Murder by Decree [1979)

To what extent are the recent attacks on Israel a false-flag?

Where upon the LIHOP-MIHOP continuum do they fall?

Let It Happen On Purpose.

Make It Happen On Purpose.

Israel was in disarray.

This year.


Like America was after the disastrous “hanging chad” election of 2000.

But the country was “brought together” by the false-flag/stand-down of 9/11/01.

And so the 21st century began.

Study Pearl Harbor.


The Wohlstetters.

The neocons.

And their Israeli connections.

The Gaza Strip has been under an Israeli-Egyptian blockade since 2007.

How did they get weapons?

Where did they come from?

If not by sea, then by what route?

Or was the blockade so magnificently ineffective???

Since 9/11, a thinking person would do well to believe that which is diametrically-opposed to whatever is the prevailing mainstream news position on most current events.

Narrative: 9/11 was the work of 19 beardy Muslims (mostly Saudis) wielding nothing more than box cutters

More likely: 9/11 was the work of the American government

Narrative: the Twin Towers fell down

More likely: the Twin Towers were blown up

There are some limits to this George Costanza method.

For instance…

Narrative: four planes were hijacked

An opposite: there were no planes

I, for one, believe there were planes.

But whether there were or not, we begin to lose sight of the big picture if we haggle over esoteric points.

Let’s be frank, how could Israel have not been ready for this?

It makes no sense whatsoever.

Gaza has been blockaded by sea for 16 years.

In contrast, Israel has some of the most advanced weaponry in the world.

Israel is a country built upon VIGILANCE.

This was not a surprise.

Not by any stretch of the imagination.

The attack did not come from an unexpected point.

Ok, so they used some paragliders.

So what?


As far as I can tell, almost nothing.

The attack was bold.

Ok, I will concede that.

But what of these areas bordering the Gaza Strip?

Wouldn’t these be the most well-protected areas in Israel?

Either Israel is being run by very stupid leaders, or the events that transpired were EXACTLY WHAT these leaders WANTED to transpire.


A. to unite a divided country

B. to look like the victim and thus be able to launch a disproportionate riposte under the aegis of “defense”

Something is very seriously amiss in all of this.

Let’s return to that mostly-useful exercise of more accurately “reading” the news.

Mainstream media: Israel is good–Palestine is bad

It would then necessarily follow that: Israel is bad–Palestine is good

The truth may be more subtle.

Perhaps Israel is not so bad.

Perhaps Palestine is not so good.

And backing up.

Perhaps Israel is not so good.

Perhaps Palestine is not so bad.

But you will see nothing but biased reporting in the USA (among other places) concerning these events.

You will be bombarded will PSAs about anti-Semitism.

You will see videos of Israelis being kidnapped.

But you will not experience any coordinated media blitz which highlights the plight of Palestine.

They will receive no sympathetic ink.

You will be provided with no counterbalance–no psychologically-manipulating context on why exactly the Palestinians and the larger Islamic world are pissed off at Israel.

History must be erased.


We depend upon your stupidity and ignorance to view these events STRICTLY IN THE CONTEXT WHICH WE HAVE PROVIDED YOU.

No shades of meaning may exist.

There is good: Israel

There is bad: Palestine

If you color outside these lines, you are anti-Semitic.

The ADL will soon be knocking at your proverbial (?) door.

Your social media accounts will be permanently suspended.

Because to disagree with the caveman-like logic of “Israel good–Palestine bad” is HATE SPEECH.

Dontcha know?

I love Jews.

I love Muslims.

I respect Israelis.

I respect Palestinians.

Most of all, I respect Russians.

And their allies: the communist Chinese.

I also respect he Middle Eastern allies of Russia: Syria and Iran.

I do not approve of an American carrier strike group GETTING ANYWHERE NEAR this shitstorm.

Remember the USS Liberty!!!

Remember how Netanyahu and Boris Johnson were the first two major world leaders to congratulate Biden on his “win” in 2020.

I was very open-minded about Israel under the mostly-excellent Presidency of Donald Trump.

That goodwill vanished when Netanyahu effectively validated the 2020 U.S. elections as “free and fair”.

And this pissed Trump off.


[when he’s not busy shilling for Pfizer]

Trump abdicated his final year in office to Fauci and Pence.

And Pence ruined the USA.

Trump will never admit that he rushed unsafe, ineffective vaccines to market.

What are we to do?

I stand with RFK Jr.

Can he win?

Probably not.

But how can I stand with moronic Trump?

Jan. 7, 2023: start of Israeli anti-Judicial reform protests (Habima square)

Jan. 14, 2023: over 80,000 Israelis protest in Tel Aviv against judicial reform

Mar. 26, 2023: Netanyahu dismisses defense minister Yoav Gallant after Gallant called for discussions to be paused on controversial judicial reform bill

Mar. 27, 2023: Netanyahu announces a pause on his government’s judicial reform bill

Jul. 5, 2023: Tel Aviv police chief Amichai Esched announces his resignation sparking demonstrations by large crowds in solidarity with him

Oct. 7, 2023: country magically comes together to fight a common enemy

Has Israel ever supported Hamas?

Has Israel ever enabled Hamas?

To what extent has Mossad infiltrated Hamas?

And I ask these questions again, where the fuck are all these weapons in Gaza coming from?

No, let met ask in another way.

BY WHAT ROUTE(S) are these weapons entering Gaza?

Gaza fires 5,000 rockets on Oct. 7.

These rockets only kill 5 people.

What are these?

Fucking roman candles?

Bottle rockets???

So you’re telling me approximately 695 Israelis have been killed IN ISRAEL due to Gaza checkpoints being overwhelmed?!?

Gimme a fucking break.

The implausibility of that…

At the very least, Israel wanted this attack to happen…in order to have a casus belli to wipe Gaza off the map with as little international pushback as possible.

I simply don’t believe that Israel’s leaders are so stupid as to have flimsy fortifications and weak troop numbers on the border with Gaza.

Israel has nuclear weapons.

Israel has 50-75 U.S. F-35 stealth fighters (the most advanced fighter jets that the USA has).

Gaza has pickup trucks.

And some bulldozers.

Gimme a fucking break.

This does not add up.