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Häxan [1922)

One of my ancestors was hung for being a witch.

Susannah Martin.


When I speak of it or think of it, it gives me chills.



No, she.

As Danish director Benjamin Christensen makes so clear in this masterpiece.

Häxan is Swedish for “witch”.

Our film was released by Svensk Filmindustri:  a Swedish film production company which still exists to this day.

Thus the Swedish title.  And the Swedish premier(s) in 1922.  And the Swedish intertitles.

The Danish would be Heksen.

Swedish, Danish, English…

Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered.

This is the horror of religion.  The horror of irrationality.  Violence against women.  Abuse of the elderly.  Mistreatment of the mentally ill.

Christensen’s film is a masterpiece precisely because it combines the clarity of modern thought with the mists of medieval superstition.

It begins almost as a documentary.

Unlike me, he lists his sources.

But then the film takes on a life of its own.

As if the director was not quite sure whether to dismiss superstition outright.

As if some dark Freudian specters were haunting his deliberate phantasmagoria.

It was meant to be a lucid montage.

But the letters became transposed.

Lucid, Lurid.  Live.  Evil.

Miles Davis had it right.  And Howlin’ Wolf (by way of Willie Dixon) [not to mention Howlin’ Pelle].

Svensk Filmindustri.  Founded a mere three years before Häxan.

Only fitting that the parent company (Bonnier Group) should have its roots in København.

Because Benjamin Christensen is brilliant as the Devil.

And now for the juicy stuff.

Not Hell, but Hellerup.  Denmark.

Birthplace of Stine Fischer Christensen (ooh la la!).

But we’re mainly interested in ASA Filmudlejning.

Or are we?

An unfinished symphony of horror.

…eine Symphonie des Grauens


Possessed by self-punishment.

“More weight!”

And even more wait.

Tom Waits for no man.

I was tricked.

Must have been needles and pins.  Voodoo.

He can’t even remember her name.

Ripped my heart from my chest.

Call it punk rock.

Moloch.  Bohemian Grove.

If it’s all a bunch of bollocks, then these blokes are just bluffing, right?



-Warren Christopher

-George Creel (investigative journalist and propagandist)

-Harlan Crow (this guy…son of Trammell Crow…buddy of Clarence Thomas [more on him later]…Thomas, who gave Crow the Bible of Frederick Douglass [what the fuck?!?]…Crow…owns at least one painting by Hitler…Napoleon’s writing desk…the Duke of Wellington’s sword [ca. 1815]…but weirdest is his Alec Trevelyan (006) / Janus sculpture garden which includes such spoils of war as Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Marx, Mubarak, Tito, Ceausescu, and Guevara)


-David Gergen (of course)


-Kissinger (naturally)

-John Lehman (9/11 commission)

-Henry S. Morgan (cofounder Morgan Stanley)

-Reagan (Owl’s Nest)

-George Shultz [sick]

-Tony Snow [“]

-Caspar Weinberger

Weaving spiders come not here.




4 responses to “Häxan [1922)

  1. historymonocle ⋅

    This part is awesome: “Lucid, Lurid. Live. Evil.” Glad you brought up your ancestor. I remember when you wrote a song referencing her and Chester A. Arthur.

    • Thanks 🙂 yeah, I found this folk ballad about her last night. It was recorded in 1962 (I think) for Folkways Records. It’s a really weird, propagandistic song. It assumes she was an actual witch. There’s another one about Goody Nurse that has the same premise (that she too was an actual witch). Really bizarre! –Paul

  2. That’s a fascinating family history. Do you think your ancestor was a practicing witch?

    Burn Witch Burn (1962) is on my to-watch list:

    • I don’t believe that she nor any of those who died as a result of the Salem Witch Trials were witches. I’m not even sure if such beings exist. Many claim to have powers. I’m not sold on their veracity.

      Back to Salem…in the case of my ancestor, I think certain interests wanted her land. She was quite old. Seems they might have figured they could just steal it.

      There’s also the theory that the bizarre behavior of some of those accused could have been caused by ergot poisoning. This mold, growing on damp grain, has potentially psychedelic effects if injested.


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