey Plaskett has a J.D. from American University Washington College of Law.

What about her?

Eric Swallwell has a J.D. from University of Maryland, likely slept with a suspected Chinese spy for four years, and is still on the House Intelligence and Homeland Security Committees.

I won’t even bother asking again.

“The prosecutors in this case doctored evidence.”


“I’m not surprised to hear a politician say anything at all.”

Michael van der Veen:  citizen.

Listen to the world “all”.


Peg and awl.


E pluribus unum.

“What happened at the Capitol on January 6th was absolutely horrific, but what happened at the Capitol during this trial was, uh, not too far away from that.”

I agree.


“The prosecutors in this case doctored evidence.”

“The American people should not be putting up with this.  They need to look at who, uh, who these House managers were, uh, and look to see whether these are the folks they want representing them.”

Here’s where Lana Zak goes into full-on #SuppressionNews mode.

She HAS to SHUT DOWN Michael van der Veen.

She talks to her viewers like they are children.

And indeed, anyone relying upon Lana Zak and CBS News for anything resembling the truth are mental midgets.



[don’t listen to what this man is saying]


“The media has to start telling the right story in this country.  The media is trying to divide this country.  You are bloodthirsty for ratings and, as such, you are asking questions now that are…already set up with a fact pattern [#AgendaSettingTheory ].  I can’t believe you would ask me a question indicating that it’s alright just to doctor a little bit of evidence.”

“And the media should be looking at that at a square, straight way.  A straight way!  When I watch the news, I watch one station and it’s raining.  I watch another station at the same time and it’s sunny.  Your coverage is SO SLANTED…it’s gotta stop! You guys gotta stop…and start reporting more like PBS does…rather than…uh uh uh uh uh…TV news show that doesn’t have any journalistic integrity at all.  What I’m telling you is that they doctored evidence…and I believe your question says, ‘well, it’s only a Twitter check and, uh, changing a date of a year here.’  They switch the date of a Twitter A YEAR to try to connect it to this case.  That’s not a small thing, ma’am.  The other thing they did is they put a check mark on something to to try and make it look like it was a validated account when it wasn’t.  And when they were caught, they didn’t say anything about it.  They didn’t even try to come up with an excuse about it.  And that’s not the way our prosecutors OR our government officials should be conducting themselves.”

At this point I lost power and was freezing my ass off for the past few hours.

I wrote a really great ending to this piece, but it’s gone.

I’m gonna go ahead and publish this before the power goes off again.

Two days later (after 33-straight hours without electricity or heat) I am adding tags to this.


Trump vs. Biden, October 22 [2020)




Come on, man!

Surprises happen.

Laptop from hell.

Biden is a one-trick pony in a party of well-meaning morons.

No President has ever been hated so much…

…by the establishment.


It took one of their own to bring them to their knees.

And now the establishment has come up with an exceptionally-pathetic excuse for a candidate:

Joe Biden.

Republicans tried to elect a showroom dummy once (recently).

Mitt Romney.

Had the looks.

What could go wrong?

He came off as cold.


And so all the genius, conniving minds of the Democrat Party have gotten behind the person they think can Trojan their specious ideas into the realm of policy.

It is quite obvious.

Joe Biden didn’t get a big enough shot in the ass of ginkgo biloba to really stay in the ring 12 rounds with Trump.

Joe needs to be mainlining that shit by now.

If Joe Biden ate nothing but onions and drank nothing but tea, his brain would still be like a hunk of Swiss cheese.

Trump, fresh off recovering from the plague of the century (once-in-a-100-years) was cogent and articulate.

Look around.

If every media outlet, every source of information, every sports star, every celebrity is against Trump, what does that make Trump?


So, go ahead.

Vote for Joe.

Joe couldn’t last five minutes playing Tropico (much less five minutes actually running the USA).

And he will not be running the USA (if elected).

Swiss-cheese-brain Biden has actually bought and believed the syrupy propaganda of his own party.

Which makes sense.

Because his brain has become (and will rapidly accelerate towards being) childlike.

Which doesn’t excuse Biden of being a nakedly-corrupt politician par excellence.

Joe would bring the old gang back together.

Hillary would have a chance to get her pay-to-play Clinton Foundation back up and running.

Hell, why not make her Secretary of State again?

She will be emboldened to shred every law because, even though she got caught, she paid no price (except for the nosedive in Clinton Foundation contributions).

You would have “bonesmen” like Austan Goolsbee.

[a pale imitation of an actually-competent individual (Mnuchin)]

Hell, bring ’em all back.

Comey at FBI.

Brennan at CIA.

Lynch on the Supreme Court.

Bring back Eric “Fast and Furious” Holder.

Put Bernie’s great economic theories to work at the Department of Labor.

[another guy who would crap out at Tropico within minutes]

Because it’s all one big gang.

It’s all one big, compromised gang.

And it’s all about making money OFF the people (rather than making money FOR the people).

Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters…


Limousine liberals (as they say).

Their respective personal worth always MAGICALLY balloons in their years of “service” to the USA.

It doesn’t take a genius to make money that way.

It takes a scumbag.

Trump didn’t need the money.

Hell, he gives away his Presidential salary checks.

But there is something.


So, yeah…

He didn’t fight in Vietnam.

[it’s also quite likely he never disparaged the military]

“Anonymous sources”…

Joe Biden disparaged the military ON TAPE, but never a hardball question about that:

[6’10” —> “clap for that, you stupid bastards”]

on tape.

Joe Biden has a problem with being caught on tape.

Here bragging about getting a Ukrainian prosecutor fired (while using American taxpayer dollars as leverage).  Hmmm, why would he want a UKRAINIAN prosecutor (?!?) fired?  Why would he brag about it?  What was this prosecutor investigating?  Why would we interfere in the judicial system of the Ukraine (by way of Joe Biden)?  Seems like his son Hunter had some dealings in Ukraine.  Hmmm…  Could it be, that this prosecutor was investigating his son Hunter???

But Joe Biden also has, how can I put this tactfully, other “problems” on tape.  It’s not just the hair of women he is sniffing:

Wouldn’t be so bad (?) if it was an isolated incident.  Maybe it was taken out of context?

You don’t need to watch all 17 minutes of the above clip to get the gist.  Joe Biden takes liberties with children…knowingly…on C-SPAN, etc.  What does he do behind closed doors?  The footage we’ve seen is shocking enough.

Joe Biden makes women and children (particularly Chris Coons’ daughter) feel uncomfortable.  You can see it in the body language.  Biden whispers in their ears.  And the young Coons daughter pulls away from the kiss.  Cre-epy!

But in this debate (the final of the 2020 season), Donald Trump made Joe Biden feel uncomfortable…especially when Trump brought up the “laptop from hell”.  You could see it in Joe’s body language.  

“It’s all lies,” said Joe repeatedly throughout the two debates.

Pull his string:  “It’s all lies.”

“Come on, man!”

Sometimes it’s funny.

Like the moronic George W. Bush who was part and parcel of the cabal that brought down the Twin Towers.

Bush was funny.

But scary.

Because he was so dumb.

But Joe Biden is not so completely ravaged by senile dementia not to feel the fear at even the mention of “the laptop from hell”.

But let’s hit some key points.

Joe Biden cannot consistently get his train of thought from point A to point B.  Witness this gem:

“And I don’t look at this in terms of the way he does, blue states and red states. They’re all the United States. And look at the states that are having such a spike in the coronavirus. They’re the red states, they’re the states in the Midwest, they’re the states in the upper Midwest. “

Trump knows his opponent is mentally-compromised.

But Trump also knows that his opponent is a textbook corrupt politician:

“Joe, you have raised a lot of money, tremendous amounts of money. And every time you raise money deals are made, Joe. I could raise so much more money. As President, and as somebody that knows most of those people, I could call the heads of Wall Street, the heads of every company in America. I would blow away every record. But I don’t want to do that because it puts me in a bad position.

Like with the kids, Joe just couldn’t help himself (even against the obvious preparation where his advisors explicitly told him to, under no circumstances, broach this topic) #LaptopFromHell:

“His own National Security Advisor told him that what is happening with his buddy… Well, I shouldn’t… Well, I will. His buddy Rudy Giuliani. He’s being used as a Russian pawn.”

Joe fucked up.  As Trump explains:

“Well, let me respond to the first part, as Joe answered. Joe got $3.5 million from Russia and it came through Putin, because he was very friendly with the former mayor of Moscow and it was the mayor of Moscow’s wife. And you got $3.5 million. Your family got $3.5 million. And someday you’re going to have to explain, why did you get three and a half? I never got any money from Russia. I don’t get money from Russia.”


More booms:

“But now, with what came out today, it’s even worse. All of the emails, the emails, the horrible emails of the kind of money that you were raking in, you and your family. And Joe, you were vice-president when some of this was happening, and it should have never happened. And I think you owe an explanation to the American people. Why is it, somebody just had a news conference a little while ago who was essentially supposed to work with you and your family, but what he said was damning. And regardless of me, I think you have to clean it up and talk to the American people. Maybe you can do it right now.”

Big tech scrambled to censor this ^ story.

But the follow-up story was far more damning:

Big boom:

“…I don’t make money from China. You do. I don’t make money from Ukraine. You do. I don’t make money from Russia. You made $3.5 million, Joe, and your son gave you, they even have a statement that we have to give 10% to the big man. You’re the big man, I think. I don’t know, maybe you’re not, but you’re the big man, I think.”


AKA #TheBigMan.


“I was put through a phony witch hunt for three years. It started before I even got elected. They spied of my campaign. No president should ever have to go through what I went through. Let me just say this, Mueller and 18 angry Democrats and FBI agents all over the place spent $48 million. They went through everything I had, including my tax returns, and they found absolutely no collusion and nothing wrong. $48 million. I guarantee you, if I spent $1 million on you, Joe, I could find plenty wrong because the kind of things that you’ve done and the kind of monies that your family has taken, I mean, your brother made money in Iraq…millions of dollars. Your other brother made a fortune, and it’s all through you, Joe. And they say you get some of it. And you do live very well, you have houses all over the place. You live very well.”

Fire when ready:

“His son didn’t have a job for a long time, was, sadly, no longer in the military service, I won’t get into that, and he didn’t have a job. As soon as he became vice-president, Burisma, not the best reputation in the world, I hear they paid him $183,000 a month, listen to this, $183,000, and they gave him a $3 million upfront payment, and he had no energy experience. That’s 100% dishonest.”

Trump did this same thing to Hillary.

Blew holes in her metaphorical hull.


“He is the vice-president of the United States and his son, his brother, and his other brother are getting rich. They’re like a vacuum cleaner. They’re sucking up money…”


“His son walked out with a billion and a half dollars from China to…after spending 10 minutes in office and being in Air Force Two. Number one. Number two, there’s a very strong email talking about your family wanting to make $10 million a year for introductions.”

Joe Biden does not understand international finance.

He does not understand the implications of Chinese currency devaluations.

He doesn’t even understand the mechanism.

Joe Biden is a (renovated) showroom dummy:

“My response is, look, there’s a reason why he’s bringing up all this malarkey. There’s a reason for it. He doesn’t want to talk about the substantive issues. It’s not about his family and my family. It’s about your family, and your family’s hurting badly. If you’re a middle-class family, you’re getting hurt badly right now. You’re sitting at the kitchen table this morning deciding, ‘Well, we can’t get new tires. They’re bald, because we have to wait another month or so.’ Or, ‘Are we going to be able to pay the mortgage?’ Or, ‘Who’s going to tell her she can’t go back to community college?’ They’re the decisions you’re making, and the middle-class families like I grew up in Scranton and Claymont, they’re in trouble. We should be talking about your families, but that’s the last thing he wants to talk about.”

Bill Clinton was persuasive when he was peddling this same shit.

Joe Biden isn’t.

And Trump calls it out:

“That is a typical statement.


That’s a typical political statement. Let’s get off this China thing, and then he looks, ‘The family around the table, everything.’ Just a typical politician when I see that. I’m not a typical politician.


That’s why I got elected. Let’s get off the subject of China. Let’s talk about sitting around the table. Come on, Joe. You could do better.”

Joe Biden’s message is hackneyed.

His delivery is maudlin.

His economic “plan” is planned economy.


Been tried.

Doesn’t work.

“Inefficient” would be too kind a descriptor.

It’s just not fair.

Joe Biden only has one “dollar word” left in his intellectual quiver:

“The public option is an option that says that if you in fact do not have the wherewithal, if you qualify for Medicaid and you do not have the wherewithal in your state to get Medicaid, you automatically are enrolled, providing competition for insurance companies.”

Twice in the same sentence?!?

Come on, man!!

Joe’s (and the Democrats’) answer for everything is “bailout”…as Trump begins to delineate:

“The bill that was passed in the House was a bailout of badly run, high crime, Democrat, all run by Democrat cities and states. It was a way of getting a lot of money, billions and billions of dollars, to these guys. It was also a way of getting a lot of money from our people’s pockets to people that come into our country illegally. We were going to take care of everything for them. And I’d love to do that. I’d love to help them. But what that does, everybody all over the world will start pouring into our country. We can’t do it. This was a way of taking care of them. This was a way of spending on things that had nothing to do with COVID, as per your question. But it was really a big bailout for badly run Democrat cities and states.”

Joe wants a planned economy (like Uncle Joe Stalin had).  Price ceilings.  Price floors.  Arbitrary values for labor (a major factor in production).  It doesn’t work.

Trump defeats this backwards economic chestnut in one sentence:

“How are you helping your small businesses when you’re forcing wages?”

Watch the price of eggs.

That’s how you will see the free market (as opposed to a planned economy) assert itself.

Supply and demand.

As simple as that.

Don’t toy with it.

Don’t stifle it.

Let it create value.

For everyone.

It may be trite, but “a rising tide lifts all ships” (as it is said).

The stock market is equivalent to the vital signs of a medical patient.

Joe may or may not understand that.

Again, he seems to have bought the “black propaganda” (total disinformation) of his own party.

What little brain Joe has left has been thoroughly washed of all real-world, economic logic.

As good as Kristen Welker was (and she was quite good [compared to the atrociously-partisan Chris Wallace]), she is still part of a profession that, when it comes to Democrat interviewees, almost always shirks its duty:

“Who built the cages? I’d love you to ask him that. Who built the cages, Joe?”

The U.S. immigration system is broken (on purpose).  And Joe should know that.  But he still blithely opines otherwise.  Trump truth:

“And then you say they come back. Less than 1% of the people come back. We have to send ICE out and Border Patrol out to find them. We would say, ‘Come back in two years, three years. We’re going to give you a court case. You did Perry Mason. We’re going to give you a court case.’ When you say they come back, they don’t come back, Joe. They never come back. Only the really… I hate to say this, but those with the lowest IQ, they might come back, but there are very, very few.”


Trump is rough around the edges.

But he is no bullshit.

And there are a few opinion leaders (Johnny Rotten) who understand and appreciate this.

Joe steps in it again:

“My daughter is a social worker and she’s written a lot about this. She has her graduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania in social work.”

This daughter?

Doesn’t take a fucking genius to see that Sleepy Joe is actually Creepy Joe.


“You know Joe, I ran because of you. I ran because of Barack Obama, because you did a poor job. If I thought you did a good job, I would’ve never run. I would’ve never run. I ran because of you. I’m looking at you now, you’re a politician, I ran because of you.”

And again (for good measure):

“If this stuff is true about Russia, Ukraine, China, other countries, Iraq. If this is true, then he’s a corrupt politician. So don’t give me the stuff about how you’re this innocent baby. Joe, they’re calling you a corrupt politician…They’re calling it the laptop from hell.”

Emphasis mine.

No cap:

“But, why didn’t he get it done? See, it’s all talk, no action with these politicians, why didn’t he get it? ‘That’s what I’m going to do when I become president.’ You were vice president along with Obama as your president, your leader, for eight years, why didn’t you get it done? You had eight years to get it done, now you’re saying you’re going to get it done because you’re all talking and no action, Joe.”


Biden:  “I don’t know where he comes from.  I don’t know where he comes up with these numbers.”

Trump:  “Queens.”