Requisitos para ser una persona normal [2015)

The world has broken down.

Who can save it?

As we hope and dream.

Sometimes we get lucky.

And we find where we belong.


She cut off a classmate’s finger with a katana.

And forever the story follows her.

She is weird.

It was an accident.


She is beautiful.

When her hair is messy.

Is there more than one version?

Of reality?

Drinking water and looking at lamps.

Leticia Dolera does an amazing job here behind the camera.

This is a very smart film.

Like a Catalan version of Napoleon Dynamite.

But love requires strength.

We have now a fight before us.

China-Joe Biden threatens our country.

Do your research.

Globalism is a rip-off.

Some smart people in the U.K. got their Brexit asses the fuck out of the E.U.

The E.U. is a rip-off.

It is a prison.

And China most CERTAINLY is a prison.

So I cannot support Joe Biden as President.

Especially when his votes went through Scytl to Frankfurt to be manipulated by the CIA.

But that’s just one way he cheated.

Scytl is based in Barcelona.

SOE Software of Florida was bought by Scytl.

Now they call it Clarity Elections.

We know votes from Michigan were sent over the internet.

People cast their votes on Dominion Voting Systems machines.

The machines were connected to the internet.

Against Michigan law.

Find the former state senator (Democrat) who agreed to be a poll-watcher for the Republicans in Wayne County.

Epoch times.


Sweden as heaven.

Texas and Spain.

We will soon find out if the world will go to shit.

Donald Trump is the only thing standing between the World Economic Forum and global domination.

China has infiltrated everything.

Global communism is coming.

It will be brutal.

There is one chance to stop it.

January 6th.

The world has been ruined by Chinese biological warfare.

Look up Chi Haotian.

Study him.


This is what China wanted.

The main target was the U.S.

Lock down Wuhan.

But let the flights leave.

Shroud in secrecy.

Human transmission.

Irregular biowar.

Human carriers.


Willing to die for their country.

And now China has stolen our election as well.

What does Trump have left?

In his back pocket.

I will never apologize for being a fucktard.

I have enough degrees.


I give more references than most on social media.

I do not trust the CIA.

I do not trust George Soros.

I do not trust the ruling establishment in America who have made Donald Trump’s first four years a living hell.

I do not respect these “journalists”.

I am imperfect.

I struggle to keep it together.

I try to make good decisions.

China declared war on the whole world.

Fuck China.

And fuck all the Americans who have sold out for Chinese money.

Not me.

Fuck that.

Give me starvation.

Give me horror and misery.

I call on Jesus Christ.

Save our land from the monstrous evil of Satan.

Save our land from this evil that enshrouds us.

Hear our prayer.

We call to you, dear God, to deliver us from the absolute evil that presses us on all sides.

Do not let us fall.

May we be purified.

We know that you win in the end, dear Lord.

But as long as we are on this earth, we will fight for what is right.

We owe allegiance to You (above all things).

Our country was founded by men and women who called your name.

May we purify our country.

No more secret societies.

Please save our republic, dear Lord.

Please let us prevail against our oppressors.

Do not let our walls be overrun.

Give us strength for this battle.

Give us strength for the war ahead.

Bring us swift victory.

May suffering leave our land.

Dear Lord, release the kraken.

Please let justice materialize.

Please let patriots be united.

Please let wisdom prevail.

Please let foresight be brought to fruition.

Manuel Burque does a nice job in this film.

Leticia Dolera is as good on film as she is behind the camera.

Well worth a watch.

Requirements to Be a Normal Person.

Free to watch on Tubi.