Ariel [1988)

The CIA carried out the attacks in Moscow by training Ukrainians and blaming the attacks on what is now a CIA proxy army:  ISIS.

That is my gut feeling.

Cui bono?

Look at Syria.

Syria has been in an ongoing civil war since at least mid-2012.

12+ years.

Who are the combatants?

On the one side, you have the Syrian Armed Forces under the control of Bashar al-Assad.

Allied with Syria in this civil war are Iran and Russia.

On the other side, you have such parties as the United States of America, Al-Qaeda, and ISIS.

So it is PLAUSIBLE that ISIS would want to attack Russia.

This “plausible deniability” is the essential coin in trade of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The USA ostensibly fought ISIS in Syria from 2014-2017.

The following year, the U.S. fought against “pro-government forces” (which is to say, against the government of Syria).

The USA provided “armament support” for the “Syrian National Army” from 2011 (before the civil war even began) till 2017.

The SNA was not even “officially established” until 2017.

The SNA, also with the notable help of Turkey, fights against the Bashar al-Assad government (and military) in Syria.

So you see NATO (USA and Turkey) meddling in Syria.

And you also see how the USA appears to have perhaps PRECIPITATED (or at least added fuel to a burning fire) by funding the SNA even before the civil war was started in earnest.

Also fighting in the Syrian Civil War are the “Syrian Democratic Forces” (of north and east Syria).

The United States CONTINUES to support this particular prong of the Syrian Civil War.

This particular support appears to have begun in 2017.

Then you have that really gnarly third prong of the anti-Assad forces:  the Salafi Jihadists.

Here you will find Al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc.

I will leave it to those more savvy than myself to find USA/CIA direct material assistance to Al-Qaeda and ISIS, but any way you slice it:

ISIS and the USA are on the SAME SIDE in the Syrian Civil War.

Now…why would the CIA “burn” one of its assets (ISIS) by using them as a “fall guy” in a false-flag terror attack in Moscow?

Well, for starters:  that’s the nature of what the CIA does.

To say the CIA is unscrupulous would not even begin to scratch the surface.

Perhaps ISIS has worn out its usefulness for the CIA?

Perhaps the USA/CIA knows that the Syrian Civil War cannot be won by any of the aforementioned prongs and will, instead, be won by the government of Syria (Bashar al-Assad) with the assistance of Iran and Russia.

The CIA would have no qualms about “throwing ISIS under the bus” (so to speak).

Cui bono?

Next you have to look at Yemen.

You have seen the Houthis in the news.

How they are these horrible people for attacking ships in the Red Sea.

I agree that it is not optimal.

But the Houthis of northern Yemen have made up their minds.

What is most important to them is the protection of women and children in Gaza.

No other nation on Earth has really taken any tangible, meaningful step in confronting Israel’s gross slaughter of Arabs in the Gaza Strip except for Yemen (the Houthis).

I don’t approve of terrorism.

I don’t condone terrorism.

But what is it that Israel is doing in Gaza?

Let’s get a perspective on what Israel is doing in Gaza.

In response to the terrorist attacks by Hamas on Oct. 7th, Israel has launched (and continues to wage) a war against Gaza.

How many Israelis have been affected?

Israeli citizens killed:  819

Israeli soldiers killed:  667

Israelis kidnapped:  253

Total:  1,739

How many Arabs in Gaza (Palestinians) have been affected?

Palestinian people killed:  32,142

Israel has killed 30 times more people that it lost on October 7th.

There were 1,143 Israelis killed on October 7th.

Israel has, in response, killed 32,142 Palestinians (so far).

Yemen is not ok with this.

Yemen’s solution?

To try and cut the supply lines of Israel.

If I remember correctly, Yemen (the Houthis) declared war on Israel not long after Palestinian casualties started piling up in the Gaza Strip.

The Houthis control the capital of Yemen (Sanaa) even though they do not control the southern half of Yemen.

Who controls south Yemen (aside from the internationally-recognized “Republic of Yemen”)?

You guessed it:  ISIS.

Need proof?

Need references?

Do yourself a favor and watch the PBS Frontline episode “The Fight for Yemen” (Season 33).

And while you’re at it, also watch  the two episodes of “Bitter Rivals:  Iran and Saudi Arabia” from Season 36 of PBS Frontline.

[these episodes can be found on iTunes]

It becomes more and more apparent that ISIS is a CIA “Swiss-Army knife”–a proxy army.

We often hear of Iran as being a “state sponsor of terrorism”.

We hear of Iran’s “proxy armies” such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis (HHH).

What, then, is ISIS?

Hezbollah fights on the side of THE SYRIAN GOVERNMENT (Assad) in Syria.

Which is to say, Hezbollah hates ISIS.

And the Houthis hate ISIS.

They are not on the same side.

What is going on in Yemen?

The USA and the UK are acting as a combined military force on behalf of Israel (by repeatedly bombing Yemen).

The “plausible deniability” here is that the US/UK are “just protecting shipping” in the Red Sea.

The problem with that is that the U.S. military (specifically the U.S. Air Force) has been on the ground in Israel during this entire “war” (genocide/ethnic cleansing/war crime) in a support role for Israeli bombing of Gaza.

[hence the disgust felt by honorable airman deceased Aaron Bushnell who burned himself alive in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. some time back]

Regardless of the specifics of how/where/when the USA has materially-supported the GENOCIDE/ETHNIC CLEANSING/WAR CRIMES of Israel in Gaza (it is indisputable that Joe Biden and the USA have continued to supply copious amounts of weaponry to Israel throughout this “war” [slaughter]), the U.S has not done what Yemen has done.

What Yemen is doing in the Red Sea may be wrong.

And what Israel is doing in Gaza is likely worse.

How many people have been killed by Houthi attacks in the Red Sea?


The USA and ISIS fight against Syria.

The USA and ISIS fight against Yemen.

[are you seeing this pattern?]

If we are to be utterly-naive, we would have to reckon this a HUGE coincidence…that the USA and ISIS just happen to keep showing up on the same side of conflicts.

If we knew a little more about history (which we do [see the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan {1979-1989} and its successor Al-Qaeda]), we would have to wonder whether the United States now effectively controls ISIS as a tool for attempted regime change.

Where the USA cannot expediently (conveniently) use American troops to achieve foreign policy directives, is the USA instead employing the services of ISIS?

Perhaps the main way of “employing” an army is to supply them.

Does the USA ever “accidentally” supply ISIS in Syria?

Does the USA ever purposefully supply ISIS in Syria (in the hopes of toppling Assad)?

And isn’t it convenient for the USA to be providing airstrikes on behalf of ISIS in Yemen.

The USA and ISIS just keep ending up on the same side.

Which is why it would not surprise me if the body cam footage from the Moscow terror attack came from Ukrainian (CIA-trained) assets, passed through the hands of the CIA, and then was passed on to ISIS.

Whereby ISIS could then “claim responsibility”.

Hell, we’re already helping ISIS in Syria and Yemen…maybe they owe us one?

“Here, guys.  Take the blame for this and we’ll get you a bunch more Toyota pickups with .50 cals mounted on the back.  Thanks in advance!”

Whatever the case may be, the ISIS “eager claim of authorship” for the Moscow terror attacks STINKS of CIA involvement.

And the REAL initial reports out of Russia are that the perpetrators were not Arabs.

Nor even Muslims.

But Ukrainians.

Cui bono?

Perhaps you are more of an audio learner.

Here, have this rock and roll refresher course on exactly what the CIA and Ukraine have to do with one another:

There are definite connections.

It is not debatable to say that the United States is supplying (and has supplied) MASSIVE amounts of weaponry to Ukraine in what is, truthfully, a civil war there.

The USA is supporting the central governent.


But what if the territories that seceded (Donetsk and Lugansk) had good reason to secede?

It is also not debatable that Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt were plotting the ouster/replacement of the Russian-friendly Ukrainian government back around the time of the Euromaidan protests.

The Russian-speaking, Russian-majority areas of Ukraine (Lugansk and Donetsk) attempted to declare independence from a Ukrainian “puppet government” (one which still controls the country…and America is pulling the strings).

Lugansk and Donetsk wanted nothing to do with this American-controlled Ukrainian central governement.

In response, groups like the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion (now a part of the Ukrainian armed forces [Azov Regiment]) terrorized the peoples of Lugansk and Donetsk.

This went on for YEARS after the USA overthrew the elected government of Ukraine via the CIA-provocateured Euromaidan protests.

Russia FINALLY stepped in and said, “enough is enough”.

While it is true that Russia tried to make it a quick war (by toppling the central government of Ukraine…the same central government that was overseeing the terrorizing and killing of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in eastern Ukraine), I believe Russia accomplished its main mission:  to protect the Russian-speaking peoples of Lugansk and Donetsk.

Cui bono?

Public support in the USA for the Ukraine war is waning.


Ukraine is getting desperate.

They are losing the war.

The war is almost lost.

So would it be so hard to find a couple handfuls of crazed Ukrainians to train and send into Russia to commit a terror attack in Moscow???

The attack at Crocus City was meant to strike a blow to the public morale in Russia.

Timing is everything.

This was not the work of ISIS.


The Equalizer 2 [2018)

If Q was real, the operation probably emanated from the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Year one of Trump’s Presidency.

Year two.


Susan’s address book.

Proof that McCall was DIA Defense Clandestine Service?


It definitely says “Defense Intelligence Agency” (although the logo is not quite right).


Here’s the real one.

No extraneous fighter jet (different from previous).


Dave at the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Proof that McCall was military intelligence?

Establishing that he was USMC is much easier and obvious.

But something seems to have happened with this movie.

And Robert (Roberto?) McCall is suddenly DCS.

Suddenly a MILITARY covert operative.


But mainly a hitman.

If Q was real, the operation probably emanated from within the Defense Intelligence Agency.

And it was possibly based in Brussels, Belgium.

Which would seem to suggest a NATO connection.

But not necessarily.

Perhaps NATO was a cover.

The Q posts started in Oct. of 2017.

The Equalizer 2 (in which the protagonist is suddenly not just a government hitman, but specifically a MILITARY “high-level paid government assassin” [outtake]) dropped less than a year later.

July of 2018.

I can think of only one well-known movie in which the hero or heroes are with the DIA.

And it’s a comedy (Spies Like Us).

EVERY movie is about the CIA.

Every spy movie.

The most obvious provenance of a “government hitman” would be the CIA.

CIA plots to assassinate world leaders have leaked over the years.

We know that the CIA has assassinated “unfortunates” (or sought to assassinate them) around the world.

We know this through declassified documents.

But very, very little is known about the DIA.

There are endless stacks of books on the CIA.

And several on the NSA.

But, as far as I know, NOT A SINGLE BOOK on the DIA.

That is remarkable.

It bears mentioning that a TS/SCI clearance at DIA is only good for DIA intelligence products.

Same for a TS/SCI clearance at the CIA (only clears a person to see CIA intelligence products of such a level).

And the same applies to a TS/SCI clearance at NSA (it is only good for accessing top secret/sensitive compartmented information intelligence products which emerge from the NSA itself).

These three agencies (DIA, CIA, and NSA) are seemingly compartmented from one another at least so far as civilian security clearances go.

Which means the CIA could be cooking up anything…and the DIA and NSA might not necessarily know about it.

It means that there is much about the NSA about which the CIA and DIA are ignorant.

And it means that an operation like Q might have been possible…and might have emanated from within the DIA.

[N.B.  military top-secret level is known as TS/SAP:  are DIA and NSA employees (both military) potentially holding civilian and military security clearances?]

The timing is interesting.

Q’s first post was Oct. 28, 2017.

The Equalizer suddenly became military intelligence on July 20, 2018.

He could have as easily been CIA.

It would have been the norm in Hollywood to make him CIA.

So how on earth did he become DIA?!?

If my research is correct, the CIA plays a much bigger role in Hollywood than does the Department of Defense.

And of all Defense Department entities to highlight in a film, DIA (Defense Clandestine Service) is a notably-odd choice.

Perhaps it was the zeitgeist.

Perhaps Q had soured the American public (and much of the world) to the idea of CIA.

So Antoine Fuqua and company decided to distance themselves from The Company and make the agency in question the Defense Intelligence Agency.


No coincidences, right?

Which brings us to the DIA.

An agency started by JFK.

Go back and read the Q posts.

There are a few where the authors seem to be writing glowingly about JFK.

Make sense if their agency was formed by him (1961)?

We always figured INSCOM.  NSA.

But no one ever focused on DIA.

And they are the only military entity with covert operatives (as far as we know).

As for declassified records, we have no indication that the DIA has ever assassinated (or even sought to assassinate) anyone.

The same cannot be said for the CIA.

They sought to assassinate Castro (for starters).

We have declassified documents about poisoned scuba suits and exploding cigars.

Documents about the CIA recruiting mafia hitmen to whack Castro.

It’s pretty safe to say the CIA has assassinated quite a few people worldwide (including some world leaders).

But what about the DIA?

We don’t have the evidence to assume the same.

Operation Northwoods is very damning.

It indicts the Joint Chiefs of Staff for planning terror attacks (real or simulated) on Americans as a casus belli to invade Cuba.


JFK rejected these options which CJCS Lemnitzer (Lyman L. Lemnitzer) presented to him.

So we can say that the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Kennedy’s era had few qualms about conducting REAL terror attacks (such as mass shootings) on the American mainland (in places such as Florida…blaming “Cubans”…and thus giving the USA a green light to take out Cuban missile sites, etc.).

Very, very little is known about the DIA.

Sure, they have a Twitter account (last time I checked), but nothing they post is substantive.

Well, then:  what DO we know about the Defense Intelligence Agency?

What little we know might be gleaned mainly from the biographies of current and former DIA Directors.

Beyond that, there isn’t much.

Practice your analysis skills.

Find a way.

Break a code.

Know the most commonly-used English letters.

And the % of time they occur.

Same for every other language on earth.

It was an Arab who realized this.

1000 years ago?

U.S. Army X I 11


U.S. Navy I I I 3



The Defense Intelligence Agency is primarily a U.S. Army institution (judging by the preponderance of leaders from that service branch).

With quite a bit of Air Force influence (at times).

Occasional Navy leadership.

And extremely rare Marine leadership.

The DIA also briefly had a former CIA operative for a Director.

[we are not going to get out of this morass until everyone reads The Secret Team by L. Fletcher Prouty]

From Prouty, we know that even the CJCS can be a CIA operative (as in Maxwell Taylor).

Who else has recently acted more like woke CIA operatives than patriotic military men?

Mark Milley?

Lloyd Austin?

Michael Gilday?

Next we want to find nodes.


Choke points.

If we want to understand.

My gut tells me QAnon is bullshit cooked up by Russian intelligence or (more likely) the FBI.

But it could just as well have been a CIA operation.

Indeed, that is what the most famous DIA Director (Michael Flynn) intimated in this article:

The problem with intelligence work is that you would say the same thing (for different reasons) whether you were lying, or telling the truth.

Flynn:  “I think it’s a disinformation campaign. I think it’s a disinformation campaign that the CIA created. That’s what I believe. Now, I don’t know that for a fact, but that’s what I think it is.”

Is that the truth?  Or does he know that Lin Wood is recording him?

I think it’s the truth (i.e. Q is bullshit).

But it would make a nice cover.

What connects the current and former Directors of the DIA?

Two institutions:  the Command and General Staff College in Kansas.

And the National War College at Fort McNair in D.C.

And who taught at those two institutions?

When did they teach there?

Maybe it’s just a coincidence.

Hijack the hijackers.

What else connects the Directors of the DIA?

Army G-2.

What aforementioned erstwhile teacher connects to that entity?

Probably just a coincidence, right?

Of the 20 historical Directors of the DIA, only one was black:  Vincent R. Stewart.

He also happened to be a U.S. Marine (like Robert McCall).

He’s also dead.

Or is he?

He was appointed by the only black President in U.S. history.

Why is it significant that he is dead?

Because he was only 64 when he died.

How did he die?

I don’t know.

When did he die?

A few months ago.

April 28, 2023.

The Equalizer 3 came out on September 1, 2023.

Did General Stewart die suddenly because he had taken one of the three COVID vaccines which were rushed through testing and given Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA?

Why did the Commandant of the USMC (Eric Smith) have a heart attack and go into cardiac arrest on October 29, 2023 at the age of 58 or 59?

Was he too vaccinated with one of the Operation Warp Speed vaccines??

Eric Smith is still alive.

General Stewart is dead.

Why is it notable that he is dead?

When was the last time a Director of the DIA died (prior to Stewart)?

Funny you should ask.

Stewart was the first Director of the DIA to die so far THIS YEAR.

The second was Dennis M. Nagy (who was briefly with the Air Force before a long career with DIA).

Nagy died on August 5, 2023.

He was 80.

Here’s the problem.

Half of the Directors of the DIA are still alive.

Each and every one that surrounds General Stewart.

Of the 10 most-recent Directors of the Defense Intelligence Agency, only General Stewart is deceased.

Most DIA Directors die in their 80s.

Some die in their 90s.

A couple died in their 70s.

General Stewart was the youngest Director of the DIA to ever die.

The current DIA Director and his predecessor are both from Army G-2 (Army intelligence).

The most recent DIA Director to be educated at the CGSC (Fort Leavenworth) is General Flynn.

His predecessor was also educated there.

The DIA also has quite a connection to Texas.

General Maples was from Texas.

Back to the CGSC, General Hughes was an alumnus (that’s 3).

Hughes also connects to NGA and NRO.

General Minihan is from Pampa, Texas (that’s 2).


General Soyster is an alumnus of both CGSC (4) and the National War College.

It should be noted that multiple DIA Directors went to work for L-3 Communications after retiring.

Soyster’s predecessor’s predecessor (General Williams) was also an alumnus of CGSC (5) and the National War College (2).

Not long before, General Wilson had headed the DIA.

He too was an alumnus of CGSC (6) and the National War College (3).

His predecessor was an alumnus of CGSC (7).

Admiral de Poix (who is a bit further back on the roll of former Directors) was a National War College alumnus (4).

General Bennett, the 2nd Director of DIA, was an alumnus of CGSC (8).

Bias check:  Texas does not play that big of a role in the DIA.

Confirmed:  almost half of the DIA Directors graduated from the CGSC.

In recent times, there appears to be a shift towards the USAWC in Carlisle Barracks, PA being the premier educational institution for DIA Directors.

So The Equalizer series can be seen as a gigantic recruitment commercial for the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Or as an adjunct to Q.

Q hasn’t posted in 11 months.

McCall posted 2 months ago.


Maybe we are “literally” watching a movie?

The Equalizer series can also be seen as a gigantic Suunto watch commercial.

Which could be Finnish propaganda.

If that Finnish company weren’t owned by a Chinese company (it is).

Which brings us back to NATO.

Did Sam Rubinstein teach at the CGSC?

Good military vs. evil military.

Good guys (like L. Fletcher Prouty [Colonel X]) vs. private contractors within government.

The “private contractors” trope can also be read as CIA infiltration of the Pentagon.

This is PRECISELY what Prouty was writing about in 1973.

And perhaps the mechanism by which the CIA used DoD materiel to stage the 9/11 false-flag.

And then there is the overarching theme.

The storm.

Antoine Fuqua lets it bubble and simmer like a cauldron for much of this film.

Building background tension.

America needs hope.

America needs to reexamine itself.

Nothing shameful about that.

I find myself relating to thinkers I previously found revolting.

We get caught up in things.


But America is special.

It is worth saving.

But its survival is not guaranteed.

Rethink your assumptions.

About everything.

Body, mind, spirit.

The storm is here.