Black Hawk Down [2001)

While “Al-Qaeda” (the CIA, elements of the CIA-infiltrated Pentagon, and Mossad) were putting the finishing touches on the false-flag, stand-down of September 11, 2001, Ridley Scott was filming his propagandistic masterpiece Black Hawk Down so that it would be ready for a December 2001/January 2002 release–just in time to tug at the heartstrings of young Americans who were vulnerable enough to the massive 9/11 PSYOP to rush to their local U.S. military recruiting station to go fight the “War on Terror”.

Interesting timing.

To clarify, real events from 1993 (the botched Delta Force/Army Rangers raid on Mogadishu, Somalia) were given the Hollywood treatment and were in the can…ready to be screened a mere 3-4 months after 9/11/01.

What a coincidence!

What do you know about helicopter crashes?

Feb. 6, 2024:  former Chilean President Sebastián Piñera was killed in a helicopter which he himself crash-landed.  All three passengers survived.

Apr. 21, 2024.  two Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force helicopters crash (believed to have collided with one another).  One dead, eight missing.

Apr. 23, 2024:  two Malaysian Naval helicopters collide killing all ten collectively aboard the two craft.

When do we realize there is a new technology?

Israel has Gaza surrounded.

Iran has Israel surrounded.

To the west is HAMAS (Gaza).

To the north is Hezbollah (Lebanon).

To the east is the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

To the south are the Houthis (Yemen).

As Israel continues to pummel Gaza, these four entities continue to militarily engage with Israel.

The only one of the four entities which is not engaging Israel directly is Yemen (northern Yemen AKA the Houthis).

[the Houthis are conducting a legitimate goal of conventional warfare–attempting to cut off the supply lines of Israel (by way of hitting Israel-bound ships in the Red Sea)]

Of course, Israel is still being supplied via land routes.

And Israel, in turn, is besieging Gaza (withholding supplies to collectively punish the Palestinians there).

It bears mentioning that, for the 1,143 Israelis which HAMAS killed on Oct. 7, 2023, Israel has killed about 35,000 [sic] people in Gaza.

An eye for an eye.

ONLY one eye for each eye taken.

[Leviticus 24:19-21]

NOT 35 eyes for every eye!!!

And now the President of Iran has died in a helicopter crash.

Let me be clear:  it is very sad that 1,143 Israelis were murdered on Oct. 7, 2023.

If those men, women, and children had been your relatives, you would be sick with grief.

And likewise for the 35,000 people killed (murdered?) by Israel in Gaza so far.

Of the 1,143 Israelis killed on Oct. 7, 36 were children.

Of the 35,000 people killed in Gaza so far (since Oct. 7), it is estimated that 17,500 of them were under the age of 14 (which is to say, children).

But let’s get back to helicopters.

There were three helicopters in a convoy.

Only President Ebrahim Raisi’s helicopter crashed.

In 1981, the President of Iran Mohammad-Ali Rajai, was assassinated by a briefcase bomb.

Was Raisi the favorite to run Iran in the event of Ayatollah Khamenei’s death?

Remember, it was just five weeks ago that Iran launched the Operation True Promise missile attack on Israel.

[which was a response to the Israeli assassination (via six missiles from Israeli F-35 warplanes fired at the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria 12 days before that) of Iranian Brigadier Generals Mohammad Reza Zahedi and Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi]

Of course, Israel responded to Operation True Promise six days later with an attack on an air defense radar site near Isfahan.

But one must ask, “Was Raisi killed by Israel?”

Perhaps the April 19 Israeli attack on Iran was not seen as a strong enough measure in Israel.

So what happens now?

Israel, by the way, has slowed up the pace considerably of its genocide in Gaza.

Are they waiting for TikTok to go dark before pounding the shit outta Rafah?

TikTok’s owner, ByteDance, has stated recently that it would rather be shut down than sold to American interests.

Whether or not that theory is sound, about 800,000 people have evacuated Rafah in the past few weeks.

Which means, these Palestinians have gone north…back to central Gaza and and elsewhere within the Gaza Strip.

But the biggest nightmare on the horizon might be the U.S. military’s floating pier off the coast of Gaza.

Remember, the episode under consideration (Mogadishu in 1993) involved U.S. Marines who were in Somalia to try and prevent further GENOCIDE BY STARVATION (300,000 Somalis had died by the time the Marines went in).

[sound familiar?]

So WHAT IF the USA is drawn into the conflict in Gaza?

Whom would that help?

Whom would that hurt?

Obviously, China (the true owner of TikTok) doesn’t give a fuck about Palestinians.

The only thing China cares about is DIVIDING the USA by any means necessary.

[just look at the Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang (NW China)…still think China truly cares about the Muslims of Palestine???]

Don’t fire unless fired upon.

What are the rules of engagement for U.S. troops facilitating the offloading of humanitarian aid from the American dock floating off the coast of Gaza???

Where was Raisi coming from?


What is the NATO Partnership for Peace (PfP) program?

Who has Azerbaijan been fighting recently?


But last month marked a step forward in the Armenia-Azerbaijan border crisis.

Azerbaijan is in the PfP program.


So is Armenia.

But, unlike Armenia, Azerbaijan is not in the Russia-centric CSTO (Russia’s post-communist answer to NATO).

Azerbaijan is in an even-lesser-known organization called GUAM.

The other members of GUAM?

Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova.

So one might guess that there is a big American presence (think “influence operations”) in Azerbaijan.

Raisi’s last official duty as President of Iran was his diplomatic trip to Azerbaijan.

How long was he there?

Where did he stay?

More importantly, where was his helicopter?

Were all three of the helicopters in the convoy the same?

Was the helicopter he rode home in chosen at random by the two Iranian colonels piloting it?

Probably not.

Did Raisi go all the way to Baku?

And if so, by helicopter?

Why not by plane?

Or did he merely go to and from the Khoda Afarin Dam (on the Iran-Azerbaijan border)?

Is it plausible that Raisi’s helicopter was sabotaged?

Most certainly.

It might be important to note that the crash happened within the borders of Iran.

This is important.

It means Iran will have complete control of the crash site.

If there is evidence to be found of sabotage, Iran will be the ones to find it.

It is then up to them whether to publicize that information to the world AND whether to OVERTLY retaliate against whomever is thought to be the culprit.

Total control over the crash site also leaves Iran room to CLAIM sabotage (even if there was none).

Could claiming such be used to Iran’s advantage?

How specifically?

It remains to be seen.

What is the truth of the matter?

And what will the event trigger (irregardless of the truth)?


Ariel [1988)

The CIA carried out the attacks in Moscow by training Ukrainians and blaming the attacks on what is now a CIA proxy army:  ISIS.

That is my gut feeling.

Cui bono?

Look at Syria.

Syria has been in an ongoing civil war since at least mid-2012.

12+ years.

Who are the combatants?

On the one side, you have the Syrian Armed Forces under the control of Bashar al-Assad.

Allied with Syria in this civil war are Iran and Russia.

On the other side, you have such parties as the United States of America, Al-Qaeda, and ISIS.

So it is PLAUSIBLE that ISIS would want to attack Russia.

This “plausible deniability” is the essential coin in trade of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The USA ostensibly fought ISIS in Syria from 2014-2017.

The following year, the U.S. fought against “pro-government forces” (which is to say, against the government of Syria).

The USA provided “armament support” for the “Syrian National Army” from 2011 (before the civil war even began) till 2017.

The SNA was not even “officially established” until 2017.

The SNA, also with the notable help of Turkey, fights against the Bashar al-Assad government (and military) in Syria.

So you see NATO (USA and Turkey) meddling in Syria.

And you also see how the USA appears to have perhaps PRECIPITATED (or at least added fuel to a burning fire) by funding the SNA even before the civil war was started in earnest.

Also fighting in the Syrian Civil War are the “Syrian Democratic Forces” (of north and east Syria).

The United States CONTINUES to support this particular prong of the Syrian Civil War.

This particular support appears to have begun in 2017.

Then you have that really gnarly third prong of the anti-Assad forces:  the Salafi Jihadists.

Here you will find Al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc.

I will leave it to those more savvy than myself to find USA/CIA direct material assistance to Al-Qaeda and ISIS, but any way you slice it:

ISIS and the USA are on the SAME SIDE in the Syrian Civil War.

Now…why would the CIA “burn” one of its assets (ISIS) by using them as a “fall guy” in a false-flag terror attack in Moscow?

Well, for starters:  that’s the nature of what the CIA does.

To say the CIA is unscrupulous would not even begin to scratch the surface.

Perhaps ISIS has worn out its usefulness for the CIA?

Perhaps the USA/CIA knows that the Syrian Civil War cannot be won by any of the aforementioned prongs and will, instead, be won by the government of Syria (Bashar al-Assad) with the assistance of Iran and Russia.

The CIA would have no qualms about “throwing ISIS under the bus” (so to speak).

Cui bono?

Next you have to look at Yemen.

You have seen the Houthis in the news.

How they are these horrible people for attacking ships in the Red Sea.

I agree that it is not optimal.

But the Houthis of northern Yemen have made up their minds.

What is most important to them is the protection of women and children in Gaza.

No other nation on Earth has really taken any tangible, meaningful step in confronting Israel’s gross slaughter of Arabs in the Gaza Strip except for Yemen (the Houthis).

I don’t approve of terrorism.

I don’t condone terrorism.

But what is it that Israel is doing in Gaza?

Let’s get a perspective on what Israel is doing in Gaza.

In response to the terrorist attacks by Hamas on Oct. 7th, Israel has launched (and continues to wage) a war against Gaza.

How many Israelis have been affected?

Israeli citizens killed:  819

Israeli soldiers killed:  667

Israelis kidnapped:  253

Total:  1,739

How many Arabs in Gaza (Palestinians) have been affected?

Palestinian people killed:  32,142

Israel has killed 30 times more people that it lost on October 7th.

There were 1,143 Israelis killed on October 7th.

Israel has, in response, killed 32,142 Palestinians (so far).

Yemen is not ok with this.

Yemen’s solution?

To try and cut the supply lines of Israel.

If I remember correctly, Yemen (the Houthis) declared war on Israel not long after Palestinian casualties started piling up in the Gaza Strip.

The Houthis control the capital of Yemen (Sanaa) even though they do not control the southern half of Yemen.

Who controls south Yemen (aside from the internationally-recognized “Republic of Yemen”)?

You guessed it:  ISIS.

Need proof?

Need references?

Do yourself a favor and watch the PBS Frontline episode “The Fight for Yemen” (Season 33).

And while you’re at it, also watch  the two episodes of “Bitter Rivals:  Iran and Saudi Arabia” from Season 36 of PBS Frontline.

[these episodes can be found on iTunes]

It becomes more and more apparent that ISIS is a CIA “Swiss-Army knife”–a proxy army.

We often hear of Iran as being a “state sponsor of terrorism”.

We hear of Iran’s “proxy armies” such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis (HHH).

What, then, is ISIS?

Hezbollah fights on the side of THE SYRIAN GOVERNMENT (Assad) in Syria.

Which is to say, Hezbollah hates ISIS.

And the Houthis hate ISIS.

They are not on the same side.

What is going on in Yemen?

The USA and the UK are acting as a combined military force on behalf of Israel (by repeatedly bombing Yemen).

The “plausible deniability” here is that the US/UK are “just protecting shipping” in the Red Sea.

The problem with that is that the U.S. military (specifically the U.S. Air Force) has been on the ground in Israel during this entire “war” (genocide/ethnic cleansing/war crime) in a support role for Israeli bombing of Gaza.

[hence the disgust felt by honorable airman deceased Aaron Bushnell who burned himself alive in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. some time back]

Regardless of the specifics of how/where/when the USA has materially-supported the GENOCIDE/ETHNIC CLEANSING/WAR CRIMES of Israel in Gaza (it is indisputable that Joe Biden and the USA have continued to supply copious amounts of weaponry to Israel throughout this “war” [slaughter]), the U.S has not done what Yemen has done.

What Yemen is doing in the Red Sea may be wrong.

And what Israel is doing in Gaza is likely worse.

How many people have been killed by Houthi attacks in the Red Sea?


The USA and ISIS fight against Syria.

The USA and ISIS fight against Yemen.

[are you seeing this pattern?]

If we are to be utterly-naive, we would have to reckon this a HUGE coincidence…that the USA and ISIS just happen to keep showing up on the same side of conflicts.

If we knew a little more about history (which we do [see the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan {1979-1989} and its successor Al-Qaeda]), we would have to wonder whether the United States now effectively controls ISIS as a tool for attempted regime change.

Where the USA cannot expediently (conveniently) use American troops to achieve foreign policy directives, is the USA instead employing the services of ISIS?

Perhaps the main way of “employing” an army is to supply them.

Does the USA ever “accidentally” supply ISIS in Syria?

Does the USA ever purposefully supply ISIS in Syria (in the hopes of toppling Assad)?

And isn’t it convenient for the USA to be providing airstrikes on behalf of ISIS in Yemen.

The USA and ISIS just keep ending up on the same side.

Which is why it would not surprise me if the body cam footage from the Moscow terror attack came from Ukrainian (CIA-trained) assets, passed through the hands of the CIA, and then was passed on to ISIS.

Whereby ISIS could then “claim responsibility”.

Hell, we’re already helping ISIS in Syria and Yemen…maybe they owe us one?

“Here, guys.  Take the blame for this and we’ll get you a bunch more Toyota pickups with .50 cals mounted on the back.  Thanks in advance!”

Whatever the case may be, the ISIS “eager claim of authorship” for the Moscow terror attacks STINKS of CIA involvement.

And the REAL initial reports out of Russia are that the perpetrators were not Arabs.

Nor even Muslims.

But Ukrainians.

Cui bono?

Perhaps you are more of an audio learner.

Here, have this rock and roll refresher course on exactly what the CIA and Ukraine have to do with one another:

There are definite connections.

It is not debatable to say that the United States is supplying (and has supplied) MASSIVE amounts of weaponry to Ukraine in what is, truthfully, a civil war there.

The USA is supporting the central governent.


But what if the territories that seceded (Donetsk and Lugansk) had good reason to secede?

It is also not debatable that Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt were plotting the ouster/replacement of the Russian-friendly Ukrainian government back around the time of the Euromaidan protests.

The Russian-speaking, Russian-majority areas of Ukraine (Lugansk and Donetsk) attempted to declare independence from a Ukrainian “puppet government” (one which still controls the country…and America is pulling the strings).

Lugansk and Donetsk wanted nothing to do with this American-controlled Ukrainian central governement.

In response, groups like the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion (now a part of the Ukrainian armed forces [Azov Regiment]) terrorized the peoples of Lugansk and Donetsk.

This went on for YEARS after the USA overthrew the elected government of Ukraine via the CIA-provocateured Euromaidan protests.

Russia FINALLY stepped in and said, “enough is enough”.

While it is true that Russia tried to make it a quick war (by toppling the central government of Ukraine…the same central government that was overseeing the terrorizing and killing of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in eastern Ukraine), I believe Russia accomplished its main mission:  to protect the Russian-speaking peoples of Lugansk and Donetsk.

Cui bono?

Public support in the USA for the Ukraine war is waning.


Ukraine is getting desperate.

They are losing the war.

The war is almost lost.

So would it be so hard to find a couple handfuls of crazed Ukrainians to train and send into Russia to commit a terror attack in Moscow???

The attack at Crocus City was meant to strike a blow to the public morale in Russia.

Timing is everything.

This was not the work of ISIS.