Banned by Twitter…Again [2023)

I have a plethora of invective that I would like to direct at Elon Musk right now.

But I am going to hold off on that.

I will say that his company (Twitter) is still operating like shit in a number of ways.

I woke up today and tried to go on Twitter and it said my account had been permanently suspended for “platform manipulation” and “spam”.

Very interesting.

Because I only had two followers when I was suspended:

-Dr. Steve Pieczenik MD PhD

-Lt. Gen Michael Flynn

And of all days, why suspend me today?

This Monday the 13th…

Seems we are on some sort of precipice.

One bank.

Two bank.

Is your banking institution publicly-traded?

How did its stock do today?

Does that concern you?

And why is Shitcoin…er, Bitcoin finally on the rise?

Will Biden outlaw crypto currencies?

I think there is a significant chance of that.

But crypto might be something to monitor in the short-term.

What would you do if your bank collapsed?

Most of all, instead of bitching and moaning about the retards who made frivolous reports about me (keep in mind that I was not shown any evidence or tweets–I was shown no example of tweets which qualified as “spam” or tweets which, when taken together, constituted “platform manipulation”), I am going to ask you to follow my “news wire” on Telegram.

On this station, I will seek to keep my subscribers up-to-date with significant happenings in the world.

You can go check it out now.

I will rely upon alternative media.

And I will rely upon mainstream media.

The goal is to get an ACCURATE picture of what is really going on.

I want the people of this planet to have the information they need to make GOOD DECISIONS.

That is what the channel will be about.

It’s not AP, Reuters, UPI, McClatchy, Agence France-Presse, or Deutsche Press-Agentur.


But it’s something more honest.

Find my mistakes.

Find my errors in logic.

I am not going to draw conclusions for you.

I will present you with stories.

Many different kinds of stories.

They are not stories I write.

It is not my reportage.

It is, however, my curation.

I encourage you to do the same thing.

Start a “news wire” service of your own on Telegram.

Get your friends to subscribe.

Post stories that you think are of general interest–things that everyone should want to know about.

In this way, the would can get better.

I ask one final thing of you.

Please give a chance to this video:

I just watched the whole thing and it (quite frankly) blew my mind.

Find the errors in logic.

Find the biases.

Are there gentlemen intelligent?

You decide.